Newspaper Page Text
J lMIDAV, AUG. Vi, 1002. AKKOK VAXLY 1iQMOOilAT. $ THE DEMOCRAT'S : i I inerToluivins t WANTED-MALE HELP. JIVANTED Two neat appearing young men io cnm'usa, selling household goodB on lnstnllmonts. Only exper ienced canvassers need apply. I.lbor. nl commission paid weekly. Call ew cnlngs. United States Wringer Co., H. J. Hose, manager. Boom 1, 200 E. Market st., up stairs, Good block. 102-107 (WANTED First class mantel and tllo men. Permanent positions; highest salaries. Tho Akron Wood Work ing Co. , 105-107 iW ANTED Men to learn baibcr trade. Practical training, free work, expert Instructions. Eight weeks lcqulrcil. Wc present tools, pay Saturday wa ges, guarantco positions. Special In ducements to applicants fiom dis tance. Write today. Motor Barber Collogo, Ohlcaso, Ills. lOitt WANTED FEMALE HELP (WANTED GUIs. Goodyear Tiro & Rubber Co. 102 tf iWANTED A girl for general house work. 210 South Union at 104-100 v WANTED Experienced operators ou covering machines. Call. at Paper Box Factory., 014 South' High St., A. Peterson Co. 104-109 tWANTED Good, steady, Intelligent womau for marking and sorting, steady employment. Apply nt Ak ron Laundry Co., 1C1-1C3 South nigh st. 10G-10S iWANTED Good girl for general housework. Call Mrs. L. D. Brown's, 123 Merrlman st. 104-100 FOR RENT ROOMS. FOR ItENT Four rooms upstairs, new house, on Boulevard, third from Thornton st. Sewer and gns. En quire of Ed Trngesser, 400 Bailees st 103-107 FOR RENT Three rooms, centrally located. Inquire room 48, Central building. .( 03 tf 'FOR RENT1 HOUSES." " ,J FOR RENT 8 loom house, all modern Improvements. Enq. 113 S. Walnut st. 100-108 FOR RENT 7 room house, on S. Wal nut st. Akron Cold Spring Wntei Co. on premises. Peo. phone 1257 evenings. 103-107 I0ST LOST A Great Dane dog, tiger strip ed, leather collar. Reward offered. Telephone cherry 700. 103-107 LOST A lady's red jacket, between Lakeside park and city. Finder will leave same nt this office. 104-100 MISCELLANEOUS. HUMMEL' S HACK LINE. Hacks leave Bnrbertoa 0:30 a. m., and 4:15 p. m. Leavo Doylestown 8 a. m. and 3 p. m. SPECIAL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. THE DICKSON TRANSFER CO. Coal, transfer and livery. Packing, moving and storing of goods, conches, coupes and carriages for fu nerals, weddings, parties and callings. Offices Nos. 123-125 Carroll st., Tel. 300. No. 110 N. High st. Tel. 428. THE DRY GLOVE CLEANER Li tho best preparation yet dlscovprcd for cleaning1 juld Gloves. For sale only by us, in tho Glovo Dept., which is tho most complete department In tho Stato of Ohio. PiIcolDc. Daguc Bros. & Co. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Position as bookkeeper. Address P. O. box 225, Akion, O. 101-0 WANTED To rent or lease, room or small building, suitable for light tnanufactuilng, with or without p'ower. Dops not matter about loca tions Address M., care this office. 103-114 'What Is tho use of saying "tho best company," or "tho strongest com pany?" or "the largest conjpnny?" They all say tjjose things. Wo say simply: 'The Penn Mutual Xlfc Insurance Company, of Philadel phia, organized 1817. That tolls tho wholo story. JOHN 0. BLOOMFIELD, Ast Echumacher Block. Tel. 015. ClOTHES PRESSIKO. Aliron Clothes & Pressing Co Regular Prioa. Full suits, sponged and pressed. ,'75c Overcoats, sponged and pressed.. 50c Punts, sponged and prossed 25c Cleaning business suits $2.00 Pants clpanod , ,7jc Goods called for and delivered to any part of tho city, Mail' orders glv en prompt attention. People's phone 764; Bell 2801 grpon. 