Newspaper Page Text
km UjifWIWiPIVPI'l11"'! "WW vyry jWflf'HIM" ' t TTJK8DA, A.UO, 2(1, 1002 JiKBOHAlXY JMCMOOiiAT. M-i : "" THE DEMOCRAT'S x x X X I iiner Columns 44 WANTED-MA.LE HELP. .WANTED A boy to work and board, ' roust bo abl6 to drlvo horso and fur- ' nlsh good references. Good home. Enq, 705 S. Broadway. 107-100. .WANTED Platen press feeders. The Werner Co. 108-113 WANTED Men to learn barber trado. Practical training, freo work, expert Instructions. Eight weeks required. We presout tools, pay Saturday wa ges, guaranteo positions. Special In ducements to applicants from dis tance. Wrlto today. Molcr Bsrbor College, Chicago, Ills. 104tf WANTEO-FEMALE HELP WANTED-Glrls. Bubber Co. Goodyear Tiro St 102 tf WANTED Young girl to take enre of bnhjr. Apply to Mrs. Glantr at rear Of 143 S. Summit 107-109 WANTDD-GIrl for gen,em! house work; no washing, family of three. Call at 121 N. Walnut st 107-109 WANTED An experienced cook. Ap ply Mrs. James H. Andrews, 220 Fir street '108-110 WANTED Competeut girl for gener al housework. Good wages; well rec ommended. Apply 217 Fir st. 108.-110 WANTED Experienced operators on covering machines. Call at Paper Box Factory., 044 South High St., A. Peterson Co. 104-100 FOR RENT ROOMS. FOB BENT Three gas. hot and cold rooms, upstairs, water, furnace heat. For family of two. L. J. Bruce, 103 N. Allyn st. 108-110 FOB BENT Two suites of furnished roams for light housekeeping, at 101 Ladd, newly painted and pa pered; 3 doors from W. Market st. . ' 108-110 FOB BENT Three nice rooms up stairs for young coupler gas nnd wn jtert 398 Coburn st. 108-110 FOR RENT HOUSES. FOB BENT The lower part of a nice, ly furnished house, with all conven iences; no" children; apply at 214 Sil ver st 107-100 FOB BENT 10 room houso, cistern and city water, gas end bath, fur nace,' good barn, 3 minutes' walk from street cars. Inqulro of D. Mc Garry, 200 Locust st. 10S-110 FOB BENT One six room house on Fourth nve., and ono six room house on Beacon st. Wm. Buchtcl, 140 South Bnlch st. Phone 2171 brown. 100 tf MISCELLANEOUS. HUMMEL'S HACK LINE. Hacks leave Barberton. 0:30 a. m., and 4:45 p. m. Leave Doylcstown 8 a. m. and 3 p. m. SPECIAL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. PACKING AND STORING-We pack nnd storo furniture. Kratz Furniture Store, 140 S. Howard st. Phone 042. THE DICKSON TRANSFER CO. Coal, transfer nnd livery. Tacking, moving and storing of goods, conches, coupes and carriages for fu nerals, weddings, partles-nud callings. Offices Nos. 123-125 Carroll st, Tol. 300. No. 110 N. High st Tel. 426. THE DRY GLOVE CLEANER Is the best preparation yet discovered for cleaning uld Gloves. For sale only by ns, In the Glovo Dcpt, which Is the most complete department In the Stato or uuio. rnco juc. unsuo jhos. x jo, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Position by experienced bookkeeper competent to devise and organize systems nnd do expert work. Best of references. Please address M. S., 10 Quito st, Clove land, O. 107-100 WANTED-Sowlng to- do nt home by experienced womnn. Call at 105 E. Market St.. upstairs. 108-110 WANTED To rent or lease, room or small building, suitabio for light manufacturing, with or without power. Does not matter about loca tlon. Address M., caro this office. 105-114 CLOTHES FRES3WS. Akron Clothes & Freeing Co Regular Prloe. Full suits, sponged and pressed. .75c Overcoats, sponged and pressed.. 50c Pants, sponged nnd prossed 25c Cleaning business suits $2.00 Pants cleaned .A . ..75c Goods called for .and delivered to any part of tho city. Mall orders giv en prompt attention. People's phono 54; Bell 2801 green. S10 East Mill st. t s t V , ,7, , FOR SALE-MISCEL'UNEOUS. FOR SALE Oak cashier desk, onl: offlcc table, 2 office clinlrs and stool, typewriter and cover, letter press, nil for $25, If sold by Sept. 1. 