Newspaper Page Text
r -. r- TnunnnAy, junk rs, ioo2. AKKOH TflMLM .DEMOCRAT. a Wo nro coll'oo specialists I Wo select pnulo and roast upwards of 100,000 lbs. an nually. Whothor for a pi'o nlo, festival or rocoption wo want to mako you a prico on your ooffiuo. Sond your com mittees to S & O and gob satisfaction. HOUUMAOIIKa A flAMMHl'El, 104 H. Howard at. S. & G. BLOCK. CHINA. & JAPAN TI6A STORE. Doth Phonos, 620. AMUSEMENTS Summit PARK HBJfcli Week of June 9 A big show HEADED BY RYAN and RYAN BIG ACTS f THE ILLS OF CHILDHOOD havo no terrors lor mothers who havo Dr. James Soothing Syrup Cordial In tho house absolutely harmless contains no laud anum. euros choleralnfantum, diarrhoea, summer complaint; relieve! colic; corrects sour stomach ases pain of teethlnc. k At Drug stores. SJ cents a bottle. M For sale by John Lamparter & Co. REFUSED To Appoint a Board of Review For Toledo. Columbus Juno 0. The State Board of Appraisers mid Assessors refused to appoint n board of review forToIedo. Tbe auditor usked for one, but till the Republican politicians from Lucas coun ty came down to protest, and they won The auditor had recommended n list tof names, none of which was accept nble to the politicians and the oltl board will continue to serve. A request from the uudltor of Greene county, for a board for Xenla was refused. SETTLED A Part bf'the Teamsters' Strike In Chicago. Chicago, June 5 After SKI liours, dur ing which the delivery of poods from the big down-town stoics was stopped, the strike of the department store Delivery Drivers' union, affecting 1300 men, was settled at a confeieiice held here late yesterday. The demands of the men In regard to wages were grant, cd and the stores agreed not to dis criminate .against union men and to furnish, uniform coats and caps where required. EITHER WAY HURTS. A Cross Fire on Coffee Users. The breaking away from coffee Is an exceedingly serious problem to many people, especially when headaches fol low leaving off the drug, and dyspep sia and bowel trouble grows more and more serious If the coffee is continued. So there you avo between two tires. A comparatively easy way out was taken by a lntly from Franklin, Ph., who says: "We had a curious experi ence with coffee. Husband had been, for many years, a sufferer from dys pepsia, with heart-burn, headaches and general nervous trouble. Wo tried a great many physicians nnd a great many remedies', but none of them did him lasting good. We concluded that thero must bo fiomethlng about Ills employment that thus affected him. One day 11 man told him that probably coffee was the cause of his trouble and advised him to uso Postum. The first time I inn do it I studied directions nnd made It good. Well thnt day was a day long to bo remembered. We liked the Postum but we had 11 hundred headaches compressed Into one. You see the trouble was we had both used coffee so long that our nerves Were In a state of collapse without tlio usual stimulant. Until then I did not dream I was such a slavo to coffee, but wo had to do something to quit, so the next morning I used Postum with part coffee nnd wo missed tho headaches, then I used less coffee ev ery morning for about two weeks, and then Postum nlono for nearly a year now, and I just wish you could see the chango In my husband. He has better health tban he over had before, never has the headache, can eat any thing lie wants, does not have heart burn, or any stomach trouble, and ho cannot bo Induced to drink coffee un d,er any circumstances. When nnybody mentions dyspepsia in Ills presence he tells them what cured him. I was almost as bad as ho but am now entirely well, and havo gone up from OS iwunds to 108 pounds