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i ci . r ri ' t AKRON DEMOCRAT. L y . kT VOLUME 11 NUMBER 110 AKHON. OHIO. OSD:N IfiSDAY" fflV-NlflfG. AUGUST 27 1902 JLJ.lrJ.lAU WJ.1X V-.l.. f'J & DATLY h t'H. TRAINMEN Promise aStrike, If Wages Are Mot Increased. Increase Asked Would Cause Addi tion Outlay of $1,000,000 a Month. Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 27. By Sept. 15 tho largo roadway systems of tne country will be confronted with a de mand by 100,000 members of the Brotherhood of Hallway Trainmen for nn Increase in wages which will mean an additional outlay of $1,000,000 a Thomas Became Intoxicated And Forgot About His Wedding Pnrkorsburg, W. Va.,Aug. 27. Thom as Stealoy and Ella Sams were to be married at noon Tuftsday. The guests were present and tho feast was spread, but thc'grooin had Indulged too freely and 'was making merry down town. Glenwood J. White Now With an Opera Company Mr. Glenwood J. White, who has made a local reputation as a singer, has secured a position with Daniel Frohman, in "Tho Country Girl." Mr. White recently left this city for Now York with the Intention of becoming n comic opera singer. "The Country Girl" has Just returned from a suc Swarm of Bees To Aid Aurora, 111., Aug. 27. Guests at a wedding ceremony In this city Tuesday were put to flight by a swnrm of lices. The wol.iting was that of David B. Tlerson and Miss Ella M. Stroud. As tho guests ruslied out of the house laden with rice nnd old shoes when tlje couple left for their carriage, ACCUSED Of Locking Non-Union Men In Cars To Prevent Their Escape From Railroad Company. Omaha, Neb., Aug. 27. rresldent Burt, of the Union Pacific, appeared in rollco court this morning and plead ed not guilty to ten charges of false Imprisonment preferred by Indianapo lis men Imported to take the places of striking machinists, ne was released on & s?800 bond, on'encli complaint and hearing wns -set for Sept. 3. .He ab solutely declined to discuss the chnrgo that men being imported are locked In cars nnd shops to prevent, them frorri running away. WILL OF MRS. AULTMAN How Her Large Estate Is To Be Distributed. Canton, 0 Aug. 27. Among the bo quests made in tho will of the Into Mrs. Kate B. Aultman, are tho follow ing: Aultman hospital, established by tho lato Mr, Aultman, $100,000; Canton public llbray, $25,000; Canton First .Methodist Episcopal church, 2,5,. 000; Mt. Union college, $25,000; Canton Tilnity Lutheran church, 515 000; Wo men's Christian Temperance Union, $15,000; Mr. und Mrs. L. L. Mllloj, of Nortli Mnrket St., $10,000; tho chil dren of tho sister of 0. Aultman, $10, 00Q; Mr. nnd Mrs. Jobn II. 'Smith, $3,000. Tho will provides that after tho pay ment of theso Items tho balance of tho estate, estimated by Trusteo Thayer to bo about $100,000, is to go to tho es tnbllsument and maintenance, of a homo for aged women without homos. The brick rcsldenco, at 718 North Mar. l;et st. opposite the McKlnley home, tin; homo of Mrs. Aultman at tho tinio of death, it is thought by .friends, may month for wages by railroads in the country, or tho nitcmatlvo of a strike which will ccllpso all previous strikes, Including tho demonstration of tho American Hallway Union In 1801. Tho demnnds, which have been for mulated here, but not yet presented, nro for an Increase of 20 per cent, in The brido -and her sister got a carriage, located tho groom, who climbed upon u railroad brldgo and ran half way across to escapo thorn, but they follow ed him, capturing him and took him to tho house, where tho wedding oc curred a few hours late. cessful two years' run in England and will bo put on nt Daly's theatre in New York. Mr. White's nbllity as a singer Is well known hero as ho has had leading parts on several occasions in comic operas given by local talent In this. city. His work hero nttracted the most favorable comment. Came of Bridal Couple v-",1 i.