Newspaper Page Text
'" . 11 fntUAf. AJ'Hrt, ?. irw JtK&ON DjALY DEMOCRAT, JfKf444fH-fM-4H44-f44-4-H-444--NV44-44-f w BARBERTON J r-H-r-H Htmm4m44444H4-m-m$ CLOSED TIGHT. No Drinks For Thirsty After 10 P. M. Barberton's New Maypr'ori Cru sade of Municipal Reform. (Special Correspondence.) Burberton, April !.. As u conse quence of th decided .Ntnnd liikoii oy Mnyor Hurl on the ordinance 1 elating to the floslnjj of saloons tin Sundays find nt 10 p.nii every , night, 'every sa loon linn been closed iih tight jim it drum after the hour stipulated. ths weeU, and the innli with a, thirst, If he failed to quench It before 10 o' clock, was compelled to resort to the M1a fountain or the pure and spark ling Ihpild furnished by nature. Said .Majnr Itue to a Democrat rep resentative Wednesday: "'1'he ordi nance provide that saloons ihusf bo closed between the hoilrs' of 10 p.m. and 0 a.m., and must also bo closed on Sunday, and this will be enforced to the letter. Any person charged with violating the law In regard to this hiattcr will be prosecuted, jnid It Is just ns much of a misdemeanor for u man to enter a saloon during the pro hibited hours as It Is for the proprietor to allow him to do so. "It Miould nNo bo understood that It Is not necessary to convict d man of buying or selling liquor to make him liable to prosecution. Tho fact that n man, other than the proprietor ur bis employes. Is In 'the saloon during the prohibited hours, is a mlsdeiue.iu or, punishable by law und all .ich persons will be prosecuted If found. '.'The ollh-ers iWe teeu Instructed to witch this m'atter eloselj and the law shall be strictly enforced." It has been customary for clothing mid shoe stores to keep "open house'' Dn Sundays but at the request or the Mayor the proprietors of these places have promised to dosP In (he future und It Is expected that liarpcrton will Jursout a quiet, orderlyand dignified appearance on the fli;st Sunday after Becoming a. city; BREVITIES, Social Notes and Business Affairs Briefly Told. (Special Correspondence.) Barberton, April a,". Great prepariw tlous nre being made by the. blind boys, fur their rtunco Saturduyiright. it Is anticipated that fully 1,000 persons will he In attendance and o,400. tick ets have already been j.olrt. Num bers arc being sold on a 'handsome upright piano. .Ilsj.s Myiel. Wolkor,, Dr. I. K, Hen ner anil Mr. .1. W. IMaser attended a party gh'en by Miss Bonner at the home of Attorney .1. K. Frank on West Hill, Akroii, Wednesday even ing, , An iron clamp felllon the foot of t'ou Cbuglilln ilt the Stirling boiler works, making a painful bruise. Mr. Frank Curdlngton, who was knocked senseless by a Hying bar of Iron at the Stirling boiler works the other day, Is getting along as well as could be expected und will likely bo out again within a week. Mr. .1. W. Barrick Is preparing to build an addition to the Bank restau rant. He expects to put In a lunch counter a)i(l niikc other Improvements. Tlio members of the Kureka club, of Barberton, and the Cornel' Social club, of Akron, will give a .May party in M'lilgam-Schubert hall May 1. A prize will be given for the best waltzer. Mr. A. Wcacker. of Cleveland, was In the city Thursday. Miss Margaret MacCasb will enter tain friends at tho home of Sir. and Mw. .1. P. Sneddon, on Lake uvfc, .Fri day evening, May L'. ;Mr. Frederick Foote, of.'Wooster, Is in the city to attend tho funeral of his son, Harry Foote, who was kilted on tho raiboad Wednesday. Mr. M, F. White is erecting a store room and cottage on Second st. Tho Ktorc room will bo of brick and will 1)0 surmounted by a frame cottage. The cottage, will bo occupied by Mr. White's filmlly, and he expects to uso the slore room for cold storage. Owing to the fast Increasing sub scription list tho management of the Teople's Telephone company has be'en