Newspaper Page Text
wg J h.j. wr ywy- vf"WVV WW AICRO DAILY DlfiMOCItAT, MONDAY. DECEMBER 2 J 901 HAPPY And a Comfort- able Home Now Prepared For the N. E. A. C. Davey Has Issued a Challenge. Athletic Association of High Schools May Be Formed. Furniture lins continued to nrrlvo at tbo quarters of this North End club, A now piano wis placed In the rooma during tho hist week, and the place be. gins to assume an air of comfort ami convenience. Tho mnln room, Unit has been acquired by tho club, ululated on tiie third floor of tho Walsh block, In 40x00 feet, and gives auiplo room for the gymnasium work. In this room tho nppllanccs of the gymnsium nn llndlng u place. A line now drum for a punching bag, was secured In Ihu past week, horizontal bars and mats arc on the Hours, four wnll machines have been ordered and nro on tho way to Akron, and thu gymnasium supplies begin to bo u crcd. It to tho efforts of tho nicinbcrrf' of the club. A shower bath has been placed In position In olio of tho two front rooms that wero leased recently, and all Is now ready for use. A well lighted reading room, Mulshes the list. A meeting will be held tonight, at which business of Importance will be taken up. ANOTIIEK ENTERTAINMENT. Hilly Colonmii, of Harborton, has an nounced that ho has received u letter from Eddlo Farrell, the wrestler, whose challenge he recently accepted. Coleman says Farrell will conns to Harbcrton, Monday, unci make all ar rangements for a match, to take place nt Doylestown, New Year's eve. Kid Hogan, of Cleveland, ami Kid Pureoll, of Akron, will give a boxing bout as ono of tho numbers of an entertain ment which will be given at ' that place nnd time. A band wagon will take part of tho crowd from Harborton lo Doylestown. HAS IIEAHD OF TJ1B.M. Tho Cleveland header has tho fol lowing to say of tho Peerless bowling team, the members of which will go to Cleveland tonight, and play a match gamo with a picked team of tho best players In tho Forest City: Tonight on tho Lincoln alloys tho famous Fcerlcss team, of Akron, will try to defeat a team picked from among thR best men of Cleveland. Af ter tho game, Andy Sonimcrs will give ft dinner to tho two teams at Tlvoll alleys. Tho Peerless players will be picked from the following list: Moore, Kolb, Vernoaky, .Miller, Marauvllle, Hnrron, Crlle, Colin, and .Spellman. Tho Cleveland team will liu selected from the following players: A. Houi mers, Fierce, Elrlek, Hrlggs, Meng, Fltzslmnions, Calkins and Mcrilek. SWEEPING CHALLENGE. Frank Davey believes that ho can throw Hilly Coleman, tho required number of times to win from him In a wrestling match, and as ho dial leugod Coleman at Wadsworlh some thin; ago to a match and Coleman re quested time In older to prepare for an acceptance, Davy makes an announce., mont of his Intentions. To the Sporting Editor of tho nemo crnr, Davey gavo aiiiuorlty to Issue a challenge to Coleman, which stipu lates that ho will throw tho Harborton Man, not two out of three, but llvo times In tho match, for $500 or a re fcpectablo part of It. Davey desires lo meet Coleman, to clinch a match, ami will post a forfeit with tho Democrat, any time Coleman will meet him. SCHOOLS MAY FOUM. A Northeastern Ohio Association for tho promotion of athletic sports, will probably soon bo formed among tho High schools and Academies of this" part of Ohio, If tho plans now being actcd on nro brought to completion. 1'rof. D. O. Hybold, principal of tho ' Akron High school, received a letter . reqcnUy from J'ror. I'errln, of Western x Hcservo Academy, requesting his pivs- V, enco at a meeting of representatives of tho High bchools and Academies which Will bo held In Cleveland noon. Prof, Slilpjuiin has been selected to represent Akron High school, nud tho pupils nro ci-cady Interested In tho ' issoclntloii and tho beneficial results ; It may bring about for athletic sports uons tho schools, Tliero was an Wfdrt uJong this line, toward tho close Of the last season for out of door , ToCuroa Oold with ONE-DOSE ls;i B-i Civt I: cjUJ cjmiug on take WstlAtSX COIDCTTRK. Tbat will tSD lha sports, but tho efforts came to naught. HALL'S THICKS. Mr. Fred Hall, who will give nn ex hibition of -fancy pool playing nt tho Elks' club Tuesday night, has a lnrgo number of illfllcult moves, In which he bos been very successful, beforo a great number of audiences. Among tho shots with which ho Is familiar, Is ono In whlclMl balls arc pocketed at one time. 