Newspaper Page Text
'J v r xi ' rnrriAT, ago, 22, 1002. , ATKXlOtf J)M,Y B3SMOORA.T, Tonight AWARDED Contract For New Library. Carmichael & Co. Suc- cessful Bidders. A rjjkjy, Tonic ncVer Cqualed V fr J. tt.f finfar.. VA( IpImmi I f . -m 1Ik tti . hltiRfjlsli, out 6f tuno itntl you fert dull, bilious, constipated, tnko a doso oi Hood'm Pills And you'll bo all right in thomorninfc More Only Ten Days More Remain of Our SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE m ANY HEADACHE wlllTleldtotbKxUilng lnfluoncciol ttmtm&mlmii UtUo reined, Dr. Jamas' Headache PoWdara. 'Act dlrtctlr on tho nerres nof lo lnpcff Ihom, but U ooihA anil MnncUien them. Absolute! iumnleM. At nil Owe toron. iIoms 10 cents. m Tin J, W. Jimea Co. , Et llradr, Ta. m Vov salo by John Lnmpnrtcr & Co. This shop no oilier PEOPLE of Akron havo shown thoir appreciation of valuo, by their liberal patronage during this salo. As 5. final inducement in this sale we will sell Couches and Rocking Chairs, for the next 10 days, at prices never before heard of. A BIG WEEK. FORTUNE 4) y i '1 1 1 ' ., ,i. , mmmmmmuMmmmmmmmamsammmmm A 1 1 GRASP THIS OPPORTUNITY! SlX 1 cdDox- Halford Stock Co. Has Had It Theatrical Talk. An opprccintlvo audience greeted tho i w I For the Genial Col. lioye. A Hriend Has Found Him To Be Heir to Millions. Col, M. W. Hoyo bus lccolvcd a letter from a friend who encloses n newspaper clipping suggesting thnt the colonel Is olio of tho heirs to a vagi estate In Ireland. Tho clipping rends Nashville, Ind., Aug. 1". Mrs. itachel Minor, John Hoy, Samuel T. Uoy, Mis,- Ann iurncr, of Nashville, niid others n Ohio, It Is sald, nio lielts toa' T.OOO.OOO left them in Ire land, "John no, who enirio to the United States froth Ireland, had three broth ers who stayed in Ireland and nearer married. Jhey accumulated a large? fortune, owning tho largest llncri fac tory in Ireland. Recently the" last of the brothers died, fcwvlng tho estate to heirs In tho United States. JohnHoy, father of tho heirs nt this place, is dead. His shnro, being one tenth of the estate, falls to the two sons and two daughters, of this place, while other heirs living In Ohio and rennsylvnnla will get tho balance. Daniel A. Brlsbon, a Pennsylvania attorney, was employed by all tho heirs and sent to Iielnnd, nnd ho reports the fortune awaiting the Hoy heirs. WHAT CAUSES HEADACHE. Exhausted and Irrltablo'coudltlons of tho Nervous System produce Head aches. The cuio 'Is to restore tho ac tion of tho nerves to their normal con. dlton nnd glvo the heart a tonic. Clinic Headache Wafers are Just this cure; they act on the Noiws and arc n tonic to tho heart. Absolutely harmless. 10 c.ents all druggists. A Necessary Precaution iDon't neglect n'-cqld.'i It-is "worse than unpleasant. It lg dangerous. By using One Mlnuto- Cough1 Cure you can euro It nt once. Allays Inflammation, clears tho head, soothes nnd' strength ens the mucous membrane. Cuics coughs, croup, throat and lung tiou bles. Absolutely safe. Acta Immedi ately. Children Hko It,-- o " : if Read Democrat Tilncr Columns. Whitney Sends Elk to Stock Preserves In the Adirondacks Saratoga-, Aug. 22.-WlHam 0. Whitney shipped on August ID, from Southwest lake In tho Adirondacks, 20 elk, which will ho released by tho This shipment makes a, total of 00 o Ik that Mr. Whitney has ncnt to the A DO more fnll grown elk In the mountain preserve. - The Building Will Not Be Com pleted This Year. The general contract for theconstrue lion of tho now Carnegie library In this city 1ms been awarded to Geo. Car mlchaol & Co., of Akton. Thin was decided upori by tho Library, Hoard Thmsday evening. The bid 'of Car mlcliael & Co.. amounted to $01,225.87. being only nbout $100 lower than tho next lowest bid, thnt of Geo. Crisp & Son, also of Akron. In nil, four bids wero received. Plumbing nnd Install ing of heating apparatus nro not J" eluded In the contract a winded to Car michael & Co., but it Is expected thnt these contracts Will be awarded soon. -Mr. J. C. Frank, of the Llbinry Bonrd, stated to a ici inter for tho Democrat Thursday evcnliig thnt tho Bonrd was well picked with tlio bid of Caimichncl & Co., null that excavating for tho foundation of tho building will bo.eommoiiccd as soWis'thc contractor 'can be got to work1. As Jt is now, the contractors nre. so bus that It will be impossible to begin on , the library vltliln. n month, and, raa,ylje, later. Tho iBord docs not: expect to have the building completed this year, but may i have It ready by tho liilddlo of next summer. It will bo 'erected at a cost of $70,000, on Bleice park. AH of the money necessary for Its construction has been donated by Mr. Carnegie. A YOUNG LADY'S LIFE SAVED At Panama, Colombia, by Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. Dr. Chas. II. Utter, a