810 East Mill st. , , $ FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE-Onico desk and chair, neatly new. Address O. II., 200 N. Batch st., city, 101-100 FOR SALE linrk ;bay hofse, good no tor, city trained, welt bred, ago years. Also top buggy and harness. Inquire- 331 BccU .are. 105-107 FOR SALE GrocciT In good town, near Akron will sell at good bar gain. About $700. Building for sale or rent. Address A, Domociat ofllce, 103-107 FOR SALE Oak cashier desk, oak office table, 2 office chairs and stool, tjpcwilter and cover, letter press, all for $25, If sold by Sept. 1. 705 Mill st, Akron, O. Mis. E. B. Far- rar. 105-110 ..y Money to loan,' Geo. W. Gridloy, Telephone 510. 83-tf CASPER ZINTBL MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF BRUSHES. Orders promptly attended to. 155 South Main st., - Akron, O. , COAL A. D. ELLIS, COAL AND MOVING VANS, GEN- ERAL TEAMING and transpiring. Parcels and trunks delivered. Transient and boarding stable. Office- and stable, 228-230 W. Mnrket st. I 'oth phones' No. 257. FOUND FOUND Tho best pjaco lo borrow money prlvutely"on 'furniture, with out removal; easy terms. N. M. Berk, 103 S. Howard, bbth phones. ' ' tf FOR SAtE REAL ESTATE 'FOR SALE-By Pnrkhlll & Sharp, 180 S. Main st. People's phono 2 on 113. 115 S. Prospect, 10 rooms, $3000. jl'zi ncres, 5 rooms, new house, on Barbciton car line, $1000. Ackley st., 7 room house, $840. Bachtel St., 7 joomsj modern, $2150. aiOO S. Broadway, 5 rpomst, $1100. Martha and M&rkQt,tIot 50x150, $275. FOR SALE ORRENT'A 12 room house, strictly up-to-date, with nil mode'm conveniences; fine brick barn on lot; centrally -located; will rent furnished or unfurnished, reasonably to right party." Inqulrt at Democrat office. 07-tf . BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK. New six room house, fine home, near Bending works, bargain If sold right away, as owner Is leaving city. Good 5 room liouse, fine lot, all kinds of fruit for only $1000; easy twins, New modern 8 room house, East Market St., oak finish, attic, finished; an elegant homo arid a low pllce. Fine lot near Woostr ave.. car barn, cheap at $330. ' Lot on Mills ave., n decided bargain at $350. 5 loom house, South'Brondway, near No. 4 clnglno house, only $1250. Throo loom house, lof; 38xG0 feet, $050, on easy torms.t , CtyH. and S. Va Jones, Central building,' Pao. phono 452.' ' 01 tf FOR SALE-By Brouso & Holllnger. 125, 127 and 120 Ira ave., near tho Webster, Camp '& Lane Co.'s now works. Thpso' properties aro new and wo can sell tllom"for,$050 each. Houso nnd lot ndiv vacant; lots cor nor West Crosier1 and Spranklo ne, at a bargain. e 118 Edgewood, coiner Bare st, good property, beo thjs, &1150; 710 Homo st.,'S lfiquis, $1250. 220 Wooster ave., Sjrpoms, modern, furnace, laigo lot, $22t)0. 202 Bachtel nve Is' a fine now piop eity, $2100, worth $2300. 103 Locust, (J rooms, nlco location, vpiy .cential, $15Q0, , . . 208 N. Prospect, good place, in ona of the finest locations, $5250. 102 Boulovnrd.-S rooms, slate roof, sower and gns, now,- $1500. 4 propoitlcs, Blttmuu st., $1000. 135 Foils nve.j North Hill, 7 rooms, everything up-to-dnto,"1' $2500. A bargain, 12 J Charles, near Bryan school, only ?S0O. Dwellings In Barborton, fiom $750 up. 722 S. Mnln, s,toro room nnd 7 living rooms, water, gas. sower, 2S feet front, only $3500. t - 205 Bowery largo nqw house, $3030, 113 Adolph a'vo., ":0 rooms, fine street, near Market, $1500. 131 Bare, 5 Voonjs, -075. Storo 100m, 21x50, 0 living rooms overhead, Melvjn sty. Bniberton, lot OOxlCO, $3500. 503 W. Mnrket, nowfy lepolred, now In flno shape aud vacant. 131 Jnmes, neor Collcgp, $2000. A fow cheap lots 'left oji Portajjo and Douglass ts., $250, 2 fine lots on the Boulevard, near South st, sower, gat?, $350. 