and am no thankful for tlio blessing of good health. If my name will do any good uso it, for wo stand by Postum alwuys." Mrs. W. A. Bowers, 20 0th st, Franklin, Pa. JCave.csOfnlslhrpnjfnp.Et NEXT Crusade Will be Against Speed. Autos and Cars Run Too Fast. Police Will Enforce the Ordi nance Making a Limit Complaints have been mado to tho police at various times In tho past few months, that street cars are run on some stretches of track In tho city nt n rnto of speed exceeding the 12 miles an hour limit, established by an ordi nance passed September 11, 1800. The complaints havo become so numerous nnd tho condition bo ovidcut, that the Police department lias decided to stop tho practice, which is believed to bo very dangerous. Automobiles, nlso, will receive tho attention bf the police," as complaints arc received that they, also, nro run at a speed greater than tho twelve miles' an hour limit set for them; Tho running of street cars faster than 12 miles an hour is made n misdemeanor, and the punishment Is stated as fol lows: Section 414F. Any person who shah violate tho provisions of the preceding section shall bo deemed guilty of a mis demeanor, and on conviction of the same, shall bo punished by a lino or. not less than live, or moro than twenty doltnrs for each offense. Wo sell tho greatest of blood puri fiers, Acker's Wood Elixir,, under ft positive guarantee. It will cure all chronic and other blood poisons, lit you have eruptions or sores on your body, or aro pale, weak or run down, it Is just what you need. Wo refund money If you are not satistled. Co cents and 51.00. Ionian Bros., ,T. M. Laffer, and John I.ampartcr & Co. FRIENDLESS AND ALONE Clament Is Still Unconscious In City Hospital. Bert Clament, who fell over the ban Ister In tho Arcade building last Wed nesday, Is still unconscious at the City hospital. lie has not regained con sciousness ouco during tho week that Iuih passed since his headlong tumble. He has lain on his bed at tho hospital apparently friendless and alone. Until Tuesday his identity had not leen ful ly established. Not n friend or rela tive had called to see him, nor had oven a telephone call been received, until a man with whom Clament for merly boarded identified him Tuesday. SWIMMERS Already Numerous at the Various Resorts. ISathing time Is here. The waters out of doors In thlscllmatohavo passed the point in warmth where Invasion ot the depthst loses its peril, and the re sorts about tho city have been doing a largo business, during tho past week. Stiver Lake has already had many patrons, and tho rollers nnd slides again ring with the shouts and laugh ter of those who love water sport. Hundreds of persons in Akron learned to swim last summer, nnd it is pre dicted that this summer will seo many hundreds moro have the same thrill ing but very satisfactory experience. LARGE NEW SHOP. Elyria to Have a New Automo bile Parts Factory. Elyria, O., .Tunc 0. The Columbia Steel Company, Incorporated by M. B. Johnson, of Cleveland; A. I Garford, nnd George H. Ely, of Elyria; Col. Albert Pope, of Boston, and It. M. Cole man, of Now York pity, nil well known to tho automobile and cycle parts trade, will establish hero a cold roll steel strip mill, moving a factory business from Chicago, operated there by tho Automobile and Cyclo Parts Company, which is understood to be a heavy hold or of stock In tho new company. Tho concern will employ 200 men. NOT LONG Before Philippine Bill Will Pass the House. ' Wnshlnglon, June fi "Now thnt tho Senate has passed tho Philippine bill," said Chairman Cooper, of the Houso committee on InMilar Affairs. "'I will confer with Hie Speaker with a view to tho early coB$ceraton, or