Newspaper Page Text
m.t; ft ;&KHdN DAIL DEMOCRAT, m SATURDAY1, JUNE 14, 1002. TT? I? 4 m it 4 Kin r. ci ? 't i ni ir CLERKS Will Have Their Hands Pull. I pin Yoy&io mi TUBERCULOSIS CONSUMPTION Newspaper Men and Police to Play Them. First Game Will Take Place Tuesday Afternoon. AMERICAN LEAGUE. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. R.H.E. Phllndolphla 0 10 jl Clovclnnd 4 0 8 Mitchell nnd Schreck, Joss and Wood. R.H.E. Wnshlngton 1113 1 St. Louis 1 0 4 Orth and Clarke, Donohuc and Mn- loncy. R.H.E. Baltimore ' 10 o Detroit 0 7 1 Shields nnd Robinson, Miller and McOulrc. R.H.E. ChJcngo 0 1 0 Boston 0 4 1 Piatt and McFarland, Prentiss, Dlncen and Crlgor. TODAY'S GAMES. Philadelphia at Cleveland. Baltimore nt Detroit. Boston nt Chicago. Washington nt St. Louts. I)i .JOSEPH ENK'S Genulno Dynanilred Jfumpef Homeopathic ff Preparation mU Is tho only euro" for Tulicrculots or Contumption, We hnvo cured many cues of this tcrrlblo dlicaie, even In lis last, mtntrem 1AT.1 itti ntiMfntri fTnm. Inert by tnofeostphyslcliinqiind specialists lor our own satisfaction to flotcrmlno tho character of tho alscaso beyond question, nnd tto hnvo norer yet failed to euro every caso whom tho uatlcnt had enough I lunnslefttollveon. mo treatment consists oi tnrco viaiss Vial D For hcetlc fever. Vial K For night sweats and debility. Vial F For tubercles. Tho Improvement commences with tho first dose. Trice oomploto 13.00. 70 Ramedlas for 70 Different Dlaansaa Our booltleU! "Short Road to Health" and "TfoaOso on Private Diseases" free by mall or or aruggins. THE ENK MEDICINE CO., Union City, lad. THE EXCEEDING GAlEf V IS MAKING AMERICAN HEADS FAIRLY SWIM Much Doing In Old London on the Eve of the Coronation-Nawsty" Weather Is Universally Deplored. London, .Tunc, 14. Seldom has -London seen such profusion of American entertainments ns took place this week, Tho greatest International and soclnl ovont of tho season was tho din nor "of Joseph II. Chontc, tho United State nmbnssador, and Mrs. Choato to King Edward nnd Quee'n Alexan dra, on Wednesday, and slnco tho ar rival of the United States 'special em bassador to tho coronation, Whltelaw Held, nil olliclnldom has been busy Sold in Akron, 0., by John Lam parter & Co., Druggists. 183 S. Howard St, '-- General Joseph Wheeleiv U. S. Con sul General Henry CIny Evans and tho members of tho American polo team nnd their supporters," notably "James II. Kecno, nro frequently seen at so cial gathering's. President 'Roosevelt's two sisters, Mrs. W. Sheffield Cowlcs nnd Mrs. Douglas RobliiBon have been over whelmed with Invitations nnd have arranged various entertainments at the houso thoy hnvo taken In Gros- NATIONAL LEAGUE. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS, R. II. H St. Louts 4 8 !1 'Brookfllyn "' 0 b'Nelll and O'Neill; Donovan, Kit son nnd Abeam. CInclnnntI 7 10 2 New York C 11 2 Halm and Bergen; Mntthowson, Spnrks nnd Rowermnn. Philadelphia 4 10 1 niilnnco 0 5 5' Whlto and Dnoln; Taylor nnd Chance. Boston-Pittsburg wet grounds. TODAY'S GAMES. Pittsburg nt Boston. Cincinnati nt New York (two gnmos.) Chicago nt Philadelphia. St Louis at Brooklyn. and been turned-over by tho custom houso authorities to tho officers of tho Columbia Yacht club. Tho trophy, which Is to remain hi the possession of tho club for contests on July 4, t and 7, Is u beautiful specimen of work and Is valued iit $7.'J0., ROOT-CARTER FIGHT OPE. Philadelphia, Juno 14. Tho six round boxing contest between "Jack" Root, of Chicago, and "Kid" Carter, of Brooklyn, scheduled for tho Pcnn Athletic club Friday night, did not take place. After tho preliminaries had been disposed of tho management announced that tho box office receipts had been attached for the payment of an old accouii), the sum of $1,100 be ing appropriated by tho Sheriff's olll-cors. Wieatler Frank Davey, who-ls again open for matched, with a new manager, will do but llttlo wrestling whllo the hot weather contlnncs, but he believes that? there will bo much, business for htm when the "wrestling season" ic- luriw. Davey states that he could not stay awny,' tit Hip