OCR Interpretation

Akron daily Democrat. [volume] (Akron, Ohio) 1892-1902, January 01, 1902, Image 6

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028140/1902-01-01/ed-1/seq-6/

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Tho pool tonrnninpnt for the nmntcur
fchnmplonshlp of tho city will open In
a blnzc of glory sonic night next week,
wtfnnnger l-'rnnk Cohen of tho Howa'rt
Ft. billlnnl pnilovs, hns arranged nil
tho preliminary nrrnngements for the
tournament, and na an cspeclnl nttrao.
tion will lmvo one of the most famous
liool players of the country, lu cxhlbl
tin gnmes, next Mutiny and Tuesday
V The pool expert, Charles Westou by
nnnie, hns traveled extensively with
Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill, and Is
paid to hnve lemnrkablc shots at per
fect cotnuinuil. While In Alaon next
;wcek, Westou will meet Met Haiti,
uud any other of tho Akron experts
wlio may be Induced to meet him. He
.Will play Hard 125 balls to 100.
"Weston also hits a 3,000 ball match
In Cleveland, next week, where hu will
meet Champlou Slowon at continuous
TJitTc has been no trouble in anting
ng for the Howard st. tournament.
Players galore have tried to enter, and
main difficulty hns been lu keeping
the entries down to a reasonable num
Art Hitnnix, while not overcontideiit,
regarding the matches ho now. has Tu
mind, believes that the tale that will
be told after both the Kuroy and Dully
lights will be different than that told
the last time. Slmms -will not be over
contideiit, 'and on the other hand, he
will filter the ling to light a cautious
light, and realizes thai almost his
wbolo reputation will be at slake' lu
the' results of the coining lights. ,
Slmms has begun training at the
,Houh End club, and'wlll. transfer bis
licndijiuirtcrs between that place and
the North lands' headquarters as often
as will be practical, nov that the hit
ler Vlub hs given him formal permis
sion to use its apparatus.
Slmms has an excellent trainer and a
good adviser, and his friends hope
lunch from the coming tights.
Riihlln and Slmms exhibited proofs,
Tuesday, of the pictures they laid
taken last week, Illustrating their
methods of offense and defense. Tho
lessons hi the plctmes weie all glen
by (lus, showing Jabs and bumps up-
'ipcr-ciits and wallops and modes of
Diociiing nun warning inem oil,
Slmms Is an npl and ntteutlve pupil
and pays strict attention to what his
big friend tells him. The two are In
separable companions and t licit- dally
walks and talks aio done together.
(ills Is becoming icstless and says
that hu will nol remain lu Akron much
longer, but will leave shortly for tho
Enst, wheic ho will continue to look
for fights.
Tho Grands are rapidly rounding Into
bhapo for their trip lo Buffalo for the
National tournament. In their prac-
t,le work they have lolled some excel,
lent Ncores, and tho prospcctH are that
they will give some of tho big teams
fiom tho larger cities a merry chnso
tor some of the prize money. In three
practice games, Monday night, they
lolled WW, !27, Old, an average for tho
thrcu games of 027 plus.
no meeting.
Tho special meeting that wns culled
nl tho South Mini athletic club for the
purpose of acting on the resignation of
1'rcHldcnt John WIchc failed to inn
totalize lust nlghl. Not enough of
tho members responded to tho call.
The meeting will bo held at a later
time and the resignation will doubtless
be accepted, as Mr. Wlcso Is Insistent,
What Disease Produces Must Mi scry
If the amount of misery caused by
different diseases could be estimated,
It would ho found the portion caused by
hcftdacho would uiitwolgh any other,
and perhaps equal all combined. I in
medlnto lellef Is an'oidcd by Clinic
Headncho Wafers, perfectly safe, eas
ily taken and do not depress, 10c at
nil (Uugglsts.
