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WiMiM M SWUjf flHWJ I '4 AKRON DAILY DEMOCRAT. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 6. 1901 c.vr It'! K f if ;'t ml a . 7 4 C 1 1 : il r. t II I II I. I m 1 IH I XL i K. Boston Store TUB WDATHDIt SATUUDAY Fair tonight; Saturday Increasing cloudiness and raising temperature; probably rain. Great Holiday Sale of Ribbons Saturday. Thousands of yards of all Silk Rib bons, nil widths, all colors, In Taffetas, Liberty Satins and Fancies, at prices less than cost to manufacture. TURIJn-QUAUTUR COATS. AT $8.r0 Dnik Ox foul Otoyi, with large storm collar, cuff sleeve, lined throughout, extra good value. AT $11.00 Dnik Castor, Three quarter Coats, storm collar, lined throughout, largo cuff sleeve. AT $12.50 Oxford, Castor and Black Kersey, Thrce-quailer Coats, lined all thiough; Jacket collar. AT S15.00-EXTRA BIG VAMJE In Three-quarter Coats In Mght and Medium, Castor and Oxfoid Grey, sat)ln lined throughout; velvet unit Jacket collar; cuff sleeve. RAGLAN COATS. AT $10.00-Tho greatest Raglan Coat on the innikot In Dark Oxford Grey, made loose or half titling back, velvet collnr, aud cult slcoe. Don't fall to neo It. AT $10.00 Light Tan Raglan Coats, cut New Mnikct style, largo cuff slcove, titled b.iek; woitli $15. AT $in.00-nark Oxford and Mlaek Raglan Coats, made with loose and half fitting back, velvet collar, cult sleeve. AT $10.00-Wo show the best Box Coat ever made, lined all through with satin, strap trimming, velvet collar, in Light Tan, Castor, Brown and Black, all sizes. UNDERWEAR. AT 30c Men's Natural Underwear, heavy lleecoi lined; also Jersey Rib bed; n splendid winter weight gar ment. AT GOc Men's Tan, Heavy Fleeced Underwear, all sizes; extra heavy; the best 50c umlcrgnlriiieiit In thu couutry. AT 73c AND fl.OO-Men's Camel's Hair nnil also Kcnilct Underwear, strictly nil wool; nil sizes; Just tho garment for cold winter weather. AT 50c EACH Ladles' Union Suits In sliver grey and coin, made "Onelta Style," full rnngo of sizes. AT $1 and $1.!I'J EACH Ladles' Un ion suits In slher grey, (Muiieelng brand,) which means tlicy aie nun- shrlnkable. HOSIERY. A1' 31! 14c A I'AIR-rnlles' Hose In wool, ileum lined and fancies; these stockings are exlia good value. AT 35c A FAIR- Ladles' fast black hosiery, In ribbed, also plain, wltn ribbed top; a stocking Unit stands wear. AT l!5e A PAIR Indies' Hose; the best tho loom pioduces, In lloeco lined, with white foot, plain and rib bed wool; also fancies. Wo make u point of giving thu best 25c hose. AT RI'jc'A FAIR Children's Stock Jugs, in wool, ileeco lined, and heavy cotton ribbed, a splendid weight, ami good wearing. AT 35e A FAIR Boys' heavy ribbed stockings, full range of sizes. Tho kind that saveH darning. AT l!5e A PAIR This Is our leading stocking for healthy boys and girls, In lleecc lined, wool and our famous Indestructible Rleyelo stocking; It pays to buy our lic I.obc. GLOVES. AT $1 A FAIR-Our "Guaranteed Kid Glove." not a better kid glove Im ported Into this country, '2 elasp or hieing; all sizes; self or black stitch ing, i AT 50e A FAIR-Seoteh gloves for ladles, In white, red, black and all the fancy colorings. Tho popular glove of the season. Glance at our fancy brle-a-brac coun ter; lots of useful Christmas gifts are on display. 150-152 S. HOWARD ST. Get Beady NOW TO TORN OVIOR A NBW LT'JAK, JANUARY 1ST, BY DISCARDING THAT DIRTY, DUSTY OAUl'BT, AND RHI'LAO 1N0 IT Will A RUAUTI FUL HARDWOOD FLOOR THE- Akron Woodworking Co. STAND BY REBELS. Boers Will Not Leave Them In the Lurch. New York, Dec. ().-(A. I'.)