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T1r r -ri 'Xjt V'"" If SATUItDAV, JUNE U, 1002. T "AKROftf DAILY BEMCK3ILKT. " a r '' " NERVITA PILLS Reiloro Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Curolmpoloncjr, Nlfilit Emissions, Loss of Mem Mfc ory. nil vvustlwr illsensos, i ' .AkSjMn nil hfTncUnf ..... nl rfH kMH I ' ..v Vi ruiiuuupy Ul I p BJ k-mdcxcetn nml indiscretion. I vjy -' kVHf rtl.l.lJlooa bulldor. Brlnm "lite pink glow to pnlo clioeks nna restores tlio sflrn of south. Hy mall ouo per box. CI boios for PILLS SO CTS. $3.60, with our bankable- craiirimtoe to euro or refund the money paid. Bond for circular nna copy of our bankable KUnrnntco bond. NfmiifaTnhloto FXTRA STRENOTIl (TELLOW LAlicU immcuiatc KCU.IB Fosltlvoly minranteed enro for Ixmb. of Power, Yarlcocole, Undeveloped or hlirttnkon Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Atnxln, Nervous Prostm- tlon.-Hystnria.tFIts, Insanity, ParalysU and the Itenuts of Ktcestlvo Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. 13 V mall In plain pneknen, 01.00 a box. O for rsB.OO with our hanVabla cruar- tuitoe bond to ours in t)0 days or refund money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, IIX. Sold by John Larapnrtcr & Co., Pnl aco Drug Store, 183 South Howard Bt., Akron, O. 1& HE GOT THE GOODS. !A Iltirifnesrl Dent llctrrecn rotter t rainier and A. T. Stewart. "At the timo of the civil war," nald an old merchant, "Potter Palmer was In the dry.i goods business In Chicago, and Levi Z. Leitcr and Marshn.ll Field (were working for him. Palmer wasn't so well known, bat ho had n good rep utation In the trade, and ho didn't hnvo to Introduce himself when he called on old A. T. Stewart to buy some goods. After some dickering they agreed upon the pi Ice, and Palmer calmly said that ho would take about $100,000 worth. It was a llttlo larger bill than Stewart exactly cared to sell young Palmer on cicdlt, but ho concluded to rnnko the deal and told him to come in the nest morning and nrrango somo final do. tails. That night somo big war news came, and It didn't require any decla ration by the government to Inform ev ery dry goods man In the country that tho price of goods would take a big spurt up. Stewart recognized It as soon ns.he had the news, and he Immediate ly thought of Palmer. Ho also thought of the big hill of goods Palmer had bought of him. It didn't particularly tickle Stewart, that thought didn't. But it required only a few scratches of his red head to fi;: things to his sat isfaction. Ho would simply tell Pal mer that ho wos sorry, but that ho didn't feel that he could sell, such a big bil on credit, and as ho knew that Palmer couldn't raise the cash Imme diately, why, that would end it, and the sale would be off. Well, young Palmer called early, and Stewart greeted him in his very nbruptest man ner, tolling him how sorry he was, etc., but really he didn't think it wise busi ness to extend credit for such' an amount. " 'Just how much does tho bill come to?' said young Palmer, seemingly sorrowful-like. " 'Just $110,000,' Stewart lepllcd, and then he straightway gulped for breath as young Palmer drew nn Immense pockctbook from his Inside vest pocket and, opening It, counted out 110 thou sand dollar bills nnd. laying thorn quiet ly on Stewart's desk, said: 'If you will kindly count them and givo mo n ic celpt, I'll be obliged, as I must take the next train home. Sli'p tho ;;oor!f. soon ns you can, and when juu'ie out our way drop In. Always r'ccl to sou our friends. "New York Times. AROUND THE HOUSE. If marks and stains no en r-iprrcd walls, try French chnll: o:i a piece of dry broad gently rubbed in. To keep hardwood lloors smooth and clean rub them with waste