501 West Mniket, comer Mnplo, $4000. Keo us on real cstato, luans nnd In sutnncc. BROUSD HOLLINGER, 226 South Main st 104-100 W"hJaVSSK'l-'Va'lW' FOR SALE-nEAL ESTATE, FOR HALE-Hlx jooli home, W. Oroslcr st:, well, cistern, lot OOxlCO, f 12'0 takes this, $250 down, balance $10 a month. Fine lot, Park St., less tlvin cost, thin Week! sco It; beauti ful home Harvard st., 8 rooms, bath, furnace, Cistern, $2000, ?!500 down, bolani'o as rent P. P. Bock tc Co. FOR BALE-Now brick house, 12 rooms, basement; modern Improve ments. An Ideal homo, a bargain. Enquire of Cora M. Hourinnd, Rob inson nvo.( llarborton, O. 105-107 FOR 8ALE-By II. a Busby, room 1, Arcade block. Peoplo's phono 500: 0 room house, nt 110 W. Sillier nvc, $1400, $25 down,' balance on easy pay ments. 7 room house, 120 W. Tallmadgo nvc., largo lot, 107x101, good location, on easy monthly ,payraents. This 1b a good bargain. ' s 'Money to Irian at 0 per cent ' - - 104-tt FOR SAL-By Henry Holtz, Ab bey block. Peopled pttonp 2 on 1380. -1 jpvacres, 5 miles west of Akron, J-vJvJsoll rich sandy and clay loam, good water and fruit, 7 room house, splendid bank bam, and other outbuildings. This farm, everything considered, Is said to be the best In Summit county. If sold soon, can bo bought for $7000. 80 acres, 7 miles north of Akron, clay loam, good buildings, $2100. Farms of 5, 10, 20, 20, 30,' 40, CO, and 03 acres for sala.or trad?. - FOR f&LE-By J. I.' Bachtcl, 188 S. Howard st. Phono, 722. 230 May, 7 looms, furnace, gas, wa ter, barn, cost $2300, now $1050. 400 E. Crosier 7 looms. Sinoo. , - -IT 302 Andius. 0 roomB. slnto roof aimm .foundation, largo lot, splendid offer at .? laou, $oo uown, balanco Hue Tent. Desirable West Sldn lots nt Sfifin. $700, $800 and $000, corner S. Main and E. Crosier sts., 7 rooms, barn, gas, sower, water, lot 80x155, very cheap at $2350. 5 rooms, shite rpof, Hoguo avc., near street eais, $1050; your own terms. You secure a largo two 6tory storo building, 711 S. Mnln, with 5 room house In rear, forpractlcally nothing, when you buy the 33 fed"t frontage at our price, too low to quote here. ' List wdlh us for qui,ck results. Money loaned nt lowpst rates In sums to suit. 100 tf FOR SALE Two building lots near tho now Miller school and Fourth Church of Christ. A" bargain". Ad diess, Real Estate, caro Democrat. PACKING AND STORING-We pack and store furniture. Kratz Furniture Store, 140 S. Howard st. Phono 042. Textile Mfg. Co. Awnings and Tents Horse, Wagon and Floor Covers Gymnasium Mats and Ropes Anything made from Canvas, by hand or machine. People's phonos Business hours No. V37; any other time, No. 005. 135 South Main St. , MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on REAL ESTATE $100 $000 $200 - $700 $300 $800 $400 ' $000 $500 $1000 Hale & Coates, 314 Everett bldg, Tel. Peoplo's 377 - Otf Moneyto Loan ON Household Goods, Pianos, Organs, , Horses, Carriage, Wagons, Farming Implements and Live Stook at Lowest Bates And on easier terms than qny other piaco in tho cit,y. If you owo a number ot small debts and wish to pay them all off, call at my office und I will loan you the money nnd jou can pay it back In small monthly payments, nnd your business Unnsnctlous with us will bo strictly confidential. All r'oporty to remain In your possession, I can loan you money cheaper and glvo you moro Uino than you will got clsowhero, Loans made samo day they aro applied for. If you are unable to call at. office, write or phone. Office open every evening until 8 o'clock. Phone numbers: Bell 700; Peo., 774, L. 0. Miller, Room 14, Aroade Blook O'ren day and night. Chop Suey. L'oie Hong Low Ynko Man, tho loading Chinese res' taurant 107 East Mnrket st, 2nd floor. Chlncibo and Ameilcnn dishes served nt all hours. Telephone 655 P. T. McOourt FOR FINEST Coaohes in the City. On call at all times. Pull "Line of Liverv. All cushion tlivs. Largest moving vans in tuo city, nest or service guar anteed. Prices reasonnblo. Both uhor.oa. Read, the Democrat, RAILROAD TIME TABLES THE NcWllKRtf OHIO R, IX. 1 Depot North Main St. Depart No. 1.... 