-A (lis. patch fiom rieteiinaiJlzburg, Natal, says the Roer generals would probably hnvo thiowu up the sponge long ago but for tho loyalty of the Cape Rebels to tho liner cause. The bulk of tho enemy In Capo Cob ouy consists of Rebels. For linen to nun under without piotectlng tho Heb lis would be regai ded as the height of tontemptlblo meannesH by all Afri ltander and Roer sympathizers, and would pioduco such a revulsion of feel, lug on tho pint of the Colonial Rebels ngaliiHt the Republicans us would bo tho best safeguaid against any futuio rising of the Dutch colonists. The tiuth Is, says the dispatch that neither side can make peace on uuy terms the other can grant and theieforo thero Js noUiliig left but to rely on the effect of arbltintlon. p AS A. PREVENTIVE 03 PNEUMONIA KAUFMAHN'S Honey, Hum & Tar OANNOT BE EXCELLED. NAMED Two Important Committees. Speaker Henderson's Appointments. Aajority Representation Increased, Minority Decreased. Washington, Dec. 0.-(A. P.) There was a largo attendance on tho tloor when the House met today, but thcro were only a. few spectators In the gal leries. After tlu reading and appiov al of tho Journal, Mr. Gaines, (Tenn.), who was Just returned from tho Phil ippines, appeared at the bar where tho oath of olilce was administered to him. Speaker llcuderson announced the appointment of the following commit tees: Ways and Means Payne, (N. Y.); Dalzell, (Penn.); Hopkins, (Ills.); ' Giosvennr fOhlnl: UiiimoII fPntut.v I Steel, (Ind.); Tawney, (Minn,); Me-' I Call, (.Mass.); Long, (Kas.); Babcock, l I (Wis.); Metcalfe, (Oil.), Republicans, Jiml Rlchaidson, (Tenn.); Robertson, ' (La.); Swuiisoii, (Va.); McClellan, (N. Y.); Swanson, (Va.); Cooper, (Tex.), Democrats. Approprlatlons-Cnnnon, (Ills.); Blag ham, (Penu.); Hemenwny, (Ind.); Bar ney, (Wis.); Moody,(Anss.); VanVooro his, (Ohio); MeCleary, (Minn.); Llt taetir, (N. Y.); Brownlow, (Tenn.); Gardner, (Mich.); Burkotr, (Neb.), Re publicans, nd Livingston, (Ga.); Me Rae, (Ark.); Bell, (Colo.); Pierce, (Tenn.); Benton, (Mo.), and Taylor, (Ala.), Democrats. In each of the committees announced today the ninjoilty i ('presentation was Increased olio and the minority repre sentation reduced to 'Unit extent. This , policy It, to bu followed hi the up-, polntment of (he other committees. Mr. Metcalfe, (Oil.), Is the new Re publleaii member on the Ways and Means committee and Messrs. Brown-1 low, (Tenn.); Gardner, (Mich.), and i Burkeit, (Neb.), tho new Republican members on Appropriations. CHEERED Hated Name Czolgosz. Narrowly Prevented Chicago. The Of Riot In Chicago, Dec. (I.-(A. I'.J-I'resldent MeKlnley's iihhiiksIiiiiIoii was cheered publicly In Chicago last night. A chal lenge from the platform that anarchists dared not condone the eilnio at Ruftalo was met with u vigorous "You'ro n liar l' Absiivm Isank, 'tho leader of the "Reds" In this city, and editor of Fieu Society, Oeelurcd openly he could not coiideniu tho iihsassln's act. Ho said that aVi to personal merit MoKhi ley took u second place to fV.olgosz. Tho slateiiuint of Isaak was nccoinpiin lid by a scene of Intense excitement. 1 1 was the climax of the debate on "Socialism vs. anatehy." and eamo when tho audience of over 1,000 liaii been aroused thoroughly by wild ora torical denunciations. "Iluiiah for Czolgobz!" shouted a man In the gallery, swinging his hat nbovo his head, IIIssch, Jeeis, yells of approval nud cat calls came from all parts of the hoiiM'. Tho ciowd rone ( lis feet and a 1 lot was only avoided by the prompt net Ion of tho chairman. BIG PAINTING That Is Highly Prized by Mr. Clarke. There is an oil painting In tho offlco of .Mr. O. W. Claike, division freight agent for tho Kilo, that has had eon sldetalile history, lit tho llrst place It was on0 of about