pr6mlnent phy sician, of Panama, Colombia, In a re cent letter states; "Last March I had as a patient n young lady 1G years of age, who had a very bad attack of dys. entery. Everything I prescribed for her proved Ineffectual and she was growing worse every hour, Her par ents were sure she would die, TShe had become so weak that she could not turn over in bodi What to do-'at this critical moment was, a study for me, but I thought of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Dlnuhoca Kcracdy and as n Inst resort prescribed ft. Tho most wonderful lcsult was effected. Within eight hours she was feeling rnueh bet ter; Inside of three dajs she was upon her feet and nt tho end of pno week was entirely well. For sale by nil druggists. E. Stein bacher & Co., wholes jley agents. Cool nnd delightful by steamer to Long Lnke park 0 and 1:30 dally. Ollio Holford Stock Company last night at tho Colonial Theatre. "City of New York" was tho bill presented. Miss Halford, ns Daisy Saunders, was good. In fact her very appearance seemed to give pleasure totheaudlenee. Tho leading roles in tho hands of John J. Kirk, Inin It. Wnlton, J. Frank. Ely, Miss Elcctrn Page, Barrow Lo Pnlge, Wm. II. Gevey, Floience Har cy, wero well played nnd the balance of tho company gave good support. Tonight Ollio Halford will be seen in tho melodrama, "Wicked London." To each lady purchasing a 30 cent ticket, Miss Halford will piesent a copy of tho popular ballad "Sometime I'll Know That You Lovo Mo". The title page bonis a likeness of Miss Hal ford. As a matinee, "Romance of Littlo Red Riding Hood" will bo given Saturday. Nixon & Zimmerman take pleasure In announcing the advent of "The Stiollcis" and The Mnrgueritu Sylvn Comic Opera Company which will pre sent It here on Wednesday, Aug. 27 nt the. Colonial with n oasf adequate in every way and a largo chorus. Prin cipal namesiof note In the production are Marguerlta-Sylva, Dorothy Hunt ing, Lou Mlddlcton, David Torrcnco, George C. Boniface, Jr., John D. Gil bert, David L. Don, W. H. Fitzgerald nnd others. The entire scenic product ion will be given exactly the same as during Its pi oscillation nt tlio Knick erbocker Theatre In New York last year nnd tho principal cities, while the scenery nnd tho costumes hnvo been re-created for this season in ex act duplicate. Messrs. Nixon & ZInv met man are responsible for this organ ization and guarantee It both from nn urllstlc nnd llnancinl standpoint. Scats will be on sale Monday morning. The union of Primrose & Dockstader hns made tho public nwaro that min strelsy Is yet in its prime and that this is a banner company. "Up-to-dato ana all in black face" Is their idea of min strel entertnlnmentas demnpded,by lite public 'from an all-tvhlte company, and the lovers of this"' class of amusement will have nn opportunity of seeing this Idea can led out to a grand finale at the Colonial August 30. The three requisites for a perfect theatrical performance are, first, "A perfect play", second, "A complete pro. duction", third, ','A company of plnyers of such diversified talent as to thor- his Ocjoboj- Mountain preserve to iW York tlpscrvation Commission. Ulrondacks to bo released. Hp has A l FiS:a1ered.and.Tu,tod $6, $8, and $10 Wo stand baok of every ono of these with our personal guarantee. ROCKING CHAIRS from $2.00 up. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity, if you need a couch or rocking chair. E. EI. HORN, 182 The First OF OUR FALL STOCK are ready for your inspection thoy are beauties, well made, shapely garments, cut from the weavers best product, in single and double breasted sack coats, broad and manly shoulders, fitting neatly at tho neck. The prices are . bound to be a revelation to the careful clothing buyers this season. From i ; 5 tip tO $10, $15 and masterpieces of tho tailor craft at ?- gl8, 20 and s25 Boys' School Suits Here is where we pride ourselves, in being able to clothe the Jitfl J?.ys with clothing that fits, wears and gives enttrefeatiffajctlon. We can do it, wo have the assortment and the prices are more than right they are low. Advance Sale of School Suits. One lot of boys' school breasted, all-wool durable suits, Scotch effects, sizes 8 to 10 The Liberty Clothing Co. Look for The 'Liberty otfghly assume and cnacrthe vnrloun types of life represented In the play." All of these essentials Manager "Win. A. Brady Is talcl to havo provided In "Way Down East" which comes to the Colonial Tho.iire this season. His Sight Threatened. "While picnicking last month my 11 year-old boy was poisoned by some weed or plant," says W. H. Dibble, of Sioux City, la. "Ho rubbed the poison off his hands Into his eyes, and for awhile we wero afraid he would lose his sight. Finally a neighbor rec ommended DeWltfs Witch