Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, 3UXH 6, 1002. AKIUftff JfJ&tH DEMOCRAT, (' ' Swwui! w mmm imk . S? Old Virginia cheroot Wrappers Old Virginia Cheroot WRAPPERS may be assorted for Presents with TAGS from "STAR," "-HORSE SHOE," " "PIPER riEIDSIECK." "NOBBY SPUN ROLL. "CROSS BOW," "OLD PEACH AND HONE.Y, "OLE VARGINY," and TRADE MARK STICKERS from "FIVE BROTHERS" Pipe Smofcing Tobacco, in securing these preaento. ONE TAG be In oquui lu ttu vijl viixuintn viwv a 11 ini i unui Jr5 1 MANTU.CI.OCK fnamcltrf Hall hour Gon strike IE00 WRAPS ,8! V A J jvrik KNIVES & rORKS 1 6 Each ShHfdtsign 1000 WRAPS gffltoTTTjffl MATCH BOX Mtjl AH WRAPS WATCH M.L.I.4.nriAoAf WATrH 3iia goia imwwnnt 1Q0OO WRAPS KoilXTStTfl lStrrtin4$ilvtrM Inrnmlngs U 11600 WB Art! COFFEE, SET 5000 .WRAPS TRAY 2200WRAP3 WATCH stfrijcWr eooo WRAPSj 1 FH" SUGAR SPOON l20 WRAP,6 iBfflgPBQwKig M""ii ii iii gnrmBnl i i ag UU TVHAfO lift A ! SO WRAPS iKX Hollow Jrurn POCHffKHi R ) undU R44t CIS? 7iO ISO RA70R fcl HI P BmI tmiliih lff 'ittr '-lgiiS?A?, SHEAR! G'tttjtite.l 130 WRAPS (IPOCntKNIft A lltVUMJujJlJ 11 140 WRAPaM BMHvri ' s. p- ri " SIX TABtESPOOIIS SIipII design 500 WRAPS 31XTEA5P00N5 SMI design 309 WRAPS SEWING MACHINE -WOO WRAPS Ipjpyx-'iVTijfii mg HJJ NUT SET, Cracker ond six picks I60 WRAPS I 0PESS SUIT CASE B l iVUt 6'dp 2"lon H 1 2000 WRAPS EASE CALL WU I HAND. BAG Allifatpr IB In Lcalhf r Lined 2400 WRAPS CHI10S SET Knilfforh &5!ocr SO WRAPS 29B3SpM TRUNK Canvas Covered 3000 WRAPS. MANOOLINCWaihbOni) 300 WRAPS Ytahburnl y&aMwatuj I j"- StfBk 1 POCKET WC DestilftlSihandtf 130 WRAPS CARVERS Ouckhorn fuo4!4 400 WRAPS f POCKET KNIFE ItnliiHSlhandlj VI 60 WRAPS 11 LS ft ENOUCRtOBUtlD AH9U5C TOOL SET 1300 wraps SAFETY RAZOR AND STROP 500 WRAPS REMINGTON RiriE No ' 1600 WRAPS ' lira u nl 4yi'B JO WnAr-3 Cr.CT KNIFI A OWfjAPsL TRAVELLING BA0 10' Combination 3600 WRAPS MARLIH HEPEATINCSHOTCUH l4k don It sug 4000 WRAPS T VJSJJBSS T00U HANCU 4 TOOLS 2Hu WRAPd uiiiiice rroie ..v -... - ni vl.ju vn (j ia iv i i 51C.M - Cutkhcrn handlw 500 wnAPS FIRE PROOF SAFE bul0'O'l5'i001bs WW ire MARUM MAGATINE RIFLt" Takt down 3QO0 Cilibre 4000 WRAPjr Mjm? m&rnr t it4 COLTS REVOLVER SUM 3000 WRAPS sdxotsiSQoaL LA0Y5 SILK UMBRELLA 2S Ouoranlfcd 1400 WRAPS WINCHESTER MACAZlME RlfLt ToKt down 10 shot 22 Cj'ittf 9600 WRAPS GUITAR ( 3200 WRAPS The above illustrations represent the presents to he given for 3 ! lifarT Mwnr f iDh VLfl tlol REVOLVER Automatic Eintar 1200 WRAPS BICYCLE 5JJtfTjmeke 5000 wraps nmw f iTy a i BA3Y rnWMKLlS5 PISTOL r.RAPHnPMOHr Ffirl Slk Q00 wraps 10 NickefcJ Kin diRjr5b(1(600i'tt.P50ntTiReccr(U t&nif Old Virginia Cheroot Wrapper WRITE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS PLAINLY on utsldo of pacKago containing WRAPPERS nfi fenrnrd them by registered mail, or express propald. Bo aure to have your package securely wrapped and properly marked, so that It will not be lost In transit. Send wrappers and reaueats for presents (also Mcrueats for catalogues) to C. Hy. Srown, 4241 Foleom ATenue.jSt, Louis, Mo. OUR NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, or presents for 1902 Includes many article act shown ; shore. It contains the most attrac tiro list of preoente over offered for wrappers, and will be seat bf (Ball . on rocelpt of postage two cents. Our offer of prasonto for wr&oscrra tvlll 0&lre Novamber 30, 1902,. I H 1" - 'iibiii r American Cigar Company noctann ummaasmsmamis 4 . . :-.!' .' P Ot ' vi f in MWHrHltnnTtHHHMHTTlMUtTHIMMtr CUYAHOGA FALLS HTfT--KTT-H-TS-H--H-f-H---H TtMHUHHHIItt ALL ABOUT TOWN Told of Cuyahogi Falls People as They Come and Go. (Special