Newspaper Page Text
mmtftmriV IfmM 'fiwiif ;ii' "' wm . I. dJKROtf DAILY DEMOCRAT. Friday, L.'sagg DECEMBER 6 1901 THE AKRON DEMOCRAT Nos. 103-185 outhMaln 8trcjt PUBLISHED UV AKRON DEMOCRAT THE CO Entered at tlio postofltce nt Akrou, O.. as Bccoml-cli&s tnattiT. a ho Bully Democrat will bo delivered overy evening by carrier for G CENTS A WEEK. B? trtall $3.00. ... $1X0 for six months. ..x..:xx"tX"':"X"tcx'X"j"M,,X''! ......-..: t. t TO TELEPHONE THE DEMOCRAT CALL No. ISO FIUDAY, DEC. 0, 1001. THE LEADER'S PRESCRIPTION. Tho Cleveland Leader of tills morn ing takes in tlio cudgels In drfeimo of tlid President's nostrum of, "nnl' llulty" as a euro for trum vvIIh, iml goes on to argue tlniL nulriiHliIng tbo iniririnniis mollis made by tlio com- litlioH at tlio expense of tlio public will In somo mysterious way prevent com binations being made, or tbat will In Bonio nindo imt explained prevent those alreaily made from doing future iiilsclilcf. It would bo Just as rational to expect tbat by publishing the win nings of .'i gambler, bo would quit gambling and tbat other gamblers would go out of business, or, If not In, that they would not begin. When the Leader begins to recommend vein cdles for trusts, we may well bo sus picious that thu medicine Is one that the trusts vlfl otuuject to take, and that, like all good medicine, admin istered by 4i skillful doctor, It will help and not harm the subject of It. And lo vlndlcalo our position In re gard to the message, we call attention to the following extract from tbo Now Vork Times of Wednesday, Which b.Iiows that this piotecled ' In terests themselves aio sails lied with the President's posi tion in dealing with them, and II. Is of course true thai If they aro content with It, tbo people should not be: A" good deal of Interest was mani fested In what the President had to 'say on tlio subject, of taiirr revision and reciprocity. It may bo stated in a gen eral way that .this portions of the message dealing Willi these subjects suit the protectionists perfectly. If they had been given lo the public ncvcrnl weeks ago, ten days before, tlio Reciprocity convention was held, no doubt they would have worried the ardenL defenders of thu present Inrlff schedules. Head In tho light of Inter developments, (hey contain nothing- to which tho advocates of the "let-well-eimugh-nlono" policy do not give their unreserved approval. "On tho other hand, those who want tho tariff revised In tho Interest or tho foreign twidu of tho United Mates Hud no comfort In what tho President says. They do not regard thu support for teclproclty that conies from tlio White llouso as worth any more to the cause they nr(( advocating than was the support that came 1'ioiu the Heel proclly convention, The Iicmocrats, of course, openly condemn the plea for Hhlp subsidies, for they consider the President's remarks Jiboul I lie up building of tho mereiiiut marine as such a plea. Among the Republicans 'iin be found a good many Congress men and Kenators who express regret that tho President lias given aid nnd comfort to a legislative scheme which they look upon lis pernicious and ns savoring strongly of Jobbery." In tho distribution of seals In tho lions,, of Representatives at Washing ton the Ohio C!(ingresamen did not faro Very well. Theodore Utirtoti and .1. 