'ITS? diagram of one of his shots, In .which four balls nro pocketed at ono time, ono of the balls going around a hat, Is shown here. SIMMS HOME AGAIN. Art Slinins Is back In Akron, having arrived hero from San Francis co, Sunday night. Slmms is bigger and stronger than over, and weighs about 138 pounds at this time. Ho will begin training at onco for his light with Martin Duffy, which will take place before the Twentieth Cen tury Athletic club, nt Detroit, .fan. 22. Slmms says ho had a hard time In the West, In trying to get matches with tho llghteis in that part of tho country. AH wero either afraid of him, or wens waiting for what they considered bigger game. Now that ho has a chnnco to faco Duffy again, Slmms Is very Joyous, and believes ho will defeat Duffy, without fall. Tho lighters will weigh In as follows; Duffy about 13.1, and Slmms about 133 pounds. Slmms Issues a sweeping challenge, and wants to meet any fighter lu tho business, weighing lu nt 130 to 133 pounds ring side. Do not only held his former reputa tion lu tho West, but added to It, and with tiie beuellt to his henlth that ho received from tin trip, expects lo do some good lighting nnd get soino good matches hero lu the Fast. CANT WAIT. Trains Crowded, Irrespective o Christmas' Rates. Local railway men nro prepared for one of tho biggest rushes In the pas senger business tomorrow, that has ever been seen lu the history of Alt urn affairs. From the Inquiries that have coino In regarding rates, etc., tliero will bo several hundred passen gers for tho southbound O. A. & C. train alono, to say nothing of tho oth- or trains on tho niiuio and on other lines, which have been offering special rates for holiday trips. The rush has already begun. Tho ticket windows and tho trains all day, Monday were crowded with passengers who eoum not wait for Christinas rates. WARRIORS Elected Officers at Annual Meet imj, Yesterday. The Gorman Warriors Society met Yesterday and elected olllcers for tho coining year. Tho society hasjSO reg tilar and 20 honorable members, and Is piospcrlng nicely. Tho following ot hers wero elected: President, .Matt Weill; vice president, A. Totraxskl; recording secretary, Chas. Kelt; llnun clal secretary, .lolin Clelst; treasurer, Kml! .Schmidt) marshal, F. Koersch ner; standard bearer, .1. Schuster; trustees, .1. Wledennann, F. Tobald and Win. Halutli; hall committee, Win. Sleber, II. Schmidt and .1. Schuster. WELL KNOWN! TEACHER. Death of Miss Laura Waltz Brings Sorrow to Many. Miss Laura Etta Waltz, ono of the best known and most popular teach eis lu tho Akron schools, died at her homo, 101 Hhodes live., Sunday, of heart trouble, after a long illness. She had resided lu Akron for 2(1 years, and had a large number of friends, among the teachers and tiie public. Tho fti liernl will be held at Iho residence, Tuesday at U p, m. Hurlal lu Glen dale. -p. CRANE Will Not Accept Place In the Cabinet: ' Washington, Dec. 2:i,Govcrnor Crane, of Massachusetts, has declin ed the Treasury portfolio tendered lo him by President ltonsovelt last Fri day. It was olllclally announced at tho White House today that he had declined for business and domestic reasons. "I bnd a running, Itching sore on my leg. Suffered tortures. Dean's Ointment took nwny tho burning and Hclilniy Instantly, and quickly effected permanent cure." C. W. Leubart, Howling Green,, O, MARRIAGE LICENSES. Marrlgo licenses .. N..N ., N, ,N.. Knoch Halley, Akroi i Mary I. Low, Akron .