Newspaper Page Text
w FRIDAY, JULY 4,1007. " tfi, l 4 i Mr g- t I J t W h ft ILt Itir T u JV2."E WANTED-ILE HELP, .. . fa.... ..X j " '1 j'.t T'A l. -rrrt-: XO BOOKBINDERSMVANTED- Plain rulers. Thoa S. McKm Co,, Cqn Seneca' and Franklin. 8tft.. Clnvo- ttinth o. , 02-64 r . i in -i' i- .WANTED-Flrst class carpenters nt once. ' Appty'Coloriial'Salt'Co. 02 04 jSVANTjBDr-Two experienced carrlogo "blacksmith helpers. Apply at ColJIns . ' citf WANTED-FEMALE ' ' ' - HELP JJVANTED-Good girl for light laundry work, experience not required. Th Akron Laundry. (Jo., lyi-lOJ South High street. , . . "' 0305 DAtIES-to learn halfdressliig, rnnni. j curing and facial massage. ,A $85 cQurso free. Wrlto today. Mojer "Collloge, Chicago, III. FOR RENT HOUSES. FOB RENT-4 room house 4l2 Bell fit. - "Far sale 22 acres- clovei' and timothy hay, standing. Six miles enst of Ak- ion. Also for sale n 30 aero farm, nil ' In cultivation, six miles enst of Ak yon. Inqulio J. Prusa, menchant tailor, ,142 South High st. G3 O-t, FOR RENT-Modern 8 room house, 200V6 N. Valley st.. $20. Edwin Wag "ner, Evere'ti'buildlnB. " 33-tl FOR RENT ROOMS, FOB RENT Desk room, second floor, light, heat and telephono service. In quire roob 2, Abbey block.1' 55tf FOR BENT Furnished room in,a-pri-' vntxj fnmlfy, suitable-fo.r. two, with or Without bonrd, 110 James St. , - , k . t 01-00 FOR BENT A Imber shop and bath "tooms. Enquiie at 1057" S. 'Main' A Cor. 'Iron st. ' 02-04 FOR BENT A suite of nicely fur nlshcd rooms for light housekeeping. Three minutes.' walk from Howard; "Calf at 105 Lndd at. 00-65' W I I I I ' !'-' . ! FOB BENT Threft roorasi centrally located. Inquire loom 48, Central building. r 03 tf FOR SALE MISjCELLANEOyS. .FOB J5ALE TuiBlnc Mntor Wheel, With" 12 ft., of 2i'ln.sliaf ting and pull6yr never been', uspd; will sell chcop. Enquire In -evening at 513 W. Market st. - . 5-S0 FOB SALE Che'ap, foad wagon, new bike buggy,' blko sulky;fG25 Mill ot. ' ' t ,00 01-0.1 FOE SALE AutompblleoriTi-ill trade ,for, city lot. , jPeoples phduc 51S. -i 02-Wv FOR. jSALBr-Fresh 'w ' K'nd calf in 'qnlre!ht 112 Hhiman st., neafGram Grant 'street: 03 03 r FOB.'SALp-Ladies' f tbicyclet." new, never used. Price n-very low. Chll 213 Spicer st. G3-CS FOB SALBr-Sx,vj:ry.fino English coach puppies; six weeks old nnd cat anything. If you want one call on Blch, the horeeshoer. 01-06. FOB SALE One-horse lumber wagon with top box, spring seat, and both body and gear Crake, only $42.50. Delivery wagons with biake, $55. A nunfber of" second-bajid. vehicles newly , repaired and painted. Col lins Buggy Co. 01-G5 FOB SALE Lady's bicycle. Good condition, cb,fehp for cash. Call nt 103 AVHIs nve., in evening or tele phone 1158 People's. 57-tf LOST LOST Small purse contnlning $6.00, Between AVooster,-av. nnd Goodrich Co. tinder learnt M.'O'Neil's of flee. 01-03 LOST Horseshoe pin,, with setting; reward If returned to M. O'Nlel & Co. office. . 03-05 LOST A goldstIck pin In fofro ''of an anchor set with peails. Bewaid if left withjG.. A- Kempel.fc po.,,212-214 S. MainSt ;-;-. - 03-05 LOST A five dollar bill"; finder wilfbe liberally lev, aided If i(the bill is re turned to the Dcmocra!offce. WANTED MISCEL'UNEOUS. THE DBY GLOVE CLEANER is the best prepniatlon yet discovoied for cleaning uld Gloes. For sale only by tis, in the Glovo Dept., which is tho most complete depaitmer.t In the State df Ohio'. 'Price 15c. Dague Bros. & Co, MEN-iOur catalogue explains how we teacti barber tiade in eight weeks, mailed freej Moler Barber College, Chicago, 111. .MISCELLANEOUS. THE DICKSON TRANSFER CO. Coal, ..ti'ausfor- nndj.llveiy. Packing, mpVfng&ndBtoring of goods, coaches, coujies nndt'carHages for fu nerals, weddlngsparBerf and callings. Offices Nos.'l23-12rf Carroll st Tel. 300. No. 110 N. High st. Tel. 428. 