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t-3 i i. r ' N AKRON DAILY, DEMOCRAT. frA VOLUME 10-N UMBER 218 AKRON, OHIO. TUESDAY. fiVENlNO, DECEMBER 31 1001. PRICE ONE CENT. r W if DOUBTFUL. i s . A Good Many Legislative Votes are Still Unpledged. , Foraker Forces Confident That They Can Secure the Number Needed. Columbus, O., Doc. ai. While the friends of both Senators Foraker nnd Uniinii are each now claiming that they have the votes to organize, the tiuth Is that neither side has them, thoiigh nelthcris short inoro than four votes of having a minority in the cau cus. Representative Willus of Har din county who Is claimed by both sides but who asserts that he has not yet placed himself in either column, j.,.nnd says there are nine members or the House who have not taken a po sition niuPthnt upon their attitude, yet to be announced, depends the result of the organization in the House. Ev. cry possible influence, is being brought to bear by both factious upon those I doubtful members, who admit they hold the. key to the situation. Senator Forakcr, In a talk over the BOTH LEGS AMPUTATED. Colored Boy Who Has Suffered Much, Will Probably Die. Chagrin Falls, 0.,Dec. 31. On Thvrs. day, iScc. 1, Joseph Kelley, a colored boy, axed 10 yours, who gave his home as Nlijes, O., but who been worlf Ing for farmers In tho vicinity of Geau ga Like, south of this place," was found on the doorstep of William John sou lpi a helpless condition. It was found that both of the boy's bauds and ttrmsj were frozen to the elbow h, and both legs frozen to the Knees. Ttifr previous Saturday evening Kel '(ej tj-as going along th road when ho 'watake'n suddenly very lil, and limn aged to crawl In a deserted barn on the farm of George, where no remained without food for flvu days and nights, with tli0 mercury below zero every day. Kcncy was without friends and pen. niless-and was taken to the Geauga County Infirmary, where, yesterday both legs were amputated five inches below the knees. It Is not thought possiblo for him to ieeocr. UNSUCCESSFUL ?i Attempt to Rob a Connecticut Bank. Mllford, Conu., Dee. 31. An unsuc cessful attempt was made early this morning to rob the Mllford Savings bank. The burglars lelt after tuo ex plosions had failed to open the doors of tho vault. Tho handle of tho door and and tho combination knob were broken off and'considerable other dam age caused. -v , -" NEW LINE Of Steamers Will be Established by Denmark. Copenhagen, Dec. 31. Accordlug to the Politikcn, u byndleato for tho improvement of tho Danish West Indies, capitalized at -1,000,-000 Kronen, it Intends to establish u steamship service between Denmaik and Central Amer ican ports, calling at St. Thomas whether the islands are sold or not. CHANGES T) i Fire Department Made by lj' r:., -,-.,. it l , V.IIV V.UIIW. ! n, ivterimninlitlilt Inn nl Ph'rt flhlpf rohu Mertz, Tuesday, tho City Com missioners made A. It. Manchester, Uio fire department blacksmith, a reg. liar flrcman, and assigned him to duty it No. 1 btatlou. John Jost, fireman it No. 1, was transferred to No. 0 itatlon. Theso changes were made, Chief Mertz bays, because a black inilth Is not regularly needed, and because It was necessiuy to Increaso She forco at No. tl station. The Weather: FAIR TONIGHT tfftND WEDNE8 JAY. COLDER TONIGHT IN COUTH PORTION. COLDER WED- v'ESDAY. c telephone with one of his lieutenants here, expressed the grentcst satisfac tion with tho present situation, and appears to have the utmost confidence In the ilnal outcome. Senator Uanna, en the other hand, is equally conlldent of the ability of his friends to or ganize tho House. It Is announced here that Geo. B. Cox, of Cincinnati, win come to Columbus JL'riduy and take the field for Price, for speaker. Price )S the Forakcr candidate. The potent Influences behind Price's eaudldacy are Senator Foraker, Geo. 11. Cox, Charles L. Kurtz and tho State Brewers', As sociation, besides Congressmen Bcldlcr and Burton, of Cleveland; Nevlt ot Dayton, and Kyle, of Troy, the latter of whom is to reach Columbus today, to take up the light