703 Mill st., Akron, O. Mrs. K. B. Far rar. 105-110 FOB SALE $25 takes road wagon If sold this week. 025 Mill st 103-110 FOB SALE One 0-ycnr-old mare, one top buggy and harness; come nt once If you want, bargain. Inqulro 313 E. Mill st. 108-113 Money to loan. Telephone 510. Geo. W. Orldloy, 83-tf TOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOB SALE OB BENT A 12 room houso, strictly :ip-,to-date, with nil modern conveniences; fine brick barn on lot; centrally located; will rent furnished or uhfurnlshcd. reasonably to rlfcht party. Inquire at Democrat ofllco. 07-tf BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK. New six room house, fine home, near Bending works, bargain If sold right away, as owner Is leaving city. Good 5 room house, fine lot all kinds of fruit for only $1000; easy terms. New modern 8 room house, East Market st, oak finish, attic, finished; an elegant home nnd a low pllce. Flno lot near Wooster ave., car barn, cheap at $350. Lot on Mills ave., a decided bargain at $550. 5 room house, South Broadway, near No, 4 clnglne house, only $1250. Three room house, lot 3SxCG feet, $050, on easy terms. C. H. aud S. E. Jones, Central building. Pso. phono 452. 01 tf FOR SALE A G-raom house In new repair, street Improvement complete; gas, sewer, barn, and fruit, good well nnd plstern. Five minutes' walk from Werner Co. nnd street car line. Will sell cheap If .sold within 30 days. Inquire nt 141 Arch st 10S-110 FOR SALE By Brouse & Hollinger. The following properties which arc for snlo are well worth the considera tion of homo buyers, 208 N. Prospect, 10 rooms, lot 50 by 225, flrst class finish, open plumbing, good place, price now $5250. 202 Bachtol ave., at the moderate prlco of $2150. See it 503 W. Market now ready for occu pancy, look this over. Just the place for a business man. 010 E. Buchtcl ave., plenty of room for two more houses on the lot 11 rooms with modern Improvements, $4,000. 113 Adolpli ave., 10 rooms, bath, water, sewer. Lot 60 by 180. First class locntionf,$4,50O, 807 E. Exchange, 0 rooms, lnrge lot, barn, Improved street) $2500. 501 W. Market st, corner Maple near Howard and Market, $4000. Finest property on College, corner James, new, a beautiful home, $0000. 1208 Bowery, new 8 room house, cis tern, well, gas, furnace, $2500. But few vacant lots on E. Market We have two near intersection of Buchtcl nve., $2000 each. 103 Cleveland ave., North Hill, 1 rooms, furnace, cistern, barn, $1050. 205 Bowery, new 11 rooms, bath, laundry, hot and cold water, $3050. ' 305 Sumner, 11 rooms, lot GO by 120, 2 kinds gns, well, cistern nnd city wnter, $2,500. A first class property B. Buchtel ave., complete, $3250. North Main, houso 17 rooms, No. 244, and the dwelling 240 adjoining, both In good condition, can be used for hotel or boarding, $3000 for both. We have many bargains nil over tho city. Sco us. Money to loan. BBOTJSE & HOLLINGER. 220 South Main st .' 1 ' ',, 107-100 FOR SALE By H.'O. Busby. Room 1, Arcade block: Peoplo's phono 500. , 104 Schell ave., good'house nnd barn, $2700. 100 Schell nve., good house, $1800. 110 Schell nve., good house $2500. 120 W. Tallmadgo ave., largo lot, fine place, will bo sold cheap if sold soon. 632 W. Exchange, good house, lot is large. Money to loan at 0 per cent. 100 tf FOUND FOUND Tho best placo to borrow money prlvutely on furniture, with out removal; easy terras, N. M. Berk, 103 S. Howard, both phones. 