Will Undoubtedly
Regardless of the Opposition In
Copenhagen, Dee. 31. It hns been
learned hero on tho best of authority
that tho treaty between tho United
States mill Denmaik, for tho sale of
tho Danish West Indies will be sign,
ed In spite 'f tho agitation heio
against tho measure, Inasmuch as the
Danish, government has pledged itself
to this end. The question of a plu
blsclto will not bo allowed to enter
tho transaction.
When your cold arrives have AJax Cold
Cure on hand. It is the most effective,
tptedy, and sore cute for colds..
is not;a whiskey medicine.
Couple Married at Youngstown,
on Christmas,
(Special Correspondence.)
Doylestown, Dec 31. Albrt Fluth
hns lomovcd to town, having rented
the propei ty 'of the late I'hlllp IJelble.
K. A. Young illnl wife spent Christ
mas nt' Pittsburg, lii., with Mrs.
Voung' In other, Joseph Shondel and
wife. i.
John (iardner, Jr., of Danville, Knox
county, spout a week with his brother,
Dr. G. E. tiaulner and wife.
Misses Emma and'Catheilno Whit-
ninu arc spending sevjral days wltii
rehtlves at Masslllon and New Ber
lin. . , ,'',
Miss Wllnm (Jutes, of Akron, Is
liiniie on a visit,
Mr. and Mis. Kianels Whitman
spent' Cliilstnias with Mr. Nicholas
I.li'bcrlli and wife, of Akion.
A ilnnce will bo held New Year's
oo., Dec. til, at Danncnilller's hnll,
given by tho (lei man older, Sous of
' .Jlss N'ettle Daniienilller, oC Ak
ion, Is visiting her parents.
Miss l'eail Hartel spent Christmas
with friends lit Kultoii.
Ilerniird Jons and Miss Anna HI.
Thomas, of this place, were miiriied
at Ynungstowu, on Chrintnias, at the
home of tho bride's father.
Miss Ellleiln AVatsoit leturned from
Joneshoio, Iiid,, after spending a
week will her sister, Miss Elllo Wil
(Furnished by tho Abstract, Tltlo
Ouaiaiitco & Trust Co., No. 220 S.
Main st.)
Millard l White to Anthony W.
Blackburn, 10 feet on Third st., Uur
berlou, $30(10.
Harney Met Irmly to Anthony W.
HlnekMiin, 10 feet on Lake nve., Bar
lieitou, $550,
Alma A. Nice anil Arthur H. Nice,
lo Arvllla Nice, -10 feet on Thlid st.,
Baiherton, .$1.
Kloru Garrett to It. 11. Chapman,
of an aero lu West ltlchlleltl, $i.
Sheriff lo lfoliiit II, Chapuuiu, 33.(13
aeies lu lllchlleld township, $1m5,
A. A. Mount to John M. Swan, 2
lots lu Urn Mouio allolmenl, Baiher
ton, $250.
Sm nh Wlngerler" nml husband to
Charles Wlngerler, Jr., 55 feet on Ak
ion and Manchester load, south of
elly, $1.
T. W. Wakemnn to ct. u. Gunnel,
Jr., lot hi the HuliliiT WoiUers' allot-
inent, $325.
Marietta Stein to A. Dewltt Di.
Haven, do reel on Tooth ue hi East
Akion, $140,
I j. II. Homer to W. S. Trescott, 35
feet on Thornton st., corner of 1'ilnce.
ton st,, $700.
Chns. Amiuerman, adiulnlstrntor. to
Celestenla and E, ,r. Stnin, 10 feet on
Bnlrd ave., Hnibeiton, $700,
Smah L. Williams to Miner J, Allen,
8 lots In the Lookout I'mk allotment,
YjC You Could Look
JjftJL Into the futurcamt tee thecotidltton
to which jour cough, U neglected,
will bring oii, you would trek relief
once and that naturally would be through
B 4 -4 - Ouaranteed to cure Cou-
vflll C auraptlon, llronchltta,
rT W AUin, ond all itung
Troublea. Curea Cou gin and Colda In a day,
centi. Write lo H. C. Wells & Co.,
I Roy, N. V for free trial bottle.
Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies tht Blood
ma i i . ii. i- -w . i i i in h Tii.
and w. N.TInsley picture tin tigs, and paper bandi from" Florodo""Clgari are also good for Preseulit H
- - i - -
3 "2 Trademark Stickers .) I
S idKHlL B" . FROM PACKAGES OR - 'sTh' ' I
wsussaM VAiimmtft lmz4 m i czsk trzzk m
iBL-.gr1Mg L I to 1 ,-n nVsfe4 mm I
caao 7tXS55l I J I W jHH v I m l Ji danu w czsm S5S '
Lrft SSfsSiPt. r2eS9Ll . . .r m m m & Sf far t hm ut.
,fi62n&! iv -v s. ia . i
b -. j -m m zzmzr .jrr .i wm ,
m ?&ar " .. vmar zz&rif s t-i s m m
aaai niv KTWr.iF .rawB - -aav . --rcs-ccsof csss imitau aaa
av a aBO"- y.-.iAr zszdm "'k. ...-cwjis4Sisssj sssss arm a
Ml S HI J&rwir ZPZm. NHT NggaB if '
m t M Juws, JGAEmw -iS&-5SS SftflSP tffi' MfW'V I till
H jr V JftMw5 icC amTaVasiiSC:3K?35sPsai5ffI3S "5EsiSyHSa far! ! jff.firfT. jl h II! I H
v v mmmir-Vi. -s- mi ' ", n ! I hi ill i ii i. .i.i wm !'- rmww. t I .in
m nrnvtimmtz r"1 igggSts8 ' i ti u
a W& MmmmM -tt a mm
I iwtYWrjt,. IMwiMMsmlrmfsS JzMmmoKsB a l fwlh Mil
1 1 jm I MB KfliBilKtX. l - & ?$h-i
D B tt L 1 iKKIIiSb niTm' W """6" L5 Ml I
a a i 1MEH8 mra mm m mtwstssssKr "w-,. wasvr ma m
m u v, m kSa JsantssMMi aNSsss8Bt3sa mu't uwinnwvxi trn jb
u u m ??3Hgassi ii .stwssir' 53. ts t.a a
IBEWv . m blsaHKWHlSii -- Mi, M B
H Ml m'titint EjiJHaOTWln rii tttir M Iff I ''IV IW f8GfiMw&$b. mmimV w-m
j fe. .. yHKorvi iswatair' . aiiiamiiiai fWJK&w-'zmw mtumum ma
i'Nutt, ySv 2 SmMMtr fllllll, n mem&!XA'mtvmma
.YSSItw S5$M .isllTl , - ilJI WMWM!J MM
-Nsrsr npt'' mhbw .mm m-
ryT J iaaalalii n W 1 I UV " -r..,ww fittitmt MlfU.HUn.
r tositt rettiuiJt hus roiAiee. iotais. . ... etuo ttr. nro(.
r "" " '-"- "' HMWIj j. W lriiiffifir-ifff-ii' ' " uiia r
f 3HTaWtMfttMAAei. t0f0S. C'ATAl fft IP OP PPPSPNTS rolMTMMH. '10 uu,
fill il1 U f$ KM ilnl-
aw a w 1 iiort raji' ' , n'r ., mi Ml HU (w Wjj Yi
1 tfcl -'" ' ' ' " ' In.liirt mftflt, rt.ll.1 -tft. ahmwn ttr - T -AHt,it" th mA.t ltrll lCtl H 7 Mil 74 If
EH r ra IhRIItII U'tofPreienta eiercBered for Te.o4vflHtic seut by will cb receipt or 1,1 a l'l fffl k S
l ran .JrOTllltI postage-two eeun.'' Y L.I W i f fc
flN'"J?pl' " Our offer of Preenta"forT$ will Expire Nov.'3oth,'i9oar tovL
, l LllrjP?fAj yv ' ' - ' war, ii Ujlfifcrf ImPV
Vv I Wr! Z4wfl P COMTINEMTAt, TOBACCO CO. KfmWMmmmV&ltimft &-W&BU
W luf M)i vA " 5&ss' si tach.
