Newspaper Page Text
- K " AJKBON DAILY DEMO OB AT. FRIDAY. NOVjEMBJEB 22 1001 ARE YOU IN BUSINESS? If you are engaged in,p, small business that will not pay to DEMOCRAT'S LINER COLUMNS. It will dp you good crease in this kind of advertising. t won't cost much to advance; 50c if charged. advertise regularly, try a small ad. in THE it does others good, as evidenced by the in- try 24 words three times for 25c cash in ra WANTED-FEMALE HELP. WANTHD Fifty girls Immediately nt the bindery of The Wcmcr Com puny. ISO-lOi. .WANTED A girl or womnn for gen eral housework, In family, of 4hreo adults. Enquire at 104 Marshall ave. 181-180 For .poisoning of the skin, use Balm of Roses, 23c. ' iS5 WANTED MALE HELP. .WANTED Young men to learn teleg raphy. An experienced operator now organizing a 'class for night study In Akron. Thorough Instruc tion In all branched of laiiroad and commercial telography. Terms very reasonable. For terms aud particu lars, address, V. M. 0., caro Demo crat, city. 183-180 WANTED One or two live, energetic men to collect on city and suburban accounts. Apply in person betwocn 7 and 8 o'clock p. in. The Singer Mfg. Oo., 227 W. Market Bt. 184-210 WANTED Four good teams to do teaming for our factory. Steady em ployment. Enquire of The U. S. Stoneware Co. 180-185 FOUND. Those chnppsd hands can bo cured by using Balm of Roses, 25c. All druggists. 183 FOUND The best placo to borrow money privately on furniture, without removal; easy terms. N. M. llerk, 103 S. Howard, both phones. 4-tf LOST. Chapped hands, or lips, burns and scalds cured by using Balm of Roses, 2uc; leading, druggists. 184 LOST A lace shawl, Thursday fore noon; Under please return to 117 Otis st. - 1S5-1S7 LOST Tuesday evening at First M. E. church, a large black silk mufllor. Finder please leave at Att'y S. Q. Roccrs' office. 183-185 WANTED SITUATIONS. WANTED Position by boy 10 years old, lnsldo preferred. Cau make himself generally useful. Address Homer, caro Democrat. tf WANTED-Sltuatlon as inside clerk In grocery, by young man having five years' experience; b("st of references. Can .speak English or Gounan. Ad- ' dress R. IC, Democrat olllce. 183-185. Your druggist wants you to euro (hose chapped hands. Balm of Roses does It. 2oc. 185 The Democrat prints the news, both local and foreign. "CISSY" Take Ellen Terry's Place. New York, Nov. 22.-(Spl.)-Offlcial anouncement Is forthcoming of tho vise In the theatrical world of Miss ' Cecilia Loftus, leading woman of 13. H. Sothein's company, playing In "If I Were King," at tho Garden theater. "Olssoy" Loftus, she was so known when she was queen of the music ball soubrcttcs, has been engaged to play tho leading feminine roles for Sir Honry Irving and tho London Lyceum Stock company during tho coronation season. If sho Is success ful, during that time, In Ellen Terry's roles, sho will take Miss Terry's place , 'permanently. Miss Terry has been anxious to re tire for some years. Henry Irving pleaded with her to remain until a suitable actress was found to 1111 her place. Both Irving and Miss Terry, It Is stated, believe that nu uctress lias been found In Miss Loftus. To the Public. Allow mo to say a few words In pralso of Chamberlain's Couli Rem edy. I cau recommend It with tho