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Akron daily Democrat. [volume] (Akron, Ohio) 1892-1902, January 13, 1902, Image 1

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S i
For Another two Years as the
Pilot of Ohio.
A Fine Attendance anjl
In the Inaugural
(Special Correspondence.)
Columbus, O., .Tun. 13. Kor the sec
ond time la tlio history of tho great
Statu of Ohio have the reigns of gov
ernment been placed in the hands of
George K. Nash, of Krunklln county,
and Hamilton county once more Is lion-
red by being the homo of the man !
who will preside over the Senate.
The formal inauguration, widen
took place at high noon, was probably
the most impressive, that has occurred
,h till tho long years that Ohio has
been u State.
The weather was cold, but biacing,
and fully 20,000 people besides the
residents of Columbus, turned out to
watch the splendid civic and military
The lotuuda of the State House,
wlftVro the oath of ofllcc was admin-
lstcicd, was 'tastefully docorated for
the occasion. Fiom the top of tho
douic to the corridors 'below, the stuis
s " ' I l
His Second Term Began Today.
and stripes, festoons of sinllax and
evergreen, the emblems of State, por
traits of tho former goernors, and
clusters of lncaudescont globes were
to arranged as to form a bower of
Promptly at 10:30 o'clock the Gov
ernor's escort, composed of a G. A. It.
drill corps, the new cavalry tioop B,
the "Governor's guard," and tho In
augural committee of tho Legislature,
proceeded to tho Governor's homo on
Jefferson nve and escorted tho Chief
Kxceutlve to the, Stnto capltol.
As soon as the Governor reached his
post in tho votunda, the Fourth Itegl--ment
baud struck up "America?" Sec
retary Bassell, of the Columbus Board
of Trade, mado a brief Introductory
address, ltev. J. P. Slagel, of "Wav
crly, offered prnjor; tho Columbus
Bepubllcnn Glee club sung Keller's
"American Hymn," and Secretary of
State Lowls C. I.ayliu, presented the
otllclai commission to tho Governor.
Tho oath of otlico was administered
SUED FOR $10,000.
Akron Contractors Asked to Pay
For an Injury.
Calvin Terrlll, whoso hand was
caught In an excavating machine and
seriously injured seveinl weeks ago,
nt Flndlay, has sued Messrs. Ohas. II.
Isbcll and Dim McGarry, of Akron,
ivlio liavo tho contract for tho sower,
or $10,000 damages. Teirlll Is tho
man whoso Injury was foretold to
lames McGownu, foreman of tho sew
:r constriction, in a drctuu-
Much Interest Shown
by .Tustlco "Marshall J. Williams,
of the Ohio SJupremp comt, and
the Governor then turned to the au
dience,' giving a brief buf very couclso
The ceremonies were concluded with
n song by the Glee club. The Senators
immediately adjourned to tho Sou-
ate chamber, and Lieutenant Gov
ernor Carl V. Nlppcrt "wan formally
inaugurated, after which" the Senate
adjourned until 1Q a.m. Tuesday.
As soon as the Innugilrul ceremonies
were over the grand niarshnl of tho
parade, Gen." H. A. Axllne, gave the
signal and the parade started. First
came a. squad of police; then Gen.
Axllne and his staff, all mounted;
Troop B, First Ohio cavalry; carriage,
containing Governor Nnslt, Chaplain
Slagel, Secretary Bussell nnd Senator
I'ntterson, di awn by fom' white horses;
eturiages containing Lieutenant Gov-
ernor Nlppeit, the Joint legislative
eomniIttee,and State ofliclnlsjband; U1.
S. troops; Ohio Nnttounl Guard, Gen,
John 0. Sparks, commanding; Inde
pendent military organizations, Uni
cerslty cadets, etc., rrcsldent W. O.
Thompson, of tho State Uulvcrslty,
commanding; BJalne club and band,
of Cincinnati; Itullsplltters and Lin
coln cluli nnd baiuls of Toledo, Col
umbus, Dayton and other ltcpubllean
clubs. Col. Jamoi Kilbouriie, tlio de
feated Democratic candidate for gov
ernor, brought up tho rear with, tho
employes of his big factory.
Company V, of Akron, commanded
by Capt. Herman Werner, wns con
spicuous among the National Guard.
Tho ceremonies will close, with n
public leception at tho state liousu this
evening. 1'iccedlng the public recep
tion, will bo a reception for the judges
of tho Supremo Coiut, members of tho
legislature, state oltlclals, army and
military otllcers, presidents and mem
bers of tlio faculty of colleges.
Called on tho President.
Washington, Jan. ja. Amb.ibsndor
Ohoato called on tho President today.