and vvnim parnffln oil nnd polish v.ith diy waste. Muslin curtains may ho tendeicd lefs Inflammable by rinsing them In nlnm water two ounces of alum to onu gal lon of wnter. To clean mirrors dip n cloth in methy lated spirits and mb on tho mltror.. Allow it to dry on before polishing with a soft duster. Galvanized iion palls for diluting water should not bo used. Tho sine coating Is rapidly acted upon by tho water, forming a poisonous oxldo of zinc. Mnko a splendid furniture polish by taking a wineglas3ful of olive oil, ono of vinegar and two tablespoonfuls of alcohol; apply with a soft cloth and polish with flannel. Rugs, mats or carpets can be elenned thoroughly by generously sprinkling on them yellow cornracal that has been iwell dampened in clean soapsuds or (weak ammonia water. Sweep off in a few minutes. ' Sennntory Trarmmlislon. It has been found that sensation is not absolutely instantaneous, but that a very minute timo elapses as it travels along the nerves. Therefore. If a per- -rJ i .... sC 1 i 1 Oar-Bon The Qreat Restorative WILL CURE YOU tWo want all men and omen who nro went tni-nnw that Bar Ben Is truly nnd without any ex ception the greatest home , treatment u i , lost vitality and sin Aiuuicu .. BAft-BElt 11 true nervo tonlo and blood rmrinor. It puts new vigor and perfect health into tho wealc neires and broken down system. It makes tho nppetlto keen, the digestion peneoi aim prouioieo re Iresblne sleep: body, brain and nerves are built up rapidly uuderlU uo, ' BAR-BKN Is the tolentine, natural nnd rosltlve cure for nil norvous diseases, lost Vitality, night emissions nnd excesses, the offeots of overwork, worry, brnln fatigue, the excessive use of tobacoo, opium or llnuor. No matter what has cnused your trouble, Bar-Bon wilt bring you book to ?nebbox will work wonders; BOo. Bix box es will cure, i63. By mall, post paid, on receipt of prloe. Write for free sample. The Bar-Ben Remedies .Co., Cleveland.O. Folsallby J. M. Latter.' P.W. Albreoht, Kavufraann Bros., Black, the Druggist, IWtt's Pharmacy, Haun A McKenn. .STOPPED FRER 1 Permanently Cursd fry DR. KLINE'S GREAT INERVE RESTORER nu aner sr.i j . , OMiullttiMi, rr4ttl r kv aull. Irtatl til . , S'J TIIIAI, BOTTLit FttBB , t Til 4Hmu b pr ciprMfM l7 4oilrr7. iwwial Ow, iMlr uaporirr rur, fcr an rr' VUaritr. IUM7 Byumt St That DtfiM,., 1 ltM4Ulr,aUMMU.gttl.B.ll.lCI,IMB,aU:3 Ml Are ttttic, PMUltlehU. rKUiU son put his linger to n heated Iron T In tho blnro of -n caiidlo' there Is n cer tain nlmbst inconceivably otnnll spneo of time, wiy tho auatndusdndth pjut nf a second, hoforo lho brain knofrH of tho burn. N'ow, suppose rt man wllh nn arm long enough to reach tho nun. From tho known rnto of sensatory transmission that mun would hnvo to llvo more thnn 100 years nftcr touching tho great luminary beforo ho would know that his fingcrn had been ocorchcdl Sltnvreil It ClPnrlr , A man who wne called on to address a Sunday school In a Ponnsylvnnla town took tho familiar theme of tho children who mocked Elijah on his Journey to Ilethel hqw tho youngsters taunted th6 poor old prophot and how they wcro punished when tha two- ho beors camo out, .of tho jvootl and, nto, forty-two of 'hem. "And now, chil dren," said 'tho speaker, wishing to lodrn if his talk had produced any moral effect, "what does this story show?" "Please, sir," camo from a little girl well down In fiont, "it shows how many children two sho bears can hold!" " ; TWO ODD FISHES, gif The Changeable Pink Hind nnd the Ilalnliow lined, I'nrrot rib. The clear, limpid waters that sur round Bermuda and tho West Indies Ho above coral reefs covered with plants nnd animals, many of which nro brilliant in color ns a rainbow. They look like glimpses of fairyland, nnd ns your eye wanders from ono wonder to another you catch yourself striving to peek just around some corner into a strange nook, half hoping to see a bovy of mermen and -mermaids sport?