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Akron daily Democrat. [volume] (Akron, Ohio) 1892-1902, August 26, 1902, Image 1

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To Be Referred by House
to Committee of 17.
Whole Forenoon Spent In Reading
the Bulky Document.
(Speclnl Coricspondencc.)
Columbus, O., Aug. 23. In accord
ance with the ngreemcnt reached Mon.
day night, tho House caily this morn
ing adopted a resolution providing that
tho Speaker appoint a special commit
tee of not less than 17 members to
which will be rof cried nil bills, Includ
ing tho Codo Introduced nt this ses
sion. Tho code Is known In the House as
House bill No. 5. Ilepiesentatlvo
Gucrln, of Erie county, Introduced a
bill to meet tho 'original Idea of Royer
In bis Supieme Court 1)111. no also
Introduced two other bills effecting tho
manner of court pleadings and appeals.
The whole foienoon was occupied by
The Navy to the
President Made a Vig
orous, Speech.
Kind Words Said of Annapolis
and West Point.
Haverhill, Mass., Aug. 20. Here, at
the home of Secretary of the Navy
Moody, President Roosevelt made an
Important' speech this morning, laud
ing the navy and emphasizing that it
must be kept up to a .high efficiency in
time of peace to bo formidable In time
of war. He also said that Annapolis
and West Point were the most demo
cratic schools in America, where ineilt
ulone counted and from whence men
went to llnd their careers depended
on merit.
"The entire countiy is vitally inter
ested in the navy," ho said, "because
an efficient navy of adequate sizo is
not only tho best guaiantee of peace,
but is also the surest means for see
ing that if war does come the result
shall bo honoiablc to our good name
and favorablo to our national Interests.
"Any leally gieat nation must bo
peculiarly sensitive to two things
Btaln on tho national honor at homo
and disgrace to tho national arms
abioad. Our honor nt home, our honor
In domestic and internal nfl'nlis is at
nil times In our own keeping, and de-
ponds simply upon the national pos
session of an awakened public In con
science. But the only way to make
sufo our honor as affected, not by our
own deeds, but by the deeds of otheis,
Is by readiness In advance.
"The enlisted men o" the navy are
of flno type, us thoy must be to do
their woil; well, whether hi the gun
turret or in the cngino 100m and out of
tho fine inateiial thus piovlded, tho
finished mau of wnr's man Is evolved
by years of sea service.
'$ "It Is in
&) of war to !
impossible after the outbreak
Improvise cither the ships or
the men of a navy. A war vessel is u
bit of mechanism as delicate and com
plicated as It Is formidable. You might
Justns well expect to turn an unskilled
laborer offhand into a skilled machinist
or Into tho engineer of a llyer on one
pf our big rnUiond systems, as to put
men aboard a battleship with tho ex
pectatlon that they will do anything
but dlsciedlt themselves until thoy
lia,vo months and years In which to
thoroughly learn the business. Our
shipbuilders and guumakers must keep
ever on tho alert so that no rivals
pass them by; nnd tho offlccrs and en
listed men on boord tho ships must
in their turn, by the exerclso of un
flagging and intelligent zeal,keep them
oelvea fit to get tho Invst uso out of the
Instruments of war enhusted to their
care. Tho Instrument is always im
portant, but tho man who hoi it i
' more Important still. Wo must cou-
ctnntly endeavor to cerfect our navy In
reading the Cod6. The bill was Intro
duced In tho Senate by Mr. Longworth.
No other business was done In the
upper branch.
Columbus O., Aug. 20. Tho program
for tho codo hearing Is that tho com
mittee shall set aside certain days for
hearings on certain , sections of tho
code. The Cleveland delegation will
fight tho provision making the assist
ant City Solicitor, Prosecuting attor
ney of Pollco court. Thoy want this
olllce elective.
Senator Hnnna will reach hcie this
afternoon to advise w4th Legislators
on the code. No two Republicans
agtce as to tho course to pursue at the
special session and he will be wel
comed. all its duties in time of peace nnd
above all, in manoeuvring in a sea
nay and in marksmanship with the
great guns. In battle the only shots
that count nre those that hit and
mnrksmanship Is a matter of long
practice and of Intelligent reasoning.
A navy's efficiency In n war depends
mainly upon Its preparedness at tho
outset of that war. We are not to bo
excused as a patlon, if there is not
such preparedness of our navy. This Is
especially so In view of what we have
done duilng the last four years. No
nation has a right to undertake a big
task, unless It is prepared to do so in
masterful and effecth o style. It would
be an Intolerable humiliation for us to
embark on such, a course of action as'
followed from our declaration of war
with "Spain and not make good our
words by deeds not be ready to prove
our tiuth by our endeavor whenever
the need calls. Tho good work of
building up the navy must go on with
out ceasing. The modern warship can.
not, with advantage, be allowed to rust
lu disuse."