4'tf Textile Mfg. Co. Awnings and Tents Horse, wagon, and Floor Covers Gymnasium Mats and Ropes Anythlrig mndo from Canvas, by hand or machine. People's phones Business hours - I No. 737; nny other tlmo, No, 005. IOO DOUUi OViCUJ-l OO. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. ,, i ! U i FOB BALR-Hlx loou house, W, Crosier st, veil, clstepv lot 6Oxl&0, $1250 takes this, $200' down, lmlnnco 910 a mouth, riuo tot, l'nrk st, less tlinn cost, this week; ico It; bcnutl ful homo Ilnrvard st, 8 room, bath, furnace, cistern, $2500, $COO down, balance ii b rout, r. P. Hock & Oo. FOB BALE Pnrkhlll & Sharp, 160 8. Mnln st. Poo. I'hciio 2 on 1113. 108 Goodrich t., 8 rooms, $2000. 115 Frospoct, 10 looms, modern, $3000. 113 Ackloy st., 7 rootri, $810. 1100 S. Broadway, rooms, $1100. Matkct and Summit, 8 looms, $3000. Exchnngo and Wabash, 16t 40x100, $100. Farms, from 10 to 212 acres. Sco our list. Open evenings. 108 tf FOB SALE-By Henry Holtz, Ab boy block. People's phouo 2 on 1380. -1 ppvacrcB, C miles west of Akron, JLWWsolI rich handy and clay loam, good water and fruit, 7 room house, splendid bank barn, and other outbuildings. This farm, everything considered, is said to be the best In Summit county. If sold soon, can bo bought for $7000. 80 ncres, 7 miles north of Akron, clay loam, good buildings, $2400. Farms of 5, 10, 20, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 03 acres for sale or trade. FOB SALE- 10 room house, every modern con venience, and In excellent repair; location between Mnrkct and Mill st. Will sell nt n'bnrgaln. t 40-ft lots on Blttmnn st, all street Improve ments paid, $700 up $1,000; lot Ku der ave., for $850. F. J. Wettach, Hamilton Bldg. 107-lf FOR HALE-By J. I. Bachtol, 1813 S. Howard st. Phone 722. 230 Muy, 7 looms, furnace, gas, wa ter, barn, cost $2300, now $1030. 400 E. Crosier, 7 rooms, $1500. 602 Andrus, 0 rooms, slate roof, stone foundation, large lot, splendid offer at $1200, $200 down, balance like rent. Desirable West Side lots at $000, $700, $800 and $900, corner S. Main and E. Crosier sts., 7 rooms, barn gas, sewer, water, lot 80x155, very cheap nt $2550. 5 rooms, slate roof, noguo ave., near street cars, $1050; your own terms. You secure a large two story store building, 711 S. Mnln, with 5 room houso In rear, for practically nothing, when you buy the 33 feet frontage at our price, too low to quote here. List with ua for quick results. Monoy loaned at lowest rates In sums to suit 100 tf FOB SALE Two building lots near the now Miller school nnd Fourth Church of Christ A bargain. Ad dress, Beal Estate, caro Democrat MONEY TO LOAN MONEY-TO LOAN on BEAL ESTATE $100 $000 $200 $700 $300 $800 $400 $000 $500 $1000 Hale & Coates, 314 Everett bldg, Tel. Peoplo's 377 Off Money to Loan ON Household Goods, Pianos, Organs, Horses, Carriages, Wagons, Farming Implements and ' -Live Stook at Lowest Rates And on easier terms than any other place in the city. If you owe a number of small debts and wish to pay them all off, call at my ofllco and I will loan you the money nnd you can pay It back In small monthly payments, and yqur business trnnsactlouB with us will be strictly confidential. All property to remain In your possession. I can loan you money cheaper and give you more tlmo than 'you will get elsewhere. Loans made samo day they are applied for. If you aro unnblo to call at. office, write or phone. Office open every ovenlug until 8 o'clock. Phoue numbers; Bell 700; Peo., 774. L. C. Miller, Room 14, Aroade Blook Open day nnd night Chop Suey. Loie Hong Low Yako Man, the leading Chinese res taurant, 107 East Market st, 2nd floor. Chinese nnd American dishes served