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ii ft i bA.tu;iday, may t, 1002. AKKON DAILY DEMOCRAT, SPECIAL Jcl, "Vorylng tfritonts nnd Their Ubc." lender, MIb Jefidlo narr. ji" Memorial, Seryicps Tomorrow. Veterans Will Attend In a Body. i Union Meeting In Broad Street . Church. WObDLAND M. E. Rev. Wm, F. TVykuff, pastor. At 0:15 Suntliiy s.chbol. At 10:30 public worship, with gerrion by the pnstor. Theme, "World "Building." At -2:30 Junior League, led by Susie Cowden. Topic, ""Pftul, the Ghnngcd Man." At 6:30 Epworth League. Topic, "Some Modern Missionary Achlet onicnts." At 7:30 sermon, "Better Than nt the Beginning." Tuesday 2 p.m. the cor ner stone of the new church will be laid. Aev M. B.yPiatt, TD.. D., will deliver,, the addrcs. Tuesdacvenlng, 7:30 p.m the thh'd quarterlycouicr .enco will be he"ld.'s - ' GRAGE REFORMED. f "The 1Gsp'oCHoldlDg jOfy" and "The HpjWof rur '-lll'ibo tlNvnipin- ing tiud wenlug'aubjecfc, respectively, of Hov. Ci,l.i Alsnack, the pastor. Sendees as usifal.v it- NOUTH'HILL M. E. Itov. Edwin E. Wilson; pastor. Sun duy school 0 a.m. Preaching J.0 30 am. and 7.30 p.m. Subjects: Morn ing, '"Our-Nntioml ODllsa'tlon.'' Eve nin,g, "Tennyson as a Christian Teach, er." Epworth League (5-30 p.m. Sub- Impaired Digestion is quickly corrected by these won derful pills One trial will show . you the reason for trje big sales of BeechanVs Pills 814 Ererywhero-In bo 10c, od J5e. TRlftlTY LUTHERAN. At 0 n.m. Sunday fichool. At 10:30 n.m. and 7:30 p.m. worsBlp, with ser mon. Subject In morning, "A Birth," and In evening, "Tho Yoke." At 0.80 p.m. Luther League. Subject, "Gus tnvus Adolphus." i! ,Cor. 20:14-30. Leader, Miss Dora Iloepke. At MSO p.m. Thursday yprayer service, wltu address on Sunday school lesson. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL. Rev. How aid MacAjeal, pastor. Sunday school at 0.30 a.m. Morning worship 10.30 a.m., evening woishlp 7:30 p.m. Themes, "The Gospclf as Related to Social and Olvll Life," an "Lcssonn From tho Birds and Flowers." THE YOUNG .WOMAN'S CHRIS TIAN ASSOCIATION. Gospel service eveiy Sunday at 4 p.m. All are welcom. Leader, Mrs. Lane. Subject, "Love's Priceless Gift" CALVARY EVANGELICAL. Rev. J. W. Helnlnger, pastor. Sun day school 0 a.m. Preachlug 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 pm. Subjects, "Tbo Church, the AVorldj and the Kingdom of God;" evening, "flerolsm in 1S61 and 1002, or God's Call for Men." Junior meeting 3 30 p.ntf Senior Young People's meeting 0.30 p.m. Piaycr meeting Wednesday evening. Teach ersj meeting. Filday evening. lST.CPATJL'S-LUTHERAN,. , Rev. John H. Zinu, pastor, At 0 a.m. Sunday school. At 10,30 n.m. sermon. "'"Subject,' "The Uplifted Christ." At 0.30 p ro. Young People's meeting,1 led by Miss Maytie Kline. Subject, "Missions." At 7:30 p m sermon. Subject, "A Tribute to the Soldier." Special Invitation to those who have served In the aimy and le c.ill lemlnlscences of the days of the past. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. L. A. Llndemuth, pastor. Sun day school at 0:15 a.m. Preaching at 10 30 a.m. Subject of sermon, "Tho Seciet of Popularity, or the Ministry of Kindness." C. E. at 0.30 p.m. At 7:30 this congregation will join in the union mcmoilal serive' ni the Broad st. Chinch of Christ, Rev. .T. C. Smith pleaching the sermon. On Thursday rooming, May 20th, Mrs. W. K. Eddy, SICK MADE WELL . WEAK MADE STRONG Marvelous Elixir of Ufa Discovered by Famous DoctorScienllst That Cures Every Known Ailment. Wonderful Cures Are Effected That Seem Like Performed The Secret of Long Life of Olden Times Revived. The Remedy Is Freo to All Who Send Name and Address. After years of p&tient study, and delving Ino th duily recSrd of the past, it well a following modern experiments In ths realms of medical science, Or. James W. Kind, U3 Unites Building, Fort Wayne Indlann, maces tbo startling an nouncement that he has surely UlBc6ered mm Hr DR. JAMES WILLIAM KIDP. , the elixir of lite That he Is able with thi ild of a mysterious compound, known only to himself, produced as a result of the years he has spent In searching for this precious Hfe-glvlng boon, to cure any and every disease that it known to the human body. There Is no doubt of the doctor'i earnestness In making his claim and the remarkable cures that he Is dally effecting seems to bear him out ery strongly. Hli theory which he advances Is one of reason and based on sound experience In a medi cal practice of many years It costs nothing to try his remarkable "Elixir ol Life," as he calls It, for he sends It free, to any one who Is a sufferer, in sufficient quantities to conlncc of Its ability to cure, so there Is absolutely no risk to run. Some of the cures cited are ery remark able, and but for reliable witnesses nould hardly be credited. Tho lame have thrown away crutches nnd walked about after two or three trials of the remedy. The sick, given up by homo doctors, have been restored to their families and friends In perfect health. Rheumatism, neuralgia, stomach, heart, lher, kidney, blood