Newspaper Page Text
,' .5 i I if ' i 15 c, M pi VttiAfrt TUtX 4, 11)02. fc MMMmJZtU'1W.- Biliousness, sour "'itnmach, consllpa. T Hon ana oil llverU's oro cured by Hood's PHIm w3? nop-lrrllntlnit cMlmrtlc. Trice 2? Cents of All drueRlst or by mall of I C.I. Hood 4 Co,, Lowell, Mass. MJM' 1 Combination , idebaards Of course these are onlv two jjof $ie hjany )!$'' ojt furai- turo -W& carry,' .bub wo 're going to Jta'lk about these two in 'parfcidular, ' booause t we've" 'gob s'u'oh a fc v Large . . Assortment of Both. The most beautiful designs we've .eyer showjti and pripes , fare muoh lower thiin-you'll 'have to pay before long. EllRN rt 182 S. Main St y CLAIM DISTRICT ' IS TOO SMALL Some of tho citizens in the district that will be taxed td build the Fnlor st"1. bridge are petitioning the City Comrafssloners1' to moke .the district larger. Thoy claim vthat the bridge will be of special benefit to more por eons than arc included In the district. which Is bounded as follows: On tho east by High St.; on the west by the corporation Hnejt.on tbe'north by Ex ohangjj st.',andy,oVtte,1soutb,-by Ce ttar st. , WHAT CAUSES HEADACHE; xbaijsted. aneUrriWbJp.conditlons -of the NeTvoos" System produce Head aches. The cure Is to restore the ac tion of the. nerves to their normal con dtton and give the heart u tonic. Clinic Headache Wafers,.nre just this quce; they actph'the Nerves and are1 a tonic to the heart. Absolutely harmless. 10 cents all druggists. The Same Old Story. J. A. Kelly relates anjexpejjtence slrtJr Uar to that which he happened in al most every neigfapritfjo'dln th.'e United States and has bee'n.told and re-told by thousands of others.';. Her gays: "East summer I had an attsck of dysentery and purchased a bottle of Chamber Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used according to dlrectlqhsand with entirely satisfac tory resujtsv Th rouble was Con trolled much qulskei; than former', at tacks when t us'e'd'-'Wef'1 remedies." Mr. Kelly is a well k"nown"cltlzen of Henderson, N. C. For sale by all drug gists. E. btelnbncher & Co., wholesale agents. , ssss V'' ApN DAHiif DIOMOURA HfcbeSSSK piglitTs On In the Big Steel trust. Perkins' Plan to Retire Bonds Has Caused It. New York, .Tiil'3-Un"lM tho combl. nation of inq which mndo' It possible t for coniradn folk' to contemplata the possibility of a billion dollars' in one enterprise do vclopfl am6ng lta riutnbt-rs tomo ono wltl a special gonitis for harmony, tho United States 'Stool Corpotutlon may be split Into two hair billions. ' Magnates nrdarcady at iayed against magnates. Agid flrtabclcrs no longer ago than on Saturday eppke with some .sftpwjr anger,, r.rdln.-:thovfdo'. nnu pounaeci tno directors table In the' board room of tbetecl tr;ist. At tlto meeting wjilch win beheld this week thero will be some more plain talklug, and probably moro slinking of Angers, for the htad of the committee to finance n bllllbn dollar echemo: that, In falling to dud a ntarhod to pacify tho stockholders who objected to tho retirement of ?200,000,000 of preferred JSjTS&SZ We have certain work to do for our needs, nnd that Is to be done strenu--ously; other work to do for our de light, nnd that to be done heartily; neither is It to bo done by halves ar Bhlfts, but with a wWj'aiidjwhot'li' not worth this effort ll'not-to the "done at all. Ituskln, daMMMUTL tisr w mi BHH9rr ' J&KtUHm f iu m M Wf$ti&Y- nRWwi fffxk I . X ' ?F i ? f - r Mil i$Mi$?i I aAivv. . x5k.:k )Wmmmmmmmtv iivmi $&?jC -kmmW'u y '-V : " xgygpr v . MR. PERKINS' HOME. ' 1 PlmKEI lmmmmmmmmWl mmWmWm WmLWm$4m Yi?JlmmmmmmWh ' '"' -'I fKmmmW$ty XH mmWwmmm - vfl rffrt- -rn nini rr"" Mi AMUSEMENTS stock he was not resourooful,, and that Already tho cable wires have carried to J. Plerr)ont Morgan some very pointed sentences in vigorous English bearing on the situation. The row Is over George W. Perkins, chairman of the Finance Committee of the Steel Corporation, and the imme diate and confidential flnsAftial lieuten ant of Mr. Morgan. If the pounding of the board room table and the shaking of thrembling lingers among the directors of the trust should continue, Ancftew Carne gie and Henry Fhlpps will be found arrayed against- ,, IMerpont Morgan and Mr. Perkins. As a result of things that have hap penedthe bond gchpni'c, the suits at law, tho Injunction procijedlngs in Xew Jersey, the open letters pf criticism and