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AKRON DAILY DEMOCRAT, WATED-FEMAIE HELP. FOR SALE-nEAL ESTATE FOfl SALE-REAL E8TATE. LEQAL NOTICES, AKflON OFFICIA.L AKRON-OFFICIAL. AKRONOFFICIAL. MONDAY, APRIL at, 1002. Pr Tl J. Mo lied digi In slot refi D den! Imln dur( clga, libel wha; so h the renu of t quit nccc A I Sell I rise I fore Mt Ntl iTcrsI men) Png tin ml WANTED- Help nt, tlio OliloJUundry. No experience) needed; fltiug gtylH .preferred. 405 E. li-liangc. 312-1 WANTEI1--A nurse mill to lu'lp with second work; reference, required. Oood wages lo right pally. Mrs. I. It. Mnnton, 08!) E. Market. 312-1 WANTED-A girl nt 018 W, Mnrkct st. nt once. 312-1 . ,- ' i WANTED-MALE HELP. iWANTED-Men to learn tinrber trade, thoroughly practical training by flee clinic, expert Instructions, 'demonstra tions, etc., only two months required, positions guaranteed, tools presented, .wages SiittirdnyBf diplomas granted catalogue mniieu tree. aioier namcr College, Chicago, III'., SOl-tf WANTED A good contractor 'or car penter to build a liouso ntid baru. Call nt lat Ira nve. WANTED Four cnrrliigo painters two on bodies, two on gears; good pay. John Hcppert. 311-3 'AGENTS wnntcd for the only author ized life of tlic tlreat Talmage, by his distinguished son, llev. Dr. Fnuih. Dcwltt Tnlinagc, and the Associate Editors of the Christian Herald, Rig book, TOO pages, profusely Illustrated; Iov retail, biggest discount, books on credit, outfit free; lie ilrst In the field; wire or write for outfit today. Brad-ley-Unrrctson Co., Ltd., Detroit. ;uat3 FOR RENT a or 3 largo unfurnished rooms, modern conveniences, rent reiibonable. 320 S. Main. 311-1 WANTED Collector and salesman, MS South Main. Pnrkhlll & Sharp. 312-317 ,YVANTED-A man of ability and good standing to represent western com pany In this section. Good pay for live, man, capital required. A. A. M. CO.,. 42 Strnthuioro ave., E. Cleveland, Ohio. ' 310-0 WANTED Men and boys. Apply at Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. 283tf FOR RENT HOUSES. TOU RENT At Myersvlllc Station, on tho Valley Ry., storehouse and dwell ing; sultnble for gencrnl stock of Mdse. Also largo grain warehouse for storing grain, etc. Good location for a wide nwako business man to establish himself in a good, profitable country htore. Apply to Edwin My- ers, Akron, O., 200 Mill St., or Wil son Myers, Myersvlllc. 301-tf FOR RENT A five njid six room flat In Myrtle place. All modofn conven iences. Inquire M. W. Hoytf, 111 N. Unloni Bell phone, 100. Feople's phone, 450. 241-tf FOR BENT ROOMS. FOR RENT A Miltc of rooms for light housekeeping. Enquire Nelan Bros. 20S-tf FOR RENT Rooms Furnished front room down fa Lairs, hall entrance, fur nace heat, $2 per week. Address . H., Democrat office. 201 tf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE Cheap, two good, heavy, both young; also heavy wagon and two buggies, open and top. John Wiudolph, 230 South How nrd St., third llcor. 312-02 FOR SALE ilorse for sale cheap. Cubbison's nvcry, 200 S. Broadway. 313-2 FOR SALE A good milk route, sell, lng 50 to 00 gallons nally. Address Milk Route, care Dally Democrat. 312-4 LOST. LOST A silver-haired 'Scotch-terrier dog, with n red ribbon collar, re sponding to name of "Mouse,"'-$3 reward will bo paid for Its return. Rostock House, 125 N. High st 311:313 LOST In Acme Grocery. No. 3, Corner Bowery and Wooster nve., $15.00. Finder return to wrae or'514 Bell-st. and avoid further trouble. -312-1 LOST On Thursday afternoon, a white ostrich feather, In street car on Howard st. Finder please leave at A. Polsky's httiro, "South Howard st, and receive reward. 311-1 ELECTRICAL. H. C. DAVIS General Eleotrioian Housa- Wiring and Repair Work. 107 on the VIADUCT CLOTHES PRESSING. Announcement The Akron Clothes Pressing and Tailoring Co. has removed to 316 E. Mill st, where they will continue to servo their patrons. People's phone C. E. Lawton. BRUSHES AND BROOMS. CASPER ZINTEL klAnuf-oturer of all kludt of Urmaii. Orders promptly uttoiulod to. 155 South Main St Akron O. FOUND. FOUND Tho best plnco to borrow money privately on furniture, without removal; easy terms. N. M. Berk, .J 6V Howard, bob phones, 4-tf l''OR HALE-By Henry Holt-, room a, Abbey Block, over I'M H. Main hi. aorijIIafcViirjl, 8 rooms, new, modern, . 