1I. ltoldler, of Cleveland, and Onpiiil Dick, of Akron, are In the last row, and uvi'ii Air. Tayler, Congressman from the Klghteen'th district; waH obliged to take a seat well back. For once Ohio docs not appear In tho flOUt. Yoiingstowii Vliidtca'tor. "' The Upham-Brouse Co. Holiday Shoppers WELCOME 1 Thirty Departments at Your Service. The Great ! V Corner Stores.! sir -- . . . . ft vriiiria L3par"x.rTnis?rTi The Upham-Brouse Co. I .:..:..:..y:..:..:.o OO&WVV'a W VW W VV W V kX...:..c..:x I WISE and g . -- fts 5 Otherwise. $ Itegln to buy early, and avoid tho rush, ! The wibo advertiser will also "come early." $ A Cood many people have less money lor yiirlstmas lu sight than they plan ned to have, about 11 months ago. It Is to bo hoped that Mr. Harris .will not blame It all on Young "Jim" (iarllehl. Mr. Harris may be wondering whether 1,6 Is senator-elect or only ex ropresentative. ! "Akron always was a great town for clubs and secret societies," remarked the Observing Citizen. It may come to pass that a few pieces of coal will bo as much, of a Christina present as any iiianufacturer would euro for. "I see," remnrked a W. 0. T.' U. woman, "that a man who was hurt by a street car called on, the police to inrcst a' bartender. Ills drunken va gary was. taken as a Joke, yet It merely demonstrates forcibly what wo W. 0, WHAT GOES UP T. V. women iiiivn long maintained that the person who sels II. e liquor that gels others Into troublu is the proper Individual to arrest." J 5' ? That Now Year's pies-cut of 1" po licemen which Judge Anderson gave the city, Is like sonic Christmas pics ei.ts. It Is not yet paid for. fr "I want a variety of stuff." "Very well." And the waiter -biought him some vegetable soup, a Tom and Jerry and a piece of mince pie. .j. Suowllakes scuirled before the win try blast. Signs squeaked loudly. One of the waiting passengers shiver ed and then spoke: "The only way to lemedy the wrvlce Is to get after Ihe Councilman fioin your ward," Jie said, as his teetli chat tired. "Ifeio I've waited' .for twenty minutes for one of the cars that aie said 10 have n seven minute schedule." Other teotli chattered. More snow Hakes scurried. ''The' company misses enough fares hi a day trying to keep up the sched ule, to pay tho crews, of four extra carp." Tlio squeaking of the sign was still unmixed with any sound of an ap proaching car. fr AUTUMN. Tho naked hills lie wanton to the breeze; Nude are the Holds, the groves un frocked, And bare aro tlio limbs of the shiver ing trees; Vlnit wonder that tho corn Is shock, edl tt' it Hi Hi it Hi 0 Hi Hi Hi Hi il Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi i Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi 0 Hi v Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi il Hi Hi il Hi Hi 6 Hi Hi H) Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi iSl MAIIM The Upham-Brouse Co Grand Opening in This Department Saturday SPECIAL SALE ...ON. Beautiful Christmas For Ladles and Gentlemen Gifts 1,000 beautiful qurtdriplo silver plated bon bon - sugars and creamors, ash trays, etc, price 50c , sale price 100 12-piece toilet sots, in beautiful floral ' i designs, regular price $8.00 . price 50.100-piece decorated dinner sots, tgfc JT .,!.,.. ..: fflT ( . nnln ...Inn A, 1U LI IIHH IJI1UC 'jM .UV ouiu piiuu 50. 100-pioco decorated somi-porcolain dinner sots," ? regular price $18.00 sa Vrico 25' lOO-picco Carlsbad China seta, . . , regular p'riqq $18.00 .' .'.'.'. V .'.'. : sale price 25 100-pioce dinnor sots in Johnson Bros, and Grobloy's un'doi'glnzp ' ' ''blue, regular price $15.00 '. ... -1 ..','.. .'l. . .'.'