Hazel Salve. The first application helped him, nnd In a few days he was as we.ll as ever." For Skirl diseases, cuts, burns, scalds, wounds, Insect bites, DoWjtt's Witch Hazel Salvo Is suie cure. Itcllpves piles at once. Bewaro of counterfeits. , Wagon Wrecked. A wrecked wagon on Ash st. hill marks tho place where an excising runaway finished Thursday. The dri ver of Wm. Rochdi's grocery wagon had been dcllerlng goods on tho West SIdo, and while untying his horse the anlmnl became frightened nt a wind mill and started to run. The driver was left behind, nnd tho horse ran half a mile, colliding with a tree on Ash St., nnd wrecking the wagon be fore ho was stopped. No one was hurt. Mothers lose their dread for "that terrible second summer'' when thoy hayo Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry in the house, Nature's spe clflc for summer complaints of every sort. Prolong Your Life by Taking a Vacation YOU NEED A REST If vou aro not feeling well, don't call tt doctor but take a lake trip; you will return homo reeling now lire nno your brain blown free Xroui (cohn cbs. Send 2c for Illustrated pamphlet. Addresu; A. A. SOHANT55, Q, P. A., Detroit, Mich. ...Arrivals suits, double One lot of boys' school suits, in single IbS, UUUU1U $.50 and double breasted effects Scotch, cheviot and worsted cloths, sizes 8 to 16 Sign. 119 - TANNER'S STORE NEWS Hnvo you bait a real nice egetnble soup this fummer yetV It's One eating when properly made and we are going to 'give you a chance to make a good one If you care for it. On Saturday morning we will mnke up 100 basketb of mixed vegetables to sell nt 15 cents each. Each' one or these bnskets wHl contain 15 different kinds of vegetables, Just In the right proportion to make" up a nice soup. It will make It possible for you to mako such a vegetable soup as will please all the folks and make them mil for more. In each basket wo will place extia fieo of charge 1 Mexican Chill pepper. Such peppers are used by tho Mexi cans In llavorlng their foods.' Don't uso all of this pepper in making your coup as It will mako it too hot for you. .Tiibt uso a part of it, putting it In tho soup and boiling it with tho other things. Use the other part In your stewed tomatoes, pee how nice it makes them. Don't uso any other pep. per. (We sell tho peppers at 2 for 0 cents; Electric South Main street j I I Wr 1 r ! 1 1 1 $2-oo S. HOWARD STREET advertise them this way to get you to use Uiem.) We will sell out the 100 baskets mix ed vegetables at above price but after they are Fold will not make up any more Saturday. Fresh candles We will have a much larger assortment of Chnndler & Rudd's fine candles due for our Saturday trade this week. Please remember that we offer you thsse goods fresh every time wo tell you about It, nnd thnt we sell them nt the same prices as in Cleve land. We expect to make this depart ment n convenience to you as well nn the pleasure of knowing that what candies we aro offering you are of tho very purest and best made up. Fresh Sturgeon, (smoked.) Fancy Cheese, all kinds, Fumpernlcke! Bread, Potato Chips, German made Pretzels, nnd' a 1st of other good things will be due ns usual for Saturday trads. Can we not have your order? Wfll endeavor to gle you entire satisfac tion. Telephone No. 05. PERRY E. TANNER & CO. The Demand! Threatens to Exceed the Supply of Grip Soap , Tho greatest laundry soap out, it dis solves the dirt, saves the rubbing "and scouring, yet cleans the clothes. Days OP THE Great Sale Visit the store Saturday or the first of the week sure If you want to savo money on clothing. There are somo great bargains in school suits for boys. ANY SUIT On our entire second table former price $10, $12, $14, $i5, NOW $"7.50 7 7rtH AAnnAi- 4m hnUitti 4-T n w luuwuiuu.uuunwimau u to select your fall suit out of this. Our entire stock of $18,420, $22 SUITS For the uniform price of Mothers, buy your Boys' School Suits now. You can get them at two-thirds form er selling price. WORKING SHIRTS The 50o kind, for 25 c You know what working shirts aro ; come in and in spect these. Only three to each person. DRESS SHIRTS 50c kind ?Sr $1.00 kind 7fC $r"kVn'".""$ ?ft00.k!nd. ' $1.45 Overalls, 50c kind iCn (3 pair for f 1.00) OJi, Boys' Wash Suits at ONE- 15 ; HALF PRICE. Mothers, do ' not miss this opportunity. 500 Boys' knee .pants, I 50o values, O C ' now DS' ,7 ,: v '''::,'" c iuen s sock, regular jloo or 2 pair for 25c. now 1 C 2 nnir for 1 -'v Men's Underwear, regular 50c a suit, Ic, now OD And other bargains toe numerous to mention herej To the thousands wi road this we say, these be gains are faots, and tW everything printed in thy ad. is true. Sale Positively Closes August 30th. UNION CL0THI1 CO. 157 S. Mail w n .a i i i s-l ,. fV " i y, ,SH ..- frw'-!! 3 Vi