compelled to put 100 new drops Into the exehimgc here. GARDEN PATCH. Mr. Davis Has One Which He Claims Is a Model. (Special Correspondence.) Barberton, April 1!.". As a rule Mr. T. J. Davles takes life easy and- his quota of manual labor is a small one. Among other good things, Mr. Davles Is possessed of a wife and a small plot of ground. The other day tho Idea came to the lady that lettuce, onions, etc.. would grow well and present an attractive appearance In the aforementioned plot of ground, 60 when Mr. Davles appear pd at the breakfast table Thurs 'day morning Mrs Davles broached the subject, saying, "Tom, I wish you would spade up a little garden patch this morning;" Mr. Davles at llrst demurred lint was finally Induced to undertake the Job, He worked away faithfully In spite of blistered hainU, hi Interest grow log as tho work progressed. "I tell you thnl't, going 10 bo a, tlnu garden," said Mr. Davles. In lad Mr. Davles Is as pioud of that xilt'iloii i Squlro Worlds'. Is or his Htmwlicrry bed. il Is probable, however, thai tho story thai he arose early this morning and wont nut to see ir any of the seeds had sprouted nor iilghl Is a false hood and unworthy of imtlcc. MOVING. Barberton Savings Bank Going' Into Its New Home, , iSpcclal Correspondence,) Barhcrtoin April M.--The Barberton Savings bank Is moving Into tho yew building on Tuscarawas ave. this week and expect to bo lcildy for busi ness in the new quarters Monday. Tho building will probably not he com pleted before .lutiu 1. The savings bank will have a very handsome homo and when tho building Is completed and the furnishings In place tho man agemenl anticipate giving a grand opening, to which the public will be Invited. ARM BROKEN. Aged Slav Sideswipcd by Railway Train. (Special Correspondence.) Barberton, April U,". A Slavonic workman was walking beside the rail road track between the Uulou depot and tho Aiperlcnu sewer plpo works Wednesday evening when a train eanio ! upon lilin unnoticed, sldeswlplng him. lie received a comminuted fracture of the elbow joint and a fracture of (he shaft of the humerus. Tho Injured man was aged 01 years and had been In tho United States only two weeks. ELECTROCUTED. Valuable Fox Terrier Was Killed by the Cars. (Special Correspondence.) Barberton, April .-.. "In the midst of life there Is death," applies to ani mal as well as human lives and the truth was brought home In a very forcible manner to the family of Mr. D. M. Heed, owner of. the bright little fox terrier, "Trlx," which met a tragic death, Tuesday evening. "Trlx" was well bred, a handsome, lively little fellow, exceptionally Intelligent. Tho street ears run past .the Heed home, but 110 fears hart been entertained of Trlx losing his life by the cars as ho vhh usually extremely 'cautious, dfs-' playing almost human Intelligence In tho matter. Desiring lo cross the street. Trl Would stop jit the street car ti'acit niiil'loVl? first one way Mien the other to see If the ears weie In sight, then dart rapidly past the dan ger point. Tuesday,' however, Trlx In the nmniier of youth (he was only two years old) saw something which greatly attracted him, a cat, and throwing million to the winds made a dash across the street unheeding tlio car which was oil him In a twink ling. Trlx gave three frightened lit tle barks and (hen his eyes closed for ever, and the nervous little body which In life never was still for a moment, had stiffened In death. The wheels did not touch' (ho dog, but he came hi contact with the motor and was electrocuted, llos'ldes being it great pet, Trlx was a valuable dog, being worth $2., Trlx Is the second dog which Mr, Iteed has lost by the street cars. A coincidence Is Unit tho other dog was also named Trlx. and was born five years ago on tho snino date that Trlx II was killed. "MOVE C