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umpwtifi i T-i.arr-rntt.-v.'n V JJWF ,!, IS I : B . li: if IS ! r u I ft I !. t THE AKRON DEMOCRAT diss 324 Cast Mill street PUBLISHED BY THE AKRON DEMOCRAT CO Entered at the postofflce at AVron, 0 ns second-class matter. r the Dally Democrat will be delivered very evening by carrier for 6 CENTS A WEEK. By -mall $3.00 r$1.60 for six months. TO TELEPHONE THE DEM0CRA1 CALL Dullness Offlce, Both Phones. No. iao Editorial and News Booms, Both 'Phones, No.872 SATURDAY. JUNE 14, 1002. There's no room for n "Biff Sovcn" In Summit County's Republican poli tics. Gcneinl Dick Is a-plenty. What n say time Americans ate having In London, to bo sure! Unllko the Boers, they do not escape paying opmt of the war tax, voluntary vic tim, tnough they are. The Pennsylvania convention dele gates lind very llttlo to gay about tho corrupt Use of money In politics. Mr. Elklri might be able to tell something of the puilty of conupt politics, If he v puld. Senator lln-u'H simple declaration that tho Philippine question will not bfe settled until It Is settled right will outlive whole scores of Hate conven tion platforms, with their cant nbout rttijy and destiny. 'Ulie country Is waiting to.hc.i.' Gov ernor Stone, of Pennsylvania, tell what he knows about Quay methods, as ho promised to do If Mr. EJUIn were defeated for the nomination for Governor. Akron seems thus far to have es caped the seventeen year locusts, rfhfr Ul 6 numerous In the Bast, how ever, and loversof locust pie' and sfmllw dainties may havo their long ings satisfied by Journeying In that di rection. Humanity Is much too pr6ho to grurn ble. The warm, moist weather rif the past w'ncfe has wilted many a collar and caused real suffering, It Is true, blit It ban lulded materially to the growth of thft crops 6n every farm In Summit county, and the aggregate val tio of tlo good so rlono w6ild ilirt high. Tho rain fr.ll has been greater than the, aerage fur this season. Trusts and tho tariff are the two great problems bftf6to the ""country, says Henry Wade lingers of the Yale law school In a Chicago Intenlew. Tho trusiSaro largely dependent on the tatftf, and one way of meeting the trust problem must be through the tariff which helps to creato It. Prof. Rogers finds opinion so prevalent lit favbr Of tariff revision as an anti trust measure that he wonders what Is Impeding Congress In the matter whether. Roosevelt Or some other factor. Another bolster to the trusts Is the 'special railroad rate, and to tho contention of Messrs. Hill and Horrlman and other ralhoad magnates that the government should let their business alone, Prof. Itogpis repeats what lifts been so often said In these columns, that "It will either be govern mental control or ihtes or state owner ship of the loads." THE VIRGINIA WAY. (.from tli Rprlngrtclrt Republican. ) The Virginia Legislating that author. lel the railing of a constitutional con vention stipulated that tlio now consti tution should be submitted to thn peo ple, and the Democratic state conven tion, representing the dominant party, also promised by lesolutlon that tho constitution submitted to tho people. Yet In the ery act of break ing those pledges tho convention had the audacity to appeal sanctimoniously to the Almighty for the dllno appio val' Wo, theiefoie, the peoplo 6f Vlr glnln, J.6 assembled In convention, through our repiesentatlves, with grat Itudo to (?od for his. past favois, and Invoking hl blessing upon tho result of oilr dollbcrntlous, do ordain and de clare the following invlsed and amend d coriUtnton for the. government of the commonwealth or Virginia. An appeal to the Almighty Is al waytf In order, mil It's im now trlel; to planter lirokon plodq.l 'with thu treacle of the divine blessing. But It Js something now to tnooi potato an nvoetl6n to God and a bioucn plcdgo Into a single pmagiaph of the consti tution Of a Christian people. $1,50 Akron to any point on L.BKV nauiauqua ana re turn, Sunday, June 15, Eric R. R: 50 mile boat rldo on ono of the most beautiful lakes In tho United States. Train leaves 6:25 a. m. TRADESy COUNCIL j ttllH Wise and J ' .sw 1 Otherwfsel JJ..i..l.MJ.U H t.l t . i M.M.tii Get Into tho band wagon. Harmony with a big H. 