and skin diseases and bladder troubles disap pear as by magic. Headaches, backaches, nerousness, fevers, consumption, coughs, colds, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis and all affections of the throat, lungs or any vital organs arc easily overcome In a space of time that Is simply marvelous. Partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, dropsv, gout, scrofula and piles are qulck lv an permanently remoed It purifies the entire system, blood and tlfsuos, re stores normal nere power, circulation nnd a state of perfect health Is produced at once. To the doctor all sj stems are alike and equally affected by this great "Elixir of Ufa " Send for the remedv to day. It Is free to every sufferer. State what you want to be cured of and the sure remedv for It will be sent you free by ro- i nm mail of Syrla.wlll address (ho Ladle ' Home and Foreign Missionary society. The public Is Invited. CENTRAL PRnsHYTEIHAN. Rev. .lohn Herron pastor. The uiual services at the usual hours, SECOND IIAI'TIST. Rev. R. A. Jones, pistor. Sunday school 0 a.m. Prc.iehliig 10.30 o.m. and 7:30 prai. Wednesday, Literary society 'meets at 7:80 p.m. Thursday evening prayer meeting nt 7:30. Fri day evening choir 7:30. MAIN ST. M. E". Rev, John W; Moore, pastor. Sun day schbol O.n.m. Preaching 10,30 a.m. Arid 7:30 p.m. Epworth League 0:30 p.m. Subjects, "The Thiec Graces," "Heroes in Remembrance," and "Tho Good Min's Triumph." Theme for Epworth League, "Vaiylng Talents and Their Use." Lizzie Wil liams, leader. At the afternoon ser vice, tho Grand Army of the Repub lic and allied organizations, at tend as bodies for their annual me morial service. A coidlal welcome to all these services. ARLINGTON STREETi CONGRE GATIO.VAL. ' Sunday school at usual time. In the (enlng at 7:30 p.m. George South erland, who Is hero in th Interests of the Y. M. C. A., will speak. HOWE STREET UNITED BRETH . REN. Rev. O. W.,.Slusrer, pastor. Sun day school 0;1.3 a.m. Tho Junior En deavors will lender a special progiam at -'.30 p.m. Y. M. C. U. C'30. Preach ing at 10:30 turn. Theme, "A Per sonal Appropilatlon of the Divine Blessing; What is it to Me?" At 7.30 p.m., "Lessons Trom the Mound and the Flowers." FIRST M. E. Milton Butlqr Pratt, D. D pastor. At 10.30 a scimon on "The Measure of Citizenship." At 7:30, "Patriotic Memorials." Full choir and solos. Sunday school 0 a m. UNIVERSALIST. Sunday school 0:15 a.m. Young People'-; meeting fi 30 p m. Preaching seivice 1030 a.m. and 7:30 p m. Tho pastor, Rev. E. G. Mason, h.i Ing been called to attend the funeral of one (Continued on fourth page.) mm e ? To Sufferers From Kidney and Bladder Diseases. No matter how long you have .suffered, Foley's Kidney Cure will help you. This we will gaurantee. It has cured many cases of Bright's Disease and Diabetes that had been thought incurable, however we do not claim that it will cure these diseases in advanced stages as no medicine can make new kidneys for you, but Foley's Kidney Cure will positively cure every case of kidney or bladder trouble if taken in time, and even in the worst cases of Bright's Disease and Diabetes it always gives comfort and relief. Remember when the kidneys are affected the work of destruction never ceases, so commence taking Foley's Kidney Cure at once and avoid a fatal malady. Foley's Kidney Cure is made from a prescription of a specialist in kidney diseases and was used for years in private practice before it was put on the market. THREE PHYSICIANS TREATED HIM WITHOUT SUCCESS. W. L. Yancy of Paducah, Ky., writes: 'I had a seveie case of kidney dcsse and thiec of the best physicians in southern 'Kentucky treated me without success. I then took Foley's Kidney Cure. The first bottle gave immediate relief and three bottles cured me permanently. I gladly recommend this wonderful remedy." SUFFERED TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. Seymour Webb of Moira, N.Y., writes: "I had been troubled with my kidneys for twenty-five years and had tried several physicians but received no relief until I bought a bottle of Foley's Kidney Cure. After using two bottles I was absolutely cured. I earnestly recommend Foley's Kidney Cure." A. Warner, J. M. Laffer, J. Latnp&rter & Co. oeM $. S3 60v WEST; ' MARKET S T-CTBTO?fc vr3 v. . "5 x(LAlfSll- -; :;S L- ' - 1 : llAAXyvV1 L Mil .. yt On West Market St. Car Line Aa,,Ia,a,A AIAMAAi and UUUIU5&, iieanesi most Dkk & I ni DCdU II I U I nace m AKron SHADED BY MORE THAN FINE MAPLE- SHADE N FULL FOLIAGE TREES 1$ , . Every loi: eisf- ' and Green as a Lawn I m SIZE, - - - - 50 x-150 feet PRICE, .... $150, and up TERMS, $5 down and $5 a month NO INTEREST, NO TAXES the first year. Your lot deeded to you after The May fie Id Co ROOMiS, DOYLE. BLOCK COM Ei 1 i M They're Selling Fast ONCE At Allotment every Afternoon. P if stS ' Si i' MIA you nave paia wpy qh ii. n EITofSTn wsWwaf VKlW?t'&$Z , v?T2!3?i? f'?f tv 'L "t 't'U'JlB .t "a. ,nSnifciv rti i i..i.J.lw.. 7 4 . 1r, 4 hr v ' r. :jSWi ...ji ib.i,r u , . , . s tifcHi $&Jk gStfefe.A- ...C 9 " v J TlXCti