time ho retired, and ho will now take all the matches ho can get. Davy's record has been a good one while he has wrestled In this section, mid he has many friends among followers and admirers of tho game. It is probable that ho will nlso do a great ileal of work, later, In In- strueting the members of tho West End athletic club In wrestling. Bomo of the bnll playing members of tho Police force say that although they hnvo' "ot yet organized for tiny games this season, they hoc no reason .why tho challenge made by tho clerks fihould not bo accepted, and It Is prob nblo that this will be done shortly. There may be n stipulation In the ar ticles of agreement which will precede the gnmo, however, Hint a forfeit until clcnt to purcluiMi fish l'rys for two teams will bo posted as a, guarantee of good faith. The resultant , llsh fry eeems to bo almost as Important to tho coppors and the clerks as the gamo Itaolf, nnd around the festal board wlir probably ho where tho most of tho hard playing will be done. MISS IIKGKER DEFEASED. IJow York, Juno 14. Mrs. Mnnlco Hcfcntod Miss Hocker In tho semi-finals for tho. metropolitan championship, and , IMIss Hernandez won from Mrs. Shlp pon. Mrs. Manlce.nnd Miss lfcrnnn kloa will piny tho final mnteh today. ALLIANCE- CITY OFFICIALS WON. Alliance, O., Juno 14. An exciting 1 pime of bnsob'nll wn played hero Frl- Hny between tho city oftlclnls and tho Ifnonlfcy of Mount Union college. Flvo Innings wtro played nnd the scoro re sulted 2fl 1o 12 In favor of tho city, ffhft Mnyoi city clork, councllmen.1 jiollcomon nnd firemen were, In tho game. Last year tho faculty defeated Larger and Better Than Ever. Tho above term exactly fits tho lm moved and augmented condition of Gentry Bros. Famous Shows this sen. miii. The permanent consolidation of these exhibitions which hnvo hereto fore traveled Kingly has made tho hirge-H exhibition of tho kind In tho world. Gentry Bros. Shows nro so well known In this community that the simple announcement of their com ing Insures a crowd that will tax tho capacity of their enormous tents to lU'i'oinniodrttc. The combined street parades, this ''season arc twice larger I than before and tho entire Show" will lie reviewed In processional display on the day of exhibition. Owing to tho lncrcnsed -size ot tho famous Gentry Shows tills season, they aro compelled to uso tho largo circus grounds which aro situated at tho cor ner of South Main nnd South streets. Tho dnto of exhibition hero Is Friday, Juno 20. Two performances only, at 2 and 8 p. m. r-p tUMT aa-fl-a MrJ. JOSEPH H. CHOATE. tins will glvo a very elaborate dinner nt their house, In Chesterlliefd Gardens, which Is likely to outrival In luxlur lnnco tho fnmous Bradley-Mnrtln ball. Tho same night Mrs. John W. Mack ay's Carlton Houso Terrace mansion will bo the scene of n big dlnuer while nlso the same night, Reginald Wnrd will give n dinner of eighty coveis. On tho following night tho Ogilvy Hnys will cntcrtnlu. The very bud weather now mark ing the event of Ascot week threatens to mar somewhat themony houso par ties previously arranged. If tho rdln ing the army of tho United States, at the coronation, and his two daughters nro now at, Claridges, but they expect to pay a flying visit to, Paris. Rear Admiral John O. WatBon, rep resenting tho United States navy at the coronation, and bis son, Lteut. E. H. Watson, U. S.N., htve taken tem porary rooms, where tho British navy officials are flocking to pay theft ret spects. Commander W. Sheffield Cowles, the former naval attache of the Unit ed States hero, with his wifo and sister-in-law,,, are occupying a houso In i , .."i I.. vjjj i Vvj f&mSimBSSm till 1 1 'OUR" DUCHESS OF MARLBOROUGH. THE "KID" Is In the offl '-. tio city clergy. OATCriHlt 'UONOIIUJO DEAD. Tnnfiton, Mns., Juno .11. Timothy Donolnio,- n baseball catcher, wlio was under contract with tho Washington 'Amorican Longuo club, dlod at his Jiomo In this city, todny. Ho played Inet year with tho Chicago National tLengne team. THE DATE IS SET. The duto has been sot for the gamo of bnso ball between tho team com posed of newspaper men and the ro inll clerks, Tho duto will bo next Tues day and the place Ruchtel field. Tho tlerks are confident that they will com out winners, but pride ever went before n fall, nnd tho clerks will bo sadder nnd wiser young men when tho gamo lins. boon played. Malinger Fred Beck jwlth, of tho newspaper men's team gets his men out for prnctlco regular ly, nnd claims that they are playing tho gamo lu nil exemplary manner. THIRD GAME POSTPONED. Irfindon, .Tiiiui 14.