'Rah for Mayor" .Ibhnson. Three cheers for Old Glqry. ' . Seven always was a lucky number. L f The good mosquito Is the! dead one. Rain and picnics seem to be running on tho samo schedule, Blackberries for the palato Of the epicure. Harmony! Three cheers for Har mony. Where are the poems about the "new mown hay?" fr No, .Tosste dear, tho harvest flays havo not even begun. Oh, for a plunge In- some cooling lake! , The green apple Jd"kc getting ready tb make another grand, farewell tour. - Mayor Doyle might call Mayor .Tohn. son's attention to the clean streets. t , Democratic harm6ny-and tho poor Old B. ,T. looks woirled. The Hon.- n. C. SanfOrd would 160k well among tho HarmonylteS. Let me shake tho hand that shook Tom L. Johnson's. Good morning, neighbor B. .T. ' Are there any more bats in your belfry? 4. Even McClosky, the untamed lion from Mogadore, held his peace. ' Lucky the school boy who has a "gran' paw" who llies on a farm. Carnac's back again. The Grocers' picnic is safd fOr another year. The country boy now gazes at the dainty summer bonider fiom afar. j iti iTi Tho throat doctor favors a big crowd at the hall game and an exciting con test. If some'of the rain could be Indtiecd to hold over until August, tho favbr would be .highly appreciated. The ease with which the city raises hioriVy 'WaEcs'wllHo hoy wish" he mlgjit also Issue, bonds. for rirenien and pfllieewen. TueSdrty" Giocers will be paid the saiiio day? - A motqulto between the palm of tho hand and sonic Iiaid surface is bet ter than tn'b on tle luck of the neck. - ' Our bllft.v, legislates better toko od Mintngn Of the fong days. They will soon be oyer1. - ' ? Almost too much prosperity. Watei' melons, strawberries nnd blackberries to chOoso from, -t' I'lsh are beginning to recover from the fright that accompanied the Hist rush after the beginning of June. If ClialrmAnltofteis trouble keeping brder he might call bn Council Vlc6riesldent Grttltlilor. ' Next tiiVio Jtayor Johnson conies to Akron, lie may be Governor, or Sena tbr." or sometlilng higher Aild then we'll Jet hi pi trtlk n Music hull. 4- The best "ilshin' places." the deep est swlmmin' hrties," and tho new calf ate ,belUg. shqwii tb tho city con sin. The Kent Bulletin sagely 'observes "When in driulH ubo common sense." The same uile should apply to those In love-but It doesn't. To see the way ev Commissioner John McParjand writes Insurance, one would never' trilnk he had been out of the business nt all. Swimming will loso most of Its popu. larlty, now that th'eie will be no fur ther opposition to tho boys who dip In tho canal, Theto Is no sweqt half so enjoyable as a stolen one. The resolutions adopted by today's convention nre' well woith hiding, and wl st.ano; too. test or thn enemy's fire, Now It appeals that Judge Ginnt may have something tb do with them. . i Local hbrtfeihoofa nre not all feel ing as easy" as they would, were t not that n hill passed by tho Leglsla tmo icqillres. Ohio hojseshoers to pass an examination on tho anatomy of thu horse'a boef, and tho time Is draw ng near. There will be something doing In the 1). .T. bftlco when the edltof gets' back from. California. In his absence his young man proxy ventured Tbrth ln6 tho deep wntcrsof polltlcftjlk little wautbu boys on bliddtrs. Wherwjs. OUR t WORKING GIRLS. Hfelp and Health for Cry, "Oh I Dear. Well Enough to Obliged- To. ,h - TTnTO rtftpn tfirtsn AlcmiflpAnf. Bhops, nnd factories' by tho poor girl who has worked herselMo tho point where nature can enduro no more and demands a restl ino poor sufferer, broken in health must stand aside and make room for another. The foreman ears, "If you arc not well enough to work you must leave, for wo must put eomo ono, in your placo." Standing all day, week in and week out, or sitting in cramped posi tions, tho poor girl has slowly contracted eomo deranged condition of her organic system, which calls a halt in her progress and