of Sheriff Scobey, of Miami county, the Forakcr eandl date for Clerk of tho Senate. WITH ONE ARM SHOT OFF, He Drew a Gun and Slew His Assailant, Ironton O., Dee. 31. As tho result of a quarrel today between Frank Wilson and his father-in-law, Frank Mounhnn, at tho lattcr's home, three miles from here, Monahan shot Wilson's right arm off with a shot gun. Wilson drew his revolver with his other hand and shot Monahan, killing him histanlly. It was several hours before Wilson se cured medical attention and he will probably die. INDEMNITY. v The Cabinet Arranges For the Collection Thereof, Washington, Dec. ?1. At tho meet big of the Cabinet today it was decided to make tho International Banking Corporation, organized in New York to do business In Shanghai, the agent of the U. S. Government for the receipt of the payments to this government on account of the Chinese Indemnities. Consul Goodnow was appointed tem porarily to receive tho payments to tho United States as they are collect ed, until a fiscal agent of this govern ment can bo selected. The Germany-Venezuela dispute was discussed casually at tho cabinet meeting. Ther0 is an understanding between Germany and this government as to the matter and no complications are expected which will Involvo the United States. The Earthly Clay New Tork, Dec. 31, Today tho body of Miss Nellie Cropsey which was found In tho rl or near her homo In Elizabeth City, N. C, after hhc hiui been strange ly missing for ooreral weeks, will bo bulled in Now Utrecht cemetery, Van Pelt Manor, Brooklyn. Andrew C. Cropsey, of Brooklyn, an unclo of tho dead girl, started from Elizabeth City yesterday with ,tho body, and reached Jersey City this morning. An undertaker at once re moved the body from tho train to tho cemetery. At tho grave services wcro conducted by tho Itov. Alfred , H. Brush, pastor of the Now Utrecht Ue formed church. Elizabeth City, N. C, Dec, 31.-.TameB Wilcox, suspected of complicity in the death of Nelllo Ciopscy, remains in jail here. Solicitor Ward has inslstc'd that Wilcox bo given a preliminary hearing Wednesday. Ho was anxious that It should bo held today, but E. 1 Aydlett, who lepresonts Wilcox, de murred, saying that he had not had an opportunity to consult Wilcox's father, who is il at home. It Is probablo that Mr. Aydlett will waive the preliminary hearing and allow tho easo to go di rect to tho Grand Jury. Any attempt to get Wilcox out on ball will bo resist ed by Solicitor Ward. Chairman (ireenleaf and other mem. hers of the citizens' committee, havo ono importaut pleco of evidence hi an empty whisky bottle, found on the river bank In front of tho Cropsey home. A local saloonkeeper has stat ed that he Bold ono like It to Wilcox, ENJOYING THEMSELVES. Depew and His Bride Take Things Easy In France. New York, Dee. 31. U. S. Senator Depew and his bride, nfter a luncheon en board the steam yacht Lysislrata, - Itli James Gordon Bennett, left to travel by easy stage to Cherbourg, wheic they will take the American line steamship St. Louis for the United States next Saturday, cables the Nice, France, correspondent of tho Wot Id. CoIlegeBurncd. Albany, N. Y Dec. 31. The Sacred Heart college, attached to St. Joseph's church, Cohoes, was totally destroyeu and St. Ann's convent, which adjoins It, was badly damaged, by fire, last night. CRAZED By a Terrible Ac cident, A Massachusetts Man Killed Four Persons And Attempted to End His Own Career. TurucTb Fulls, Mass., Dec. 31. Louis Bitzer, a jeweler of this place, today shot five perbons, two of whom, his clerks, Miss Ida Columbe, and Bltzcr's live year old son, are dead. His other victims were his wife, Chris tina nnd his two daughters, Annie, about 10 years of age, and Carrie, 11! years old. It is thought they will not die. There is evidence that It was Bitzer's puipobc nlso to take hib own life, but his prompt an est apparently prevented him fiom carrying out this purpobc. Hc-ls uboutJ0 years Of age.. From a-note left in his store by Bitzer, It appears that while he was cleaning n revolver the weapon was discharged accidentally, and