Newspaper Page Text
TUKSDA.Y, ADO. 20, 1&02. i m n .-wii ftiink I" T DELAYED i WiV J ' m - ,r,' Sir Thomas Upton In His Auto. Kodol DlfMis ' whutyoii Emt '' Curo & I of buying a bottoo than glazocl paokagr offee for 9c 'That's ' whVb wo offer this ,wook. Payment a Few Days Longer. Vnu mlshf.njl well nut. fnol nruW n hnl!ir without burnlns lb and exnect, the eniflna li run. ni to cat food and nob dltfcst It ana oxpccG In - SqiltijiACHDH & 'GAMMd'EH, ll. 1nl Hnntli ITntvf1 cf to keep up nourishment for your body. You must have nouriihrneht to llvo and when you cannot dfgcab your food, Kodol Dyspepsia Coiih will do It for you, with no aid whatever from tho stomach, lbcontalnf exactly tho BamBclemcnts as Nature's dlgostlvo fluids and can'b help but produce tho sarno result. David Taylor, Blind IUdgo, Pa.,wrltcai "I have been afflicted for a number of years with dyspepsia and have tried various remedies without good results but was cured by ono bottl of Kodol DvsPEi8tx Cunn. I cannot say too much In ito favor." It can't help but do you good Prepared by E. O. DoWItt U Co , Chicago. Tho II. tottlo contalnggK timet tho COc ri t Vhen you need a soothing and healing application for piles, sores and stria diseases, use DoWitt's Witch Hazel SALVE. Bowaro of counterfeit . UW...U ..U, ,(... UV., China & Jnpnn Ten Storo. Both phoncB or postal free. Council Will Meet Agajn This Week. . ! i . AMUSEMENTS Dyspepsia .. & Wcdnosdny night, f mini mi MWW"wwiinw T-I Aug. 27, MISS MAnownniTB SYLVA, In Nixon & Zlm- mei man's produc tion of Ledorcr's successful comic opera, THE- STROLLERS 80 ARTISTS 80 Rents now on . 8nle Prlecsr-25, 50r 75c, $1," $1.50. Next Saturday night, Primrose & Pockstoder's big mlnstiols. Scats nest Tllursifny mdrnlng. I - - - - .1 i i,ii ii i r i ii li- Summit PARK ' . UllH Z . Week commencing Monday, Aug, 25 6 Big Acts In the Theatre and Prof. fThe daring aeronaut in illu minated balloon ascensions, ivlth Parachute Leap. ' Every evening and Satur day afternoon. i AmzemE dadf IfcmL-l-I-. I XtihL "&&MtW 1 mWtll: I hiHlW; J T?L?" m. KmkiM m mmr-ri r n ijii i hi i l w .LmYUtfimj iiiAiv rocitirt111 MtwflMn 2:15 LdMllU 'Every evening 8:15 -Week of August 25, The Best Show of the'Season CIV ' GREAT ACTS CIY 0IA Headed by OIA MRS. GRACE JOflES of the Tuesday Musical Club. Before you Decide on your picnic, excursions, trolley par ties or camping grounds, sco nnd get terms for T Electric Park On shoics of historic Lake Brady. Strictly temperance. Freo gates. Dl lect connection with Erie, B. & O., Pennsyhnnla nnd W. Ac Ii. B. rail roads) also many trolley' lines. Fine cottnges to rent For rates and further partlculnis, wr!t,o Electiic Park Co , Kent, O. i-TMi NO LAUDANUM, othlps that could harm the little one, In Dr.. James Soothing Syrup Cordial. Curei nil the ills of childhood n A'rirwr rHore jticntinliottlo. iottic. m or & Do. nor sale by'tfohn iLainpartor & r J-! C ! Only Eight Mors Days and Two Sundays By steamer to Long Lake pailc, when the season will close plensant boat ilde of 00 minutes, leaving Lock 1 nt 0 a.m., nnd 1:30 p.m., dnlly. . DR. MARTHA BEKSON-SILBEB Diseases of Women and Children OFFICE H0DRS-9 to 12 M., 2 to 5 P.M., 7 to 8 Evenings Office nnd Keslderce -618 S. Main St. People's Phone 1597. WOMAN Charged With Keeping Saloon Open on Sunday. porn Gntps, who conducts a saloon on West Exchnngo st., wns arrested nnd later lelensed on bond, Monday afternoon, on charge of keeping her saloon open on Sunday. Why Suffer With Your Kidneys? Tho discovery o4 Or. Geo. Lelnlng er's For-mnl-do-hyo Kidney Tablets has pioycd n blessing to thousands of Kid ney sufferers who hn o been restored to perfect health. Thcso tnhlets drivo the kidney disease germs out of tho blood, and prevent accumulation of Uric Aclu in tho system. Ao urge nil sufferers to glyo this sclentJflc nnd successful Kidney iciuedy n tilnl. Thoy come In two sizes. 