nt all hours. . Telephone 655 P. T. McCourt FOR FINEST Coaohes in the City. On call at nil times. Pull Line of Livery. All cushion ttrts. Largest moving vnns In tho city. Best of service guar anteed. Prices isnsonable. Both What Is the use of saying "the best company," orv "the strongest com pany?" or "the- largest company" They nil say thoso things. Wo sny simply: l'ho Penn Mutual Llfo Insurunco Company, of Philadel phia, organized 1847. That tells the whole story. JOHN O. BLOOMFIULD, Agt Cchumacher Block. Tel. ol6. DIAMOND MATCH C"CVS OUTING Cascade Pnrk. Newcastle, Pn,, Sat urday, Aug. 30th. ' Train leaves Bar berton, Erie B.R., 0:50 a.m., South 7:00 a.m., Akron, 7doa.m. Akron, Rate 85 cents round trip. RAILROAD TIME TABLES THE NOBJHEBN OHI& It. B. Dopot North Main St. Dcpait No. 1 8:80 am Dcpait No. 11.... .....4:30 pm Arrive No. 2 4:00 pm Arrlvo ifo. 12..... 12.03 pm LAKE EBIE tc WESTERN B. B. Northern Ohio Division. Depot North Mnln St. No.l Lt 8;30 am. No. 11 Lv 4:30 pm I'd. No.2 Ar4:00 pmNo,12 Ar 12:03pm local All dally except Sunday. NOBTHBBN OHIO TBAOHON CO, A. IT. O. Division. Cars leave fho waiting room, Hamil ton building, for Clct eland, nt 5:40 a. m, 0:40 n. m. and cvory half hour to 7:40 p. ra. and at 8:10 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. THE KBIE BAII.ROAD. East. West Chntnurjna Ex 2:20 am 1:10am New York & Cbl- cago Lira 8:55pm 7:0Sara Wells Fargo Ex. (Sco note 1 2:55 am 12:01pm Marlon Express (Sco noto 2) 12:31pm Chicago & Atlantic Express 8:51am 0:50 pm Now York opdclnl. 12:45 pm 8:38 pm Youngslown Ex press 4:25 pm ll:15nro Dally.- Note 1, dally except Mon days nnd days following legal holi days. Note 2, Monday only. THE BALTIMOBE &-OIIIO SYSTEM, Depart, West Arrive Canal Dover, Bridge port ' 0:00am CannI Dover, Bridge port 3:10pm Chicago Fast Ex press 8:55am Chicago Fast Ex press ' 7:55nm 857pm 0:42am 8:20pm 0:45am 1:52am Chicago Limited. . .ll:40pm Dally. 'Other trains dally except Sundny. PITTSBURG & WESTERN RY. Depart East Arrive Chicago & New York Limited 2:00am U :33pm Warren, Youngstown and Pittsburg . . . 0:55am 7:35pm Chicago & Youngs town 8:20pm 8:40am Akron & Pittsburg 12:15pm 11:42am Dally. Other trains dally except Sunday. THE "VALLEY"-C, T. & V. R. R. GOING NORTH. How: st. Union East Depot. Depot Akron No. 40.... 7:00nm 0:50am 0:35am No. 4 .... 0:10am No. 0 ....12:Qlpm 11:50am No. 10.... 5:13pm 4:53pm No. 8 .... 8:35pm S:20pm No. 12 ....9:50am 0:40am GOING SOUTH. No. 7 8:l5ara 8:35nm No. 11 ....12:01pm 12:20pm No. 0 .... 4:3()pra 4:33pm No. 47. . . . 7;2Spm 7;50pm No. 5 ....12:30am "l2':50am 0:01am 11:33am 4:5Spm 8:22pm 8:15am 12:28pm 5:07pm 8:02pm 1:02am Ho. 3 .... 2:53pm 3:05pm to Akron ' ' ' only. Does 'not 'enter 'Union depot Sun days. C. A. & 0, RAILWAY. ' North. South. Cincinnati nnd Clove 0:03am 9:03pm Akron & Pittsburg. 8:20am 8:10pm Columbus &,Cleve. .11:35am 2:53pm Cincinnati is Cleve. 4:25pm 0:35am Pittsburg and N.Y. 4:17pm 11:10am Dally. Others dally except Sunday. CANTON-AKRON RY. CO. Cars leave E. Afcron, (Blue Pond) for Canton, New Berlin, Greentown, Union- town, nnd Springfield lake at 0:40, 8:10, 0:40, 11:10 a.m., 12:40, 2:10, 3:40, 5:10, 6:40, 8:10, 0:40, ip:40 and 11:40 p. m. Beturnlng, leave Canton each hour and n "half, 5 a. m. to 10:40 p. fh. AKRON MARKETS. (Theso prices furnished daily by L. Kryder & Sons.) BUYING FBIQES. Wheat, new, 70c. , Wheat, old. 70. Rye, per bu., 48c. Corn, now, 30c to 37c. Timothy seed, per bu., $1.50 to $2. Clover seed, per bu.. $4 to $5. Hay, baled, $0 to $11, Straw, baled, $5 to $0. Oats, old, 45c, New Oats, 32c. SELLING PRIQES. , Middlings, fper cwt, $1.10 to $1.23. Hay, par