tho .imbJIcatiortt'of the ll9t-)f share holders In the giant,- corporation iti charced that Goorrfe Wi Perkins has not given ovldence.'of tthat 'vWse conv servatlsm which was ctedited to him when ho was named by Mr. Morgan by permitting the world at largo to look upon the list'of men who actually own the billion dollar industrial1 corpor-' ation, and to seeet 'opp'c-slttV thefr names th,e exact number of shares of prdfferred and common' stbekto wlilch they nre credited on the great books and their income, he did 'enough to make every man on the list, angry clear t,hfou,gh, ' ' h '' .. , What the .dlrectprs will 'dp o,bout it is yet to bo decided," It is known definitely that the vast Interests ofCarnegle and his associates nre not-wtlllng p enghgcki n fight, nnd thst Andrew Carnosiol'tbough absent In Europe, wll not hesitate to tflke a hand. Ho Is potential, he Is aggressive. Ho has fi.ald that he would not, and never did,' conduct his business as the steel trust has been conducted. Those wlio nre of his financial and Industrial) crowd the Pennsylvania Iron und steel men are prepared to Indorse Carnegie's stand. A plan of action will be determined upon this week. The Carnegie interest will bo represented fcy five men, and tho shrewd Scotchman himself will no doubt have his own views on a cable blank1 before his friends so that they may read them. The open letter of .Tohn Trebane to Chairman Perkins, of the Steel Trust's Financial committee, in which the' methods of thp committee nre characterized as "schemes," will be considered, 'nncPwhen the fight comes it made an issue. In the meantime George W. Perkins Is absolutely1 unperturbed. He knows nil about the row that'ea-biewlng. He knows his friends, nnd ho knows those who are unfriendly. Like Carnegie, he is prepared to meet the Issue when th timo comes. If the directors' table is t6 be pound, ed ho has a strong arm and a god fist, and it will make It resound when his turn comes. If directors rise In their places the better to accentuate their words his ilx feet of stature will be beh'ind his chair on the Morgan side of,the table. And when the. question Is directly put, "Why was pomethlng not done to prevent the public knowing the exact holdings of the stockholders?" Mr. Ter, kins Is prepared to make a reply that MB. PERKINS IN A CHARACTER '''isTIO ATTITUPE.. Irene Will. Run tfie Paper For Her Mother will nci,doubt,astonlsh more than one dr"e?torr The authenticity cf the situation as printed 4bovo ls vouched for by at least two men who are In position tq know. ,IJut'not one man among the directors' lyould talk on .the subject it is a fight that should be confined to the board rmn. Details will be guarded.. If they becom? public all the directors will regret it. But the, flglt is coming, unless a special geiilns f6r harmonizing differ ences should appear. And it can be said that the rplrlt is such among the directors that not one Is looking for" the genius. Old Time Celebration OF THE Fourth at Summit Lake iiirdr IVaHM Similar to those of our grandfathers, There will be a full program of the old.-time races, including a pie-eating contest, climbing a slippery pole, greased pig,, wheelbarrow race, foot race, boat race and other races. There will be-base ball games both morning and afternoon. In the Theatre there is an especially strong bill, and there will be sev eral special matinees during the day, and the regular evening per formance. A big list of firework will be added to the other attrac tions, ajid there will be something for one and all, young and old to enjoy. Hundreds have prepared to go early and enjoy the day, taking their, dinners along. Ample shelter in case of storm. Good Car Service Day and Night loo tWWmmMWMJLMMMMilMMAM.flAIMJlMlil& ro- i UJJH 94 imaa. m Lakeside Park J u I y 4th Grand up-to-date celebration- Mammoth bill of outdoor amusements. Don't miss the Launch Race at 4 P.M. 2 special matinee performances. Secure seats early for both matinees. Barlow's Minstrels... Dancing afternoon and evening, large orchestra. Grand pyxotechnical. illumination and fireworks display never before equalled, at 1,0 p. m. Spend the Day at LAKESIDE PARK. rrrrrrmjfrjrrrrmjrrrrjrrrrrrrrrrm: 5 ft A-' taXJL 7wW5 EALTH The jreneral health of a woman Is inseparably re. latcd to the local womanly health. When the deli cate womanly orgsniim Js diseased, the