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tf jw m " at 'BBBaas-aa AKK03ST DAILY DEMOOBATc, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 1, Boston Store '3?UK WEATHEK WEDNESDAY Fair tonight and 'Wednesday; colder 'tonight In north portion; colder Wed nesday. We Stand on the Threshold Of the Coining Year Time will won lift from niir ryes tho veil of the future and reveal to us the. uncertainties of his youngest child; but nnotlicr day remains and vu say farewell, forever, to tho fast-dying year. It has been to us a year of care and labor, as well as a year of Joy and triumph. Wo close It llrmly In tho belief that w have fairly won our ,way In the eonlldenee of tho public; now we look forwaid with eager am bition to an era of unwonted prosper ity 4iiu1 subslantlal success. No man or business will ever rise lu this world who walls for a Hying luiichiuc. Kwn In the midst of the best Christmas season In our history, we were looking well In advance, knowing, as we do, that business ex ists In proportion to the effort made. Confidence lft the nuicry of all business. On the Bamc word, eonlldenee, wo today Join our hands and hearts with the good peoplo of this community for tho best lnlcicsts of this city, for wo are ono tt you. Wishing one and all JOLLY For the Republi cans of Indiana. Senator Fairbanks Threw Boquets, And Senator Beveridge Sai d " Amen." Inillnnnpolisc, 1ml., Dee. :t1. At the conference of the Republican leaders or the state belli here today, Senator Palibanks reviewed tho work of the HepubJJeun party in Indiana and de clared It had u most honorable record. L'lts north star," he said, "had ever been tho public, Interest. 'The Kepubilcnn parly has always been an assurance to both capital and I.ibor of that stability which Is essen tial to the success of.vneli," be contin ued. "It has never yet for the pur pose of mere temporary triumph at tempted to set one at war with this other, knowing full well that that vic tory which Is not founded upon truth ami righteousness Is but temporary and In tho end worse than defeat Itself.' Senator lleverldge said that the glor. Ideation of tho Kepubilcnn parly was always beautiful and at a love least of party workers it was appropriate. It vns therefore with pleasure that ho echoed and applauded the Nontlmenta of his distinguished colleague X A Happy New Year MURDER Because She Placed Knife Friend's Hands. In lBO-lK! South Howard Street. Omaha, Neb., Dec. HI,. Mrs. Heder .Minn, a Syrian womaji, was today bound over to tho District court charg ed In the. llrst degree as an Accessory to tho killing of Najoeg Saldy during a riot in tho Syrian colony, Xov. HO. She Is charged with having placed n knlfo In the hands of .loo Bimlu- weel, who Is alleged to have stabbed Saldy to death. Itardaweel escaped ami has not been arrested. Mrs. Minn 1'uuilslicd .f;j,pi)0 bond and was released. WE HAVE STARTED A 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT CLOTHING SALE It Begins ToiXLorro-wV It is the policy of our house not to carry goods over from one season to another and in order to sell quick before stock-taking, Feb. 1st, we offer OUR STOCK OF MEN'S, BOYS' and CHILD'S CLOTHING AT A CASH DISCOUNT OF ...... . PER CENT J. KOCH & CO. Dress, Tuxedo, Prince Albert Suits and Uniforms are riot included in this sale KILLED BRITISH RED TAPE. While On Their Way Home With Marriage License. Newcastle, lud,, Dee. III. After se eming a license to niiiiry and while en route to their home at Kprlugpnrt, .Mrs. Nancy Itecdcraud John ldhu'irds were sliuek and Instantly Willed at the crossing or North Main st. and tho I'HU-haudle lalhoad by a fast passen ger (mill last evening, Ed wards was knocked lulo a ravine Kill feet away, and Mrs. Hecder's liody was Impaled on the cowcatcher and carried hair a iilllle. Mrs. Hecder's daughter Jumped from the Inipny and t'siuipcd with hllgllt Injuries. Two have been killed at this dangerous crossing liefoie. Edwards was a couliact house mov er In Muncle. lie drove to Mrs. Hecder's country home near Spring port, and they weie lo siii'piisc their friends by tho wedding last night. Ho was oil years of ago with a family of six, and she wjis a ilch widow and has practiced at law. HERE'S NEWS. Wives Don't Need to Go Home Till They Get Ready. St. I.ouls, Mo., Dee. :il, In a mem orandum, lu which the divorce peti tion (if Hubert 13. Hunter against l.ellu Hunter Is dismissed without piejudlce, .Judge Spencer, or the tllrcult touit, hero declared that a w Ifo may go away on a 1U and icmaln be.Mind the date M't for her return, though solicited to return at that time by the husband, and yet not he liable in suit on the Wound of deseitlon. Hunter alleged that his wife went to .Memphis In .January, 1000, lo visit relatives; that hho remained longer tlu-iu she had Mild she would, and he made re pentod effoits to Induce her to re turn home, visiting her at .Meniphla for that puipoHe. Major General Who Issued an Or der That There Were No Orders. 