Newspaper Page Text
"vj' --..i,. rirj AK1KXN" DAILY DEMOGItAT, moxda, FErinuAiir n, 1002 jij.. A rv . j Santos-Dumont Flew About Like a, Bird, SvK Ufeifeimilnr Wdnls to DcccivcTtliVPublic, 1sJ y ButtTbcyCall'tiUeeilbclWord y fu' John Lam parter & Co Cot Rate Drug Store We Cut on all Drugs, Prescriptions and Patent Medicines Hartman's Peruna ... .-. S Pft'Klllilll s0 J h MKIB kstk. ! ' ., -U w.WFw'E& iC4 K'KllftHIM .... . . . . ,.ii nnmnPMHMnMi JPVu . -."v i Lookfori,thet'BftOMo;afrd:thes(gnatureof -X '; v 1 (V 4' IN BIIVIKC sf CAXAT8VE mm R& The 'Celebrated COLD and r-J&fct- &C&Z&S&&, EXPRESSIVE PHRASES. Thoie Which Foreigner Coming to Amrrlcn Lcnru to Ufie FlrM, What uro tlie most expressive phrases In colloquial English? Of tho dozens thnt slip off English speaking tongues In the of a day some must lie better suited for their purpose nnil more clinrnetcrlstln of the rnce tlmt originated them limn othi'ts. Wliuu foreigners come to this country, they catch certulu expressions almost Imme diately and long before they can at tempt to speak the language have made them pait of their vocabulary. It would seem that these phrases must bo tho most expressive In English and that they nie peculiar to the laugungo nnd "fill a long felt want," plnco for-clsners-selzc so eagerly upon tnem. Every man or woman who In lids In this country Ih saying, "Hurry upl" In two months. In wlmlevcr quarter of tho city one may walk, Italian or Ger man or Jewish, mothers will be dis patching their offspring on errands, us ing their native speech, but closing their orders with the magic "Hurry )pl" How delightfully characteristic of the nation Is the phrase! It Is not to be wondered at that the newcomers from, the slow moving old world 11 ud thnt they have brought over nothing to equal It. "All right" rlvnls "hurry np," not because foreign tongues lack similar expressions, but because there Is n Jol ly, hall fellow well met nlr about "All right" lacking In other phrnses of the came diameter. Then, too, "All light" takes the place not only of "Good," but of "Yes"' nnd "1 understand" nnd of n dozen other phrases which In other languages require separate expressions. The third phrase, which alone shares tho popularity of the llrst two, Js, "It's nice." This should bo Interesting to purists who wish to restrict "nice" to lis Urst nnd original meaning of "ex net." No word of ancestry sufficiently aristocratic to plenso them takes the place of "nice" In Its colloquial mean ing, npd forclgucis clasp It with Joy, wholly Ignorant of the fnct that they are outraging the feelings of anybody by so dolug. Other purnseB besides "Hurry up." "All right" and "It's nice" captivate the fancy of tho newly land ed, but these three reign supreme. New York Tribune. Children Especially Liable. Hums, bruises and cuts nio extreme ly painful and if neglected often re sult In blood poisoning. Olilldreii 1110 especially liable lo sueh mishaps, bo Oiiufo not so direful. As a remedy DrYVItt's Wllch Hazel Sutio Is un equalled. Draws out tlio lire, slops tho palli, soon heals the wound. He wnie of counterfeits. Sum euro for piles. "Do Witt's Witch Iliuel Siiho cured my baby of eczema after I wo phjslclnns gao her up," willes .lames Mock, N Webster, I nil. "Tho sores wrrn So bad she soiled two to tlvo drears day. Win. Warner, (Join l'liaimacy, liy Kq, Howaid st. A Itml In JMrklo, Mrs. Gooiholo Why, Johnny, nro ynu Just koIiir home nowj Your mother's bean looking for jou all afternoon, Johnny Yes'm, l know, Mrs. lioodoleJunt think how wor ried the must be. lohnny-0!i, idiu's nenr tho end o' her iworryln'. I m lest begliinln' mine. Pnlrciulxo home Induxtty and place your imleis now for door and window ftricmi. There Is no necessity for placing IniDliicKH outhl0 of Akum, as WO Kliar.iiilft) yon the best poHslblo material mid workmanship thiough out- ' Tlio Akron Wood Working To. : I NewYorkDnt5st 148 south Main Street, Akron. 