bodyilftt' plumpness, the cheeks lose' their rose, oncl u netvoua and fretful condition be comes habitual. Thousands of sick women who have been cured of diseases peculiar to the ses by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion have testified to the restoration of the general health when the local dis ease was cured. '""Favorite Prescription" establishes regularity, dries unhealthy drains', heals in flammation and ulceration and cure3 female weakness, I uied lour bcittltl of Favor Ite Prescription' and one o( 1 Golden Medical Diicovery,' "write. Mrs HI wcr D. Siif arer, of Mountnop?, Ijnc.Jtci- Co , Fa,, "and can say tliat I am evred of that dread. ed dljease, uterine trouble. Ant in better health than ever ketare. ftvervone whn knnwi t.n ' ."-"-.-.' t"-w - .: ..v"- ... ... ell. In June, when r in health that at 'an andlTtrrrt mv let. .' . . . . ... . " 1." . . - "'J - ter ana 101a rne vrnat to no. I tpiiowed your ,, (.-advice. ud lo-day am tUrtd. Melt everybody lbtX with Ood'a help Or.Plefce't sredlctnea cured me. Jf theie few oro are 'of any uieto yoii. you are welcome to uie thent. They mlglit J oelpomeoth"f poor auffenng woman." S - Dr. Piercd's Common Sense Medical Adviser, ioo3 large pages, in paper cov- vt'-u 9r' J,nt Sree on receipt of one- ,.;K" cent, stamps, to pay estpensc of 'mailing .inly. AHdresa Dr. R,,y. fierce, Buf. Kver'one who knows me ) aurpntra to tee me loot u wen . I wrote to you, I tm io 1 times I could sot walW. T". ift 0-OOC'-e i : ... ? )b (Ol Ba 4 WiDHBO tm ar I I C M PIT ELECTRIC PARK! On shores of historic Lake Brady. Without t doubt the finest all-around place in Northern unio. &o sijuuu w aoiiuay. $uu,uuu puij into improvements this season. Mnmuroneclc, N. V., July a.-Mls? Irene Hpath, whose motijeiAn oiTost- .w uu u cnarge or criminal. be, pre ferred by n school teaplierof Mnmar oneck, will conduct her mooter's paper, The Democrat, whife ImT Heath Is Id court. . '', e yi Exnerienrn K-cni n dnf"Brlirinl lVnt (fools will learn Jn no otber1, 4nd scarce In that, Franklin. 1 i 1 Fine Theatre, Boating, Bathing, Dancing, Miniature Railway, Bail Grounds. (I SILVER LAKE mi And, in fact; everything, BRING YOU FAM ILY and enjoy a day's outing. SPECIAL RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. Akron, Kent & Kavenna St. Cnr line direct to grounds, Also on Erie railroad. F A oo$om0$$$Mooo$rfr$ Strictly Temperance. - ': ' " NUrANUtU? i i I Investigate this Idea. - ' ! 4 . evwvewVTeewvww" It's, of Interest tp.anyone who wears trousers and tyants fttm to fit. Hiey go well with belts, negligee phlrts, BUmmer nocUwea'r. etc. By the way, have you seen our new Negligee Shirts? i. s, ivive:r & co RELIABLE OLOTHIEHS, HATTERS AND and J20' 3. IVIa lie FURNISHERS. In 3-fc $$ , o 2 BALL GAMES O 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Two Akron League Teams An Old-Fashioned Dance From 0 a.m. to 1 p.m. For the pleasure of thoso not dancing modern dancec. Music: Harvey Greene's orchestra. Regular dancing 1 to 5 and 7:30 to 11. Music by the Silver Lake Orchestra. Admission: r.ach danco session, Mc pev couple; extra ladles, 10c each. Sports Boating, bathing, steamooatlng, electric launch, merry-go-round, bowling alleys, billirrd ball and toboggan riding, fire works. Enjoy T a ride on thp miniature 'f team railroad. Good street car srrlc from Ravenna, Kent, Cuyahoga Falls, Akron, Barberton, Canton, f M'ord "a c'"" THE SILVER LAKE PARK GO. 0 $ Ft A QFlRAt 1 BUCTHEL GROUNDS 0-li3lLOJIIit- July 4 and 5th CITY LEAOUE 4th of July, 10 n. in. 4th of July, 8 p. m. Niagaras vs. Kirkwood North Ends vs. Soutb Ends July 5th 8 p. m. Niagaras vs. South Ends. Poisoning the System. It is throujh the bowejs that tho body la cleansed of Impurities. ConsU. patlon keeps these poisons In tne eys tem, causing headache, dullness and mclanpholla at first, then unsightly eruptions and finally serious Illness unless a remedy Is applied. DeWltt's Little Early Risers prevent this trjsu ble by Btimulating the liver and pro mote easy, healthy action of the bow els. These little pills do not act vlo Jently but by strengthening the bow els enable them to perform their onn work. Never gripe or distress, Win. Warner, Gem Pharmacy, Hi South Howard st. " " It Is a good divine that follows kfc own Instructions. Shakespear. J tJ m U 1 v :l t 11 H II M V mnbrTasftiP7! AW1 t - a i'l "fix iUQ k '1 .Mi,- . lV, ,it. I -i