the bill Summer Energy and Activity. If You Are Nervous, Despond ent. Sleepless, Irritable, or Out-of-Sorts In June, Palne's Celery Compound Will Give You Nerve Force, Fresh Energy, Vigor, and New Health. June should be the banner month of the year for the enjoyment of nature and life. If men and Women aro not physically capable of enjoying the good things of ualiiro and home so bounti fully provided by an All-Wise Cieator, tho fault Is their own In the majority of cases. Our nervousness Insomlna, despond ency, nnd Irrllableness are continual and forcible reminders of 111 health hnd disease. Their continuance In Juno means unhappluess nnd misery; their banishment by tho uso of Palne's Cel ery Compound means energy, activity vlgoiyindfuli ability to enjoy Heaven's best glftft. Thousands are now acquir ing rugged health and buoyant spirits through the use of Palne's Celery Com. pound. Tho blessings ot health, home, and nature will bo your portion If-you wisely uso the great medicine this mouth. It truly makes people well. In the House. As to Its passage here there can bo no doubt, and about the only question is to reconciling the House bill with that passed by the Senate. Aheady the Hou-e bill Is fa vorably reported, and tho minority has formulated- its opposing plan. The debate will begin probably in about ten days, and while thero will bo no disposition unduly to curtail discussion, I am Inclined to believe thnt a week will sulllce for the con sideration of tho subject." It Is understood that Mr. Cooper Is arranging to take up tho bill one week from nest Monday. Interesting to asthma Sufferers, Daniel Bante, of Ottervllle, Iowa, writes: "I havo had asthma for three or, four years and have tried about all t'ha cough and asthma cures on tho market nnd lime received treatment from physicians In Now York and other cl'tles, but got very little benefit until I 'tried Foley's1 Honey and Tar, which gave 1110 Immediate relief and I will never be without It In my house. I sincerely recommend It to nil." J. M. Laffer, J. Laraparter & Co., A. War ner. Opening Dance at Willow Grove. The opening dance at Ryan's hotel, Willow Grove, nt the Reservoir, will bo held Saturday evening, June 7. Mustill's orchestra will furnish music. Tho Cottage. Grove steamer will mako trips to Willow Grove for the benefit of excursionists. 'TEDDY'! IS DEAD. . Some Malicious Person Poisoned a Valuable Dog. "Teddy," the dog which was raised in President Roosevelt's kennels, is dead poisoned by some malicious per son. Tho canine belonged to Mrs. A. Flynn, of May St., and was n val uable Irl3b. terrier. An offer of ?1D0 was recently refused for the dog. "Ted dy" was brought to Akron originally by Lieut. David Goodrich, who was n Rough Rider with Roosevelt. vmmmm VIS. DREAM Ar COMES TRUE WHEN BS USEE. Mrs. Aicl Kjcr, of Gordonville, Cape Girardeau Co., Mo., writes: "'When I look at my little boy I feel it my duty to write you. Perhaps some one will see my testimony and be led to use your ' Favorite Prescrip tion ' and be filcssed in the same way. I took nine bottles and to my eur prise it carried me through and gave us as fine a little boy as ever wan, Weighed ten and one-half pounds. He is now five months old, has never been sick a day, and is so strong that every body who sees him wonders at him. He is so playful and holds liui- sen up so wen." i3 It "I KILLED HER Because She Was Not True to Me," He Calmly Said. Columbus, O., June 6, -Mrs, Anna McCllnlock, a widow aged 50 yearn, was murdered early last evening In Ihij boarding house or 'Mrs. Victoria Rlclinidson on Spruce st by Richard .1. Sands, an old soldlfr and a pen sioner. Sands has been Very friendly with