-. l Groom's occupation) laborer, Chas, F. draff, Akron .-, Knijna S. Hegula, Akron ,...25 Groom's occupation, rubber worker, K' 7r vr it i) ft ft i --Last C&J1-- Don't forgeb that wo have the most complete lino of Medium Priced Pictures. Medallions, Photo Colors, Water Colors, Pastels, Etchings, etc. Can't help suiting to il your purse. ft M Pin Vnii Einrl o fester Phrictm'ic fJfr dJ 4 ucm iuu xmu I Griner & tf to to to to 506 South Meun Street. Three Minutes' Walk From Mill Street. asaaas - aa - aaa See Us Tonight AND Tomorrow Night For Your Xmas Piano C H Martin, Queen Alexandria's Illness Causes Anxiety. London, Dec. 23. Tho Associated I'ress hears tnat the condition of Queen Alexandra Is more serious than has been given out and that It causes anx iety. Doctors are In constant attend ance, upon her majesty. A bulletin issued at noon today says the Queen POPULARITY Of Supt. Clarence Fleming Shown Friday Night. When tho Street Hallway employes' union had been called to order at the regular meeting, Friday evening, ono of the members arose and stated that he had a grievance to report, against Clarence Fleming, of tho Kent and Har bcrton division of tho N. O. T. Co. Conductors Nate French and Ed Wil liams wero appointed members of a commlttco to bring Fleming to the hall, and have tho matter taken up. Ho was found at tho awaiting room, and on his arrival at tho hall, tho griev ance was turned to an Informal tlmo of Jolllllcntlou, and Mr. Fleming was presented with a Hue set ring, to com memorate tho end of his llrst year in his present position. In a neat speech ho was reminded of this by ono of tho conductors, and the ring whs a testimonial of tho cordial relations existing hotwecn him ami the men under his direction. FUN AND PATHOS In the Shows Promised at the Grand. Hlcb, wholesome fun Is promised at Iho (Ira ml Opera house tonight, when tho Hrothers Hoycr will appear lu their Inimitable comedy, "Next Door." The scenes aie laid In and about AUaiTTTo City, and for acrobatic comedy and fun, have never been excelled. A big display of trick scenery Is among tho attractions with Hoycr Hros.' produc tion. 11 Is peculiarly appropriate that tho Interesting and attpictlvo play, "'lhu Night lleforo Christinas," td.ould ap pear at the (Iraud, Christmas eve. Thu play Is said to ho as pure as spriuc water, without a word or act to which exception can bo taken. Heart interest and thrilling situations arc among thu featuies promised. BUILDING Once Used by Labor Exchange Will Become a Coal Office. Mr. F. M. Hanney will remove tho small building occupied by his coal nllico nt Main and Center sts., and move to tlml Nltn tli.t i niin i'- i . .... ",""' "" CliailUO iHllldlllL' nmv utiiiwlli,. I.. W....I " f " "'11 (cuter st,, which he purchased somo Minn lift,.,. Ilir. s ,... ..... tlmo after tho coluiteu of tho Labor U.M'IMIIlgC, (HE ONE THINQ HEEDFUL To cure a cold with 0(n dose. "AJ.1X Cold SieCOr7eS U' rrcvcijU ""Wi cures m m m m m m -.teS-.v--' m . iwu Britsch I k J1 - aaaaaasa 205-209 S. Howard st Hamilton Bldg Id progressing favorably, but that the extenslvo arrangements made for Christinas festivities at Saudringham, Including large shooting parties, have all been upset nnd that their majes ties will spend Christmas at Marlbor ough house. PILGRIMS Remembered In "'"Forefathers' Day" Services. Special music, including tho rendi tion of Kipling's Recessional was given at tho First Congregational church .Sunday evening, as u part of the pro gram In tho observance of "Forefath ers' Day." A large congregation was present. Itev. Howard MacAyeal preached a stiong sermon on "The Faith of the Pilgrim Fathers and Its Products." CARD OF THANKS. I desire to extend my heartfelt thanks to the members of Husy Hec hive, L. O. T. M., employes of tho Star Drill Machine Co., and to all friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy dur ing tho