Correspondence.) Cuyalioga Falls, Juno 0 Miss Bosslo Hare of North Viont ot., nnrt Ii Clement MoUinger were uinrrlcd Sun. clay uftornoon. The joung couple will reside with the groom' parents on Second ht. Bdth are well known young lieople. '1'ho members of the M. K. and Con gregational churches will hold Chil dren's day exercises next Sunday. Mr. uud Mrs. B. A. Henry, of Front st., aru the parents of a llttlo daugh ter who was born Tuesday morning. Mesas. A. I. Lewis and C. Wnltqn threw .open tlielr,lli)o lawns for a lawn fete for tho benefit of tho M. E. church Tuesday evening. Tho ultcndauco wns largo "nnd all had n pleasant time. Mr. nncOlrs. 1 .1. Miller spent Wed. nesday at Clevclaiul. Mr. Uevlno Welker has returned to his. studies at the Case school, Cleve land, after a few days' visit with his parents here. Mrs. Robt. nay, of Xnvnrre, was the guest of Mr. Frank D. Hall, Monday. AGED CITIZEN Suffered Severe Injury at the Falls. (Special Correspondence.) quyahoga Falls, June 5. While walking In his garden the other day, Mr. Henry Plum, who Is an octogeuar ian, stumbled over- it stone In the path, way and 'fellrfipraliilng his -back- bad ly. Tho accident is n serious one on nccount of Mr. rium's uge, and he Is confined to his bed. Mr. Plum is'ono of the oldest residents of Cuyalioga Falls, being S9 years of age, and In times past was one of the most pro. gresslve and well known of Ouya boga Falls business men, Ho is said to be the oldest shoe mau in Sum. mlt county. CUYAHOGA FALLS SOCIAL ITEMS (Special Correspondence.) Cuyahoga Falls, Juno 3. Mrs. Irving Loomls happily entortalned ten ladles at her home on South Front st Wednesday. The ladles had their fancy .work and spent the jtitcrnoonUn a pleasant social manner. A fine dinner was served. Mr. Charles W. McLano, of Youngs town, spent Decoration day here. Mrs. Emma Ellsworth was pleas antly surprised by a fow of her friends at her homo near Sprlngdale, Thurs day afternoon., the oqcaslou being tho 30th anniversary of her birth. The day was spent in convocation nud a big dinner was served by tho unlooked-for guests. Those piesont were: Mrs. St Clair Steele, Mrs. Fred Wol coat, Mrs. George Hart nnd daughter, Miss Emma Hart, Mis. M. Graham and daughter, Miss Mamie. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. AV. II. Tift and Miss Ida Tift wero entertained at n pleasant tea party at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Evans, Decoration day. Misses Elizabeth nnd Anna Williams of Youngstown, returned to their homo, Satuiday, nftoru visit withOIrs. 1 IIS II Undoubted Reliability Is Expressed In Akron Indorsement. What you want is homo Indorsement. The backing of people you know. Akron proof for Akron people That's whiit; follows here, Surely no better backing can be hod than tlm following statement from Mrs. U J. Pisel, residing at 133 Bow cry st says: "I knpiv that Donn's Kidney Pills are most effective nnd thoroughly reliable frpm personal ex perience and from what thpy did for iny father nnd my ulster, My father obtained theut from Lampnrtcr & Co.'s drug store, on South Howard st., and wo used several boxes. I had ncuto lameness In my back.eornmonly called crick, which caught mo when stoop ing or rising frpm a chair, iwl I was embarrassed with Inactlvpkldiioys. I found Doan's Kldnoy Pljlff prompt in relieving mo of both. I know of no medicine which over did iny sister so much good as Dean's KJdney Pills." For sale by all dealer. Ti'Ico 50c. Foste'r-Milburn Co,, Biiffttjo, N. Y., solo agents for the U, N,- Itemeruber the name ''Doan and take no other. y M. A. Price on TaJlniadge ave. A little