Over $1,000 Clipped From N.
O. T.'s Share of Expense.
The N. O. T. Co. has been allowed
a rebate order for $1,022 34, to be
charged' to the Matnsst. pacing fund
No. 6, for Uiat section of tho street
between Thornton and Crosier sts.
Tho original estimate of tho expense
to be borne by each ' property owner
Interested In that part of the street,
seems to havo had the cost to the N.
O. T. Co. placed too high, and tho
action of the City Commissioners
Tuesday, was iu adjustment of the
Mrs. Katherjne B. Aultman is
Canton, O., Aug.( 20. Mrs. Katherlne
B. Aultman, one of the best known
residents of Canton, died this morning,
aged 75 years. She founded Aultman
hospital and gave, liberally to cduca
tlonal and charitable Institutions. Her
bequests by will to various public In
stitutions amount to about $200,000.
Required to Continue Open-Air
Tho fund subscribed to promote
open-air concerts b.y; tho Eighth 'Regi
ment band durlnfftho summer is now
almost exhausted, buf an cffoit will bo
made to raise enough money to con
tinue tho conceits through tho bal
onco pf tho season. Mr. W. 11. Pal
mer, leader of the Eighth Regiment
bond, said: "We will gladly call on
anyone who notifies us that he wishes
to contribute to ho fund or Increase
amounts formerly subscribed. Nine
concerts havo been gtvra thus far. It
remains with tho public to say whether
they shall bo continued,'' (
As They
Held Up by Strik
ers And Two Non-Union
Men Taken Off.
Mob Soon Dispersed by
Tamaqua, Pa., Aug. 20. Troops en
camped at Manila park here had a
hurried call to arms this morning, nt
about C o'clock. At Sumralt-Hill tho
strikers weie out In .force.
The special trolley car that hns made
Its trips rpgularly every morning, car
rying non-union men to w ork, w.as held
up for the first time nnd two men
taken off nnd badly beaten. Tw o com
panies of tho Twelfth regiment nrrlved,
in time to quiet wild scenes aud esJ
corted the men through the mob back
to the car. At ono time the mob closed
In on the soldiers, but an order to
draw bayonets dispersed them.
Hnzlcton, Pa., Aug. 2C Scenes' of
yesterday wero not repented this morn
ing, ns the Lehigh Valley Co. and tho
Mayor provided ample police piotectlon
to the mon leturning to work. Mob,s of
strikers wero quickly dispersed -by the
The Mayor lias Finished
His Address
And Now Waits For the Events
ful Day.
The Mayor has aheady given up his
duties In this city until nfter thp con
vention of the League of Ameiricon
Municipalities, nf Guild Rapids, Mich.
Ho, wU spend somo time in medita
tion aiul rest, now that his nddresa
has been finished and the strain is
over, nnd ho expects to bo In perfect
condition on Aug, 28, when ho deliv
ers tho address which will set the
world to ringing nnd re-echoing his
Buuia ruuiwn xumuctr AmU
Would Have the Public
As It Realjy Is.
i t
Attempt Aade to Wreck a North-
em Pacfic Train.
Snokane.' Wash.. Aug. 20. Seven
robbers tried to wreck a Northern Pa
cific train at Sond Point, Idaho, 00
miles east of beio last nlghf. They
tore up 'tho track, coAercd the train
crew and used dynamite on the ex
press "car, but could not force It and
finally left without booty.
Remembered Generously
In Will of Cecil Rhodes
..London, Aug. 20-It has been report
cd that Cecil Itlmdes bequeathed to
he Countess of Warwick lands In
South Aftlca woith $1,000,900.
The Countess who years ago was
referred, -to. as
"Babbling Brooke,'"
The Camera - Club Is Arranging
Tho Akron Camera club will hold
a special meting Tuesday evening
and anangemenh for tbcMutlng to
be held Labor, day, will bo completed.
The Outing committee has something
interesting to report, and a full at
tendance Is desired.
and who was well known as Lady
Brooke, the famous beauty, obtained
her nickname because it was supposed
that she first whispered of the bac
carat senndnf In which King Edward,
as Prince of Wales, figured years ago.
Postoff ice at New Portage
Will Be Abandoned. 4
Citizens In That Section of Barberton ,
Are Up In Arms.
New Portage folks are all ctlrrcd up
over an alleged attempt being mnde by
Barberton folks to do away with the
New Portage postofllce which, nt tho
present time, Is an independent fourth
class olllce, the postmaster being Bar
borton's redoubtable Councllinon,J. W.
Tho New Portage people would not
object to hating the office changed to
a sub office but will resist any effort
that should be made to deprive them
of any office at all.
Mr. John R. Davis Is" leading the
forces of tho opposition, and Coun
cilman McCarty Is his right hand man.