illness and death of my wife. WILLIAM 1IF..NHY ILV.NELIN13. WENT HUNGRY. Post Office Employes Too Busy to Eat. At tho postotllco, Monday, the rush at the stamp window and in the money order department was so great that tliero was scarcely a chanco for the employes of these departments to re lievo each other at meal times. Paek ages.uionoyordersandreglstcrcdletters wero sent to all parts of tho country, and many went to Furope, to help along tho success of Christmas cele brations everywhere. Tomorrow's rush is expected to be a record-break-tr. DEATHS. WALTZ-Laura F.tta Waltz, aged 30 years, died Sunday at her home, 101) Hhodes ave., of heart trouble, after a long lllnecs. The. funeral will bo held at tho residence, Tuesday at 11 p. in. interment In filendnle. Time Extended. The City Commissioners Mondny gavo tho N. O. T. Co. until April 1, to relay the Furnaco st. tracks In tho middle of tho street. Tho Hoard's original order was that the company must do tho work within 1!() days. Stricken on tho Street. Mr. John Drown, the father " '""' imui-n l-ll'llU-r, Of ltl,.l.... u- ,,..,.. ..1..I..1.- ., of Mrs. Charles Pfelffcr. of ',. ri., "tin nwiriU-U MIWl JHII alysis at 10 a. m. Monday, on North lr -. .... it..... . . iiMYiini (. i-aiKS" auinuiauco re moved lllm to Mr. I'felirer'K limnn. a where he lu now in a serious condl. tlou. Dancing Xmas afternoon aud oveq lug, XXtb. Century, ball CARDINALS -, Presented Christmas Greetings to the Pope, Home, Dec. "3. The 1'opo today re ceived -the cardinals, who offered him their Christmas greetings. The Pon tiff infldo a lengthy address, lu which ho condemned what ho characterized us tho excessive liberty of thought In dulged hi at the present time, lie sharply criticized social agitation for divorce,' and hostility between differ ent sections of ,tho church, nnd urged union of tho Christian churches. Term for new beginners' dancing class, Friday evening, Jan. 3, at XXth Century hull. W. F. Stickle. Large Funeral. The funeral of Louis Kllng, -was held nLtlie residence, H17M: Dartgcs st. Sun day, at a p. in. Hev. .1. II. Zlnn con ducted the services, which were attend, ed by a largo number of people. In terment was had lu (llendale. Term for new beginners' dancing class, Friday evening, .Tan. 3, at XXth Century bull. W. F. Stickle. FIVE ARE DEAD. Sixth Victim of Mill Explosion Is Dying. Flttsburg, Pa., Dec. -'3.-F!vo of the victims of the Slngcr-Nimlck mill ex plosion, which occurred last Saturday morning, are dead. The llfth victim is Win, Sharp, helper, aged 35 years, of Elllottboroiigh, who was bcalded about tho face, head and body. He died early this morning at Mercy hospital. Another, a Mr. .losnston, Is not expected to live through tho day. Term for new beginners' dancing class, Friday evening, Jan. 3, at XXth Century hall. V. F. Stickle. ALGER BETTER. Withstood an Operation Sunday and May Recover. Detroit, Dec. 23.-0en. It. A. Alger, former Secretary of War, who was operated on yesterday, passed a very comfortable night and was reported in good condition this morning by Dr. Longyear. At 8 o'clock his pulse was 80, and his temperature was 00.S. Ho slept almost all night aud was much freer from pain .this morning. Term for now beginners' dancing class, Friday evening, Jan. 3, at XXtii Century hail. W. F. Stlcklo. litej FORGOT To Pay Their Board , When They Left. (Special Correspondence.) Harbcrton Dec 3. Tho proprietor of the Willow hotel, west of Harbcrton, has reported to the police that two young women who had been boarding nt tho place, left Saturday night, with, out paying some board that was due. and also took articles of clothing that did' not belong to them. It Is thought that tho women went to Cleveland. -..u CHIMNEYS. Chief Merlz Advises People to Inspect Them. "A good many people aro changing from gas to coal," said Flro Chief John Mertis, Monday, "and I wlsli you would urge them through tho Demo crat to examine their chimneys enre fully beforo starting coal tires. Oas Is hard on the chimneys, and loose brlcUw or mortar may cause a lot of trouble with a coal tire." Term for new beginners' dancing class, Friday evening, Jan. 3, at XXth Century ball. W. F. Stickle. ; ! a If you buy it at Broh's, : it's good. : : s Special Prices for Holi- : ; day Shoppers. 