utmost confidence. It has done good work for mo and will do the same for others. I had a very severe cough nnd cold, and feared I would get pneumon ia, but nfter taking tho second dose oX this medicine I felt hotter, three bottles of It cured my cold and tho pains In my chest disappeared entirely. I am most respectfully yours for health Ralph S. Myers, 04 Thirty-seventh st, Wheeling, W. Vo, For sale by all druggists. E. Stelubachcr & Co., wholesnlongcnts. $10.00 REWARD. STOLEN AT WARREN, OHIO, NOV. IB, 1001 Ono chcstnut-Rorrel maro; whlto Btrlp In face; ono whlto hind foot; Iqw on top of nock where collar goes; weight 1050 Ihs. Buggy red running gear, rubber tire. DE SCRIPTION OF MAN 5 'feet, 0 or 'i inches; weight,, 145 or 150 pounds; wpro F0H RENT-HOUSES. FOR KENT No. 124 N. Union, mod ern. Inqulro of G. W. Orldley, 48 Central Uldg., phono 1510. 172-tf FOR RENT Now, modem D room house, on Arch st, Enq. 120 Arch bt. 183-tf FOR RENT 8 room house, No. 05(1 13. Market st; all modern conven iences. Apply Chas. II. Isbell, Ham ilton lUdg., or Olty Bldg. 170 tf FOR RENT ROOMS. OFFICE rooms for rent. Enquire The Security Savings Rank, 020 S. Main st 170-181 FOR RENT Large furnished rooms with or without board. Inqulro 001 South High st. 181-1S0 FOR RENT Nice rooms upstairs on North Howard st. near Cascade mill -Low fent to family without children Enquire at 123 Silver st 181-180 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms on ground Hoor; bur; suitable for light housekeeping; references exchanged. 210 S. Broadway, corner Quarry. 181-180 FOR RENT Room 20x00 ot 120 N. Howard st. Newly papered, painted nnd tlxcd up. Rent reasonable. Eu quire 131 N. Howard st. 10-tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE Farm of 81 acres, 0 miles west of 'Akron -'on' tho Smith road. Good buildings. Inqulro of Dr. I. J. Baughman, West RIchlleld, . 102-230. FOR SALE No. ,410 Carroll, rents for $25 per month, and we will sell tills place for $2350. All street Im provements paid, newly papered, painted nnd has hardwood finish, fur nace, grate, bath, curlalu poles, shades, etc. Only 75 foot from Mnrket, nnd In a bon Ion neighborhood. Is now empty, but will be rented soon unless sold; . .1050 cash, bnlnucc at 0 per cent. Hale & Coatcs, 314 Everett Bldg. Phone 773, 1 nnd 2 rings. 170 tf FOR SALE By J. I. BaChtel, 188 S. Upward st. 'Phone -722. Cor. K. Miller nndtSweltzer-ave., 7 rooms? ?1C00. G roomsi, now,' alato roof, stono foundation, watqr, gas, sewer, best bargain on Bached uvej' Kt $1C00. Store room and1 dwelling, stable, deep lot, corner S. Main and Falor ave., now renting for ?13. , 5 rooms, Hogue ave., $1100, ?200 down. Lots handy to Webster, Camp & Lane's, The Ppoplo's Hard Rubber nnd other shops, high, dry lots, nt $100; others nt ?210, $420 nnd upward. J. I. BAOHTBL, 183 S. Howard St. 181 tf Read the Democrat every day. brown slouch hat; brown overcoat, brown moustache; Roman nose. Hired from H. O. Byrnes' livery to do col lecting In the country. Address ull communications to II. O. BYRNES, or AVM. GRIFFIN, City Marshal, Warren, Ohio. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received until twelvo o'clock, noon, Saturday, November 30, 1001, at tho Board of Ed ucntlon olllce, High, School building, Akion, Ohio, for tho construction of a brick bdiool building, to be known as tho Lane School, nil In accordance with the plans, and, specifications ou fllo In the olllce..of V. O. Weary. Ar chitect, Akron, Ohio., The Board reserves tho right to accept any or reject all bids. By older of tho Board. K. W. SHIRER, Clerk. Nov. 1-8-15-22-20. LEGAL NOTICE. Albert Shnkleo, whose place of res idence Is Woodhull, Henry County, Illinois, will take notice that on tho 20th day of April, A. u. 1001, In the Court of Common Pleas of Summit County, Ohio, wherein tho action U now pending, being caso No. 10338, tho undersigned, Barbara Bhaklee ftleu her petition against bald Albert Shak lee praying for divorce on the grounds of willful absence. Tho said Albert Shnkleo Is requlreu to answer tho petition In sa,ld action not later than six weoks after tho 18th day of October, A.'D., 1001, that being tho first dato of publication of this notice, or such relief may bo gruutcd. r BARBARA SHAKLEE. Chas. C. Benncr, attorney for plain tiff. Oct 18-25-Nov 1-8-15-22 NOTICE OF PETITION TO VACATE A PORTION OF WJJST SOUTH STREET, Notlco Is hereby given that n peti tion has been presented to tho Coun cil of the city 'of Akron, bjilo, praying for tho vacation of a portion of West Soulh street, to-wlt Five (5) feet off from tho southerly side thereof from Main street to tho Ohio-canal, and Is now pending before sold. Council and will como up for final action on nnd after tho lilth day of Jauuary, 1002. CHAS, n. ISRELL, Olty Clerk. Nov. 15, 22, 20. Doc 8, 13, 20, FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE Six room houso, slate roof, gas for heat and light; large lot; only ton minutes' walk from Hull's corners; $1400; easy terms. Now 0-room house, North Hill, near cais; nice shade trees, low price, easy terms. 8-room house, gas for heat and light, bath, t water and sewer connec tions, one Rquarc from corner of1 Mar ket nnd Maple fits., now rented for $10 per month; owned by non-reeldont, and will sell for $1550; easy terms. C. U. & S. E. Jones, Central Bldg. Phono 452. 145 tf FOR SALE Two building lots near the new Miller school and Fourth Church of Christ. A bargain. Ad dress, Real Estate, enre Democrat 78 tf. FOR SALE Nine room house, 110 Coburn st., in good condition. Sew er, water, furnace anu gas; slate roof. Terms reasonable. Inquire on premises or Room 21, Doyle block. 184-209 7 jaores of land with in li miles of the oity, in Cuyahoga River Valley, for sale or trade for oity property. A. D. Alexander Hamilton Blook. LADIES TAILORING. Mrs. M. Dugnn, 131 S. Howard st. Prices rcasonnble. Satisfaction guar anteed, rhoncs 1644 People's, Bell 2 on 422 Brown. 175-200 DRAWINQ AND DESIGNING. - H. J. BINGHAM, M. E. MACHINE DESIGNING GENERAL DRAWING 21 Aroado Blook Akron. O PLATING; Summit Plating Works 207 Wter St., Cor. W. State at. Under the Acme Pattern Works God, BllvJr. Mlckcl, (Joppor, Brail, nronse and'Oxlfilzlntr. niovole nnd Stnva FlntlnUB specialty. All Work guaranteed. Work1 called far and delivered Your rjatv ronage li aolloited. reoplui Pnones M7 and' 1114. MOVING. The Diokson Transfer Oo Coal. Transfer and Livery. racking, Moving nnd Storing of Good. Conches, Loupes nnd Carriages for