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Tf ' " Wi&WiAWfyrynr-l h, J' AKK03S DAt&Y DiSMOUEAT. 3TRIDAV. X?OVEAJLI3EIl 22, 11)01. o ti "?? CLEVELANDS may cost a little more per can, but it insures perfect, whole some food. In fact, it is more ' economical in the end, because it goes further in leavening and never spoils the food. SPEAKER. Price Will Surely Named. be CLEVELAND CAKING POWDER CO. NEW YORK You cannot, if you value good health, afford to use cheap, low-grade, alum baking pow ders. They are apt to spoil the food; they do endanger the health. All physicians will tell you that alum in food is detrimental. DEMAND For Rubber Ma chinery Grows. A Local Concern Branch Out. May Reclaiming Plant In Liverpool Should Do Well. The demand for rubber machinery continues large. Local manufacture! b of this class of work lire busy and there Is talk that ono of the principal concerns will build a much larger plant than It now occupies, passing, it may be, Into a corporation Instead of an individual concern. popular verdict on them Is certainly not ono of undiluted nppioal." "Some ycais ago while at Martins burg, W Va., I was taken with cholera morbus, which was followed by diar rhoea. The doctor's medicine did me no good. I was ndv.Iscd to get n bot tle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which I did, ami It cured hie sound and well." G. A. Mor ris, Kmbrcevlllc, Ta. Sold by all diug gists. B. Stolnbachcr & Co., whole sale ngents. OPERA HOUSE. Referring, It Is believed, to the Northwestern Hubber Co, In which Akron men arc Interested n new rub ber reclaiming concern In Iilveipooi a Great Biltaln corioHpondent of The India Hubber "World says: "The leceut es.tabllsb.mont of a recov ered rubber works In the neighbor hood of Liverpool, under American au. spices, recalls the suggestion made In The India Hubber World from nn Eng lish source some time ago, that such a works If conducted on a largo scale ou American principles would be sure to provo a success I am wilting without any details of the new ven ture, but presumably the bulk of the raw material will bo shipped from America, ns otherwise It is dllllcull to sec how It could bo obtained lu sulll clent quantity, In Great ltrlliilu, nt any rato. No doubt moic and more recovered rubber is being used, and In many cases It has displaced the oil substitutes. At the bamo time tin manufacturers of It liavo Increased, nnd competition Is becoming somewhat acute. A prominent Londoiudally pa por recently contained an advertise ment to the effect that a Gorman house requited a good agent In England to collect wnstc rubber, though this reads somewhat curiously In faco of tlio fact that plenty of German wasto Is on offer to English rocovored rubber man ufacturers. It may be said, howover, that somewhat Inflated prices asked by the Germans have mlllluted against the progress of their export trade In this article, In England, at any rate, and their Ideas on this head will have to undergo considerable modification If a material lucrcaso In business Is to re sult. With regard to the quality of tho different brands of recovered rubber on our markor, It cannot be said that any real progress has been made dur ing the last ton years, nnd In bplto of the fact that two or three new brands have had plenty of time to demon strate their vaunted superiority the Good Plays Tonight and Tomorrow Night. A street parade at noon today helped advertise "Down on the Farm," at tho Opera house tonight. Olins. Mauley has tho principal pait In this play ,nn Seth Huckiiw nnd Is ably supported. Those who have seen "Way Down 'East" and "Tho Old Homestead" will recognize tho samo beautiful senti ments and pathos In "Down on the I-arm' as nto portrayed In those plays. A number of high-class spe cialties will be seen dm lug tho play. The famous Hnysccd Comedy Four, being a feature. "On the Stroke of Twelve," n power ful comedy drama, which Is the at traction for tomoirow, mntlncc uud night, Is one of tho most successful plays of Its kind now on the load. A sensational c.icnpo from pihon gives tho play Its title and a scene In a counterfeiters den Is another of Its novel features. Jack Ilutlcdge, the hero, Is fahely