5 Silkllftridkorchioffi.... 25c I .Tnpnnoeo Hnnkorchiofs 25c Golf Gloves 25c i Kid Gloyos $i J S FnucyHoso (2 pr. 25). 15c Harvard MufllorB 50c 5 "Ways' Woolon Mufflers 50c J Hqurikorcliiof Mulllors. 25c Sweaters 50c Woolen Flooco Lined llndorwoar 50c S S Wright's Silk Flooco S , Lined Undorwoar.... $1 5 ; Doublo-Breastod Floeco J Underwear 50c j Broh's Special Solf-Oon- forming Stifl Hats . $3 Fountain Shirts . . . 50c, $1 ! XllJUIDVUlU , , t . 3W ilUU 3Vk I DDAUJe : unun a : HT South Howard street. HOME To Stay Until Af ter Holidays. Gen. Dick and Family Arrived Sunday. Congressman Chas. Dick nnd family arrived at laelr homo in Akron, from Washington, Sunday afternoon. "We are all well," said Congressman Dick, Monday, "and expect to remain here two weeks." When askeil for an expression on some of the questions now before the public, Congressman Dick said: "It Is impossible for'mo to talk for publica tion today. Wp are all busy unpack ing trunks and preparing for Christ mas, and, besides, have received quite a number of callers." On Sunday evening Congressman DIpk said, "I do not expect lo go to Columbus to attend the opening of Legislature." :4i TURPENTINE Distillers Arc Working Up a Com bine. New Orleans, Dec. 23. Mississippi and Louisiana turpentine manufactur ers are gathered In executive session In this city, today, to consider plans, looking toward the formation of a co-operative organization. The meet ing was called by Mr. Albeit 1'rtdgcu of Lake l'ark, Ua., a prominent tur peutlne distiller. LATE PERSONAL ' Superintendent C. A. Allen, of the Krle railway, wjio has been coutlned to his homo for several weeks by Ill ness, has recovered to such a degree us to enable him to loon after tho In terests of his position. Mr. Allen was in Akron today. Mr. Chas. A. Xaher, lately comiect ted with the payroll department of the X. O. T. Co., has been promoted to the postlon of private secretary to Manager Chas. Currle. Supt. Harry B. Dalton, of the X. O. T. Co., and wife have returned from London, Out., where they attended the funeral of Mr. Dnlton's mother. Miss Theresa and (trace Waldvogcl, scholars of the Notre Dame Aca'domy,' Cleveland, are at home nt 709 South Main st. Mr. Henry Alden has returned from his scleutillc studies at Vale, to spend tiie holidays with his parents, Mr. ami Mrs. I. C. Alden. Miss Ruth "Murdock has returned from college at Mlddlcbury, Vt., for the holidays. Mr. Alfred A. Hrewster has return ed from Cornell University for a two weeks' vacation. Mr. 10. jI. Beck, of this city, was in Miinslleld Saturday. Mr. Chas. Mulcahy of Akron was in Manslleld Saturday. Morris Tuholsky and Merryll Green wood, students In medicine, at St. Isolds, aro spending the holidays with their parents. Mrs. Martha Betz and daughter Georgia, are spending Christmas with her sister, Mrs. F. J. Vlall, of lilt N. Howard st. ijjj Christmas Shows. "Alvln .loslln," whose droll fun has pleased hundreds of thousands of American theater goers, will bo at the Grand, Wednesday afternoon and even ing. Tho play Is almost too well known to require description and the situations change from humorous to pathetic many times with an Interest ing story running uirough all. REMOVAL Of an Evangelical Church Successful. Completion and Dedication at Halo Yesterday. A new Calvary Evangelical church was dedicated nt Halo, Sunday, with devotional exercises, praUo services, and a splendid address. The church was recently transferred to Halo from Manchester, bulldlug and contents. The structure was torn down, removed and set up again at Its present loca tion. A lnrge crowd was present at tho dedication exercises, and tho congre gation anticipates a satisfactory growth for the new church and Its work. Rev. W. H. .Stump Is pastor. Dancing Xmas afternoon and even ing, XXth Century hall. Initiated Candidates. The Akron United Commercial Trav elers Association ou Saturday evening Initiated seven nev members. Dancing Xtnua afternoon and even ing, XXth Cputury ball, ,. ,- RAILROAD TIME TABLES ?