Mrs. McCllntock for some llmo and yesterday afternoon went with her to the boarding home of Mrs. Itlchnrdson. Soon after their arrival the landlady heard screams from the reception room. Rushing In she saw Sands holding Mrs. McCormlck against the wall vlth one hand whtlo ho was drawing n knife acrois her throat with tho other. As Mrs. Richardson entered the door the mur derer allowed tho body of his vlctliri to drpp on the floor nnd, calmly wip ing the knife on his trousers, said In an even tone of voice; "1 killed her because she was not true to me." Mrs. Richardson summoned tho po lice, who put Sands under arrest. The victim hns two small children and has always bomo a good reputation. IMPROVEMENTS. Second Baptist Church Will be Altered. Tho Second Baptist church, at tho corner of Hill nnd .Tames sts., will be remodeled. A Sunday school room will bo ndded nnd also a baptistry. The church auditorium will be altered. Four dubs have been organized to raise money for these changes. They are tho Married Men's, Married AVo- men's, Unmarried Men's and Unmar. lied Women's clubs. If you desire a good complexion, use Mokl Tea, 0 pure heib drink. It nets on the liver nnd makes the skin smooth nnd clear. Cures sick head aches. 25c and 50c. Money refunded If It does not satisfy you. Write to W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for free sample. Iumnn Bros., J. M. Laffer, and John Lampnrter & Co., druggists. SAN JUAN CANE Presented President Roosevelt by Jr. 0:U. A. M.' Washington, Juno 5.-rA delegation from Mount Vprnon. council No. 10, Junior Order United American Me chanics of the District of Columbia, called on the President and presented him with a handsome cane made from a piece of wood brought from Sou Juan hill, Congressman Blackburn, of North Carolina, made the presentation speech. Tho President, responding in a fow brief words, said that he appre ciated the spirit that lay behind the gift, nnd that ho would do everything in ills power to make the people feel that the cause of our nationality abroad nnd the interests of our people at homo are safe while our present policies 'obtain. Was Wasting Away. The following letter from Robert' R. Watts,, of' Salem, Mo., Is instructive: "I hnve been troubled with kidney dls. ease for the last five years. I lost llesh and never felt well nnd doc tored with leading physicians nnd tried all remedies suggested without relief. Finally I tried Foley's Kidney Cure, and less than two bottles completely cured me, and I am now sound and well. J. M. Laffer, J. Lamparter & Co., A. Warner. CELEBRATED The Initiation of Candidates Into L, O. T. M. Lodge. (Special Correspondence.) Twinsburg, June 3 Tlio L. O. T. M. of this place initiated n class of seven May 'JI, after which n- lino banquet was spread. Music was a prominent feature. Harry Robinson and family, of Cleveland, were guests of Earl Maxam on Sunday. Mrs. M. Clark, of Akron, was in town over Sunday. Mr. Ed Wilson is working in Bed ford. Commencement exercises June 12. A NEW PARTY. "American Labor Union" Will be Its Name. Denver, Col., June 5 Tho organiza tion of a new political labor party has finally been agreed upon by the AVest- eru Labor I'ulon convention, which adopted a declaration for socialism nnd Independent political nctlou. Tho convention adopted tlm namo "Tho American Labor Union," for the organ, izutlpn, and voted to send organizers throughout tho east. President Daniel McDonald says the party will not enter:in.Q. political field " mmmmm mmmm wii iuiiwiw rww wy iw wuwiiiiwihwuwii u -- w m mm H and get the best ginger ihS with nominations for at least another uiiiMMiruimMMmmMmiiiii Virulent Cancer Cured. Startling