Newspaper Page Text
PPWi-4'"jv"!'', wi ipv W i ,, AKRON DAILY DEJMQCEAT,; FBIDAY. DECEMBER 0 TOOL I b ?, i m it ""' wmi I It B .? If 5 - 1' ". w if- f: ,t I !f 1 I 8 i V f N .f n h .,..,- k? fe? 3 If V (' PIANOS FOR CHfflSTMAS. The Largest and Most Varied Stock - Ever Assembled Under a: Single Roof In Akron, Now Ready For Your Inspection. 50 Styles of Uprights From $125 Up At A. B. Smith's. Special Bargains in Instru ments of Every Grade. Easiest Terms of Payments Visitors Invited. If you nru thinking of n plnno ilo not fail to visit my wurcrooum tomorrow, which ro thronged with tho lntest productloni) of ton lending makers, llcnutlful AhlMroiui), KtuibiillH, Steg crs, II. M. Cables, Singers, HoynlH, and various other innUeH stnnd sldo by sldo n waiting tlio Judgment of the most ajtlcnl. Anions these 50 styles now bulng Mhown arc pianos far more ele gant In nppeaianeo tlian anything you can find elsewheie. In tho matter of lirlco, I aim to save .vou from $50 lo $J00. This I am able to do by the. 1'enson of my largo purchases, as we virtually operate four stories under ono roof and with only one expense In many dlrcctlus iiiHlead of four, On eveiy liand you will llml special bargains. Choice of a roomfull of new upright of various liinkos, Including tho boot, lit a heavy dlHcount. Soma of thukc instruments liavo been ill op pud from the 11)0- catalogueK, and we promplly offer them at a clearing sale to dispose of them at once. It ih quite possible you limy prefer one of these styles to any other.ln whloli case you get extiaoullnary Willie, for the jilanos iiic entirely now and without jtuull or blemlHli of any kind. KIMIJ.W.I, IIAIUJAINS. Three high grade Kimball uprlghtH, two of the laigest size oak and French walnut IIiiIhIi cases, nil mngnitlcent musical instruments, offered this week ifioin -.'() upwind. '8EVEIIA1, SPECIAL HAHGAINS. ltavlug liuil only enough use to do them good, at $00. ' y Jl. M. OAKMSS,'' A few bountiful II, M. Cables, been rented a shoe) time, at $-"-f. STEINWA V HAltCA I N. Special burgalu In Stciuway plan6 nt $1'J5. NKW PIANOS AT NEW PUICES. Tho uprights of the thoroughly mod ern denlgn tlmt we offer at $1115 aro decidedly attractive In nppoaraKeo. Aft a mutter of fact this grado of pianos Ih sold for very much higher HguroM olBOWhere. Wo deliver u piano to u responsible parly on tho payment of a Kinull hiiiii down and allow monthly payments on the remainder, charging only Hlmplu interest for tlio accommn datlon. AN ESPECIAL EAVOKITE. Nearly a year ago I Hot out to secure tho llnost .fii.'.0 ui)rlglit thai could bo built. Everything thnt capital and oxperleneu could suggest Is einbodiea l'l this instrument. Wo ask compo tout Judges to compare it with tho best plnno to bo bought for $:iLT cIhowIioio. Cash or time. A carload of them In stock, Tlio good value and durability of iho Ahlstrom, Kluibnll, Sieger, and otlior makes that I offer In my holiday display cannot bo dwell upon too strongly. If yon mo buying a mod crate priced upright with the thought ttnt perhaps you may exchange It sumo day for un AhlHtrom or Kliutmllll Is well to remember thnt these two high crndu pianos aro sold only by us, and thul such exchange can bo miulo to very much better advantage when the cheaper piano Is bought from us. Buy er a nru always assured or tho highest Jutrlnulu value u our Hitlcsioms, bllghtly used and Second-hand