4Q UvohIT f gns, sewer, bargain. 8' rooiiiK, now, In t'levelaud, west Bjdej will trad6 for city property. 251 w. lirosler, (1 voonm, fruit, $1250. Two splendid suburban bonics, la and t) renins with 4 and (IV. acres, Just outside the city limits, saio or trade. FnrniH of 8, 50, 03, 53, 101 acres, also 80 ncres. In Toiinosscu for sale or trade. If you want to sell, rent or exchange your city or farm property, list with me. Open Saturday evenings. FOU SALH- 10 acres, fruits, 5 room house, $000. a ncres, a miles from i O., $150. 1 i'i rooui'bouso, 2 ucrcs, a miles fioin P. O. for wile or oxchtingo. , We iinvc'houscs frdm''$50O. North Hill lots, $100. Two chair barber sliop, doing g6od business, rent $7.00 month, $135. Oftico open evenings until 0 o'clock. I'cojle's, phono 1113, two rings. PARKH1LL SlIAUl'. ai8 South Main st FOR SALE-By G. W. Grldley, 48 Central building. IMioue 510. aOS Nash st., new, bargain, $1700. 210 Splcer St., new, bargain, $4300. 203 Vino St., modern, $2400. 205 Vine st., good value, $1800. 1101. Bartges st., on time, $1100. 408 b". High St., bargain, $2000. 107 E. Chestnut, only $1450 lia Cleveland St., bargain, $050. 108 Falor ave., 10 rooms, $1500. 287 E. North st, 7 rooms, 3 acres, $2100. 220 Second are., 7 rooins, bargain, $105.0, r 20a Corlcy, 5 rooms', bargain, $1200. 14(1 Chittenden st., 0 rooms, $1500. Colllnwood, bargain, $1000. ' Lots In rill pnrts of the city. Farms to trade for city property. Money to lpau on real estate. 312-13 C. H. & Ej. E. .Tones havo for sale or exchange for city property: A 8 room house and barn, and 12 acres of rich celery land, located at New Berlin station, will pay cash dlf erenco for a good Akron home. We also havo a good farm one mile east of Peninsula, 105 acres of good land, well watered, good 10 room house, will take Akron property In pqrt payment. Want to exchange North Hill home for one near AVerncr Printing Com pany. Will pay cash difference.. 204-tf FOR SALE OR RENT House and lot, 100 Merriman st. Call and see it. Tel. Bell, 107. Karl A. Pardee. 300-314 FOR SALE By G. W. Gtldley, '48 Central building. 'Phone 510. A now 10 room house, worth $6000, for $4300; everything modern, polish ed floors, grates, gas and electricity, FOR SALE ave., $150. Lot 44x120 feet, Marvin Inquire 114 Badges bt 311-0 FOR SALE-By .T. 1. Bachtel, 188 S. Howard bt, Phono 722: Fine lnrge lot Crouse st., $337. 8 rooms, brand now, natural wood finish.slntc roof, gas, sewer, cemented cellar, well, and cistern, W. Miller 11 v.. near S. Main nnd Webster, Camp tc Lanes Machine Shop, $1,650, bargain pi ice to close soon. 302 Andrews st, 5 rooins, $1,250. (1 rooms corner Howe nnd Nntlinu st, $1,075, worth nt least $1,275. Fine home, slate roof, stone foun dation, Bachtel av., near S. Main bt, $1,500. 218 Coburn, 0 rooms, lot (U', by 23 very cheap at $1,050. 511 Bell st, 5 rooms, just $850. 700 Bartges st,, 5 looms, $700 cash. Lots at $100, $240, $320 and upward, handy to Miller school, Wobster Camp & Lane's, Peoples' Hnrd Rubber and other shops. You should see that $3,000 home, 7 rooms and barn, 118 Coburn st. 30S-tf RESIDENCE FOR SALE-218 Adolph nve., a thoroughly constructed 10 room house, containing all Ue mod ern Improvements. Fine Interior fin ish. J. H. Lohr, room 326 Hamilton Building. 277-tf MONEY TO LOAN. r DEPOSITS 8, 4 AND 6 PER CENT INTEREST Paid on certificates of deposit and savings accounts. LOANS MADE ON REAL ESTATE ON SHORT NOTICE, AT PREVAILING RATES. THE UNITED STATES BUILDING AND LOAN CO. Paid In capital and surplus, $560,000. By W. O. MARPLE, Secretary, Treasurer. Buchtel Hotel building. DO YOU NEED MONEY? Wnnt your note discounted? Or want to borrow on apy good security? Havo you stocks or Tionds or mort gages to bell? If so, call on me. Spe cial "inducements to merchants. .N. M. BERK. 398 S. Howard Bt. People's 86. B Main 87. Money to loan on real estato and perbortal property. F, A. Leeser, room 010 Everett building. 