N, please; Barbcrtonians May No Longer Hojd Confabs on Street Corners. (Special Correspondence.) Barberton. April 'Si. The crusido against loafers- 011 Barberton's streets has begun 41ml the elTect Is most sal utory, tho streets already presenting, a much more orderly appearance, Tho olllccrri have been Instructed to enforce strictly the new ruling and nny obstinate loafer who disregards tho kindly admonition of the blue coated guardians or tho law will be escorted to tho city prison. There will bo no more quiet confabs, und no more lively political discussions on the street corners; the blue-coats are no respecters of persons and will treat all alike. Should the Mayor hlmsplf by accident, forget and stop lo greet his friends, lie will feel a gentle lap mi his shoulder and be respectfully but firmly told In "move along. please." Under tho law tluee or' more persons assembled together constitute a crowd and will Impede tralllc. It Is the Intention of Mayor Bucl that Barberton shall be a model city and thp movement Is already well un der way. A BIG ONE But Mr. Worthen Vouches For the Truth of Story. '(Special Correspondence.) Barberton. April 'S. Messrs. (ieo. Knepp and Will Bllnn caught the lisli Ing fever a few days ago and, equipped with line and bait, secured a boat and started early In the morning. Arriv ed at their destination (bey lost no time In getting down to business and It wasn't long before. -Mr. Knepp felt a tug at his line. Nudging hi,) com- Boston Store Advertising News That Interests You Regarding Prices on the Best of Dry Goods. Here Is a List of Genuine Money-Savers for Saturday BIBBtJD SUMMER UNDKltWEAR, AT So, 10c, 1'J!ic and 1."c Ladies' Ribbed Vests; cotton and lisle thread, plain white, fancy ribbed. AT L'5c and JIOc Ladles' pure white Vests and Pants; vests in sleeveless, half sleeveless and long sleeves; draw ers; fancy ribbed, kueo length; lace trimmed. , AT r.0c FACH-I-adles' Bibbed .Silk Vests In pure white, pink, black, lav ender and bluet nU sizes. AT 15c A PA III SIUOCIAL.-La-dies' lisle thread Pants; knee length; lace trimmed; worth ,18c a pair. AT LMc and :i!)c a garnient-tlpnts' summer uuder-gariiients In ecru and angola blue; open lacetrlpe; all sizes. HKIIH ABIO INDUUEMHNTS TO VISIT OUlt HOSIERY DEPART- MENT. AT 10c AND llIJijuA PAIB-I.julles' fast black Hose; plain black also' with maeo. foot; our fancleij. AU" Kc A PA I It-Indies' platu black with ribbed top; al&o ribbed; also plain; a good Hose for this price. AT l!."c and ,'ille Ladles' fast black Hosiery In fancy lace stripes; also fancy colorings. SPECIAL AT V2W A PA1 It-Ladles' fancy Imported Hosiery; full fashioned; regular prleo Ipc. AT Sc and 10c, Children's fast black Hosiery; wide ribbed; good and strong. AT llijfce AND irrc A PA 1 It-No Ihn. It to tho amount of those stockings we sell. They are splendid value for this price. AT l!)e AND U.V A PAIR. Chll drop's' fust black Hosiery, with wldo and mmwv ribbed: the best stocking for this price ever made, AT U"je A PAIB-UoutK' fancy and plain black and tan silk heel and too Half Hose; all sizes; good valuo for this price. , SPECIAL FOB SATt'ltDAY. AT .'tile A YAltD-rAll-'wool Dress Hoods In tho latest weaves and 'spring colorings; Hill !IS Inches wide; regular values O0e and 7."c a yard, THE POPULAR UARMENTS FOB sprint; wear are separate skirts and shirt waists. see what we have to offer. AT .?!! EACH Ladies' Dress Skirts In black, navy and grey, lined with good percallne; cut with flare and flounce effects, worth ,$..Vi to $11.00. AT H-in-Ladlch' Dress and Walk ing Skirts', In black, browns, and greys, plain flare or trimmed flounce effect', worth !?r..r.o to AT .!r.Hr-Ijdles' Walking and Dress Skirts, In all the latest styles, lined with a good irercaliiie or covered seams, uiillned; flare or flounce effect, worth .f0.r.o to .fio. LADIES' SHIRT AVA1STS IN SILK OR LAWNS. AT ?;i..