Newspaper Page Text
ft" y FRIDAY, JAXUAnY 24, 1002. I, AKROK DAILY DEMOCRAT, I " Tonight Just beforo retiring, If your liver Is ? slueglsh. out ot tune and you tct dull, billons, constipated, take a doso of HooH'm Pills And you'll baftU tight In the morntn. i HIS ENDS . Accomplished by John T. The "Famous .lohn T." Norrls sue fceeded. More pictures of alleged Bwlndlers were Indicted by the Onuid jjory. but Norrls Is not having easy Hailing In procuring the necessary pa pers to britip the swindlers hero If found. Prosecutor Hagelbarger ap- Enrently i.nd faith enough In John T. allow the Indictment of the pictures, but he Is Inclined to take u hnnd In the directing of future proceedings. First Baptist Church. Notice Is hereby given to the mem bers of the First Baptist church of Akron, Ohio, that nt the annual moot ing to bo hold on Monday, Jan. 27, 1002, n proposition will bo mibmrtteil to chnngo the rules and regulations of the church, having referenco to tho Prudential committee. B. M. HASTINGS, UlerU. SUIT For Heavy Dam ages Filed Against Akron Plumbers' Association. Id ii hip i'!i I Hi UUIIIIL lu 1 wv Mr. Smith Alleges Violation Trust Law, of TAXES. (Continued from first pngc.) time of the adoption of tho State con stitution, the wealth of tho Htato was composed or tangible thing, but now most of the wealth Is represented In Intangible property. "Men lire Hcieinei'M, nd laws can't make men honest, even the Creator does not accomplish this. Fiee will Is one of the glories of the human race, and the shame of the race Is the use that free will Is put to. It is preposterous lit put men on their hon esty In taxpaylug. Indeed, man will pay as few luxes as possible. Nlne-ty-flvo per cent of the wealth today Ih burled In stocks and bonds. Seven- tenths of the Steel Trust stock Is j Suit was llled late Friday afternoon by J. A. Smith, a plumber of Akron, ugnlnst tho members of tho Akron numbers' Association, for $22,0430 damages. Attorneys Rowley & Brnd ley are engaged as counsel, and tho defendants In tho case nro as follows: Kraus, Kirn & Co., Akron Plumbing & Heating Co., II. P. Oahlll, J. W. Hoffman, Iceland B. Stanford, Qeorgo A. Whylor. It Is alleged that tho Akron Plumb ers' Association is operating ns a trust, In so much as It restricts trade nnd commerce. Mr, Smith alleges that ho 1ms been prevented from doing a prof itable business during tho past year by the association, which has an agree ment that It will Jiot buy supplies from a wholesale' house, which sells to plumbers who are not members of tho association. Wholesalers have re fused to sell to -Mr. 'Smith. This Is said to lto tho first' case, of the kind which has been tried In Ohio. I?-- f INDICTMENTS. The grand Jnr.y Friday afternoon re ported true bills against the following persons: I.oe Myers and Nathaniel Mil. ler, on charge of poisoning tho horses In Sprlnglleld township, belonging to Perry Itohenstlno; Allle (.. Dunbar, horse sleaJlug; Frank Smith, assault on Kdwurd Snyder, with Intent to kill; Frank Smith, petit larceny; Harry Dry Goods Exclusive. January Clearance S&le. ($)Only a few days of tho mofith left. ()Thoy will all be bargain days at our store. (8) Your choico of tho best dry goods at great reduc tions. Extraordinary bargains will bo givon in some lines wo are anxious to close out. Cloak Scale. One-half prico for the best. Somo at still groator reductions. . II 11 . High Grade Pianos oeooooooooooooooocoooooooo ooooooooooocoooooooorooooo i3MmnMi-mMnimnHiMtHi ft I. O'NEIL & CO. A PARTIAL LIST OF MONEY SAVING PRICES IN MEN'S FURNISHING DEPT. A lot of 25 and 50c silk neckwear, any stylo you wish, for Saturday only . . A lot of men's fancy shirts, were 75c and SI, now A lot of boys' 50c shirts for A lot of mon's 50c underwear for. IT2C 50c -25c 3rjc 15c A lot of ladies' 25c heavy ribbed vests or pants for JpWA ticket to see tho .Passion Play on our fourth floor, goos with ovory 25c purchase this week. M. O'NEIL & CO. ocoooooooooococooooooooooo ooooocgooqoooooooocoogocoo Shumaker & Co.'s 10th Annual Clearance Sale of Fine Footwear Begins Saturday Morning, Jdouidwry 25th. ' - ' ' - . ; Don't Miss It. 9vvMtvMvMvVwMvi M9w0lfNl IQNEE'S SALE! Of Groceries and Fixtures Still Going on at 119 E Exchange st. .