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FIUDAlV.TANUAItY 24, 1002. i , i mmmm, 8 AKltON DAILY DEMOCRAT, !t Boston Store - tl'HE WEATIIEIt SATUUDAY- Coltl Wave-temperature will full to live degrees by Saturday morning; lower Sunday. Special Linen Values We Put on Sale all Linen Table Damasks, Towels nnd Towcllngs, nt the old prices which Is less Hum the whole sale purchasing pikes lodny. It will pay you to sco those linens even though you don't buy. AT 22c Linen Damask Unbleached, 54 Indies wide, choice patterns, extra good value, for 22e n yard. AT 2."e A YARD Linen Damask, Unbleached, also with Turkey ited Boarder; a big variety to pick from; a splendid 1'ure Linen DamnsU for every day use. AT aOe A YAltD Ilnnd made Gor uiuii Damask, half bleached, made of puro linen; nothing better Is made on a loom. For hotels and boarding house keener, this Is the linen to buy. AT TOc AND rr.e A YAUD-Extrn Heavy Fine All-Linen Damask, hand borne patterns, full IK! Inches to (ill inches wldo; will bleach pure white; extra value for these prices. AT Ulle A YAUD-Snow-Whlto Linen Damask, good weight, u big variety of patterns; n good blenched linen for a'.ic a yard. AT 50c A YA11I) All Linen Bleach ed Damask. Wo make a point to get the best linen made to sell for fiOe a yard; our variety Is largo and the widths range fiom ill inches to iu Inches wide. AT fillo AND iro A YAItD-A big selection of choice patterns In All Linen Bleached Damask, extra heavy, full (II Inches to 70 Inches wide. ,AT 75e AND $1.00 A YAUD-Hoavy lVtrtiblo., Damask, satin linlshed, In scroiuHiid flower patterns; some have napkins' to match; full (18 Inches to 72 Inches wide. AT?l.:t!t A YA11D Double Damasks, fill tin linlshed; the most beautiful of patterns, In American Beauty, Pansy, Tiger Lily, Scroll effects; these lin ens are full 72 Inches wide, with large o-l napkins to match. TOWELS-Tho biggest values ever heard of. AT 12".e EACH Kxtra largo buck towels, hemnied, colon-d, mid white borders; tegular value, I'm eacli. AT 20c EACH All Linen buck aim damask towels, fringed and hemstlich- ed, extra largo slos. AT 2.V JJAl'lI -This Is tlio greatest fU'HIng towel we have, iu all linen buck, With damask patterns, also damask, with fringes, colored or white binders; nlways sold for 2!lc each. Our ribbon louutiT has some bargains for Saturday. AT fie. tic 10c AND 12c A YAUD All silk Liberty rutin ribbons In all the choice shades, extra wldo widths, worth 7c, lie, 12c and l.'e a yard. AT 10c, 21 k 22c and 2."c A YAHD All silk Llbeity satins In white, blue mid pink, also green anil rose. These are big values, and worth ."c u yard jnoro than we us!:. You will ami an big bargains In Taf fetas and (irongraliiM as we lime In tin tin Liberties Plonks and Suits ut lei-s (him half price. 160-152 South Howard Street. HOW ABOUT YOUR PANTS? WE NEED THE MONEY And will furnish you a pair to pull you through until spring at a price to surprise, you. You always need pants, YVo always need money, but cspcclully now. Oct nn Idea of how badly wc need It seeing the prices on tlio pants In our south window. 