demands restoration to health before she can be of uso to herself or any one else. To this class of women and girls Mrs. Pinkham proffers both sym. pathy and aid. When these distressing weaknesses and derangements assail you, remember that there Is a remedy for them all. We havo on record thousands of such cases that havo been absolutely and perma. nontly oured by Lydla B, Plnkhftm's Vegetable Compound, restoring to vigorous health and Uvea of usefulness those who havo been pre viously Borely distressed. Bead the I MB i -jiiHBBml 1 ' mjMB -Cr3H Hero Is the Story of Thousands of Young Women who are kMMfcwfe. Helped to Health by Mrs. Pinkham. r"' D&Ah Mbs. PiukHAM : I nm troublod very much with the whites, and 'a bearing down of tho womb. My back mines so that-I-am hardly able to work. Will you kindly Inform me what to do as I am suffering most terribly," Miss May IIuecu.neu, Mlddlo Village P.O. , Lon Island, N.Y. (Mar. 17, 1000.) ' "Dear Mrs. Pinkuau : I write to thank you for the good your remedies havo dono mo. " 1 wrote to ybu describing my troubles nnd followed your directions, I had doctored a great deal but nothing seemed to help. nAfter using six bottles of Lydla E. Plnkllntn's Vcgataulo Compound and four paekages 6t of the leucorrhcea (whiten). 1 would ing women who rieed them." Misa may liuECuscn, wmaie viuage tr. u., Ixng Island, N.Y. ' " When a mcdlclno has been successful In'rcstorlria; to health more than a million women, you cannot wcll-ay rithqtyt frying i It," I do not bcllovo It will help me." If you aro'ill, do not hesitate ' to get a bottle of Lydla E. Pinklmm's Vegetablo Compound at once, nnd wrlto Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for, special advice. It is free and helpful. Writo to-day, delay may mean death. REWARD be rlit to idt penon rttiiire. or wat ildn. LjrdUE. Dob Mlicu the ydting indn got too far from shore? fr -f Truly tile speetnole of f-nni ft6ers rtrtd "Bill'' Youns weeping' dewrt eitch other's bnelis, and ,. Chnrloy ISbell touching elbows with Ab Pnlse, all ort the fiaino lloor mid in the sumo con oritloii, was a slfiht which the coun try dpIcRfltes hid hfit tm fdr mnnj' n dny. Mr. Clkln, the 'Indlrtim pldw-boy," w honi Quiiy threw down In his aspira tions to be Odvornor of Pprtnsylla nln, hastpned to Inform tho people thnt ie, would support Penny pneKcr and tho 'entire ticket. S'obody oxpeeted any thing else. It has beon a long tlnle since onyhody failed 16 dbey Quay in the perfililtifory not df votlrt'. The pievalenco of wet weather, ex ternally, has caused sojue Indhlduals to bYllop that they must keep Up with the pace, Internally. Tour men were arrested In tailous parts of the city, Fild.ny, hopelessly and helplessly in t6xlCated. Majbo the clerks better wait for the completion of a new hall and a pos sible gymnasium for the Police beforo they obtne tORcthcr with the coppers. on the diamond. The coppers, Judg ing fiom tho putting and perspiration thht weie incidents of IftSt j ear's gauie, ned liatrtlng. Those who live in Akron would do well tft think twice before leaving this elty for now homrs. u Is high nnd dry, And the "smoke niilsnnee" is scarcely perceptible, as compared F Tho principle Involved :il having a Trust Company settle your estate or handle your property Is the correct one. A good, Trust Company never dies; never runs away, aud Its trusto are in the charge of competent experienced men. The Akron Trust Co. A Bank for Savings HAMILTON BLDG. We act nfl trustee, assignee, guardian or executor, and the cost Is small. AKROKvDILY D$fOCftA,tt. Those Who Now I am Really Not Work, But I am " "R-rtrHs rttirt armlcnn. In our CTCnt rnlllfl. following letter. recommend your, remedies to all snafT Owing lo the ticl lint om (kpllt fcopW " hT Horn time to tlm qutjtirtnfd thf(nolnt-r nMl th tntimAnui itirt '? coniuntir City lUnk, el tynti, Mill., j,mo, whleti will uh II. i n. mi hare dansilted with the MttlDDtl w lute dtiHMiten wttn tno niimvti :. l Lvtin. Mill.,, which wilt who will how that Iht t)oo'ieitlinoA!l U not publUhtil bflore nbulnlnic tho-wilto'i ipecUl twrtnU- 