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gHilWli EWiH-w 5JWV3iSKsW WiPlWU-IJUWIPP WSW' AKKOJSI JDAILY DEMOOJRAT, MONDAY, FEBltUAUY 11, 1002. PCtS R fc he I. 'A M i 6f fo THE AKRON DEMOCRAT No. 324 East Mill Street PUBLISHED BY tHE AKRON DEMOCRAT CO tntcred nt tho postofflco nt Akron, 0., ns second-class matter. tTho Dally Democrat will be delivered every evening by carrier for G CENTS A WEEK. By mall ?3.00 ?1.00 for bIx months. TO TELEPHONE THE DEMOCRAT CALL Business Offlce, Both Phones, No. IBO Tvmnvlnt nnrl Nnws Booms. Bolll 'Phones, Mo. 32 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1002. THE COMMONER. The Drst anniversary of Mr. Brynn's Commoner has pissed, and what was regarded by sorao of tho friends anl nil of the many and noisy critics of that gentleman, as a questionable venture, stands upon nn apparently secure footing, both politically and financially. That both these results havo been so soon and bo abundantly reached, occasions no surprise to those who knew and weighed nt their worth Mr. Bryan's versatility of talents, and the gladness with which a largo con Blltuenoy of readers welcome n publi cation which anticipates their needs of political Information and advice, mid Is broadly in sympathy with tholr nsplratlonB nud hopes. This want tho Commoner has ably and well filled, and In doing so it has but re flected tho honesty and conscientious Industry of Its editor and proprietor. That unerring judgment of the practi cal fitness of things, which In him amounts to Intuition, which Is ho characteristic of tho man, and which has stood him in such good stead through a career of unexampled open ness to attack, saw tho need of fur nishing for those of tho people who Vellevo In govornment by ttfoinsolves, In Democraoy, proporly so-called, somo forum for tho ndoqunto -expression of Democratic doctrine, which could liolther be bought up by tho mercantile spirit of the time, nor prostituted W, Uio purposes of nn Interested porvcr lion of tho truth. Vo are not saying that there were not already In tho country newspapers which, so far, fulfilled these condi tions; happily there were, and are. In which tho bulk of tho people havo ho lot except to bear its burdens. The publications called magazines have, for tho most part, gravitated In the same direction, and arc made up of nattering pictures and fulsome biog raphies of "Captains of Industry," often In cases where chovallers of In dustry would nioro accurately describe them, or are Instant In defenso of economic systonis which are thrifty through means which Uurko once called "Inlqultously legal." Those of us and we arc not so vory old who remember the Harper's "Easy Chair" when George William Curtis sat In It, and when from Its occupant camo trunip-ot-tongued notes for freedom's cause In every relation of life, find It hard now to realize tho fact that this samo "Easy Chair" had a mortgage on It foreclosed by Mr. J. I'lcrpont Morgan, who, or whoso some niter ego or another, Is now tho "mortgagee lu possession." Our higher Institutions of learning, In an elder dny the nurseries of gen erous impulses nnd hopeful missions to humanity and which then were not only open on an equal footing to rich and poor, but whose harvest of useful ness was white alone to tho reaping of self-respecting and self-respectful ef fort, such as Is generally tho only pat rimony of honornblo poverty, theso scats of culture nro engaged In eager competition for tho largesse of tho rich, and proud to own tho latter for patrons, auctioning off their degrees till tho republic of letters has became the aristocracy of mammon. Tho enormous vacuum which time and events for tho last few years have busily croatcd, Mr. Bryan and tho Commoner havo gono n long wny to wards filling. Their subscription llbt shows this, beyond nil question. We hall tho fact as one full of hone. The fruits of Mr. Brynn's busy life of the recent past, which has culminated In n personal hold upon the musses, tho magnltudo of which mny bo measured by tho malignity with which privilege has pursued him nnd tho dread In which ho without place or power, Is still hold by Its beneficiaries, nro worth husbanding nnd keeping togeth er in tho Interest of tho common wel fare. Wo supposo that ho has no other ambition than that they should be. Thoso who know him do not need telling tlmt with him the personnl equation has passed tho point whero It can bo of Importance. His year's work on the Commoner has been marked by his ustinl good senso and his unvarying good nature, both of which havo In tho past boon his salvation when, tho scribes nnd Pharisees havo been lying In wait to trap him In his words. Tho sin most often imputed to him now Is that of "arraying class against class." We do not purpoBo discussing hero whether fla pydsL&jflEtt Uft A nappy Mother 'Frolicking with her baby makes one of the prettiest spectacles ever escen In the home. Dut nothing is sadder to tee than the unhappy mother, weak Bnd nervous, striving in vain to hush the cries of her weak, and nervous babcv There can be no happiness for citlmr mother or child without health. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription " has done wonders" for ninny & woman, by restoring her health and opin ing for her the way to nappy tnotner hood. Thl9 really wonderful medi cine is not a cure all. It Is a prepara tion specially de signed to cure dis eases peculiar to women. It dries debilitating drains, heals inflammation ana ulceration, cures female weak ness, and removes the causes which generally make women nervous and sleepless. There la no alco hol In "Favorite Prescription " and It contains no opium, cocaine or other narcotic. Mi. Tames W. Illackcr. of 6ao Cathtr- Itw Stmt, Syrnctut, N. Y writes 1 "Your tntilldixM hare liout wonders for me. Far years ray health wfw rery poof! I hud four miscarriages, liut aiuec taking Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Vreacrlptlon nnd 'Golden Medlcnl Dlv coTry,' I hove much better health, aud now I have n flne healthy baby." TjBe Dr. Pierce's. Pleasant Pellets with "Favorite Prescription" if the bowels ore inactive or irregular. social and economic, ns well ns ec clesiastical Wo congratulate tho Commoner on Its work so far, to that end. Its name fits Its constituency, nnd the usefulness of Its vocation In tho past will, wo are persuaded, be mntched only by that of Its future. Wti commend It to each one who bo lleves In political rectitude, or who needs political direction or encourage ment. Wo urc glad too, to note tho fact of Its prosperous subscription list, which removes Its pecuniary future from tho domain of doubt. Tills feature of tho enterprise of Mr. Bryan will, to bo sure, moot with the uncritical sntlsfnc tloh of those men who have Criticised him In ills every other field of en deavor, but with whom a dollnr-nnd-cent $ucco$$ Js the solo test of merit. But for various reasons many of thorn did not, because they could not, reach there are, or ought to bo, such things (.he popular ear, or quicken tho popular ' as "classes" In our midst, or, If thoro conscience. Homo of them, became are, who Is to blamo for It. Want wo thoy udvoeated measures, or discussed ! do wish to point out and cmphaslzo theories, not yet within the range of tho practical and tho nttiilnnhlc, doctrlncs yet resting perhaps In tho realm of the speculative, or, at any rnto, not vlnlblo to tho unaided eye of the average voter, whoso need Is to have remedies which can bo In his own time crystallized and Imbedded Into tho forms of law uud applied to tho redress of tho mischiefs at which thoy axe aimed, uud forgetting thnt tho dollnr-u-duy man cannot woll wnlt for posterity to sharo lu political, social or economic blessings, before his plate Is helped at all. Others wero too oxponslvo to reach tho classes which stand most of nil In need of advice and sympathy In tho dlftchnrgo of tholr duties as members .Which mnko up tho body-politic. Still others were If wo may bo al lowed to say It, too ably edited; that Is to say, they discussed matters lu an nhstruso or academic sort of way, very proper and praiseworthy within their llkcly-to-be circle of readers, but not In a stylo level to tho wants of tho "plain people," to reach whom powerfully, helpfully and sympatheti cally, It has been, and In, the manifest lot of William J. Bryan. Others, again, It In regretfully to bo said, seem to regard tholr duty dono when thoy advocate measures which make for the material Interests of the relatively small propottlou of tho public which already has absorbed n largo part of the wealth and almost oil tho legislation of tho country, aud which, needing the advocney of power ful organs less than tiny other class, really has it monopoly of them. These Journals comprise substantially all our metropolitan newspapers all of tho go-called Influential organs, no matter under whut party name they may inaBquprado; they are owned by, or nro, mortgaged to, some or other ag gregation of capital; their sympathies If so human a term may be Imputed , fco them, nro wholly with privilege; their consciences uro In tho purses of th.elr pwners, nnd stretcli and shrink with them) they are tno swift npoio- gists of every abuse Intrenched be- filnd which their cllentelo mny mnko a profit, nnd aro tho eager beneficiaries tt an administration of govornment When Senator Hoar's Presidential succession amendment to the Consti tution was voted on last week, only ono voice was heard, the Senators present being too busy to attend to a small thing like a roll cnll. This ses sion of the Senate must havo resem bled somo of tho meetings of tho Akron Council. 0'M'k4444"GH&4':c,44 I WISE and ist 5 '.... .if"i I ' ..' e- l& Otherwise. Pretty tough on tho candidates. 1002 Is doing fairly well In the snow business. ! Snow-plows are having their innings now. I This ground-hog business Is also no Joke. Home hunters are beginning to wear inquiring looks. More useful than beautiful ear muffs. How'd you like to bo the man exca vating for gas connections? Thnt It Is a cold world also admits of literal Interpretation. Then again, It Is a mighty good thing this did not come when there wns no gas. It Is sold that dialect stories were In- vented by a country editor to enablo him to dtspence with a proof reader. Now that Groundhog day has been passed preparations may begin for tho proper observance of All Fools' day. Just now the local police have cotir sldcrablo to talk about among them selves. Tho twin dlsgrnces of Youngstown the Erie depot nnd the city Jail. Oh, Ixirrt, how long? Youngstown Tele- grnm. 4" Col. John C. Bloomlleld says 1002 Is to be tho greatest year In the world's history In a business wny. Three cheers for Col. Bloomlleld. ( City Prlsonkecper John 10. Wnshcr Is particularly glad the gas Is back. Wero he less sympathetic, however, tho uncertainty of tho supply would cause him little worry, but Your Undo John cannot sleep If ho knows the prisoners nro uneomfortablo, and that ho can relieve them. This wub the situation Krlday night. Tho fumoee had to bo kept going In some way or other, so tho big-hearted Prlsonkeopor remained on duty all night firing up with coke. Tho prisoners were comfortable, though the gonial Mr. Washer had no sleep that night but ho didn't complain. Prince Henry Will Occupy loyal Box at Opetv Washington, Feb. 3 Tho program for tho reception nnd entertainment of Frlnco Henry of Prussia ns finally completed, so far ns the exchange of courtesies between the President nnd the Herman Prince nrc concerned, follows. Tho arrangements now agreed upon differ somewhat from those 'tenta tively made heretofore, and permit the Prhlce and party to spend more time In Now York city. The program Is as follows: Saturday, Feb. 22 Arrival In New York harbor, probably nbput noon; on tho Kron Prinz AVllhelm, of the North German Lloyd Hue. Uenr, Admlrnl Evans, commanding tho North Atlan tic Squndron, will meet tho steamship at Quarantine station, and conduct his Boyal xflghncss Prince Hcnr.v of 'Prussia, with his suite, to the Hohen- zollern, which the President's dele- V MCTHUfVb.' f Is thnt the real accusation, consists In this, that tho Commoner does not acquiesce In the proposition that wo should ho content to let whnt tho friends of privilege nio pleased to call woll enough, alone. Such a doctrine makes good Turks, but not good Amer icans. "Toll mo," says Walter Savago Lnndor, "whether mud Is not snld to bo settled when It. sinks to the bottom, and whether those who are about to sink a State do not, lu like manlier, talk about settling It?" Courageous but healthful agitation, agitation which nttneks abuse, however securely fortified behind tho ramparts of priv ilege, and Is not dismayed by tho nc- cusntlou of demagogy, or tho hired hoots of a venal press, servos to aerate tho public atmosphere, which, breathed with full heart by tho people, will glvn strength nnd vigor lo tho coun try, so that It shall Indeed havo "a sound mind In a sound body." Thoro Is all the greater need of this, now that oven the ancient landmarks of duty are being torn down, hi order that selfishness without hindrance, giood restrained by no law, human or Divine, may enter and seize upon the Inhei'ltnnco of the very brotherhood of humanity. Only last Thursday, at u meeting of tho "Federation of Church es and Charitable Organizations" of New York, held In the Broadway Tabernacle, II was publicly said by the Rev. Dr. Lnldlaw, tho secretary of the Federation, and denied by no one, "that It had eomo to his knowl edge from an absolutely tollable source that one of tho most prominent ministers In New Yoik had recently deelateil from his pulpit that tho Blblb cal Injunction lo feed the hungry, clotho the naked, aud visit those In prison was to he regarded lu u spirit ual noiino only, and that It did not Imply an obligation to give material aid." When tho metropolitan clergy In- culeatn suqh teachings,- which but voices the construction placed upon t tin Scriptures by tho morally Irre sponsible wealth of their churches, It Is high time for somo one who will he heard to preach the gospel of hu manity carried Into life life political, Tho Domocrnt has received from a writer who signs himself "A Critic," a eonimuuluntlou lampooning Chief Durkln and his police force. The ar ticle concludes with: "Whnt worst could It be, poor, Jelllous dlsposltloned nationality?" Aro thoro any Arabs on the Akron force? Congressman J. A. Beldler, of tho Medina district, Is being boomed for the Republican nomination for Gov ernor by some of his admiring con stituents. Does the forlorn, one-term Congressman, Judge Phillips, of Mo diuu, concur? 1 I $ ''lalllllHwAKatiii 'wwilHl I rwcrtn.'ii ui...-- farvt!.'' .WBsif.jf'fiifi'& ;. ,. a a . ft..:?;wr,jMWv " -rSw?S?y HPkYI' i$Sm '" ' 11-11 I Tho various resolutions adopted by the January Farmers' Institutes, de manding nn "Immediate reduction" of the "exorbitant salaries" of county officials might bo Included lu tlw list of things which iv their shadows. President Itnosovolt has ordered government employes to keep their hands off the business of Influencing legislation. Ohio men aro not excepted. Youngstown Is making very lit tla noise about reform of the city's gov ernment. The people of that city always wero a contented lot. THE WOMAN.VyiTH AMISSION She's the woman with a mission; 'tis her heaven-born ambition to reform the world's condition, you will please to understand. She's a model of propriety, n leader In society, nnd has u groat variety, of remedies at hand. Ench a sovereign specific, with u tltlo scientific, for tho euro of tho mor bific things thnt vex tho people soro; For tho swift alleviation of tho evils of the Nation Is her foreordained vocation on tho sub-lunary shore. She can lecture by tho hour, with In comparable power, on the gloomy clouds that lower o'er tho country's, fair domain. And you weep for Evo and Adnm, for tho devil ne'er hnd had 'cm If they'd only known tho madam, and wo'd all been proud of Cain. And while thus she's up nnd coming, always hurrying and humming, nnd occasionally slumming, this ro- former of renown. Her neglected llttlo "Dickey," ragged, dirty, tough nnd tricky, with his fingers soiled nnd sticky, Is tho terror of the town. Chicago Tribune. Prince and his suite and of tho Presi dent nnd his party, from Jersey City for the ship yards of the Townsend Dowuey Shipbuilding Company, nt Shooters' Island. Launching of the yacht of his Imperial Majesty, the Ger man Emperor, at 10:30 a. in. Lunch to the President on liourd the Ilohenzol lern nt 1:30 p. m. VJslt of the Trlnce to the Mayor of Nov York In tho after noon. Dinner of the Mayor of New York at 0:30 p. .m. Gala opera at tho Metropolitan Opera House after tho dinner. " , WoduesdajY'Feb. 20 Luncheon with the representatives of, Commerce nnd m.' Sightseeing In 'Royal Box" For Prince Henry at the Opera. . .. .. .'a t'fnrnl linr" nt in tho center or tills picture is sliown me mnguun "'""; -" '"" ' industry a 12:30 P- m: Sightseeing In the Metropolitan Ope.n House. It Is located In tho diamond horseshoe .nntl, Yor lh tfWcrnoon. Torch occupies tho spaco of live parterre boxes, tho holders of which W ,Rllt oonceA at7 the Arjon Club ni c-1 them ni tho. Prince's disposal. For. raits or some u iie '"" shown. In tho upper right hand comer Is Mrs. Thpmas Hitchcock; below, nt the right, Mis. J. Fred Pearson; lo her left, Mrs. J. J. Wysoug, niul In tho lower left hand comer, Mrs. James A. Burden. What now Citizens' committees will bo given to an expectant local public this week? GUILTY. Jury in Nutlcr Case Out a Half Hour, Sandusky, 0 Feb. .1. After being i, ut ntily i half hour, the Jur.t I' tho case of A. W. Miller, accused of embezzling largo sums while ho was City Clerk returned a verdict of guilty. Miller offered no defenso. There are sovcrnl other Indictments against 1dm to bo trlcdjutcr. LODGES. at 0:30 p.m. Banquet of , the press of tho Fnlted States nt 8 p. jn. The Prlncn will leave by special ferry to tho Penn sylvania 12 midnight, and Journey to Washington. gates will then visit to extend greet-1 Monday, Fob. 21-Short stop at Bal- Thursday, Feb. 27-Pi1nco Henry lug. The visit of the Mayor of New tlmore nt u a. m. avicivui u ",- , m ..m,o n uii,v ...... York and an exchange of military ton at 10:20 a. m. A military escort corted to tho German Embassy. Mem- vlslts will take place during tho nflor- will conduct tho Prince from tho orlal exercises to President McKinley noon Prlnco Henry and his sulto will Pennsylvania IJaliroad station to the will bo held In the House of Ilepre- attend tho Irving Place Theatre in tho White House, nnd thence to the Ger- sentatlves, tho Frlnco and his suite nt- evenlng, nnd return to tho Hohenzol- man Embassy. The President will ro- tending. He will make a visit In tho lorn for the night. turn tho visit of tho Prince at noon. . afternoon to Mount Vernon. Sunday, Fen 23-In tho morning re- Visits of Ambassadors and Ministers Fildny, Feb. 28-Tho Prlnco will Ilglous exercises will bo held on board will follow. The. Prince will visit tho visit Annapolis In tho forenoon, the Hohenzollorn If the welither Is Capitol at 4 p. m. and dine at the Luncheon at Annapolis at 12 noon, re- favorablo a visit to the tomb of Gen- While House at 0:30 p. in. After dinner turning to Washington for dinner at oral Grant will-lie made In the after- tho Prlnco' will ret Urn to New York the German Embassy, and a reception poou. A private cniqrinininent win oy specim nam v i....0.. v - . -"b ......u ..j u- liaiijuvui iuiu in a if ciuck. Saturday, March 1 Departure of tho Prince and his suite for his Southern nnd Western tour on special train. Iia a-lvnn hv tlm nentsehor Veroln. Hal road. Tlio ITesiuent aim uih puny Tho Prince will leave for Washington will also leave for Ji-rsey City by the lu the evening by special train on tho Pennsylvania Railroad. Pennsylvania railroad. I Tuesday, Feb. 25-Departuro of tho A nerve, TbnjcjievcrCqualed PYTHIAN SISTERHOOD. Louise Assembly met us usual Jan. 18 with good attendance. Installation of ollloers followed tho regular bus iness session, under direction of Sister 1'nullnc Clinssngno, D. D. G, G who did her work beautifully. And the sisters who received tho degree ot Friendship will never forget tho lni prosslve ceremonies. Tho visit to sis ter Williams, of Bnrberton, wns an other gala day txi the sisterhood. Sister Williams has not been nblo to bo with us for many "moons," at our homo' gatherings and it was a delightful day for us nil. Tito next visit will b$ with Sister Shaffer, Homo st. Tho new Odli eers gnvo us meetings In tho name of P., 0., B. nnd U Saturday, nud wo glory in tho fact .nt wo nro happy nnd prosperous. participated in by those present nnd all enjoyed n sumptuous repast pre pared by tile committee on entertain ment who deserve great credit for tho success of the meeting In every way. Conneaut Castle held n public moot ing on Thursday evening which wns largely attended by members and their friends nnd wns nddressed by Supremo Secretary Stratton. Much good will result from this meeting. Chovallers It. V. Egbert and O. E. Ollu, nnd Suproni attended n united la and Conneaut Castles at Ashtabula on Friday ovenlng, and, with the. as sistance of Deputies Lowry and Cole, and oftleersof the Local Castles, exem plified the Chevalier's degree. The meeting wns one of much Inter est nnd will give n great Impetus to tho work In that section, of the state. O..T. M. hall, In the Abbey block. ATI members who havo not paid first term of due's for this year, tho snmo being due. Jnn 1, and nljio those who have not paid death assessment No. 0, aro la arrears, and Hfo benefit members who hnvo not paid assessment No, r9 arc In nrroars pud out of nil benefits of thoorder until paid up. Life benefit members who nro, In arrears and do not pay before Feb, 10, cannot be re-Instat ed without a reexamination. It Is nee They' will visit Ghent Feb. 8, If sleigh, ing will permit. Four new candidates faced tho goat (not Dr. SaekerVs) last meeting, nnd throe more nre goltig to try next meet ing night. Good luck to them alL KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Aetolla lndgo met In regular con vention last Tuesday evening. Tho rnnk of Knight was conferred on two Esquires. Brothers, we havo made an ; S t r Stra.t mA'Bsary to call a special assessment of " to the team work In tho noolig Wt hu cent7for all members of tho hlvo. The M rank '"ltcs " "" wK,. f;; same must bo paid by the.last of Feb- T?!" .and. "' W taT8 n apcd35yi9JiKeS chevaliers. Tho social meeting held by Akron Cns. tie, No. 1, on Wednesday ovenlng was a decided success. There waH a largo attendance both of members and In vited guests, and nil seemed to thor oughly enjoy themselves nud general sociability was tho order of the dsy. Games and boclal amusements wero O. IJ. A. M. Summit Council, No. 10, met Wed nesdny with tho usual attendances Tho flrBt degree was put on and one candl dato Initiated. Much discussion was lu order after tho entertainment com mltteo reported. After tho stprm, tho following was decided: Tho entertain, inent will be In tho form of a minstrel, to bo given Keb. 10. Tho minstrel will ty Immediately followed by a dance, tho music for which will bo furnished by an A I orchestra. The tickets will cost 10 cents each to overy person. Tho team Is especially requested to be pros- ent next Wednesdny night, as there will bo work In tho second degree, and tho Council wishes to get tho work done early as posslhle In order to re hearse for tho, entertainment. L. O. T. M. , Regular rovlew of Busy Bee hive, No, 35, Tuesday evening, Fob, 4, In K. ruary. j Independent Hive Sowing society will meet all day at the home of Lady Baker, 107 St. Clair St., Thursday, Fob. 0. All ladles nro, requested to bo pres. ent, ns there Is a, great deal of work to do. Bring your lunch. ProtocUvo Hlvo will hold a special rovlew Tuesday evening. Lndles, It is Important that tijl bo present. Assess ment No. 150 must bo paid or you will be susponded. January dues aro also duo and must bo paid ut once. tUf K. "o. T, M. 'lip Top Tent hold a yory Interesting meeting. The now sot of. olllcers start ed on their first experience. They nro Commander, Clarence Wnll; chnplaln, II. Richardson; lieutenant commander, E. Valon; physlelnu, Dr, Wk A. Sack ett; master of arms, E. Wall; record ing nud finance keeper, P. Phcrlot; ser geant, II. Moore; ilrst' mnster of nrins, James Smith; second master of arms, Sid Smith; sentinel, B.( Bernell; pick ett, B. Fnslg. Tho new btind organized by Tip Top Tent nnd known nfc tho Bo-Bo-Ho-Bo took n trip Saturday, night to Copley, nnd entertained tbfc Copley Sir Knights. candidate for the the first team on next Tuesday nnd the first rank team Is ordered to bo present. Do not forget tho social on next Wed nesday, Feb. 5. All brother K. of P.'s are welcome. Cards and dancing will composo the evening's entertainment R 33 5S 0R Cku y tj K IS KMrMI-lffitiH SMP u aide trow pare vrccut!a oils and Mnr medicated, dcilrovi all dtxea.e cmn, ktepi tht pore open and makes tht I. O. R. M. Snrnnae Tribe kindled Its council tiro Thursday sleep, when ono application for adoption wns received nnd the war riors' degree was conferred. Next Thursday slpop there will bo n Joint meeting of Fleet Foot Tribe, of Canton, and Summit and Snrnnnc'Trlbcs, of Ak ron, when thero will bo work In nil tho degrees. Chiefs of both tribes nro requested to meet curly nt the, wigwam of Sarunnc Tribe, corner Mnln nnd Bartges Bts. Fleet Foot Tribe will work all the degrees ond every Red Man In Akron sbould bo presont os tho rep utation of Fleet Foot In tho work Is second to none. km toil ua vcivt ir iurcc l plrnploi, blotches, etc. Un 1 ticcliedrorlttebadl.nurMrr. I inMt 1 fi vr ,. f) aaaaaafl I . J, -,i tr-lErWf rfj .... ,. a. b, ..jt .,... .a.aI, Li iht VkSkH ,.?. .:, IrMti f&Mmk g?rftfcitji i, B - .' .Ji . jii,fa-a5!iy,'UV:i,.-, . ,. .,,. - -n'fi'Miaifltif h '- k.nt&am. jj j. iri'imiM'7fT'lMrttiiMMM 1? JgMmmS ygijT2;i21ViH&