-' ing nnd playing wlthlntho crannies. Hero is a patch of, pale green sea let tuce, thero a group of great purplo tea fans, yonder some golden corals standing out llko a shelf or blanching like a tree, while among them all swim lovely fishes that take the place of tho fairies that should dwell in this magic land nnd fascinate you by their goigeous colors and their graceful, wavy motlons; There is n great green "pnrrot fish," as billllant in color as his namesako the. bird, showing himself boldly and swimming nlong slowly,, secure from any assnult His scales are green as tho fresh grass of springtime, nnd each ono is bordered by a pale blown line. His fins are pink, nnd tho end of the tail is banded with nearly every color of the rainbow. Ho is showy, bttt this showlncss serves him a good purpose. His flesh is bitter and poisonous to man nnd probably so to other fishes as well, nnd they let him veil nlone, for they can rccognizo him afar off, thanks to his gaudy dress. Underneath thp parrot, lying on the bottom, Is a "pink hind." You notice him, and as the parrot passes over him ho suddenly changes to bright scarlet and as quickly resumes his former faint color. Had the parrot been look ing for his dinner and thought the hind would make a good first courso this sudden change of color might havo scared htm off, Just as tho sudden bits tllng of a cat makes a dog chango his mind. When the hind is disturbed at night, he gives out flashes of light to staitlo the intruder and send him away in n fright. Professor C. L. Bristol in "St. Nicholas. ' THE 'HOLY CITY. .IciDsnlem Still Ili'ijemblofc a Great rartrens of Midlife Age. Jerusalem Is literally "bullded upon its own heap." Below tho houses, courts nnd paved streojs. of the pres ent unkempt city nro tho distinguisha ble rcmnlns of elgh,t older cities those of Solomon, Xehemlnh, Herod, Hadri an, C'onstantlne, Oinnr, Godfrey, Sala dln. Sulemnn wrltoa Walter Williams from the Holy City to his paper in Co lumbia, Mo. Jerusalem has been besieged twenty seven times, a record of vicissitude un paralleled in tho history of the world's elites. It has been burned, sacked, razed to tho ground, Its inhabitants of every faith put to the sword, all tho woes uttcied by Its own prophets against It have come to pass, yet Jeru salem still resembles a great fortress of tha mlddlo ages. Seen -from tho Mount of Olives, its massive gray walls, its fiat roofed houses, its mosques and churches with their con spicuous towerB and minarets, present a marvelous picture, beautiful, sub lime, unfading, from tho picture gal lery of the mind. Tho city itself hap narrow, dirty stiects. Tho water supply for Its 70, 000 people comes In n four inch pipe. Tho open courts, arp few 'and small, nnd tho houses arp tninabed together .with no regard for ?oom or. cleanliness. Somo houses nro underground nnd oth ers on top of tho Jilgh Inclosing walls. Tho people ore "fanatical, ignorant, ' selllsh. Thero Is much to detract from itho Ideal city, but drsplto all this and more Jctusalem from tho Mount of OJlvcs in the same In its essential de tails, tho same in the framework of Its setting, tho snmo In fascinating sug gestion, ns tho Jerusalem of which Da vid sang nnd over which Jesus wept. ' Dreaded the Itennlts. Doctor You'll havo to accustom yourself to one cigar after meals. Patient Oh, doctor, that's pretty hard. Doctor Tut, tut! After a timo you'll find it easy to give up oven the' cigar after meals. Patient But I'm sura Pll bo giving up my meals after the cigars. I'vo nev er smoked, you know. Catholic Stand nrd and Times, An Artful Dodger, "How is your boy getting- along at school?" , "Splendidly, splendidly!