proof of a wonderful ad vance In medicine is given by drug gist O. W. Roberts of Elizabeth, W. Vn. An old man thero had long suffered with what good doctors pronounced Incurable cancer. They believed his case hopeless until ho ued Electric Bitters and applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which treatment completely cured him. When Electric Bitters are used to expel bilious, kidney and mi crobe poisons at the same time this salve exerts its matchless healing pow er, blood diseases, skin eruptions, ul cer and sores vanish. Bitters fiOc, Sahc 'Joe nt C. B. Harper & Cos. Ten Years In Bed. R. A. Gray, J. P., Oakvllle, Ind., writes: "For ten years I was confined to my bed with disease of my kid neys. It was so severe J could not move part of the time. I consulted tho very best medical skill available, but could got no relief until Foley's Kid ney cure wns recommended to me. It has been a godsend to me." J. M. Laf. for, J. Lamparter & Co,, A. Warner. NEPTUNE PARK Will be the Scene of Tonight's Concert. The program of the third concert of the free series by the Eighth Regiment Band to be given this evening in Nep tune park, West Market st., is as fol lows: 1. March, "Coronation," Le Thcire. ii. Overture, "Normn," Bellini. .'!. (a) Song for baritone, Scotch Mr. Geo. Davis-. (b) "Ain't Dot a Shame," Chattaway, 4. 'The Golden Aeddng Waltzes," air by F. J. St. Clair, 5. March, "Dreamy Eyes," (new) f. Bodowalt Lampe. Intermission. 6. March, "Pr'nce Henry," (new) R. Eilenberg. ' 7. "Antony and Cleopatra," (Suite de Ballet.) (a) In tho Arbor. (b) Dance of the Nubians, (c) Solo Dance. (d) Antony's Victory. 8. "Dutch Patrol." (New. Char acteristlc.) H. Restorff. 0. Waltz song, "Sweet Annie Moore," John II. Flyn. 10. "To Action." -March. Nntlonal air. BA.VE YOU TRIED VANILLA CRYSTALS 'The purest, .most delicious and econom ical Flavoring, . Free From Alcohol Do not evaporate or bake out In cooking. ONLY J0C a Tin. BUY THEM NOW. Vanilla Crystal Company, 101 Bookman st. New York. i -and j J j TELEPHONE DIRECTORY j j iw-wwii .iiihi.ii.ijj in. . 11 mi in 1 1 1 iii-ii 1 inrrrniP" 'r"-"-" "r",3T,r"iri--rff 1- DR. D. U. RUEGSEGGER, TEE DEIlTIST Removed to No. 210 Walsh Building. Office hours 8-11:30 a.m. 1-5:30 p.m. C. T. PARKS. FiraXRAL DIRECTOR. Personal attention given to all calls. Lady s-.ttendant Ambulance. Both phones 442. 110 N. High st M. FRIEDMAN, 5c and 10c STORE Wo positively can save you money on go-carts. 140 S. Howard st. Office hours,!) to 11:30 a.m.; 2 to 5 p.m. DR. L. B. HUMPHREY, Kelly block, Akron, O. Pco. phone 878. L. D. EWING. C0HTRACT0R AHD BPTLDBR Dealer In mantles nnd grates, floor tiling, parquet flooring, grilles siding, frames, mouldings etc. Peo. phone 052. 110-121 Klrkwood st J. H. CHASE. Druggist. Paints, Oils, Whito Lead, varnishes nnd Paint Brushes. Best quality at lowest prices. Peo. phone 100(5. Bell Cherry ICC. 132 Wooster ave. JAS. T. FLOWER, MAJITEL3 AHD GRATES Glazed nnd Unglazed Tiling, Parquet nnd Hard-wood Floors. Both phones 070. 110 S. High st. Havo you any money working for you? If not, open a Savings Account with us today. Try one of our homo banks. GUARDIAN SAVINGS BANK, Masonic Temple Building. All faulty action, knee knocking, in terferlng and forging of all lame horses guaranteed. 411 S. Main st. J. V. YOUNG People's phone 1314, 2 rings. G. M.KEMPEL. Furniture dealer, upholsterer and mat tress manufacturer. Repairing a spe cialty. Pecple's phono 723. Bell, brown 324. 140-151 S. Main st. Dr. C. E. Smith. Dr. J. B. Vedder. SMITH Ct VEDDER. DEHTISTS SIC Everett Building. Office hours S-ll:30 a.m. 1-5.30 p.m. People's phono 80G. Richard H. Leighton, PRIKTER Call us up when in need of first-class work. Bell phone Brown 1001. 