. ! V .' '. sale price (50 decorated water sets, regular price 75c sale price 1,000 decorated. China cako plates, 1 '"cheap at 25o. ; sale price 1,0.00 15c mantels, iirst quality ' $15 $11 7c onsunner. c can save you 33J per cent on all your purchases. J $ The I'lilladelplila Itecord thinks that "Uie great smoothness with wlilcl. the. Trusls aie licked on one side by the rreddent's message will amply soolho them for tho little toughness with which they aro licked on the other fcldu," And any iimialnlng sinoifth Hess that may bo lequheil by the tlliNts will bo supplied by Congress. Tho VoungHtown papers nie disposed to regiiid the directory men's estimate of population as ir It really meant something. Akiou may lmfo some thing to bing of hi tills legaid when Its illiectory i-iiiivuhh Is tlulshcd Tho Imriiiouy that atleuds tho ses lloiiij of Akron's esteemed Jtoaid nfi Clty.CnminlHHlnuci'H Is of a tpe which nny campaign coininltteo should bo prQ,iul to emulate. When Akion decides to build a new City Inll, It should not forget to havo" u sj'ninnslum annex for the bcneilt of militant city oillclals. " Jlr, Croker's declaration of Intention F, to retire from poilllcs will have to un dergo tho usual probationary tent. It's Up to You. Jf; you want Wade"H Llttlo.l'hotoii, ct iliein now. Wade leave" Tr. .v I'.,' .1st. 207 S SJurkct. Must Come Down. Nothing Is mure certain than that tho use of HO-called tonics, stimulants and remedies, which depend upon ill-, col'.ol for their effect, Is injurious to health In the long run. What goeh up must come down and tho elevation of spirits, tho temporary exhilaration resulting from a dose or, medicine containing alcohol, will cei talnly 1m) followed In a' few hours by a corresponding depression to rellovo whllo another doso must bo tnken. Iu other wouls, many liquid patent medlclnea detlvo tl.elr effect entirely from tho alcohol they contain. Alcohol, and medicines containing It, aro temporary stlmi.lants and not lu any sense a true tonic. Iu fact It Is doubtful If any medicine or ding is a, real tonic. A tmo tonic Is something which will i renew, replenish, build up the exhaust ' ed iionous system and wasted tissuea of tho body, something that will en , rich the blood and endow It with- thu proper proportions of red and whlto 1 , nnrnitHplpH which nrnvent or deslror dtHeaso germs, This Is what a real tonic should do and no drug or aleo holic stimulant will do It. Tlio only tine tonle In nature I wholesome food, thoroughly digested Uyery particle of 'nervous energy, ev ery minute muscle,, fibre and drop ot hlnoil Ih created ilnllv from the rood wb digest. ' Tlio mere eating of food has llttlo " to do with the repair of waste tlss-uo ,7 but the perfect digestion of the food if. eaten has everything to do with it. j? Tlio reason so few people have per- jj feet digestion is because from wrong' ; liablls of living tho stomach bus grail- .? unity lost the lKiwor to secrete the gas. If' trie Juice, peptones and iu'ldn lu sulll cleut quantity, To cine indigestion and stomach troubles it Is necessary to tako after meals bonio harmless lueparatlon ' which will supply the natural peptonu ' jl and dlustiise which every weak sfom- j ,7 ach lucks, and probably thu best prep oration of this character Is Stuart's P Dyspepsia Tablets which may ha found lu every drug storo and which ,v contain hi pleasant palntable form tho K'. wholesome peptone and dlaslaso which nature requires for prompt digestion. Olio or two of these excellent tablets taken after meals will prevent sour ing, fermentation and acidity and ln mirp complete digestion ami asslinlla. tlon. Stuart's Dyspepsia TabetH are equal lj valuable for little children as for adults, as they contain nothing harm ful or stimulating but only thu natur al digestives. One of Stuart's Dynpepsln Tablets Will digest 1,800 grains of meat, eggs or other wholesome food, and they are In every sense a gejmluo tonlo because they bring about In the only natural way a restorative of nervo power, a bulldhiR "1 of lost tlssyo and np petite, In the only way It can be dono by the digestion and assimilation of wholesome food. PYTHIAN KNIGHTS. Their Arrangements Made For Entertainment. 