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gytMTlSaTHJLAJMJAW WJJUEM ' pniT)Ayt Arnm ar, 1002. AKRON" JDAJXY DEMOCRAT, 11 . K lit & G'jj (50o Brag Coylon Tea is Iho best ten vnluoi in Akron. Triplo straight, ma chino rolled and a rovolation to tea drinkors. This ton is both food and drink. S. it G's 8O0 and $1.20 Ceylon & India Orango Pekoes aro rare treats. Hrst Granulated Sugnr tic. Ono huiuH'od pound bag Granulated Kugnr ?1.0S. 801IUMA0HER A OAMMKl'KS, 1CI H. Uownrd st. OlilNA & JAPAN TEA STOR& Both Phonos. 520. AMUSEMENTS AT THE GRAND Saturday mnllnco mid evening. April 20. The Irish comedian, Mr. Bnrney Gllmore, In the com. edy sueeesH "Kidnaped in New York." The sweetest child actross In the world. Hear Mr. Glliuoro ulnp his latest tongs, Evening prices io, !!5, 50c. Mutlncss, 10 aivd l!oc. AT THE GRAND All Next Wook Commencing Monday, April 8, HIMMELEIN'S IMPERIAL STOCK CO A Pan-American success.' Flvo toim mngnllcent nonery. Bigger and better than last year. Prices 10, 20, 30c,ggJTs..50c Matinees Wednesday and Sat urday, ltepcrtolrc: AVifc for Wlfo; Tlie Electrician; A Soldier of the .Empire; The Veteran; Sins of tiio Night; Dr. Jokyll und Mr. Hydo; The Two Orphans; Ai Man of Mystery. Personal direction of 'Davo II. Woods. Ladles' complimentary tickets will be Issued for Monday night. Pilgrims Received. Koine, April 25. Tho Popo received 20,000 pilgrims at St. Peter's this morning. Ills holiness seemed td be In perfect health and thanked pilgrims for their loyalty to the papacy. Ho was accorded a warm ovation. RECORD Of the Special Committee i PAINE'S" Young 1 - ' . One of the most successful and popu lar clothing styles for young men ever designated was 'the Hart, Sliaffner & Marx 'Varsity Sack. This season's young men's style Is. quite different in cut, but not In, Its promise of great popular favor among men who seek the latest and best style, nor In the excellent rpuillty. The flare In the skirt is gone and tho fiont of the coat ls'chnnged-decldedly birt It's' the 'J. i i btylo all right. If you wantjto hav.e ' i the right thing you must fJnd;'our label It's your clothes Insurance, policy and n guarantee oksatlsfactlou. GANY ess. " ANDi WOOD Ready - to - Wear Clothes and Fash ionable Furnish ings. 170-172 South Main St. Appointed on Demo cratic Organization. VVorK on State Campaign to Be gin at Once. Willi tho adjournment of the Legis- Mature political Interest will he center ed entirely on tho coming State cam paign, and the organization woik of thu two parties will engage the chief attention of thu politicians, says the Columbus Citizen. Many Inquiries aro made dally by Hepuhllcatis as Well as llemocrats in regard to the woik of the Democratic committee of live on permanent organization, which was ap pointed some time ago by the State central committee, after consultation with Democratic leaders In all parts of the State touching tho advisability of the scheme. Tho chairman of this commlttco is Hon. II. C. Umber, of Ureenvllle, and the other members are Chairman Frey, of thu State central committee, lion. Charles W. Baker, of Cincinnati, Hon. Charles P. Salem, of Cleveland; and ex-Mayor Burnett, of Springfield. The headiiumters of the committee arc In commodious rooms on' the fourth lioor of the Xew Hayden building In Kast Bioad st. WOltK SYSTKMATIZKD. It does not require n rigid investiga tion to find out that the work already accomplished here Is of tho kind most needed by the Democracy of Ohio. Even the casual visitor at headquar ters must ho Impressed with this fact, and the more he familiarizes himself with what lias been done and Is still being done, the greater will appear the advantages which the Democracy Is assured of reaping from the labor of Chairman CJarber and his associ ates. The system of keeping records and accounts followed at headquarters is as businesslike as that of a bank. Every fact relating to the organization of tho paity Is instantly available, while new facts are constantly being added to tho old. In the collection und disbursement of funds the samo systematic policy Is evident. Vouch ers for every