-.0-Ladles' Colored and Black Silk AValsts In India and Taffeta Silk, tucked, with blouse1 front, made equal to a J?,"! waist. AfP fi-Ladlos' black and colored Silk Waists, made of-a splendid Taffeta, also iieau-ilc-soie; in tlio best of color lugs. AT !1.-Liidles' Wlilte Lawn Waists, also In P. K.'s; aso trimmed with fucks and Insertion; splendid value for ?1. AT $ I. '.-. AND .$l.r.0-Ladles' White Shirt AValsts, In Olbson style, trimmed with insertion, also tucked, nil sizes AT .$2 TO .fl-Ladles' Lawn Waists, tucked and trimmed with insertion, made of extra line grade of Lawns, handsomely made. Muslin Underwear, made by the best manufacturers In the land, to our spe chil order. AT ITio EACH Corset envoi's, of Cambric, tight fitting, or French shape, trimmed with lace and omhrolilm-i- -. styles to pick from. AT SI EACH downs nr Aii,il., Cambric or Nainsook, round, square or V-neck and Blshon slumps, nil nw.on.. trimmed br lino laces and embroideries. AT .rOc A, PAIR Drawers nf 11.,- ?" " inn; Muslin; yoke band, neatly tucked, deep viuiiiuiiii'i, runic. AT SI SklrtK nf Miialfn r,- i...i. ' "- ' ' " -nlUJl', deep tlouuch with tucks, two rows or insertion, cogen witn wide lace. NOTE-Spechil Kid Ulovo Salo-100 dozen Ladles Kid tiloves, worth 7Cc 0 go at SOu a pair. ' 150-152. S. Howard st. ONE DOSfT. IN TIMB SAVES NINE When you frt.1 that yon have inken cold lak-a lose ot Aim Cold Cure that will CTD the cold. Preyenta Pntimonla and coret tbe Crip. Sec the dance of the pretty mdldcns at XX C.vnlim, Half Friday evening, May 2. H. A. KASSON, Funeral Director 410 E. Market, cor. Summit Open tA the year around. panlon Jubilantly Mr. Knepp whisper ed, cautiously, "Shj Will, I've got n bite." Theic wad n tremor or the line which told or a nibbing at I he book, n co quettish Jeik, ii ml then, like others who lasle or foi bidden sweets, Mas ter Fish was fast. "tl'reat Scott! but he's a ,g otic,'' cried Mr, Knepp excitedly n ) tried to laud the prl.e. The captive had other Ideas and coniiiicnccil to run. The united efforts or ihc two anglers weie Insufficient lo laud the fish, a monster caip, and heroic fif. fisher, men realized what hud happened Hie boat was overturned and lioth were In the water. The tlnu-ly arrival of a man with a skiff saved the gentlemen from a watery griue, but they are still uiicoiisoled for the loss of t lie fish, which made good Its escape, carrying Mr. Klicpp's best outfit with It. TWENTY CENTS Invested Two Weeks Ago Brings Harry Fooie's Friends $43. (Special Correspondence.) Barberton, April -'.-. Two weeks be fore his tragic death Hurry Foote, of New Portage, Invested L'O cents with u local Insurance ciiinpany for a life Insurance policy, onil hs mother will lccclve Sl.'l. MR. McNAAARA Makes an Eficient Clerk Say Barberton's Mayor. (Special Correspondence.) Barberton, April 'J:.. "Well, Mr. Burl, who Is to bo Mayor's clerk V" Inquired the reporter. Wednesdii-. "I can't say as to that Just yet," said the Mayor, "but It Is the Intention, if possible, to have City Clerk Rob!- son ct as Mayor's clerk and cleik of the Board of Education. Should ho not agree to this I should pierer Mr. lames McNamaia to any one I know. He uiidcrMirudK the work, Is a very competent young man and makes an ellicleut clerk." Mr. MeNnmara Is ,-irting as Mayor Bud's clerk temporarily. He is a son of ex-Mayor McNamaia. 5 J""' ' "' ' " " I manai urn i n HaauawuuaiJMimmiiaaani i mi We are Enlargin Department zj r Shoe In addition to present space, it will also occupy the section vacated by the Book Department, which has been moved to our new annex on main floor. We append a few quotations to give an idea of the great ad vantage to be gained by those who attend this sale. ! 