31r. S. (!, lingers will deliver tho ad dress of welcome at the District con vention of the Knights of Pythias In Mol'hersou hull next Wednesday eve ning. Dr. C. It. .Morgan, of Wayne county, win give tho rosqioiifcc: After the program of addresses 41ml a ques tion box conducted by Pror. 11. V. 1 lOgbert, tho llrst and third degtees will be o.einpi:ilod and refreshment will then be served. CHINA DEBAFrroviE:iM-r Tjie Upham-Brouse Co. asaaaaaarssaasasaaaasaaaa-aaaaaaaasaaaaas m m (0 w ( m m m m w m y m m m m m m m m m m m m m -m -m m m m m w 7PTA IC AFLOAT AGAIN: Bpat WhicrjWas In jkron Weeks Ago? Reaches Zanesvillc. Zanesvllle, O., Doc." (I.-(A. P.)-Tho Yflcht ieta, hi chat go of ('aptain Deinlug, of New Oilcans, has reach-H-d Zauesvllle, after liayjng been stranded at the mouth of thu Ohio cannl for many weeks.'' Onpt. Demlng with his wife and two daughters nindo the trip from .Vew Orleans nrnmid thu Atlantic coast and to tho lakes. COMBINE Of Leather Belting Factories. A little money sometimes does wnat n lot of work and worry wont do. For Instance, If you want to seeuru proficient help and cant Unci it, a wint ad. in The Democrat 'will put you in touch with the nian you want. It Js Said Akron Property Will be Included. It Is reported Hint the property of tho Akroh Iteltlng Co. is to bo Includ ed, In the combine of leather belting factories now being organized. Oillclals of the company declined to dlwciiss the reports Friday, neither continuing nor denying tliem , Reduction Stylish, Elegant Street Hats, Children's Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats. Trimmed Stock, Pom Poms, Fancy Pads and Quills, all at Greatly Re duced Prices. New stock of Hand-. som,o Wintqr Goods. Smith & Teeple 173 3. LVIAIIM MILLINERS. c-yt Kik nu. HUfKikvbkPiUcimi, tp t nana, nana nv i nanana na M. 0ML & CO. Art i $ i i $ I C ! Full lino of Jvtiodri Laco Sonrfs, Squares and Doilies. W Honutiifiil nssortmont. of wliito Imnd ombroidoroil $ work, consisting of Lunch Cloths, Sonrfs, Squares' and Doilice in pnttorns to match throughout. Ronuissaneo Squuros and Scarfs in largo variety. f Largo nssortniont of ' r PILLOWS ! in Loathor, Silk, Yolour, Tapestry and Hand Kmbroidor- fill 1 Il II tllf1(lkin Irira.AaaKr .. . .1 t . I . 1 . 1 J. 1. .1!. it iZ ui in uiiiiiiDuiuu uuaiiie, mm a nigiiiy aiiruciivo tmo OI Linen Deeartment North Aisle, Main Entrance. D ELEGANT IGNS. y:&S&&&&e&e&e&&&&&&&i&&&&&&eS&e& MF Hi Hi Hi it Hi Hi Hi Hi ib Hi PIANOS M m m m m We have the largest stock of Pianos in the w city. It is very easy for you to select your Hi Piano here, as we onlv sell ffood and reliable M -. - 7 .. ,, -. .. Pillow Tops at 15c up I t I i 1 ttfttt'flrt'ft.ttW,! ?MWiHrti!4Ki4fi!n4tf4? Comploto lino of Battonborg Braids, Cords and Trim iniugs in gonoral and a largo stock of plain hem stitoho d Liiiou Lunch Olotlts, Squares and Doilies in all sizes. M. 0'NEIL & CO. Hi il Hi $ are giving 19 Hi Hi 0 Hi instruments at the Lowest Prices. If you buy one of our Fine Pianos, you will have an in strument that will always please you. .We Special Inducements w m m m & 0 To purchasers from now till Xmas. Come in fa $ and we will tell you all about it. Terms to jg Hi in & suit. Also a complete line of Violins, Music fa $ Boxes, Mandolins. Guitars, Banjos, Brass or 2 ft noou liisLruiiitsiiio, ui ciiiy uuiig in iiiuokj. jff jg Come in and hear the new improved Talking jjj Oi Machines. 3 I ' J.KRATZ, 1 g Open Evening's. 129. S. Howard St. & m. Hip DcinotTiit ovcry duy. ige(idtjuf Democrat; every duy. i . f PLACE iWK WANT ADS. IN THE N DEMOCRAT J :x.. Njft :-WaJA,,. , gaiihMiJlMttd i tfltovi ifraifiQb.' j, :i ij 3Kf. lid(ULW(5(tu.l'j v., Ml