tho bullet hit Miss Columbo In tho head, killing her iiibtnntly. Overcome by the situa tion, Bitzer appaiently nishcd to his home, hatlcss and wild with cxeite- (Continucd on second "page.) WOULDNOT Live With Him and He Killed Her and Himself. Chicago, Dee. 31. Henry Albert, a night watchman, today vent to 10(11 North California nvenue, the home of ills wife, from whom he had been sep a rated for some time, and upon her refusal to return to him shot her dead nnd then blew out his brains. of Nellie Cropsey The Home , J3h7 Wj-3Safe si4'A U "" ' Vv-Bh- fc' JBUlfBB m-....KX ' ' I ItUKMMHllKlB '? efi n V nK. .tfv " ' ts3- ti Rs jjffV jajr Wifc 1i tJBPt-i ''' iBa-F-1-' L -jfrr-irjwlir r"1' ' ,m,lgp-4l )WkvMV9l 1 iuui ' - M AT REST. Funeral of? Senator Sewell. Prominent Men Were Pall Bearers. nterment Made In Cemetery. Halleigh Camden, N. J., Dee: 31. The funeral of the late United States Senator Sewell look place today lioin the Sewell mansion in tills city. Fiom 10 until 11 o'clock the public was per mitted to view the body and thoubands passed around the bier. The services were conducted by Bishop John Scar boiough, of the Protestant Kplscopal dloccbc of New Jersey, assisted by Rev. R. A. Roderick, of this city. At the conclusion of the services eight sergeants from the 3rd regiment, and battery B, National Guaid, of New Jeisey, carried the casket to a caisson piovlded by the War department, and the cortege proceeded to Harlolgh cemetery, where interment was made. At the grave a salute of 13 guns was The Late Senator Sewell. tired. -After the reading of the com mittal borviees tho body was lowered into the grave uud another salute was tired. Among the pallbcareis were Secretary of War Root, Adjutant Gen- oral Corliin, Govi Voorhees, Gov.-t'lect Murphy, ex-Utilled Stales Attorney General Griggs, A. J. Casatt, president of tho Pennsylvania Railroad com pany, and Clement A. Gihcom, pres ident of the Internal Navigation com pany. In addition to united States Seuatorsund Representatives whocaine to attend the funeral there were pres ent ii large number of prominent men 1 1 om all States. All county ami city olllcials and most of tho business houses were closed from uoon until 1 o'clock. Is Placed In the While the From Which Nell Cropsey Charged OUR SYBIL Will Become the Wife of a French Soldier. New Yoik, Dec. 31. A special to tho Herald from I'hllndclphlii, says that Miss Sjbll Sanderson has Just an nounced her engagement to Comtc Henri Do Fltz-.Iumes. The wedding will take place in Paris sonic time late I In January. Comtc Henri Do Fltz James is an officer of cavalry In the French Territorial army. He Is a son of Edouard Due Do FltzJames, the head of the second or French branch of the Berwick family. McKin'ey's Father Worked There. Stcubeuvillc, O., Dec. 31. An old frame building of the Sloans Foundry and Machine company, In which the father of tho lute President William McKlnley worked early In the present century, was torn down today. Tim historical society will mark the spot REDUCED The Price of Light Service. N. 0; T. Has Announced New Iatcs, Which Will Go Into Ef fect Jan. 1. Cheaper For Both Commercia , and Residence Lighting. The N. O. T. Co. has announced a reduction in tho price of its electric light service, to take effect Jan. 1. No change has been made In tho , prlco per thousand watts for commer (cJa( llgbtipg business houses but consumers in this department arc al lowed a discount, it bills are paid be fore the 12th of each month. The prlco Is ID cents per thousand watts, but, heretofore, uo'dlbcount was al lowed. The price per thousand for residence lighting lias been reduced from 11 cents to Vi cents, with a discount. Following Is the arrangement for dis counts: On bills of from .fl to $5, 5 per cent; from ?5 to $15, 10 per cent; from $15 to $-5, 'M per cent; from $1T( to ?10, 25 per cent; from $10 to S0, 30 per cent; frpm S0 up, 35 per cent. Lamps will be delivered to customers, at the rate of 17 cents per lamp. Old lamps may be returned In exchange. Tins reduction in no way affects tho special couliact