25 nnd. 50 cents. Cmnn nnd get a trlnl treatment freo at all uruBBiBiB. I&s Balloon ascension every night nnd Bnturtlay afternoon this week at Sum mit take jaU. ' , So Democratic Members May Attend Convention. Council wns In session Mondny eve ning only long enough to recoss again until Friday evening. It waq the In tention to pass the payroll oidlnance which has been held up n couple of months, owing to lack of funds, but Treasurer Borger stated that ho will not be ready to pay out until Saturday. In view of this, Council recossed un til Filday cenlng, when the payroll will bo passed, and on Saturdny the belated pay of tho city employes and creditors of tho city will bo distrib uted. At thrf meeting' Friday evening, much of the regular business, which would ordinarily come before the Council nt Its fli'st meeting In Sep tember' will bo tnken up, Theio are two things which would make it In convenient to hold n Council meeting the first of next vyeekf Monday' is Labor day, and tko,Demociatlc State convention will be held on the 1st and 2nd of September. Nearly nil the Democratic meiubois of Council ex pect to attend tho com entlon, and for thoso reasons somp of the regular business booked for disposal at tho fUst meeting in September -v 111 be handled Trlday evening. $I0C Howard, $J00. The readers of thin pap'br will baploacod lo learn that thorols nt least ono areado J disease that sclonce has been able to cure In nil Us stages nnil that Is Catarrh. Hnll'. Catarrh Cure Is tho only positive cure now known to tho mcdlcul fi'nternlty. Catarrh bclne a constitutional dltense. renulres n constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, ac'lng dlreotly upon tho blood nnd muooua surfaces of tho sstom, thoroby destrolng the foundation of tho dlseasn, and ghlng tho patient strm.gth by building up the constitution md iislstine nature, in doing Its work l'hu proprietors have so much faith in Its curiulvo powers, that they otlor, one hun dred dollars for' any; case that It falls to cjio. bend for list of totttmonlals. Address V. J. OHENK Y & Co., Toledo. O. Bold by druggists 76o. Bait's Family Fills are Mm hent. CONSUMPTION the most dreaded and deadly of nil diseases, as well ns pnevnonln, nud all lung troubles mo relieved at once nnd cured by Acker's I?ngllsh Remedy, "tho king of nil cough cures." Cures coughs nnd colds in n dny. 25 cents. Your money back if dissatisfied. Write for free sample. W. II. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, -N. Y. Inmnn Bros., J. M. Laffcr and John Lnmparter & Co. BELIEVES That All Stray Dogs Should Be Shot. The number of rand dogs in Akron, tills summer, has thus far been unu sually small. Babies have been un heard of. This, Is taken nt the City Hall to bo an, indication that tho fail ure to appoint n dog catcher has been endoised by the trend of events. Mnny officials are in favor of tnklng grcnter precautions, however, and in this class Is Dr. A. A. Kohler. J- "I believe that nil stray dogs shorld bp shot," said Dtv Kohler, Mondn "In European countries, wheio rnbics weio fiequcnt, this plan Tins been fol lowed, nnd the dread disease has al most invariably disappeared." Acker's Blood Elixir positively cures chronic blood pqlsoplng and oil scrofu lous affections. At-nll times a match less sj stein touio pnd puiiflor. Money lefunded If you nro uot satisfied. 