Newspaper Page Text
"WKPSTt TMl .6 ,AKKON daily democrat, itbiday, December 1901. n m a i re t t U V 5 n i: it i I I I7l H i p n ! i t 4 hi B ?? 'V f-V SPORTS. THREE MEN IN ONE NIGHT. "Kid" McCoy recently defeated three heavyweights in England ouo night, one nfter tho other. The llrst wns Dave Barry, of Philadelphia, who was put down and out In n round nnd half; tho second naa Jack Scales, of Iondon, who was put awny with one blow. The third man, "Juck Madden, was pel milted to stay to Uic cud through the good nature of McCoy, al though It was noticed that the Hooslor tighter had his opponent entirely ut his mercy. The llrltons now want a match be tween McCoy and the heavyweight champion of England, Jack O'Brien, of Philadelphia. ' HASTDKNHIIS ARE DISQnUNT LED. In view of the fact that "Young Cor bctt" will not meet Teiry McGoveni Again, before having met Home of the easy ones, and earning a -uliole lot of money for himself In Just the way Terry McGoveni did after ho became champion, the eastern lighters, maling ers and ptcss agents iiip veiy sore nt the young Westerner, and they say and write some veiy haish things about him. They lire as clannish, In their way, for their own man, as the West erners nro said to havo been at uiu Umo of the selection of n lefeieu for tho Ruhlln-.Teffries light, and they can $ce nothing In the policy of "Young Corbctt" that they do not call fear. Tho good laste of Akron merchants la seen to splendid advantage In their Ihow windows thesu days. DAVEY AND WENDT. Otto Wendt, the Cleveland wrestler, who has challenged I'tank Duvey, to I match, evidently believes he has a kick coming. The Cleveland morning papers contain tho announcement that be Is Malting for Davey to make good his acceptance, and he accuses tl'e Ak ron wrestler of negligence, In linvlug forgotten to name u place and il.ito for meeting. Davey, who was seen Fiiilny morn ing, by a tepoiter, said: "I am willing to meet Wendt at any Line cr nt any place. If ho wants to make I match with me he can come heiu or Bend a lepresentntlve and I will al ways bo ready to meet him nt Bill Smith's place, wheio we can make lin Igrcement and post a loifelt," Davey has been 111 for some time, but has been netlvo In trying to he euro matches, In splto of this fact. ANOTHER WADSWORTII SHOW. Another athletic show will bif hold t Wndsworlh, Tuesday night, Dec. 17, A number of uthletlc events that are jald to bo Hint clnhs. ranged, and nmong other things thero will be n wrestling mntcli for ?B0. Ak ron talent will bo among tho enteitaln Drs. Wadswortb has tnken up the mat. ter of athletic exhlbltons very often lvcly this winter, and tho shows ate lal dto bo llrst class. BOWLING. Tho Akrons defeated tho Maroons In two out of three games In the Grand Alley leaguu series, Thursday night, l'ho scoies wero as follows: "Akrons 8(12, 817, 8.1(1. Maroons-810; 8(!S, 708. The Grands and Ultras will meet to night The Empires nnd tho Ceieals will contest tonight In the Howard St. Alley leaguo. JENKINS COMING. Tom Jenkins, the Cleveland wrest ling champion, will make his initial uppearancu ut the head of his own show, at the Giand opera hoimo In this city, next Wednesday night. Ho will of cmirBO be tho star attraction, nnd tho moving pictures or tho McGov-crn-Corbett, JclTrles-Kuhllii light will also bo shown. Jenkins offers $50 to nny wrestler who will meet him, nnd whom ho fnllH to throw In 15 minutes of worlc Any local aspirant can bo accommodated by sending his unmo to Mnniger Albaugh. Jenkins will nlso give exhibitions with 'Dou Payne. c MEMORY FOOD. iVCase Where Memory Was Strengthened by Grape Nuts. Food Uint will actually help tl.t memory as well ns ngreo peifectly with a delicate stomach Is worth knowing of. A good wlfo out In Alia, la., who dirt not know wMilch way to turn to