249-tf MONEY TO LOAN If you need money; you can borrow from us at most reasonable rates and on most favorable terms. P. P.BOOK&CO. 228 South Howard Street PACKING ANP STORING. PACKING AN0 ST.QRING-Wo pack and store furniture. Krntzj Furniture Store, 140 8. Howard, t Phono OVt.' '- ' 240 tr FOU HALW-Iy liroiiso & llolllngers Tliu comforts of home. A home. Have you u homo? If not, see below n few of tho many we lme to sell and buy one now. 131 James, 0 rooms, gnu, bath, fur nace, well, In the center of the city, $2000. 121 Commlns, 7 rooins, gas, well, barn, cistern, only $1TO0. Hen this. 101 James, 0 rooms, newly painted, $1800. 009 W. Exchange, 8 rooms, bath, sewer, gns, large lot, $1500. 211 Silver st., 0 rooms, nlco lot, good location, $1050. -1" Sumner Is n fine home, I) rooms, gas, bath, tine plumbing, hot and cold water, complete In every way, $3200. 107 Erie, worth $2200, price $1000. 100'. Howe, near stieet cars, $1160. 208 Baciitcl nve., new seven loom house, sewer, water, ling walks, oniy $1450. 110V May, all complete, $2250. 24(1 N. -Main, good property, $1800. 202 Water, 7 rooms, city wntcr, gus, sewer, good repairs, $1700. 311 Sterling, 0 rooms, slate roof, hard wood finish, clieap nt $1050. A 0 room house, Baldwin st., $000. A comfortnble and complete home, 8 room house, barn, plenty of good fruit, largo lot, an Ideal place Is 138 W. Crosier, price only $2(500. 400 Wheeler, 0 rooins, gas, sewer, natural wood finish, new place, $2000. 212 W. Buchtel, near street cars, 7 rooms, gas, sewer, large lot. $2000. 2 nice lots on Ryder st, North Hill, near street cars, $300. 557 W. Exchange nice place, $1850, Within Ave minutes walk of Howard and Main sts, Is 103 Locust, $1500. 302 Lake, near largo shops, good house and barn, nice lot, $1050. 305 Sumner, 11 rooms, gas, water, flag walks, good lot, $2500. One-half acre, W. Crosier, $000. 320 Second st North Hill, line place, nlco location, $2250. ioo raws ave.. ;sonii mil, near school, nicely located, llrst class home, $2500. 218 X. Valley Is very attractive, good valuo at $4000; our price $3500. 121 W. Miller ave., Is u great bargain at the price, $1500. 142Vi Crosby, think of the prce,$130o. Stop paying rent. You can pay for a homo if you only think so. See us. Money to loan in any amounts. BROUSB & IIOLLINGER. 220 South Main st. 312-31M Jubt an even dozen houses for sale on easy terms.if you have no place to move to, Just take pos session of one of these houses. A 1). Alexander, Hamilton Bldg. 310-315 FOR SALE Two building lots near the new Miller school and Fourth Church of Christ. A bargain. Ad dress, Real Estate, enro Democrat COAL. A. D. ELLIS Coal, Moving Vans, General Teaming nnd transferring. Parcels and trunks delivered. Transient and boarding stable. Office and stable, 22S-230 W. Market st Both phones No. 257. RESTAURANTS. BANK CAFE Business Men's Restaurant Meals served at all hours. Fine Id? ported and domestic Wet Goods and Cigars. Under Central Savings Bank. JOHN KOERBER. Froprletor ABSTRACT' OF TITLE. The Bruner. Coodhu9 Cooka Co. Oldest Abstract ,offlco In tbo county, . Established 1S70. Our cxperlenco gvirantccs a correct Abstract, cf. Title. Prices reasonable. Prompt service. -215 South Main st 'Phono, IB. INSURANCt The Pen Mutual LJfa Insuranco company issuo the best contract at lowest rates, John O, Bloomfleld.. Age. Sohumaoher Blook. Tel. 616 See Motz & Myers for' In surance. S03-30S LIVERY. Hummel's Haok Line Hacks Ieavo Barbcrlon 0:30 a. m., and 4:15 p. n,. Leave Doylestown 8 a. m. nnd 8 p, m. SPECIAL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION MOVING THE DICKSON TRANSFER CO. Coal Transfer and Livery, racking, moving nnd storing of goods, coaches, coupes nnd carriages for fu nerals weddings, parties and. callings. Ofllces Nos. 123-125 Carroll st, Tel. 806. No. 1 10 N. High st Tel. 428. People's Phone No. nsa OfllcHour, !'fcJii?