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mr AKliON lAi3Li DJCMOUItAT. SATURDAY. ttOVJSMUJiJB 0, 1901. i-"W '-i i, T- GEYSERS 'Bit, and Geysers Little Described by Visitor to Yellowstone. Paint Pols Do Not Give Up Their ' Dead. Following Is tho second Installment jt the letter of Mr. H. O. Nowcomb, to ul3 brother, Mr. Frank O. Newcouib, ft Akron, tho tlret Installment of .Which was published recently: In tho ovenlug wo went out to see tho Fountain geyser piny. It has a father largo crater and sends the hot ,Vvater up in largo masses with Jots spurting still higher. I should think the water Is thrown to a height of fcbout CO feet. The Grent Fountain jfeyser Is larger, and plays to n much greater height, but Is two or three miles away and wo did not go to seo t However, we saw the Mammoth faint Pots which are near tho Foun tain geyser As It was In the evening We could not be certain of tin colors out they looked to bo a sort of grayish .White Mnnimoth Paint Pots cover an elliptical area about 40 feet long by BO broad. They nro composed of clay nnd water boiling hot and bubbling Blowly In ti good many different places. They nro very peculiar and dangerous, too. vFarly this summer two ladles fell Into them and wero badly burned. It was reported that one of them died later, but I lmvo heard this contradict ed. Last year a gentleman was stay ing at tho Fountain hotel and walked out one evening und has never been seen since. It Is suposcd that he flvulked Into the paint pots. August 27 wo left Fountnln about D a. m., for Upper Geyser Basin, nine miles away. Wo stopped a fe.w min utes nt Midway Basin aud saw Pris matic lake and Turquoise pool, botn ,vcry beautiful; also the crater of Ex celsior geysor, the largest geyser in the world. Tho crater Is very large nnd Is sometimes culled "Hell's Half Acre." Excelsior Is quiet most of tho time and for many years was supposed to be merely a hot spring, but when It does have an eruption, It Is terrilllc. It throws mud and water in vast quan tities to a height of throe or four hun dred feet nnd raises tho level of tho river two or three inches. Most of tho largest and Highest geysers are located Ht Upper Geyser Basin -which wo vis ited next. On 'the wny we saw Morn ing Glory Pool, blue In color and hav ing tho shape of a ilowor; tho Fair geyser which Is not high, but plays beautifully In the form of a fan; ana tho Grotto goyscr which' was also play ing as wo passed. The cono of tho Grotto has tho most peculiar shape of any formation In the park, but I will not attempt to describe It. W .were not fortunate enough to boo any bf tho very largest geysers n operation. Tho Giant played the night before wo nrrlvcd there. We wero told that tho Giantess and Beehlvo might play at any time but they are somewhat Ir regular and we did not see them. The Grand and the Splendid nro mentioned In the guide books as playing to a great height, but do-not often play nnd nro qulto irregular. Wo saw Old Faithful novcrnl times and It is a fine sight It plays to a height of 125 to 150 feet shooting up In a slender column ill " l l k The first thing is to get a good lot and that you may do at the Miller Allotment Sale SATURDAY, S 18 Opening Day For the closing of the groatest real estate season Akron ever had. We havo decided to oflbr for a special sale, 100 lots, right adjoining Ak ron's now manufacturing conter. Main and East Market street cars will be running past those lots by spring. Look at tho growth of South Akron this summer. Wo located on our allotment the People 'a Hard Rubbor Co.'s factory, whioh will be running by Jan. 1, 1902, employing threo hundrod hands. Tho Webster, Gamp & Lane Co. 