50c and ?1. Inman Bios., J. M. Latter, nod John Lamparter & Co., druggists. "I had dinbetes in Its worst form," writes Mnrlon Lee, of Dunwreath, Ind, "I tiled eight physicians-without jollof. Only thrco bottles of Foley's Kidney Cine made mo n well man." J. M. Lnffer, A. Warner, J. Lampar ter & Co. FOR RENT. Front suite qf rooms nt 185 S. Main st opposite M. O'Nell & Co.'s store (building formerly occupied by Daily Democrat); suitahlo for offlco pur poses, smnll manufacturing establish ment, or any busfuoss which requires a central location, Possession given Immediately, with lenso, If desired. Inquire, Lnbor Exchange, P. M. Ban ney, manager, 105 S. Main b. 88 tf i ' Mokl Ten positively cures sick head nche, indigestion nnd constipation. A delightful herb drink, Ueraovesnllcrup tlons of tho skin, producing n perfect comnlexon or money refunded. 25c nnd 50c. Write to us for" free sample. W. II. Hooker & Co,, Buffolo, N. Tf. Inman Bros., J. M. Laffert John Lam palter & Co. mr wr,y' ( 1 London, Aug. ,26-Whlle coming to town on the.morntng of Aug. 22, from his countiy house, Sir Thomas Lipton was in nn nutomobtle nccident. QUOTED FROM And the President trations Not Frequently Used. Tho President's fnmlllarlty with the bible may puzzle some of his read ers where he refers to tho good fortune of Jeshurun, the falling of the tower of Sllonin, nnd the .prayer of tho Psalmist for neither poerty nor riches, for, except the latter which, by tho way, Is not the prayer of the Psalmist, but the confession of Agur, the refer ences nic not common. Jeslnuun is a timely illustration, however, nnd tho story might bo read with profit to nnybody. It is found In tho twenty-third chapter of Deuter onomy. It is from the song of Moses to the congregation of Israel: 'Mesh-, urun waxed fnt." Of the people of Jeshuiun, it Is nnr rnted thnt the" Loid "Made him to ride on tho high places of the earth, that he might cat the In crease of the fields; and He made him ".o suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the flinty rock; "Butter of kjne, and milk of sheep, with fat of lambs, nnd rams of tho breed of Bashan, nud goats, with tho fat of kidneys of wheat; nnd thou didst drink the pure blood of the giape. "But Jeshurun wnxed fnt and kick ed: thou nit wnxen fnt, thnu nit grown thick, thou nit covered with fatness; then ho forsook God, which inndo him, and lightly esteemed the rock of his" salvation. "Thoy provoked, sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came new ly up. "And when the Lord saw It he ab horred them." M Ufe of m I ,gTa5fe! L a M y MS. 9L veiiwi m suffonci coin Bk m Watch Cases H T 10113 gol'J curs nlll lu( (bat H MW lone without wearing too thin, B T to utly vrotrot Hie It H .r jovi want a vi alch cano for pro- m Uttion, durablllt ami beauty, flH . . "y get the lloaa with tlm key- JM Jtt to9 trade-mark itamped V Vlnilde. bend for booklet. M r VH THE KEYSTONE jJ VBBM A. VVMC1 CO., W nHBi'm PJilladelpnla. W AUuto Sir Thomas's. 12-horse car, which the baronet wns drlvjngxhlmself,.skld ded en the Btieet cnrrnlls at Wood green, nnd crashed 'Violently Into tho THE BIBLE ,f i i Also Chose Illus Moses continues lu-vlgorous languago to wnrn the people ns to tho results of tho follies' thnt came from waxing fat and. forgetting seiiousness of pur pose and earnest effort, "And ho was king In Jeshurun when the heads of the people and the tribes of Israel weie gathered together.'" i,ri 1 - The leferenee to the tower of SHoam is explained by tho opening verses of the thirteenth chnptei of St. Luke. VTbere weie present at that season some thit told him of the Gnllleans, Whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sucilficcs. "Apd Jesus answering said unto them:' 'Suppose jo thnt these Gnlllc aps.were sinners above all the, Gali leans, because they suffered such things? " 'I telf you, nay; but except ye re pent, ye frtiall llLcw Isq perish. '"Or those 18, upon whom tho tower of Sllonm fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners nbovo nil mou that 'dwelt in Jerusalem? "I tell you, nay; but except ye le pent; ye shall