0. Oppn 8 lo S dally; 0 to 1 Rumlnys. Dr. Henkcrt, Prop. ALL our work Js guoiautecd and liiust please jpu. If otherwise, tafonn Dr. Ilenkert I'lUiPI.ri'S PHOMO 701, wmmmmmmemmmammmmmmBammmKmMm & QUININE' 4 & GRIP CURE: 47TZltSti Snorr I'roin n Clenr Sky. Tho most wonderful snowstorms of nil that inay bo seen every winter In tho Adlrondacks aro those that prevail when tho sky Is cloudless. Of theso there nro several varieties. Every week or two wc would sco what looked like a fog form about the distant hills and then como drifting across the creek valley. Doubtless It was n real snow lailcn cloud that had been drifting along until It struck our level (l,;tOO feet nbovo tho sea) In tlio Adlrondacks, when the. conditions became favorable for tho rolcnso of lis feathery burden. Wo saw these clouds till the air with flakes that wero driven along nlmost horizontally by a strong gale, although tho lops of our old hemlocks and spruces rose Into the clear air and tin oustructcd sunlight above tho highest level of tho snow producing air strat um. Wo oven saw the suow so thick in tho nlr about us that tho trunks of trees six feet ubou tho eaith wer-j not visible, nlthotigh tho treetops could bo seen, nnd tho sun shono down through tho shallow storm with strength enough to cast distinct shad ows. Wo have stood on n quiet, sunlit hill top nnd looked down Into n valley less than 100 feet below us, where a snow storm was raging with violence and tho tempcrnturo was frigid. Scrlt.- ncr'n. Child Worth Millions. "My child Is woith millions to me," says Mrs. Mary Blul, of Harrlsburg, I'm., "yet I would havo lost her by cioup had I not purchased u boltlo of One Mlnuto Cough Cure." Ono Minute Cough Cute. Is mho euro for coughs, eioup and throat ami lung troubles. An absolutely safe cough cuio which acts Immediately. Tho youngest child can take It with entire safety. The little ones like thu taste nnd remember how often It helped them. Kvery family should havo a bottle of Ono Minute Cough Cure handy. At thlH seithou especially It may bu needed suddenly, Wllllnm Warner. Ueni l'liaimacy, 113 8. Howaid st. I'ationlzo home Industry and place jour onlers now for door and window seieeiiH, There Is no necessity for placing business outside of Akron, as wo guiminlce you tho best possible mateilal and workmanship thiough out. The A Ki nil Wood Woiklug Co. MARK YOUt A) of oM wi n warrior linlil, who itefinl liolh OoiH nml men, Ax Cold Care l Imiler far mire Aiiitilcfiet nil the colds of men, THE REPUBLIC. Tliou, loo, mil on, 0 illp ot t atr t hiill on. 0 Union, tlrcrn nrratt llutiunlljr nllh all III (i-tri, With all (lit lionti of )r3r, It inclii)f litrJIhtri on tli.r Ulel- Hb lnov vlut JlJiltr Itli) tliv krrl. What workmen wrou;l,t iliy r'ln pf lel, Who liuiU ritli mJlt nnil tall ami ropf, lit n) i rnf, whiit litininirn Imnt, In nhii (grin in J wlidl a lirtt Mrrc rlnprl tlis undior ot Ihy hope I I 'car not mill nidJfn tokiul ami ilmii) 'n ul the av and nut tin ruck) 'Til hut the, flai'i'lni 0( the ull Ami not it rent inmlv liy tho old In inlt ot rnrk n.l trinprtt'i roir, In iplt o( laltc llahh uii lli" hor, M on tier leu lu htruit Inu- trat