- Another Big Cut In Prices This Morning China Department water, and like water It floweth where it can when the lax collector comes round. "The first element In taxation Is tho certainty of things to bo taxed. Any eystem without this element Is ub mini. All taxes should, bo collectible. Do not Infer that I mean to denounce capital. Capital Is a necessity. Cap ital, labor and land nro three things that are absolutely essential. "Again, no money should bo col lected which ram not bu used by tho government to better advantage than by the Individual, Cnvornniont coin- tiPtltlnn with Individuals Is wrong. h S IJlnto taxes ought not In any way bu t& . I I . .. mi... ...... comunca Willi luciu uim'is. i nu iuv enues for each should eomo fiom dis tinct sources. Ileal estate ought lo ho tjio basis for local taxes, and the cap ital stock and gross receipts of cor porations should bo the basis for Slate tnxes, "A further remedy would be an In come tux. Whether this Is constitution al or not, as a national tax, matters not, It has been found constitutional and very effective In several States. AUo have an Inheritance tax, but wo tdmuld not uptko this tax Ion high or jnen will give away their fortunes before death, to avoid the tax. "Do not let thN matter rest here, but request, ny, demand, for they nro your servants, of lteprcsentnllves IJuehtel and Seese, that they look dill- i gently after the Interests of tho rural- I ltles In the taxation tpiestlon." Theic was a marked Increase In at tendance nt the afternoon hesslon. "Some I'olnts In I-lve Stock Feeding" was the subject of an able talk by Trof. .T. F. Illekmau. Orlando Wilcox gave an Interesting I address on "Some I.uw I'olnts.'1 Ho discussed the position of electric rail ways, telegraph and telephone lines on the public highways, lie pointed out the respective rights of tho prop erty owners, and the companies. Very little statutory law was found outsldo tho franchise granted by tho C'oininls Bloiiors, and the rights were deter mined by common law as Interpreted by tho courts, u very unsatisfactory wy. Ho spoko of tho electric railways bo. , Jng a burden. 'The Clieult Court," ho said, "has held that they aio not a, burden, and havn tho right tit cut down trees and the like, that nro In their way without making any repara tion to tho land owners. Tim Hupremo court Will, I think, reverse this decis ion, however, "In. tho ease of telephone lines, on tho other band, It Is Just the reverse. They are held to bo not a means of travel, and tho companlctt huvo no right lo cut or trim trees along the highway without giving the land own ijr'dno compensation for tho damage done." 11. Peterson, abandoning children; t,al lace Straight, robbery; .lames Snyder, robbery; Milton It. Bentley, criminal assault on Paulino llossman; Salvator Cnrauo, Domlnlck Santa and Pas quale Oarana, burglary; Ohas. Fox, arson; .loseph B. Kent, forgery; Thom as Ollhooley nnd James Lavery, crim inal assault on Ireno Thomas and May 10. .Ionian; Delia Coleman, la'reetly; Allen Ostrander, stealing chickens; ICriiHtux Snyder, keeping saloon open on biiudny. PERSONAL NOTES. County Clerk H. A. llewuoy spent Thursday In Cleveland. Uov. .1. II. W. Wake returned Friday from a brief visit In Ifnyette, Ind. Mrs. O. K. OrlttUli and Mrs. D. II. Me.Mlllen, of Orrvllle, nro visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Oliver Wise, of Woostor ave. The WcslKnd Athletic club will givo mi Invitation ball In Militant hall Fri day evening. .Inn. !lt. Tho commit- mlttees urns Arrangements W. J. Wood, It. Dralme, II. Kelfer; floor B. Wall, II. flolden, P. Haas. Mr. and Mrs. II. N. .TuBpor, jr., left Wednesday for Philadelphia