all likewise peilsh. " The prayer of Augur, "the sou of Jakph, lsfound in tho thirtieth chapter of Proibs. Tho c.picssion used by the Piestdtnt is in the eighth veise: "nomove far fiom me vnnity and dies; give mo neither poveity nor riches; feed mp with food convenient for mo: "Lest I he full, and deny thee, ana tny, Who s t)ip Loid? or lest I bo poor, nnd steal, and tako tho name of my God in yaln." Tho applications are all apt, nnd Iron railing bordering tho road. The car wns wrecked nnd the railing wns smashed for n considerable dlstnnce, but Sir Thomas escaped with n shock nnd a few bnilses. the perusal of the sacred writ to such extent ns is necessnry to get complete light on the incident in each case is worth the while. A Physician Healed. Dr. Geo. Ewing, a practicing physl cinn of Smith's Grove, Ky., for over 30 yenrs, wiltes his personal experi ence with Foley's Klduey Cure: "For j cars I had beeh greatly bothered with kidney and bladder trouble and en larged prostrate, gland. I used every thing know n to the profession without relief, until I commenced to uso Foley's Kidney Cure. After taking three bot tles I was entirely relieved nnd cuied. I prescilbe it now daily in my prac tice and heattily recommend its use to nil physicians for sucli troubles, l have piesciihed it in hundreds of cases with perfect success." J. M. Latter, A. Warner, J. Lampar ter & Co. Quick Relief J qt Asthma, Sufferers Foley's Honey nnd Tnr nffords 1m medlnte relief to nsthmn sufferers In the.nworst stnges nnd if tnken in time will effect a cure. J. M. Laffcr, A. Warner, J. Lampar ter & Co. SHOT MAYOR TOM IN THE EYE But the Urchin Afterward Re gretted His Marksmanship. Mayor Johnson, made an arrest Sun day, and incidentally taught n smnll boy thnt it Is not wise to use a benn shooter promiscuously on btrangers, sajs the Plain Dealer. The Major was drlvng on Euclid ave. A giocer's wagon wns passing. In the wagon wna n small boy nnd his mother. The spinll hoy had n benn shooter. He did, not know the Mayor. As the grocer's wagpn passed the smnll boy blow n benn at the chief cxecutlv e. It was a well dlicctcd shot, and lnnded squarely in tho Mayor's eye. The Mayor vns greatly astonished at first, but iir n mqraont ho lecovered himself sufllclcntly to call upon tho boy to stop. Tlie boy did not stop. In stead, he whipped up his horse and made all habt'c to escape. Tho Mayor had Intended" buly to rebuke tho joung miscieant, Init when he saw him try ing to escape, he determined that a moie severe Jpsson was necessary. Ho dliected his' coachman to whip up his horse and overtake tho fugitive. The inco was nn unequal one, for the gioter's nng, though mged to tho utmost, wns nq match for tho Major's tliOioughliifd, John, the Major's coachman, ended the chase by getting In fiont of tho'gtoccr's wngon and foic lug it Into tho gutter. When the gioter's" wagon was brought to bay the Major apnounced that tho bean shooting boy was under .arrest - Whereupon juvenile tears flbvved freely. The lachrymal stream was augmented by the weeping of the The Time If you winh to take advnntngo of you must come sbon. All Clothing Our methods are always tho same. If you think you i.ave paid to o much, or don't 'feel satisfied, return thomerchandlse and we refund She RELIABLE OLOTH1EHS, HATTEHS AND FUItNISHBRS. 113 EBnc3 flSO $ftOO . ' jpeegle's J0t7in6s JtanK, DOES A GENERAL BANKING , BUSINESS. ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. Interest at 3 per cent per annum on savings deposits, from date of deposit, on all amounts remaining 80 days or longer. 