a dozen tliat were made about 1KI yeais ago for the road. Nearly all tho rest weio used for ml vei Using purposes, and have glailng while letters painted all over them, telling of the scenes that aie repieseiited In the pletnies. The ouo In Mr. Clarke's olllco Is free from printing. The painting In of n scene on the Mile, in New York State. Mountiihu and valleys are shown, with the rail way tracks and trestles added. Tho plctuio was sent to Mr. Clark by a high Brio official a do.en years ago, as a memento of the competition that has existed between tho two while both were minor agents for tho toad. STATE GRANGE. Summit Representatives Will A't- tend It Next Week. Messrs. M. 0. Danfoith, of Harrow vllle, and IS. F. Cranz of Rath, will go oooooooooocooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocxx 1 A Beautiful Of the Three Martyred Presidents Aih a Purchase. Tomorrow wo our going to give our Children's Department Our special enre. Wo have marked down the prices on Suits for the littlo follows. Call and let the Prices Talk. Henry J. g Clothier, Hatter, Furnisher 8 619 SOUTH MAIN STREET. KAISER BLOCK 00X)OOOOOOOOOOOCOOC500COO30000000CKOOtiCXX5COOOOOOOGOO J flrr ib es r"fe ra i bst 1 Can be supplied with the new Gent's Kloicuzn Silk Half-Hose nt We took all we could get. They are either hi assorted colors or solid blacks. An elegant and useful Xmas piesent for a gentleman. See them In our show case. Reliablo Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers. Prices guaranteed on everything. HO arocS 120 3. Main St. w?mfX(&?w&a&mG0 a WE CAN'T TELL ALL About tho fine lino of goods wo have solectod for the a . . f Holiday Trade, but if you have not alroady decided what to buy. Come in and lot us help you. Wo are displaying a greab lino of novoltios in MUFFLERS FANCY SHIRTS NECKWEAR SUSPENDERS DRESS SUIT And SMOKING JACKETS. As heretofore tho prices are just right. GREENWOOD BROS., 100-102 S. Howard St. aojamti to Mailetta next week to attend tho annual convention of the Ohio Slate Uiange. Mr. Cianz Is nn olllcer of the tlate Grange and Mr. Danforth Is Master of Pomona Orange, or Summit county. The Bxeeiitlve conimltte of tin (Irango will Introduce n resolution In the convention asking that all mem. liii-H uso their Inlliienco to secure an amendment to tho constitution to pro vide for tho elecllon of United Stales .Senators by direct vote, and the Sum mit county representatives will pro not a resolution fiom the local l'o iiioim Orango asking for state Legis lation which will provide for an analy sis of all feed sold In Ohio, tho sumo as an analysis of feitilzers la now lequlred. MOVING Falls Electric Plant Into Quarters. New (Special Correspondence.) Cuyahoga Kails, Dec. 0. The remov al of tho lighting plant Into its new iltiartciH has been begun, aud It Is ex pected to haye the, removal complete In a few days. The moro optimistic of those who are Interested believe that the change may bo effected by Saturday night, but others doubt tlmt It can be done, The water works and the HghUiig plant will then be to gether. Tho latter has idready been In operation for several weeks. Sito For Kent's Library. Tho Council and Library Hoard of Kent, hnvo received and accepted nn offer from Hon. Marvin Kent to do uate to the town a lot valued at $:i,000 at the corner pf Main and River sts for tho orectlou thereon of tho Carne gie $10,000 library building. v Souvenir Berrodin 3 i03C C B YOU SWEATERS HOSIERY HANDKERCHIEFS GLOVES COLLARS S CUFFS CASES, SLIPPERS Hall's Corners. , PHOTOGRAPH Was the Bridegroom at a Pcnnsyl vania Wedding.' Tioga, Va., Dee. (i.w-To save an es ta'ltt .n peculiar wedding "was solemn ized heio