Ho wilt sail for Englnml on Wcdnes
day. He wild that his visit to tho
Whlto House was meiely to pay his
icspqcta to thcl'resldent,
Will Take Charge Wednesday.
Wnshlngton, Jan.' 13. Henry 0.
l'.iyne, the newly appointed Postmas
ter General, will tnko tho oath of of
fice Wednesday muiiilng, and imme
diately nssuinu charge qf the department.
Marconi Will Transmit Commercial Messages
Across the Atlantic by Wireless Telegraphy.
New York, .Inn. 10. Slgnor .Marconi
inventor of wireless telegraphy, arriv
ed here from Canada wheio ho litis
been the guest of honor at the annual
banquet of the American Institute of
Kleetrlcnl lliiglncors. On Wednesday
he avHi nail for L'urope. Marconi de
scribed his recent experiments In wire
lets telegraphy between New Found
laud and Cornwall, Kngland, nnd said
In the Painesville Bank Which
Failed, .Arc Disagreeing.
l'alncsvllle, 0 .Ian. in. The affalra
of .thc People's Bank are becoming
more complicated. 'ili action in tho
appointment of County Clerk B. F.
Crofoor, a receiver, docs not rcmii (o
meet the approval of the mnjoiity of
the stockholders of tho bank.
A petition wns being circulated nnd
signed by a majority of tho stock
holders, protesting against the action'
of Judge XT. S. Melejlf, ns the stock
holders sodmed to prefer the orlzlnnl
agreement with Hnrley Barnes an
assignee. Crofoot'wns a largo deposi
Destructive Fire In a Chicago
Chicago, Jan. 13. A loss estimated
at $27.-,O0O, was caused by a Are that,
broke out early today in the plant of
the J. F. Well biaueh of the American
Malting Co. The property is situated
on Wild st. The tire started In the ele
vator, a great structure 150 feet high,
covering an area 800 by 200 foot and
Irving' a capacity of IMW.OOO bushels
of grain. It was tilled with galley,
almost to lis capacity. The. building
was destroyed and the contents arc
almost a total loss. ,
r f
Were Desirable Property Fojt
Thieves, Sunday. '
The sudden' turn In thd weather Is
responsible, inoi'o or less, formthc dis
appearance df two overcoats, Sunday.
A gray coat aud soft lint, belonging
to Wm. Worralls, was taken fiom the
Claieudon hotel otllce at about' lioon.
Sunday, and a coat belonging to It. O.
Wclmer, valued at $15,was taken from
au Knbt Market st., Invirdlng .house,
tlio same day. The iwlke have, been
notllicd of the dlappeartncc of both
na Single Day His Winnings Amounted to
Americans Are Playing With
Interior of Casino
Monte Cirlo, Jan. l.l.-Chnrl'en M
Schwab )s hero aild the lion pf tho
His play nt the Casino hus eclipsed
that of tho Karl of Bosslyu and hl
famous system. Mr, Schwab's 'table
(s constantly surrounded by a erovid
watching tiro steel millionaire gumblo.
Ho litis had extraordinary lucjc and
lias repeatedly suiKeti wo maximum.
What Mr. Sehwnb's luck is like can.
bo gathered from the, fact tlnit the,
croupier pushed over to him $110,000 a
his winnings of one day's play.
As Mr. Schwab sauntered from tablo
to table playing tho maximums, he
was followed by a crowd: At roul;
ette en plain he won on No. 8 thp max--.
Imum, $10,800, and on the nejft turn
he played tho mnsimum on No. o aud
also won. j
The Karl of Itosslyn is playjng his.
system with good success and ,1s now
winning about ?."00 dally,
Mr, Schwab Is. tho most staged at
that the test letters were lccelvcd ex
actly according to prearranged plans,
both is to number n'nd speed.
"As soon as I reach the other side,"
ho said, "I shall start to wuik to get
stations In readiness for the trans
mission of messages, commercial and
otherwise, across tlfo Atlantic. Thero
will be two stations' on each side,
(hove In Kuropo being located at Coin-
Made Inroads In
Merchants and Railroads
Snovy Plows on, Street Car Lines
Kept Busy.
The stiects Saturday evening were
almost deserted on - account of the
snow storm, and meichauts complain
ed that Saturday's business was con
slitciably below the usual record.
Schedules' on the street car lines were
knocked galley west, and snow plows
weiu k,ept nt work from Saturday af
ternoon till Sunday morning, and ai
most till day Sunday The lines aro
in fairly good shapejnow, but many
peoplo wens obliged t6 walk Saturday
Traffic on the steam roads, wns ex
ceptlpnnjly free from serious trouble.
'BtillroBii- men say that while it was
iicecssury, to Keep ' large gangs tit
work keeping switches free of snow,
there, huyc been no actual blockade);.