dollar expended, showing the amount, tho date, the occasion and all tho facts relating to the item may bo produced at a inoment'n notice. The committee has merely received sulliclciit funds from voluntary con tributors to pay its necessary expenses and at no time, has it had a consider able balance on hand. The accounts however, aro kept with as much care as if great sums were involved in Its transactions. That this is a refresh ing novelty in Democratic 'politics will not be denied by many Dem'ocruls who have had dealings with other bodies oltielally repiesontlng the party In re cent years in both county and State organizations. "SUPKEMR QUINTET." This Is the manner in which its work has been prosecuted by the per manent committee, Ironically called "tho supreme quintet," by Hepubllc nns, who have been amazed and dis concerted at the evidences afforded of its determination to bo of somo practical use in llio world. As to the work itself, it must be acknowledged, in the first place, that if one solitnry thing lias been done to build up a State organization in ndvnnco of tho campaign, that is ono thing more than has been accomplished in behalf of tho party hertoforo during a like peri od. Tho fact is, however, that tho committee has in 'every respect vindi cated tiio object of its creation. It has done this quietly, with no Hare 'of trumpets, but none tholess effect ively on that account. When tho next Stuto oxecutlvo com mittee meets to take up the work of tlie coming campaign, it will'llnd ready for instant uso a non-factional State organisation prepared to meet the .well 'oiled Itepubllcan mnehliieo'n its 'own ground at a moment's notice; and it Is no reflection on nuyb&dy to say that such an encouraging condition of af fair's has not existed In the Democratic party of Ohio In twenty years, if it ever existed before. Some criticisms will doutitless bo heard of the committee, touching both its operations nnd Its personnel, in certain quarters. It is not to bo ex pected that a body so organized will give entire satisfaction to everybody, or that it will be wholly guiltless of mistakes. But it may bo asserted, with positive assurance that the proofs to substantiate, tho statement can bo produced at any liniment and will bo produced at tho proper time, that tho committee has eminently .Instilled Its appointment; that Its work lias been unselfishly prosecuted for the wqlfuro of tho wholo party, nud that the re sults nehioved will ho endorsed with practical unanimity by the Democracy of tho Stnte when all the facts aro known. Tho Great Deliverer From Disease and Suffering, s Gelerv Compound Full of Life Giving Power and Virtue Is the Prescription of a Great Physician. Let Us Show You the New It Has ro Equal as a Spring Medicine. It should bo well understood by llio ailing, physically broken down, nnd diseased tluit tho oidlunry advertised nervines, saisaparlllas, tonics, and pills havo never accomplished the glorious llfo saving woik In springtime that has marked tho history or that health giver, Palne's Celery Com pound, which has cured such desper ate cases of kidney disease, liver eom lilalnt, rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspep sia, and blood diseases. Palne's Celery Compound Is tho ills, covcry of ono of tho ablest physicians that ever lived, and onu of the strong est proofs of its wort it and value, Is tho fact that able practitioners iro scrlbo and recommend It dally. It Is this P.rlnc's Celery Compound, dear sufferer, the gieat nerve feeder, the marvelous system cleanser, and di gestive regulator, that We now strongly urge you to make uso of at this season If you lack the strength of true man hood or womanhood. The young and old, the rich and poor extol Its won drous effects. Try Its curative virtues without delay If you would be free from your ailments and enjoy life. A bottle or two used just now will causo you to bless Heaven that such a llfo clycr was placed before suffering humanity. no flnlfnn Hoods with Diamond l)yo cotton UJH UUIIUII ciors. M'lll not ciocU on imut. Her Husband's Money and Eloped. ( Canton Woman Disappeared