Our heath, our hopcr, ire all ultli thrt; Our Krarli, our hop", our pnor, our tttre. Our faith trlurtiphant o'tr our Iraia, Are all wllh thee, are all ultli thrc! IxncMlow, rntrnnlsso hoiiio luiltistry and place ,our onlers now for door and window scieeus, Thero Is no necesdly for placing biixlnchs outside of Akron, ns wo guarantee .ni the best possible niaterlal mid Horkuiiinshlp thiough out. Tho Akron Wooil Winking Co. RC VOU SATISP-ICO Willi tin, i ntiillMiu, ,.i ,. ..,!., ,....,!. -j vT.., 't ,w., ui juiu It'Vkllf ltlt Then why not let tin put. them In u ioinlliloi that win enhance your beau Vlly, licalih and comfort? You will bu f.suipilsod at (he small cost and delight Tied with the result. If It Is nccessaty yt draw your teeth, ,i' Wll DO PAIN.i:s llXTUACTING. rf JIBST TUIiTH tjs.00 ? GOOD TDIJT1I $r,tm IMlI.INC, ,(i,, Up HK8T GOLD OHOW.NS $.-,,o() liHiDou wonic yn.txj S2 i ''-.. . '- i! V .'.if.- & w . '.J . "''. ; "." ,'?.'' , i Tn .,MM , ...- . .i 1 wv f- .. , i, i ) Whore Santos-Dumont Sailed In tho Air In Bird-Like Flight. The vjew hhown Is that of Monte f'ailo and Cap Mm tin, and the dotted lines bhow th? circles and curvets made by the Jlriisillliiu In his dlrlglblealrshlp In his trial trips. The two piellmlnnry trials have renewed the Interest felt throughout tho woild In tlie experiments being made by M. Santos-Ditmunt In his ef forts lo wilvc tin! problem of dlrlgl blllty In aeronautics. Hceent asceijts were liindo to furnish M. SantoH-Duniont with ntlill tlonal tlntii as to the air eui rents of the Mediterranean, and ns hooii as he FLYING BULLETS. One "U'nj- liy Which Thoy Slny Hn Scon After I.envlnir tho Illflc. "I don't believe the story that bulleta can bo seen when llrod from a gun," s.ild the old boldler. "Vou know In trio army theio Is a theory thnt men hnvo seen bullets, but they never lived to toll of It, because tho bullets wero go ing stialght for them anil hit them In tho eye. The only men who hnvo seen tho oidlnnry title bullets In transit nro dead." "Xo, they aren't," snld tho old hunter. "I havo seen many bullets flying. Ono way by which you can sco them pk.ln ly Is by dipping them in glycerin bo foio firing." "Yes, you might trnco thora by the smoke .then caused by air friction," said tho veteran, "but you can't seo tho bullets." "Oh, yes, you can," retorted tlio hunt er. "I havo watched them often dur ing tnrgct practice, and any ono can seo tho largo caliber bullets, though I won't say as much for tho tiny modern missiles. Tho wny to seo a flying bul let Is to gel a llttlo to ono sldo of the shooter, about llvo feet nwny from lilin, say. Then lun an Imaginary lino from the muzsio of .his gun to tho target. Let your eyes lest on n spaco of light coloicd ground exactly on this lino, mid when he tires you wll seo something daik, like a lice, lilt pntt tho light col ored space. Thnt Is tho bullot. Of courso by tho tbno tho oyo tolls tho brain It sees the mlssllo tho bullet has struck tho target, but you havo seen It all right." Hi-nth In NlRiitninre). Ono of tlio Into beliefs of tho med ical profession Is that ninny people die each year whlln asleep from heart dlhcaso that Is brought on by night mares or bad dreams, A tpeclnllst on tho heart said recently thnt In his opinion lu nine enses out of ten of deaths In bed heart tuition was stop ped by fear which Injurious dicnms brought on. 