Newspaper Page Text
SUlMilbllilMatlftiitfiiMi' 11' mj" 'wtytn AKRON DAIITS DUMOCRAT. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1 s, Kw :f IE UBBER J NEWS A; New Rubber .Tirc-JMadc- Here; Chicago Men Make a Bte Claim. " r Belteyc They Will .Revolutionize ;; , Tire-Making. , A-how- rubber tiro which, It. Ih de clared, 'w'lll-' produce marked changes In inithodii of tiro niiiniifneturln'g, Is lelfig iipido Id Akron-fdr the Invcnt6rs, Messrs.. ,1, -V ltlodgott nndXG. H. AVillis, .of Chicago.- These gentlemen hoVcilieon here frciini'iitly'for several weeks- past, iind experimental Grew miinufhMufiil for them. liy.Hn H. V. Goodrich Co., have, It Im asserted, born all tluit f claimed for them.- The now tire Ih radically different from thoio of ordinary make. It IH n. hose )lii, Hlngle tiiln tire, liut Ih constructed with only one la or or fabric. Tim rubber permeates oven tho tliroiiils of tlmt fabric, mill riinnot peel off. The, tlrrH nrc (iiliiiiteil to iihp on lileyclPH, automobiles or other reblclcH. Mr, HL-tdgott went to Chicago liiHt night, itfler having Inspected the tires which Imvp been iniiile, Ife In the originator of the Idea, nnil Mr, Willis, who Ih ii practical rubier niiiii, long with the Tlloigait ic Wright people, Iiuh been doing the practical work In HiIh ease. The gentlemen nre negotiating with Ithp Goodrich Co. relntlve to the iiinn nfnctiirp nnil making of the tires bj ' thill company. , STOPS THE COUQH AND WORKS OFF THE COLD. a2Kttv Jlromo-Qulnlnn Tablet, our Sold ,ln one ilny. No cure. No l'y. Trtca t&KVM. Personal " OUClcM 8 Mr. and Mih. A. 11. UhhmpU are vIh Jtlns rplatlvPH In Warrpn, l'n. t Ilpy. 13. H. WIIhoii will ipppat bin ser )non on "Savoniuolii," next Humliiy evening, In the North Mill M. M. church by rp(itPHt. MIhh .limp Marly, of KM Went Mar l(Pt Mt who Iiuh been ill for nevpral Sveekn With tin grill, Is leeoverlug. A dance win given In Mutde hall, 'i'uendiiy nlKht, by the Akion I.ledcrtnf. bl, A falr-hlzeil crowd wan prewmit, Dud the eeut wiim a nodal hiiccphs. MIh Hohc llni'liiKiT, has H'tnrncd to WiiHlilngtoii after Hpeiidlng the holt iayH at her luno lieu. Jlr. and .Mih. (1. I1'. I-'ithp leavo to day for Richmond, Va where. Mr. FlCho In mipei intending Hip building it the Itlcliniond iV rctcrHliurg eleu trie road. Mr. O. h. Mitchell, who has been nmployort 1u tills city for houio tliup, iih uiPlk In the M. O'Nell ,t Co.h Mture, Iiuh gone to Toronto, Can,, wIipki ho waH liianlpd WcdiiPHday morning to a young l'ly f tttttt pity. Mr. nixl Mih, Mitchell will rptiiiu to Akron, tthortly, mid will make their homo line. MIhh Mary Puffy, of I'prkliiK hL, gave a rliiinulng pedio party Monday pveiilng In honor of MIhh Mary llur lctt, of JackHou, Mich. I' were (iwarded and light icfrcHlimcutH Mcrvpd. Among the many nod ill cipntH, Turn duy night, viih Hip iIiiiup and Hutch lunch given at ProuieHH ball by the. rrogrPHH-MoiitPllore Hoelcty. Seventy live coupleH iittended, and a io.wiI, kooiI tlnm wim enjoyed by all. The leeltal of Hip Tuemlny MuhIiviI club at Hip Opera Iioiihp, 'I'licnday af ternoon, inducted a Iiiikp audience. Mm. (tieeii, (nee l'nHHP), of Canton, Hang. The program wiih niailo up prln cljwilly of children'! miKile. The New Vear'rt dunce Riven by the Kpleuteun club In Twenlletli Century ball, Tuemlay nlulit, wan a very hup ppHHful nflalr. It wiih attended by 75 coupleH, among whom weie n nuniber of vOdtoiH. JIIhm ('lain tinier Iiuh rc.tiirned from Cfuveiaiid wliert hIik Iiuh Hpent tint liolldayti with frlpiuK Mr. Iliimlolph McCipii, 41 piomliiept young iiewnpaper iiiau of"MiiuHlleld, allied on Aiu frleiulH yesterday, J'ltBSHMKN'K ANNUAL HA Mi. Tlio New Vpu i 'h ball of tlio rrliitlng I'iphhiiipii'h union In Militant ball liiHt night, was attended by 1(H) touplt'H, It wiih the most HiieceHsful the union hurt cut given. The com- ii ' ' " i To Cure a Cold with ONE D08E' When you flr feel a eold coming on take a do of A JAX COID CUM. That will SHD the cold. tAouty back if it don't. Dr. Lyon's - -PSRFEQT . V Tooth Powder Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century. mfttccs In cbnrge were: Arrange mentsMessrs. Geo. ,T. Kloeck, jt A. .MUlcr," F,. JeJifeeliwlorfs II. "A. itrad fordJjHnrley reception, alosHrfe. II. D. lu.lpr4 ,T. qrlfllnKA. WlilmeY, p. 