8:30 nm Depart No. 11...... 4:30 pm Arrive No. 2 .....4:00 pm Arrlvo No. 12 ..12:05 pm IjAICE ERIE & WESTERN B. It. Northern Ohio Division. Depot North Main St. No.l Lv 8:30 am. No. 11 I.v 4:30 pra I'd. No.2 Ar4:00 pmNo,12 Ar 12.05pra local i All dally except. Sunday. NORTHERN OHIO TRACTION CO. A Tl fl nlttltttnn C.nrn lonvnitfia .wnltlnir .mm. TTntnlt. iui. uuiiMpugf mr vxuvcjuiiu, in m;iu a. m., UMfl a. m, nna vcry half hour to 7:40 r m. and at 8:40 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. THE ERIE RAILROAD. i,i ' , East. West Cbntauqua Ex 2:20 am '1:10am New Xptk-3 Chi- cago Lira ,.t 8:55 pm 7:08 am Wells Fargo Ex. , (See notcl 2:53 am 12:01pm Marlon Express (Sep notV 2) ..... 12:34pm Chicago & Atlantic Express .,.: S.ulam 0:50pm New York' special. 12:45 pm S-.38 pm Youngsto'wh Ex press .....j. 4:25 pm 11:15 nm Dally. Noto ,1, dally except Mop days and dayo 'following legal holi days. Not6 2, Monday only. ' THE BALTIMORE & OHIO SYSTEM. Depart, "West Arrlvo Canal Do Ver, Bridge port . - .. 0:00am 8:27pm Canal Dover, Bridge port ....... ..... 3:10pm 0:42nm Chicago, Vast Ex press 8'55om 8:20pm Chicago .Fast Ex press .... 7:55pra 0:45am Chicago Limited... ll:40pm ' l:52am Dally. Other trains dally except Sunday. PITTSBURG & WESTERN RY. Depart, East Arrive Chicago & New York Limited 2:00am 11 :33pm iWnrren, Youngitown and Pittsburg . . . C.53am 7:35pm Chicago & Youngs- town 8:20pm 8:40nm Akron & Pittsburg 12:15pm ll:42nm Dally. Other trains dally except Sunday. THE ,'VALLEY"-C., T. & V. R. R. GOING NORTH. How. st Union East i i .Depot Depot Akron No. 4G 7:00am 0:50am 0:33am No. 4 .... 0:10am 0.01am No. 0 ....12:01pm ll:5lam ll:.i3am No. 10.... 5:13pm 4:53pm 4:59pm No. 8 8:35pm S:20pm 8:22pm No. 12 ....0:50am 0:40am GQLNG SOUTH. No. 7 .... 8:15am 8:35am 8:15am No. 11 t...12:01pm 12:20pm 12:2Spm No. 0 .... 4.30pm 4:33pm 5.07pm No. 47..v17:28pm 7:50pm 8.02pm No. 5 ...";12:30am J2:50am 1:02am Ho. 3 .... ,:53pm 3.05pm to Akron only. "Does not, enter Union depot Sun days. if O. A. & 0. RAILWAY. T North. South. Cincinnati and. Clove 0,05am 0.03pm Akron & Pittsburg. 8:2oam 8:10pm Columbus & Clove. .ll'.35am 2.53pm Cincinnati in Cleve. 4:23pm 0 35am Pittsburg and N. Y. 4:17pm 11:10am Dally. Otheis dally except Sunday. CANTON-AKRON RY. CO. Cars leao E. Akron, '(Bluo J.ond) for Canton, New Berlin, Greentow'n, Union- town, and Springfield lako at 0:40, 8:10, 0:40, 11:10 a.m. 12:40, 2:10, 3:40, 5:10, 0:40, 8:10, 0:40, 10:40 p.m. Returning lorne Canton each hour and a half, 6 a m. to 0:30 p.m. RAILROAD NOTICES. EXCURSION NIAGARA FALLS AND TORONTO, ERIE R. R. Thursday, Aug. 21, special train, fine day coaches and sleepers, leaves Union depot 8:14 p.m., arrives Niag ara Falls 0 45 a.m. Rale Nlagaia Falls and return $3 00, good five days. Toronto $4.00, good seven days. Or der sleeping car space early, ticket office Union depot. LAST EXCURSION, CELERON- CHAUTAUQUA LAKE, CONEY ISLAND OF THE WEST. Erie R. H., Suuday, Aug. 24th. Train leaves 0:25 a.m. Returning leaves Jamestown 0 30 p.m. Rate $1.50 round trip. THE FISH ARE BITING. Up In Wisconsin nnd Michigan. First class train service Chicago & North western R'y during tho fishing season. Summer tourlpt rates now In effect. Direct connections Is made nt Chicago with 'all lines from tho south and oast. Ask any ticket agent for partic ulars, or address A, F. Cleveland, 231 Superior