'i lmo taken part In thousands of autopsies." said this expert, "and lu iiianj cases made a study of tlio hah Its of tluiM. who tiled. I found that the majority had been siifforcro from nightmans or other nocturnal dis turbances of dioaiiiland and that fie tliienll.v they wol.o uli In tho middle of the night completely ehnusted nnil sriiwly alarmed through some partlc ulaily vivid tlttvin. If peoplu are frightened to tlenth wlillu uwakc- when they hiiui their full fcousea and hope for Kilef. why Is It not tjinibly likely that they tile from flight whllo.tibleei when their couingo Is dwarfed by fnc iiltlct teuipoiailly nfi'ccted?" A Profllable 'investment. "I was doubled for nbout seven yenis with my stomach nnd In bed half my time," says 13, Deinlck, Som enllle, Intl. "1 spent about $l,otH) and inner could get anything to help me until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cuie. I have taken n few bottles anil am eiilliely well," You don't llvo by what jou cut, but by what you di gest nml nssliiilhito. If your btoninch doesn't digest your fond you nro real ly Murviug. Kodol Dyspepsia euro does the stomach's work by digesting the food. You don't luivo to diet. all jou want. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ciucs all stomach troubles, Wllllnm Winner, (Jem Pharmacy, 11? S, Howaid st. HOW A30UTTHI8? All other cold cures go way Kick and sit down, when AJax Cold Cure is around, rreveuts Pneumonia, cures the Grip. Pnltonlze home Industiy nnd plnee your 01 dei s now for door and window screens. Thero Is no necessity for placing business nulsldo of Akron, as wo guarantee you tho best possible nmtcilal and wotkiuaiiBhlp lliimigli. out. The Ala on Wood Working Co. '' '-c J&Wmzm ' ','W''' " ."-, - s . , - has made n sufficient niimber of ob servations he will stni t on the long anil perilous trip from Monte- Carlo acioss the sen to Tunis. Kroni the milliner lu which the new nlrshlp woiked yes teiduy, It Is to bo understood that the sl.tli of the famous machines he has built N the best of the sciles, and tho only aerodioine yet constructed which could be expected to fulllll In any way A Sinn In the tJnime. There Is n young criminal lawyer In Memphis, Tenn., who on the occnslon of his becoming of ago began the cele bration of his birthday In n way that caused his household a great deal of consternation. On the eve of the fete, shortly after midnight, tho young man's family wero suddenly startled from their slumbers by n loud olco in the house culling: "There's n man In the house! There's n man In the housol" Tho valiant pnter fiunlllas rushed from his room, bearing in his hands n heavy billet of firewood to learn tl(e caiiGO of tho disturbance and tq cap ture the Intruder. His son was stand ing In the liftll, shouting at tho top of his voice. "Where's the man 5" exclaimed the old gentleman: "Here, sir; here!" proudly replied the young mnn. "This Is lit;. At last I'm twenty-one!" Memphis iSclmltar. Piper I.riccndn. Tho Wends, who. wo believe, nro tho ancestors of the modern Prusslnns, nro tho center of many legends. The Pled Piper of Hninclln was nvWcnd; so also was tho piper of the Horn mouutalps, who appeared so ninny days n year and played unenithly tunes (and whosoever heaid at once fell Into u frenzy, from which there was no escaping. All theso pied and weird pipers assembled oneo a year at the Hrockcn, wh;e there was a general carnival, tho nroli fiend lead ing the concert on n violin, witches rolling around and fiddling on the skulls of horses and tho pipers ndtllnj the concert of their unholy Instru ments. Chambers' Journal. Tcrrlfln Thunder. Tho largest rainfall on earth has been recorded at Chora PunJI. on the bay of Ilcngnl, but