2 i ' HliMMEL'SHAQItLINE. ' Hacks leae Barberton 0 30 a. m'., and 4:45 p. ra. , J.eav Doylestown S n. m. nnd 3 p. m. '. SPECIAL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT; ATTENTION. T" PACKING AND STOBING-We pack nnd-Btor'cPfurnlture, Krntz Furniture Store, 140 S. Howard bX. Phono 042. (irTJhe fenii; , Mutual jLlfo isuraipe 4ompnny Usuo the best -contract 'at lowest j-ntes. , , ,3VI JOHN O: BLiOOMFlfiLb' Agt SchumachM BlocJca !'-" Tej. ei5. V"" ....) , FOlfNO rpir I FOUND-Tho best place, to borrow money privately dh furniture, with out removal; cssy 'terms, N, it. Berk, 103 8. Howard, both phones, 1 tc FOR 8ALE-REAL ESTATE. JONES' REAL ESTATE NEWS-Wo have 'a- now seven room ' house, built convenient for iwo families, now renting for $14 per month, which you can buy for $1300, on cash payment $150 and balance at $14 per month. Why not buy a property like this and let tho rental finish pnyru'ent, Instead of letting your money lay In tho bank? Wo also have a 0 room bouse, now rent- 'Jng for $12 per month, which we' will sell for $1200,oh'a ncash payment of $200 "and balance ou ihortthly pay talents. This 1.4 a central' property, and n decided bargain. A sure 12 per cent investment. (Jomo and see Us about these places. Offlee open Satmday evening. O. H. & S. E. Jones, Central building. People's " pho'no 452. 27 tf 4 FOR SALE PnrkhlU & Sharp, 180 S. Main. Pco, phone 1113-2 rings. Rockwell st.) 0 rooths, modern, pnved St., bargain. $1400, only $100 down. ' Homo St., neap. WOOster, 0 rooms, ,ncw house, lot 40x130, $1250. Ackley st., 0 ioonn, new, $023. 22 acres, 7 room, lxjusp, barn, or- chaid, gqod water, Uqtwcon Akrbn and Cuyahoga Falls. only$1850. 50 acres, near Newton Falls, $1160,-. , 50-tf FOR SALE Two building lots near Jtho new Miller school and, Fourth , Church or Christ- A bargain. Ad ' dress, Real Estate care Democrat. FOR SALE By Henry Holtz., room 2, Abbey, 120 South Malh st. " 1220 S. Main, tf rooms, $2500. This is the cheapest andbest business lo cation In Soutti Akron. Seo this place. 102 Bnrder nve 0 rooms, new, $l600. -130 Newton st., 6 rooms, easy, $1400. 205 Harvard, 8 rooms, new, strictly 'modern, Immediate possession. 101 Fifth nvp , 0 rooms, $1000. Lots on Shnefer st., choice, $325. Lots on W. Crosier (St., $200 up. S. Bnyraond, nenr Btfwcry, lof$30Q. N. Raymond, lot, new barn, $350. 2 lots in Point Lookout, $150 each. , Farms of 5, 10, 30, 40, 55, 03 and 10T acres- for sale or traue. Open Saturday evenings. 50-tf FOB SALE 25 nice lots in the Stefn er allotment on Charles, Mo ire, An dres nnd Sterling sts., from $200 to $250 each. L. H. Horner, GOS W. Thornton st Tco. lihone 225. '' 0365 FOR SALE-By J. L Bachtel, 18S S, Howard St.. phone 722. U' 11 r.obm's, bath, furnace, lairndryln jfnet (everything nouern, witn, oarn, Peruins st.. conumo uargaia ?mi. WIJ1 take smnlleV submban popeytj: In loscnange, Good 7 room houses Wolf st with large lots, $1350 and $1450. White City house. 5 nnd 6 rooms, slnte roof. $120P to $1450- - 302;sAndrus St., 5 rojmS, slate roof, natural- wood finish, open ntairs, bar gain, $1200, easy terms. to Largo 7 room, house Cor. Waslilng ton 'ftnd McCoy lot room for other houses, close to shops, sure 12 per cent. Investment at $1200, worth $1600. FOR SALE Largest, nicest building lots In South Akion, shade nnd fiult tiees, room for two houses on one lot, within five minutes' nlk from hew Webster, Camp & Lane Co. Pi ice $350 to $450,on easy payments. Will build "a house to suit and give reasonnblo terms to parties who ha,o n small cash pnymcnf and ho are 'determined to pay for n home. I have two 8 room houses for sale cheaji; possession given at once. L. II. Horner, 008 West Thornton st. People's phono 225, 03 05 FbR SALE House, and lot, 135 nnd i35 Glenwood me. All kinds of fiult, city water and cistern. Inquire pp premises. 