& 5. c Spanglar DENTIST IBO S. (Via In St. Room 2, Coventry Building THE ONE THINQ NEEDFUL To cure a cold with ONE dose. AJax Cold Cure does it. Prevents Pneumonia, cures the Grip, ADMINISTRATOR'S KALE OF HEAL ESTATE. In pursuance of an older of the Pro bate court of Summit county, Ohio, I Will offer for sale, at public auction, on Saturday, tlio tenth day of May, 1002, at a o'clock, p. 111. upon the premises, tho following described real estate, sltuato In tho lounly of Sum mit and State of Ohio, and city of Akioii, nnd known as being part of lot 10 In tract (I In said city, and Is bounded north by UkIh st, east by lands of Carrie O'NcIl and Henry B. Perkins, fotith by the south line of sitld tract 0, nnd west by .OS of tin acre of land owned by Hederlck A. Bodcr, Jr. Said last mentioned line being and beginning In the south line of tract (I nt a point 120 feet east of the east line of said Ixnls allotment; thehco northerly parallel wlfli the cast line of said allotment to tne south line of Lods street to a point therein 120 feet cast of the northeast corner of lot 80 of the said Lods allot ment. Said described picmlscs contain ing 1.07 acres of land. Annralsed nt $2,000.00. Terms of sale; One-third In hand, one-third In one year, nnd one-third In two years, fiom tlic day of sale, with Interest, tho paymenta to be secured by mortgage upon the premises sold. CHARLES BODER, Administrator of the estate of Fred crick Bodcr, Sr., deceased. Akion, Ohio, April 11th, 1002. D Apr u-ai-as-Mny ft AKRON-OFFICIAL. A RESOLUTION To appropriate properly for the con struction of a main trunk sower In Sewer Districts No. 3 and 10: Be it resolved by the council of the city of Akron, Ohio: Section 1. That two-thirds of nil the members elected thereto concurring, and declaring the same to be neces sary, that Its Intention Is hereby de clared to appropriate to the public use for the purpose of constructing n main trunk sewer In Sewer Districts No. 3 and 10, and It hereby condemns nnd appropriates to such public use for the purpose of constructing a main trunk sewer In Sewer Districts Nos. 3 and 10 In the real estato hereinafter described, the right nnd title for those purposes nnd at all times to enter Into or upon, excavnte nnd forever main tain and repair said main trunk sower In accordance with the plans and pro file on tile in the oflice of the City Civil Englueer. All the right and title not Inconsist ent with the easements herein obtain ed, shall remain in tho owners of tho property, their heirs, executors, admin istrators aiid assigns. rnrcel No. 1. Belonging to Henry Fiederlck, nnd being a strip of lnnd 20 feet wide off the easterly side of lot: No., 24,, block .No. 0, Brown's addi tion to the?clty of Akron, containing UUUUL vuu. j&llltUl' UTL Ul 1U.UU. Parcel No. 2. Belonging to Henry Frederick, 'and being a strip of land 20 feet wide off the easterly side of lot No. 17, block No. 0, Brown's addi tion to the city of Akron, containing about 3,20(1 square feet of land. Parcel No. .'!. Belonging to John H. Auble, and being 'a 'strip of land HO feet wide taken from lot No. 4(1, block No. 8, Brown's addition to the city of Akron, bounded nnd described as fol lows: Beginning t n point In the southerly line of lot No. 4G, which is also the north line of Upson street, 0 feet from the southwest corner of said lot; thence noitherly nbout 41) feet to a point In tho north lino of said lot, 8 feet from the northeast corner of bald lot; thence westerly along the noitherly line of said lot 20 feet; thence southerly nbout 40 feet to a point In the southerly line of said lot to a point 2( feet from the southeast corner of wld lot; thence eahterly along tho southerly lino of said lot 20 feet to tho place of beginning, con tnlniug about USO square feet of laud. Parcel No. 4. Belonging to H. E. Stoner, nnd being a sti'lp of land 20 feet Wide taken from lot No. 45, block No. 8, Brown's addition to Akron, bounded nnd described ns follows: Be ginning nt a point In the southerly lino of said lot, S feet from the southeast corner of the sumo; thence northerly about 4." feet to a point in the north erly lino of said lot 0 feet from the northeast corner of baid lot; thence westerly along the northerly line of said lot 20 feet; thence southerly nbout AH feet to a point In the south line of said lot, 2S feet from tho southeast corner of said lot; thence easterly along the