5. S. IVIYERS & OO. HELIABLE OLOTIIIEltS, HATTEKS AND EUllNlSHEltS. II and 120 3. IMIain WX8W3S3CfciX0m I w ureal SWINDLER NO JUGGLING HEN we say 1-4 off. We mean that you save 25c on every dollar you in vest with us. No "Marking Up and Down," to gull the public; but with us you will find the same old prices In plain figures from which you will deduct 25 Discount This Special Sale includes our entire stock of Men's and Boys' """ 9J '"""3 Caps, and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Wo allow Iho sumo discount- on our-lion's nnd Boys' Shoos. Novor boforo did you have tho oppor tunity to buy high grndo footwear at off. . Como in and investigate Greenwood Bros. Hall's Corners Akron THE THIRD WEEK Factory Unloading SdJe AT THE SURPRISE STORE, 163 AND 165 SOUTH MAIN ST. llavo you been there? Ask your friends nnd neighbors ubout the remarkable values they have received. C!et your share. Como now. Don't wait until too late and bjntno us. The prices lu no case excel one-half of tho trite wholcsolo value of tho Roods. The greatest of all massacres of merchandise brings dally crowds to tho Surprise Store. Everybody is talking about It. Everybody wonders. Suvo this list for your present and future needs. MEN'S FANCY CASSI MEHE SUITS Now patterns, well tnndo and guaranteed to wear and retain shnpcllncss; regular price ?5 $.3.50 MEN'S ALL AVOOL KEKSEY OVEIICOATS Hood heavy winter gar ments, lu black and blue, cut In new style, regular price .fi.r.O $5.00 MEN'S HIGH-CLASS SUITS Gnrnionts of positive ele gance, new patterns of tho very llnest fabrics, regular price ?ia:!0.. $10 BOYS' KNEE PANT SUITS Sewed throughout with the Iron grip stitch, ages .'t to years, regular price $2.00 YOUNG MEN'S EANGY CASSIMEUE SUITS Perfect fitting and' well made, reliable quality, for boys of 14 to II) years, regular price $4.fi0 $3.00 MEN'S KINE AM. WOOIj CASSIMEUE AND CHEVIOT SUITS Tho production of expert union hnuds, matchless In finish and lit, regular price $10 $r,5o MEN'S FANCY WOHSTED PANTS New striped designs In dark shndes, perfect llttlng and very shapely, regular price $2 $1.00 $1.00 BOYS' FANCY CASSI. MERE DOUBLE BREASTED KNEE PANT SUITS All fresh now goods In new Ugurlngs, nicely made $1.50 pi 11 1 vm J4 MEN'S ALL WOOL FANCY CHEVIOT SUITES All wool materials In numerous designs all fresh, nnd stylish, regular price $7.50 and $ 8.50 $5.00 MEN'S SWELL LONO Chesterfield and Full Box Overcoats, in every new shade, reg ular price .$i:i.50 $10 BOYS' ALL WOOL FANCY CHEVIOT KNEE PANT SUITS In manly vestee nnd double-breasted style nil made up In the newest styles, regular price $3.50 .. $2.00 MEN'S ALL WOOL FANCY CASSIMEUE PANTS Stripes, checks and other figuring, perfect fitting and well made, regular price JjU.OO ...-. , $2.00' YOUNH MEN'S ALIi AVOOL CHEVIOT SUITS- Elegant now designs In, novelty effects, sizes 14 to in, regnlnr price $7.50 $5.00 MEN'S FANCY CASSI MEUE PANTS In all men's regular sizes, extra strongly made, now designs, regular prlco $2.50 $1.50 BOYS' ALL iVOOL NOV- EITY MANLY VESTEE SUITS Beautiful suits for tho little ones, of ages .1 to 8, regular prlco $4.50..., $2.50 BOYS' NEW FASHION OXFORD CRAY OVERCOATS Clinic exactly like papa's with velvet collar and full back, regular price $;5.50 $2,50 Boys' All-Wool Fancy I Men's Lonther Gloves, well Cassbuere Knee Pauls, sixes! mndo and warm; regular 'li to Jo, regular price, 50o. . I price, Uuo 25c CLUMP Of Bushes Hid a Terrible Deed. Men's Heavy Winter Caps, with pull-down bands, reg ular price, 50c , . 19c Men's Work Shirts, strongly made; "full regular price, U5c... extra sizes, 19c 19c Boys' Fleece Lined 'Under wear, good heavy weight; rpguhir price, :25c Good quality black Satin Club Ties, very stylWli and dressy, regular prlco -5c. . iOc .Men's Fancy Percale Stlic Bosom Shirts, with separate collars or cuus, regular price, 50o 25c Men's Navy Blue Jersey Coats, regular price, $1.... 69c Boys' Bluo regular price, .