son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Swartz, Snturday. Mr. James Lytic, of Akron, spent Saturday here. REFEREE Heard Divorce Case at Cuyahoga Falls. (Special Corrcspor dence.) Cuyahoga Falls, Juno 0. Jos. Han lino wants a dlvorco from his wife, Ed na, claiming that she refuses to lhe with him. Replying tu tho petition, Mrs Hanlino clnlms that she left ner hubbaud because ho was cruel to hei and failed to provide properly for her. She asks for divorce nnd alimony of $10 a month for one year, for tho support of her three-months old babe. Tho case was heard In Mayor Russell's olllcc before air. E. E. Otis as referee. CORONER Is Investigating a Death. Unusual Occurrence at a Funeral. Medina, O., June B. There was an occurrence at the funeral qt Samuel Palmer, of Lodl. All the ar rangements had been made to bury the body at Sprlug Grove cemetery, in this city, but this was stopped by or der of tho Prosecuting Attorney, as It was rumored that Palmer had died under queer circumstances. Mr. Palmer was a retired farmer, "2 jeiu"b of age, and had been living with his third wife. A few months ago he sold his fatm In .Lafayette township and bought a home In Lodl. This he placed In his wife's name. Ho has one adopted dnughter, who Is mar ried. It is alleged that Inst Saturday night nbout 11 o'clock ho was taken sick and Dr. Elliot was called, He left some medicine and said that he would call the next morning. Abput 1 n.m. Mr. Palmer died. Tho doqtor was not called, but tho undertaker was In his stead, and told to toko care of tho body. Tills ho did by em balming. The daughter was notified by a friend of the death of her adopt ed father and came to attend tho fu neral. But she was met at the gate by Mrs. Palmer and thero i of used ad mittance to seo her dead father. Tho daughter at once sought friends and upon their advice nsked tho rrosecullng Attorney for un In vostlgntion of tho death of Mr. Pal mer. Tho body was placed In the vault here and tho Prosecuting Attor ney has gone to Lodl to see what ho can (earn in the cobb. A Sailor Won the Friendship of Prince Henry Berlin, June .5 Admiral rrince Hen ry, of Prussia, hns exchanged pies ents with an nidlnary seaman of his squadron, When Prince Henry's grandmother. Queen Louise, was flee ing from Napoleon in 1800 she took shelter one night in the dwelling of a peosant. Tho next morning tho queen gave her peasant host a beau tiful watch, together with certain documents, which were preserved in this peisant family as heirlooms. This watch came ientually to be car. rled by a pallor on a vessel of Prince Henry's squadron. Prince Henry no ticed the sailor's tlnip-plcce, examined and admired It, whereupon the owner presented It to the Prince. The clft wob accepted by Prluce Henry with courteous expressions of his thanks. Later tlie Prince made inquiiles con cerning the sailor's aspirations and as a result he seemed his entrance to the school of navigation at Hamburg, and gave him money with which to pay all the expenses of a course theie. Piincess Henry will accompany Prince Henry to the coronation of King Edward on boni.d the Battleship Kai ser Froldrich IV. Piinco Henry is building a second "Silver Chamber" in Kiel castle to accommodate a lnrccand rare collection of silverware which he has inherited ftom the late Prince George of Prussia. FAT CHECK Sent by One Akron Concern lo State Treasury. Columbus, O., June 5. Judge Bigger, of the Ftanklln county Court of Com mon Pleas, hns consented to nllow tho suit brought to test the constitution ality of the Willis, lnw to be appealed directly to the Supreme court at once. The lower court will