cwt. 70c, 75c. Oats per bu., 00c. Corn, now, per bu., 38c to 45c. Bran, per cwt., $1.00. Straw, per bale. 40c. 50c Clover seed, $5.25 to $0. Timothy seed, $2 to $2.25. (These prices furnished dally b) Jas. Christy i. & Co. Green calf bide?, No 1, per lb. Oc. Green beet hides, No. 1, per lb., 6,5c to 7c. Sheep pelts, 40 to 60c. TnllSw per lb, 5. BUYING PBICES. (These prices furnished dally by Nclan Btothcrs.) Eggs, strictly fresh, per doz., 1714c. Chickens, live, per lb., 7c to 8c. Butter, creamery, per lb., 22c. Potatoes, new, per bu., 50c. BETAIL PBIOES. Eggs, strictly fresh, per doz., 20. Cl.leuens, dressed per Id. 15. Butter, creamery, per lb., 26c. Potatoes, new, per peck, 20c. These pilces furnished dally by Armour & Co. . Dried beef, 1114c to 1414c. Skinned hams, 1274-18C. California hams, 014 to 014c Bacon,1414 to 17c Simon pure lard, hi tierces, 12c Sugar cured hams, 1214 to 131ic Compound lard, In tierces, 7. Country kettlo Inrd.ln tierces, 1114c , 60 lb. tubs, Kc over tierces. Dressed calves, 10 to 1014. Dressed beef, 7 to .1014. Dresed hogs, 814 to 8-Kc, Lamp. .., :""-', c a a v I j Lambs oresseq, iv jo uc. Hogs, live, 614 to 6. Lamb, alive, 5 to M4c OASPBR ZESTED MANl IWCTUBEB OF ALL KINDS, Or BRUSHES. Orders promptly attended to. 155 South Main st, - Akron, O. COAL A. JX.BLLIB, COAL AND MOVING VANS, GEN- EBAL TEAMING and transferring. Parcels and trunks dclUcrcd. Transient and boarding stable. Ofllco and stable, 228-230 W. Market st :!oth pbonca No. 257. SOMETHITO NEW nnd needed by Kitty nun, Our HtM eomblnntlnn AfClDKNT Poller. coil In but nfty canti ur month, covering nil ooclrt-nli nml nil occupation! under a now plan, tvsojto .aHttuir flld in clntin. Hnd for circulars, AG f; NTH WANTED. Hood territory. Liberal lermi Address National Accident Moclety. 80 Uroftdwar, J. Y. Estab lished Mjrori. RAILROAD NOTICES. THE FISH ABE BITING. Up In Wisconsin and Michigan. First class ti'aln service" Chicago & North western B'y during the Ashing season. Summer tourist rates now In effect Direct connections Is made at Chicago with all lines Jrom tho south and east. Ask anyllckct agent for partic ulars, or address A. T. Cleveland, 234 Superior street, Cleveland, O., BATES BEDUOED TO CANTON. Via 0. T. & V. B. "B." cvcrySunday. 50 cents round trip on morning train, good returning any train snmo day. $1.25 COLUMBUS AND BETUBN. Via C, A. & C. By., Sunday, Aug. 31. Train leaves 7 a. .' Beturnlng leave Columbus 0:30 p. mt C. & B. STEAMEBS. Until December first, steamers will leave Cleveland dally, 8 p.m., Central Standard time; Buffalo dally, 0 p.m.. Eastern Standard time. Thore will he no special daylight trips during July and August as advertised. STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EDBOPE Via all leading lines at lowest rutes. Cook's pejjuially conducted tours. InformatlonTchcerfully given upon ap plication to C. D. Honodle, ticket agent Union depot $1.25 COLUMBUS AND BETUBN. Via C, A. & 0. By., Sunday, Aug. 31. Train leaves 7 a, m. Returning leave Columbus 6:30 p. in. LEGAL NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR STREET LIGHT. ING. Office of the- City Clerk, Akron, Ohio, Aug. 11, 1002. Sealed proposnls will be received un til 12 o'clock, noon, Saturday, Septem ber 13th, 1002, at the otnee of the City Clerk of the City of Akrou, Ohio, for the purpose of erecting, maintaining and furnishing all material necessary for furnishing the city with good and satisfactory lights for the term of 5 years. Sold proposals shall be for furnish ing eight hundred (800) or more vapor fctreet lamps of 10 candle power each. Said proposals shall be for furnish Ing