I'lanos. Pianos taken In exchange and re turned from rental l.nvo accumulated lu ju-oat numbers. Wo offer a wide choice to any ono seeking a piano In llrst class"' playing order at a fraction of its original price. Nolo tho follow ing! WOO lloyal upilgh), $1(15. ipxi Arlou, new, $105. $3i5 Kimball, $i.)0. tf'.Mtf llradfoill, l(l5. fUitt Martin ltos. piano, $UW. $275 .Soliumiiiii,.,$l(l. fATTi Klngsbiry, $1115. All of thco aro bnigaltiH of tho strongest tjpo, i have n number of square qlauos nud other inimical Instruments which I am going to bell tomorrow in my tmsenien wareroom at some, tlgures or Othi. A .$700 oquaro piano for $,'J5-$3 n moot. Ji $115 H(iiaro piano for $'.5-$2 n month. A $!I5 square plnno for $'J0-$2 n month. Five and six-octavo musical liistru-inents-$0, $8, $7, $0. $5, $, $;j. Thoy have all got to go, as the llrst nf Jniiunry I don't want anything left. MB 8U11I0 AND A'lHIT MY STOHU O.OMOi;i(OW. A. B. Smith 220 H. Main fit., Akron, ,Q. I '11 H. TTnn-nril at. Ahvrin f IH'2 H, Market St., Haulon, O. 8 West Main pt, MusbIHou, O. ' For New Jail to be Modified. Estimated Saving $15,000. of Commissioners and Committee Decided For Cheaper Material. Architect F. O, Weary has been Instructed to modify tho structural Iron Work plans of tlio new Jail In a ninnner that will reduce the cost of the bulldbig, at least, $15,000, keeping Within tlio estimate of $05,000. Ma terial required by original plans was of tho very best, mid would have run tho cost of the Jail to $80,000. The decision to have the plans modi fied was reached at a meeting of tho Commissioners and Building Commit tee lion, (leo. W. Crouso, Clerk Iter- shey, and .lodge Anderson Friday. Original plans required Chroma steel for all tho cells, bars and lattice work, but it lias been decided to use CUromo steel for only the cells. A cheaper quality of steel will bo used for the other work. Cement will also be placed between tho cells. Instead of lead. Report on the Treaty. Canal Senate Committee Has Agreed to This 'Report. Washington, Dec. 0.-(A. I) The Semite Committee on Foreign Kela tlons today voted to report favorably tho new Jliiy-I'anncefoto treaty pio vldlng for the construction of an Isth mian cnnnl. The' treaty wns criticised vury sharp ly by Sonillors Money and lliicnii, who found In it ninny of the whlcli they urged ugnlusl tho old treaty. Senators Money nml Bncon did not go to tho extent of voting against the treaty, and they acknowledged they are anxious to seo It r; tilled. Still they Insisted thnt tho treaty as It now stands Is very objectionable in 'cnt'iC of tho contingency of war. ", SMITH SAW. Three Men Entering the ' Bank. He Opened Fire and Was Shot Dead.' Chelscn, In., Dee. I1.-(A. P.)-Threo robbers were In the act of breaking Into the Chelsea bank early today when they were discovered by Night Watch, man J, B. Smith, lie opened lire and was shot dead. Tlio robbers Immediately ran to a handcar which they hid waiting and escaped. Ajax Cold Cure Is not a physic, but carries tho cold off through the circulation. You will bo surprised to know how quickly and nicely It docs the work, Ono doso In time saves nine. All druggists. LAST LINKS. Tho Iteservo Corps class of tho First M. 10. church held a whiter picnic in the church parlors, AVednesday night. The class consists of 150 member!. More than 100 were present, and af ter a bounteous