the most violent thunder; storms cut observed are probably thoso ot French Oulnna. At Capo Or ange, some forty miles sCUtli of Cay enne, a Trench naval otllc:r saw tho rills of tho coast hills turned Into wa terfalls by a cloudbtirstllko storm, while the crashing thunder penis were Incessaut nnd often nlmost deafening, no much so. Indeed, that some of the sailors began to mutter long forgotten piayers, probably thlnklug tho day of judgment near at hand. o Caiiio For Cnre. A Welsh editor had misspelled tho nnnie of n famous poet of Wales. "Why do jou spell I.lywarch Hen's na mo LlwyarehV" nsked ft filend of the editor. "Why? Docs ho object;" asked tho editor. "Object!" echoed tho other. "Why, ho has been dead 1,200 years." "Oh, thcu, 1 don't caro u toss," said, tho editor. Don't Livi Together. Constipation and health never go together. Do Witt's Llttlo ICnrly Ills ers piomoto easy ticllon of tho bowels without dl-tros. "J hnvo been trou bled with costlvencbs ujno years," Miys J, O. (Jieeiie, Depauw, Intl. "I havo tried many leiuedles but Little Ktuly lllsei'ri give lcit results." Win. Winner, Uein Pharmacy, lia Bo. Howaid st. WHAT NEXT I U Why Alai Cola Cure. Ho effect on the hurt, no apecUl effect on tb btweli. Ho unpleasant effect A JIT WHERE, prevents Pnenmoal. ccrei the Crls. ' kiui lie wrnuvncii, "My" said tho poet sternlj Pic Just sold n love song, but" .,it.. ...I........ . "1 nut t inn ; "Oh, nothing, I was Just about to hay I wouldn't buy bacon or greens or self raising flour with tho money, hut-you knoiy best." Atlanta Constitution, IIU 01na Kyis Uncle Cyius-Sh'y this glass eye hain't no good. I want my money back. - Optician -.o good? Uncle Cjrus-Unln't wu.Ui n tlnkfr'tj diirn. Can't see a bit better with thu blamo thing than I kin without,. iff V-.Hl ii"t t - ? - ,t; , .i.-. : . . '""- ,"' ! . tho roqulicmciitH of a trip ot six hun dred miles across the open sea. Whether" or pot M. K.intos-Dumont will make, tho entire trnus-Medlter-ranenn trip contemplated will depend upon tho biiecess of the preliminary (light to Corsica. Should ho reach that island without accident, he has said that lit; will then take tho long flight neross the open water. Lynch Lnir. Lynch law In Its usual meaning Is sold to bo traceable to n Gal wny wor thy. In 140:1 ono James KltzStcplicn Lynch, n mayor of that city, sentenced his own son to death for murder nnil, fearing n rescue, had the culprit brought home and hanged before Ida own door. The tradition may bo fount! alluded to n Thackeray's "Irish Sketch l?aok." There are critics, however, who say that tho law was In Its origin essentially 'Amei lean, and thoy date It back to Churlos Lynch, a Virginian planter of tho seventeenth ceuturj'. A Safe Cure For Headache. Have you ever felt depressed after taking n headache lemetly, and do you know that If It contained a Heart Ton. le It would cine that depres sion? Clinic Headache Wafers are n Dealt Tonic, never depress, never fail, best nml safest euro In tho world. L'ns. Ily taken. Absolutely harmless. 