one or more Incandescent nnptha lamps of 70 candle poer each. The above lamps are to bo lighted on a moon light schedule calling for all dark hours from sun down until day light as mnny nights In each month as the Board of City Commissioners may direct. Said proposals shall be for the fur nishing and maintaining vapor lamps of tbdJiG&toquaiJty and nil necessary posts ,and fixtures, and shall keep the same in good order and repair, and shnll furnish all gasoline and labor for lighting the same. Each bidder will be required to submit with his bid a certified check or a bond signed by two or more rcsl dent free-holders of the County of Summit, Ohio, as sureties In the sum of $500.00, conditioned that he will en ter Jnto the contract In accordance with, his proposal. Tho party to whom the contract mny be awarded under these specifications shall be required to enter a bond of two thousand dollars ($2,000) with surety to tho approval nnd satisfaction of the Board of City Commissioners, condi tioned that said contractor shnll faith fully perform his said contrnct accord ing to tho terms thereof nnd accord ing to these specifications. Each bidder must submit and place In operation nt such place as the Board of City Commissioners mny doslgnat6 at least live days before bids are sub mitted, n sample qf lamp or lamps pio posed to be furnlshod. The contract Is to be awarded to ths lowest nnd best responsible bidder. The City Commissioners' reserve tho right to reject any or all bids. CHAS, H. ISBELL. Aug. 12-10-20 Sep 2 Clerk, LEGAL NOTICE. Homer L. Meyers, whoso place of res ldence Is unknown, vvill take notlco that on the 18th day of .August, 1902, Nina M. Mayers filed her petition in tho Court xof Common Pleas, Summit county, Ohlp, being cquse No. 11122, praying fox a divorce from said Homer L. Meyers on tho groijnd of extreme cruelty, and that saldf cause will be for hearing oh qnd nfter October 2, 1002. Dated Akron, Ohio, A,P"st 10. 1002. NINA M. MEYERS, By Andress t WhJt(emore, her at torneys. . Aug, 10-20, Sept. 2-0-16-23 Prolong Your Life by Taking a Vacation YOU NEED A REST If you are not feeling well, don't cnll a doctor but take ft lake trip; you will return home feeling ny Hfe and jour brafrblpwn .free fromcobwebs. Send 2c for"lllustrnt:d pamphlet. Addresn: A. A. SOIIANT55, G, P. A Detroit, Mich., AKRON OFFICIAL. AN ORDINANCE To construct a local cvw in and nlong Cuyahoga street, from the Cuyahoga River to Tallmadge avenue, Bo It ordained by tho Council of the city of Akron, Ohio! Section 1. That the construction of a local sewer In and along Cuyahoga street, from the Cuyahoga River to Tallmadge avenue, bo proceeded with under a resolution to construct tho same adopted July 21, J002, and In no cordanco with the plans nnd profile relating to the same on file In the offlcc pf the Civil Engineer. Sec. 2. That tho cost and expense of said sewer shall be assessed upon all the lots nnd lands and parcels thereof abutting, and such ndjacent nnd contiguous or other benefited lots nnd lands nnd parcels thereof between the points nforesald, in proportion to tho benefits which may result from said sewer to the several lots and lands and parcels thereof to be assess ed, In proportion to the benefits which may result to said property, and lim ited to the special benefits conferred thereby. Said nscsmcnt shall in no case ex ceed $2.00 per foot front Said assessment shall be payable In three (3) equal, annual Installments, nnd bonds shall be Issued In anticipa tion of the collection of the same. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take ef fect nnd be In force from and after Its passage and legal publication. Recommended by tho Board of City Commissioners. CHAS. H. ISBELL, Clerk. Passed August 18th,. 1002. .1. W. SEIDELL, President City Council. CHAS. H. ISBELL, City Clerk. ' Aug. 25-26 AN ORDINANCE To amend section 368 of the Revised Ordinances: Bo it oidnlned by the Council of the city of Akron, Ohio: Section 1. That section 368 of the Revised Ordinances of the city of Ak ron, Ohio, be and the same Is hereby amended as follows: Section 368. "Peddlers or hawkers of produce, goods, wares and merchan dise from vehicles drawn by two or more brute animals shall pay a license fee of sixteen dollars per annum. Peddlers from vehicles drawn by one brute animal shall pay a license fee of twelve dollars per annum. Ped dlers selling from vehicles drawn by hand shall pay a license fee of six dollars per annum; nnd -persons sell ing goods, wares or merchandise which can be carried by the person selling, shall pay a license fee of four dollars per annum. No license shall be Issued under the provisions of this section for less period of time than three months." Sec. 2. That section 368 of the Re vised Ordinances of the city of Akron, Ohio, be nnd the same Is hereby re pealed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take ef fect and be In force from and after Its passage and legal publication. Passed August 18th, 1002. J. W. SEIDELL, President City Council. CHAS. H. ISBELL, City Clerk. Aug. 25-26 . AN ORDINANCE To condemn property for the purpose of widening Ira avenue. Be It ordained by the Council of the city of Akron, Ohio: Section 1. Two-thirds of all the members elected thereto concurring, nnd declaring the same to be neces sary, its intention is hereby declared to condemn and appropriate to the public use, for street purposes, for the purpose of widening Ira avenue, from Main street to a point 303.10 feet southerly therefrom, and the Council hereby condemns and appropriates to the public use, for street purposes, the land described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of lot No. 13, Long; thence southwest erly nlong the southerly line of said lot about 240.30 feet; thence westerly along the southerly line of said lot about 41.00 feet; thence northeaster ly parallel to the southerly line of said lot, about 303.10 feet to the easterly line of said lot; thence southerly nlong the easterly line of said lot about 46.00 feet to the place of beginning, said parcel being a strip'otland thjrty feet wide taken from the southerly side of said lot No. 18, and being par allel to the main track of the Erie railroad. Sec. 2. And the City Solicitor Is hereby authorized nnd instructed to institute the necessary proceedings nnd to apply to the court for an In qulry and assessment of the compen sation to be paid for said property. Sec. 3. That the amount so found, together with the cost nnd expense of the appropriation and the Interest on bonds, shnll be paid by the city of Akron, Ohio, and bonds shall be is sued therefor. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect nnd be In force from and after its passage and legal publication. Tossed August 18th. 1902, J. W. SEIDELL, President City Council. CHAS. H. ISBELL, Olty Clerk. Aug. 25-26 AN ORDINANCE To construct a local sewer In and along Lake street, from Main street to Edison nvenue. Be it ordained by the Council of the city of Akron, Ohio: Section 1. That the construction of a local sower In nnd along Lake street from Main street to Edison'" avenue, be proceeded with under a T6solutlon to construct the same, adopted July 21, 1002, and In accordance with the plans nnd profile relating to the