68-0S FOB SALE Nice houso on Lake St, barn, good well, near Webster, Camp & Lane shop. "This is a 'flue property nt- $1700' no liss), Seo It soon, ns property in that locntloh Is growing ruoro voidable" dolly. That place on Jackson st, nenr Wooster nVe. 'car line, Is a, nlcfe bar gain. ''"''"). Properties bo'ugfit and said. Money loaned to Uelrl purchaseis. P. P. Bock & Co. 02 tf FOB SALE By Chas, Esselburn: Fine, brand new 0 loom house, 730 Home st., close to Wooster nve., a fine bargain f6r somebody, only $1700. Be sure to see this soon. 151 Crosby st 7 rqoros, cheap, fur- nnce, gas, etc., prlco only ?1805. 547 W. Market, 8 rooms, n)l Improve- mentsnnd barn, pilco only $3750. 712 E. Buchtel ave., brantj new 7 rooip nouse, mo nenjest noroo you over saw for $2500," Vry best hardwood fln!8h,,etc. Jus.t take, a look at this. M-tf ofc-c -- T 1 1,),, li . FOB SALE Qur Exchange st, homo; all modej-n,, conveniences. For pattlc ulars enquiie at office of Architect Henry, 413 E. Market, or nt 520 E, Ejchange st, , 01-80 : " ' T-rj FOR SALE Five ncrea of lahd, 1 two room house, 2 flve'roora Rouses and 1 nine room house, wRh furnace, all kinds of fruit; fine location, 20 m(n. walk from P. O. $0500; worth $0000. Pnrkhlll & Sharp, S. Mn4p st, city. ? Telephone 55 P. T. MoGourt FOR FINEST Coaohes in the' City. On call ot all times. mdl Line qt Liyry. All cushion tires. ,Largesf moving yapp4n Ihe city, Best of ?r?ljpe guar nntecd. Prices reasonable. Botb phones. d .. ... 3F MONEY JO L?AN on REAL K8TATH 100 i $000 $206 , $700 $300 ' . . $800 $400 " ' $000 $500 $1000 HrtlO & CdaUjs, '314 Everett bldg, Tel. Peoplo's 377 4, . ptf $10,000 to loan (p sum's to suit, nt lowest rates, O. AYVGrMley, 4,(3 Con tml bulldlhg. Phono MO. 03 tf Money to Loan ON Household Croods. J , , Fiajios, Organs, Horsefe, Carriages, Wagons, Farming Implements and Live Stook at Lowest Rates And on caster terms than any .other place In tho city. If jou owe a nuiiujer of small debts and wish to pay 4 them all off, call .nt my office and I will loan you the money and you can pay It back In small monthly 'payments, and your business transactions with Us will be strictly confidential. All property to reniain In your possession. I can loan you money cheaper and give you more time tnan you win get elsewhere. Loans made saroo day they aro applied for. If you nro unable to call at office, wrlto or phone. Office opTjn every evening until 8 O'clock. Phono numbers: Bell 700 Peo., 774 L:' 6. Miller, RoonrM, Aroade Blook Textile Mfg. Co. 'Awnings and Tents Horse,- Wagon and Floor- Covers Gymnasium Mats and Ropes A'nythlng made from Canvas.'.by hand or machine. People's phones Business hours No. 737; any other time, No. 095. 135 Soutn Main St. CLOTHES FRESSmC. Akron Clothes & Pressing Co, Regular Prloe. Full suits, sponged and pressed. .75c 0ercoats, jspqnged and pressed, .50c Pants, sponged and prossed -25c Clcaning-tbuslness suits $200 FontR' cleaned. .-. 75c Gbflds called for and delivered to auy part of the city. 'Mall orders giv en piompt attention. People's phono 754; Bell 2801 green. 310 East Mill st. ' ELECTRICAL. ' H. O, DAVIS - General Bleotrioiaa House Wiring and Repair Work. 107 on the VIADUCT BRUSHES AND.BROQMS. CASPER ZINTBL Manufncturer ot all kind ot Bra.atk Orders promptly atteadod to. 155 South Main St. Akron O. TITA TVTrnTTlT AgentB ., -' -- where to, nail our $1,000 combination ACCIDENT Polloy, something entirely new and original with talt Company. Costs but i 14 per annum, payable quarterly. All 1 oooupatloni aoeeptud an "preferred" I risks, and nil accidents oovered. Liber- 1 ai contracts to goon men. Address NATIONAL ACCIDENT HOOIKTY, SstablUbed 1685. 