when Miss Harris was mar iled by proxy lo Carleton Wells, of Dekalb, Ills., a picture being iibcd to icpresent the bililegroom. Wells Is a piospeious young fnriner of Dekalb county and n second couslu of Miss Harris. Tho young people wero engaged lo bo married Christ mas, eliut recently an unclo of tho initio died, and It was found that he had left n large pait of tho estate to Miss Hnrrls on the condition that sho marry Wells within !10 days. Tho wedding accordingly was set for last Monday, but Wells was taken ill with f pneumonia while on his way Kast ami could not attend. As tho 80 days expired yesterday It was arranged that Willis Johnson, a filciid of the gioom, should act s proxy, Tho brldo had a largo photograph of tho gioom on a table In front of which tho ceremony was performed and besldo which stood Johnson, who answered the iiuestlous addressed to the photograph. At tho conclusion of tho ceremony ltev. Mr, Clements pionounced Minn Harris and Carleton Wells, represented by tho photograph, husluiud and wife. Potatoes Still Rising. Cleveland, Dee, fl.-(A. IM-Ts'otwith-standing the tin wit of commission men to import potatoes, tho nrlces eon- tluuo to ndvaiite, Tho wholesalo quo J tatlon, was advanced 11 vo cents In local limrUetB yesteiday, all commission houboa Belling faucy stock uf $1 per bushel. WHAT NEXT? EVERYBODY ASKS. Throughout the -State has spread the fame of Tho Surprise Special Sale. Friday mid In the artistic show window displays. It will pay you well offerings in Men's and Boys' Clothing, Furnishings and Hats. Men's Serviceable Suits - Very good suits of honest quality and exceptional Jit and llnlsh, made up In cery now style by expert union hnnds; fancy ngured, striped and plaid effects In Casslmeres, Cheviots, Thlbets and Scotches In good, heavy weights nt $5, $7.50, Men's Extra Fine Suits Mnde tip In the richest fashions Jn Imported Scotches. Cheviots, Cassl meres, Puie Woisteds, Venotlnns in plain colors, neat and fancy designs In greenish and ginylsh tones, nlso In distinct fitrlpes and invisible over paid. Every suit is n fashion plate; every garment .is correct in lit and style and distinctly elegant In make iipd general effect. $12, $15, $18 Boys' Durable KneePant Suits ewt $1.50, $2, $3, $4 And up to $5 in manly vesteo and double-breasted styles. They're made of fabrics fiom standard mills only and are guaranteed In every respect. Thero are patterns enough to plc.iso everybody. AH are sowed with the famous Iron-grip stitch. GUARANTEE BOND OF Kvery article advertised in the newspapers or window fllsplnys is in stock In every regular size. Should any purchase fall to please, tho money Is Instantly returned without a single question. All clothing is made up under the direct supervision of The Surprise Store and is kept in repair and pressed for ono year freo. Men's Derby Kibbed -. - 25c 50c 50c Underwear; tan urid blue Men's Scotch Gloves plain mid fancy effects Outing Flannel Night Robes; good and warm Open Saturday Evening Until THE ag 163andl6S k.MAIhLSX A WE HAVE Cut Prices In all lines of Fool twear These prices may interest you Children's rubbers 19c Misses' 25c Ladies' 29c Men's 49c Ladles' fur trimmed felt Romeos 98c. Wo can also lit out any mem ber'of (ho family with a pair of Sample shoes at a great hav ing to you. Conio eaily ns wo liavo bar gains In everything In footwear. s r CHWARTZ'S b AMPLE HOE 149. Howard St. We Gtvo Globe Stams. pU68C THE BEST. If tho best candles cost tho most ii ml you get tho most for your money. Most nny ono will bo satisfied who makes u purchaso at the Model Bak ery. S. B. LAPFHUTY. i Much ado about nothing; ono who Is treating his best girl to n pound of cheap candy. S. B: LAFFBItTY. A hint to tho wise, boys, should be sufficient. A. pound of good candy will go further with your best girls than n whole week of conversation. Try It, and buy It ut Model Bakery. S. B, LAFFERTY, ? 