'a factory, with 500 hands, will be ready by spring. Don't fail to tako advantage of this salo. At unparalled prices. Lots selling from $100.00 to $500.00. Prices advance in the spring. Good water. Firo protection. Good schools, Gas', and all city ad vantages. Don't wait. Gome today. Call at Allotment Office, cor. Boulevard and Ira ave., afternoon swnyed by tho' wind and giving off a cloud of steam that rises high into the air. Wo saw tho Daisy, a very 'lln'ov-goyscr, throwing w'a'tlir to tho 'height of nbout 715 feet It'plays some- -what In tho snino stylo asho Foun tain and entirely different fiom Old Faithful Wo saw tho Mortar, widen Is near the Fair,' tho Castle, Lion tuiu others of less importance. Hlversluo played In tho evening but as It Is about a mllo and u half from tho hotel most of us did not go down to It but content ed ourselves with tho view from tho hotel. The geysers arc perhaps tho most Interesting of anything hi tho Park, und tho most dllllcult to describe. Somo of them have cones and these gonurally play in the stylu of Old Faithful. Tho Castlu has tho largest cono of all, being about tho slzo of a small house. Tho geysers without a cone, play much In tho style of tho Fountain. We saw some very line hot springs and pools; among them the Devil's Punch Bowl, Black Sand Pool, or Lake and Emerald Pool, the last niiiucd be ing a beautiful green. The hotel nt Upper Basin consisted of n lunch room and tents, tho latter being our sleeping quarters. They nre divided off Into neut rooms nnd are qulto comfortable. Tho next morning wo left nt 7:30 for tho West Thumb of Yellowstone Lake, a distance of 11) miles. As our coach passed Old Faithful It gave us a patt ing salute. Wo passed over the Con tinental Divide twice that morning, the second tlmo at a height of 8,'Mb feet. Wo saw Two Ocean lako or pond, which ih tho spring, when tho snow Is melting, hns two outlets, one ulti mately (lowing Into tho Atlantic, tho other Into the Pacillc. Wo got a glimpse of Shoshone .lake nnd snw to the southwest, the rough and jiiggul Teton Mountains, the highest of which, tho Grand Toton, Is nearly 14,000 feet In elevation. I am told it has never been nscended but twice, and other parties .undertaking tho nscent were never again heard from. Wo reached West Thumb nbout 11:30 and spent n little time looking around before getting lunch. Wo snw more pulnt pots here and as It was daytime, had a better chanco to look nt them than nt Fountain. They seem to be mostly whlto or grayish white, much resembling white lead mixed with lin seed oil. There wero also some of a delicate pink color. They bubble up rather frequently, some oftener than others. 1 saw one shooting up two or three feet, but mout bubbles rise only two or three Inches. Eneh time a bubble shoots up It forms somu kind of a tlgure, usually that of a Ilowor la tho clay and It remains till another bubble rises und destroys It, forming a new onp. I saw olio pnlnt pot forming several different liguies making each in turn. One looked very much like a mullin Near by wo saw many hot pools of various colors, somo very beautiful, some qulto odd. After lunch was traveled to Lake hotel near tho outlet of Yellowstone lake, u distance of 10 miles. Several ot ,our company went by steamer, but the majority of us stuck to our coach es. It was a very "pleasant drive, mostly along or near the hike shore. Lake hotel was pleasant, but afforded no-thing of special Interest except boat ing nnd llshing. Tho next morning wo rodo on to Grand Canon hotel, 17 miles away, tho road mostly following the Yellowstone river. After riding a few miles wo canio to Mud Volcano, a peculiar aud interesting sight. It is oil tho sldo of a hill to our left and six or eight rods from the road. Its crater is large, about 40 feet across at tho top but narrowing at tho bottom and extend ing Into tho bosom of tho hill. It throws forth mud nnd water with a roaring sound and formerly threw it high Into the air, now only a few feet Into tho crater. Some distance farther we pass Sulphur Mountain, nn Inter esting sight. The odb"r of sulphur is very strong and rather disagreeable r's Allotment, Sale of X Miller Lnnd & Improvement Co's Office. 