8.-0 Broadway. N. V. There is scarcely any eandltlon of 111 health that Is not benetlted by tho occasional use ola U.I.P.A.N.B Tubule. Korsalp b) Drug Elsts. Tho Fle-Cent packet Is enough for an ordinary ocoaslon. The family bottle, W cents, contains a,supply for a year. Investors, Attention! 40,000 SS Mining and Milling Oo.'s stock for sal cheap.v This is one of the best stocks in Eastern Oregon, the mine being located between the famous Red Boy and May Queen. For terms, etc., Avrjte to E. O. F. P. Box, 2 52, Dubuque, la. sMsiBtBHsmjuivwaiBinMnH Money to Loan I Tn anv Amniinf at Prevailing , R&tes. . Bruner- ! Goodhue N -1 - Cooke" Co. Read the Democrat tc jip-r MONEY TO LOAN. -.RAOfcbifo TIltiB TABLBS TUB NORTHERN OHIO R. It. Depot North Main St. Dcpart--No, 1.. , ifluTO urn Depart No, 11 , 4.30 pra Arrive No. 2 4.00 pm Atrlvo 'No."12 12.05 pm LAKE .ERIE & WESTERN R. R. Northern Ohio Division. .Depot North Main 'fit. No.KLt a-SOnm, No.,11 LV4"iO pm I'd. Ko.2 Ar4.oo pirtNol2 Ar 12.05pm local AH dally except Sunday. NORTHERN OHIO TRACTION CO, 'A. B. C. Division CTS !ave' tho waiting r6om. Hamll ton muring, for Cleveland, at r,,40 '. a.' m, 6.40 r. m. nntj every half hour to 7:40 p. m. ana ui B:iO p.- m. and 10.30 p. m. TlifcfcRIE RAILROAD. ' East West. Cbatauqua Ex 2.20 am l;10am New York & CU1- cngo Llm t 8.55 pra' 7:08 am Wells Fnrgo Ex. .(See .note 1 ...... 2:55am pm Marlon iJxprMS (See note 2) ltpm Chicago & Atlantic , , ' Express 8 54 am 0.50 pm Now, yovk special. 12:45 pm 8 38 pm Youngstown Ex press 4:25 pm 11:15 am Dally. Note 1, dally except Mon days' and days following legal holi days. .Note 2, Monday only. THE; BALTIMORE X'OHIO SYSTEM. hi i Depart, West Arrive CanaL Dover, Bridge port ............ 0.00am 8:27pm Canal Dover, Bridge port 3:10r,m 0:42am Chicago Fast Esr- - press ' , ... 8ur5am 8.20pir Chicago' Fast "Ex prosstv ......... . 7'55pm 0.45am Chicago Limited. ..ll:40pm l:o'Jam Dail Other trains dally except Sunday! PITTSBUBG & WESTEBN RY. Depart East Arrive Chicago & New York Limited -2:00am ll:33pm Warren? Youngstown and Pittsburg , . . 0 55am 7:35pm Chicago -& Youngs- ' town. ....... ....... 8:20pni, ,'8.40am Akron & Pittsburg 12:15pm 11:42am Datry. Other 'trains dally except Sunday". THE "-VALLEY" C T. & V. E. B. GOING NOBTH. " - How.iTst. Union - Depot. "Depot. No. 46. . . 7.0Gftm 0 50am East Akron 0.35ara 0.01am 11 :33am 4.55pm 8.22pm No. 4 ... 0:10am No. 0 i... 12.01pm 11.50am No. ion". . . "5:13pm 4.53pm No.8W.. 8.35pm S"20pm No. 12'.V.0.50alri 0.40am 'k-c- GOING SOUTH. No. 7",... 8!l8am 8.35am .45nm No." 11 7. . .I2:0lpm ' 12:2(ipm 12.28pm No. 9rir. "4:30pm 4-53pm , 5.07pm No. 4Tit.T:28pm 7:50pm S.02pra N. 5J $Z$ri2 OOjim 2.5pamr 1:02am lfo. fr jj... "2.53pm 3,05pm to Akron rir" t on'y. , -Doegf not enter Union depot Sun pays, j$t, -i- t-- ; 1 - I CP ' T- 0..-A-. &t3. RAILWAY. -w ot 1 North. South. Cincinnati nnd Clove 0 0 j3m t).-03pm Akron & Pittsburg, 8i)am' 8:10pm Columbus & Clevc.. 11:35am 2.33pm Cincinnati & Clove; 425pm '0 35am .Pittsburg and N". Y. 4:17pm '11:10am Dnliy;iiQther8 dally except Sunday. OANTONJAKRON "BY. CO. Cars l?ae E. AklOn, (Blue Pond) for Canton, New Berlin, Greentown, Urtlon- town, and Springfield lake at 0:40, S;10, 0.40, 11;10 a.m, 12:40, 2i:10, 3:40, 5:10, 0:4Q, 8:10, O;40,"l0;40 n m. Returning Iwuc Canton each jliour, and a half, 5 a m. to 0,30 pju. , $45,000 to Loan on ' Furniture, elc PRIVATE L0AK3 OF $5.00 TO J500. 