street, Cleveland, O., STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EUROPE Via all leading lines nt lowest rates. Cook's personally conducted tours. Information cheerfully given upon ap plication to 0. D. Honodlo, ticket agent, Union depot. $1 BRIDGEPORT; WHEELING AND RETURN. B. & O. R. R., Saturday, Aug. 23rd. Train leaves Akron 0:45 a. m., Barber ton 7 a. m. Returning leave Bridge port 7 p. m. ROUND TRIP TICKETS At exceedingly low rates will bo sold to Colorado Utah ncd tho Pacific coast, via The Missouri Pacific Ry on certain datC3 during May, Juno, July and August Through sleeping cars from St. Louis to Denver. Color ado Springs, Salt Lako City, nnd San Frnnclsco. Superior enfo dining car service Wrlto John R. James, cen tral passenger agent 905 Park Build ing, Pittsburg, Pa., for rates, and Il lustrated pamphlets' descriptive of the West May 10 tf RATES REDUCED TO CANTON. Via C, T. & V. R. R, every Sunday. 50 cents round trip on morning train, good rpturnlng any train, samo day. C, & B, STEAMET18. " Until December first, steamers will Icaio Clou-land dally, fli p.tnj, Central Htnnilnirt time; Buffalo dally, 0 p.m.. Eastern itnndard time, There will )e no special daylight trips during July and August, as ndvcrtlflwl. BPEHAI, TRAIN, HIGHLAND PARK, Campmectlng, Sunday Aug. 24, leaves Howard st. station, B. & O. R. R. 12 o'clock1 noon. Returning tlckpls good on all regular trains.' Roto 15 cents round trip. LAST EXCURSION, CELERON; CHAUTAUQUA LAKE; CO- iNBY ISLAND 6F THE WEST. Eric R.R., Sunday, Aug, 24th. Train leaves 0:25 a.m. Returning leaves Jamestown 0:30 p. m. Rate $1.60 round trip. LEGAL NOTICES. In. pursuance of an order of the Probate court of Summit cdunty, Ohio, I will offer for sale, at public auction, on Saturday, the 30th day of August, 1002, nt 2 o'clock, afternoon, upou the premise, the following described real estate, situate in the county of Sum mit nnd State of Ohio, to-wlti Being the cast fifty-two feet of lot number sixteen in block two (2) Per kins addition to Akron as recorded In plat book one page sixty-one (CI), Summit county rdpords of plats, the cast and west lines of said parcel of ground aro parallel. AppiaUed at $1,500. ' T6rms of sale: Not lesg than one-ihlrd cash and the balance In not 'more -than two equal payments nnd payable in not more than one nnd tfo years from the day of sale. The deferred payments to be secured by mortgage ou tho premises 'and to bear Interest from day of sale, payable annually. Said property Is known as 102 James st. WM. T. SAWYER, Aduir. Estate of Emily Martin, w.w. a. Aug. 1, 8. 15, 22. In pursuance of an order of the pro bate court of Summit county. Ohio, I will offer for sale at public auction, on Sajturdnj- the 30th dayof August, 1002, acji ojcloct,''afternoon, upon the promhea, the following described real estate, situate In the county of Sum mit and state of Ohio, to-wit: Lot No. 15 less 37W feet off the east end In block No. 2, Perkins addition to Alarm, as recorded in plat book one, page 01, Summit County Records. Appraised at $1,300.00. Terms of sale Not less than one-third cash, and the balance In not more than one and two years from date of sale. Tho de ferred payments to be secured by mortgage on tho premises nnd to benr Interest from day of sale, payable an nually. The above described lot has a building upon it containing n store room and living rooms, nnd Is at the corner of Hill and James' streets. It Is known as No. 110 Hill street WM. T. SAWYER, Administrator estate of Emily Martin, W. W. A. Aug. 1 8 15 22 CITY NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that an esti mated assessment of the cost and ex pense of constructing a local sewer In Chestnut street from Locust street to Bare