With "Family Friend." Canton, O., April 2D. Mrs. Gustavo Weidman disappeared from her hus band's homo early Thursday, after drawing ?."00 on tho previous after noon from a local bank. She took with lier llio Ifi-ycar-old daughter, Frieda. Carl Balder, who lived at tho Weidman home, eft the city Tues day evening, and It is said that tho elopers met in Pittsburg. Balder came to America about a year ago from Germany. Ho had been in Canton about six months, during which time he made his homo at the Weidman res idence on Tenth sr. Friends of Weld man have remarked an Infatuation which grew up between his wife nnd the man who was permitted the free dom of tho house. Spring Styles I 4 p FOR MEN Don't fall to sec our "Il.anan" styles jjjj Hiftl? I flBl Wo L-lvo Glolie and Green Ti-.nrlinc- H dH I BHBSl HlVUH Stamps. Jt 891 I kQHm la 91 wtfj f.flx.wro.itnaf'.rW'ifajv'.VMiB .-i lumi - iiiumi t mmi h sjl n vn jr n truth r..riSj--w XTnuirmwms mm vuk.v vhiv ch nu mm u r.1 vi a vb icd- mns'iv.i'Kt..?r.itc'j.mmt as k.t i cm m m m m m m. u hbv Azwmv?PV-m ji&5Ji mmm m v mtv NICKLES BROS. I A HEART TONIC. When all other Headache Itemcdlcs fall to euro your headache, try Clinic Headache Wafers, they never fail, never depress, are n true Heart and Nerve Tonic and nro guaranteed to cure. One trial will convince ana you will then use no other. 10 cents at all druggists. "AMOOSIN' CUSS." Saved Many jt Time. Don't neglect, coughs and colds, even U it Is spring,. Such-cases often result seriously at tins season lust becauso people are careless, -Aldose of Ono Min ute Cough Cure wH'fpmovo nil danger. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. Sure euro for coughs, colds, croup, grip, bionchltls, nnd other throat nnd lung troubles. "I havo used One Mlnulo Cough Curo for several years'," says Postn'aster O. O. Dawson, Tlarr, 111. "It Is tho very best cough medicine on tho marke't. It has saved mo many a severe spell of sickness and I warmly recommend it." Tho children's favor ite. Win', Warner, Gqiu Pharmacy, 113 Ho. Howard st. ...CORRECTLY TAILORED... You novor can bo convinced of tho superiority of our clothing .over others unless you mako tho test. To mako tho test you must wear tho goods for looks aro oft-times decoptivo. In wearing tho garments you run no chances, for if tlioy provo othorwiso than we say thoy will, wo aro ready and anxious to live up to our guarantee. For Young Men Just as perfect in every detail as our men's, and not care lessly put together with tho thoughts, "good enough for tho boys," as somo merchants say. For the B Extraordinary attention paid to this department for tho reason that mothers liko to see their little follows as well dress ed as possible for little money. We havo the solo agency for the finest children's clothing in the country. Don't neglect to see the many pretty things we have to offer. YOUR MONEY'S WORTH EVERY TIME. There Arc Many Such With the Walter L. Main Shows. Artemus Ward solemnly pronounced tho elephant "a. nmoosin' cuss," and that ho knew a great zoological truth when ho saw It will be shown in Ak ron, May U, when the "Waller I. Main Shows mako their appearance, pre senting nniong their immense aggre gation of wild beasts, circus nnd hip podrome attractions tho largest num ber of the best performing animals over at one timo exhibited. Tho fa mous original 70-horso act, tho only stupendous and picturesque perform ance over offered by any show, is In cluded in this rare assemblage of ani mal actors, and a dozen of different acts appear simultaneously, illustrat ing in many most surprising nnd en tejtninlng wuyn methods of t'ho different schools in which they havo been edu cated as soldiers. Ping-pong dancers, funny clowns, jesters, boxers, musi cians, grotesques,, bicyclists, high bal ancers, dudes, mimics, comedians, ac robats of multlversant artisis, Ev ery bpecles of every ago and' sze is represented, including animals from Africa, Asia, Borneo aud Sumatra, and ranging from tho hugh monarch of ut least a century's growth to tho dwarf nnd baby. They also appear in the grand street parade, at 10 o'clock on tho day of mo exhibition. Two per formances, at 2 and S p. m. Doors open nn hour earlier. Seating capacity, J0( 000; 25 uniformed ushers. "I had a running, itching soro on my leg. Suffered tortures. Doan's Oint ment took nwny tho burning nnd itch ing instantly, and quickly effected per manent cure.' o. W. Lcuhmt, ltowl lug Green, O. &Lfi& jCX !!