1 Webster Cnmp & Lane. 2 Tho People's Hard Rubber Co. 3 The Akron Electrical Manufactur ing Co. 4 Erie Depot. 5 Pennsylvania Depot. 0 Tho Globe Co. 7 Goehring Mfg. Co. 8 Lewis Miller School. 0 The Miller Rubber Co. 10 Dlnraond Rubber Co. 11 Colonial Salt Co. Senator Restored to Health Peruna as a Nerve and Catarrh Tonic the Talk of the World. Hon. W. V. Sulllvnn, U. 8. Bonator from Mississippi. Hon. W. V. Sullivan, United States .Senator from Mississippi, In a lotter recently written to Dr. Hartman, from Oxford, Miss., says tho following of Po runa as a catarrh remedy : "For somo time I have been a sufferer from catarrh In Its most incipient stage, so much so that became alarmed as to my general health. "But, hearing of Poruno as good roracdy,I gavo It a fair trial nnd soon began to improve. Its effects wero dis tinctly bonoflclal, rsmovlng tho annoy ing symptoms, and was particularly good as a tonlo, "X tako pleasure In recommending yourgreat national catarrh cure, Poruno, as the best I have over tried." Miss Irene Coopor, Assistant Superin tendent of the Old Peoplo's Homo, Chi cago, Ills., also has a good word to say for Peruna. In n lottor written from 8933 Prairlo avonuc, Chicago, Ills., she gives In tho following words hor oxporl unco with tho national catarrh remedy, Peruna: Between tho road nnd mountain Is Chrome Spring, very strong of sulphur and boiling furiously. About a mile from Grand Canon hotel we came to the Upper Yellowstone Falls over 100 tcet high. They are very pretty as arc also the rapids Just above them nnd the river banks below. The Lower Falls are nearly a mlhx farther down the river nnd are n grand sight, bo JEWEL .Stoves and Ranges last a lifetime, H and give perfect satis M faction as long as they Si last. When you tired of the evcilist H ing poking and HI coaxing ot tne 1 common store jg or range, S order a P Jewel, and H get a store H that will S be a life-. S long ' H friend. For H heating, B for cook- HI ing, or far H both; for p cheapness of 3 operation, effi 1 ciency, cleanll gl ness and durability. 3 there is no stove or tg range manufactured fls that can compare with H the Jewel. Look for M the trademark. 1' Ml' TJURGEST STOVE FLAKT M THE OTRLttjf mmmi I w Vs I I I ) ' A Jewel CtoTM are mM r THE KIRK CO. & AKERS & CO. CD-WJKT A. HOIwffB "In those days of nil ktnds of modlclM it It a comfort to know of a romedy whloh.may bo ueod with unquestioned bonoflolal results. I gladly recommend Peruna as ft safe, reliable remedy In cases of catarrh of the stomach, helpful in building up tho system worn out with overwork or ago. "Several of my f rlonds who have used Peruna haro spoken of it In the highest terms, and I congratulate you on lta merits." Mrs.W.E.Grlssom, Ilenry, Ellis Co, Texas, writes: "I took Peruna faithfully over two months, nnd tho result Is a thoroughly renovated system and a strong, buoyant feeling, to 6 ay nothing of a euro of tho, chronlo catarrh. Therefore I shall avail mysolf of ovory opportunity to speak of Peruna as n catarrh euro." Mr. HnrryM.Stovons,MldlandBcach L. I., KoW York, proprietor of "Th Richmond" Hotel, says of Poruno: "It gives mo ploasuro to testify to tho voluo of Peruna. I have used It for years and havo found It to bo a moet excellent family remedy. For colds, ratarrh and similar ills, it is unsurpassed." Cor dially and gratofully, II. M. Stevens. Catarrh Is a systomlo disease, curable only by systemic treatment. A remedy that euros catarrh must aim directly at tho doprcsscd uorvo ecu tors. This is whatPorunadocs, Peruna Immediately Invigorates tho norvo-centers which felvo vitality to tho mucous membranes. Then catarrh disappears. Then catarrh Is permanently cured. Poruno cures catarrh whorover lo cated. Poruna 13 not a guess nor an ox perlmont It is an absoluto Eclcntifla certainty. Poruna has no substitutes no rivals. Insist upon having Peruna. A free dook written by ur. Hartman, on the subject of ca tarrh In its different phases and stages, will be sent by The Peruna Medicine Company, Columbus, Ohio, upon request. ing over 300 feet high. The finest view ot nil, however, Is the Grand Canon of tho Yellowstone, two or three miles below the Lower Falls. From top to bottom is about 1,200 feet. I have seen canons of more than twice that depth, but none of them have sucn coloring. The prevailing colors nre yellow, brown and red, yellow pre dominating. Thcro are three shades llll!IIIIIIIUl!i!!J Look for the trademark. 