street, has been made upon the lots nnd lands, nnd parcels thereof benefited by the construction thereof, and mentioned In an ordinance pro viding thsrefor, passed March 10, 1002, and Js now on file In the office of the City Clerk, for the Inspection and ex amination of the persons Interested tttHffi,"Uj By order of the City Council. CHAS H. ISBELL, City Clerk. Aug. 8, 15, 22. LEGAL NOTICE. In tho Court of Common Pleas. The State of Ohio, Summit County, ss. Henry D. Swignrt, Plaintiff, vs. LevrWny, the heirs of Levi Way, all of whose names are unknown to plaintiff; Lehigh Way, the heirs of Lehigh Way, all of whose names are unknown to plaintiff; Remlra Holmes, and the heirs of Remlra Holmes, all of whose names are to plaintiff unknown, Defendants. Levi Way, the heirs of Levi Way, whose names aic to plaintiff unknown; Lehigh Way, tho heirs of Lehigh Way, whose names are to plaintiff unknown; Remlra Holmes, nnd the heirs of said Remlra Holmes, whoso names nre to plaintiff unknown, all of whose sever al residences aro to plaintiff unknown, will heieby take notice that Henry D. Swlgart of Norton township, Summit county, Ohio, on tho Oth day of July, A. D., 1002, filed his petition in the Cqurt of Common Pjeas of the County of Summit nnd State of Ohio, alleging nmong other things that: "Ho Is the owner in fee, nnd in ac tual possession, ot tho following de scribed real estte, towlt: "Beginning at a stone nt the north east corner of Jot 40, Norton township, Summit county, Ohio; thence along the lot line north 80 degrees, 13 minutes west 2057.3 Teet to the northwest cor ner of said lot; thence south along lot lino 325.38 feet; thence south 80 de grees, 13 minutes east to tho east line of lot; thence north along the lot lino 325.38 feet to the place of beginning, and contains 20 ncres, more or less, as surveyed Apil 10th, J857, by Hosea Pnui. "Tho defendants claim seme Interest, title or estate or pretpnded Interest, title or estnto, In said premises adverse to plaintiff's right, title, Interest and estuto therein but the same Is un founded, without virtue and a cloud upon the plaintiff's title. "Wherefore plaintiff prnjs that the defendants may bo compelled to set forth and show their said Interests, title, right or estate In sold real estate und tint tho same may be adjudged to ' bo null and void"; nnd that in the event of tho failure of said defendants so set ting forth nod showing their Tespec- , J..T LEOAL NOTICES. tlve clalmq that they be forever barred therefrom, nnd plaintiff further prays for nueh other nnd further relief as Is equitable and Jimf Raid above named defendants arc re quired to answer on or before the 0(h day of September, 1002, ond upon their falluro to do so, said defendants will on the 8th dny of September, 1002, be adjudged In default for demurrer or answer to plaintiff's petition nnd their said respective clolms will be forever barred and sold causo wlll,on said day, bo assigned for hearing or as soon thereafter as the convenience nnd pleasure of tho court will permit. HENRY. D. SWIOAnT, By Young & Wnnamakcr.hlg attorneys. July 18, 23, Aug. 1 8, 15, and 22. APMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. In pursuance of an order of the Probate court of Summit county, Ohio, I will offer for sale at public auction, on Saturday, the 20th day of September, 1002, at 2 o'clock, p.m., upon the premises, the following de scribed real estate, situate In the city of Akron, county of Summit nnd State of Ohio, to-wit: First parcel: The southerly one-hnlf of lot No. 5 and a strip of land 14.5 feet wide off the entire westerly side of lot No. 4 in a subdivision of Jot 40, Ely In tract 5, formerly in Portage township, ns surveyed