- I tell you, my friend, this boy, of nilue wll! make his woy In tho world, don't you fear. During the time he's been going to school they have )iod thirty-two exam inations, and lje's managed to dodgo every ono of them," Glasgow Evening Times. Tha man who never makes mistakes does npt know the real pleasure there is, in being right, Saturday Evening Post. . ' II .1 I. -.T..w- Tho domestic fowltjs act uiontloned In tho Old Testament BLOOMS THAT POISON ODORO OF FLOWERS THAT ARE HARM FUL TO HEALTH, tlevrara of the Poppy, m it Contain Oplcm nnd Indnccs I)rovrlnci,, Tullpa That Are Ilnnfternua and Producer Llaht Ilendcdne, Tho majority of peoplo think that lho tulip lias no fctncll, nnd this Is truo of a great number of tho fashlonablo variegated kinds. Tho old self colored sorts, however, particularly those of a deep crimson hue, havo n powerful odor, which is dangerous when Inhal ed. This odor Is of saffron flavor and affects many peoplo In n very peculiar manner. If breathed deeply, It has tho effect of producing light headed ness, which continues for somo time, causing 'tho sufferer to do and say all manner of remarkable and ridiculous things. Its Influence often lasts for nn hour or two and Is followed by deep depresstqn. Another common flower whoso Odor has evil properties Is the poppy. This is doubtless duo to the quantity of opium which the blossom contains. Numbers df individuals, especially young ladles of highly strung temper ament, complain of tho drowsy sensa tion which comes after walking through n field of these flowers and afterward of violent headaches and a disinclination to move about. In Asia Minor, where tho poppy is grown in vast quantities for tho purpose of ex tracting tho drug, tourists are fre quently incapacitated for many hours after Inspecting a poppy plantation, nnd two cases of death among Eng lish tourists were traced to tho samo cause, last year. , All flowers grown from bulbs nro dangerous in rooms where there Is ill ness. Although bunches of flowers are Invariably taken ns presents to pa tients, such blooms as hyacinths, lilies of tho valley, tuberoses and ecn daf fodils and narclssnscs should be care fully avoided. The perfume is as dan gerous to a person in a critical state of health as a dose of morphia would bo, without possessing the benefits which that drug sometimes confers. Terhnps the most remarkable effect which any garden flower has on the human body Is that which follows the handling of the particular variety of primula known as obconlca. Expe rienced gardeners aro always careful to wear gloves when potting this plant, as, should there bo ever such a slight scratch or prick on the hands or fingers, evil results are almost certain to follow. The first notlcenble result is a slight itching of tho hands and arms, and this precedes the breaking out of a skin disease which frequently extends to tho body. It dies away in the autumn when the leaves fall, and by Christ mas tho sufferer is free, but tho pri mula has by no means finished Its deadly work. When spring comes again and the sap rlges In plants and trees, the dread disease makes its reappear ance and' continues all through tho summer. This continues for many years, fre quently for the whole of the victim's lifetime, and there Is no known rem edy for it, although years of the most rlgfd dieting have in some enses pro duced a diminution -ln its violence. J blood, poisoning by the primula obconlca does not take this form, It brings about the still more dreadful erysipelas. Cases of poisoning through eating the berries of tho belladonna, or