10 yon owe a debt which you find It lncomenlent to pay utl at once, or If you one a number of different par ties nnrtwbti to cot rid of the em barrassment, we.wlll furnish you the money to pay them all andnu can pay us liaci: in small weekly or monthly pa ments, Kvery payment so nm(lo reduces principal nnd Inter est, s6 as not to miss it from your cumlngi. we will loan you from J5 ou on iqo, t Klirnlture, Pi6rtos, i ' . Offlee, Utore i- nnd baloon Iljlur-s, linnet. Wagons I.lfo Insurance 1'olltlos. and other goad securities, loans made Uti same day anl iato asited tcr. Loans made In eorv part of Sum mit county. Extra time In case of sklcntsss. death or loss of employ, mont. If ou coiinot call, write or phono U'eoplo's K, Bfll NT, and we wlllcall peisonally with monvy. All Gocds left In ycui lossestloa wlthont removal. ' 193 S. Howard Open evoulngs. ITATHAK M. BERK, FrejUent. COAL. A. Dl ELLI'S, COAL AND MOVING VANS, GEN- ERAL TEAMING and transferring. Parcels and trunks dellveied. Tianslont and boarding stable. Offlco and stable, 22S 230 V7. Vnrket st- 'otu phones No. 257. 4TH JULY HATES VIA. ERIE R. R. One fare round trip 'July 3rd nnd 4th to all Rtatlons within rndlus 20p miles. Return limit July'tt. ' 4TH JULY HATES VLVC, A, &-0. RAJLW'yVy, OnA fnro round'tslpjJuly 3rd and 4th to ajl. sat)99s ,vthln radius gOf ojjles. Refuin limit JulyUi, g 1 ape iftmammmmmmmm09H&iaiM'nmmmHKaammmMtwmm0uamnmk 4,e DEMOCRAT'S BUSINESS AND TELEPHONE DR. D. U. RUKGSEGGER, THE DtlTftBT Removed to No. 210 Walsh Building'. Office hours-8-liaO a m. 1-5.30 pm. C. T. PARKS. rtmZKAL PIRICTOR. Personal attention gfvon to all calls. Lady attendant. Ambulance. Both purines 442. f 'llC 'N. High st M. FRIEDMAN, 5c Ud 10c STORE We positively can save you money en go-carta, 140 8. Howard st Oltico hoars.O to 116 e.m.; 2 to 5 p m. DR. L. B. HUMPHREY, Kelly block, Akron, 0.' Peo phone 878. L. D. BWING. COHTRACTOR A1TD BtHLDrR Dealer in mantles and grates, floor tiling, parquet ffoorlrfg; grilles siding, frame, mouldings etc. Peo. phono 052. 110-121 Kirkwood st ' J. H. CHASE, Drutftfbt. Paints, Oils, White Lead, Varnisheti and Paint Brushes. ', Best quality at fdwest prlcw. Peo. phone 1000. Eell Cherry 100. 132 Wooster ave. J AS. T. FLOWER. HAHTEL3 AMD GRATIS Glazed and Unulazcd Tiling, Parquet and Hard-wood Floors. Both phones G7G, . 110 S. High st Have jou nny money working for you? If not, open a Smlngs Account with us today. "Try ono ot our home banks. GUARDIAN SAVINGS BANK, Masonic Tcmp'e Building. All faulty action, knee knocking. In. terferlng forcing of all lame horses guaiantecd. 411 S. Main fit. J. V. YOUNG People's phone 1314, 2 rings. G. M.KEMPEL. Furniture dealer, upholsterer and mat tress manufacturer. Repairing a spe cialty. Pecple's phone 723. Bell, brown 324. 149-151 S. Main st Dr. C. E. Smith. Dr. J. 3. Vedder. SMITH 5 VEDDER. DEHTISTS 310 Everett Building. Offlee hours 8-11:30 a.m. 1-5 30 pm. People' phone 890. Richard H., Leighton, '" ranrrER Call us up when In need of flrst-dasB work. Bell phone Brown 1001.. 437 East Buchtel ave. v P. 0, BZTZ, Sberbonay, Ohio. "Instruction given on Piano, Guitar, nnd Mandolin. Chlid instruction a specialty. WRcomo to residence. .Terms 50c. Drop card &hd I. will kali. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. ' Estnte of Carolina Koerber, de ceased. The undersigned has" been appoint ed by the Probate court of Summit county, Ohio, as'admlnlstratrix w. w. a., ot the estate of Carolina Koerber, deceased. All persons indebted to said qstate are lequested to make imme diate payment; and all persons having claims acalnst said estate are renuest- 'ed to present the same for allowance or rejection. FLORA KOERBER. Dated this 20th day of Junp, A. D. 1902. June 27, July 4, 11. DISSOLUTION PARTNERSHIP. The firm known as Austegen is Denny has by mutual agreement' dis solved partnership. Mr. Austegen re tiring. H. Denny continuet' the busi ness and assumes all liabilities of tT5e firm, and all bills are payable to him. H. Denny, proprietor, The Haymarket Saloon, S. Main st. June 27, July 4, 11, 18, 25. ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSAL FOR BRIDGE OVER OHIO CANAL ON THE LINE OF .FALOR STREET, AKRQN, OHIO. ' Offlco of the Board of Clfy Com mlssloners, Akront Ohio, June 27, 1902. Sealed prpposals will be received by the Board of City Commissioners of the city of Akron, Ohio, until 12 m., of tho 2Cth day of July, 1002, for furnishing materials and performing labor for the construction of a bridge over the Ohio Canal on the line of Falor street In the city of Akron, Ohio, Plans and specifications, descrip tions, estimates, and bills of material for said work are on flip in the office of the City Engineer of Akron, Ohio, and in the office of tho Osborn Engin eering Company, Cleveland, Ohio. Pioposals must, bo made out on blanks furnished at the. office of said City Engineer, or'at the office of the Osborn Engineering Company, and mVst be addressed toltrn? Board of City Commissioners; of Aljjon, Ohio, and properly endorsed "Proposal for Falor Street Bridget J Proposals must, be accompanied by a certified check-made, payable to the order of the Qity Commissioners of Abron, Ohio, for $1,000.00 on a bank located and doing business in Summit County, or a bond for $1,000 00 with at least two good and sufficient disin terested sureties, one, pf whom shall bo a resident of Summit 'Couty, Ohio, nnd acceptable to the CBoaid 'of City Commissioners. Said check to bo ie turned, on presentation; of recjclpt, to nil except the successful bidder, nfter tho coutiact 1 let. 3?he checlr depot,. Itcd bv tho successful bidder shall bo returned to him after contract shall have been executed. 1 The 'successful bldrje Shall furnish a bond In the bum qual to iSfty per W DIRECTORY j 'J CASH PAID FOR HIDES. W. C. KITTLEBERGER. Dealer In hldAs, leather finding, and saddUry, hardware. Manf. of Harness, rhope 1320, 318 8, Main st. JLESGLESTOH,?' Spectacles and eyeglasses. Headacho nnd nervous disturbances cured by properly fitted glasses. AH stylts at reasonable prices, No charge for ex amination. 0. U. phone 2372 Cherry. J. McTAMMANY, PRACTICAL TAILOR Special, fancy and sporting gar ments. Rooms 212 and 213 Walsh block. Mukr of men's clothes. Pco. Phone 12S3. Duff's Prescription Pharmacy, $L3ei Pure Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, con tains 50 per cent of pure Norwegian Cod Lher Oil. 50c per pint bottle. Al most tasteless. Children will take It Try It. Phono 602. H. CRAMER H. S. HULL CRAMER . HULU Wholesale and retail dealers in flour, feed, baled bay, straw, salt cement and all kinds of field and garden seeds. Try our Acme stock food. Both phones Oil. 710-718 S. Main st. Akron. O. GtEMTS TAVERIf, I. F. GLErm, Prop. Hotel and Restaurant. Sample room In connnectlon. Best wines, liquors nnd cigars,' Both phones: P. 010; B. 3201 Cherry. 124 N. Main st. near Opera House. DR. H. E.KECK. Dentist. Room 15, I. O 0. 1 Temple. People's phone ISO. Oftico' hours 8 a.m. to 5 30 p m. GEO. H. PZTLtT 111 Kllng st People's phone 1287. Contractor and brick masonry of all kinds. Repair work a specialty. Esti mates cheerfully furnished. All work Guaranteed. Bell phone, Brown 1741. M. J. BERWICK All kinds of brick and cement side walks, chimneys built and repaired. Res. 419 S. Fcrge st. Akron, O. Mystic Carpet Cleanlnjr Works, POEHtMAIf kPTArrtE, PioprletOrs. Business under management of Mr. Poehlman. 