southerly lino of said lot 20 feet to the place of beginning, con taining about 000 square feet of land. Parcel No, fi. Belonging to Chester F. Lnubr and being n strip of land 20 feet wide taken from lot No. 44, block No. 3, Biown's addition to Akion, nnd bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in tho south Jbie of said lot, 0' feet from tho south east corner of said lot; tlienco north erly about l."i feet to a point In the north line of said lot, 11 feet from the northeast corner of snld lot; thence westerly along the northeily line of said lot, 20 feet to a point; thence southerly about 45 feet to a point In the south line of said lot, 20l feet from tho southeast corner of said lot; thQiice easterly along tho southerly line of said lot, 20 feet to the place of beginning, containing nbout 000 square feet of land. Pnrcel No, 0. Belonging to John II. Auble, and being a strip of land 20 feet wide taken from lot No. 43, block 8, Brown's addition to the city of Ak ron, bounded .nnd described as follows: Beginning nt a point In tho southerly line of snld lot. 11 feet from tho southeast cmner of snld lot; tlienco northerly about 45 feet to 0 point in tlio north Hue of snld lot lli' feet from the mntlieast corner of said lot; thence weMeily nlong tho northerly lino of said lot, 20 feet to a point; thence southerly about 45 feet to a point In the south line of said lot,3l feet from the southeast corner of said lot; thence e.ihteily along the south. cfly line of tald lot, 20 feet to the place of beginning, containing about 000 equnro feet of land. Parcel No, 7. llclonglng to .John H. Auble, and being a strip of land 20 feet wide, taken from lot No. 12, block No, 8, Brown's addition to the city of Akion, bounded aijd described as fol lows! Beginning at a point In the south lino of said lot, 12VJ feet from the southeast corner of said lot; thence northerly 45 feet to a point In the northerly lino of said lot, II foct from tlio northeast corner of said lot; thence westerly along tho northeily line of snld lot, 20 feet to 11 point; thence southerly 45 feet to n point In tho south line of raid lot, 32Vj feet from the southeast corner of said lot; thence easterly nlong the southerly line of said lot, 20 feet to the place of beginning, containing about 000 square feet of land. Paiccl No. 8. Belonging to the Ak ron Savings Bank Compnny, nnd being a strip of land 20 feet wide taken from lot No. II, block No. 8, Brown's addition to tho city of Akron. Ohio, bounded nnd described as follows: Be ginning at point In the southerly line of said lot No. 41, 11 feet from the southeast corner of said lot; thence northerly about 41.74 feet to a point In a lino which produced northerly would Intersect the northerly line of hald lot, .18 feet from tho northeast comer of said lot; thence westerly parallel to the southerly line of said lot? 20 feet; thence southerly nbout 41.71 feet to a point In the south line of said lot 31 feet from the south east corner of said lot; thence easter ly along tho southeily line of said lot, 20 feet to the place of beginning, con taining nbout k'M square feet of land. Parcel No. ft. Belonging to John H. Auble, and being a btrlp of lnnd 20 feet, wide taken from lot No. 41, Mock No. 8, Brown's addition to the city of Akron, bounded and described as fol lows: Beginning at a point In the northeily Hue of snld lot 18 feet from the northeast corner of said lot; thence southerly nbout 03.80 feet to a point In a line which produced southerly would Intersect the southerly Hue of f-ald lot, 14 feet from the southeast corner of said lot; thence westerly parallel to the southerly line of said lot, '0 feet to a point; thence north eily about 03.80 feet to a point In tho northerly lino of said lot, 38 feet from the northeast corner of said lot; thence easterly along the northerly line of said lot, liO feet to the place of begin ning, containing about 1,865 square feet of land. Fnrcel No. 10. Belonging to Cathar ine Gllhuly, nnd being a strip of land 20 feet wide taken from Brown lot No. 7, the center lino of which Is described as follows: Beginning at a point in