accused of n crime ana convicted. He escapes from prison In a highly dramatic fashion and then proceeds to hunt down his enemies. There Is plenty of comedy tunning through the play and this is furnished by a "Yiddish" character, a negto ser vant and nn Iiish hostler. The play mokes a strong claim for the novelty and effectiveness of Its sceneiy. A Correspondent's Ideas on New Tax Laws. Columbus, O., Nov. 21!. It Is not now believed that Hon. Anion E. Price, from Athens county, will final ly havo any opposition for tho House speakership, when the caucus of tho Republican mcmbois is held for the purpose of deciding upon the organi zation. Holoday, of Clinton; Cole, of Hancock, und now Willis, of Haidin, arc practically out of the ince. Holo day says ho 1ms noer been a candi date: Cole says ho will not make n fight for It, and Willis, of Huidlu, says tho same. He prefers to Ilguio ns a leader on tho floor, and makes a bid for the chairmanship of tho commit tee on tnxatlon by announcing that ho Is now engaged lu the picpaiatlon of a bill to extend the fiauchlsu tax to nil franchises. He Is alto lu fa vor of Imposing au unuunl tax on cor porations. The States of New .Teisey and West Virginia, which, however, nro moie liberal In their Incoipoiation laws, impose an annual tat upon the capital stock of oiie-tejith or one-twentieth of ono per cent upon the capital stock of nil corporations, and the amount thus realized, paitlcuhuly in New Jersey, meet nil tho expenses of the State government. Now Jersey, of course. Is the homo of all the trusts, so that the nggregntc of the capital ization Is several times greater than lu Ohio, but It Is understood to be the purpose of the ltopnhllcnn paity leaders to do away with tho State 'tax, and what the tax upon the corpor ations falls shoit, will be Imposed upon the saloon lntei'ets,by increasing the Dow tax. Ndan Bros.! ; Shall put on sale Monday, : Nov. 18th E 50 Boxo3 Layer Figs at 12c a Pound: llegular price 20c to 25c. 50 Boxes Best Citron ; Pool at 16c Pound: Regular Prico 26o to 80c. 5 25 Boxes Strawberry ; Preserves at 10c a glass Rojnilnr nrmn 20n nnd 95n. Z These Prices are Good only during This Sale. I Fall an&fe Winter Woolens Are nearly all in and an early inspection would insure you a first choice. The patterns are pretty and very serviceable. Our work is backed up by our guarantee as to sfyle, quality and fit. E. B. Tragler The Fashionable Tailor. Guth Blocks 134-136 South Howard St Try the Democrat's Lluer Columns. Reliable and Gentle "A pill's n pill," fays the saw. Hut there mo pills' and pUK You want a pill which Is certain, thorough nnd gentle. Mustn't gripe. DeWltt's It tie Early Illsors fill tho bill. Purely vegetable. Do not foico but nssKt tho bowels to act. Stiongthen and Invigoiate. Smnll And easy to tnlco. William Warner, Gem Pharmacy, 113 S. Hownid st. ceaoawawm83aOT)aw)3a c82aeoKesXQ.:w& The Place tiy Buy SHOE w jfVtt IJ D It hi J a j I Tl li q me, r Is WAGONER & RMRSH Wish to call the attention of tho public to tho faqt 'thatmthey, carry a largo line of MEDIUM PlilOED goods as well as strictly Fin Shoes for Men, Women and Children. Most, comfortable shaped Shoo made in years for enlarged joints. Patterned after tho shapo of the foot with broad tread and full toe. Made in vici kid and medium henvy sole. We will Rive a fitting in this shoe which wo promisu will give relief to a most tonder foot. This Shoe Will Fit Big Feet. We Fit the Feet. WAGONER & MARSH, Telephone No. 1 035 1 . 109 South Howard St. oCM2oo3Kta0corc8ss5cem83 c9caewmmi6ae8macKa IwMiTIMfisMrfl Coffei Don't forgot our High CotToes nro tho Host. o : Grade : Ndan Bros.! Leading Grocers 301-303 Mill st. Akron, OS Both 'phones, 870, To the Buying Public! Those who are Looking For Good Things at Low Prices Christmas Presents wo mean, for now tho season of annual remembrances is near at hand. You must romombor tho children and father and mother and sweetheart. But how to do this and keep within bounds of your pocket-book, is tho problem. But thoro will bo no difliculty in this if you will only call and inspect our stock; wo have Inexpensive Presents For Old and Young. IEWFLJRY n are assortments of splendid designs. Wo don't koop