funerals, weddings, parties and callings. Offices Nos. 123-125 Carroll Bt, tel. 300. No. 110 N. High st, t,ol. 428. Tho Democrat prints tho news, botn local and forolgn. RAILROAD TIJT1E TABLES. Dally; ali others dally except Sunday. Central Standard Time. ERIE RAILROAD CO. Going West 1 Express 8:3B piu 5 Limited vestibule 7:08 am No No No. in To Akron only 11:30 nm No. 13 Chicago express, Moudays to Hnlion only. .. .11:51 am No. 3 Puclflc espross 0:50 pm No. 37 Accommodation 0:37 am Going East No. 14 To Meadvllle 2:20 am No. 8 Limited vestibule.... 1:31 am No. 12 Express to N. Y 8;54 am No. 4 New York special. ...12:50. pm No, 10 Youngstown express. .4:25 pm Cuvoano, iUCR0M& UOUJMBUJftJ North Bound. Olu., Columbus aud Clev.. 0:05 am Akron und Pittsburg 8:20 am Col., Mlllersburg &. Cleve... 11:38 am Clu. Col. and Clovelnnd 4:25 pm Pitts., Bal., Wash & N. X... .4:17pm South Bound. Clove., Col. and Cincinnati, . 9:35am New York, Pltt3. & Akron (runs only to Barberton)., 11:10 nm Cleve. Mlllersburg and Ool Clove, Col. & Cln 8:55pra Clove., Mlllersburg, Col 2:53 pm nttsburg and Akron (run.i only to Akron) "8;1Q pm Dally, nil others dally except Sun day. BALTIMORE & OHIO. Union Depot, Market Street. Depart West Tltiln, Fostorla & Chicago. . 0:00 am Ttfflu, Fostorla & Chicago. , 7;U5 pm Chicago, vestlbuled, Ltd. ,.ll:30pm Arrive rrom the West Chicago and New Yoik ves tlbuled, limited 1:50 am Chicago & Pittsburg ...... Chicago, Akron and Oler. ' FOR 8ALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE Household goodH, consist ing of bedroom suit, cook sfove, etc. Must bo sold ab oncuj cheap for cash. Enqulie of A. W. Hall, 188 3.. Jlownjd st. Call early In the morning or goods will bu gone. FOR SALE A bed couch, upholstereu in green plush'. Good as now. Call at 020 E. Mill. 182-tf Balm of Roses. For salo by all lead Ing druggists, 25c. 185 Druggists sell It. People buy It. What? Balm 'of Roses for chapped hands and lips, 25c. 183. FOR SALE Bay family horse, eight years old, harness and buggy; will sell cheap, rather than keep over winter. Enq. 120 Amherst st. 181-1S01 BRUSHES AND BROOMS. CASPER ZINTBL Manufacturer of all kinds ot Uruian. Ordera promptly uttandnd to. 1CB B. MAIN ST. AKROH. INSURANCE The Penn Mutual Life Insurance company Issue the best contract at lowest rates. John O. Bloomfleld, Agt. Sohumaoher Blook. Tel. 651 GRAINS. FEED AND FLOUR " Best quality of baled hay, corn, oats, nnd ground feed, chicken feed, oil meal, etc. Best prices paid for grain, etc. i BOTZUM BROS. 218 North Main Street COAL. A. D. ELLIS J 1kT Moving Vans, General Teana. I jOHil IH8noTranferrlng. Parcels ',"--'-1- ftnrt Trunks delivered. Iran, slent and Sourdine siablo. Team and driving horses for sale. OJfloe and, Stable, 228-280 W. Mar ket St., Taoth phones No. 267. ' UVERY. Hummel's Haok Trine Hacks leave Barberton 0:30 a. m., and 4:45 p.m. Leave t)oyleston 8 a. m and 3 p. m. SPECIAL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION ABSTRACT OF TITLE. 1 The Bruner, Ooodhue Cooke Oo. Oldest Abstract oftlco In the county, Established 1870. Our experience guarantees a correct Abstract cf Title. Prices reasonable Prompt service. 215 South Main at. 