' Many , blelghs Merc in use Sunday
nnd.Mondn'y, and the , sleighing is ic
portcd5,' (is, being fair in tlio country.
Con tlifuoiV cold wcatnVrijB iiredlcled. -
,TJio tempornry breaking down of
the lJomocrnt's linotype machines Is
the cause of whatever sluutcoinlngs
nuiy.be apparent to our readers In to
day's paper. I'.uts to replace the
broken ones weie received this after
noon, ami repairs hae been made so
that, there will he no deficiency In to
morrow's paper.
at Monte Carlo.
mnn visiting the Cinlno, all Kumpe
hnvli)g learned tlint ho Is the highest
salaried man lu the woild, and all
Kutope being lepresentcd Iiqre.
Monto Carlo is alive with Ameri
ca ns, and the Ciihlno is tilled with
thein-fim morning until late (it night.
', Several American juichtti nro lu the
hat'iioV, anil the hotel registers nie
filled' with' naums familiar lu the
United States,
titlier Americans aro shnrlnir hick
with r. Schwab at tho tables'. Mm.
Heiiow'H wlnnlnurt icceutly appear to
hhVn started the liik of American
lUck, for her example- has bifen follow
ed by many others. Madame Melbn,
who Is also lieie, has been playing oc
casionally and winning regularly. She
Is' playing at the hermitage, the Duch
ess pf Miiilborough'H cozy little place,
aud.tnuW In the CiMuo dally, playing
2.1 front: stakes. -
Slfq is. olio of tlx'NO who have, been
tyloK'l'l& I-01'11 J''J"'" Byslcm, autl
wall nnd Belgium. Thosexin the other
side will be at Nova Scotlu and Cape
At the banquet tonight Slguor Mar
coni Is expected to speak regarding his
recent achievements. Others on the
list of speakers are Meat. General Ncl
miii A. Miles, Hear Admiral Bradford
and I'rof. Puhln, of Columbia University.
Will Also Give Columbus a
brary Building.
Columbus O., Jan. ia. Andrew
Carnegie has offered this city $150,
000 for a public library building, with
the stipulation that the city piocuio
nsite and expend not less than ?1S,
000 upon Its nia Intent nee. President
J nines J. Thomas, of council, sajs
that body will unanimously accept Mr.
Carnegie's offer. Mr. Carnegie in his
letter favois branch libraries and In
timites that when the city's growth
wnrrants them another large gift may
be expected.
Was a Novel Feature of an En
tertainment. The entertainment gicu In St. Ber
nard's school hall, Sunday evening,
wns well attended and heartily enjoy
ed. It Is due to the hard work of
Mrs. M. A. Gcrmann, assisted by Miss
Mtiry G. Wnldvpgel aud Mr. F. J.
Wanderer, that the affair was gotten
up and pushed to a successful termin
ation. ,
Tlio piogrnm consisted of n Mother
Goove frolic, music and a ghost drill
by tho youug ladles of the church.
Clevolnnd, O., Jan. 1.1. One of the
most shocking eases of self-destruction
which has oier been known In tho
city occurred nt No. U2 Franklin alley
at an eally hour Sunday.
Emory Szoc-s.-arHungaflnn, employ-'
ed by TheodorRuffdlzPa hewing' ma
chine cabinet manufacturer, after hav
ing locked himself In 'a room deliber
ately saturated his clothing with kero
sene oil nnd set flro to It. Ho died nt
St. John's Hospital at 0:30 o'clock In
the morning.
Pioneer Will Speak.
Major Baiuett, n pioneer in Kalxn
tlon army work in South America, and
Adjutant Boyd, of Cleveland, will
speak tonight In Salvation Aiuiy lrall.
a Small Fortune Other
Charles M. Schwab.
lias been e.tinoidnary hticceijsful,
I.ory Hosslyn's descent upon the
Ciihlno, Is ithe'talk pf the place, and ev
erywhere, timl coiervatlnii concerns
Itself with his system. Time after
time men have1 descended upon Monte
Carlo with systems mid hae been wel
coined., with op?u anus, as was Lord
Itosslyn; only to leave nt the end of
varying perlqds -plucked anil penniless,
I.onl Itosslyn. however, has passed the
danger period pf four days set by him
self and is now ou tho highway of
Siinouuded by members of tlio "syn.
dlcato" formed by him In Hondon to
break the bank, he plays dally, and,
though the $r00 he has been averag
ing for the Inst few days Is not tlio
amount ho set jnt to win dally, ho has
coutlned himself to tlmt as being a
ante dividend maker and Is always
pulled away from tlio tnbles by the
otticlnls of tln syndicate when he be
gins to bet In the high tlgures.