deadly nightshade, aro nil too frequent, but there Is the gravest danger in oven handling this attractive plant. It is a very common practice in tho country among parties of young peo ple to pick tho beirles nnd flick them at each other with tho Angers for sport. Then, when heated by tho fun and fusillade, the face is sometimes mopped with n handkerchief upon which Angers sticky with the Juice of the berries have been wiped. Should but Just a little of this get into one of the eyes a fearful' calamity may ensue. Iritis, or paralysis of tho Iris of the eye, which Invariably le sultB in blindness, has been' known to come on, and against this dread dis ease medical skill has as yet proved unavailing. This, too, is In face of the fact that treatment with tincture of belladonna is the ono usual ly adopted in the elementary stages of iritis. The dainty heroine who is 60 often to bo beard of as idly plucking to pieces the petals of a flower must be ware which blossoms she chooses for thu purpose. Lilies, begonias, rhodo dendrons and peonies nre likely to set up festers, with consequent loss of finger nails, if treated in this way. London Answers. x She Pricked Her Flnsrer. A maid, employed by n prominent New York'famlly came to her mistress with tears In her eyes not many days after she had been In the household .nnd said that sho had pricked her hu ger with a tablo fork. "I am terribly worried, ma'am," she said, "for fear tho fbrk may have had some brass in it and havo poisoned my bnnd." "Oh, nonsense, Mary!" replied tho lady of the house. "How could the fork poison you when It Is mndo of pure sliver? I never allow anything else on my table." Tho next day Mary and tho fork which had pricked her and all the oth er forks and, in fact, the whole tnble service, guaranteed by tho trilstress to be solid stiver, had disappeared for parts unknown. To Be Provided For. Farmer Mossbacker Colonel Chlnn away, the politician, declares that ho is in the bands of bis friends. Farmer Hornbeak Yes, I know ha dops, but it sorter looks to me that bis friends havo got the colonel on tbclr bauds. Judge, The Goolo;rlonl Dny. The 0.000 years of lnimr.n history form but 'a portion of the geological day which is passing over us. They do not extend Into tho yestcrdny of our globe, far less touch the myriads of ages spread out beyond. Tho lazy man seldom has a chance to rest on bis laurels. Philadelphia Rec-Pi'd. f 1 urn miii i Hie largest selling brands of Gg&rs in the world! m 1 1 i i - Kras'24ttxsn&7?'2Kewi u x x ggp vitsg? v&my SARE , ' One Band from "FLORO DORA" Cigars or Two Bands' from "GUBANOLA: "CREMO" "6E0.W.CHILDS"or'JACKS0NSQUARE"Cigars , are of same value as one Tag from "STAR" "HORSE SHOE" SPEARHEAD; STANDARD NAVY" or 'J.V Tobacco. i y&ur Vacation Plans witn the summer comes thoughts ef the vacation. To lome, where and how to co t0 oters!,lne Question of takme an Outing this year. , To all of us thc,advice of D,r, Henry Van Dyke wherein he says: "Spend as much time as you can withjbodj; and with spirit in God's out-of-doors," is timely at this season. A respite from, home and business cares is an absolute essential to better living. Do not nut off the vacation. Plan nn outing even though it be a short one. Delightful vacations may be taken at the resorts in New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont,. Maine nnd Canada, embracing Lake Chautauqua, Niagara Falls, Saratoga, Lakes Gcorge.atid Champlain, the St. Law rence and Saguenay Rivers, Adiroa dacks, White Mountpins, Atlantic Coast and Maritime Provinces. As a route for vacation travel the 1 'ymmi fF& && mw7 xu A'j&mmmzszz YwiYK- a. sr-T. .rc- o - WUM- Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry. is unexcelled.reaching