W V in nSli W I Wf WrIle your nerae ,n1 aStlrm P',D'J " outilde of package coutstnlog ST---SK'f'1 A fa-
a.'J tsSB5E25itf Y I. U Tan. aud forward Tart by reetstered mall, or ' exoreia nreDald. De P" S9SR' ,
II Ufnl . . . em-w P"BMfB ----
SC7 U w fffl ure to have, your package securely wrapped, to thtt Taga will not be tto tacsxt
ii t ra lost In trantlt. Send Tags and request for . 1'reieuti (alio requcita for !L llo.-..
JJ VS;. gggjjgBjHfiJ M'csu" C.HyT BROWN, 'k
A. II. Bates & Co. to Hanlet H.
llunllii, 00 feet on Balle'y road, t'uyn
hogu l-'iills, $120.
Olio E. Blckel to John S. Blekel,
lot '-'(It In Slelner allolment, $500.
iloliu (iicthcr et al, to Julia Bene
dict, lot 100 In thv (ii ether A; l'felffer
allotment, $215.
Henrietta Butler to Ncttlo M. Doll,
108 feet on Bowery st., comer of
Thointon st $1NM,
lMwnul Morgan to Mairy Williams,
Vj acto lu Sherman, Norton township,
John (1, Mead In .lohu Mi'Tamtuaiiy,
,l7,i feet on Korjfp st., ipl.
rnullno Krless to .Inn. McTanunnny,
'JO feet on west side of South Main
St., $'.S00.
Win. 11. liKhiim to Katlo Htissen,
:t.. feet on, Cui lull st., $1100.
Kiln .1. Mayer Jo Jeaiilo H. Brown,
LM feet on North" llowmd st., $.1000,
(ico. ('. Kohler to .lennlo I.oonhurcL
."() feet on l.aSallo st., $000.
Anson II. Bussell to Harriet h. Bus
sell, 107.55 iicves lu Coploy township,
Ceo. W. Billow to Myrt A. Billow,
107.55 acres In Copley township, $1500,
Diamond Bubher Co., a corporation
of Ohio, to The Dlnmond Bubber Co.,
t ir-
i Tob
u corporation under the laws of Wet
Virginia, tho pioperty of the Dinnioud
Bubber Co. lu the city of Akron and
Coventry township, $10.
W. T. Sawyer to Robert Weber,
about 10 feet ou Colllnwood nve.,
Thomns W. Miller to l.eroy Miller,
lot tail In the Lookout Tark allotment,
1 Central Kngluo Hotisu.
2 Buckeyo Woiks.
1 Diamond Bubber Win 1.8.
5 Mnlu and .Market.
C No. 2 Kngino House. Sixth Wmd.
s av.wa Star n v Mil WaWjS&BS&jzNLti M.ltt
rs tags, S! rrdmSmmmt0
-y Akin mav or AccnoTPn im csrrr iir n. ddpqfntc l5!c5im am i ,
i ii. ii Tn imiiirTTirTi 0ur New Illustrated , imw tmmimn
y mII FOR 1902 &. I jf wl""-
7 North Broadway, nead MmUet,
S Buehtel nve,, and Bowery.
Miller Iliibbev vorks.
0 Sehumaelier Mill. Mill btroct.
11! Prospect, near Mill.
13 ruruueo mid Broadwny.
14 Mulu mid Keck.
15 Ash mid Burk Thicc.,
JG No. 3 Hnglno House, West Hill.
17 Cnrroll mid lisclmngc.
18 Kmplio Mower and Bcnper
i0 Akron Rubber Workg.
Ml Trospect and I'erklns.