supper, a musical program and toasts were given. MIhs ParooiiH, lencher of tlio class was toast mistress. -" Mr. (icoigo Uoher, whoso I'rult and confectionary stoic hits been at Mill st. and Urniidwny.'lias moved to 1155 South Main M, f The heailquarlors'nf the Vounir Wo- ninns' (Miilstmi Association being now lu order, the dedicatory service will bo held lu the rooinN. Sunday afternoon at I o'clock, . All friends of the asso ciation aro Invited. ' i' . Tlio S. II, Kiiox syndicate has pur chased lViwner (c KiIwiikIh 5 ami lite st oio on Main st. DIRTHS. mvrTLlNC-nco. '-,. to Mr. and Mrs. Hiigene Dettllng, Kill Kasl Vorls .(.. n eon, SMITH-Dec. -, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hinltli, 'JO'J Cedar st., a son. MJKOWKKll-liec. 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hukowske, 5CI (Iraut st., a son, HONKYMAN Pee, 1, to Mr. mid Mrs. Win. Honeyinan, i27 North Un Ion st n daughter. DEATH. I'ANamntN-Mrs. Ktiumi L. Pang burn, aged 58, died Friday morning nt her home, 5110 Jlust lluchtcl uvo., of exhaustion, PLANS .'PERSONAL NOTES. - Mr. John Aiidcrtoh, of Wmlswortli, visited Akron friends Thursday.. Mr. Mllo Trensli,- of Akron, Is spend Ingie foV (iny hit Bristol, Trumbull county. Mrs. A. T. trilgo hns been visiting nt the home of Mr. S. H, Itradley lu Medina. Mrs. Idn Tolfey will lenvo Sunday for i.os Angeles, Cnl., to spend the winter with licr daughter, Mrs. .T. S. Smith. 1 t Mr. and Mrs. ftljbort Knox, of Grant st., have hcen spending n week with Holmes county friends. Mr. Put Shank, of Litchfield, wns In Akron yesterday. Ilo hns Just re turned from the New York horse show. Pupils of Millcr'R Actual Business College gave af soclnl and supper In the college' rooms Wednesday evening. The affair win well attended. Attorney T. F. Walsh, formerly president of the Kapld Transit lines, but now of New Brunswick, N. .1., Is lu Akron looking after business af fairs. Thirty young people, clerks In the store of M. O'Nell & Co., on Thurs day evening, surprised Miss Bessie Lyons, ei termor clerk, nt her home In Cuyahoga Falls. The evening watt spent with games and music. An oyster supper wnH served nt 111. Mr. Miner K. Pnlne, editor of the Beacon and Itepubllcnn lu Akron several years ngo, now Assoclnted Press representative In Washington, has berth chosen chn'ruinn of tho com imltteo'of the -'Press Oallery by tho newspaper correspondents at the Cap itol. Mr. Joseph Fotexter, of this city, Is attending the nrr otliig of tl o Fedora, tiou of Labor In Scrauton, Pa. The Ml-sea Hel niitill?r, of K'J fi ant' St., very pleasantly entertained n num ber of their friends at progressive pedro last evening. L'ght refresh nients were served. Mr. Win. Krooger and Miss Lena Ilellniueller won Hist, while Mr. Fied IllsHi and MNs Kllzabeth Haas were consoled. Sev eral Hash lights were taken of the party. Preparations for the banquet and social gatheilng of the Akron Land wehr, which will be held In Coniad hull, next Sunday night, are com plete. Numbers of visitors fiom Lor ain and Mnsslllon will be here, and the meeting Is rcgaided by the local iiicmbfM ni one of the most Important of the year. Convont'on Cltjsu'j. Washliiglou, Dec. U.-(A." P.) The stn ,,, ,.,.,,, n 4). th(l Ami,l lean Antl-Salonii League closed yester day. ThelteV. FilwIiiC. Olinvlddle, reported that the aimy antcen as an Institution, was dead beyond resin rec tum, MARRUGE;LICENSES. Frederick W. IwvlH,;Fnillny... Sarah L. Wng'neri Itarbcrlon. . Oimom's 'profession minister. ,..LS Gonan Doyle Says Pendulum Has Shifted. Dr. A. Conan Doyle. London, liee. 5.