- frigte&K' ,. ERIE RAILROAD CO. - Going West 5 No. 1 Express S:85 pirf No. 0 Limited vestibule.... 7:03 am No. in To Akron only 11:80 am No. 13 Chicago express,' Mondays to Gallon only.... 11:51 am No. 3 Paclflc express 0:50 pm No. 37 Accommodation 0:37 am Going East. No. 14 To Mcadvllle 2:20 am No. 8 Limited vestibule... 1:31 am No. 12 Express to N. Y 8:54 am No. 4 New York special. ...12:50 pm No. 10 YouDgstowu express.. 4:25 pm Dally; alt others dally except Sunday. Central Standard Time. BlW.ivtTif'Hfe AKA0N& North Bound. CIn., Columbus and Clev.. 0:05 am Akron and Pittsburg 8:20 um Col., Mlllersburgi& Cleve. .. .11:35 am CIn. Coi. und Cleveland... ., 4:25 pm I'Uts., Hal., Wash & N. Y. .. .4:17pni South Hound. Clove.. Col. and Cincinnati. . '0:35 am New York, I'ltu. & Akron (runs only to Harbcrton).. 11:10 am Cleve. Mlllcrsburg and Col., Clove., Col. & CIn 8:30 pm Cleve., Mlllcrsburg, Col 2:53 pm Pittsburg and Akron (ruu.i ouly to Akron) 8:10 pm Dally, all others dally except Suu day. BALTIMORE & OHIO. Union Depot, Mniket Street . Depart West. riflln, Fostorla tc Chicago.. 0:00 am Tlfliu, Fostorhi & Chicago.. 7:55 pm Chicago, vcstibuled, Ltd. ..11 :30 pm Arrive irom the West. Chicago and New York ves- tlbulcd, limited 1 :50 am Chicago & Pittsburg U:35ani Chicago, Akron and Cleve land 8:20 pm Dally, all others dally except Suu day. , THE NORTHERN OHIO R. R. Depot North Main et. Depart No. 1 8:30 nra Depart No. 11 4:30 pm Arrlvo No. 2 .-..4:00 pm Arrive No. 12 12:05 pm Dally. IDally except Sunday. C, T. & V. R. R. iC Going North. How. St. Union. East Depot. Depot. Akron. No. 40... 7:10 am 7:00am 0:35 am No. 4. . . !):05 am S:52 am 8:51 am No. 0... 1:10pm 1:00pm 12:11pm No. 10... 5:13pm 4:55pm 4:58pm No. S... 8:35pm S:20pm 8:22pm No. 12... '0:50am Going South. No. 7 8:34am S:52am 0:04am No. 0.... 4:35pm 4:55pm 5.07pm No. 5... 12:30 am 12:45 am 12:57 am No. 47... 7:32t.m 7:50pm S:00pm No. 3.... 12:01pm 12:20pm 12:28pm No. 11. .. 3:53 pm. PiTTSBURG & WESTERN R. R. Uniou Depot, Market st. Leave for the East. Chicago and New York vesti bule limited 2:00 am Warren, Youugstown, Pitts burg 0:55 am Warren, Youngstowu 0:10 pm Pgh., Wash., Phila., New Yoilc, from Howard st. only 3:55 pm Arrive from the East. Washington, Pittsburg, Clove mud, arrlvo C. T. & V. Hy..' ' Howard st. station 0:50 am Youngstowu and Akron 8:'10am Pittsburg, Akron and Chica go . . . . , 7:35 pm Now York.Wnshiiigton.Pltts- burg and Chicago 11:23 pm Daily, all others dally except Sun day. THE NORTHERN OHIO TRACTION COMPANY. A. B. O. Division. Waiting room, Hamilton building, opposite Huchtcl hotel. Time card lu effect Oct. 15th, 1001: Cars for Cleveland, leavo waiting room at 5:40 a.m. and every hour un til 8:40 p.m., and at 10:30 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays, 5:40 a.m., 0:10 a.m., and every half hour until 7:40 p.m., nnd at 8:40 p.m., and 10:30 p.m. NO BIG WORDS No high-sounding claims; no mis. representations, nro needed to keep you for a customer, nfter you havo onco had a case of our bottled beer at your home. Tho merit of tho goods Is a suffi cient advertisement. You enn't help telling your neigh bors of Its exqulsito flavor, Its sparkling appearance and Its health giving properties, sny nothing of Its cost. Wo want every family In Akron to buy a ease of this excel lent beer, knowlpg that a nleasod customer Is our best firend. Burkhardt's Brewery, -. rij Brewers of High Grade Beer tfWBoth Phonos 250. f y i J-J ii -iii. .'JKi. ML lj.uj.1 J jjajygyl TnflrrT""1