tlio southerly line of said lot No. 7, iS feet from tho southeast corner of said lot; theneo north 2 decrees' 15 minutes cnbt about 258.50 feet to u point in tne north line of said lot, 41 feet from the northeast corner of the same, contain ing about 5,170 square feet of laud. Parcel No. 11. Belonging to the Ueorge J. Bonner Brewing company, and being a strip of laud 1!0 feet wide, taken from lots Nos. 0, ,10, 12 and Id, Oberholtz allotment, the center line of which is described as follows: Be ginning at 11 point in tbo south line of lot No. 12, Oberholtz, nlwut 41 feet from the southeast corner of said lot; thence north 2 degrees 15 minutes east about 27 feet; thence north 28 degrees west nbout 448 feet; thenre north 4 degrees 0 minutes east about 240 feet to a point in the north line of lot No. !), Oberholtz, whlt'h point Is also ih mo southerly line of tbo right-of-way of tne Nypano Railroad company, containing about 14,300 square feet of land. Parcel No. 12. Belonging io the Sum mit County Agricultural society, and being a strip of land 20 feet wide, tne center line of which is described ns follows: Beglnuing at a point iu the north line of Forge btreet, in tho center lino of 11 strip of land 30 feet wide, be longing to the said Summit County Ag ricultural society; thence north 34 oe erces 3S minutes webt about 45 feet containing about 000 square feet of land. Parcel No. 13. Belonging to the Ak ron Hydraulic company, and being a strip of land 20 feet wide, the center lino of which Is described ns follows: Beginning nt a point In the northerly lino of a 30-foot strip of lnnd belong ing to the Summit County Agricul tural Society; thence north 34 degrees 38 minutes west nbout 45 feet; thence duo north 10 feet to the northerly Hue of land belonging to tho Akron Hy draulic company, containing about 1,100 square feet of land. Parcel No. 14. Belonging to the Cleveland, Terminal & A'alley Rail road company, and being n btiip of land 20 feet wide, tho center lino of which is described ns follows; and the beginning point of which may be found by beginning at a point In the north lino of Forgo street In the center line of u 30-foot strip of land belonging to the Summit County Agricultural society; thence north 34 degrees 3S minutes west about 00 feet; thence duo north 10 feet, which point is the begin ning point pf parcel No. 14; theuce due north nbout 170 feet to a point In the center of the Little Cuyahoga river, containing about 3,100 square feet of land. Parcel No. IP. Belonging to the Summit Couuty Agricultural Society, and being a stilp of land 20 feet wide, tho center line of which Is described an follows; and tho beginning point of which may be found by beginning nt a point In the north line of Forge street In tho center of a 30-foot strip of land belonging to the Summit County Agricultural Society; thence north 31 degrees 3S minutes west nbout 00 feet; thence due north 180 fcot, which point Is the beginning point of parcel No. 15; thence duo north nbout (13(1 feet to n point In tho center of the right-of-way condemned by the city of Akion, Jlay 23, 1808, for sower purposes, containing about 12, 400 square feet of Jiim. Sec. 2. That tho Solicitor 1). hereby nutliorl.ed and directed to apply to n court of competent jurisdiction lit the County of Summit, Ohio, for Impan eling a lury to make inquiry Into and nssesK tlm compensation to be paid for stif-h pioprrty. Her. 3, That the amount so fomid, together with the costs of action nnd Interest, shall be assessed upon tho property benefited by tlm Improve ment contemplated herein In said row. er districts Nos. 3 and 10, nrcordlng to the law In such cases made and provided. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and bo In force from and after Its passage and legal publication. Adopted April 8, 1002. A. V. KOONS, President City Council. J. V. MA II A It, City Clerk. Recomincndcd by the Board of City Commissioners. J. V. MAUAR, April 15-21 Clerk. A RESOLUTION Providing for the construction of side. walks on both sides of Benjamin street, from Maple street to Crosby street. Be It resolved by the Council of the City of Akron, Ohio: Section 1. Two-thirds of all the members elected thereto concurring, that n stone sidewalk, six (0) feet In width be constructed 011 lwth sides of Benjamin street, from Mnple street to Crosby street. In conformity to the established grade of said street, and In accordance with the general ordi nances upon the subject. Sec. 2. That the Board of City Commissioners be and Is hereby di rected to cause notice of this resolu tion to be served In the manner pro vided by law. Approved by the Doard of City Com missioners. J. V. MAHAR. Clerk. Adopted April Sth, 1002. 4 A. P. KOONS, President City Council. J, V. MAHAR. City Clerk. April 14-21 A RESOLUTION Providing for tho construction of side walks on lwth sides of Crosby street, from Valley street to Beck avenue. Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Akron, Ohio: Section 1. Two-thirds of all the members elected thereto concurring, that a stone sidewalk, six (C) feet in width be constructed on both sides of Ciosby street, from Valley street to Beck avenue. In conformity to the es tablished grade of said stieet, nnd in accordance with the general ordi nances iqion the subject Sec. 2. That the Board of City Com missioners be nnd hereby Is directed to cause notice of this resolution to be served In the manner provided by law. Approved by the Board of City Com-mlbsiouei-s. J. V. MAHAR, 1 , Clerk. A. F. KOONS, President, City Council. J. V. MAHAR. City Clerk. April 14-21 A RESOLUTION Directing freeholders to report an es timated assessment of the cost and expense of constructing a local sewer In and along Edgcwood avenue, from Wooster avenue to a point 150 feet southerly from Lobninn street Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Akron, Ohio, two-thirds of all tho members elected thereto concur ring, that B. P. Davis, T. .1. Kclley and Geo. II. Payne, three disinterest ed freeholders of the corporation ap pointed a board for that purpose, bo required to prepare nnd report to this Council an estimated assessment of the cost nnd expense of constructing a local sower in and along Edgewood ave. from Wooster ave. to a point 150 feet southerly from Lohmau street, upon all the lots nnd lands specially benefited by said Improvement, as set forth Jn an ordinance providiug for said Improvement, passed March 17, 1002. Said assessment is to be in propor tion to the benefits which may result to said lots and lands and parcels thereof from said improvement nnd limited to the special benefits confer red thereby to each lot or landjor par cel thereof assessed. This resolution shall take effect and be In force from nnd after its adop tion nnd legal publication. Adopted April Sth, 1002. A. F. KOONS, President City Council. J. V. MAHAR, City Clerk. April 14-21 A RESOLUTION Providing for the funding of certain Indebtedness. Whereas, the City of Akron, Ohio, has created certain indebtedness, which from the limits of taxation said City Is unable to pay out of tho gen eral revenues raised by taxation, nnd which Indebtedness amounts to the sum of $125,000.00; therefore, Be It resolved by the Council of the City of Akrou. Ohio; Section 1. That, for the purpose of complying with the provisions of Sec tion (1515-282) (3) of the Rovlsed Stat utes of Ohio, passed March 27, 1002, It Is necessary to Jssue and sell the bonds of said city, for tho purpose of ;ttKw-:TKv7:-tf WANTED T. Three or four nlco places of from flo to seven rooms, not to exceed $2,000 each. Will pay cash. THE NATIONAL REALTY CO, 314 Everett Balldlne X . . COATES, - - Mnarer .$ Telephone 7T1 funding and extending snld Indebt edness to tho nuioiint of .125,000OO, and In tho denominations nnd payable, at the tlme following, tow It: 25 bonds of ?1,000 each, pnynblo In 5 years from their date. 25 bonds of $1,000 each, payable la 10 yenrs from their date. 25 bond of $1,000 each, payable In 15 years froiri 'their dale. 25 bond of ? 