get food that would ngreo with her hus band who was left In a weakened con dition, after a serious Illness and could scarcely letaln any food In his stom ach, wns one day Induced to try him on Grnpe-Nuts, the famous icady cooked breakfast food, and from thu Qrst ho began to Improve rapidly. In three months ho hud gained SO pounds. She says that his stomach has re rovered to completely that liu can now Kit any kind of food. She mentions the boy of an Itlmato mjualntauce, who wns ho dellcnto and thin that ills appeaiauco was pitiable md ho hud no appetite for any ordi nary food. Ho was put on Grape-Nuts Dtid liked the erlspuess and sweetish tnsto of tho now food and toqk to It Ills Impinvcment began at mice and ho la now n healthy, plump boy. "I know that Grnpe-Nuts will do wore for weak stomachs than any medicine. Tho claim that It will build up nnd strengthen the brnln has been proven to my certain knowledge, Sister, who writes for tho press, nnd Is compelled to memorize n great deal, hns been using Gnipe-Nuts and sajs i (He is surprised ut tnu result, iiierc Is a marked Improvement In her mem- Dry und the brnln works moio per fectly nud with better results. ''PJcnso do not mention my name." Name, can bo given by the Postnm - Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mlchl- n, v A Thrcc-Corncred Story of Traveled Love. ft t'Jtat:y Crrjry 1 MATRIMONY ENTANGLES HER Philadelphia, Dec. &. A cuilous three-cornered tale of domestic Infel icity Is revealed In the suit for divorce brought ngalnst Mrs. Mary Giay Krlcke, by her second husbnnd. Her Jlrst husband, Eplnlam Bonliam Gray, of Piano, Texas, whom h!k be lieved to bo for tho last 21 years has come to Philadelphia to aid Krlcko to obtain (he deciee. Mrs. Giay-Krlcko has never been di vorced from Giay and she has bad pa pers picpaicd In a suit to compel him to support her In caso she Is deprived by the courts of u legal right to depend for meaim of livelihood on husband No. 2. Oratorio, "Creation," given at tho Fhst German Reformed church Fri day evening, Dec. (I. Admission, 25c. JANE TOPPAN. The Grand Jury Is Considering Her Case at Barnstable. Barnstable, Mass., Dec. 0. (A, P.) Without waiting for tho usual proceed ing of a formal hearing before tho District court, nt, which the defense usually has an oppoituulty to be heard, the Barnstablo county grand Jury today will be bo .asked to act up on tho caso of Miss Jane Toppau, who Is held lu Bainslublo Jail charged with tho murder of Mis. Maty E. Glbbs, of Oatnumot, Mass. Tho calling of the gtnnd Jury today, Is an extiaoidlnnry oceuirenee and has cienlcd considerable comment In this vicinity. A number of witnesses hnvu nriived. Among them Is Pi of. E. S. Wood, of the llarvnid Medical school, who assisted In tho autopsy and miulo tho chemical examination of tho stomach of Mrs. Glbbs and oth er members of tho household, who, tho government claims, suspicious cli cumstauci s. died under NOT BURIED. Springfield Authorities Still In- quiring About Hosner. Local pollco havo received another telegram fiom Spilngllehl, O., relative to the disposition of tho body of Theo dore Hosner, the Prussian, who wns killed at that placo by a train tho night beforo Thlinksglving. It Is be lieved ho has n wlfo nnd two children burled In Akron, but this has not been veillled by olllcers. ,110 had $80 on his person, and will bo given a lespeetn bio builal, but where, luis not yet been decldded. Littlo Lett. Creditors and depositors of tho Ru pei lor Savings and Ranking company, of Cleveland, which was fenced Into bankruptcy through tho business meth ods of Its seerotnry, tho lato Jacob Rlodt, will not recover moro than tvventy-Uvo cents on the dollar from tho wrecked concern. This state ment is based on the lepoit of Walter D. Hayle, tho receiver. Mr. Haylo