23 Korgo uud Mnrkot.
2tSherniaii, nenr Eschnugc
25 Mnlu mid IOxcliuno.
20 North Howard ud Tnllmnilgj.
if West Market and Green.
... ... . , ;r
accoTag s
28 Akron Knlfo Work3.
20 WnsU',:igton nod Hopp Alloy.
31 North Howard nnd North.
32 Knst Mnrket nnd Sprnce.
34 West Mnrket nnd Valley.
35 Cnrroll nnd Splcer.
3d Carroll mid Sumuer.
37 North nnd Arlington.
38 luo and I ountnln.
jO'Cpburn nnd Cninpbjll.
41 Wooster nve., nnd Locust.
'42 Tearl, nenr cistern.
43 South Jlnln nnd Kalor.
45 College and Mill.
40 Arlington nnd Hnzcl.
47 IIowo nnd Bowery.
43 West South.
40 Merrill Tottery, Stnto.
51 Hownrd nnd Cherry.
52 No. 4 Knglno House, Main nnd
I'nlor. s
03 Center st Railroad Crossing.
54 Buehtel ave., and Union.
CO Akion Stoneware Co.. Oth Wnrd.
57 t ods nnd Turner.
C8 Tcrkliis and Adolph ave.
tO Webster, Cnmp & Lanu Ma-
chine Co.
01 Cuso ae., and Kent.
C2 Slcheillng Mill. Oth Wmd.
03 Johnston and Chnmplnln.
01 Akron Sewer I'lpo Co., Black
07 Cnrroll nud East Mniket.
08 Second nve., mid Vnlloy Ry.
W) 'Johnson nnd Wilson.
71 Grant and Cross.
72 Noith and Muplo,
74 North Union, near Bluff.
75 Itoblnson Brps.. North Vorge.
70 The Whltiuoro-Boblnso.1 Co.
78 Knst Market; and Cook.
70 Home.f near Lillian.
81 Western Linoleum Co.
82 Summit Sewer Pipe Co.
83 Allyn nnd Cross.
St Thornton mid Hnrvnrd.
85 The J, G.MpfclI Boiler Works.
7 Thoruon lrt Camp.
SO Main nnd Miller ave.
01 Cereal' Mills'. South Hownrd.
Sehumaelier cooper shep, N. Broad,
way. '
04 Mill acd Summit. (
05 Main ond Mill.
08 Buehtel ave., nud Fny.
121 Genera! Alarm.
120 Arlington nud Second nve.
32 .ItcnUer'a Hrdwe'ry, N. Forgo st
241 Sherman and Voris.
123 Sllver'an'tj Hickory.
124 South High ond Chestnut.
125 Wct Mnrket and Rhode ave.
251 Cedar-and. Wabash nve.
253 West Exchnnge, nenr Willow.
312 Cascndo Mil". North Howard
314 Flrq aiders Residence.
321 Admus.und Upson.
341 Bnlcb. and. Market. , f
342 Maple, opposite Bnlcb.
315 lilttiunii aad Crosby.
351 Exelmngo, hd SpU'er.
412 Wpbutcr opd St. Clair.
413 St. qiair kiid Bartges.
415 Wator Works, 'Y00Ster ayo .
431 warjt Til' .Works.
Thlaalgnaturola cfl try bpl ot tho ganulat
Laxative BnknorOuiaine rtbieu
Going West
No. 1 Express 8:35 pm
No. 5 Limited vestibule ...7:08 am
No. 15 To Akron only 11:30 am
No. 18 Chicago express,
Mondays to Gallon only. . . .11:51 am
No. 3 .aclflc express 0:50 pm
No. 37 Accommodation 0:37 am
Going East
No. 14 To Meadvlllc 2:20 am
No. 8 Limited vestibule.... 1:31 am
No. 12 Express to N. T 8:54 am
No. 4 New York special.... 12:50 pm
No. 10 Young-stowu express',. 4:25 pm
'Dally; nli others dally except
-Sunday. Central Standard
North Bound.