4H Pairs Men's Patent Leather, sizes 6i- to "") TA 10, were 4 and $5 for '..., $,3) J o'l pairs Mens Calf, sizes 5 1-2 to 7, were !$ and $!-, for, Want to Bo Policemen. (Special. Correspondence!) Barberton, Apr.ll 12.1. -There arc alwiit 1." applicants for posiflons on the police force and a Ilvel.x sprint is being made for these jobs. . Funeral Services. (Special Correspondence.) . Barberton, April U.-..-TI10 funeral of Harry Koote, tlio young man who was killed on the Erie railroad Wednesday morning, took place Friday at 2 p. im from the -High st. M. E. churcli ,,t New Portage. Tho re'iunlns .wore In terred in I.akewood. 100 pairs Men's Tans, large assortment of sizes, were $3.50 and 4-, for 88 pairs women's Dongola, laee and button small and largo sizes, no medium sizes, were $l.r0 and -?2, for 38 pairs women's Enamel and Pat. Leather, all sizes, were ft.'i.HO and 4, for .' . . . 55 pairs women's Kid Turn Lace, rather narrow and small sizes, were 3, for i54 pairs women's Kid Turn Lace and Button fair sizes, were $' and $4, for 120 pairs women's Kid turn lace and button, go od sizes, were 2.50 and $-'5, for 1. 2.00 1. 2.50 .85 1.25 1.25 130 Pairs Children's Kid Button and Lace, all sizes, were 75c and 1 , for 85 pairs Misses Kid Button and Lace, fair sizes, were 1 and 1.50, for 66 pairs ladies Button and Lace, small sizes, were 2, for 84 pairs ladies Button and lace, small sizes, were 3.00, for ". 142 pairs ladies Tan Lace, small sizes, were $2to.4, for 161 pairs ladies Black and Tan Lace, small tizes, were 2 to $2.50, for (5 pairs ladies Tan, .-small sizes, were $2, for JO pairs ladies Kid Lace, small sizes, were 3.50 and $4, for $ .45 .n .50 1.00 1.00 1.25 .50 These goods are set apart by themselves, and as the few prices above quoted will undoubt edly attract a large attendance, early inspection will be advisable. IWlH I Sample Shoes. 1 tBimKSjmswmuxMa n in iiiih nm Ladles: We have JuM received a tine line of Ladles' Palent Leather Nines, and Oxford Ties, which we are selling at special low prices. The lollowlng styles u will sell for $2.00 Ladles' Patent Leather Vamp, and Kid Top; Ladles' Oxford Ties, hand sewed. In welt and turns; very snappy styles; the kind that are worth s:i.oo. Von want to be sure and see them befoio vou buv. ion al-o waul to see our Ladies9 Oxford Ties, at $1.35 and SL50 Special low prices on high guide .Men's Shoes; 200 pairs of the fa mous Comemrclal Travelers, .;;.fi0 at .fu.TS. One lot of Bovs' Shoes nt $1.00. Children's School Shoes at 75c Benienibor our Kspen-.cs arc low and you will Unci pricos the same. We give (ilohe Stamps. .es&sssssfeesessssssssssssssessses&eei jg If not already, you may soon be $ prepared to make some spring pur- CHWARTZ'S AMPLE IHOE TORE E3BKSS35I2EEB S. Howard sf WITH A Qm crs and Ricyclc k Suit, Top Csat Trouser, Hat, FurnisSiaregs. Your summer sports would be complete. Arriving. Come in, get a catalogue and look them over. BICYCLES, CASH OR CREDIT. Geo. S. DALES & CO. 228 S. Main st. I &4 Tblmlgnaturo la on every bo of ths genulpa Laxative nrnmn. Quinine TahM. yT5t-'th8 remedy tht enrcs a cold In one day $ chases in the way of ilt ii) it ii ii ii i) Hi ii ii) ii) ii ii) ii) ii ii) iit ii) ii) ii'l tfl l l X- : i .1 . i v; B ibbi saie m asserting mat wa nave ij; thoroughly covered the demands of the public as iti to quality, make-uo, stvle and Drice. With ovfir jj fifty years' experience and knowledge of the re ii) quirements of the clothing purchasinq public, we m are justified in claiming that we show 8j The greatest variety of the best $ makes of Ready-to-Wear Garments To be found anywhere. Drop in some day and v- iooi wio iiiauci iui yuuisun. i) ii) 3 , ii) ii) ii) ii) ii) Copyright 1S9S by Tbe Stein-Bloch Co. M& KJ 9 KOCH CO (f m m m m m m m w m m m m m m m m m m m m ( m Read tho Democrat Liners. Read the Democrat. Read tie Democrat Liner. , I.' rf. T-. "ir"Vi