-At the Tlinnksglv- mg iiiuuer given under tho auspices of the American Society In London, A. Coiuill Dovlo the novelist, im.ilu,.,-,! perlians tho greatest elTeef or iim m-.l , . i -T - - ' enlng by declaring (he pendulum of the Itrltlsli win Id l.ail now shlfti.,1 Miiuewiieru between New York and Chicago. "There Is no use hi disguising this Important fact," continued Dr. Doyle, ".vet, if the Nngllsh-speuklng races should bo compelled to meet a common foe, tlm world would t-oon see how quickly these same Kiigtlsh-speaklng people would clotje up their ranks ami march shoulder to shoulder for Hie ad vancement or civilization," Anthony Hope the novelist, mild the only thing which remained to be done to bind the nut Ions more closely to gether was for someone to tlud a "com mon denominator for Kugllsli ami American Jokes. NOW FOR DIVORCE. New Phase In Troubles of the Galloways. The last featuio In tho troubles of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin J. (Jallowny Is an application for divorce,, petitioned by Mrs. Oallowiiy, Hh0 accuses her husband of neglect and cruelty, TODAY'S MARKETS. Knst Liberty, Ia., Dee. 0, (A. P.) Cattle, steady; hogs, aqtbo nud 15(fOo higher! sheep, light, steady. Chicago, Dec, (I. (A. lM-Closlug Dec. wheat, 75Mi78; May, 7I(380: coru, 07; onts, -15; pork $10,07. ''--'ltHI;.'w.-r.itt.wW, M. O'NEIL & Important Announcement Our Millinery Department Has orders to sell all Trimmed Hats without reserve during the next ien days. Extraordinary Values in all kinds of Ladies Misses' and Children's, Cloaks. JUST RECEIVED, three hundred New Coats, in all styles, colors. and CJl&UO. o trfft it fi,,K,,K,K,K,,K,,J,t,J,J,J UIT Against Justice CampBelL i Accused ohan "Intent to P4raVd-'" i " - 1 r. Street Car Gong Figures ,; :, Children Divided Between Their Parents. An nctlon Iiiih hcen started In Com niou I'lcati comt against .liiHtlcc .1. It. Campbell aiul his lioiidsmen by Henry .1. Kcriodlu. He accuseH .lustlce Cnmp. hell of HCcretly leleatfliiK a gainlhhee, ".lli malicious intent to dcfiaiid" the pluluiltr out of $i:i.(i5, and he asks judgment for .YIKS.T.i, as compensatory damage and costs. Mi, ticrrodlu states tlint on .luno 21, ItKd., ho rccoveieil Judgment lu Justice Campbell's Court against Joseph T. .loncii, Tor JfJ7.-M, and that money amountliig to 1-1. It), duo .luties from tho Cen. union Tel. Co. us wages, was attached. He further declined that .lustlce Campbell made out a secret order for $1.11, and picsentcd It to tlio garnishee, and a No that ho and do--fendant released the remaining i?i:i.05, Not long nfterwnid, Mr. ' Herrodln be can an action in .lustlce Nash's court against the Central Union Telephone. Co. to collect the money gariilbliccd, buUio lost the ciihe. with eosbs nmount Ing'fo $5.7t, lie alleges, as the result of Justice Campbell's failure to Nmio an order on the garnishee, N. 0. T, DL.h.M)ANT AHA1N. Tlm Nl - ''' c"- lH thuendnnt lu n thiniago suit startcit by Jacob 1'felfer, Jr.. wlio claims that the vigorous ring ing of n stiwt ear gong, after the mo toruuin had been warned to quit, caused tho plmutlff'ii horse to become scjired, and Jump hi fioitl of tlio car, v, hero both the horse ami harness wcio damaged. He asks uamages iiipouut Ing to $21)7.50. The horse, nt tho (line the accident oeuired, wiih being driven by Mr. 1'fellVer's wife, and the plain till' clnjins that the neldent would not have happened If the niotornian had quit ringing the gnug, when he saw the horse was frightened, and when asked to quit. The horse, Mr. Pfelffer alleges, was not tit for, service for -It! days after tho accident. JUDli.MKNT FOH It. & L. Judgment for ? 