Gin., Columbus nnd Clev.. 0:05 am
Akron aud Pittsburg 8:20 am
Col., Mlller.burg & Clove. .. .11:35 nm
CIu. Col. and Cleveland 4:25 pm
P.tts., Bal., Wash & N. ....4:17pm
South Bound.
Clevc., Col. and Cincinnati... 0:35am
New York, Pitta. & Akron
(runs only to Bnrbcrton... 11:10 am
Clevc. Mlllcrsburg and Col.,
Cleve., Col. & Cln 8:30 pm
Clevc, Mlllcrsburg, Col 3pin
Pittsburg and Akion (run
only to Akron) "8:10 pm
'Dally, nil others dnily except Bun-
Union Depot, Market Street
Dcpmt West.
l'lflin, Kohtorla & Chlcngo. . 0:00 am
Tiffin, .ostorla & Chlcngo.. 7:55 pm
Chicago, vcstlbuled, Ltd. ..11 :30pm
Arrive irom the West
Chicago and Now Yoik vcs
tlbuled, limited 1:50 am
Chicago & Pittsburg 6;35nm
Cblcngc, Akron and Cleve
land 8:20 pm
Dally, all others daily except Sun
Depot North Main st
Depart No. 1 S:30 am
Depart No. 11 4:30 pm
Arrlvo No. 2 4:00 pm
Arrive No. 12 12:05 pm
Dally. IDaily except Sunday.
C, T. & V. R. R.
How. St.
.. 7:10 am
.. 0:0511111
.. 1:10 pm
.. 5:13 pm
. . 8:35 pm
.. '0:50am
. . 8:34mn
.. 4:35pi
..12:30 am
.. 7:32,. m
.. 12:01pm
. . 3:53 pic
7:00 am
8:52 am
1:00 pm
4:55 pm
8:20 pm
12:45 am
0:35 am
8:51 am
4:58 pm
8:22 pm
No. 40
No. 4
No. (J
No. 10,
No. 8
No. 12,
No. 7.
No. 0.
No. 5
No. 47
No. 3.
No. 11
12:57 am
"""" Union Depot, Mnrket st
Leave for the Flast
Chlcngo nnd New Yoik vesti
bule limited '2:00 am
Warren, Youugstown, Pitta
burg 6:55 am
Warren, Youugstown 5:10 pm
Pgh., Wash., Phlla., New
Yoik, fijm Howard st. only 3:55 pm
Arrive from tho East.
Washington, Pittsburg, Clcv.e
laud, arrive O. T. & V. Ry
Howard st. stntlon i. 0:50 am
Youugstown and Akron 8:40 am
Pittsburg, Akron and Chica
go '7:35 pm
Now York.Washlngton.Pltts-
burg and Chicago 11;23 pm
Dally, nil others dally except Sup.
A. B. C. Division.
Waiting room, Hamilton building,
opposite Buehtel hotel.
Time card In effect Oct 15th. 1001:
Cnrs for Clovelnnd, leavo waiting
room nt 5:40 a.m. and every hour un
til 8:40 p.m., nnd at 10:30 p.m.
Saturdays nnd Sundays, 5:40 a.m
0:40 n.m nnd every hnlf hour until
7:40 p.m., nnd nt 8:40 p.m., and 10:30
No high-sounding claims; no mis
representation), nro needed to keep
you for n customer, after you
hnve once hnd a caso of our bottled
beer nt your home.
The merit of the goods Is a suffi
cient ndvcrtlsement
You can't help telling your neigh
bors of Its exqulslto flavor, Its
sparkling appearance and Its health
giving properties, say nothing of
Its cost. Wo wnnt every family In
Akron to buy a enso of this excel
lent beer, kuowlng thnt n pleased
customer is our best flrcud,
Brewers of
High Grade Beer
KmT-Both Phones 250,
yyyyyyajjBMii; t y y ? d
"j Jifj

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