To a Democrat reporter, Mr. Davis
Of Staying Cholera Epidemic in
Washington, Aug. 2G. All hope of
staying the cholera epidemic in the
Philippines has been abandoned until
the tjplioon season sets in. Only light
rains have fallen, serving only to stir
up streams and diftuse the cholera
germs, and Surgeon General Forwood
says that no material change for the
better can be expected until heavier
storms begin.
Will Be In Labor Day
More Announcements Concern
ing the Program.
At Monday night's meeting of Gen
eral committee having in charge ar
rangements for the Labor day cele
bration, it was decided to have five
bands in the parade, placing the Good
rich band nt the head of first division;
Great Western at head of second; K.
O. T. M. at head of third; Eighth Reg.
irnent, No. 1, at bead of Fourth, and
Eighth Regiment, No. 2, at head of
Industrial division.
The shaving contest for the State
championship will take place In front
of Central building on Main st
Prof. J. T. McMnhon will do his
back-somraersault high dive net In
front of the M. O'Nell Co.'s store.
The Higgle Brothers will give their
acrobatic performance on platform
on Howard st., at intersection of
Cherry st.
Prof. Aredo will give his slack wire
performance on Howard st., near Mar
ket st.
Moor H. A. Knsson, Captain Her
man Weiner nnd Captain James H.
Burt hae been selected as judges of
best appearing unions In the parade.
Ten dollars was appropriated for
suitable nrlos to be awarded to best
waltzers at the dances' to be'ghen In
Tip Top and Rose halls.
One of the bands will play for ball
game at the Buchtel giounds, and nn
other at the East Akron ball grounds.
Confessed That They Had Stolen
a Bicycle.
David Earl Capron, aged 6, and
Thomas Heller, aged 8, were brought
Into Police headquarters Monday af
ternoon, by Officer Duffy, who charges
that they stole a bicycle, Duffy found
tho boys riding the wheel and they
could give no satisfactory account of
how it came Into their possession.
After a lecture and a large fright
had been administered to them by
Chief Dirrkln, the boys were released.
Tho lads, who are Httlo more thou ba
bies, wept very bitterly and continu
ously while they were In the hands
of the pollco, nnd It Js safe to pi edict
that It will be a long time before they
again break the law.
said: "Should the postofllce be re
moved from New Portage Barberton
merchants ns well as the postoffico
would be loners, for many persons who.
now get their mall nnd buy stamps nt
tho New Portage office would go to
Akron to get their mall and do their,
marketing. Should a sub-station be cs.
tnbllshed at New Portage It would not
only keep the trade In Barberton but
It would swell the receipts of the Bar
berton postofllce as all the receipts of
the substation would be turned over.
to the main office. I do not understand
why any effort should bo mado to Ho
away with the New Portage office,
but I do know that there is such a
movement on foot"
Will Fight Willie
As Preliminary to Mc-Govern-"Corbett"
Art Believes That Terry Will
Surely Win.
Art Slmras, looking as though he had.
taken a new lease on life, dropped off
a train In Akron, Tuesday morning,
for n stay of a day or so before he goes
on to join the McGovern training camp,
at Cincinnati. SImms is very confidant
that Terry will win this match, and he
states that ho does not believe that
"Young Corbett" will have a show,
"When Terry fougbt 'Corbet Km
fore," said Art, "he had Just finishes
a hard theatrical season, and was not
in the best of condition. This time
he Is hard as nails, and hits a blow
like a steam hammer. All his trainers
are ready to bet all they have coming
that he will win this fight."
Simmg states that ho will probably
get one of the prellminaiies to the big
fight, and his probable opponent will
be Willie Mack, a scrapper from tho
"Corbett" camp. Slmms expects to
continue with McGovern, ns his sparr
ing partner after this fight, and he saya
that he will fight in future under tho '
management of Sammy Harris, Mc
Govern's manager.
The rivil tialnlng camps have each
established a base ball team, and an
effort will be made to get together on
the diamond shortly after they aie both
in Cincinnati.
Woe unto the umpire of such a 1
game! ,
Will Leave For Sandusky
Monday Night.
Special Rates Cannot Be Obtained
After That Time.
Chairman Snyder announces that the
Akron delegation to the Sandusky
convention will leave here over the
O. T. & V., next Monday night at S 20.
From Cleveland the party will go to
Sandusky over the Lake Shore, the
train leaving shortly after 10 p. ra.
It will be necesary for those who
wlshtoseqapsSfo half-fare rate to start
MondaylSight, and It Is Btated posi
tively that those starting Tuesday will
be obliged to pay regular fare.
Contracts Recommended.
The City Commissioners on Tuesday
adopted rocommendutlons that tb4l
contract for constructing tho VotIb
st. sewer be awarded to John 0"N1)U,
and tho contract for grading BoutU
st to S. W. rarehall. -r
V v t
. trfdd&XAK.M
Kfer i 4-i
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