by its through trains from Chicago, Toledo and CI eveland, and ia "Big Four Route" through Cleveland, from St. Louis. Indiananolis. Cincinnnti. Cn. nnibus, etc.) or by direct connections, all of these summer places. Tickets over Lake Shore give option, boat or rail, between Cleveland and Buffalo, either nay, also stop-oven for visiting Lake Chautauqua and Niagara Falls, Tlin lrtllrtJln fT Kftnl.. Fan, f.A V. a...f.. ..i. .W..V.1...U u.svja, DUJ.k IICC UV U11UCI- signed, will help in making your plans: "Lake Shore Tours," containing select list of tours to the cast with rates from Chicago, 111., ioieao ana vieveiana, u. "Lake w.uutauuua, .111 1IIU3U dlCU, UCStr ip- ,-c book 01 mai aengntiui resort. Book of Trains" and "Some Priv ileges for Lake Shore Patrons." Any desired information to assist in your vacation plans will be gladly furnished. Address A. J. SMITH, Q. r. T. A., Cleveland, a HOTEL CMPIRC ' Btoilwiy nd 6J1 street, Hew York City. Atsolntely Fire Fro.f. Bates moderate. cuisine. Efficient service. Extensive library. Modern. Exclusive. Accessible. Or chestral conceits pvery evening. Ail cars pots the Empire. From tho Grand Ontrnl station take cars mark Broadway and 7th avc. Seven min utes to Empire. On crossing any of, tbo ferries, tako the Oth Avenue Elevated Railway to 59Ui it., from which it is ono minuto'a walk to hotel. Send for descrlptlvo booklet. W. Johnson Qulnn, Prop. Mortimer M. Kelly, Mgr, cases a Mcuf mmwmvi 3EUEHMUUOIIIJI (PULP FOR PAPER) hut mu. cnzi.ii iiorxocs nurru HATiOHAL FIBER & CELLULOSE GO, OF CHICAGO. o"si tni ccr.Uoli uicbtserr, ptnti i4 pn I fAf! led hr - itr4ati trora th wkttoa to ih Jta. TaiA wsitl to tie eon b)t eftha 11 ff. mrnnTt Kt orr M ittllUoa totvlnino. TBif tat-Ttiie wlltcTttae)w wealth Uiftn ttan. iuttlon of th one t4 cotton ptetf. It viJl idU.m-Ttonto all tM iruu corn fltjitxi- n&tTT, snTinir million (PB Hntiir. mnijoinr itv1' E"rrpotn4 of FPrpQiplt8Mfrom Tepu' jib Tbe tiratr rr pmp inu u. 9. Ii L,erT ihaonted. Ptr foiiiiifociQren are new f treed lito Canal fir thsir nppfy. Krttf taper tniJI la thlt country 1U ate t&li palp. jErerrettT JnthtuM fomna cqontrlt will nit ftrvl dal in this tert. UaoaCacttrers ot callal&JO, Itntberand rsbbtraabaUtutca, lMatattm; maler UMIixtara&ad pipe eortrtcg will bo cttt of thll (fMlltK Contri for machinery for th" An plaata wti o?roif;wnn?orni woiaauo., wucago. THE1T0CE OF THE HATIOHAL FIBER & CELLULOSE GO. Will ns an larestmcat surpass eTery- tlilEg In tlio history of lurlastrUl xnoney-QAkers. A limited nmoant of stock Is offered at 81.60 per share. nar value aio.oo. lallr rmia ana non- tmeail)!c BUY BiFOUETnn AD VANCE I l'RICi: as the stock 1 oiling; rapidly. IiiTtstora are Invited to examine machinery, patents, pro cesses, projects and eTcrythlns; per , t.ilnln?to tue lia-lnr-f-. For hlclily lntereBtlnsr lllnstrated I mmDUlet tally determine this new In dnstry and subscriptions, write or trlro f Murnpn tat.ttrvfa. si.r,i .,, c vn...v.. .-nn. ...... ...... r.Lv..! 31 Adams Street, CHICAGO, J $?h. mmt V' fimlmmt " .Hi" Vl "Vif O a rw. iv m ojjF A EveryWoman Is Interested and iboald know , about toe wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray The nTT vj (! lyr-aa. Imita tion ana auction, tie. ar- et wok conTcmeni. I utum latuau. . jim vrJisi svi i If i ftp not Bnpp-7 the iu ! Ait itcwpi nu wiirt, uuttritu rutmp ttru- ltrtateil book tld.H piTea iuu i aniniinrsBiia mrfw-imni in- Room Tliuealtdff,.en Yorlu ilf I.W. HARPER KENTUCKY "for Ccntlcmcn1 who cherMi Qualltj-. 1 B&m aW la 1 to fl tUja. VI mV Goaruuori W MtrM not u l-netore. rT TSJtMltl Cltk-lAfl fa I iHW A Pert rtcmlniler. Little Bertie had been taught not to ask for anything nt menls. Ono day poor Bertie had been forgotten, when he pathetically Inquired, "Do little boys get to heaven when they nre starved to dPnth?"