'Ending. D. Gtilllet, II. ,0'IJrlrp. The Now War watT appropriately wel-, cqnipdrr H An pliibnralt eut.prlaluiilpnt.and fro ciql 'wuh Given, Tuesday night) nj K. O. T. M. hull by Busy lice HiVP. A large crowd utpmlcd, and nil pnjoyed Hie'inolvoH Well. TJ'p old year, was rwatejiied out, thcJlew Yoilr watched in, Wi'yt iippK'prMtq exorcises.,.' ((' -e .'. , , . ' ' TRIVIAL Incident Prevented Kid napping. A- Well Laid Plot .to Capture Gould's Boy. ' New York, Dcc.yll. 1'ollcp Oominls. Hloner Miiiphy pionoiinced Hip plan to kidnap .lay Gould, tin 12-year-old Mill of 'George J." Gould, iitl tliuMad, wltlif his inothoiv brother and HlHter, left the ILutiopdlltim Opera house, Kiiturday, iih tin boldent and mont In genloiiH crliniiiiilAnHplnicy In the lilHtory of Hie New York police. Tlio plot to Htenl tlio child liad iih Incidents two automobiles similar In make and appeiiiance, two cluiuffeuiH, nlHo alike In all respectH, and a child ilotiblo.of tbp Gotild elilld hi apiicar niico nnil di'PHH, yJHii ,vlioin It wiih lioppd to draw purmilt while Hie vic tim wa taken to hoiiip safe place. Only for tip fact that Mih. Gould changed her inlnd 'and Instead of leav ing thq Opera house at -1 o'clock as hug ordered, waited until the cIono of the peifornuuicp, It mighty linvi Htiecji'Pdpd. At tlio tlnip the party did ('nine out Fortieth st. wiih ho choked with car- j rloges that the Hclit-nie was abandon Ip.1. ' - ! "Proppr preciiutlonN have lieen taken to prevent any attcnipt to kidnap the children of Georgp .1., Gould," Said Commissioner Murphy .today.' SIGNS Are Not Always What They Seem or Should be. "What's In u" might lie asked about many ot Hie bulletins posted all over tho city to advertise business or call attention to Homo particular thing. ( ' The queer turn Hint la occasionally given lo a iilgn ofte't serves to attract attention to It. However, it In doubt ful If the proprietor o'f a Market at. dry goodH More wa's pUiiHl with tho change in IiIh Hlgn w)ilcli occurred ic cently. He had a notice III flout of his placo which lead: "The CheapeHt Ktoro lit the City." Sonin one put a theatrical poster over the llrnt four letteiH of Hie "cheapest," ho that tlio sign read, "Tin Pest Kioie of tlio City." Tho niprehant wouderpd why so few eustoineiH culled tlmt day. It mint Imvp Iippii with fppliigs othpr than tlii'uv'nMlaUcry that tho pastor of a church Jn HospvIIIp hiiw a notice he piit out lending! "Tin pan tor Will preach br this 'evening," changed, by' wim wag' l "Tim pastor, will search bern-thls evening." It waH only it "mistake In Hpelllug which made the owner of a cluilr-ro-pnlilug shop appear to lie ilohig a pieHeiTlug-lUHlieNs, .for he had out a notice which nuiioutiecd "Chairs Canned lleie," Some stores have hung In Hie front window nlgiiH Hindi of movable let tprs set, In a fiaiiie. A cigar dealer, by name Vera P. Orr, left It to his boy to in tango the letters on day. Tlio boy got, swlsted on tin alphabet, ami when, .half Hip day passed, no sales had lioon mndc, Hip piopiletor thought of looking nt the. sign,. o expected to tlnd on It the mime ni)d aiinouucp. input that cigars, vpi'i hold tlieie, but Instead this Ih ijiiit confronted him; "Vein Poor Olgiir'rt Hold Here." On Hildgt) st a Itvcry diMilev bung out ii sign notifying tho public Hint there could Im ".'no' Sale of Hoises," but a buy with a stick dipped In hoiiip tar changed tho "n" to an "r," mi that the sign lead,, ,"l''liv Sale of Hoihps." The inoprle'loV wondered wiat 1.01110 of Ids customers nipjint by asking him If tin horscM were badly burned until lit saw the sign. Hanging out In fiont'orn hiiiilwuio Htoi'p'on ono of Hi'il coldest. iiiornlngH