120 Bluff st Both telephones 178. WE WOULD LIKE TO SEE YOU When you have printing on your mind. Kmrtts PRinntrs co People's Tel. 605. 135 S. Main st. (Old Democrat Office.) KHXIKERT. We have tho latest styles ln milli nery at the most reasonable prices. "We carry a line of stamped linens and notions. Sirs. C. Mathews, 722 S. Main. Open Evenings. centum of his contract, signed by himself and two good and sufficient sureties, acceptable to the City Com missioners, conditioned on the full and complete performance of the terms and requirements of the contract, specifications and plans. If the contractor to whom the woik is awarded shall not execute his con tract with the City Council and Board of City Commissioners of Akion, Ohio, within five days after the work is awarded, he shall be deemed as de clining, and held liable, nnd his certi fied check be declared forfeited. Tho Board of City Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids as shall, In its opinion, be for the best interests of the city. Companies or firms bidding, will give individual names and addresses, as well as the names of the firms and their addresses. By order of tho City Council and the Board of City Commissioners of Akron, Ohio, June 25th, 1902. CHAS. H. ISBELL, City Clerk. June 27, July 4, 11, 18. ROYAL MUSKOKA HOTEL. This new, modern, up-to-date hotel was opened for the reception of guests In 1901, It-is situated In the center of the finest summer resort region In America, known as the Muskoka Lakes, within easy reach of the princi pal points In Canada and the United States. The interior of the hotel Is planned to the best advantage for com. fort and con-venlence.special attention being given to ventilation and sani tary arrangements. Its spacious suites, with handsome bathrooms at taohed, aro especially adapted to either large or small families. Cuisine and service are the best. Open for guests June 15th". For further particulars, de scriptive mafter and all information write to G. T. Bell, General Passenger nnd Ticket Agent, Grand Trunk Rail way System, Montreal. Mother Always Keeps It Handy. "My , mother suffered a long time from distressing pains and genera) ill healtl) due 'primarily to Indigestion," says L. W. Spildlng, Verona, Mo. "Two years ago I got her to try Ko doL She grew better nt once and now, at the age of sctenty-s'x, eats any thing she wants, remarking that she fear6 no ,bad effects as she has her bottle of Kodol handy." Don't waste time doctoring symptoms. Go after the cause. If your stomach is souud your health will be good. Kodol rests the stomnch nnd strengthens the body by digesting your food. It is nature's own tonic. Wni. Warner, Gain. Pharmacy, 113 South Howard st. That Inexhaustible good nature which is the most precious gift of Heaven, spieads itself llko oil the tyou bled sen of thought, and keeps tho ralnd smooth and equable In the rough. est weather. In log. RAILROAD NOTICES. STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO BURprtt Via All leading lines nt lowest rt. Cook's personally conducted towm. Information, cheerfully glvdn upon p-i plication to 0. D. Houodle, ticket tigm, Union depot SEASHORE EXCURSION. CHOICE OF TEN POPULAR R SORT8 FOR $13 50 ROUND TRIP TROM AKRON. Thursday, July 31st, excursion tick ets will be sold via 0 A. & C. Ry. tfl Atlantic City, Cape May AvnlofiK Aglcsea, Holly Beach, Ocean City? Sea Islo City, Wlldwood, New Jersey, Ocean City, Maryland, Rehobotb, Dehware. This will be a grand op. portunlty for a delightful vacation outing. For details apply to 0. D. Honodlc, ticket agent, Akron. HATES REDUCED TO CANTbN. Via C. T. & V. B. It. ovcry Sunday. CO cents round trip on rooming train, good returning any train satno day. THE FISH ARE BITING. Up In Wisconsin and Michigan. First class train service Chicago & North- Western R'y durlnjr tho fishing season. Summer tourist rates now In effect; Direct connections Is made at Chicago with all lines from the south nnd cast Ask any ticket agent, for partic ulars, or address A. F. ClorcWnd, 234 Superior street Cleveland. 