cheap worth-u1-' " -f 0SH kind, but wo havo roliablo goods at prices within tho roach of all. Cff 7fTDAJrADli nnd Sterling Silver Novelties in endless variety. All jjr(f guaranteed goods. GOLD PLATED CLOCKS TSKiiSR y the Benefit. Wo also havo Bird Cages, Goldfish, Musical Instruments, Cutlery, Sporting Gooods and Toys. Something for every member of the. family and tho baby, too. a quantity of lino You are to receive IVII IIM JPU3TT Wo know we can please you. Oeo. S. Dales louth pVIj TO LOOK, & Oo 1 The Public Wants Short Stories So We Let Our Goods and Prices Speak For Themselves and Only. Ask You to See and Help Us Unload. uits and m (0 m m m E No Matter What Style You Want Mb No Matter What Color You Want No Matter What Length You Want S No Matter What Make You Want w Makes no difference whether you are short or long stout or slim m we can fit you and we intend to go after '$ your clothing trade with a long stick called 3393eefcS Overcoats We Have Got It c E m w IV Koch Nil to 0 to v to its Hi iti Hi 0 tib iti ft Hi J 0 Hi to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to v S&&g6&fefefefefe6e$:ft&6:6f.S:$i&&&S$-:S&S&fe&6S: 28 Credit Stores Bnufuicvnn EADING. CREDIT CLOTHIERS OF Ar JIIUIIM UU Style Quality Credit Stylish Clothing For Thank sg'iving' Touf dealings with us nre as confidential as with your physician. Men's, Women's and Children's Clothing, Hnts and Shoes are gold here nt lowest possible prices and on the most liberal terms In America. Our way of buylnp clothing Is the oasy way, and noth ing extra Is charged for credit. Men's Tine Suits Tay us $0.50 or pay us $20 and you'll And It hard to match the prlco In any cash Htore. All kinds of material the latest plain and fancy weaves In all popular colors. Boys suits that resist hard usage aro also here. Men's Overcoats Overcoat styles for man and loy have changed nothing but the lntest here the yoke will be the real thing for the diesy man. Long, short, medium over coats to tit nil sortt and sizes of men. Mannish top coats for boys, nlso here. Worthy Stylish Shoes Comfort first, wear second, style third, that's the choice. All threo nre combined In tho shoes wo sell for both women nnd men. We buy shoes for 28 stores, wo get rock bottom prices, you get the benefit. Hats With Style We can sell a man a good stylhh hat for $2.00. one that will wear and won't fade; exclusive hat Htoies will charge you moro for this hat under a different name. Dainty millinery for women also. Jackets, Skirts and Waists The handsome and fashiona ble garments that make up our women's department aro worthy tho Inspection of the most crltlcnl woman. A wo man can come here nnd buy a complete outfit for fall and ylntor wear, Including hat and shoes, and pay for It on weekly payments, small and unnotlceablp. We especially desire that you compare our quality and 'woikmnushlp, style nnd prices with uny storo In tho city. Tailor made Suits In range of style nnd sizes we can suit anybody who can be suited. Our showing of tailor-made suits Is excel lent because all have been se lected with gieat caro by ex peiienced people. If we can not fit you in any certlan stylo or material, we will take your measure and send direct to our factory and linvo Itjnwdo. to fit and no extra charge at tnuhed. Wo nio ready to serve you. Come, you are always welcome. MS MvMM 139 South Howard St. Tel. 1410. MFMTFR k l'Jh.pi 1 gnvv' i$W: Bl9 i w w Ts. Tfcrfir a. - - '& 139 South Howard St. Tel. 1410. WEST HILL SKETCH BOOK. West Hill Sketch Bopk fico to nny pel son who expects to huild n homo anywheie. West IIM Lund t-X 207 ttqwnid t. Hamilton building, opp. Cereal Mill, k-? , Anything for sale or trade, try Democrat Liners. tfhtK Trochet's Colchicine Salicylate Capsules. WffjtrVK a standard and infallible euro for RHEUMATISM and GOUT. rVSiai'J COLCHICINE SALICYLATE Wui endorsed by the highest medical authorities of Europe and America. Dispensed only In spherical capsules, which dis solve in liquids of the stomach without causing irritation or disagreeable symptoms. Price, $1 per bottle. Sold by druggists. Re sure and get the genuine. 1VII.I.IAMH MFO. CO., CLEVELAND, OUIO, Hole IVay J. O, Day & Co., 135 S. Howard Bt , m to.v (64, ik