$ ' f s. i . '--?f w-39-4TV"vs 1jT rr 1P r-iar -ms r - j 3 IP" - AKkpN?. 110 and 112 East Market Street Up-to-Date Shoe and Trunk, . House 122 S.Howard st. For Saturday, il 26th, Apr Only Lettuce 15c 5 Look al the Best Fitting Suit to fee Seen on the Street or at Social Gathering, re Who Made Any orning Star and Crystal Flour 1 GeoJaasCo, 12? N. Howard st. FOUR METHODS Tried In Attempt at Suicide." All Were Unsuccessful Schwartz Still Lives. and Elyrln, O., April tM.-Aftcr trying by all the methods he could think o. to destroy his own life, John A. Schwartz, of Jtussla township, is now lying in the City hospital wounded al most to death. Schwartz is a. single man, J1S years old, and lives with his father, David Schwartz. Early this morning, in a temporary lit of suicidal lnunnlty, he got hold of a box of "rough on rata," and swal lowed most of tho contents of tho pack age. As this seemed to have no immediate effect ho tried to haug himself, but the rope broke. Ho tueu got a revolver and was just about to blow out his brains -when hH father appeared on tho senno and succeeded In wresting the jiiu from hlni. Sclnviirtss at onco drew n knife and, after blushing both his wrlfets, cut a long gash In his ah donien, This forenoon ho underwent nn operation nt the hospital, but tho chances for his recovery nro very slim. Them, Invariably the Answer Will fee Tailor, 120 South Howard St. PRIDE the t '' '' What Everybody Says ust Be True I ONE DOSE IN TIME SAVES NINE Take AJax CMd Cure as directed. If it don't do all at.-d more than we claim, get your money tack from your druggist. AND They All Say We Have the Best Located Property In Town. Take Jtnln and Kiiht Market street cars and sec for yourself. I,ong street, Miller uve. I.uke street, Ira ave. Only U0 minutes from corner of Market and Howard sts. Did You Say Houses? There Is no better place to build. Seeing Is Believing. Go This Afternoon and Be Convinced, lor Land & Imp. Co. ; L-. A. IVBilEor, IVIgr. Allotment Office Each Day from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m, I Olty O-Ffioo, (Mo. 2S9 S. tHof(rci St ' OPEN SATURDAY NIOHTg. ......4-. t 6 t . O t .$ -. f ; Mi! NICKLES BROS. The Home of Pure Ice and Candy. J ff I C Great Sale of Pnre Candies For One Day Only, Tomor row, Saturday, April 26th We will offer very high grade, home made candies, our own make, includ ing the following kinds: Sugared Peanuts, Cream Cocoanut ftp Squares, Butter Scotch, per lb. . . Walnut Bar, Peanut Bar, Cocoanut Crisp, per lb. 1 10c Pop Corn Fritters, Vanilla, Molasses Q and Strawberry Taffy, all at, per lb., ' ORANGES, NICE, RIPE AND SWEET. 50 boxes of fine equality, nice, sweet oranges at less than regular wholesale prices, for baturday, per dozen, at A fine quality of nice, large, yellow bananas, per dozen, at (THU URICK BLOCK.) 162 South Howard Street Nest to Schumacher & Gammeter's Tea Stor 10c k HtP3 rl if" H Bros. I 1 e. m t H H tHHiHHH -H"t .- HALF MINUTES WITH AKRON MEN. 4--H--H-44t-K-m-M4f-M-4HH--M i Mr. O. AV. Clarke Peach blossoms are tuaklns the trees around Dayton grcnt masses of bloom. It &ecms mpro liko May than April down there. The air Is balmy, the sun shines brightly, best day he ever lived. Jlr. P. D. Hall The work on tho Hall Park Allotment Isteomlng along finely. AYe have alrea,dysoId several lots. Mr, Howard II. Taylor, of Long & and thoso who dUHko the strenuous Taylor I had a good timo Wednesday! life may bo seen on every fence, whit tling, talking politics, and suuulng themselves. Chief or Police John Difrkln I can beat S. O. Kogers at pi Jgpong t,he even though I didn't bring back any llsh. Tho air, tho sunshine, and the outing at .the lakes around Akron, aro .well worth half a dtiy oC any mau'8 time, j.i m wMtW&'i ..K1iiki- ..iE. ..1 ajSj-HVhrfjlK tl