1,2 10. 10 foreclosure) of a iliortgngc- has been given the Ak ron nulldlng tc Loan Association, against Win. II, Liud, of Akron, ALLOWKD HIS TOOLH. in tho case of Kvu S. Castner vs. r.inest 1). Castner for "dissolution of tho Aoinq Pattern Works partnership, the receiver, A. S. Mottluger, has been directed to give H. S. Castner two sets of pattern making tools. ounint OF APPRAISAL. Bridget tiaraliau him been grunted mi order for appraisal of property In Ak ron tho estate of Thomas (luruhap, CHILD FOlt KAOII PAItHNT. Judge Anderson has disposed of the troubles of Policeman Marvin J. OaL loway and his wife, by giving the fnth. er custody of one of tho ehlldton, n girl aged '. anil tho mother custody of tho other', a boy, aged li. Tho jnofhorl .wus compelled to bring tho children, lu O'NEIL & CO yr - - n.W - .rynwtfwrtt. m. (5 .Dl .-ill J $ i i i c i c i' $ I I 6 ..J ,ii,)'tVR'tij'iPs,iiP5-te)'iWiP)-fe! to court, by a writ of hnbeas corpus, bho had taken them to the home Jf her parents, in Nortlinnipton. STAGE Line Between Ak ron and Falls. Things nre.beglnnlng to lool ns If tho Old llnpMd Translt'lino between Akron illjd CujNihogii Kails would eventually bo regarded In the saino light as a stage coach Hue. Only one car will bo used 6u tho line, and Kiipt. Ualtou hns Issued orders to conductors to nlop to tnke passengers on or let them off- In frontof every house, or wherever else passengers want to get on or off. .In the olllce of the N. O. T. Co. this lino Is known as "The Old Mountain Line," or "Horseshoe llenil," Secre tary Mooro said Krlilay that the one car on .this line would be run every day, rain or shine, including Sundays. Our line of line furs is superior lu quality and much cheiper In price. Iliads Hear, nyrldcr Ilros. REAl ESTATE TRANSFERS. (Furnished by the Abstract. Title Ouaranteo & Trust Co., No. UiO K. Main st.) James K. Church to Henry W. Le lausky, -U.(M) fert on Carroll st., $701) A. H. Alexander to Anna Itellly, 50 feet on Itellly st,, near Mcrrfman st., ?:oo. Kiully R. Hitter to AVilllniu Kiintz. 50 feet on Thornton st., $1. John YV. Brown to Flilel Wll'le, -15 feet on Holl.o'.vay st., north of Wooster ,lv- $' Heirs of Zebulon W. Townend and Phoebe K. Townseml to Park C. lllg low, .about 11 acres hi Hlchtlcld. town ship, $1500. Walter II. Perkins to Oeo. it, Clark, 10,1'fet on Aion st., Suucrest allotment, $-'. Andrew J. Lamllr, nilmlnlstrator, to Maiy Wernet, about 70.SI1 feet on W oster nve., $500. Henry ltltter to William Kuntz. 