-"" I tho swarm of bees, which had built a nest by tho walk, attacked the com pany and drove them Into the house, while the bridal couple rodo away In piece. The bees entered the house and the ofliciating.clergymnn was badly stung on the head nnd face, bo used for that purpose. Tho entire matter, however, is In tho hands of a committee of trustees appointed in tho will, consisting of Mrs. .losinh Hnrtzell, Mrs. Isaac Harter and Mrs. Augustus Dannomlller. The will states they are to report and act undor the supervision of the Probate court, by whom their successors are to bo appointed. CHICAGO HI Probably be Selected As Place For Convention Republican Glubs. of Chicago, Aug. 27. Chicago will, In all probability, bo the place selected for the meeting of the National League of Republican clubs and President Hoosovelt may come here to nddress the convention. Unless the prcseut plans fall, this program will bo carried out and tho convention date set for tho first wee kin. October, so that tho President may be present.. Several members of tho Executive committee nro in conference with the executive .body of the County Central committee, Tho President will bo In Springfield to attend tho Stnto fair on Oct. 2 and according o present plans the conven tion o fthl league, clubs will be set for tho following day. MORE ONORS FOR ALICE Islohoro, Me., Aug. 27. Mlsq Alice Hoosovelt is o bo skipper 0f tho, rnc 'the rpgattn here today. ing yncht In Tho President's daughter vM ,hoia tho tiller of the crack yacht, Raider, and other bofls will also bo iu com mand of the j'oung wontan, Will Go to Rome. Rome, Ang. 27. Cardinal Gibbons Is expected in Homo beforo tho end of tho year. Tho Pppo baa expressed a deslro to sco ail tho members of the sacred college during his jubilee. DOUBLE MURDER And Attempt at Suicide In New York. New York, Aug. 27. Mm. Lizzie Hnll, 30 yenrs old, who lived on the First floo" of nn nimrtraent hoiibo nt Ko. 214 Cast 25th Ht, wag shot nml killed nt 11:15 this morning. An tin known man was also shot doad and still another man, whoso Identity has not yet been established, was Bcrlous ly wounded. no has a bullet wound In tho head. The police bdlovc tho cat-o ifi one ot double' murder and HuTcldo and that lovo Is at tho bottom of the tragedy. ACTOR Has Sued Railroad Company For Failure to Deliver Baggage. Stuart Robson Estimates Damage at $2,000. His New York, Aug. 27. A suit has been Instituted by Stuart Itobson, actor, against the Southern Hallway Co., to recover ?2,000 for the alleged failure of the company to deliver baggage, costumes nnd scenery in time to give a performance at the Acarnedy of Music at Richmond, Va., on Jnn, 3, last. Hobson says that when the railroad company failed in their contract tho house was Oiled with people who had to be dismissed. Tho railroad denies responsibility, on the ground that the company's agents were not aware of Robson's theatrical contracts. The case is in the nnturo of a test as to the responsibility of common carriers. PREACHER KILLED. Shot by Police While Agitating With Strikers. Blucfleld, W. Vn., Aug. 27.-Poltce-innn W. A. Fanning Tuesday shot and killed Rev. Mr. Cook, a strike agitator. Cook was accused of shooting n man on Simmons Creek, 'Monday night, nnd of violating nn injunction. Fanning nr rested him nenr Bramwell. Cook whirl ed nround and put his hand in his hip pocket which caused Fanning to think ho wns in danger. lie drew his pis tol and fired, killing Cook. SECURE Even Against Combined Navy of the World. Washington, Aug. 27. According 'to advices received at the War depart ment shore defenses at Long Islaml' Sound, Newpoit, Now" London and Narragansett have been put in such good condition In anticipation of tho coming manoeuvre that If actual war was pending, and nlth the United States navy co-operating, they would be absolutely impregnable even If at tacked by the combined navy of tho world. Such is Major General Mac Arthur's opinion. MARK "The mor 4' . FATHER Was After Little Daughter, i Who Lived With His Divorced Wife. An Order From Court and Officer Docrlcr Brought Him Success. James' Shields, of Burnett, Ind., armed with nn order to comt giving him tho custody of bis little daughter, Agnes Shields, was a visitor at Police headquarters Wednesday morning. Ho was goarchihg for the child nnd her mother, with whom the child has been staying for a year. Shields wanted the child and he wanted the assistance of the police in getting possession of her. He stntcd that the mother give ljer.nnme as Mrs. .7onnte(Uuntor. nnd "tbnt she lives In Fast Akron. Shields claims the mother ranSaway to avoid giving up tho Httlo gu-l. Accompan ied by Officer Doerler nnd armed with his order from the, .Indiana court, Shields went to East 'Akron and re turned wo hours Interpleading a pret ty little' glrj by the hand. Tho child wns barefooted and wortfa sunbonnet. She had' Just returned from nn errand to tho grocery when her father took her