$2.00 Mackintoshes, 98c Boys' Tan Covert Uhln Coats,! Men's White Unhiundored very stylish, durable, regu-j Shirts, reliable muilliy nnd lar price, $;i.50 well made; regular price, 75c $1.98 38c Men's Heavy Fleece Lined i Underwear, good quality, Men's All-Fur Derby and Al and well made; regular price, pine Hats, also Panama 75c ' shlpe 39c Men's Anierienu Web Sus penders, extra elastic, regu lar price, 25c $1 Boys' Fancy Scotch Wool Gloves, stylish and warm; regular price, 25c 15c THE' SURPRISE STORE'S FAMOUS DOUBLE GUARANTEE BINDS EVERY SALE. Should any purchase fail to please, tho money is at once, returned without a single iiuestiuii or argument. All clothing bought hero Is pressed and repaired for one year free of charge. Of Mrs. Fulmcr Wanted In Cleveland. Cuyahoga County Grand Jury Will Act. Chief of Police Durklu has received n telegram from Chief Corner, of Cleve land, requesting that all possible testi mony against George McCiilloch, sus pected of having been the green goods limn who got $1500 of the money of Mrs. Melvlna Fulmer, be sent to Cleve land. Chief Corner will communicate with tlio authorities of Franklin, La., Where MeCulloeh has been arrested, nnd tho prisoner will bo brought to Cleveland, nnd indicted by a Cuyahoga county grand Jury, as tho swlmlto took placo In Cleveland. Mrs. Fulmcr went to Clovehind Fri day morning, for tho purpose of tes tifying there In the ease. MeCulloeh ,yos not wauled by the Akron author ities for tho ronson that tho olTense waH committed In Cuyahoga county. i, . "All tie RWer Wun Into th , yet It l not fAll uhU tii place whence they oorao they return," my 'L..tH,i... tin ftnnn fnr LhflUftlftntll Of eurV, lm labored to Invent louie lufulllblo hieauL rostorer, noine ruiey vrhloh, by ini iliylnc the fountain-head, would lirln tounduen to the whole boay, imliwt Cl foraiure. tareandcleatant UlUi rreor tm, "Ht. ilirnard euetahlo l-liu.'wliloh iuy ItoetJtb. dlgtitloD, tecurt Aged 108. " rJillndclplilii, Jan. 2I.-Mrn. Ruth Carney, aged 108 yeais, is dead at tlio Union Homo for Old Ladles here. Suo wns reputed to bo tho oldest wo man In Pennsylvania. Mrs, Carney was born in Wales, but passed tho greater portion of hex long llfo hi .this country. Body of a Woman, Brutally Mur dered, Found. New York, Jon. 21. Whltu Plains Is much aroused over on.o of the most brutal murders over committed there. Mrs. Isabella fVllcn, wlfo of James Allen, was found dead about noon Thursday within live hundred feet of her home, almost nnrecognl7.iiblo. Her family and the police had been search ing for her since S o'clock on Wednes day night. Many people, Including members of her family, hnd passed close to her body, but tho discovery was made by a boy delivering homo groceries at August Houberg's, a neigh bor of tho Aliens. The street Is nar row, anil tho boy started to back his horse In order to turn tho wagon around. The hind wheels struck sonic, thing, and tho boy got out of tho wji gon to seo what It was. Then he found Mrs. Allen's body lying In u small clump of bushes next to u stone wall about live feet from the road. Tho face had been beaten until It had a largo gash on tho left check, Tho grocer's boy Killed the Sonbergs, who Identified Iho body and Informed Iho police. Tho woman's pocketbook was found on tho oher side of the fence next to which tho Isaly was, and a bag which she wore about her neck was found some distance away, torn Into several pieces. Mrs. Allen worked by tho day for Mrs. Thomas A. Leggo, at No. 51) Ma inaroneek ave. Shu went thero as usual on Wednesday morning, but when sho dlotnot return homo by 8 o'clock in tho evening, which was af ter her