437 East Buchtel ave. V. 0. BETZ, Sherbondj, Ohio. Instruction given on Piano, Guitar, and Mandolin. Child instruction a specialty. Will come- to residence. Terms 50c. Drop card and I will call. Paxton Pointers. (Special Correspondence.) Paxton, June 2 A convention of the Sharon township Sunday schools will be held ot Mt. Zwlngll church Friday evening and Saturday, of this -week. Miss Jennie Koontz Is spending a few days nt Barberton. Mr. Frank Roush and family, of Ak ron, spent Saturday and Sunday nt the home of Jacob Koontz. Miss Hazel Billings Is not improving very fast. Mr. Clay Holdcrmau, who has been very sick, Is hotter at this writing, Mr Cliarlea Miller nnd wife of Pax $& YyVTSmttfra CASH PAID FOR HIDES. W. C. KITTLEBERGER, Dealer In hides, leather findings, and saddlery, hardware. Mauf. of Harness. Phone 1320. 348 S. Main st H I FfifilFSTniJ Optical Specialist n, L, COULCdlUH, U2 S. Main St., 31 Floor Spectacles and eyeglasses. Headache and nervous disturbances cured by properly fitted glasses. All styles at reasonable prices. No charge for ex amination. C. U. phone 2372 Cherry. J. McTAMMANY, PRACTICAL TAILOR Special, fancy and sporting gar ments. Rooms 212 and 213 Walsh block. Maker of men's clothes. Pco. Phone 12S3. Butt's Presnrlnfon Pharmacy. As.Mau --.. . .,,...,, cor exer Pure Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, con tains 50 per cent of pure Norwegian Cod Liver OH. 50c per pint bottle. Al most tasteless. Children will take It Try It. Phono C92. J. E. CRAMER H. S. EU1L CRAMER & HULU Wholesale and refill dealers in flour, feed, baled hay, straw, salt, cement, and all kinds of field and garden seeds. Try our Acme stock food. Both phones 011. 716-718 S. Main at. Akron. O. GLEWH'S TAVERB. T. J. GLInTf, Prop. Hotel and Restaurant. Sample room In connnectlon. Best wines, liquors and cigars. Both phones: P. 040; B. 3201 Cherry. 124 N. Main st, near Opera House. DR. H. E.KECK. Dentist. Room 13, I. O. O. F. Temple. People's phone ISC. Office hours 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. MHXiroKY. We have the latest styles in mllll nery nt the most reasonable prices. We carry a line of stamped linens and notions. Mrs. O. Mathews. 722 S. Main. Open Evenings. GEO. E. PETLET 111 Kllng st. People's phone 1287. Contractor and brick masonry of all kinds. Repair work a specialty. Esti mates cheerfully furnished. All work guaranteed. Bell phoue, Brown 1741. M. J. HERWICK All kinds of brick and cement side walks, chimneys built and repaired. Res. 410 S. Forgo st, Akron, O. Mystic Carpet Cleaning Works, POIHLMAIf & PFAHXE, PJoprietora. Business under management of Mr. Poehlman. 130 Bluff st. Both telephones 178. WE WOULD LIKE TO SEE YOU When you havo printing on your mind. MIHTLLS PRinTIKG CO People's Tel. SO.". 135 S. Main at (Old Democrat Office.) ton, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Houg Ian, of Wadswortb, visited Mr. Warren Everhard, Sunday. Mr. Charles Fulraer has Improved his home by building an nddltlon. Mrs. William Houglan, and son, James, spent Sunday with Mr. Leander Lelby, at Coddlngvlllo. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ganlard, of Granger, spent Sunday nt Sir. Normwi Wolcott's. Mr. Dick Brown and family, of Biar. on, visited Mr. Oven Hartinan, Sun day. Tho sixth reunion of the MUlere will bo held Thursday, Juno B, at the homo of Joseph Miller, of Southwest Sharon.' Miss Eva Sbanafelt returned to Kent Saturday, after a two weeks' Tislt hero. TWa aignataTe la on eyery bos of th gmsla Laxative Brouio-OtiirjineT.uta mwUr ttiat cares, a cM'la m$ 4bgt imMmmmst&w j. mtimmsimi Eakit'!W-'(Mv-!.lnJiiB"sl8rj-i.Jr .f.-jiLi