1,000 each, payable In 20 yenrs from their date. 25 bonds of ?1,000 each, payable In 25 years from their date. That said bonds shall be dated Slay 31, 1002; shall cite the state law and city ordinance authorizing their issue, shall bear a rate of Interest not ex ceeding 4 per cent per iiiinum, pay able semi-annually; und shall bo sign ed by the Mayor and City Clerk; .lnd shall have ntllxed thereto tho corpora tion seal of tho City of Akron, Ohio; and shall be payable, both principal and Interest, at tho National Park Bank, New York City. Sec. 2. That said existing Indebt edness, amounting to said sum of $125,000.00, is hereby determined to bo an existing, valid, binding and legal obligation of tho City of Akron, Ohio. Sec. 3. That said bonds shall bo is sued and sold pursuant to tnls reso lution, and pursuant to an ordinance further providing for tho issue of said bonds, hereafter to be passed. Sec. 4. This resolution shall take cf. feet and be In force from and after Its ndoptlon. Adopted April 8th, 1002. A. F. KOONS, President City CounclL J. V. MAHAR, City Clerk. April 14-21 t A. RESOLUTION Providing for the construction of side walks on both sides of Aqueduct street, from Mnrkct street to Sil ver street Be it resolved by tho Council of tho City of Akron, Ohio. Section 1. Two-thirds of all the members elected thereto concurring, that a stone sidewalk six ((!) feet In width be constructed on both sides of Aqueduct street, from Market street: to Sliver street. In conformity to the established grade of said street and in accordance with the general ordi nances upon the subject Sec. 2. That the Board of City Com missioners be and hereby is directed to cause notice of this resolution to bo served In the manner provided by law. Approved by the Board of City Com. m'issioners. J. V. MAHAR, ' Clerk. Adopted April Sth, '1002. A. F. KOONS, President City Council. J. V. MAHAR, City Clerk. April 14-21 A RESOLUTION Providing for the construction of side walks on both sides of East Ex change street, from Fountain street to East Market street. Be It resolved by the 'Council of the City of Akron, Ohio: Section 1. Two-thirds of all tho members elected thereto concurring, that a stono sidewalk six (6) feet In width be constructed on both sides o( East Exchange street, from Fountain! street to East Market street. In con formity to the established grade ofl said street nnd in accordance with th$ general ordinances upon the subject Sec. 2. That tho Board of City Com missloners bo nnd is hereby directed! to cause notice of this resolution tn be served In the manner provided bjj law. Approved by the Board of City Com missloners. J. V. MAHAR, -j Clerk!. Adopted April Sth, 1002. A. F. KOONS, Piesldent City CounclL J. V. MAHAR, - City Clerk. 1 April 14-21 ( A RESOLUTION Directing freeholders to leport an es timated assessment of the cost and expense of constructing a local sew er In and along Chestnut street from Edgewood avenue to Locust street. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Akron, Ohio, that two-thirda of all tho members elected thereto concurring, that Fred Patterson, Bex nard Hays and M. Relliey, three disi Interested freeholders of tho corpora tion appointed a board for that pur pose, be required to prepare and re port to this Council an estimated as sessment of tho cost and expense of constructing n local sewer In nnd along Chestnut btreet, from Edgewood av enue to Locust street upon all the lots nnd lands, specially benefited by said improvement, as set forth in an ordi nance providing for said improvement, passed March 10, 1002. Said assessment is to bo in propor tion to the benefits which may result to said lots and lands and parcels thereof from said improvement and limited to tho special benefits confer red thereby to each lot or land or par cel thereof assessed. This resolution shall tako effect and be In fore from and after its adop tion and legal publication. Adopted April Sth, 1002. .. -. A. F. KOONS, . 'President City Council. J. V. MAHAR, ' City Clerk. April 14-21 , We Would Like to See You When you havo printing on your mind. Mihills Printing Co. People's Tel. 805. 135 S. Main st. (Old Democrat OBlce.) AJAX COLD CURE IS THE BESV If It were net so, I -would not have toW you. PREVEHTS PHEUKOflU, CURE? THB GRIP. ? wwr 1 r I r I fl i.v,et 'if V1ti l ,ttn& 1 'tig