usuil time, Inr husband and children, of whom thero lire H girl 20 years old and four boys whose ges tango from four to 15 years, be came alarmed. Allen and his daugh ter went to tho Leggo house, where they were tdlil that the woman had left thero ut 8:15 o'clock. Allen then asked tho pollco to search for his wlfo, PRETTY CUBAN Leaped From Railroad Bridge to 5ave Her Life. fiuyniidotlc, W. Va., Jan. 21. Miss Evangeline Gnrcla.a granduleco of. tho noted Cuban General Garcia, was walking nloug tho IV & O. Railroad bridge across tho Guyandotto river hero Into last night during, a blinding snowstorm with her sweetheart, Jelf D.' Farroll. 'A train was seen ap proaching rapidly, and the yoilug man endeavored, to reach n pier with tho lady, but, panic-stricken, 'sjio JerUed away, and plunged to tho Icy' waters more than 00 feet below. Strange lo say, the girl reached shore "alive. A measurement today -developed tho fact that she fell Into IS feet of water. She Is practically uninjured. The girl caino to this country from Cuba, almost two mouths ago, ami Is tin authoress of somo note. I What Next Everybody Asks Never Miss the .Friday Ads of THE 163 and 165 5,WINST.. ygSSGS- " f1. .--. 5URPRI BSSte. SF jSTQRE " &fr4&0F'SZ AKRON. OHIO, cS.A.reR3Cfti What Next Everybody Asks See the Wonderful Val ues on Display in the Show Windows ZENGLER BR A Profitable Investment. "I was troubled for nbout seven years with my stomach and In bed half my time," says E. Doinlck, Som ervllle, I ml. "1 spent about 1,000 and never could get anything lo help mo until 1 tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have takeu a few bottles ami am entirely well." You don't ljvo by what you cat, but by what you di gest and assimilate. If your stomach doesn't digest your food you are real ly starving. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure docs tile stomach's work by digesting the food. You don't liavo to diet. Eat all you want. Kool Dyspepsia Cure cures all stomach troubles. William Warner, Gem Pharmacy, 113 S. Uownid st. . . Our January Clearance Sale closes next Friday, Jan. 31st. During this sale we have sold a great many goods, but in some lines we had a very large stock and have a great many things which we are going to close out in the next few days at prices which will close them quick. All Cloth Waists and House Sacks at half price. All Raglans, New Markets and Jackets, sold over $6.75, at half price. All Jackets sold at $5.00, $6.00, $6.75, at $3,75. We have several lines of broken lots of Corsets, sold from 50c. to $1.00. Price to close them out, 37c. See the Walking Skirts we sell special $3.48. On Outing Flannel Night Gowns and Night Shirts we have made the prices low to sell them at once. SPECIAL OFFER SATURDAY, JAN. 3 Cut out coupon and present to us when making your purchases on' Saturday, January 25, and receive 50c worth of Globe Stamps with every dollar purchase. Special Offer Saturday, Jan. 25 CUT THIS OUT Hood for fine worth of Globe stamps In addition lo thoso you receive with ev ery dollar purchase. KEXULER DUOS.. Dry Hoods. ITS . Main Bt BROS ZENGLER People's Phone 395. 1 X8 S. Main st, I.O.O.F. Bldg AJAX COLD CURE IS THE BEST Xf-'ii were not so, I would not have told yoi. PREVENTS PNEUMONIA, CURES ,$n suit, To give and fti lose Is nothing, but to loso unci to give still Is tho pait ol a grcut mind. Heucca, RICH GRAFT Of Hanna Men May be Spoiled b Forakerites. Columbus, O., Jan, 21, An echo of tho recent Speakership contest will soon bo heard in tho Ohio House of Ilepre.sentntlves. 'Tho Eoraker people, It Is said, are planning to etiiko n-bouy blow at two of the leading llaiinn lieutenants In tho State, These two men nre John It. Mnl(oy, oil Inspector for tho .Bouthera Ohio district, and Frank U Unlrd, oil Inspector for North ern Ohio, lloth of these olllclals were ommemlntlon of Senator llnnim. Iteprescntatlve Huerln, of Erie coun ty, one of tlio Komker lenders In tho House, who amis extremely active n support of the l'ornkpr slate lu the re cent legislative coulest, Is now prepar ing n bill lo placo tno otllces of oil In spectors on a salary Instead of a feo basis. Ho proposes to fix the salary of tho chief ell Inspectors nt ?2,ri00 a year, nnd pay tho deputy Inspectors small salaries. Ho claims that under tho present system tlio two oil Inspec tors each derlvo between $7,000 and $10,00 a year. In addition to tho sal ary ho pi-opuses to nllow tlio inspectors their traveling expenses. A Cure For lumbago. W. ('. Wllllamsourof Amherst, Va., says: "l'or nuiro than n yenr I suffer ed from lumbago. I Hunlly tried Chamberlain s I'aliv Balm nml It gave mo entire icllof, which nil other reme dies had failed to do," Sold by till druggists. E. Rfclubuchcr & Co, I appointed by Governor Niibh upon rcu-1 wholesale ageut v j BANQUET On the Birthday of Ac-Kinlcy. Prominent Men Will Meet In iNew York Jan. 29. New Yoik, Jnu. 24. Tho lato Presi dent McKlnley's birthday, January 20 hns been chosen by tho New York Hoard of Trade ami Transportation for Its annual baiuiuet. Chas. Emory Smith, former Postmaster Heueral, will deliver an oration on "William McKlnley and Ills Policies." Former Attorney Hencral John W. Urlggs, will respond to u toast. Among oth er distinguished guests who will 'par ticipate are: Senator Marcus A, Hnn mi, Col. Myron T. Herrlck, ulsju u eloe friend mid advUor of tlio late President who will rehpond tu u toast. Dr. Nicholas Murray Ilutler, the now Special Offer Saturday, Jan. 25 Cut This Ou Hood for 50c In Hlobe Slumps, free with every purchaso of one dollar or over. Tho BOc In Stamps are given in addition to those you get regularly. W. S. Rodenbaugli, Leader In Gents' Shoes, 1125 S, Main st president of Columbia University, will speak of "Tho Educated American;" Lieut. How Woodruff, "Tho State of New York;" Samuel Hompers, presi dent of tho Auirclcaii Eedeiatlon of Labor, "Labor Always Honorable to its Performers Honor Is Due." Children Especially Liable. Hums, bruises nnd cuts aro extreme ly painful nnd Jf neglected often re sult In blood polsoulng. Children aro especially liable to such mishaps, bc cnuso not so careful. As h remedy DoWitt'H AVitch Hazel . Salvo is un equalled. Drqws out tho tire, stops tlio pain, soon heals tho wound. He wnro of counterfeits. Sure euro for piles. "Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo cured ' lM,''y of eczema after two physicians gave her up," writes James Mock, N, Webster, lud. "Tho sores .were bo bad she soiled two to Ave dresses a day." Win. Warner, Gem Pharmacy, So. Howard st. 113 Special Offer Saturday, Jan. 25, Only Ou-t: This Ou-fc Good for 5Qc worth of Globe Stamps In addition to thoso you receive vlth a one dollar purchaso or over. .ENGLEK BItOS., Dry Goods. 178 S. Main. To Curo a Cold with ONE DOSE When you first feci a cold icoralng on take a dose or AJAX'C01D.CURE. That will KHD tl cold. Mouejbacklfltdon'L Special Offer Saturday, Jan. 25, Only Out TTI-ls Out Hood for 50c worth of Ulollo Stamps In addition to thoso you receive with a one dollar purchase or over. ZEtfULEii BItOS., Dry Goods. 178 S. Main. X v 1 A At tafoMfTiigH