15 very once In a while something Is blurted out that tends to Indicate a few of the reasons why our soldiers cannot travel as fast as lloers. One or tho icasons, It Is suggested, Is Unit they aie houhlcd to some extent with red lupe. Here Is a military order which has Just couio to hand. It shows how ul leasL one olllcer Is wasting tlmo ami stationery: "Ulstilet oideiH by Major (leueral lloyee t'omlie, U. H., inniinundlng Itawalplndl district. Muree, Tuesday, Oct. in, HHM, No district orders were published yesterday. Hy older, 1. (I. I. Shaw, Major, Assistant Adjutant (Jelieial." The paitlcular brand of iiilml that seeieles peil'onuiineis like this could not be expected to do much on Hit) Held of war. Catch lie Wet? Tho uillitaiy genius who did tills couldn't eateli a told at the uoith polo. The lact that an ntllcer ipiaiteied lu a wild laud does a thing Hl tills dues not, of eouise, show that we did mil win tlio liattlu or Wiileiloo or that the charge of HalnUlava was not courageous, It Is symptomatic, how cut. We call Imagine the people who Issued this order lijlng to put out a Hie or planning a lehel. All the parties Interested would die of old age before the pi luting pi esses and the pianos that they would lake with them were packed up. London Ex pi ess. Her Alnrrlnuu Dot. The Emperor Joiqph II. was In tho habit of wnlklug nhout Incognito. Ono morning he went Into a coffee shop nnd aslred for u cup of chocolate. Ho was plainly dressed nnd the wait' crs, being Ignorant of his rank, In solently refused It, fcnylug It was too early. Without making nny reply ho walked out and went Into a little cof fee house hard by and asked' for a cup of chocolate, The landlord an Bwered that it should bo ready In a moment. Whllo ho waited for It ho wnlked up and down and was conversing on different subjects when the landlord's daughter, a very pretty girl, made her appearance. Tho emperor wished her good day nnd observed to her father that It wns high time a flower In full hlooui should marry beforo It faded. "Ah," replied the honest old man, "If I hnd but n thousand crowns 1 could marry her to a line young man who Is very fond ot hurl But, sir, the chocolnto is ready." Tho emperor called for a pen, Ink and paper. The g(rl ran lo fetch them, when ho gne her an order on his banker for tho thousand crowus. REXFORD'S ATTACK, ON ROOSEVELT. A Decided Sensation Has Been Caused By Prominent Divine's Utterances. A decided soiiMition has been caused lu Columbus' by a sermon preached by Ilev. 1)1. H. L. He.xfmd, former pres ident of Huchtel college, lu which he made a seiiMtlonat 'attack on Presi dent HooseVelt for his attitude in tho Schley-Sampson ' loiilhncrsy. 11 r. IteM'oid's words Vveie applauded thiougliout the discourse. s'peaklng of the 1'iesldcnt he said: "He could tin ii from his Christmas festivities and hundllto a inan vut commanded the Ameileau tleet lu one of the greatest liav-ili victories lu our hlstoiy. (Applause.) He could humil iate tlie head of the army, a bravo BABY'S LUNGS Saved 'rima'a oiiiumc. "Diogenes was a great man," paid the contemplative person, "and yet ho had no use for money. Ho was con tent to connno IiIb possessions to a sin gle tub." "Well," nnswered Scnntor Sorghum, "a. tub might have been nil right in thoao days, tint what a mnn wants now Is n bar'!." Washington Star. lis Life When It Was Buried Alive. Chicago, Dec. III. A baby not over n day or two old was found partially burled alive this morning under tho steps ot thu boarding house of I'rltz Kulger, W) Ontario st. A hide had been scraped mid the Infant placed lu It. The child was covered nearly out of bight with mud, but ouo arm pro tiuded. Its lusty lungs saved Its life. There Wen No More Complnlnt. A certain Hencdlct was In tho habit of troubllnc his father-in-law with complaints about his wife's behavior. "Henlly, this Is too had," cried tho Irascible old gentleman ono day, on hearing uf soma of his daughter's de linquencies. "If I hear nny more com plaints I will disinherit her." Loudon Telegraph. A Haider. Junior Partner I seo you lmvo en gngod n now assistant. Is ho a good salesman) Sijnlor Partner Good salesman! (iroat snakos! I had to send for tho pollco to prevent him from talking mo luto taking htm Into partnership! A Unique Ilrtiumt. Among the experiences tlmt helped a now prominent attorney to omorgo from tho condition of n brlollcss bar rister ho tells tho following; One day n miserly old fellow came to him and asked that tho young nttorncy draw up a will. "How much cash havo you?", waa tho llrst Interrogation. "Wnal. I'dunuo," responded tho cli ent; "somewhcreB nigh on to J30.000, I reckon." "How do you wish It divided?" "I waut my old woman to havo $15, 000, and you can say that I give and bequeath $5,000 to each of my threo children," said