in charge. No trdnble was found jn locating the mother, who resides on Fourth nve., 'and the 'child was taken after an argu ment which lasted but n' few minutes. Officer Doerler returned.lnter to get the clothing belonging to the little girl, nnd the father 'returned to his home Wed nesday night. RIOT rS At a Porto. RiianEIec - - tion. Threes." , Killed and Several Wounded. San Juah, Porto Rico, Aug. 27 Three persons were killed nnd several scrl (pusly injured during an election riot nt Humacno, on tho eastern cost of the Iblnnd yesterday afternoon. A number of shots were fired. The trou blo was to all appearances prearrang ed. Writers about 0 o'clock in tho oven, ing began firing pistols on a corner In the heart of the town, and disorder quickly became general. MAINE TROUT Figured Prominently In Presi dent's' Breakfast, Augusta, Mo., Aug. 27 President Roosevelt pnsed the night nt tho old Blaine mansion as the guest of Gov ernor mil. After breakfast the Gov ernor .and the local committee took the President upon a lido about town. On tho breakfast bill of fare were a num ber of Maine brook trout, caught by Genernl E. C. Fnrrlnglon, Inobpdicnce to explicit orders from the Governor. General Knrrlngton is sccretnry of the Maine Sportmcu's Fish club. Injunctions we throw at NEGLECTED And Treated Cruelly a Prisoner Who Had Been Shot. Lockport, N. Y.( Aug, 27. Georg Clnik of Rochester, N, Y,; who was shot In an attempted burglary nt .Ted do, 0 miles from here, by Postmaster Payne, Monday night, died nt the coun. ty Jail here Inst night. Clark was shamefully neglected. He wns allow, ed to sleep on a wooden bunk all night nt Mcdlnn, and yesterday the Feder al oflkcrs walked hlra around Lock- port. The doctors tried to save tho man's life, but bo was too weak for nn operation. CANTEENS To Be Carried by Children When They Start For School In Chicago. Object to Guard Against Con taminated City Water. Chicago, Aug. 27. As a result of tho epidemic of typhoid fpver, due to Chi cago's contaminated water supply, canteens nnd water bottles will swing from shoulders already laden with school bags when 250,000 children re turn to their classes Sept. 2. The Pure Water committee of the School Board has decided that it will take at least a month to Install steriliz ing apparatus in tho buildings and during that time, the pupils will be directed to bring their drinking sup plies from home. 17 HURT In Collision on Electric Line. Youngstown, 0., Aug. 27. In a Head end collision on the electric line of the Youngstown & Sharon railway nt 0 o'clock this morning, between Sharon and Hubbard, 17 persons were In jured, some seriously but none fatal ly. Tho cars were conveying work men to their labors. HOME RULE Also Demanded by Foraker. Resolution Calling For Submission of an Amendment. Columbus, O., Aug. 27. The House met today and ndjourned to Friday, when another adjournment will be taken to next Thursday. The special-committee began the codo grind at 8:30, but little other than preliminary detail was attended to. Mr. Hosen, of Cincinnati, introduced the Foraker resolution to submit a constitutional amendment to permit home rule and classification of cities. Mr. Brnnnock, of Clermont county, will Introduce a blf 'to amend th. game lnws for 'October squirrel shooting. him) George B, the bigger WALLS More Trouble With the Lane School Site. ' Board Will Make Another Effort to Locate a Solid Bottom. It might bo thought that because nothing special has been said for some time about the instability of the ground on vthlch (he new Lane school is being built, the School Board had succeeded in striking solid bottom, and the troubles of the Board were over for oil time in this regard, but it seems that this is not the case, for Mr. J. T. Flower mgde an announce ment at a special meeting of the Board called Tuesday rilght for that purpose, which indicates a far differ ent state of affairs. Anpther chapter in the story of difficulties with which the Board has been beset In the erection of this building has been opened. The wall at the southeast corner of the building, now one nnd a half stories high, has lately begun to bulge alarming)- outward, indicating that the foundation has been sinking or ex hibiting a tendency to yield with the ground beneath. Mr. Flower recom mended that the wall be torn", down, the foundation Te-cnforced and two walls at this corner bo rebuilt. The cost estimated Is at $1,300. It Is 'set forth that it will be dangerous to go further with the building without at tending to this defect, as it might bo a serious mennce to the lives of chil dren, if the work were permitted to go ahead. Some of the members seemed skep tical when it was said that the defect could be remedied, at' a moderate cost, arid l was suggested that a well drill er be employed to sink a hole on the spot and find out Just how deep it will Rich Bavarian Baroness Has New Orleans, La., Aug. 27. Baron. ess De Branca, of Munich, Bavaria, Tuesday took tho vows at the convent of Perpetual Adoration In New Or leans. In 18S0, Mother Mary Augustine, who has' charge of the convent, visit ed Bavaria. There s'he met the Bar oness who wns a beautiful girl of 20. The Baroness wanted to enter a life of religion, and even then besought BLOODHOUNDS To Be Used In Protection of Miners. Charleston, W. Va., Aug 27. Opera tors of the New River mines have at last succeeded in securing five blood bounds of fine breed for use jn chasing down those who -indulged in shooting from ambush 'at miners who are at work' In 'the mines, despite the strike. The first time n shot is fired from the brushy mountain side nt any of the guards or men at work the dogs will be given trial. ' he seems to grow." BULGE. be necessary to go In order to G!ta solid foundation. Architect F. O. Weary wns presetit at the meeting, and he expressed the opinion that tho wall can easily bo fixed. After a short dlscusMon tho Board voted to have the work done," Mr. Endrcs alone voting ."no." Ho: was In favor of having n driller deter' mine Just what lies under the site of this building, about which the Board has already had so much trouble, 1m; fore going nhcad with tho expendi ture of additional money. . When this lot was bought as a Slfo for the new school, the opinion was expressed, both outsldo and lc tho Board; that the lot was no good. Holes were dug and It was found that In spots, at least, the ground wns under laid by a rxat bed, and It was doubted that a good foundation could be se cured nt a reasonable cost. Finally it was believed that a solid bottom ha'd been reached, and Uie work of build ing was pushed as rapidly as possible. Now comes the new trouble, and somo of the members of the Board are of the opinion that the trouble and tho expense have just begun. One man, who undertook the work of laying a sewer from the corner which has sunk to a creek nearby for drain age, has found that instead of having a fall from the foundation walls to' the creek, the fall is the other way, and if the sewer is built, the water ,will run from the creek to the school house instead of In the other direction,, Other, cracks in the walls have been noticed, but it is not believed that they ore serious enough to require re building, or any especial attention. Entered a Convent Mother Mary to bring her bacfc to fh States with her. The" girl had larg estates. It was Impossible for tho re quest to be granted. She has led tmr life of a nun since then, although out side of convent walls. Securing th consent of the government, so finally came to New Orleans to enter the Op der of her choice. Tuesday she tooli the final vows, Bishop Rouxel officials ing. CALLED To Save Meat From Burning. Three Departments Made Quick Runs. Companies No. 1, No. 4 and No. a were called out Wednesday morning tp save five pounds of boiling meat from burning. The companies arrived too late, however, to save tho meat Tho supposed fire was at the residence of Mr. Chas. J. Brodt, 127 Grant st Mrs. Brodt had five pounds of meat cook-, ing on the stove. Ourlng her terapor. nry absence from tho house the meat boiled dry. When she returned shu found the room full of smoke and sup posed the house to be on fire. An alarm was immediately sent in lint the meat was totally mined when tho fire department companies, arrived. A few minutes later a second alarm was received. A small barn on Wudt South st. was destroyed. BIG FOUR To Be Merged With Others Into New York Central. i Now York, Aug. 27. The Sun thla morning says tho Big Four railway is soon to be merged into tho Jj'qw York Central system, ns are also tho. Lake Shore ami Michigan Centra). This will give tho New York Central a direct ljno through to St. Louls,- " " ' PW yHB WEATIEIH i FAIB TONIGHT AND. QjHUK DAY, 4 ! .. .3 m s a i .i - "h . ' ' v . J v 9 &..:. L tfcilvj.jwMt. f ..-nv)-. At k .ttf.'.Silift,.. .'..&,