-I.ondon Tit-Bits. Teacher Why didn't you atterih (chool yesterday? , Wllhelm Please, sir, mother has written a note to you about it Teacher What was the matter with you? Wllhelm Plpase, I don't know what rnntlil'r wrntp In tlio noff-. rrora Ileal Life. Teacher Evil communications cor rupt good manners. Now, johnny, can you understand what that means? Johnny Ycs'm. Vor instance, pa got a communication fruui ma's dressmak er this morning that made him swear. Phlladolnuin Prr-s. aj Hsasrii&th TEST STS WONDERFUL NAM RESTORATIVE POWERS Tocroie what thl oreat Hair Beautlfler will An (nr - -... n -.. .... . -i.i. ......&. has .not tried It and Is trobW-d with dandruff or -.Ith the -.nptirnnce of my orftS.ShsTror bald spots may have by mall a samplo bottlo ABJ0LU1 CUV FREB. (See free bottle offer.) FREE IT WILL KEEP YOU looking mm. 11. H. II. hat been a bleuir; la thousanai who have become fray or bald tlty's Hair-Health I. a healihiul hair food, reitorinGr joulhlul color and beauty to era? and faded hair Removes ana prevent, dandruff and Monifaltln aid breaking-ol Ine hair, It Is not a dje. and positively will not dis color the scalp, hand or cfotmnr, and lis use cannot be detected by tour best Inend. Prevenls hair tall ci after sea bathing or much perrlrvtion. Ono Bottle Does lf( n& HAY'S HAIR-HGATtl it- ii fes - -iiix-a to restore Bray or faded hair to v otith tul ecler and life. It acts on the roots, cn-inrthern the required nour ishment and positively produces I uunant thick hair on bald heads " Hot a army Hair Loft," the testimony ef hundreds uslnc it. May's Hair-Health is a. dainty vrtsilnsr aida necessary adjunct to every toilet, and unlike other prep arations extrts a healthful action on the tools o( ih hair, canvinr the hair tn tecalAtts tjrldnal or, whether buck, bmvn pr roldert At L2H!fig0wgglsl8. Gpasffar S5o, Gate HAnnm SOAP. Cut out and len thta couicn in five das. talteli'tn mvJ ih fiTinwlrf rf-,in.t. an A it witttA jroj a la t bottle of llay'a Hnlr-Hcaltli nnd a $c. cako cf Mdctcd 5p;U.e beit loap lui - vpiiniHn.iii CLcs ' f5cct Bi r'"1- 7;cucasemou py jcau ins uiHusiiifccvsrvniiirro at uicir enops oniy, or Dy ttie t'nilo liay pclll(f Co. LARQG 50c. BOTTLES EVEflV BOTTLE cash) to pay postage, an4 we will 5cnu. nrcnaia. a iree saninif nntti of Kay's Iialr-Itcalth. UrugglsU ,i n vuiirrn aat inpir ennni nniir nr in, iha lanifiv iiati hnaiaiiiaa ti - . LjJaettc Si, Kewarl, N, J. either -with or without oap, M- exprew, pretfid, u plain scaled pacKag, uu (cwKifciyi ooecais arm inn coupon 5 illlARfiNTt?? AnyperJon pjrchaslnj a', Settle cflfay'i' Hair. Nam. . UUMIimfllCE Health inywhereU the UjS. who hu not beeo ' benefited, may have his money back by writing tho iPhilo lUl PoIoWlBSDfUCbtii:upp!ylUy'llalt.lithiuiai1arIlMScapiat ca3$f"aow" ow SHMPsroiK fl Hay's Hair-Health the great hair stimulant, is so re markably satisfactory that an ar rangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have noi aireaay inea it may nave A Bottle FREE by mall ; also a book that tells bow to have beautiful hair and com plexion, and contains testimonials of many of the thousands who have regained beauty and vouthful ap. penrance' by using Iloy'a Half Health and Harflna S?ap, Cut out thia special offer and enclose it with your Name......... and Address. to Phllo Hay, sjt Lafayette St Newark, N. j with sc, (stamps'a send, prcpa or cannot supply Halr-liealth free. If vou are satisfied thai Hlr..fMftti l what yoo seed, buy rerular oc, battle at icuiHg unjg vioresana jrec a V5C. cake 01 IVJt'Ji i'U.u l Ili,54t, A'rIlvB,KiInln ! 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