tho old man, unloading himself of the legal pbraso with much gravity and deliberation. "Whnt else do you wish to say?" "Say that to each of my several nieces nnd nephews I alio glvo tho sit m of f5,000," "Hold on, b!r; this Is a work of su pererogation. You havo already dis posed ot nil your money. How are they to bo given tho sums you specify?" "Ool darn 'em, let 'cm work for It, as I did!" caino tho answer. Sail Fran cisco Wave. r-i If&fi tlmler n Mlatnke. Tho stranger stepped up to tho hotel register nnd wroto his name thus: "Gabriel Plunkctt, Squlbnocket, Mnss." Tho stranger Immediately behind him then stepped up, looked at tho name, smiled homewhnt Incredulously and inndo this entry himself: "Israel Snodgrass, Snohomish, Wash." Then tho two men glared at each oth er. "Think I'm klddln', do you?" "Trying to make fun of me, aroyou?" HIM Hang! "For henven's sake, gentlemen,' ago nizingly exclaimed tho hotel clerk, "stop! You aro under a misapprehen sion. I know both of you nnd know thoso to be your real .names and tho real names of tho towns you aro from!" Hy strenuous efforts he succeeded In separating them, nnd a few moments later they were apologizing profusely and Insisting with much vehemenco on treating each other. Chicago Tribune. and honored man, who wns fighting for his country when the President of tle, y lilted States was still In long clothes, (Applause.) Humiliate him for1 merely expressing an opinion on a matter of Justice lu which his coun trymen were deeply Intel ested. "'Ah! the misfortune of a President getting to the White House too soon w'lthbu't tlie discipline necessary lo lit him for the dignity of that high otllce!" Drj Hexfoid attacked the coal com bine, ami denounced as hypociltes men who would hold hundreds of ears In order to -get an advanced price, per mitting the people to freeze. en m iiiiiiii ma w Itlunx 'Imti, In tho matter ot taxntlon the Isle of Man Is Unique. Thcro Is no Income tax, no succession duties chargenble against the estates of deceased persons, no highway or turnpike tolls. Roads arc maintained by the revenue from two sources a small tax upon everywllcCl and shod hoof nnd a levy upon every mnlc Inhabitant, who must give n day's work on the road or Its equivalent In cash. There arc no stamp duties on receipts, checks, promissory notes, etc.; In fact, stamps are used only for post age. Loudon Standard. Sttjcli. Penner Srfy, glvo me a synonym for Vpsychic," will you? Wright Well, there's "psychologic al." Penner All right. How do you spell It? Wright Why-cr-oh. I glvo it up. Why not uso "psychic?" Penner I would, hut 1 don't know bow to spell that. Philadelphia Tress. Knot on Tree. In tho barks of our forest trees nre contained a multitude of latent buds, which are developed and grow under certain favorablo conditions. Some trees possess Jills property In a remark able degree, aud often, when the other parts are killed down by frost, tho property of pushing out these latent buds Into growth preserves tho life of the plant. These buds, having once begun 1o grow, adhere to the woody layer at their base and pusti'otit their points through the back toward .the light. The buds then unfold and develop leaves, which elaborate the sap carried up the small shoot. Once elaborated it descends by the bark, when It reaches the base or Inner bark. Here It is ar rested, so to speak, and 'deposited be tween1 the outside and inner layer of bark, as can be learned on examining specimens 6u the trees In the wood almost anywhere. ' a js The Earliest Cleara. The .earllVst mention of cigars In English occurs lu a book dated 1735. A traveler In Spanish America named Cockburn, whose narrative was pub lished In that- yenr, describes how hs met threo friars at Jlcnragua,"wbo, b says, "gave us some scegars to'smokei these are Leaves of Tobacco rolled up In such Manner that they servo both for a Pipe aud Tobacco It elf; they know no other way here, for there Is no such Thing as a Tobacco Pipe throughout New Spain." J-MffrWWt tShe Pittsburgh Sunday Gazette EIGHT WEEKS OLD Already the Leading Sunday Newspaper in Pittsburgh B I THT - I REASON j It Is Four arvd'AweLy tKe Best Cnnnila'a llniiUlnsr tlnilneii. Tho banking business In Canada Is on n different plan from flint In this country. The headquarters of most of tho banks throughout tho Dominion Is In Ontario, either at Hamilton, King ston or Toronto. Iiich hank has Itn central ottlee, generally u ouo of tho cities named, nnd ns many branches as It cares to maintain In different parts of Canada, some of these branchon lie?. I Inc as far Dawson, ty The Colored eurad jMgzfjhe Sections ere the Best West of New York. s The News and Special Features are Unex celled Anywhere.: .r x C, 'i The Finest Cable Service in. the World; ; At . Order it from Your Agent or by Mll. PR.ICE j n 5 CENTS. i t .rv I r "-: JH. Ho,Ay1it"t.faiw, tlK-.ldiiij!rtJ,.Spl!&2j