700 S. Main street, fc mother, who begged that her boy be not arrested. The Mayor was stern, however. He finally consented not to arrest the lad, upon condition that he give him his name and address, and appear nt the Mnj or's ofilco nt noon, Monday. These terms were gladly accepted. The boy gave the name of John J. Henderson, of No. 2830 Superior st The incident had passed from the Mayor's mind when he arrived at tho City Hnll yesterdny noon. A smnll boy in knickerbockers nnd with a senred fnco wns wnitlng. After tears on the 1 II 11. When Will Akron People Learn the Import- ance of It?, Backache is only a 6lmple thing at first, But when you know 'tis the kldnej-s; That serious kidney troubles follow; That Diabetes, Bright's Diseases maj' uo tno intiu enu. , You will gladly profit by the fol lowing experience: 'TIs the statement of nn Akron citi zen. Mr. Robert Thompon, of HO North Hownrd St., snjs: My back wns the source of a great deal of misery to me. I could haidly move about from lame ness across the, loins nnd I suffered from Irregular action of the kidney secretions which greatly embarrassed me; headaches were common and at times I was bothered with dizziness. After getting Doan's Kidney rills from Lnmparter & Co.'s drug storo on South Hownrd st, nnd tnklng them I hnd no headache, the difficulty with tho kidney secietlons disappeared. I slept well and If it had not been for n bronchial trouble I would have been peifectly well," For sale by all deaeis. Price DOc. Foster-Stllburir Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Sole agents for U. S. Iteniember the namo Doan'a anil tako no substitute. Jackson Inn, Tucker Homestead, TWIN LAKE Fine picnic grounds, good board, sta bles, boats, fishing tackle, etc. Ad dress W. H. Jackson, Propr,, Earlvllle, Ohio. Phone 620 L. Kent exchange. fl0K2ilk iliMOll? fill jM&F' vm&S a ' Is our HHOUSC CLEANING SALE at Cut Prices Tnke the goods home with you. money. 3. Main St. Claude Clark, cashier. AKRON, OHIO For Health and Happiness there is no beverage that can approach the beer brewed by Benner. It is al ways pure and of uniform quality of the highest excellence It has thnt lus cious flavor, combined with a body nnd strength, thlt is tho delight of all connoisseurs. THE GEO. J. RENNET BREWING COMPANY Akron,0. part of the boy, he was released with the admonishment to be more careful with his bean blower. Balloon ascension every night and Saturday afternoon this week at Sum mit Lake park. Woman li Interested and should knoir . about tne wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray new l ' ojnan . ,tutv ana dutrton. uck sax If m cannot iqddIt thi inintiibiRciTptDui oincr. Din nena utron tor 11 1 nitrated etTei f nil particular and direction In- raloable to ladies. MAflUtl. CO., Booiu Time D3a;.,eiT York 71f RICHELIEU AND ON- TARIO NAVIGATION COMPANY. "Niagara 10 the Sea." The unrivaled scenic trip on the Ameiican continent. Palatial steam ers leave Toronto, for Rochester, Kingston, Olnjton, Alexandria Bay, thence through the picturesque Thous and Islands (America's Venice), and the exciting descent of all the rapids of tho St Lawrence to Montreal,, where connection can bo made with, steamer for Quebec, Murray Bay, Tadousac and Klv'iero du Loup, and points on the world's famous Sague nay river. We delight in giving information. W. F. OLONEY, Trav. Pas'gr Agt Niagara Falls.N'.Y, H. FOSTER CHAFFEE, Western Pas'gr Agt, Toronto, Ont JOS. F. DOLAN, City Ticket Agent, Montreal, Quebec or to ' ' THOS. HENRY, Traffic Manager, Montreal, Quebec, Albert J. Butler Short vSI Ever mm MVXRWif-Yl TM wj (afai. tun I Mil. ess m on uonTemenu $ frPrnfr SjjjM Will repair your furniture, re- $ pair nnd upholster your couch- I Jtj es, or quote you tho lowest I 3 prices on furniture of all kinds, I !$j Sco hlj lino of Bods, Couches, I 'M LeaUier Chairs, Dining Tnblw K ' and Chairs. "I 135 S. Main st, I ' Opposite M. 0 'Nell QCo.M 1 Phone, 1283-2 rlnwj . . 8 I Jv! t$ . f, --L . Ijt -. i-iV ."