3 Sold bj- leading dealers. 32. I 3 Jewel I StOVeS nd J Ranges 1 WL have K been HP famous i jK for 1 F 35 J HT Years h jf Over 1 3 Millions in use. i g iiiiiiiiiiaiiuiiiiP' !; t -' " 'MM7 lor yellow, ocher, king's jellow ana inaplo yellow1; two shades of brown, raw amber od burnt sienna. Tho red Is principally Indian red. Besides these thcro arc all sorts of shadings nnd blendlngs of thesu colors. Tno best views uro at inspiration Point, Grand View and Point Iookout. They cannot be described, hut must be seen to bo appreciated, August 30th at U n. in., we left for Norrls BubIii on our homeward way. Tho distance Is nbout VI miles. Wo passed Wedded Tries with a branch growing from one tree Into tbo trunk of tho other. Virginia Cnscodes, a pretty nnd unusual stylo of cascades, nnd Devil's Klbow, a tldge of rock, running to a sharp point around which curves the road. Wp hnd lunch at Norrls' with Larry and after a shore rest again entered our coaches ana drove back to Mammoth. We reached there about 4 o'clock, had a little rest, got our dinner and nt 0:30 were off for Cinnabar, whore wo took the train for Livingston nnd the next morning for Butte, nrrlvlng there at 12 o'clock, noon, Aug. 31, a week Inter than we started on our trip. F. O. NEWC0.UB. JURY CASES. Twenty-Eight Assigned. Items of Interest Gleaned In Probate Court. Judge Kohler Friday made an as signment of 28 Jury cases for hearing during the next two weeks. Hearing In tlie damage cape of Bigby vs. the Northern Ohio Italliond Co. Is still In pi ogress, but It Is believed It will be completed by noon Saturday. PHOBATE COURT NEWS. Upon receipt of copies from the Pro Late Couit of Windsor District, Ver mont, of (ho appointment of Volney .T Wood us guardian of Harry E. Wood, a minor, .ludgo Anderson, has Issued un older authorizing "Win. A. Palmer, trustee of tho estate of Frank Howard, In Akron, to pay to Harry E. Wood, his share of the Howard estate. A transcript from the docket of Jus tice Hoffman has been filed In Probate court. It Is In the case of the State vs. Franklin L. Butler, of Sprlngfleld, accused of threatening to kill his wife. Butler was released on bond of .$1,000. John H. Hilblsh and E. Harvey Schrop havo been appointed adminis trators of the estate of Benjamin Hil blsh, late of Springfield township. Bond, $4,000. In tho case of Edmund S. Myers, administrator, vs. Reuben Royor, et al, appealing from the Inventory of certain property on North Hill, an or der for private salo was Issued, ana the property sold to Laura A. New bauer for $700. Clara S. Dyslnger has been appoint ed administratrix of the estate of J. Clayton Dyslnger, late of Akron. Bond, $."500. CASE SETTLED. The case of the County Commission ers vs. tho Pennsylvania Co. has been settled out of Court. Tho Commis sioners applied for nn injunction re straining the railroad company from raising its tracks higher than the grade of the foad near Bedford. STONED THE NEGROES. White Laborers Were Opposed to Their Competition. Madison, Ind., Nov. 0.(Spl.) Man ager Abbott, of the RIchwood, Ky., distillery, opposite Madison, sent col ored laborers here Thursday to handle Note aH L leV Kw VkIL H, . Baking Sl7 Powcte Royal Baking Powder is of the highest qual ity, always pure, wholesome, uniform. The contents of each can are exactly like every other, and will retain their strength and fresh ness and produce the same and the highest leavening effect in any climate, at any' time. The ' Royal Baker and Pastry Cook " overSoo most prac tical cooking receipts free to every patron. Send address. ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER CO., freight for tho distillery. This an gered the white handlers, who stoneu the blacks nnd drove them a wny. Ab bott sent them back nnd ordered them to stand on their rights. More trou ble Is feared. The Children's Frleni You'll have a cold this winter.' Maybe you have one now. Your children will suffer too. For coughs, croup, bronchitis, grip and other win ter complaints One Mlnuto Cough Cure never falls. Acts promptly. It is very pleasant to tho taste and perfectly harmless. C. B. George, Winchester, Ky., writes, "Our little girl was at tacked with croup lute one night and was also so hoarse she could hardly ' speak. We gave her a few doses of One Mlnuto Cough Cure. It relieved her Immediately and she went to sleep. When she awoke next morning she had no signs of hoarseness or croup.'' William Warner, Gem Pharmacy, 113 S. Howard st. KEEP CARS WARM. Orders Issued by Superintendent to N. 0. T. Conductors. Supt. Dalton, of tho N. O. T. Co., has Issued an order to the A., B. & C. conductors respecting the heating of cars. They are directed to keep th. temperature as near 05 degrees as possible, and are forbidden to lower the temperature by opening the ven tilators or doors of tho car. To lower the heat, they must turn off the heat ers. A., B. & C. cars aro heated by electricity, copper colls being ar ranged under each seat. City cflrs are heated by hard coal stoves, and conductors are under or ders to keep car doors closed as much I as possible. A strict order has been . issued, forbidding the motorman to allow nnyono not nn officer, inspector or foreman of tho company to ridi In the front vestibule of cars. Honor For Andrew. Glasgow, Nov. O.-(SpL) Andrew 100 the Location of Factories on or near Allotment. Avoid baking powders made from alum. Alum is a corro sive acid, which taken in food means injury to health. 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. Carnegie has been duly elected Lord Rector of St Andrew's university. HOW PEOPLE WOULD STARE If they should read thJt Policeman Goodenberger had Issued h challenge to the winner of the Ituhlln-Jeffrles go! If S. G. Rogers should absent-mindedly put on a red necktie some morn mfe! If Col. M. W. Hoye should quit be ing the most popular man In town! If Commissioner McMlllen were to change his mind and grow sldo whiskers Insteadl If Councilman Walker were to give up in despair! If Secretary Moore, of the N. O. T. Co., should become grouchy and dis courteous. Rummage sale will close Saturday evening. A stereopticon lecture on Palestine, Jerusalem, and Arabia will bo given Wednesday evenlnc at 7:30 by Rev. J. D. Stone, In Trinity Reformed church. BAR-BEN SAVES DOCTOR BILLS. If you have been addicted to youth lul folllei which are telling on you.yoar onlv nrotecMnn la to promptly irem yuurieu oeiore u is too Into. Bar-lion Is curing thouaanda easily, qulokly. The moat compllcted and aggra vated of cases In both men and women, heretofore considered incurable, yield al mott Instantly to the wonderful enra ttve properties of this great remedy. The effects differ from the ef fects of all other remedies, In that It is not a stimulant, bat a HLOOTi, NEHVE and BRAIN BUILDER, BAR BfcN creates solid flesh, muscle i ni STRENGTH, dears the brain, mates the blood pure and rich, and causes a general feeling of health, strength and renewed vllnllty. whllo the generative organs are helped to regard thslr normal powers, and the sufferer Is quickly made conscious of direct benefit. One box will work won ders. So cents. All druggists, or mailed on receipt ot prlee. Write for free sample. Address the BAR-BEK RKMKDIMa CO.. ffho Arcade, Cleveland, O. .. . . r;i t .rr .-.: . " Lots. i Mer Land & Improvement Co, City Office No. 229 S. Howard St. I. A. INIIL.I.E. aO.iL. . muw.- Jbtoi .- .-Wbvh-. l