10 coiits, nil druggists. COMING THIS WAY When your cold arrives have AJax Cold Cure pn hand. It is the most effective, speedy, and sure cure for colds. Clilnn'n Alltliillltj-. China's nutlriuity Is n part of her co lossul proportions. China's early writers record n mythological history covering tens of thousands of years, but this period ends with the establishment of the capital of the empire at ICalfungfu In tho thirty-first century 11. C. Her legendary history extends from this tlrao to 2205 B. C nt which time, It may bo said, China's real history be gins. Tho ancient history of Chlun ex tends from 2205 B. C. to 203 B. C. Her tncdliovnl history begins thero and ex tends to the time of tho Mongol con quests in 1215 A. D. With the founding of the Mongol dj nasty China's modern history begins. Tho Mongols wero driven out by thv Mings iii'lOCS A. D. Tho Mings wero the Inst native dynnstythat ruled over China, nnd their control lasted from moS to 10H. Under the title of the Ta Tslng (tho Great Pure) dynasty tho MautcbooB have ruled China since A. A. 101-1. Lincoln Told n Story. At one time n friend complained tt President LlncoliKthat n certain cabi net ofliccr was administering his olllcc with unusual eneigy with tho hope of sccmiug the presidential nomination. "That reminds me," said Mr, Lincoln, "that my brother and I were oneo plow ing n field with a lazy horse, but at times ho rushed across tho Held so fast that I could baldly keep up with him. At last I found an enormous chin fly on him nnd knocked it off. Now 1 nm not going to ninko that mistnko a sec ond time. If the secietnry has n chin fly on hlui, I am not going to knock It off, if it will only make his department go." Life Insurance Outdone. Mfe without liunltli Is wottlilesn. aiieclc tlm nrt (yniptniiiH of illn-iuu nml lii-nlllt l insured, lllumi kI(;h tho ho,ly fo, nlu Id noil, forinei by tlm dlcesilvo orcnin. Kmtp your atoiuiieli nmniiur In oritur, vluiiroTiioiuOatlniH, nml y.nt will connner dUensti. ilpon tho upiietiruiioo or nlivsh-nl l.l,l'rn,",n..l"k,, "rttl llOrillirit VHCOtnlllU 1 IIIO Thtij iiviU lio best iiliimt liurillvrlu .iJ!'.iclrlU8,",,,'!t'ortn,M ntl iigiecnble, All A Ciii-loti Inillnn Cmlnm, 1)1 tho original settlements In British Columbia a peculiar Institution occa sioned gain times for tho red men now and then. This was tho "potlatch," n thing to us so foreign, oven In tho Im pulse of which It Is begotten, thnt wo havo no word or phrnso to glio Its meaning. It is n feast and merry mak ing at the expense of some man who has earned or snvetj what he deems considerable wealth, and who desires to distribute every lotn of It nt once In edibles and drinkables among the people of his tribe or village. He does thin because he aspires to n chieftain ship or merely for the credit of n "pot lntc)i," n high distinction. Indians hnvo been known to throw nwjy such a sum of motley that their "potlatch" has boon given In a lingo shed built for tho fenst. nnd blankets nnd orna ments have been distributed In addi tion to the feast. ' Lydia Pinkham's Swamp Root . Chase's Nerve Pills . . 4 1 Doan's Kidney Pills . . Laxative Bromo - Walther's Peptonized Castoria Any triple extract perfume '-Tie per ob. Vlnol guaranteed to make the weak strong or your money back, T?l. Bring lu your prescriptions and family recipes and let ua price them. V We save you from 20 to 40 per cent on every purchase. John La Boston Store The Great Factory Sale The great factory sale is founded upon facts. The whole mutter Is, that this salt) Is the gieatest money-saving event In history of dry goods retailing ever brought to" Akion. Bead our dally nils If you wish to be dollars In pocket. TUKSDAV SPECIALS IN MUSLIN IIXDHKWKAlt, AT 8 .M. FOB !!0 MINUTES, THE FOLLOWING Alt TICLES WILL OO ON RALE: FOB 25c Ladles' Muslin downs, tucked and ruffled, made of good inns, lln, well sewed, exactly the same as imy 50c gown. AT 121-2 A PAIB Ladles'- PHIn Tucked Dinwers, all sizes, well made, regular value 25c n pair. AT 5e EACH Ladles Corset Cov ers, plain, made