where they will reside. Mr. Jasper having a position at tho Unlvorslty of Pennsyl vania. Mrs. Jasper was formerly Miss Mabel Brownlcss, of Akron. The West Fnd Athletic club will cou duct a sleighing pnrty to Mogadoro to night and nfter supper at Wise's hotel will daueo In Kuglo hall. Thern will bo an couples In the party. President John Woods of tho West Mud club will be In charge. Mrs, Chas. A. Marvin, of Toledo, Is at the home of her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. J. O. Prlco, helping to fake euro of her brother, Hugh A who Is fll with typhoid fever. Lester, Decker & Son, Capen, Kroeger, Willard and others Such pianos and bur prices will always please you. Will be pleased to show them to you. Terms cash or easy payments tj- KtifdiZij Music Store 129 S. Howard St. M. Kratz, Piano Tuner. Four quarts Beans 25c Five 1 lb packages soda.25c Five 1 lb packages starch 25c Eight 1 lb packages IXL starch 2Sc All 50c teas 3 lbs for . .$100 IVIAIIM TheUPHAM-BROUSE CO. Special Fruit Dish Sale Saturday, January 25th Largo decorator! fruit dishes 49c Large decorated nut bowls 49c Largo decorated fruit plates 10c Gorman china sugar and creams 24c Largo bluo jdilk pitchers ; 1 6c Bluo creamers ' 10c Decorated moat plattor . 10c "Bull Doe" Cap Mantels 10c "The Winner" Mantels 7c CHINA DEPARTMENT The Upham-Brouse Co. 1 All Other Goods at Less Than Wholesale Prices. CIIAS. II. .TONES, Assignee of W. C. Stoolmlller. We are Closing Out Our Stock of Musical Instruments At Greatly Reduced Prices. $15 Washburn Guitars, now $15 Washburn Mandolins, now. . . . Never before sold less than $5 Mandolins d.OU UUliaiS, UlSTRUMBHIS $9.00 $15. Others ,at equally low prico. If you are at all inter ested you will save 4B by taking advantage of our sale. Geo. S. Dales & Co., 228 South Main St. SeeReid Bros. Tomorrow -For Shoe Bargain I22SOUT HOWARD Mr. Olenn K. Winn, of the People's Telephone Co., nnd Miss Klmn. 0. llrougliton wero married Wednesday evening at tho hitter's home, 101 East VovIh st. by ltov. J. W. Mooro. About 110 guests were present. Mrs. Emma Taylor, of Mt. Vomon, prominent there and well knowu here, Is the guest of her son, IT. P. Taylor, l-lil Ilalch st., this city. Shortly after her arrival here, Mrs. Taylor was tak en seriously 111, nnd has since been routined In-doors. SnlrnvHi Special Offer Saturday, Jan. 25 Cut This Out Cood for TiOo In Olobo Slam ps, free with ovcry purchase of ono dollar or over. The 50u In Stamps nro given In nddltlon to thoso you got regularly. W. s. Rodenbaugh, Leader in Gents' Shoes, 1125 S. Main st C IviSCvjCUI special otfer Saturday, Jan. 25 Cut This Out Gopd for 60c in Olobo Stamps, free with every purchase of one dollar or over. Tho 50c In Stamps nrc given lu addition to those you get regularly. W. S. Rodenbaugh, Leader in Gents' Shoes, 1125 S, Main st Special Offer Saturday, Jan. 25, Only Ou-t: This Out (lood for TiOe worth of CI lotto Stamps In addition to those you receive with a one dollar purchase or over. .UNCI Milt lUtOS., Dry tloods. 178 K. Main. TANNERS STORE NEWS BALM of ROSES "e3 our act Tender Face After Shaving Lending druggists StSo TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. VOM HUNT A live and a four room house, twelve minutes from business center. Clms FranUllu, ir7 Cuya- .hoga st. 'jao-un BUCKLEY W. R. C. ATTENTION. The members of IlucUley Woman's Jlellof Corps, No. l!3, will meet at tho Episcopal church, Saturday, at 1:JI0, to'iutteud tho funeral services of our Jaie olstcr, Mrs, Mury Norlhcott. Jly prder ' EVA P. IIBINTSELMAN, , CAROLINE VOXJX'A, President. i " Secretary. Wo are going to try and luive enough Oysters come lu Saturday morning to illl all our orders ami have somo left for evening trade. Our special price Will still be Q cents for a full quart can. Surely you would not euro to buy common bulk oysters, when we give you such mi opportunity, It's a pleusuio to rat good things, Noy, why would It not be Just this way In getting your oysters".' Wo made special ariaugemeuls, have them put up spe cial, no acid pid lu to preserve them, (limy do this loo much with mi many oysters and other things to ent). II'h simply oysters, oysters themselves out of the shell direct Into the can (that we get.) (HE ONE OK OlMt OVKTHIt OIJHTOMERH SATTItnAY.) Tell us If wo me not right when wo tell you flavor and quality Is perfect. During snow storm this week we had a little time to put In, so had cracked nicely and placed lu fruit baskets a fow 1ushels of best shell bark hickory nuto. We sell them at ten cents per Saturday all day, with every purchase of 4 lbs. of Buttorino, at lOo per pound, wo givo 1 dozen owoot wrnngos iroo. wo nro moroly doing this for tho reason that wo havo 60 many Oranges in tho houso wo do not know what to do with them. VSEMIMER BROS. Get the Grip Then Hold on Wo'vo got the grip on selling tho best gaR stoves and gas fixtures for tho money to bo had anywhere. If you really Intend to mivo money, you ought to start out right. Don't havo any gas fitting done or buy any fixtures until you see us. THE AKRON GAS VALVE CO. 735 S. Mtxsn st., Akron. Front st., Cuyahoga Falls I Tel. Peoples ;i.'7; C. U Brown, 41'.'. argains morrow In REID BROS., 122 S. Howard st a-t Star Laundry, People'! oh Bell 11M It Bud from purevrseubit oil. nd l-tlnc medicated, box regular, but until we sell the "f0 baskets wo havo ciaeked, prlco will be 5 CUNTS l'MH HON. Sale stops when hold. Don't forget about tho lino fancy cheese wo receive every Hnturday by express: Grcunt, Neufclmtel, Bile, (!ameubert, Sap-Sago, Muensler and Wiener, all fancy cheese. Saturday nioruuhig will be due a nice lot of "Kosher" Meats and Kosher Beef Knl In ft pound tins. Woods that we all know are the best lu the market. Also .Milwaukee, Wieners, Kiank furlei'S, l.eberwursl and Mettwurst. 1(H) pounds of 1'iuo Maple Cream, 100 pounds of pure Maple Sugar will be for Saturday trade. These goods are pure. Wo know you shall like them. If you like Klnnun Ilnddlo, Smoked Kippered Herring or Cromarty Bloat ers, we have a direct shipment by ex press from Huston, Mass. Telephone No. (ITi. ruititv 13. TANNER. MONEY TO LOAN -ON-HOUSEHOLD GOODS Pianos, Organs, Horses, Carriages Wagonv, Etc" Elc' If you lire In need of money for a crocory bill, meat bill, rent, tuxes, or any other dobi you owe, jrou cnu bor. row tho money and pay It buck In email monthly payments, Property left In your possession and nil busi ness Htrlctly conlldeutlal. Ouieo hours from 0 to U:.10 a.m.! 1 to 5 p.m.; open from 7 to 8 In tho ovenlugs. Bell phono 700. People's 77. L.. O. GVBll-ft-.E:ft Room 14 Arcide Building. Froo Saturday Free. A largo Welton blanket to all pur chasers of 1 lb of Baking Powder. Grand I'lilon Tea Store. UARPINA H H VH HUH H H H HH " Illllll H m H destroy ill Hk M BHj dUeue lermi, keep IM & pores open anil nuVo the 31 V akla soil and velvety. Cures Jlllll pimples, blotches, etc Un Wl ,celled(orthebatli.nurserr, fiatrMdtompJeilnnjJicicakeejtdruitjehopi, WNm HtJIL I II Mil Uli to lu retiUlei aelefc ONE DOSE IN TIME SAVES NINE When you feel that you hare taken cold lak n dose of AJtx Cold Cure that will EHD the cold, frevents FaenmonU i cores tie Crip. WANTED Baled Hay Feed QUOTH PRICKS. Address H. DORMAN, Wllllamsport, Pa, DAIRYMELiV! Try DIstilleis Dried Grains, a wonder ful milk producer. Let us sell you mill feed. Peterson & Wright 933-939 S. tVltklrs S-k. Skating at Bluo Pond. L'4-tt City Laundry,00"6 s The Gas May Play Out. But If you linvo ono of those Welton blankets that wo lire KQlB to fflve frpo with ono pound of Baking powder you can keep warm. Urand Unlou Tea Btoro. 130 South Main. One Price Piano House Every Piano marked in plain figures and at the lowest price at which it can be sold. This method insures every purchaser a bar gain. No agents. No peddling. Fine Pi anos and small profits. Hamilton Building 205-209 South Howard st. C. H. MARTIN A r I Ov ...V .tf V xli.