samo on file In the ofllce of the Civil Engineer. , .Sec 2. That the cost and expense of" said sewer shall be assessed ipoji nil the lots and lands and parcels there of abutting, and such adjacent and AKHON OFFICIAL. contiguous or other benefited Irtte M lands nnd parcels thereof betivirstt n nolnts aforesaid. In proportion to tl benefits which may result from tWl sewer to tho several lots and las and parcels thereof to be sesed, proportion to the benefits which m result to said property, ana limiten' the special benefits conferrM threli Said assessment shall In no case ci ceed $2.00 per foot front tl Said assessment shall be payablo in three (3) equal, nnnual Installment and bonds shall be Issued in nntlcw nation of the collection of the same. Her. 3. This ordinance shall take ef1 feet and be In force from and nftV r Mi passage and legal publication. Recommended by the Board of Cltya Commissioners. 'J CHAS. H. ISBELL, Clerfcl Passed August i8tn, iuoj. J. W. SEIDELL,; President City CounclL-fa CHAS. H. ISBELL, City Clerk, f Aug. i-20 Democratic Judicial Convention The Democratic electors of tho coun-, ties of Cuyahoga, Lorain, Medina' and Summit, composing the Eighth Judi cial Circuit, are hereby netifled to . meet in Convention at Turn Hall, Lo-, rain street, Cleveland, Ohio, SATURDAY. SEPT. 13, AT 9 A.M.. to place in nomination one candidate : for Judge of said Circuit The apportionment of representation In said convention shall be one dele gate for each 500 votes, or majority, fraction thereof, cast by the respec tive counties of said Circuit for James Kllbournc for Governor at the elec tion in November, 1901, entitling said counties to the following reprdscnta tlon: Cuyahoga County 64 delegates. Lorain County 5 delegates. Medina County 3 delegates. Summit County 10 delegates. Delegates may be elected at the Conventions of the respective counties called to choose delegates to the State Convention, or the Central Committee of such counties may appoint dele gates to the Judicial Convention. By resolution of the Democratic committee of said Circuit, Mr.J. V. Welsh, of Akron, O., Is chosen as tem porary Chairman of the Convention, THE DEMOCBATIC JUDICIAL" COMMITTEE: H. B. Hnrrlngton. Chairman, Illinois Central Railroad 1 Special Low Rate EXCURSIONS Colorado and UtdJl Very low one-way second class integ durinf p SEPTEMBER and OCTOBER to CALIFORNIA. Through personally conducted excur sion 3leepers to California. For particulars call oa any ticket agent or addres, K. W. HABLOW, Division Pass. Agt. 423 Vrao St., Cincinnati, 0. I SpEHDYOURVicfflldH OH incWiOiT LAKES a&iW'.u6 r.MVSa- jwir- ffxi ' MICHIGAN SUMMER RESORTS. TIME TABLE ETWCKN DETROIT and CLEVELAND Leave DETROIT, daily, . 10.30 p.m. Arrive CLEVELAND, . . 5.30 a.m. making connection! wltb alt railroads for points Bast. Leave CLEVELAND, dally. 10.15 p. m. Arrive DETROIT, . . . 5.30 . m. connecting with F. & C. steamers for Mroklnao, 'Ann. II Mn,nn.. n..i..h- Ul noapolla, St. Paul Potoakeir, MM www. ...w, w.Mlw...f .nui- wsukeei Chloogo and Georgian Ba; also with all railroads (or points mi di r MICHIGAN and the West Day Trips between Detroit and Cleve land during July and August. MACKINAcHblVISION Leave TOLEDO Mondays and Salur days 0.30 a. m. and Tuesdays and Thursdays 4.00 p. m. Leave DETROIT Mondays and 3atur days a.OO p. m., and Wednesdays and Fridays 0,30 a. m. , CDimjiclsg Jaoo tut. Belli t ct.b for Ulutrtltd (saftM. A. A. 50HANTZ, 0. r.., DttnH, lllth. .nnirxs I Balloon ascension every night aijfl,. Saturday afternoon this week t Sum mjt Lake park, , -"V jijjffimS r2z?$ jea - rii 1 ;$e J' 1 1 tl i; l 3 A.V kfe.-XL irtK