'Phono lb. land 8:20 pm Dally, all others dally except Sun day. THE NORTHERN OHIO R. B. Depot North Main st. Depart No. 1 8:30 am Depart No. 11 4:30 pm Arrive No. 2 4:00 pm Arrive No. 12 12:05 pm Dally. IDally except Sunday. O. T. & V. R. R. Going How. St. Depot. .. 7:10 am .. 0:03 am .. l:10pm .. 5:13 pm .. 8:35 pm .. '0:50am Going . . 8:34am .. 4:35pm ..12:30 am .. 7:32rm .. 12:01pm .. 3:53 pm. North. Union. Depot, 7:00 am 8:52 nm 1:00 pm 4:55 pm 8:20 pm South. 8:62am 4:55pm 12:45 am 7:50pm 12:20pm East Akron. (1:35 nra 8:51 am 12:41 pm 4:58 pm 8:22 pm No. 46 No. 4 No. 0, No. 10, No. 8, No. 12, No. 7. No. 0. 0:O4am 5.07pm 12:57 am 8:00pm 12:28pra No. 5 No. 47 No. 3. No. 11 PITTSBURG & WESTERN R. R. Union Depot, Market st. Leavo for the East. Chicago and New York vesti bule limited 2:00 am Warren, Youngstown, Pitts burg 0:55ara Warren, Youngstown 5:10 pm Pgh., Wash., Phlla., New York, from Howard st only 3:53 pm Arrive from the East Washington, Pittsburg, Cleve land, nrrlvo O. T. & V. Ry., Howard si. station 0:50 am Youngstown and Akron S:10nm Pittsburg, Akron and Chica go ' 7:35 pro New Yorlf.Washlngton.Pitts- burg nnd Chicago 11 :23 pm Dally, all others dally except Sun day. THE NORTHERN OHIO TRACTION COMPANY. A. B, O. Division. Waiting room, Hamilton building, opposite Buchtcl hotel. Tlmo card In effect Oct. "(nth, 1001: Cars for Cleveland, leavo waiting room at 6:40 a.m. nnd overy hour un til 8:40 p.m., nnd nt 10:30 p.m. Saturdays und Sundays, 5:40 n.m., 0:40 a.m., and every hnlf hour until 7:40, and at 8:40 p.m., and 108? p.m. .. - -- MONEY TO LOAN. MON'EY TO LOAN -Mortgaged He curlty. The Hecurlty Havings Hank Co., (120 8. Muln st. 170-184 MONEY TO LOAN If you need money, you can borrow from us tt most rcasonnble rates and on most favorable terms. P. P. BOCK & CO. 229 South Howard Street DEPOSITS 3, 4 AND 6 PER CENT INTEREST Paid on certificates of deposit and savings accounts. LOANS MADE ON REAL ESTATE ON SHORT NOTICE, AT PREVAILING RATES. THE UNITED STATES BUILDING AND LOAN CO. Paid In capital and surplus, $550,000. By W. O. MARPLD, Secretary, Treasurer. Buchtcl Hotel building. 6 Per Cent. Interest on Running Accounts Paid by tho Akron Building & Loan Association, the oldest largest and strongest savings Institution In Sum mit county. Has paid out over $350, 000 to Its depositors since 1880. Now has $18,000 surplus as additional se curity to Its members, besides loaning Its funds all on first real estate mort gage. If you have money to Invest call and Investigate. C. I. BRUNER, Secy. 232 S. Main st The Northeastern Loan Go. Money Loaned on Collaterals, Business Enterprises Promoted. Buy and Sell Local Stock. Financial Agents. Suite 200. Hamilton Building Akron, O. BANKS. WHEN SICKNESS COMES, it Is a handy thing to have a bank account to fall back upon. Thrco per cent Interest on time deposits. Separate deportment for ladles. Central Sav Ingi hank, corner Mill and Main ets THE SUMMIT COUNTY BUILD ING & SAVINGS CO. L. E. SISLER, Pres. J. T. DEIHM, Vice Pres. O, W. BAUM, Secretary. Pays 0 per cent on deposits. Loans only on real estate security. Offices Second floor Central Office blook. Both 'phones 270. IfYou Want ..NECK COMFORT.. SEND YOUR SHIRTS AND COLLARS TO AMERIOAN LAUNDRY 406 EAHT KXOUANOK BT. Phono 7S UEO. K. Kl'Z, Prop HEADACHE f Telephone 655 I P. T. McCourfc : FOR FINEST Co&xhes in the City. On call at nil times. Full Line of Livery. X 1 All cushion tiros. Largest 2 Moving Vans In (ho olty. Best of servloo guaranteed. Prloes 2 reasonable! Both phones. Z People's Phono No. 1459. nniPB irmiM IH:itoil:l.m. C CSpangler DENTIST IBOA r.S. IVIsain St. Room 2, Coventry Building OSTEOPATHY J. A. KERR, D. O. JENNIB U. EVANS.D.O. Osteopathic Physicians. 