0., ROUND TRIP TICKETS At exceedingly low rates will bo sold to Colorado Utah and the Pacific coast via Thfe Missouri Pacific Ry., on certain date-, during May, June, July and August Through sleeping cars from St. Louis to Denver. Color ado Springs, Salt Lake City, and San Francisco. Superior cafe dining car service. Write John R. James, cen tral passenger agent, 005 Park Build ing, Pittsburg, Pa., for rates, and Il lustrated pamphlets dscrlptlve of the West May 10 it $10.50 PROVIDENCE. R. I. AND RE TURN. C. A. & O., Penna Lines via New York, July 7th, 8th and Oth. Return limit July 15th, subject to extension un til Aug. 15th. For particulars see C. D. Honodle, ticket agent, Union depot 513.90 PROVIDENCE, R. I., AND RE TURN. Erie R. R. July 7th Stn and 9th. Return limit July 15th subject to ex tension to Aug. 15th. For particulars se C. D. Honodle ticket agent Union depot $16.50 PORTLAND, ME., AND RE TURN. Via Erie R. R. July 5th to Oth. Return limit July 17th subject to exten sion until Aug. 15th. Tor further Infor mation see C. D. Honodle, ticket agent. Union depot PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT AT PITTSBURG. Our president will positively speak at Schenley park, Pittsburg, on July. 4th. If you wish to see and hear him take the Erie R. R. Special tickets on sale at half fare, July 3rd and 4th. Good returning until July 7th. $1.25 COLUMBUS AND RETURN. Via C. A. & C. Ry., Sunday, July 6th. Train leavei 7 a. m. Returning leave Columbus 6.30 p. m. lSi $1.25 COLUMBUS AND RETURN. Via C. A. & C. Ry., Sunday, July 6th, Train leaies 7 a. m. Returning leave Columbus C.30 p. m. $3 GO PITTSBURG AND RETURN.. C. A. & C. and Penna Lines July 3rd and 4th. Return limit July 7th. Trains leave 8.20 a. m. and 4:17 p. m. AKRON MARKETS. (These prices furnished dally by LI Kryder & Sons.) BUYING PRICES. . What, per bu, 77c. Rye, per bu., 56c and 60c. Corn, ni.w, 30 to 35c. f Timothy seed, per bu., $2.50 tJ C300. Clorer seed, per bu.. $4 to $5. Hay, baled, $9 to $11. Straw, baled, $5 to $0. Oats, 48c. ' SELLING PRICES. j Middlings, per cwt, $1.10 to $L23. J Hay, per cwt, 70c, 75c. Oats, per bu., 52c. Corn, new, per cu., 88, 40c. Bran, per cwt, $110. Straw, per bale. 40c. BOc. l Clover seed, $5 25 to $0. - Timothy seed, $3 to $3.75. (These priced furnished dally Jas. Christy Jr. & Co.) bJl Green calf bides, No 1, per lb. 9c Green beef hides. No. 1, per lb, 0& Sheep pelts, 40 to 60c ? Tallow per lb, 5. ' BUYING PRICBS. (Theso prices furnished dnliy by Nelaa Brothers.) Eggs, strictly frsh, per doz., '8e. Chickens, llvo, per lb., 7c to 8c Butter, creamery, per lb, 23c Potatoes, per bu., old 75 to 85; new, 00 to 95. RETAIL PRICES. Eggs, strctly frest, per dot, 20e. v Chickens, dressed per lb, 15. ' Butter, creamery, per R, 27. Potatoes, old 25c peck; new 30. (Theso prices furnished dally bj; Armour & Co. Dried beef, 13c to 15c. Skinned hams, 13c. California hams, 10H Bacon, 12 to 10. Sugar cured hums, j2c to WAc Simon pure lard, in tierces, llc, Compound lard, In tierce?, 81-8c, -Country kettle lard, In tierces, 11, 00 lb, tubs, c over tierces. Dressed calves, 10 to 104c Dressed beef, 8-to 10. Dressed hogs, S Cnttlo live, 4 to Cc Lambs dressed, lie. t Hogs, live, 614 to GVJ. Lamb, alive, 5 to 5V4c ' . 1, i 4 i n i i si- Vy !V I ? hfe3&$ Ai A a ."! oti&Ui'-sf utt- j.. ..eJJJat z& .u 'r.v it fa- iiiifaj i ji4.1jii mi &