sustain the state's demurrer to the petition and a motion for leao to flic a petition In error In the Supreme court' will be llled. The motion will be argued qn Thursday nf temoou nnd thero Is every renson to expect a decision before the court ad journs for the summer. Secretary of State Laylln has an nounced that the revenue from the Willis law this year almost surely will exceed ?400,000. The clerks in Ills of fice found It Impossible to lecord oil the payments iccelved, and the exact amount of the aggregate fees cannot yet be announced. Among the big fees received weie the following: Tho Xa. tlonol Malleable Casting Co.. Colum bus, $3,500; tho GlobMVernleke Co., Cincinnati, $2. 113.10; the American Cereal Co., Akron. ?3,341.70; the Kelley Island Llmo and Transport Co.. Kel ley Island, $l,40l.r.0. Leads Tbem All. "One Minute Cough Cure beats all the other medicines I ever tried for coughs, colds, croup nnd throat and lung troubles," says D, Scott Currlii, of Logauton, Pa. One Minute Cough Curo is fc.e only absolutely safe cough remedy which acts immediately. Moth ers eerywheie testify to the good It has done their little ones. Croup is so sudden in its attacks that the doctor often arrives too late. It yields at onco to One Minute Cough Cure. Pleas ant to take. Children like It. Sure cure for grip, bronchitis, coughs. Wm. Warner, Gem Pharmacy, 113 S. How ard st. During the summer kidney irregu larities ore often soused by excessive drinking or being overheated. Attend to the kidneys at once by using Fob ey's Kidney Cure. J. M. Latter, J. Lnmparter & Co., A, Warner. Chronic bronchial troubles and sum mer coughs oan be quickly relieved and cured by Foley's noney and Tar. J. M. Laffer, J. Lampartcr & Co., A. j Wnrner. ' Don't Have Anv Plumhina I Done Until You Have Our Estimate on your Work- Estimates and suggestions free. Wo have a few gas ranges left that wo aie closing out at almost cost. Gas fUtuips, mantle." and globes a largo variety at the lowest prices in the cltv. THE DAUNTLESS MANUFACTURING CO. PLUMBING, HEATING AND LIGHTING. People's Phono 359. 233South Main Si. Lakeside Park Cs stint Evfir af,ernoon KstS&BlMV Every enenlng Harry A. Mown, IVIgr. THIS WEEK. A Grand High-Class BUI of S Headliner Acts Pete Haker. Crane Bros and Bel mont, and others. Seats selling 6 days In advance. 8th Rut. Band Next Sunday. PREJUDICE, CREDULITY and REASON Thp dentist who asks you to pay the highest prices depends upon your PREJUDICE for his service. The dentist who tells you he Is giving tho bct work for the lowest prices depends upon your CREDULITY. We depend upon your RE ASOX. and the good quality of our work, and the fairness of our chaigcs. PHILADELPHIA DENTAL ROOMS, orEit EVEiunGs. suirDAYs io to i. i:6 sotrra iiAra street The Bloom of Health May be seen in the cheeks, the elasticity of youth in the very step of those who use ITI m Port, NAin The purest, best and most delicious beverage ever extracted from the grape. Old White Label 1890 Whisky, on. per quart OUU A large bottle of Sherry, Port, Blackberry or Sweet 2f Catawba Wine, this week fcuU mWwt KSJKJT y&oHwim&lMQnCo. UiUUlU MAM OlKEEl OPPOSITE O'NEIL'S DEPARTMENT STORE Goods delivered free of charge. People's phone 1156. fr?rvT2jv r,r: H-f Wti&xr'i&CS . a As a Not Weather ' NR ( dHvfia good, properly cooled and served beer Ik always a strong favorite you try other drlnks.but you come back to beer. Made of pine water, pure hops and other materials and manufactured by skilled workmen, Renner'b Yellow Band Beer Is hnrd to equal, impos sible to excel. THE GEO. J. RENNER BREWING COMPANY Akron,0. :!- ..' t-'i tfc-,jj,j,n.wiMCJ.i