- Tho continued wet weather has necessitated tho post ponement of tho third and final series for tho American polo cup from pat nrduy, Juno 11, until Monday, .Juno 10. LIPTON CUP ARRIVES. Chicago, Juno 11. The Sir Thomas ILipton cup tins arrived In this city Bad Shape In Western Hospital. Stockton, Cnl, Juno 14. "Kid" La- vlgnc, tho woll-known pugilist, Is at thq Dctontlon hospital, suffering from mortal nborrntlon. Physicians qro doubtful of his recovery. In his rooent light with Britt, Lnvlgno injured his nrm which a fow months previously had been broken, nnd this, it is thought, mny In part bo responsible for Ills con dltlon. leaving cards nt tho residence of America's speclnl onvoy. Mrs. Corcker and her two step daughters, tho Misses Rutherford, hnvo been entertaining at Claridgcs, General John W. Clous has been hohnobbllng wjth Lord Roberts nnd other English army dignitaries, nud venor .Crescent. t The Mackays, Bradley-Martins, Wards, lavlboroughsiand almost, every ouo- 'of London's well known American" "'are nightly seen nt tho apecn, afterwards! Hitting from pne ball to another. Juno L'3 will bo a gala night for the American colony. The Bradley-Mar- will onlyceaso and Juno become It self again, tho gaiety which has taken hoidof thp nation wlll doubtless have a superb outlet at tho fashionable race meeting, In which many Americans have planned to psrtlclpato. Tho distinguished Americans who accompany Whltelaw Reld are at prcs ont scattered all over tho west end, bu,t Juno !23 they will go to tho Buck ingham palaco as guests of the nation, with the exception of Mr, Reld, who, of course, will remain at Brook House. GcueralJamcs n. Wilson, represent- Grosvenor plate. Col. John Biddle, U. S. A., General Wilson' aide, Is already af tho Buck ingham palaco hotel: ' . All the visitors tell' the representa tives of tho Associated Press that they are glad of the chaneo to visit England under such auspicious circumstances. Thoy uro all delighted at the cour tesy exhibited but thoy are all rather mixed up regarding future arrange teaching woro challenged. Again; tho collegiate mercantilism oB tho present time comes to tho surface when vfq sao institutions of learning, of'giorltfus llncojfq nnd Godlike history, getting elenr down on tlielr literary bellies und passing up to sonic nollll cnl montebank or Industrial highway man of the province, who hns piled UU vocntlon with success, n degrco which should bo n passport of honor nnd nt evldenco of lenrnlng, In tho hope that he may become tho patrou and'tho col lege his cringing client Ho may in deed bo so Ignorant that if the mystic lottcrs signifying the glory thus thrust! upon hlra" wero expanded to their full form, he would not know them if ho mot them in the road. Ho may havo corno to his wealth or his position dls- ho'narably. Material success is made, the test of merit, while unojruslva hut Impecunious scholarship remalnd In dim eclipse. And go this invitation of the modern collego Is t& daVe tho doom of Long fellow's legend, aVid to run down the fato Milch befell "TUq cTcrt, tn& scholaB Whom tho lore of petff Tempts from his boots and from his nobler self. It is but cbjiple truth to say that manhood and not mammon wai tho quest of the college of my time. It will be asked, 'uld ergo, Ifl will bo safd. what relevancy has al this to the feeble band of survivors of the 18 men, who thirty years n go went forth from the portals of the Western Reserve College, clothed In tho mailed gnrb of her discipline, nnd with her choicest benediction resting upon us, to do, to dnre nnd to bear upon the then opening field of manly adventure. We