and numbered by R. S. Paul, surveyor. In February, 1808, for William H. Sprain, adminis trator with the will annexed of the estate of Ellen Sprain, deceased, and recorded In book 7, page 24, of Sum mit county records of plats. Second parcel: Being the norther ly one-hnlf of said lot No. 5 and of westerly 14.5 feet of lot No. 4, being all that part thereof lying northerly of a line drawn from the angle In the middle of the westerly line of said lot 5 to the angle In the middle of the easterly line of lot 4. Third parcel: The south one-half of lot No. 0 in said subdivision,, being all that part thereof lying south of a line drawn from the angle at the mid dle point of the westerly line thereof to the angle at the middle point of the easterly line thereof. Fouith pnrcel: The, northerly one half of said lot No. 0 being all that part thereof lying northerly of a line drawn from the angle at the middle point of the westerly line thereof to the angle at the middle point of the easterly line thereof. fifth parcel. The southerly one-half of lot No. 7 In said subdivision, being all that part thereof lying south of a line drawn from the angle at the mid dle point of the westerly line of said lot to the middle point of the easterly line thereof. Sixth parcel: The northerly one-half of lot No. 7 In said subdivision, being all that part of said lot lying norther ly ot a line drawn from the angle at the raldcUe point of the westerly line thereof to the angle at the middle point of the easterly line thereof. Seventh parcel: Being lot No. 8 in said subdivision. Eighth parcel: Being lot No. 0 in said subdivision. All of said parcels are located be tween North Tarbell and Ravine streets in said city. Appraised as a whole at $1,000. Terms of sale, not less than one-third cash In band, balance In not more than two equal payments, due In not more than one and two years from day of sale, the deferred payments to be secured by mortgage on tho premises and to bear interest from the day of sale, payable annually. All of the above to be offered as a whole. A plat of above lots can be seen at the office of J. M. Poulson, room 27, Arcade. WILLIAM H. SPRAIN, Administrator. With the will annexed of Ellen Sprain, deceased. Aug 15-22-20 Sep 5-12 CITY NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that an esti mated assessment of the cost and ex pense of constructing a main trunk sower in Districts Nos. 3 and 10, has been made upon the lots and lands and parcels thereof benefited by the construction thereof, and mentioned la an ordinance providing therefor, pass ed August 10th, 1001, and is now on file In the office of the City Clerk, for the Inspection and examination of the person Ihterested therein. By order of the City Council. CHAS H. ISBELL, City. Clerk. Aug. 8, 15, 22. CITY NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that an esti mated assessment of the cost and ex pense of constructing n local sewer In Upson street, from Arch street to a point 150 feet west from Harter aven ue, has been made upon the lots and lands nnd parcels thereof- benefited by the construction thereof, and mention ed In an ordlnnnce providing therefor, passed May 5th, 1002, and Is now on file In the office of the City Clerk for the Inspection nnd examination of the persons Interested therein. By order of the City Council. CHAS H. ISBELL, City Clerk. Aug. 8, 15, 22. CITY NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that an esti mated assessment of the cost and ex pense of constructing a local sewer In Edgewood avenue, from Wooster avenue to a point 150 feet south of Lohmnn street, has" been made upon the lots and lands and parcels there of benefited by tho construction there of, and mentioned In an ordlnnnce pro viding therefor, passed March 17th, 1002, and Is now on file In the offlco of. tho City Clerk, for tho Inspection and examination of persons Interested therein. By order of the City Council. CHAS H. ISBELL, City Clerk. Aug. 8, 15, 22. Read Demoorat Liner Columns. Fir Alarm jlirC Calls- 1 Ccntinl Engine Houso 2 Buckeye Works. 