100 S. Howard at. 3SU AJ Surprise Special For ono week, beginning Tomorrow, Saturday, and ending next I'ddny. Men's Jersey. Gloves Good warm, heavy winter gloves, tight tlttlng and very comfortable. Kast black jersey with rolnfoiced leather fingers sultnblq for dnlly nud dress wear on sale one week at MM ' wMmS i If Wi $so i Hats For Men and Bovs. $1, $1.50, $2, $3 Derby, Alpine, I'nnamu, Golf and Straight Brim shapes In new styles; every l.nt Is of pure all fur material and guaranteed fast color and to wear well; Men's arid Boys' heavy winter caps with pull-down bands nt 2oo and 50c In Golf nud Golf lacht bhapes. 10:30 O'clock; Other Evenings Until 0:b0 -eR8e isURPRISEl ' S.t.fcEER CPdT" X"XK,',X,X'K,,X,K,,,X"X',I A Straight Tip On Candies. Every ono has tho host moat Candies are good, but than' others. We mako our own candies, right here in our own building we are the largest manufacturers of Candies in this city today. Vo make every kind of Candy make it frosh and pure, we have to, our trade demands it; wo would not think of making it any other way. 1 The Prices Just hero is whore the shoo pinches some dealers; they want to Roll candies and mako two nice profits, tho manufact urer's and their own. Wo mako our own Candies, have no other profits to make, and wo are contontod with a small ono. Wo soil' Oajulios at 10c, 15o and 20c per pound that are bet tor than other dealers sell for 20o, 2oc to -10o per pound and wo aro willing to let you bo tho judge. Oomo in and soe. Nickles l2 S. Howard st-fc. Phone 289. Noxt to Schumacher & Gammotor's tea store. t "::---m-x,',x-,x,'X-,-,-:"-J"'x,'X"M"X"X",X"W MILLINERY TALK. If you want n good hat at n prlco corresponding with actunl valuo and have tho stylo of It thrown In, conio here. Good millinery of nil kinds at prices which usually give us a little protlt and sometimes nothing at all, Wo mako special mention tomorrow, of a lino of hats originally $2 to ?3, hero at $1.00 to $1.49 Mis$M,E.Durkin Sale No. 90 W Ma wrlmfo s Elm. B 9 ? WHAT NEXT? They are announced in the ad. every to watch every week for these liberal Men's Heevvy Winter Overcoats Good, wnim and stylish overcoats made up In the newest fashions and tailored with special care mid skill; blue, black, Oxford and grayish effects in Meltons, Vicunas, Kerseys and Friezes. These garments arc unex celled In lit, grace and durability at 5, $ 10 $7.50, Men's Supreme Overcoats Handhonier styles than ever before known. Yoke, Itagluetto, Fullmoro, Chesteineld and Full llox styles, su peibly made and tailored to perfec tion; some are made with turn-up cuffs and slash pockets; all are cut In the fashionable lengths; garments that are to be compared with creations of the best custom tailors only. $12, $15, $18 Young Men's Suits and Overcoats a.t $4.50, $6.50, $7.50, $8.50 And up to 12, In Casslmeres, Tweeds, Cheviots and Scotches figured and plnln. A range of good styles cut In single and double-breasted; good, heavy winter weights, many of them just in today from the tailors. THE SURPRISE STORE. Men's Warm, large size Muillers, now plaid effects Men's heavy, fleece lined Underwear all colors , .25c 50c 50c Boys' Percale Waists Tntcnt Brnnds, new effects o'clock. STORE AKRON. OHIOV - "M"X,X,,X - "XWKXKKXX"X. V ? x Candies to let them tell it- A somo Candies are vastly better '4 x V i"XM, 123 S. Howard St. Ground Floor. X Bros.! X ' ,-fl(CUtl ,y j.. rV jaJWjiite4ftj 1A-" "' 7ftHi wtdfc-JL.''aatit a A