have returned, not in deed on our chiseled shleld.8, and, 1 fear, not with them tp any great (xl tent. But my talk hhs, t hope, this significance no more: If the class of 1872 has not won greatness, or even notoriety, It may still claim ewne of. tho humbler nnd negative virtues. It has stood, and Its rcmunnts yet stand, as In some sort the off$prih!'g and ex ponent of tho small college, owing whatever It mny have done in tjio world to the self-respecting Efforts of its members, and to the Inestlrpafiload varjtago "of havltips. n scholarship moulded and chastened and quicken ed by dally contact with those men who In our tihlo kept nllve Its sacred fires, each of whom without dispar agement to any was tho "Integer vltao" of the ancient verse, in a senso Infinitely higher und grander that It ever entered Into the heart of Horace to conceive. Wo come back tonight, as near as we. can to the old time and the old placo, bringing with us no wealth of famo or fortune, with no great or notorious names, ansAveflng to no re sounding titles, b'carlng With us no sheaves of noisy glory. We aro not even possessed of what John Ran dolph called "the talent for turbu lence." ' . ' Wo point, instead, to a quiet recoTd of the nearest duty each day done, of labor honestly performed irV the sev eral fields wherein we hate been call ed to Strive. Ve have tried to be.loyal to tp per. pctual injunction ofoji'r cherishing mother to tip JIEN, aJhtl for wileS ive arc" here tonight tSjtj&r witness to out oibldipg ratifude to bei Loyal to her cxamftle; testifying to Undoubted allegiance to her- $fljpt lrjgs; counting them eyen attfojwr present inaterlal and scholastic pros perity In which wo also reiolce-wo oring to ner in ner new ana jargeq have received. Within a. fow days order will doubt less come out of the present c4iaos. tho old walls and the nnclent shade, but to tho richer and larger abldlng placo of our literary mother, not un mindful, I trust, of tho nmplcr field for usefulness which tills abounding prosperity suggests, and welcoming nil tho ndded congmltics of colle'go life, standing, as It wero, in tho midst of a scholastic posterity, may, w,Ith no sense of impropriety, I am sure, Inquire whether in nil tilings' tho new llfo Is better than the old; whether thp chnrncler moulded in tho opulent uni versity is nny moro rugged,, or makes uioro for humanity nnd the world, tlfnn that which in tho old tlmo was formed In tho collego whoso not Inconsider able bndgo of grcntness was Its honor ablo but solf-rjjllant ppvcrt'y. I nsk your enfnest aud thoughtful attention to an artlcte In the Mny num ber of tho Forum maiajjlne, entitled "Tho Dcgrndatlon of tho "Professorial Oftlco." Its author Is ft1 distinguished aiumnus of tho WosJJerjn Reserve Col- THE COLLEGE OF THE PAST AND PRESENT. (Continued from second page.) lege, of repute for learnlug nnd for usefulness, nnd his plea ought to bo hoard. His, prolqst ngft'lnst tho itivn-' slo'n of collego Ideals by the rifb spirit of commercialism, Is thq more pathet ic for Its patent truthfulness. To those ot us who are properly imludful of tho mdrnl heights trpd by'.'tha .collego of tho former lime, li'ntl hio part played in our country's hlstory.'by tho alumni of such, the nppeul strikes homo with profound force. It Is Indeed but a new alignment of tho old battle: "Tho Scholar and tho world! Tho endless strife, Tho discord In the hurmpnlesjjf life! Tho lo of learning, tluj, sequestered U.Q0U9, , .v . .And all tho sweet serenity of books: The market-place, tlio eager lovo of gain, Whoso aim Is vanity and whose end fs pnlnt" In tho pW, when tho spirit of schol. arehlp has surrendered, to tho lovo of gain, it fins been disastrous to tho moral or material force ljebjnd it to scholar nnd pot well for the woria. enforce its (Iccree, our country woum In tho surae number of the samo iiuvo lost the heroic and devoted "ser- periodical is a paper in which the co- vice of thousands of men who havo lcglatc conditions of our country arc nlilv dismissed, nnd In which It is said that "tlicro aro colleges which srfo'ulH die," and that "the presence of tho poor collego la a weakness to the whole collego system." By this seems to bo mennt that for the future tho destruction of tho poor college, li;e that of the poor man in tho Scripture, Is to bo Its poverty. Without, stopping to Inqulro how far trust mctiiodn hnvo penetrntcd colle giate .walls, bo that the smnller Indus tries In tlio knowledge, discipline, cul ture and character way shall no longer bo allowed to competo .with those within the moro favored lines of .nf Uucnee, bpt like "the Chinese, mubt go," it Is to be said that If such a re script had been sent forth three- mixed up regarding lurure arrange- "- , . - -a . -j-; menta and are rather aghast at the - 'tbo laureled TOt3of our filfaj ..-,-t. -. iu-in- .htnh I affection, trusting that, renewed b"a succeeding gcquniuajja ui gcuojuia unu icn, as thc .eha'lfa'tan ther lltrarji nmorM an'a taift out cla'ee'a da tfio .flein oi human ed5avor IX ffiayf ifio tW fled i'mdrnuth, Up t?atB'cfl1Si ifie luucies Krceu or lmiHotuiiiiy. NeIo."n'f batfje" Signal ajt Tjrafalgan was wrlt'teU oh Uio stafiijifd vhicnS (o oyr academic dfV$, tij 1 ftese'rvo College kept steadily before Thlg followed, and cpHserquences wero to be to us a o'ur shadows or JBb wall. TJiJs ob'eyed, and fame anol foii tune, "tile apJfluse oi listentnf sen ates," deeds calfed heroic and ptrpotu aed by shaft or l,borea dftmo fo statues wrought by tho cunniQg ohlj ot the sculptor into tub cyntt$ielt of) breathing llfe all wero to, ba r& us matters of a wUe tnalttefelic. mB fieen its hope and ita stay, who.havp defended itj with arms, who liavo ljon ored and glorified it in civil life, and In the socd-lilot enriched by whoso self-sacrificing labors tlio great uni versities of todiy have been planted. Another symptom of th6 com mercial trand of the college of this time is to bfe marked upon. Wo see nidh of probity and ability turned out of faculties becauso their teachings do not square with the offended busi ness Interest o? soVrio influential pa tron. An abjjet surrender Is demand ed. Tho head-of tljajOffender Is called for, and it Is brought in a charger. It would not baVo'tieon done in the college of a generation ago. That col lege miy hay-o been poor in parte;, it had no poverty of spirit when its Jnde. quarters of a century ago, with tho pendence of thinking and fidelity, in "ic it oeMjues not, nje to, s this preep Tift's fleen Mfy of qs wnd'liavo jjono doff) THE OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVES. of llfS'sMttJc, have (SjleSUx.Cp n.cs3 of-Hfy. ,The dejirje'd "iHTCHSSSBqia na, wiw c0J faithfuTfo it !avi bSCn cloTieJ t tfitftoif -J fA.-si' i would have teemed strange Indeed. Munificent endowments, massive buildings, libraries "rich with the spoil' of Mine," largo faculties, mailo up of. acute nnd excellent men, nppllnnces fitted to grnpple with every condition nnd to solve all problems, nil these, nnd much mow to the same purposo, aro tho splendid equipment of the unl- versify of the dawning century, ho-' Moved In lavish profusion; nnd thoy enlnrgo nnd amplify nnd emphasize nnd niiikn effectual that which the humbler college of our day to the ineas. uro of Its ability professed and under took Hi n smnller way to secure. Tlio drowsy air of the cloister Is now moro profoundly Hllrml by the busy hum of the nearby hives of Industry,, I and tho pdof of hooks has hecomo. redolent of the market. Now, as then, tho student, by precept, anil example, Is exhorted and eiicour iiKCd to ncqulrp knowledge, to become subject to mental and moral discipline. to tnko on culture, nnd t" devote to) Hfo's best purposes the resultant, tho eniminniiou, mo outgrowth nnd lmr-1 vest-gathering of theho, 'namely a ro btiRt and symmetrical character, AVo who come hack not indeed to ' Hi hi " - ii i . - . ',l'1' ' "mm jM .VU1TELAWBE1D,'4 ' t - t jflAPT. CLARK, OF THE,OH.E30N. WILSON. J i m i. JA--&kz. . .! V . j- ' x.? j,,- 'i v ,'Wki '"ill!,': &b IA&, K- ; i' i.'-i.niniWH v " ' ' -''. '"" "V-- n v Hltfl'''' "" rrsfr i il.rtii i rt,,, t tir-ALiiLj r ,.ffJMJt)'-!'--.''-a-;- -Ij., '-'., -. M hlf . -JWtaVtJifel