stated that tho liabilities of tho company amounted to about SIOO.OOO. Mortgaged pmpeitles havo been counted as assets, but tho actual assets of the concent will piobably not bo much over $1!5,(XK. Officers Elected. St Opoiko Coinmniitluiy, KnljjhtH of St. .lolui, ousted tho followli7(;om ccis ThuiMldj- nlRht: Vn'sirlont, (,,, A. I'froin; vlco piCNlrtentw, I'aul Clor man und I'ctcr Seller; lcconlliik' uiul coni'spondliiK Hcciotnry, Henry Keni. pel; financial Heeiotary, John Ooilmch; treasurer, Iwin Heifiin.m; tinstees, J. V. KnuiH, l'nul Oennan, Henry Wlllenlmcher, John OiIchsIuk, John IIiiiiuucJj ilelepttt'H 10 Sixth DlHIifct C'onmnilery, Jacob Hieliier ami m waul lleiKinan; IeleKiiten to tho Cen tinl Catholic Association, W. lUclner and Pinnk Wnltnraj military olIlueiH. cniitaln, J, V, Kraim; llih lieutenant, CleorKO A. I'froin; becoud lieutenant, Mlchuel German. PLAN For Receiving School Contributions. Supt. Jones Has Set One on Foot In Cleveland. Cleveland, O., Dec. 0.-(A. V.)-h. II. Jones, superintendent of Public schools, has devised a plan for lccclvlng con tilbutlons fiom pupils to the McKlnley National Memorial fund, that has re ceived the hoaity approval of tho of llclnls of the National Association. It U pointed out that In the schools at tended alike by tho ehlldicn of rkh nnd poor, public offeilngs often causa Buff ciing to fconsltlvo pupils. Mr. Jones' plan Is for a secret contribution. Each pupil will bo supplied with on envelope on which will bo written tho name and home nddiess. Whether a contribution Is made or not, this envel ope, will be sealed and handed to tho teacher, who will send It to tho desig nated treasurer. In this way, no one knows the amount of the r onlrlbutlon, or whether ono has given at nil. Contributions fiom a penny up are received. Every contributor Is given a souvenir certlli en to no matter how small his offer ings. This souvenir certltlcnto fur ther preserves a contributor's pildo by simply stating that ho Is a contribu tor wtlhout giving the amount. In this way the children who .luive given a penny, and the millionaire who on ti Unites his thousands are on equal footing. The McKlnley National Memoilal Association thinks so well of the Idea that It will probably indorse Its use for tho entire country. WELL KNOWN Doylestown Woman Died In Cleveland Hospital. Mrs. Hettle Rles Kline, ono of Doylestown's best known und most respected women, died In a Cleveland hospital Friday noon. Mis. Kline was taken to tho hospital a week ago. The lemains will be sent to Doylestown. Mrs. Kline wns 50 years old and the widow of the late Peter Kline. One son, Mr. Ross Kline, of Wndsvvorth, survives her. Funeral notice later. PROFITABLE. Results of Mary Day Nursery Bazaar Satisfactory. Tho Maiy Day Nursery bazar was concluded at Rose hall Thursday eve ning. At.laigo crowd attended, and, although the proceeds havo not yet been figured up, it has been announced that tho results nro veiy satisfactory. Tho same piogram of tableaux pie sonted Wednesday evening was le peated Thursday evening. Col. Meade Not Guilty. Washington, Dec. (i.-(A. P.l-It Is announced at the Navy depiutment thnt the court muitlal, In the ease of Col. Robert U Meade, of the Murine Coipi, who was tried on tho charge of drunk enness has icported ills acquittal, and he has been njfttored to duty at tho Brooklyn navy yards. Anything for salo Democrat Liners. or trndo, try FOR SALE ENTIRE PLANT And equipment of The Guarantee Rubber Co. At a very favornblo figuro if 6oltl on or boforo Deo. 10. The Plant is Fully Equipped for the Manufacture of Rubber Goods and Re&dy to Operate. E:. AIM OF9E: 33, Attorney, Hamilton Building, Akron, 0. I It's An Undisputed Fact That tho tnilor-mnclo mnn recoivos more con sidorntion in tho business und social roalm than tho "hund-me-down" olothod man. Tho first impression is tho most lasting and tho man who is neatly but quiotly dressod un doubtedly makes tho best improssion. Wo havo some elegant pattorns for winter Ovor ooats and Suits to ohooso from. Stop i and let us show you some of thorn. The Best For Your Money Always PRIDE THE IMPORTING TAILOR 120 SOUTH HOWARD STREET HATS HrV 4J mmmiM Fined and Sent to Workhouse. Chas. Hastings, arrested Wednesday night, on chnrgo of suspicion, wnB fined $15 and costs and sentenced 30 dajs to the workhouse by Mayor Doyle, I'lldny. W. it. .Tones nppeared as complaining witness, accusing Hast ings of stealing four shirts and two neckties. Oiatoilo, "Creation," given at tho hirst Geiman Reformed church, Fri day evening, Dec. C. Admission 2oc. Fall andi Winter Woolens Are nearly all in and an early inspection would insure you a first choice. The patterns are pretty and very serviceable. Our work is backed up by our guarantee as to style, quality and fit. E B. Tragler The Fashionable Tailor. Guth Mock. 1 34-136 South Howard St v IV but lowor in price and furthermore they guarantee every article they sell if it doesn't give satisfaction in every detail bring it back and they'll make you so highly pleased with their liberal methods that you'll surely come again. We positively will not allow our customers to lose one single cent on any purchase made of us, neither do we lose by replacing goods that are not exactly right. We deal with only Buch houses as are thoroughly reliable and back up their merchandise. Do you run any chances in coming to us for your woaring apparel pur chases ? YOUR MONEY'S WORTH EVERY TIME. fk i Wii N.EMCOR.cPnARKdV k Howard Sts., AsRQn j ' - "- - - - -I .1 inn -f i iTumMrin 1 1 r ii " mrr 'nniH jfA mmmmmmmmmmwm$$m r , .t.""c". fed esh WATCHES Thai Will Please ewtiy Boy a.t From $1.00 to $2.50 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS At Greatly Reduced Prices, as We Ex pect to Close Out This Department Dur ing the Holidays. Jewelry and Rings A Fine Selection From Hundreds of Beautiful Designs. GEO. S. DALES 6 Co., Do you know that wo make the low prices on Ladies' Raglans, Newmarkets and Jackets? Wo have just rocoived a now lot of F23WOL.AN, which we place on sale at the following romarkabl' low prioeB. $15.00 Values For $25.00 Values For $18.00 Values For Ladies,' Misses' and Children's Jackets Our assortment is good and the styles aro now. Tho pricos wo guarantee to bo the lowest. We want you to come to us for your wants in Hosiery, Underwear, Gloves, Mittens, Comforters, Blankets, Dress Goods, Silks, Flannels, Etc. Our usual low prioos prevail in those departments. People's Phone 398. A RAZOR. It Produced Considerable Trouble For Coy and Lee. ' .Tonenli Coy nud Benjnmln lice, nc enped by Elmer Ualhton, or steal ing n lazor, woro each lined ?5 and costB and sentenced in l'ollco court toduy to 30-dayB la ho workhouse. mm LANG I HOOVER For they certainly handle clothing and furnishing goods. They aro not alone, just a littlo ahead of the, rest in style WMWwmmm u Holiday FBiitrs For Those Would Get Desirable Presents For Their Friends. CAMERAS. A Splendid assortment at Remarkably Low Prices. GOLD FISH and BIRDS. I We Have Hundreds of Beautiful Fish For You to Select From. Call and see Them Before Deciding in Favor of Some Other Gift. Silverware And Sterling Sliver Novel ties of every description, of many new and handsome designs. 178 South Main Street. ASK FOR GLOBE STAMPS And you will always get them. . IVIyers & Co. I. ReUWCtoUIr, Hitlers asd Furnishers. 118 and 120 S. Main St , T$mmztmmwjnwM uimxaaojaa.-iiiWiijntfMtfBaan t 228 S. Madn $12.50 $19.75 fe. t 5. I.O.O.F. Building lei r rri 9 uWfa. L.M.l&Ati': ! H (L.-jb5 mmtb .1 Ji W.B'fUWJ.-L.I jFTwJ " i ,rtMhm JWto-ufcv.u h j. . . . totiijA i .imML'-:.