604 Hamilton Building Graduates of A.ti.O.. Klrksvlllo, Mo. Hour! 8 to 12 and 1 to ft. Consultation and ax amlnatluu tie People'! phouo JM. ONIO KARK PLUS $2 FOR "THE ROUND TRIP Is tho into tho Northern Pacific will make to western, points reached via Us lino on nccqimt of Homo-sepkertf excursions. Selling dates will bo Oct. 15th, Nov. 5'th und 10th and Dec. 3rd and 17th. For further Information write H. O. Schoen, D.jP. A. N. P. R 305 Park building, Pittsburg, Pa., or address Chss, S,- Fee, O, P. & T. A., N. r. II., St. Paul, Mlan.,- MECHANICAL. A. ADAMSON FOUNDRY. MACHINE and PATTERN WORKS. PATTERN WORK Given Prompt Attention. Let u Figure on Your Next Job. Both Phones 661 RES7AUMANTS. BANK CAFE Business Men's Restaurant Meals serTcd at all hours. Fine Im ported and domestic Wet Goods and Mgars. Under Central Bf.Ylngs Bank. JOHN KOERBER, Proprietor ELECTRICAL. H. C. DAVIS General Electrician House Wiring and Repair Work. 107 on the VIADUCT "KT Ql'll OT FaB oash f or JLN CLXXC? second-hand e eleo- trio motors. 238 'S.Howard St. Tel. 942 FISH AND OYSTERS. Oysters and ClamS at the Edson Fish Market BOTH PHONES " PACKING AND STORING. WANTED Packing and storing. Fur niture a specialty. Kratz's Furniture Store, 140 S. Howard st. People' phone 042. Sept. 24, 1000 tf CLOTHES PRESSING. Akron Clothes or Pressing Co. Regular Prioe Full suits, sponged and pressed, ,75c Overcoats, sponged and pressed. .. .50c Pants, sponged and pressed 25c Cleaning business suits $2.00 Pants cleaned 75c Goodn, called for and delivered to any part of the city. Mall orders giv en prompt attention. People's phone, 754; Bell, 8530. 114 Mill St.. Opp. City Building WOOD TURNING HAND-TURNING of every descrip tion; architects' designs given spe cial attention. E. M. Wcygandt 225 W. Maiket st People's 'phone 107. Res. 847. 200 tf WEST HILL SKETCH BOOK. West Hill Sketch Book free to any person who expects to build a home anywhere. West Hill Land Co., 207 Howard st. Hamilton building, opp. Cereal M11L CITY LAUNDRY Good Work Both Phones 912. 1063 S. Main st Textile Manufacturing Co. Awnings and Tents Horse, Wagon and Floor Covers Gymnasium Mats and Ropes 6 Anything made from Canvas, by hand or machine. People's ( Business hours.... No. 787 Phonos ( Any other time.... No, 095 137 SOUTH MAIN ST. Democrat Building. MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS Pianos, Organs, Horses, Carriages, Wagons, Etc., Etc. If you are In need of nmno7 for a grocery bill, meat .bill, rent, taxes, or sny other debt you owe, you can bor row tho money and pay It back In small monthly payments. Property left In your possession and all busi ness strictly confidential. Ortlce hours from 0 to 11:30 a.m.; 1 to 5 p.m.; open from 7 to 8 In the evenings. Bell phono 700. People's 771. i. o. evflHL.iE:i3 Room 14 Arcade Building. Coughing All Night Long. Thousands