1'lnUlmm Wedlcln Company. LYiln, Wl with other cities. The character 6f Akron's Manufactories generally Is sueh thnt not a great doul of dirt is nlflde by them. Moreover, the manu facturing establishments of Akron nre' models of their kind. There are io tumble-down looks nbout them, 'At all are kept iu good repair. To see ia striking contrast to this, It is not necessary to tmvel far. To thoso who understand tho priva tions and Inconveniences which eis must endure, there Is far moro than Idle Interest or curiosity in tbo gioups of foielgners who emigrate to America and Journey into the interior, lOr instance, on a B, tfc O. train en route from Pittsburg to Chicago, Fri day evening, there Was n group of Hungailans. Their "captain" could speak English fairly well, as he had been In this country before. He had gono back to his native land t6 git ruarrjed, and his bride was with him. She was a fairly good-looking girl of 21, and tho groom confided to ope of the passengers that It hod cost him $400 to return from tho United States to marry tho girl ho had loved since boyhood, lie said that the group of Hungarians on tho train had been travollng for six weeks, and eonte of them, weio becoming very weary of the trip. Those- who travel toiucli cannot help sympathising tilth these poor pobplo, who are obliged to make long trips across water and lajul a most like cattle, On tho train, Friday evening, tho women , and children all were riding In tho smokctviwould occasionally curl themselves up on a seat and snatch a few minutes of slegn. One of the women was sick, fsho Jiad n little baby with her, but would not trust the child but pf her sight. Tho poor woman could eat none of the cheap, unpalatable faro to be obtained at tho till road eating stations, and this was all tbey could get. .All were tired riding, and the panorama of scenery In tho new coun try had ceased to break the monotony of th6 Journey. All they could do was wait and hope for the end of tile long trip. To feel an Interest In these peo ple. It Is only necessary to placo your 4olf Irnaglnarlly In tho same position. Six' weeks' of travel In the steerage of a boat and in smoking cars will bear heavily ifpon the patience and endurance' of any person, and espe cially women and children. REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR. figotism wears awfully squeaky shoes. About the oaly time anybody has use for red hair is In a tight. The average husband Is so good a disciplinarian that bo can train bis wlfo to have absolute control over him. The way, to get solid with a woman when she has three callers In ond af ternoon Is to speak of It as a reception. A woman's dread is not so much be coming a mother-in-law as reaching tho very next stage, the grandmother. Nov York Press. , POINTED PARAGRAPHS. One man's fad Is another man's for tune. , The last weather report will be tho crack of doom. Whin a man drinks like a fish he doesn't take kindly to water. Idollzo a woman If you will, but don't try to understand her. Desperate straits and crooked ac tions are often closely allied. The world bos little use for a man who tells It a disagreeable truth. A feol can afford to laugh at the wise guy who plays for foot entertain wents. If all women were mind readers ev ery man on earth would take to the tall grass. Some men glvo their- friends sure thing tips on the prlneiplo that misery loves company. , It's ah easy matter to take things as they come; it Is letting them go again that tries a man's fortitude. Chicago News. A DOMESTIC TYPEWRITER. I've bought a new1 typewriter, and my wife. wun I come home at night, explains to me How fehe contrived to find each separ ate key, Ajid can't sco why It's hard, to save her life; and then Sits down and writes a little While, And shows me this with a triumphant smile: HOW I tHe ThnE (or All; gOoO MEn tO eOije TotHe aid oP tHeltt pfttttY! I just taught her that the same old line that'r Where'er man's writing's done by a machine, And don't think that I havo ever seen A'mortal moro spontaneously enthused; ,fThe had a Chair up In Just half a minute, And In another she was fairly in It; NoW IS tile tKme fOr aLl gOoD mX to CoM4 to UIES alD oF thelU partYY$7 I think that she has written that one 'line In forly-seven thousand different st, les, And all the while her face full wreathed In smiles, While apprehension raced along my spine, For I'll admit I feared that the might fling An axe or something at the cranky thing; N'OW IS THE TI5IE For all gOOD meX tho koMe to tHE alD of thEIR tfcrgy?