Bills Are Coming Before the
Liquor Men Will Have a Local Option Bill
of Their Own.
(Special Corrcsiwndenco.)
Columbus, O., Jim. 1.').t-T1ic inau
guration Interfered with the session
of tho House of Itepresentntlvcs and
the Senate. While they met Monday,
the meeting wns merely perfunctory.
Little business was transacted, as the
members w ere to take part in the exer
cises. Many of the Jtcprescntntlvcs
and Senators arrhed Sunday, so as to
be hue In time for the exercises.
The Tom Johnson bills will' be the,
tlrst to be dumped Into the hopper
beginning Tuesday. It is said that
a member of the Cleveland delegation
has them hi his grip now, and hut
they will be offered as soon as ho can
get the car of the Speaker.
A two cent fare bill Is to be offered
and a bill making it a special crime
to throw vitriol will be among the
early ones to go In.
Tho taxation question will be likely
to divide the majority, for there Is a
difference of opinion as to how the
question ought to be met.- Some mem
bers are of the opinion that if assess-
One of the Chief Workers For
For Entire Telephone
Bell People and John R.. McLean
Wish to Buy, '
Cleveland, Jan. lit. A large,, majority
In the 'amount of theMTedltdrs-uf 'the
Ketleinl Telephone compuny, owneil
and controlled by the Kvere;tt,-Moore
syiiuiciire, nviu in session new jtsilt-
day. A huge part of the conference
was taken up lu discussing various
proposals for the purchase. f the eji
tire piopertles. '
Creditors have expressed a desire to
stand by tho syndicate, and if possible
insist them In keeping tho property
under their control. They favor tho
depositing of nil the sfo'elis nnd' bonds
of the constituent companies owrird by
the Federal Telephone eompiny, in
some big trust company, to le ued nrf
collateral security for .a new JVnc .of,
bondK these bonds to lie accepted ns
payment for the claims beld 'by Jlip
creditors, and thus enable tija syndi
cate to go on with 'tho operutiDn of tlie
company, and keei It lindeWjIfe' Mif
trol. If the ilnn goes tliro'ugli it'wlll
furnish ready money Ho unWi.MUiiTim
pleted plants, principally . f Detroit
and Unytoii. . .,.,...,,.
The bankers' committee, has hud one
bona lido offer for the sale. of ifhe en
tire 1'cdernl system, the offer connug,
It is said, from the Hell Te)enuono
company. An offer froni'.Iohn-H.'Mc-Lain
has also been received,
The Weather,:
ors and County Auditors did their
duty and were backed up In that duty
by Bonids of Equalization, there would
be no occasion for a great deal of tax
ation legislation. It Is said that as
sessors am largely to blame for tho
Inequality of taxation, and an enforce
ment of existing laws would reach
the case and correct the evil, without
additional laws. Governor Narti's no
tions on the question of abolishing tho
State lax will be embodied in a bill
early this week.
The liquor intcicsfs have come to
tho conclusion that they aro oip
against a very strong proposition.
There Is a disposition on tho sldo of
tho majority to settle tho liquor ques
tion definitely, and the brewers and
dealers generally have como to know
this. So ihey are making preparations
to merit it. One way they think of
meeting It is to offer a bill of their
own They would make tho ward op
tlon bill Icf-s obnoxious by making it
apply only to residence districts.
the Success of the Inauguration.
Manager Albaugh's Plan Will be
Carried Out
Manager T. K. Albaugh.of tho Grand
Opera house, nnd the different band
leaders, did not meet Sunday, as had
been arranged, regarding Sunday con
certs, but Manager Alhaugb said to
day that everything in thla matter was
going along nicely, and tho plan would
undoubtedly be a success Tho first
concert will, in nil probability ba given
Sunday night. It Is not known a't pres
ent which band will open tlio concert
scries. ,
Burning Umbrella and Saved the
.Mr. X. L. Griner, of tho Arm Grlner
& lU'itt-cb, by great presence of mind
saved the Delicatessen restaurant from
what might have resulted lu a disas
trous tire, Saturday een!ng.
An umbrella In somo way fell fiom
the rack on which overcoats and urn.
brelhis aie hung, and lauded ou top
of a gas stove. It immediately caught
tlio and threatened tho whole rack.
Mr. Griner, howccr, grasping tho sit
uation, seized tho burning umbrella,
and throw it out n back window.
A humorous fe-ituro of tho occasion
Is, that so far, no ono hus been ablo
to And out to whom tho umbrella be
longed. "Whose uinbralla was It?
Grlner's?" aro tho questions which
are puzzling the uiluds of Delicatessen
diners. -
i .
'J I
i I
"it "

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