with the city. Considerable, new machinery placed in the plant of the company is the cause of the reductions. Ground, Evidence Against Disappeared, the River Where She was Drowtiedi Jfcmes Wilcox. With Her Murder; &nd Her Cousin. OFFICES FOR NOON HOUi Countrified Custom Which Should Be Discarded Attorneys and Others Want County Official Institute a "It Is most decidedly countrified and a reform Is needed." Thin Is the opin ion expressed by attorneys and others regarding the practice which obtains at the Court House by which the county offices arc closed at noon, wlille the officials and their deputies and cieiks go to lunch or dinner. "There Is no change more greatly to be desired, nnd the county officials could make no New Years resolution, short ot turning their fee into the treasury, which would meet more hearty public approval, than to agree to keep their ofllecs open'' during the noon hour," said a leading attorney. "Why, It is ridiculous that In a city of Akron's size the Court House ofll ces bhould be shut up tight at noon, as the attaches go away at noon, as though this were. Medina or Marshall vllle. It makes Akron the toughing btock of strangers who are doing bus iness at the Court House, and humll- MUST GIVE MONEY Which His Wife Will Use In Prosecuting Him! For Divorce. Often things turn up In the practice of Law that appear ery funny to the lay mind. Tor instance, ihe common piactice of granting a wife alimony with which to prosecute her husband for divorce. Wouldn't, there. bo some tall bqulrmiug on the part of the citi zen who had to buy a whip and place It hi the hands of another to thrash him with, or to put up cash to have AT HOME. Mr. 0. C. Barber Has Arrived From European Trip. President O. C. Barber of the Dia mond .Match Co. nab returned from a business trip through Kuiope. The trip was among the various mutch factories In Europe in which the Dia mond is acquiring an Interest. From all accounts the time Is not far away when the match Industry of the world will bo largely controlled by the Dia mond Co. Boy Hurt. A lad named Chas Tewksbury, who has been employed by the Biggs. Boiler Co., as a sweeper, was caught in a the Accused Sl&yer CLOSED 4 st Reform. lates Akronlans to be turned! out at a certain hour In tho busy part of the day, because the ofllcials mut go Ut lunch and their offices must be closed.' The consensus of opinion among at torneys and business men with whoraj a reporter talked was that the officials? of Summit county should nt once get! together and devise a plan by wlilOlil all the Court House ofBces shall bej open all day. hi each office there are.i cieiks and deputies enough to permit of such an arrangement without vserl ous inconvenience to any one, a souiij can go to lunch at one time, and soml at another. ' "The matter will be urged stronglyi'1 said one attorney, "even If It becomes necessary to secure pledges from cad dldates, that, If elected, they will keepl the offices open all day. And to think that those who aic pursuing that'l primitive custom of closing ail through,! the noon hour, are among those who si want a new Court House!'' yourself sued for slander? Howevoritl these arc things understood by law yers, and If the public thinks they are funny, there doubtless may also bas found points in the law which may! crivo rnliKo fnr Unlnr nn Ihvit-IIt- t r H' laughing. Mr. J, I). Frltch is under an order oi Court to pay hisavife $30, at the rate savife 1Lw of $5 a week, wiM. which to sue hiuji for divorce. machine Tuesday morning and badly hurt, his nose being torn almost from his face. He aKo reifelved several bruises. Vlall's ambulance tnnk- lilm to the hospital. Tewksbury resides ati $ ioj iiuams st. J COUNCIL Has Not Met For Two Weeks at-, the Falls. ,, (Special Correspondence.) Cuyahoga Falls, Dec. 31. Council has had very few matters of gieatJrnport-J um:c iu luii-uu jo in me lasi lew weeKS and that body has seemed to lose inters est in the regularity with which Its meetings are held. There has been no meeting for two weeks. Grows Stronger, M o L , .; , .t . f a ''.