$ Hut oh! that angel's patience la Im ,i mensel She sat and calmly hammered right along 'Most every word she wrote twaa written wrong. And, looked In general like thirty cents! Yet, I maintain, tho world Has never pecn One'llnc as sweet on any old machine: uOW s tHE time fOR aLL gOoD uiEn to coMo to tHe aid oP tHelrlt PantYt-Baltimore Xewfi. Wny Suffer With Your Kidneys? The .discovery oi iir, Geo. Lelning er's Kor-mal-de-bye Kidney Tablets has proved n blessing t6 thousands of Kid nty sufferers w. ho havo been restored to perfect health. . These tablets drive tho Itidney disease germs out of the Wood, and prevent accumulation of Uric Aclu in the system. We urge nil sufferers to, give this scientific and successful Ifldnlty remedy a trial. They com In to sixes, 25 and 50 cents. Ootafl tini cret it trial treatment free nt nil U, druggists, ' t&S i7V $ 4T AHA tj.i r. SAUi.HJtt'' v''Blh& Special Sale of Spectacles for Thirty Days. 16 K gold jllled frames yifch solid golA bridge and end pieces This Is the best bargain ever offered in Akron In the spectacle line, is this is the best wearing frame add will last nearly a life time. Eyes examined freo of charge. I am permanently located here, at 11(1 S. Howard St., up stair. S. J. FREEMAN, , Bell 'phono, Cherry, 41. Ofllee Ho.urs S a. m. to 5 p. m'. Saturday evening tb 10. Sundays 10 a. m. to 12 m. THE AKRON LAUNDRY CO. The only Up - to - the City 0 - - - i'4 - ' - -V.,- In tj. !.. l ruutiHU, muiMUkCi ez tu. THE ROLLMAN CHERRY SEEDER This perfect Cherry Seeder does not crush the cherry or dause any loss "of Juice; n practical machine for large, small or Cali fornia cborrlts. The seed-extracting knife drives thu seed Into 6ne dish nnd actually throws the cherry Into another. The mark Of the knife can scarcely be seen on the Trice only Lawn Swings $5 to $6. t 2' The Rockaway lawn or porch swing, iron GflA Z 1 frame, strong and durable H'X I Poucliot, Hunsicker & Co. t 216-218' South Main Street. Both Phones 314. FIR6 HOfeSE FELL And Cau'seH More Excitement Thjm Conflagration. Tire broke out Saturday morning, at 7.05, in "Toramy'OIfnn'a saloon, on North Main St., and did damage to the extent of $15. Departments l, 8 and 6 were called, tfne fire started from a gas stovo dn the. first floor. While the combination truck I)'0. , was being driven to tho Are, one of tho large, black horsfc attached to it, slipped on Main near JJU, and fell heYr. after one or two unsuccessful efforts to save himself. The hor?e,wfts scratched con siderably, but M0' IoUMy hurt. Chief Mertz said tho stroettrworo slippery, as the sprinkling cart had Jnst passed rfver them, . OLBVELANn-BOSTOK BALL GAME I AT? OA'NTOV, Sunday, .Tune ity only" 5ti cents round trip. C. T. it R; B. . Train leavea Union depot fi:33 a.W,i Howftrd st. 12 o'elock, noon. ' ELLGANT PAjttOB CABS TO FITT8BURq. via B. & 0. B, B, Train leave Union Bead tho Democrat liners. E- Ml Ull.' ,111 ' I i si-1 M TbUilgnttralseaerey bno(thgattlM &rtjffJifo' ' LaMtlveBroawQuIriDeTbM KJ y AitfrWp00lVb natty tUt wa MM Iasm m SATUIIDAT, JU5JP 14, 1002. wegggg $ 9MIMI date Laundry in . Tel. 255. - '4';4 - t w- o n seeded fruit "MBJI JP LAMPRBOHT BROTHERS & CO. BANKERS. BROKERS Investment Securities Local Stocks Bought and Sold on Commiision S ft Akron Of floe : 216-218 Hamilton Bldg. Both fhones Ul. CLAISB X?t, Krr. OTIS g HOUGH Bankers d Broken 110 Hamilton Building People's Phono 324 Ball Phone 22 Station, 12:25 p. m., arrives Plttabu 6:00 p. m., dally except Sunday. Parld car fare to Youngstown 25c, to ntu burg, 50c. K June f ;: V u Jt . .ii , f- t jt-gfj-ijlw, i viii 'vr i..-,;.i'fcilifeljil.temttif.,. " -iS'Jii