JPce'iltly Wi,ih ji notlep stating that then were lawii mower and refrlger toitt for will) inside-Newark Newn, -; " '1 r Try- tho Deuiocrat's lilner Coluliins. it' BETTER t - r Rfatio Than Usual. Is Graduating Class of This Month Consists of 14 Young Ladies and 13 Young Men. The January elans of the High Hchool will hold Its commencement exorcises on the evenings of .fan. 1(1 and 17. The class now numbers 'J7 members, 11 girls and lil boys. The class this year will be unique in that then nre within one as many boys ns glils. The uutisnl ratio Ih 4ibout ono boy to three girls. Owing to tho size of Hie class It will be necessary to use two evenings. At tlio School Hoard meeting last evening Hip question of Hip distribu tion of tickets nrosp. it wan decided to allow each member of the class L0 tickets, the remainder to be given to 'Principal 'Itybold to be distributed as he. deems best. aw:'. REVIVING From Monday's Slump. Federal Telephone Stock Has In creased Four Points. Many vlewn are taken of the Mump In' Ki'dernl Tplepliouo ntock. Some re gard It merely im a frpak In specula tion, and declare that there is big moil cy ahead for those who bought at ii. The Increase In price has begun ill leady, and Is now -1 points higher than at Monday'" close. Well Informed op erators declare that the slump was cleverly engineered by a clique of local speculators who have taki'ii their prof its anil arc out of the market. ThP capital stock of the Kedernl Telephone Co., autliorlT'.ed and Issued, is $10,(KMHXi. It was organized, In 1808, to iliiiiucc mid manage other tele, phone companies, and among Hioho lontrollcd by It an; Cuyahoga Co., Cleveland; Citizens Co., Columbus; Co liimlilana county Co., Salem; People's Co., Akron; Citizens' Telephone it Mes. sago Co., Akron; Youugstowu Co., Poitsnioutli Co., Masslllon Co.,KostorM, Staik County Co., Ciintn; Lancaster "Co., Gallon Co., Peoples' Telephone Co., Shelby; Howling Green Co,, Wlllough by Co., Kludlay Co., Interstate Co., ana the People's Co., of Detroit. The People's Co., of Akron, Is largely citpltall.ed by liu-al pcoe, and Ih very little affected by the Mump. Terrible, plagues, Hioho Itching, pestering iIHciiho of the nkln. Put nn end to misery. Doan'n Olutmcnt cures. At any drug storp. dtjQ am ssins 'ciuoainonj smsAOJj pnnoJB sj 9jnp pon xefy imii 'u&op jjs pun Jjarq auw oS 8,-iJua pjoo jaqio jry siHxxnorv moh GEN. DICK IS IN TOUCH With the Columbus Situation, But Declines to Talk. Gen. Clias. I lick by telegraph and long tllMnnco 'phono Is keeping In, con. Htmit touch with the situation at Co lumbus, but ho refused last night to dlsciiHH tlio situation. Geu, Dick ad heicH to his determination not to visit Columbus, and will leave Sunday for Washington, for tho opening of Cou gross, Monday, Athens Must Walt; Washington, Dee. .11. The Postmas ter General has mdeied tlio poMpono. ineii( of tho establishment of a freo delliery postal kpivIcu for Athens, O., until Keb. t. WHAT'S IN A NAME.? Depends upon the name. Scott's Emulsion is a name that has value. Maybe it doesn't mean much to you but to the consumptive who has been strengthened and fat tened, to the sickly children who have received good health, to the weak mothers and babies who have grown strong to these Scott's Emulsion means something. To all of them it has meant an easy and natural return to health. We'l Hrnd jrnu lillU la try, t ( you HVa. SCOTT & IJOWNE, ia) ,,' tr,n, Ntw York. r HHHl. itttt iH mmi h iHr H lH B H ' liiiiH iiiiii m m iiiH i H & V H V H Tou can best succeed la life aigefttlon. A strong utomaoti oat man, Tho feelT ulnar oi langnur. mo a a ot lanffdur, ino headar.ho. the sensation of'iullnew. Dalns and tenderness In the reglon.of the stomach, Jutulrtice, belching and vomiting the thoiMnnd and one sympt6ras' of Indigestion or othei stomuoli trouble, of whtoh most of' us know moro or less, unfit both body and ml rid for hard work or continuous applica tion., Vou wouldn't suffer like .that Jf. you knaw a certain remedy, would you? Yet such lomedy exists. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure quick! r relieves all these ymptoms, and, by tho stomach ontlre?rest, speedily cure the disease Itself. Even among tho happy possessors of com paratlvolj'sound stomachs there ar. fe,w wno aro noi at least, occasional irrccular hours, mild 'dissipation, excessive "Its aid the food you have ue of tobacco, hasty eating or oTerlndul- to a form In which the system cin assjml-- ganco In a favorite dish frequently produce late It and the body is built up whlle.the a unpleasant though not as lasting r?3ults tired stomach rests. . as tho most serious of Chronic' cases." If The trouble with dyspeptics Is that they're- theiftteinporarysuffcrcrsrcallzedthatKodol. .starving. They have eaten but their food Dyspepsia Cure offered sure and almost im- Is undigested and consequently does them Dear 8irs: I havo suffered a great deal from nervous dyspepsia for the last twelve months. I tried two doctors- who;, said they could not cure m . but your gent came along and I bougV feome Kodol' Dys pepsia Ouro. to sell, a decided to try it my sol f and I found more rollcf from "that than anything I have taker). I cat any thing I want to and Improve every day and it has given my customers perfect satisfaction. re suffering from indigestion or dyspepsia to be the best remedy on the market. Yours truly, J. W. Smith, Preston, N. 0. Gentlemen: For the sake of suffering dyGpeptlcs I render this testimonial. After sufforlng thirteen years from Indiges tion (neuralgia of the stomach and all its l can neariuy recommend it Pr.pired by E.C D.Witt Co.. CSIcioo. Th.$l.00bottleoontiln3J4tlmramueti(yetulm.aiuriiie.tJiith. trial UewttcbatllalorBOctBtt Cures all stomach troubles LYNCHING ID I Talk Is No Longer - i f Heard, But Feeling Against Wilcox Is Bitter. Moher of Accuse d Man Is In a Critical Condition, Kll.abetb City, N. 0 Dee. 31. Ins. Wilcox, who la held In coniiPPtlou with tho death of Miss NpIIIp Crop Hpy, will be given n preliminary hear ing tomorrow before live Justices. The CltlPiis' committee of live Ih in- VvcMtMilug a possible clue to tho cause of Miss CropseyV death and will present pvIiIpucp at Hip hearing tomorrow. Wilcox Is Mill confined within the Jail here. Popular senti ment Is very strong against lilin, but time has alleviated the feeling soiuo what and the talk of lynching has ceased. Wilcox's mother, who Is In delicnto health, is Kiild lo be In a seri ous condition, caused by the suspicion east upon her sun. New York, Dec. III. There weio about MR) persons present at tho funer al servlccH of Nellie Cropsey today, Including relatives of tlio denil girl and a nuniber of puplln from tho pub lic school which she formerly attend ed. Tho casket was completely cov ered with Mowers. BUDGET Of News Fired In From Stewart's Corners. (Special Correspondence.) Stewart's Corners, Dec. .11. Our school Is closed for a two weeks' va cation, Mrs, Nancy Stewart, who 1iih befu seriously 111 Jit the homo of her son been lemovcd to tlio home of her son, In-law, 'Mr. George Hanson has Mr. Kiaiik Stowait, of Turkey Point. Mr. and Mrs. .loliu Young spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Hjion l.ongcoy, of Kent. Mih. Carl Gruhh and ffer sister, Miss Hullle (.iipplii, aro visiting their uncle, Mr. Washington Lappln, of Michi gan.. Charley Stewart is back lu tlio neighborhood agulu. Dyspepsia Cure with a good mediate relief 'how many wduld neglect to no good. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure not only keep it constantly in tho house? relieves tho patient's Bufferings In such1 mattes a vigor Hit You can go about your business and dis- - cases but also removes the cause of suffer regard i pain in any other part of the body. ing. It relieves by digesting tho patient's To i ach supplies the entro to nerform Its task thes6 rforn on and we cannot lire ' all know this, but haven't error of assuming that, But stomach troublo prostratos has accomplished thq purpose for which it was eaten? It hasn't, by any .means. Until it Is properly digested the system cannot assimilate it. It remains In the''storoatih until it decomposes and not nave oeen eaten at an. .Jtioaoiuyspep sla Cure digests this food without aid from tho stomach and digests it (is well as the stomach itself could do the work. Through sunerers If gives the stomach perfect multiform troubles) and after receiving treat ment from many doctors for the same, I was induced to try Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, buying my first bottle in March 1000. Since that time I have used nearly two dozen bottles a proof of my faith In its virtue. I have not had , one pain since coin .raencing its use. Sometimes I can go two or three days without using it and I con sider myself In a fair way toward perma nent recovery. Fraternally yours, J. Ivlson, Lonaconlng, Md. Gentlemen: A few months ago I gave up hopeof living and was in such agony from chronic indigestion that I prayed I might pass from my suffering. One dayT learned of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and decided to try it. I had taken but ono teaspoonful of It to an tnat CALL FOR MEMORIAL MONEY. Massachusets Raised $2,000 the First Day. Hoston. Dec. 111. An appeal to the (icople of SIiiHsachusetts for funds to' aid hi tho erection of tlio MeKlnley niciuoilal at Canton was issued today. The subscription list was headed by Governor Crane. The response for tlio day was if-'.OOO. The proportion for tho state Ih ifUO.OOO. FOR SALE AT A BAR GAIN. The Deniocuit has an otllcu counter ten feet long, three feet, eight Inches high, with panelled ash front, frostpd glass screen, Iron window and six drawers, which, owing to Hie equip ment of our new ininrters with new furniture throughout, will not lie need, and will bo sold at a bargain. Posses sion given about .laiiuary loth. CUBA'S First Election Was Very Quiet. Light Vote and No Ex citement. Only One Ticket Voted For In Santiago. Havana, Dec. HI. Tho pleotlon re turns havp not yet been received here. The Indications nre that a very light vote has been east. In Havana tho partlMUiR of Iliirtolomo Maso did not vote. According to a dlsfmtoh from Ha vana, dated Doc. 'Jtl, to Hie Associated Press, General Maso, the Democratic, uuidldnto for President of tho Cuban Hopuhlle, has left there for Maiiwuill lo. glUng up the campaign. Santiago Do Cuba, Dec. 111. Tho el c. tlons today were without especial In cident In this district. The 'Nationalist ticket was the only one hi the field, and consequently there wiih no 'oppo sition, and tills ticket was elected, The day was unustully cold and rainy. MARK YOU J AUx of old a warrior bold, . who defied both Oodannd men, AJax Cold Cnre ll a leader foraure And defici all tnCU of racu. Digests what yoii i. Thrfalrtm iooaanaenaoune nis system to transiorm it into bone and muscle, blood and brain. It cures by allowing the stomach rest until it is restored to its natural condition. If tho' stomach is out of order not an organ of the body escapes soiuo correspond ing derangement. There are few diseases which cannot be traced directly to the stom ach. If the stomach is weak the body is weak. If the stomach Is strong, the entire body is strong. None of us want to suffer from indigestion or dyspepsia but the hurry and nervous tension or the times have made them tho commonest complaints of the generation. Often we eat too fast, too soon after or too shortlyv before violent physical exercise or . severe mental strain. Sometimes we are too busy to eat at all at the proper time and over- ' load our stomachs when tho opportunity comes. For awhile the abused organ stands .the strain. Finally it collapses. systehi. If it falls sunnlles are nut witnout tood. we ..... - i - Itltou wAfallenliito the onco swallowed, food might far better eaten Is reduced when the pain in my stomach ceased, Tnaft day I enjoyed a good meal for the first time in many months. After taking three bottles of Kodol Dys pepsia Cure I am as well as ever. It saved my lifo and I cannot recommend it too highly.