ot good muslin, nil sizes. AT 2 P.M. A groat special sale on Embroideries, for !!0 minutes. Wo will sell 5 yards of lino Embroidery for 10c. There is no end tb tho great bargain giving of tlio FACTOBY SALE." It will pay you lo come ciery tiny, ns nehw goods are mlded dally. FACTOBV SALE PltlCES ON DBESS GOODS AND SILKS. Fanev Fouluid Slks, north 50o n ynrd-FACTOBV SALE PBlCE2Pc A YAISli, rin'ii Taffeta Silks,, all shades, woith 75c u yitld-FACTOBY SALE PBICE -15e A YABD. Unncr Taffeta Silks, with laco stripes, worth ifl.OO-FACTOBY SALE PBICEftiDc A YAUD. One lot of Printed Foulard Silks, worth 75e n yaul-FACTOBY SALE PBICE anc Fancy Dress floods, nil colors, worth 05c, Wto mid .-lilc-ALL PUT IN AT ONE PBICE FOB THE FACTOBY SALE 20e. Another lot of Fancy Dres Ooods, worth $1.25, $1 and 75e-FOB THE FACTOBY SALE Due. For children's wear, Fancy Dress (JooilH, woith 25c u ynrd-FACTOBY SALE PBU'E 15c A YABD. FACTOBY KALE PltlCES ON DO MESiiCS YOU CAN'T AFFOBD TO MISS. Fast Color Apron filnghnnis, worth 5c -n yard-FACTOBY SALE PBICE 2 l-2cA YABD. Full 0-1 Sheeting, unbleached, worth 17c it villd-FACTOBY SALE PBICE 15e A YABD. All shades of Calicoes, best makes, worth 0o a yard-FAOTOBY SALE PBICE lo A YABD. .1(5 Inch Daik Percales, good patterns, h orth 121-20 n ynrd-FACTOBY SALE PBICE (U-2i-A YAD. nil Inch German Blue Calicoes, good styles, worth lOe-1'ACTOBY SALE TBICE 81-2e A YABII, All Lluen Crashes, fuft width, worth 7e n ynrd-FACTOBY SALE PBIOE 5c A YABD. Don't fail to otteml tu Great: Fac tory Sale. Tho whole month of Feb ruary given over to bargain-giving. 150-152 South -Howard st. Cut Rate Drug Store, 183 S. Howard st. I '&&& comp. f i 9 . . . Quinine JffiiQ Port A CURE YOURSELF! Use Blgti for unnatural dlflcbarges.tnflummatlona, Irrltationa or ulccratlona if'nincuus rnemurants. ralnlrsi, nnn Dot altrln- HSCh'EUioitCo. Bent or polaoaoui. or bond In plain wrapper, Sy express, prepaid, foe i mi. or n uoiues, 9.7D. Ircnlar aunt ou requoat. CHICHRSTCH'O ENGLISH UrlttlntiT nnil 4lu1r flMiuU. f tot CIIlOllICSTEIl'.s UNGLlSn IB UIA9 UI UolU lUftAUld bOIO lUl with bi ribbon. 1 nko mo otlicr Kcftiio Zniccru HubtImtlAn nd Iwlttt (lin. Htijif yoilr Ornxsiil or otoil 4pia pumr. i for 1'artlrulnrm Tvvtfiaonlalft ami "Relief ftr I nllc.".r(iffr,M tv ttiril IbI1. lO.fMIII Tllmonlkla. Rnl.l k II PrusiUH. Chlhatrr kpmlenMA.. Vevuoa thli rier, jUAUUou nounr, riillA.. IM SOLD BY VM. WASHEB, 141 South Howard St.. Akron. Ohio. .1. A. KEBB, D. Q. JENNIE L. EVANS, 1). O, Ostt'oiuttiilt- Physicians. (i'JI Hamilton Btilldlnpr. Oiatluatis of A. S. 0 Kirl 5lo. HoursS to 12 and 1 to 5. Millatlon anil oxainliintlon free, plo'h iihono 250. .svllle, HEADACHE At all drug ttorta. 3S Dosn 25c. N'o irjrin can bo brave who consiaora pain tho greatest evil ot life or tenii Iterate who regards pleasure as tba highest good. Cicero. By the time we get what we want la life we want something olso a great deal more. Saturday Evening Post. This signature Is on OTery box of tho gcauUt w mn 2 mpartsrliOo I fBKK Id 1 to & daji, vjj fTJv GiMr&awed Ul I"J bet to strtomr P- Pra.nt9 ClontArt-M. 8.VUtheEa WEfipNOIVNtTI.O.UipfB VaaWBPH KNHYROYAL P LL MM HARPER KENTUCKY (WMISHEYJ for Gentlemen'' who cherish ' Quality. Zy. -,- . i-aaiivcuiuiuuVfUimUC'D4o '' ceAi!lthrrueily that caret cW In one Oam, N J ! Judge. L a'jSLM JUk. -j(vi'U.t- Iimt A aAafctLjtiB, :h.A,&H&,., (W fcHVaaa if -... . - -- - . .l j. . . , .... - -A . i w .. .j.1. .-.. ilaV-. " V: t i.133 , , .., .... . .j....a.. - , - .i-i j. t... r..T - r '-- "- "' " n- r r-i - - --fT"i