Preparing the Lungs for Pneumonia. &.nd Consumption in This Way. How to Prevent It Cut Out This Coupon Ami present to us with 18o nnd net u 2o bottle ot "Wliltol'lnoCoinFounil ut Gem Pharmacy 113 SOUTH HOWARD ST, AKRON MARKETS. (These prices furnished dally by L. Kryder & Scrw) BUYING PRICES. What, per bu., 75c. Rye, per bu., 5Cc. Oats, per bu., 30c to 40c. Corn, old, 30c. Tlmmothy seed, per bu., $2.50 to S2.7ri. Clover coed; per bu., $4, $5. Hay, baled, $10 to $y Straw, baled, ?." to ?C. SELLING PRICES. Oats, per bu,, 43c, 4,"c. Corn, old, per bu., 33c Bran, per cwt., 75c. Middling!,, per swt., $1.05, $1.30. Hay, per cwt., 70c, 75c. Straw, per bale, 40c, 50c. (These prices furnished dally by Jan. Christy Jr. & Co.) Green calf hides, No 1, per lb. 9c Green beef hides, No. 1, per lb., 7c Sheep pelts, 15-40. Tallow per lb, 4c. (These prices furnished dally by" Sugar cured hams, 10Jc to lie. Skinned hams-, lOjc. California hams, "Vic to 7V$c. Clear ba,con, 11 to 12. Dried beef, lie to 14c. Simon pine lard, In tierces, 10c Country kettle lard. In tierces, iic. Compound lard 7SC, in tierce. CO lb. tubs, Va! over tierces. Dressed beef, 0 to 8'e. Dressed calve-', Oc to OVic. Dre-tsed hogs, 7c to 7',-iC Cattle, live. $2.50, $4.75. Sheep, $3 to $4.75. Hogs, 54 to 5i. Spring lambs, (tressed, 0, 0V. Spring Iambs, live 4 to 4. (These prices furnished daily by Nelan Brothers.) BUYING PRICES Eggs, strictly fresh, per doz, 26, 28. Chickens, live, per lu, 8c to 10c. Butter, country, per lb., 21c. Potatoes, per bu., G5c, to 75c. RETAIL PRICES. Eggs, strictly fresh, per doz, 30c. Chickens, dressed, per lb., 14c to lCc. Butter, creamery, per Iti, 30c. Butter, country, per lb, 25c. Potatoes, 25c a pk. ' The Children's Friend. You'll have a cold this winter. Maybe you have one now. Your children will suffer too. Tor cough., croup, bronchitis, grip and other win ter complaints One MInuto Cough Cu''e never falls. Acts pioniptly. It Is veiy pleasant to the taste and perfecil harmless. O. B. George, Wlncuesf-, Ky., writes, "Our little girl was at tacked with croup late one night and was also so hoarse she could hardly speak. Wo gave her a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure. It relieved her Immediately nnd she went to sleep. When she awoke nest morning sho had no signs of hoarseness or croup.-' William Warner, Gem Pharmacy, 113 S. Howard st S3 Come in and see the Yale Wonder Clock Now on exhibition at the Hamilton Cigar Store IN THE HAMILTON BUILDING Wind, Blow arid Bluster Are not necessary to sell good beer. After It Is once used tho quality of tho goods In conjunction with Its bright and sparkling ap pearance, at once appeals to your good Judgment, and you feel that you have purchased tho right kind. Our beer Is always good for tho simple reason that only the finest materials obtainable are used and tho utmost cleanliness Is observed In Its manufacture. Burktiardt's Brewers of High Grade Beer Both Phonos 259. DAIRYMEN! Try Distillers Dried f!ralnsl a wonder ful milk producer. Let us sell you mill feed. Peterson & WHylst 033-030 S. IVIatlrt St. Dr. F. M. Caessov DENTIST. 8:80 to 11:B0 n. 111.; 1 to' 5 p. in. 422 Hamilton Building People's Phone 811, Akrou, O ? vitiSwi'rJH ,!, $1 ii. - . av " t