3 Miller Rubber Works. 4 Diamond Rubber Works. 5 Main and Market. 0 No. 2 Engine House. 7 N. Broadway, near Market 8 Buchtc ave. and Bowery. 12 Prospect, near Mill. 13 Furnaco and Broadway, 14 Main nnd Keck. 15 Aab and Park Place. 10 No. 3 Engine House. 17 Cmoll and Exchange. 18 Emplro Reaper Works. 10 Akron Rubber Works. 21 .Prospect and Perkins. 23 Forge and Market 24 Sherman, near Exchange. 25 Main and Exchange. j 26 N. Howrrd and Tallmadga. Ti Wckt Market and Green. 28 Akron Knife Works. 20 Washington and Hopp alley. 31 North Howard and NortX 82 East Market and Spruce. 34 West Wnrket and Valley. 35 Carroll and Splcer. 80 Carroll and Sumner. 37 North and Arlington. 38 Vine and Fountain. 50 Coburn and CampbelL 41 No 0 Engine House. 42 Pearl, near cittern. 43 South Main and Falor. 45 College and Mill. 46 Arlington and HazeL 47 Howe and Bowery. 48 West South. 40 Merrill Pottery. 51 Howard and Cherry. 52 No. 4 Engine House. 53 Center st R. R. crossing. 54 Buchtel ave. and Union. 50 Akron Stoneware Co. 57 Lods and Turner. 58 Perkins rnd Adolph. 50 Webster Camp and Lane. 01 Case ave. and Kent 02 Selbcillng Mill. Oth ward. C3 Johnston and Champlaln. 64 Akion Sewer Pipe Co. G Hill Sewer Pipe Co. 67 Carroll and E. Market 08 Second avc. and Valley R. E 09 Johnston and Wilson. 71 Grant and Cross. 72 North &nd Maple. 73 Werner Printing Co. j 74 North Union near Blnff. 75 Robinson Bros. ( 70 Wbltmore, Robinson Co. 78 East Market and Cook. 70 Home st, near Lillian 81 Western Linoleum Co. 82 Summit Sewei Pipe Co. 83 Allyn and Cross. 84 Thornton nnd Harvard. 85 McNeil Boiler works. 87 Thornton and Camp. 80 Main and Miller ave 01 Cereal Mill, S. Howard. 02 Schumacher Cooper shtgt. 0-1 M1U and Summit 05 Mill and Main. . 08 Buchtel and Fay. 121 General alarm. 123 Silver and Hickory. 124 South High and Chestnut ' 125 West Market and Rhodes. 120 Arlington and Second ave. 232 Rennet's Brewery. 241 Sherman and Vorli. r 251 Cedar ana WabaBh ave. 253 W. Exchange, near Willow. 312 Cascade Mills, Howard, 321 Adams and Upson. 341 Balch and Market 342 Maple, opposite Batch. 345 Blttman and Crosby. 351 Exchange and Splcer. KTVINCBLE TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES are the best obtainable,1 and are sold at raostmod--' erate prices. Whatever variety of supplies you wish, you will find it here, embodying the sterling qualities of re- liability, convenience and economy. i UNITED TYPEWRITER AND SUPPLIES CO. Cleveland, Ohio., CLEVELANOi ...AND .. BUFFAK WHILE YOU SLEl UNPARALLELED NIGHT SERVICE. NEW8TEAI "CITY OF BUFFALO" "CITY OF ERIE" reaped, the fineit nd futect that are rus I he lnteret of the Hireling public in tl TIME CARD naikv iNouiaiNo Sunday. ICVE ARRIVE Cleveland 8 P.U. Buffalo 6:30 1 Buffalo 8 " Cleveland 6:30 Special BayUght Trip Evary Saturday J lutu'.mn juijr um August auin laeiuure. i Itats Ouffila , 8 A.M. Arrlva Clitiland I biawaaa u " " Banna eeHTRAL IT1MD1IB Tiyr. 0RCHC9THA ACCOMPANIES eCH S7J Conncctlona made at Buffalo wlta tral a:i Kaitern ana Canadian polma. at Clei for Toledo, Detroit and aft polatt Wj Ab ticket areata for tickets rla C & 1 ocnu tour cciixa ior juuitraita p SPECIAL LOW RATS CLHVKLA BUPPALO AWD NIAGARA FALLS BATUKDAY HIGHT, AL80 BUFFA W. F. HERMAN, Genral Pass CLCVKWANDO. ri ' w I x i 5-.1 i it i $ Ji. iV u ,. 'h ''i'L il,' t.. -W AUu' ..sA-Lrtl