50 feet on Thornton st., corner of Am hcrsf st.. $550. John Slim ii mid wlfi to Jacob C. and Nellie ltlluii, Hi; feet on Norman lit., lliirliertou, .1250. Adam K, Kllng, assignee, to Amos (Jrllllth, lot No. 22 lu II. S. Felloe's allotineilt. $810. Arthur A. and Gertrude J. Miller to W. W. Mcintosh, lot No. 115 Maplo 't.iove allotment, $1. Cen. 10. . Ilolbpii to Henry lire-Men itlne. J), acres In lot 00 Norton town ship, $!175. John (Irether et nl. to Homer Ttass, lots 107 and 108 In Crother & Pfellfer'a allotment, $150. Helrg of Alfred Swartu to Jacob Wertie, 22.50 iicies In Coventry, $2000. Noah A. Foust to Hlljnlt Wlllhins, (0 feet Hazel st., near Adams st,, $2200. Jacob Werne to John V. Swnrtz, 0(1 feet on Lake st nynr Main St., $1800. Jennie H. Wise to Albert Myeis, land 51.50x55 feet on K. lluchtcl ave., near Ann st., $575. Filllh Kellogg (o Karl H. Aiigustlu. 4,55 iiereH in lot 2 tract 2, Coventry township, $000. Walter It, Manning, et til, to Jacob Stelguer, 12 aercH In south part of city, $1,00. Marlon K. Kh? to Allen King, 10 feet on' King St., near H. Main st., $1,110, Million E. King to Ellen J, Klug. - 15 feet on King st, $1.00. ' CO . A.,' JEolslsy RA.GLANS, NEWMARKETS . .... TIiree-Quarter Length Coals. -4 2T-Incli Jackets, - . ' - - from $7.50 to 030 Tailor Riade Suits Froirm OHO to 0S2O Stylish Dress Skirts , from S530 to 020 Walking Skirts from $3.50 to JpIO Silk Waists From 03 to $G Fancy Flannel Waists Tfl - Children's Automobile Coats fB-oinrn $2.50 to OIO, Fur Scarfs '." -;.-.'', v,'-"'' ''Vv: from OB.JSO to $SQ HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND BLANKETS i' 1 t tho Lowest Prices 1 :' B M Bff!)8 &Vff 9K? ? Oamflr.ffl & I an m cexcwc8Mxae5EKexas3oiMa If You Enjoy Being Correctly and Comfortably Shod Try Wagoner & Marsh's femsammammammmmmmmsmam O H $3.50 SHOES i I' 1 For Men Q Q Equal fb any $5 Shoes. For Sale Only by WAGONER & MARSH, We Fit the Feet Telephone No. 1 035 1 . 109 South Howard St. That's AH. The Truthful Advertisers rxooxwow?xe3D3awixay3 There is Nothing More Appropriate than a.... tisical Instrament- If yon ran nIToiil It, a Piano Ih tho tlilnp, ami yon will niake no mistake. In Heleethitf one of our Hush & tJertK. There Is nothing ciniiil to them at tho lil'Iee. If you can't alTort It, l.tiw nliout if Guitar, Mandolin Tho eelehnited Inuierlal, WiiHhhiirtio and service ami entire IVtssriclolins from,.,',,,,,,,,, Ouitora ft-rv-i ,. 'rho largest htoek of niiisle In cliy. O . O . BRO A 11 e: L- L- PEOl'M-rH PHONE 1118. STORE TANMER'S Grape Fruit 20 Boxes to sell at 65c doz. Vermont biigo checno tor our trado Saturday. Saturday hpeelal Wo offer ai;nln Yk of a KroumKo Da Hrlo Cheese, for 5 i-entK Just In order to let you try It. If you are thinking of haklnp inlneo meat, we have reoxvod, hoiiio untied el der that is ood nh'd puvo. Also havo reeelved a barrel of Duffy .Sweet Ci der, refilled so' that no ineservatlved need bo uxpd to Ijcaji It. Nice for tu ble use or mluco fj'len. w.wwwww.i,iifii wi- w. PLACE YOBR WANT j onro iji tj ap tscr; ceaceaaxcoaca83i3 and Women c8aceac9X83sa):9ssa J or CV3ui:3So Box Itohiuaiin makes, Biinranteed Ions fjiitlnfacfion. -to i960 92. SO "to $SO Call and ho contluced. 'J07 UlLIi STREET. NEWS Country snitsnKe will bo In early In tho niornliiK. Oysters will eomo In twleo diirlnj; tho day. Fresh smoked sturseon, smoked her rliiK. faney cheese, will coiuo. In as usual. Poinpernlekel Brpail and Milwaukee, Wis,, meats oji morning express, Hpeelal for Saturday Four paekages nilneo meat, good quality, !t." eents. Telephonn No. 03, PEUUY K. TANNEll. ADS. LVTHE DEMOCRAT 1 I 3 8 Is A V,2 'A !iWt.3lk! Sfckj4.' i-m ,.-Siit,a ,.,A 'i!?fflffl,f;. . i . -v. .imHsagmsa-. 'iimmmLiMMu -Mm IW..W'li t '.'.. l. . ,1. 4 .. .. rf, .. i&4p,mhl"!j&ii&ti JMtWj iz&tKMttaM !i -'j S4fcw