- Mrs. Alba F. Crawford, Pittsburg, N. H. Gentlemen: I have been troubled with indigestion for ten years and have tried many things and spent much money till I, tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have takent two bottles and have obtained more relief from them than from all the other medi cines I ever used. I am now feeling better than I have been in five yeara and feel more like a boy than I have felt in twenty years. Respectfully, Anderson Biggs. Sunny'Lano, Tex. HIGHER t & i Forms of Life May . Be Prolonged, If Not Made -Eternal, Says Dr. toeb, Regarding His Discoveries. i Chicago, Dey. 31. At today's hes Mon of the American Physiological So- clptyj Dr. Jacques lxieb followed his eternal Ufa paper of yesterday with another lu tho same line of thought, Ho said ins experiments in prolonging Hie existence of the. lower forms of life led to tho belief that the life of higher organisms is electro dynamic in IIh na ture. He declared that tho probabil ity is that food Muffs and medicines nre not valuable for their Individual pioperties, but for thn quantity ot pas. Itlvo and negative atoms of electricity contained. In a word, Dr. I.oeb looks upon food and medicine as valualilo for the sustenance of what ho culled the "human dynamo." "I have come to tho conclusion," Mild the speaker, "that at least u part oi the energies of food MuITh is turned into electrical force." TEACHERS. Sixteen New Ones Passed Exam inations. Thirteen pf the 10 persons, who-took the city teachers, examination, Dec. -1, were successful. There was but one man among tint 1 applicants. The following wero granted eertlil eaten: Klvo year, Claro G. Olney, Ag- ucH Klnkor, Dora Msu(er, Anna Tier; three year, Clara Vanderall and Emily Wolcott; one year-, Jennie Dlllnian, Bessie Grove, Alary Hourlet, Anna Kelfer, I.nuru l.ecper, Mary Mercer, mid Anna .Snyder. REMOVAL nOTICE. I i. i:. Stanford v Company, plumb em and gas fitters, lmvV removed their place of business from 007 South Main St., to It.8 South Main st., Just south of tho Akron Grocery.Conipaiiy, and nre better equipped to give their cus tomers prompt attvnthiu. Intimates given. The Democrat prints tho uewe, both 'local and foreign, rest. START THE RIGB& Keep Me In Mind for That Elegant New PIANO For 1902 A. B. Smith 220 S. Main st. o The Proofreader. An anonymous writer In tho Anni cau Printer of New York says: "The Ideal proofreader for a an printshop ought to be an accomplls printer, a sensible person, a person. derstandlng tho .scope and llmltat of the EDtrllsh laneuace. one ciml bonding the truo offices of'fitijic'tuatlo ono with a keen and true appreclaUo of literature, a storehouse of exaq knowledge, a perfect grammarian, perfect speller and with a fund of.uj mor sufficient to enable him to dor whole duty along these various lli without making for an early grave. bo does not really know everything, I ought assuredly to be able to sccnte1 an error and to know how to get afl truth. If hf "reads the proofs for weekly newsnaner also, ho ought tl know all about local affairs and al about tho town or city In order to pnl vent the reported marriage ot tne who morely acted as brldesma untanglo the mixed topography' reporters' articles." RxenipllfrlnK an Adage, "Yes," said tho old conductor, Imvo followed the railroad about my life. I wasn't exactly born on train, but I was marrlod on ono a tho rate of fortr-five miles an hour." "That was a good deal llko marrying In haste." "It was. And we got tired of tach other while we were making the return trio on a freight train! "That wiis a good dl Hko repentlbg at IcisureV'-ChlcaEo 'BDUDe , II I -1 . i 1 M , , . -WVit.J U-.i.ftV.u fct ..ll aMa I I aaafcaifrlir-a " i'----- ;... - - ' Jt ... jj2ajJJJJJJJJJJJJJaMBJJBIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJI