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BtoTt f vmw X 6 AKTION DAILY DEMOCRAT, MONDAY, FEHUUAnY 3, i.002. IIP 5 rui til Hi i If mi Hi! ft If l fc1 1: ', BUSINESS Methods of the 3f Lit r V Will Change From This Time On. Adelbert Too Much For Buchtcl Academy Team. The South llnd Athletic club hns nearly completed arrangements for conducting the business of the dub on a different basis than herctofoie. iL'lio dlrectois met last Monday night, and uifcus'-rtl plans for tho renirange incut of (l'e bifdncs nffolt.s of the club. Tl.eie . 'II be another meeting tonlglil, at which Hie committees will piobably be appointed, and delluilu pi ms trade for tho jcar. Now that the tiophy has been won t loin the I 'liquids by the South l.iid bowlcis, 'In attention at the i.lub Is turned to the formation of a basket ball team. This will piobably be accomplished In a few dajs. Till; SOllHDULU. The following will bo the schedule of games In the lli.ind -illcy league, for this week: Monday, (bauds and Miuoons; Tuesday, O'Nells and Ak lous; 1'rlday, O'Nells and Ultias. In tilt' second league, the Crescents and Columblns will meet Wednesday night, fliul the N. ). T. team will play the Acmes 1 ildiiy night. this wi;nics .schudulij. The amateur pool tournament on the llownid Bt. tables.wlll play four games this week. The same leadeis who us soiled thenisehes eaily In the game have continued to leiualu ahead, while neaily the same plujcis luw been defeated who weic defeated bo foie. The sclii-iliilils liileiestlug, mid lias been a gieat aid to luteicht In the Ifniuo In this city, Monday, (ianelt and Uliodes; Tues day, Lolo and VIeis; Wednesday, Wl1 ton and Wiilloi; Thuisdnj, Biown-uid Kcj bold. (iOI.DUN WON. Win. I'ljiui and Unity ilohleii i.imo together mi the West Hud rink, Sal in ilny night, In a half mile nice, which was aiheitlsid to be foi the championship of the State, (iohlcii Vou (lie nice In one minute and II'J spcoimh. The icsiilt might haw been tlllfeH-iit had not rijiiu. In .apple nil- , , , .... lug the llnlsh, sllppetl and lallen dou u, tl(tls Kb lUK Ills opponent a lead which was sullleleiil to enable him to win, i ,i i ii i, 1 lynu l not satlsilcd with the icsult or the meet'ng, and wants to iikj tiOhlep again. .MAY AltltANdi: (i.Mi:.S. The girls of the lt.iril.ei ball team of tho Canton High school hope to lie able to icuiiige tor a game or u seilcs of games Willi the ghls or the Iluchtel basket ball team. The Canton ghls bac plnyid M'M'inl games and htne done Home cu'cllciit woik In loiilest. They I ear, uioic or less, however, a meeting with the lucal team, and mo piat'llelug haul to get Into the liesl pokslhle loudltloii, DIAMOND OIJN CI. I'll. Pour inembeis of (he Diauioiid (iiiu clllli shot a llilil. blul event, on Slier boud.x Mill, i'lituiilay alleiuoon, with lio lolluwliig lesulls: Sieler II, Ilet. Kl, Oheidelster 111, S. The next nieetlng of the club will take place 1'Yb. 1.1. ADi:i,iti:itT won. The Adelbeil rieshnieii weie too liiueli for the Huehtel Academy bojs, Salmday night, and they defeated thu home ItiiHki-t ball aggiegatlou by a hcoic of HP to 7, at Cioiihu gyinnasluni, lu a game that was pln.tcd haul and piovlded some eiy Inteiesilnj; sport. The Iluchtel bios were woikul haul, and lilul their best to win the game, but the, weie unable to tluow mure llliiu one goal, alter u gieal iiiimber of pppoilunltleh and ti litis. Washer, Hosted, nnd Kingcr did muxi of tho good work for lliuhtel, and Haul play nl u star game for the IsIIoih. Tho (Int'-up Was as follows; Adelbert rioslunen Slegr.ule and Haul, fotwauls; .Miller, llubbel and Klllio, guardsj Coiiant, center. Jllielrtrl-Kuiger and Collet, for Waulsj II, Knight and ltostucl.,gii,iids; Vnshcr, center. It's False Economy To tispa sonp that desttojs your linens itnd Iruvcs them dMy nnd Hollpd try Electric Grip & Soap ht & & It's tlio best laundry sonp todny. Your Grocer SeJlj It SMOKER And Entertainment to be Given by Clerks' Union. The Itctnll Clerks' Union will give n smoker Tuesday night, Feb. -1, whlcU promises to Iks nil ciitcituliiuicut of great mcilt, anil ono fiom which u Brent deal of pleastno will bo deiiwd Tho entertainment will tnke place at Knights of Honor luill, and only inonibeis and Invited friends of the union avIII he admitted. Cuids will he a featmo of the cnteitnlninent, and two prizes will he offered for the win ners of tho most games. Kefreshinents will bo served, but first illl come tlio pioguun. An especial Jiivltntlon linn been extended to nan-members of the union, who mny wish to Join, to do so on this night, as the Initiation will bo fiee. The progi.itn will be as follows: Mu "If, by a mandolin club; sang, by tho Summit. City quartet; four lounil hom ing bout, between Jtny McDonald nnd .Jack MoF.iilnnd; nddioss, .T. A. Win trode. Tho following nic members of the oeliil (Oinnilltee: Oils Yeck, 1'. V. Mine, and (,'hailcs II. Pen hie. Spoke- Too I.ntc. The good minister of n Scottish par ish had oneo upon n tlmo n great wish for an old couplo to become toetota'.. eis, which thoy wero In nowlso eager to carry out. After much pressing, however, they consontcd, laying down as a condition that they should ho nl lowed to keep n bottlo of "Auld Kirk" for medlclnnl purposes. A.iout n fort night afterward John began to feel his resolution weakening, but he was dt-t-rnilticd not to bo tho first to glvo way, In another week, however, ho col lapsed entirely. "Jenny, woman," he said, "l'o nn uwfu' pnln In my held. Yo uilcht gle mo a wee drnpplc nn' see gin It'll deo mo ony sruM." "Well, gndenmn," sho lcplled, "ye'ro owio Into o uskln', for ever sin' "that bottle cam' Into the hooso Fw been bothered Sao wl' pnlns 1' my hold 't Is n dune, an' thcro'a nno drnpplo left." " Tin- iimr iiiiiio. Tho bug Bible was printed In 1510 by tho authority of Edwaid VI., nnd Its curiosity lies In the rendering of tho fifth crso of tho 'Ninety-first 1'snlin, vulch, as wo know, inns, "Thou slialt not bo nfrald for tho tci ror by night nor for the arrow widen tlleth by day," but In tho above er slon ran. "So thou shnlt not netlo to be nfrnld of any bugges by nlglit." Ludicrous as this sounds. It Is not etymologlcnlly without Justification. "Itug" Is derived from tho Welsh word "bwg," which meant a hobgoblin p? tcirlfylng specter, n signification trace able In tho woid commonly in uso to 1 day "bugbear" and !3hakespeaioouco or twice uses (he word In this prlmniy sense, notably when ho mnltes Hamlet sny. "Such bugs and gobllna In my life." v " ... ., F," ch,"n' v" ' " 1 1" eklnn needs rare In washing (ln(1 ,,rTlll(, n1(1 Hll(mW llev(.r bo ,,,ncoa t:i i)irotii or indifferent hands. Treat- ''' I'ulugly. china will Inst for years nnt' own generations. Only n piece ,, ,)u m't , lm) tu,, nl'ono m0f the sonp should bo made Into suds ho- '"' putting anything In. nnd tho wa- tor imirt bo very warm, not hot. Fl- na II v i Inao In water thnt a lust tlin i mine warm. A irood sunnlv of line. soft towclK i a noccbslty, nnd, thus eiiulppcd, tho washing of chlnu Is not IV Imnl tusk, China will shlno benutl fully If wiped out of clear warm wa- ter- Jj-auyyi I.nottlnR nnd Seeing. '"! Thcro Is much In knowing how lo ten sights. Tlio discreet and skillful person, when confronted with a varie ty of attractions, will caiefully select those mo for him the best and then will devise means to boo then, with tho least wenr anil tear. Hut: thcro uro excitable people who set out to see over) thing, tiro theiusehe.s out. see only halt of unylhlnu and nto dis satisfied lu tlio end. IlnnDy n, Com! Tlilmr. "Did you sny Unit hair restorer Is a good tiling?'' nsked tho patron. "Yes," uunwurid thu barber, with some slight Iiesllntloii; "It's u good thing. Wii tell several bottles a week at a dollar u bottle." "Hut how do you know It's n good thing'" "Hocnuso the profit on oery bottlo Is "5 ccuts." Washington Star. IIU l'urtune, "Who In that handsome young ninn standing over theiu?" Iiuiulied an old gentleman of a ilcli old lady at u party. "Thai's my son In.luw. He's a ery brilliant young iiiiui; uiado u lingo for tune by the Jaw." "Indeed!" said tho old gentleman. How's thnt'i" "Tho luvr mndo l)lm my dnughtcr'a hutbaud."--Loudon Answ ers. Ilcr I'et Pit. A yount; womnn lu Kondon took n pig lu In fancy and bi ought It up. as slio snjs, "l(o a. Ohrlstlnn." Complaint wns mndo to tho authoiltlrn the other day, and the snnltnry oflleers who went lo InvostUutc found tho pig In bed bo tweou two while, sheets, with Its head on n pillow n ml Its body covered with a wlilto luco counterpane. Should ICrrii Hnnit-llilnir, Now Womtiu-Slipply been ue c a wo mnn mnrrlrs a man Is no reabou why slio should take his name. Old Unchclor Just so. The poor fel low ought to bo allowed to Keep some thing ho cau call his ouu.-St. I.ouU neptibllc. A man seldom roallrcs how few of his rrinnrkB nil" worth repenting until ho has conversed with a iltiir ieisoii, -Chlengo Nows. Pon'sta corT otiP'tenth of the sur fnco of thu tinitn uud one ijuartcr of Europe. Green Eyed v Loudon, I'eb. .'I, Although the story of a duil between the Hereditary Prince of .Mimtenegio. Dnnilo-AloNiin- der nnd his brother, 1'ilnee Mliko, has been vehemently denied fumi Hcilln and liudapcHt, that there has been trouble between the two biotheis'ls genc-nlly believcdr nnd tho uccoiint of the duel Is eiedltcd by many familiar with llic private nffnirs of the loynl finally of MontPiicgio. While the statcnient that I'llnce Da- nllo hud been wounued cannot be eil- tkd, )t Is known that he has been In , Delay Caused by New Factory Can't be Finished on Time. A Fine Tribute tp Mr. H. C. Corson. The seu'iu weather Is delajlng woik on tho pkint of tho Stein IJoublo Cushloii Tlio (Jo. Tho walls of the bulldli'gs hint) been completed half way to the second floor but It has been ncLCSsaiy lo suspend active opei atlons. Although thu cuntiaet calls lor the completion of the buildings by Mmeli 1, It is nioio likely that April 1st will come betoio the work Is done. The India liubber Vn 111 gives the follow Ii g at count of a bnuiiuet ten deied .Mr. 11. 0. Corson In New Vmk e'.ty: Tho members of tho i:ecutlo conimltlee of Druggists' Sundries As soclatlon gae a I. new ell dlunei at tho Waldoif-Astoila, lu New Yoik, on the owning of Jan. 17, to Mr. II, 0, Coisou, loinicr pivsldent of tho Asso ciation, mid who lately resigned as vice ptesldent of ho It, V. Coodrlch Co. Tlieu weie pieseut, In nddltton to the guest of honor, Messrs. Oeoi.go P. lloilgniau, i;, I). Uubcr, Joseph Daol, (ieorge M, Alk'riou, II, t!. llur ton, Mr. Kred 11. .loues. Tim tuhlo uud dining loom weie beautifully do i united with flowers and tho dinner he best the house could afford. A leatuie of the occasion was the pre sentation to Mr. Coisou, of n sllwr lolng cup on tvlileh the unmet, of tho i:eciillo couimltteo weie enginwd. Tht letlieincnt of II, C. Corson fiom actle work whlhi jet a ouug man Is mi object lesson to American business men. Ho had iiindo u modeinto for tune; no doubt If ho had leiiinlued In business for another ten or -0 yonis the sumo ability would make him wiy l It'll, but he felt that enough was plenty that theie wero better things than mere, money gutting, and ho had the senso to quit. All nro soiry to see hliu go but rejoice In his good luck and his bettir sense, AJAX COLD CURE IS THE BEST If it were not so, I would not have told ou. PREVENTS PNEUMONIA. CURES THE GRIP. taMSmSi Princ3ss Jutta of Montenegro, Her Husband on UJSy news! Golden Pig of Comic Opera Disappeared Mid a Duel lelheineiit for simp dni. who stoi.i: 'inn ritiv The Incident which U siiipocd to hae ltd up to the duel Is said to hno btPii (onneettd with the dK.iiipeuianco of the famous luck-pig pieseiited to the DiicIhss Jutta on her marriage by her father. The lues pig wns a eloer lmciitlmi of the father ot the brldo and was Intendvd to aerl any sticss of want which might icsult fiom lier icsl deuce at Cettlnje. the poorest couil In Km ope. The pig was of gold with emeiald e.tes and wns u most uif-eomly looking I :( of brlc-a-biac. To the aslonlshnient of the Monlen egilns, howeger, the I'llmcss Jutta Riii It tile place ot honor in her bou doir. It was eouspli uoiisly dlsplaje'd aiiiong her other belongings and it A HARD PROPOSITION SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION Or THE rOUFlTH DIMENSION. To (lie I.ny Ml ml It tVonliI Alipear m TIhiurIi Thin Kcimuru of Spnce Were the Ablllt) lo UUnpticnr Through Stoun 'Wr.llN, Suppose n world consisting of n boundless Unt piano tor bo Inhabited by reasoning beings who tan move nboul at pleasure on tho plane, but aio not able to turn their bends up or down or even to see or hlnk of sucli ternia as nbovo them nnd below them, and things mound them can be push ed or pulled about In any direction, but cannot bo lifted from the plnne. Peo ple nnd things can pass around each other, but cannot u'op over nnythlng. These dwcllerri In "tlatland" could con struct n plnne geometry which would he exactly like ours In being based on tho axioms of Undid, ..Two pmallel straight lines would uewr meet, though continued indefinitely. Hut suppose that the surface on which these beings live, instead of be ing nn liitlultely extended plnno, Js leally the Livfaec of an Immense globo Ilko tho earth on which wo live. It needs no knowledge of geometry, but only nn ccnmbiatlon of any globular object an apple, for example to show that If we diaw a line as straight as possible on a sphero and parallel to it diaw a small pleco of a second line, nnd continue this in no straight a lino as wo can, the two lines will meet when wo proceed In either direction one-qusiter of tho way around tho i phei e. Por our "tUtlnud" people these lines woalJ both bo perfectly straight because tho only curvature would bo In the direction downward, which thoy could uewr either perceive or dlscowr. To explain hjpergeoiuctry pioper wo must llrst set f oi t h what n fouitli dl uienslon of space means and show how natural the way by which It may bo approached. We continue our analo gy from "il.itlnnd." In this supposed land let us make a ciosn two straight lines lutcisecting nt rltfht nngles, Tho Inhabitants of this laud understand tho cross peitectly nnd concolw of it Just as wo do. Hut let us nslc them to draw a third line intersecting tho snmo point mid pcipcudlcuhtr to both tho other Hues, They would nt oneo pro nounce this absurd and impossible. It is equally nhsuid mid Impossible to us if wu reqtilro the third line to bo drnwn on tho paper. Hut we would ie ply, "If j mi allow us to lenvo tho paper or flat surface, then wo can solvo the problem by simply din wing tho third line through tho pnpor perpendlculnr to Its surface." Now, to pursue tho analogy, suppose that after wo have drawn threo mutu ally perpendlculnr lines somo being from nnother sphero proposes to us tho drnwlng of a fourth lino through tho samo point perpendlculnr to nil three of the Hues already there. Wo should answer hliu In tho saiuo wny that the inhabitants of "flatlnnd" answered us,: "Tho piohlcin Is Impossible. You can not draw any such lino In space ns wo understand It." If our visitor eoucehed of tho fourth dimension, ho would re ply to us as wo replied to the "flat land" people: "Tho problem Is absurd and impossible if you conilne your line to space ns you understand it. Hut for mo thcro is a fourth dimension in bpnee. Draw your line through that di mension, nnd the problem will be solv ed. This is perfectly simple to mo; It is inipossibio to you solely because your conceptions do not ndmlt of more than three dimensions." Supposing tho inhabitants of "flats laud" to ho intellectual beings ns wo are, it would bo interesting to them to bo told what dweller? of space In tjirqo becanio a jest at couit. Tills led II nnJly to n continued teasing of tlio 1'ilncess Jutta, which finally caused her to lose her temper and her head apd sho told tho seciet ot her loo for the luck-pig. The golden poiker was stuffed with gjhl and notes, a vol Itablo bulwark ngalnst tlio existing conditions at tlio Court of Montenegio. Thph tho people of Montenegro un derstood. They had always legauleU the metal animal lis a luck bilngcr, but when the story was told they laughed merrily, and simply winked and e marked that the 1'ilncess Jutta "liould lmvo kept her seciet to herself. The licit day the luck-pig disappear ed. The day 'after 1'rinco Nicholas, who had been jionowhig heavily fiom his dimensions could do. Let us pursue tho nnplogy by showing what dwellers In four dimensions might do. Place n dweller of "tlatland" iix.Ido n circle drawn on ills piano and ask hliu to step outside of It without breaking tluoush It. lie would go all nround, nnd, finding every Inch of it closed, he would say it was lmposslblo from the a cry naturo of the conditions. "Hut," wo would reply, "that is becnuso of your limited conceptions. Wo can step over It." "Step over It!" ho would exclaim. "1 do not know what that means. I enn pnss around nnythlng if there is n wnv open, but I cannot Imagine what jou inpan by stepping over it." Hut we should simply step over tho line nnd reappear op tho other side. So if wo conllno n being nblo to moo in a fourth dimension In tho walls of a dungeou of which the sides, the floor and the ceiling were nil impenetrable ho would step outside of It without touching any part of the building Just as easily ns we could step owr n cir cle drnwn on the plane without touch ing It He would simply disappear from our ylew like a spirit and perhnps reappear tho next moment outside tho prison. To do this he would have to tunko n little excursion in the fourth dimension. Professor Simon Newcouib Id Harper's Mngnzlne. Ill Maiden Nome. It Is said that nt certain seasons In Scotland when tho fishing is not very brisk the fishermen act ns caddies and aio easily recognized by their costume, n woolen Jersey and trousers braced no to the armpits. One of these was asked his nnmo by the gentleman for whom he wns carrying, and the reply was, "Weel, sir, hereabouts they mnlstly c.V me Drecks, but urn maiden name is Broon." n Cnrlr !" Affair. Mny I wonder why Heggio never married. Jack Ho had n low nffnlr when Unite young nnd hr.n never got owr it. Mny Who was the object of his af fections? Jnck Himself. Hurleni Life. if ' Wlmt 1!ie llnhy Nerilrd. "Papa," said Tommy, "little biother is n wecU old tomorrow, isn't he?" "Yes." "Let's you nnd mo give him a birth day prcsout." "Very well. What shall It bo?" "Let's buy him a wig. He needs that more than uuj thing." A Choice of I'ralciiliina. "If I ind not been lu-onght un n dean." says Dr. Hole of llochestcr, "tboro uro threo o'her vocations I should haTO liked to have followed master of a pack of bounds, head gar dener lu a largo nursery or n book, seller. I think the last Is the best of tlce of tho three." The PnlKn. The polka is tho natural dance for tho feet of the people. Take In cvldonco Its oilsrlu. A Hohemlan pensant girl was se.Mi dancing "out of her own hpd," extemporising from tho sheer Joy of lier heart song, tune and steps. This she did on n Sunday afternoon in Elbolelnltj:, and nn artist, ono Josef Ncruda, who spied hpr, uiado n noto of nil he saw, Tho people of Uio town adopted the dunce and called It tho tjnlka, half step. In 18.15 It reached Pingue and Vienna In 1S10; thence It spread rapidly through Hurope. When M. Cullmlus Introduced It to the Pari sians, wo hpnr that all else gaw way before "(he nil absorbing pursuit, the polka, which embraces lu its qualities the Intipincy pf tho waltz with t vr.elty of the Irish JltV-Cassell's Mag luluq - - Court feetwefen Brothers Followed. Left and His Brother, Prince son-in-law the King of Italy went to Monte Carlo and made a mighty effort to stop the louletto wheel in Its w hill ings. Theie was a hue and cry ocr the dlsappeaianco of the luck-pig. and In a shoit time Unco now liuk-plg ap penivd In the Princess Jutta's boudoir. All tin eo had been oideied by dlffeieiit pet sons. Her husband, her f.itber-ln-law and the Pi line Minister had all telegiaphed for duplicates of the pig in older to appease her anger. Hut the Princess Jutta was not to be appeased. Sho tapped the sides of the luck-pigs and looked disappointed, when they bounded hollow. "The luck-pigs are empty," she said, Slnto then the incident lias caused much unpleasantness about the court, LIFE'S UPS AND DOWNS. The Mrtffninccnt ncvencc of n Gov ernor ot iUiaionrl. While Itobert Stewart was governor of Missouri u steamboat man wns brought in from the peuitentlnry as an applicant for n pardon. Ho was n large, powerful fellow, and when tho gowrn or looked at hlni bo seemed strangely affected. IIo sei utilized him long und closely. Finally ho signed the docu ment that restored the prisoner to lib erty. Ho'fore ho handed it to him ho s-ild, "You will commit some other crime nnd be In tho penitentiary again, I fear." Tho mnn solemnly promised that he would not. Tho governor looked doubt ful, mueqd n few minutes nnd said: "You will go back on the river and be a mate ngaln, I suppose 7" Tho mnn replied that he wou'd. "Well, I want you to promlso mo one thing," resumed the governor. "I want j on to pledge your word that when you are mate ngaln you will never take a billet of wood In your hand and drive a sick boy ou( of n bunk to help jou load jour boat on a stotmy night." Tho stcnnihoat man said he would not and inquired what tho governor meant by asking him such a question. Tho governor replied: "Because somo day that boy may become a gowrnor, nnd you may wnnt him to pardon ou for n crime. One dark, stormy night many years ago, you stopped your boat on tho Mississippi river to take on n load of wood. There was n boy on board who was working his passago fiom New Orleans to St. Louis, but ho wns cry stck of fover and was lying in n bunk. You hnd plenty ot men to do the work, but you went to thnt boy with a stick of wood in your hand nnd drovo him with blows r.nd cuises out into tho wt etched night and kept him tolling like a slave until tho loan wns completed. I was that boy. Hero is your pardon. Never again bo guilty of such brutality." Tho man, cowering nnd hiding his face, went out without a word'. What a noble rovengo thnt wns and what a lesson to a bully! Success. LAW POINTS. ' ' A contract uiado with a Arm Is in Its legal effect one uiado with each mem ber of the firm (81 Mo. App. Uep. S37). In order to maintain an action for breach of nn express warranty ono must establish that the warranty was relied on (58 N. 15. Hep. 10SU). That persons mny bo liable ns part ners to thhd persons it Is not neccssa ly that they shall bo strictly partneis as betweeu themselves (50 N. 11. Hep. 500). Though n contract is signed In thu nnmo of nn Individual, it mny bo shown tjint It wnn executed by a firm using such individual ntuuo ns n firm nanio (50 N. B. COO), A partner ennpot give n chattel mort gage upon his Interest In n firm's assets to securo nn individual debt us ngalnst tho claims of creditors of tho partner ship (oo s. vr. npp. itwr.). A creditor mny lawfully receive se curity from an Insolvent debtor, but it Is not permissible to. do so for tlio pur pose nnd with tlio intention of defrnud lug other creditors (S3 N, W. Hep. 75). The iipnsiue of dnmnges for icfusnl to receive purchased goods is tho dif ference between tho contract price and the inaiket prlco at the place of deliv ery or cost of leturn i8l Mo. App. Hep. 07). Where n written contract has been mndo by the express direction of a party and for his benefit such party will be bound by It. although he has not himself signed It (01 III. App. Hep. .UO). 1 ' i The Ilono nnd the Since. Oneo upon a Uuio lp a melodramatic Mirko, on Right. and the Princess Jutta bad been Joked so frequently about tlio luck-pig that sho became angry and called upon her husband to protect hor. Ho roseuted some bit of ridicule on the part of his hi other, called the brother Mirko out, and, It was repotted, was wounded lu the duel which followed. Montenegio is a hnppy-go-liteky prin cipality In the Black Mountain hills. It Is a comic opeia. couit and l'tuucil chlelly as furnishing loyal wives to lOtiiopenn Princes and Kings. One of the daughters of I'riiuo Nicholas mar ried the King of Ita'.y, another tho cousin of the CVar of Itussla, u tlilul Is the Duchess Jutta of Mecklonburg Slrclltz. The Democrat prints the news, both local nnd foreign. theatrical performance the leading man look a ti(vy, untamed steed on tho stage. After the horse heard some oi tjie lines delivered by several of the nctors he began kicking the flats and wings to pieces, sending them up iituongthe flies. "Help, help!" cried tile leading mnn. "Nay, ny!" answered tho manager. "The horse shows great discernment, lie is trying to elevnto the stngc." Moral. We should not scorn tho most humble effort in a good cause. New York Heinld. Flat Economy. Customer Yon ndwrtlso carpet rem nnnts. I ceo. I want two, one to cuvcr the parlor and tho other for the sitting loom. Salesman But. madam, a carpet as laige as that would not ho n remnant. Customer Oh, yes. It would. I live In a flat. Now York Weekly. IIIu Tlionchtlcmncan. Tic Ah, those days of our younq low! You remember thnt afternoon you promised to meet mo uud didn't come? How I lined! She Just like a man! And thcro wai I, suffering agonies, trjing on thai dress jou liked so much. Life, ' IVlint He MUed. Mrs. Do Style it's a pity you couli! not have heard that sermon today. Mr. Do Stj le After paying for your Sunday wardrobe 1 haven't money enough left to buy myself a decent thing to wear. I Mrs. Dp Style That's Just It, nnd that seimon would have made you blush for wry shame. It was on tlm "Idolatrous Worship of Flue Clothes." -New York Weeklj. Sponcps. Sponges grow in odd, fantastic shapes. Some of them have an owr , growth resembling huge warts. Thcro are s-mie suggesting hands, tints mid . tlgiues of Idols. ThcFO nro curiosities and not muiketablo for piacUcal use. in trimming them Into shape ninny small sponges are made which uro used for chlldien's slates, for black ing shoes nnd in making paper. The uses vary according to stee. ! Ono of the largest sponges known is In New York city. It Is fan shape and some three feet lu diameter. Por practical use it is worthless, but as an exhibit It is Valued nt ?100. j Tho best sponges nro imported from j tho Medlteruiiean, although Florida produces wry line wrietles. These wry In price from n cent to ?20 apiece, nltuoiigb occnslonnlly flue specimens bring $00 a pound. Tlio best of these are used in surglcnl op erations. Other sponges nro thQ mandruka batt. the elephant ear. velvet, grasa nnd sheep's wool, which la best for washing. The cheap sponges mo used lu washing carriages and by painters. Ilnd Looked Out For Number One, "Have jou ever doue anything to better tho condition of any part of tho huuinu race?," eald tho very serious man. "Of course I have," answered tho person with the cold gray eye. "Am I not a part of the human race?" Ex change. A C.thIo on Mnrrlacre. " Sardines are a delicacy Ot for nny, epicure, but the other flsh woa thus EUiumeil up by nn epigrammatic Cor nishuian: "Pllc'uirds," ho said "ar like v,i cs. When they're bnd, thpj''ra awful, cud when thpy're good they're only Kldaiir.,'."-Pall Mail Uazette. Nothing ralres the price of n blesslns like its rcmowl, wbereaB It wns It'i continuance which should have cost xi its value. Utunv h Moor. .t rffg&uejp irAttiliir WZM