Newspaper Page Text
kT. - fiHHHIIHiHHMIII!MPifHP' V T . jV i V',J, F.'ftftt' l1 m AlUtOft DiiLi: iMOOitAT, AT.UItUAY, SEPT. 0, 1002. f ', ' n i-i ihhw"' - - 'i"-wr :mk- r " -i-mm. HHnp -' y HI 'i' ' - 10 " : 3T - . 1 fl I ruii "'B I ,kK K . o s r M 4 ,.. i v it 1 t i B tl J' .V ffci n '-ii '4 f ',' 4 & J: rtj..,' . svyyt t "ore vi DENIES MKat He Talked k About Strike. President Has Arrived !a In Ohio lb And Promises to Talk Some ii,, ', Later On. .... " ' ..(' -,. . Znnesvllle, O., Sept. O.Tho Prcsl dcntlnl party arrived nt Cambridge at 12:1G and left at 12:20. Tho President appeared on tho rear platform and cheerfully waved his 1'anama hut at tho assembled multitude. "I only want, to", thank you now," ho said. "I'll be In Ohio to talk to you later." At Cambridge tho attention of tho f 'resident was called to the alleged In. ervlow published In IMifiudelphlii .which quotes him as saying that Penn sylvania political lenders, he hopes, will settle tho coal strike. It was pos itively stated that tho President had seen no reporters nt Philadelphia and that neither thero nor elsewhere had he given any opinion on tho strike. ! , Urore'i Black Root Liter Fills. Mnde from an active principle obtnlne .from 11 lack Hoot. They act on tho llvm . equal to calomel una lenvo no bncl nltoi ertecu. No griping, uo tick stomaah. Will oure cbronlo couatlpatlon. I'rlco .'5 couti. MAYOR HAD A FINE TIME 1 "I had n fino time nnd I'm feeling much better," said Ills Honor, tho Mayor, Saturday morning, after Po. Hco court. "I've been far from the madding crowd, communing with Nn ture, and getting ready for the rush again. I'm glad to bo back again, though." Why Suffer With Your Kidneys? The discovery oi i)r, Geo. Ielnlng cr's For-jnnl-de-hyo Kidney Tablets hap proved a blessing to thousands of Klu hey Bufforcrs who liavo been restored to perfect liealth. These tablets drlvo tho kidney dlseato germs out of tho blood, nnd prevent accumulation of Uric Actu In tho system. Wo urgo nil sufferers to glvo this scientific nnd successful Kidney remedy a trlnl. Thuy com,e In two sizes, 25 and CO cents. Come and get n trial treatment freo nt all druggists. ' t&s MRS. McKINLEY Placed Flo.wers ?W$tit' Dead President's Coffin, Canton, 0 Sept. 0. This Is Uio an nlveisnry of tho shootnjj Of President JIcKInley and his" widow o'hscrvott tho day by titllliig at "SVi'stFnwn coinetory mid placing n profusion' .of' ctrt llowew on tho colllii of tho nmrtyred President. In the city Ihere nro no Indications of mourning but citizens as they meet recall to each other tho Buffalo tragedy ojt a year ago. Barberton Officer i (Siipclni Correinondoneo.l Barberton, Sept. (J. Thero will bo nnother sensational s(lr up In tho Bar., lierton pollco forro when, ns Is staled by tho Pollre committee, Olllccr Ell Boorstler will bo culled on I lie carpet to answer to n serious charge, Olllcer Fred Wi'rntz, n night ollleer, Is quoted ns saying that Olllcer Boerstler told lijm to keep off of Second st. Inst Monday night, with tho lesult thnt tho saloons vould "do u backdoor liusluosb" without ppllco molestation, Jt Is also alleged thnt Olllcer llocrstlor acknowledged having been in n sa Jooh after 10 o'clock, the pi escribed Jiour for closing. Though Mr. Jloerat aor acknowledged being in tho saloon Oio claims to haw gono theio to uso a telephone, but tho police rules mnkn it nn offense for an olllcer to bo in iSSSJSfflSHuMSfimSl PMiiifiwlMKtBM .! it i ..".I f '- - "- - 'i Ow . I. JOUU Ami Cleans and polishes.thc house from kitchen to parlor, pots I to statuary, paint to mirrors'. ANNUAL Convention of W. T. C. U. To Be Held Next Thursday. The annual convention of the Sum mit county , MV C. T. U. will be held In the KIrst Hnptlst ciiurch Thursday Sept, 11. t Tho nddiess f .welcpmo, will be delivered 'by Mis, A. Adninson, ajfd Mis. 11." u. Shields, of 'llmlson,' will lespond. Papers will bo rend by Mis. Mary Kent, of Mogndore, and Mrs. Pulton, of Twliisburg, followed by the addicss of the piesldent of tho society. The uoontldo prayer will bo conducted by Mrs. Mnckey, of Itlclillcld. Mrs. P. II, Wells will rend n paper on "The Procession oi Moth erhood." Mrs. Nellie Allport, of Hud son, u ill conduct a mother's confer ence. Itev. .1. G. Slayter will .deliver an nddrcss on, "Tho Saloon vs. tho Public School." Mrs. lllehnid Ward will, sing and Miss Grace Kellum will glvo n lending. I-nst Sunday by steamer to- Long Lake Park. 0 a. m. nnd 1:30 p. in. Avoid serious results of kidney or bladder disorder by takin; Poley's Kidney Cure. J. M. Lnllcr, A. Wiuner. .T.'Lnmnar- ter & Co. Prominent Preacher Visited In Akron Itev. John A. Bright ami wife, nt Topeka, Kas., weie In tho city yes teiday. visiting their tinelo and mint. Jnniil llowers, 121 .Tames st.; their coiis,liis, Jlr. nnd .Mrs. D. XV. Hollowny, -" Bicese st, nnu .Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Hollow ay, of 10(1, Park Place. Itev. Bright Is a Lutheran qlorgyman, nnd for six years was chaplain of tho Kansas Stnto Legislature first of the lloiisi. and afterwards of the Senate. Ho is a .Mason, Knight of Pythias nnd Odd Fellow. He was grand master of the last nnniod older in 1000 and 1001. Hu Iiiih two children, both sons, nnd both Lutheran ministers. George, tho older is pastor at Shelby, O., nnd Duthcr Is pastor nt Tenrl City, Ills. Tho Blights and Bowois and Hollo wnys nro all related aim nil orlclnnllv resided In Anronshurg, Pn. Itev. Blight wns also gonernl secretary of tlio Kansas Stato Sunday School ns soejntlon for four years, during which tlmo tho Stnto sent him to the First World's Sunday School contention nt London, Hnglnnd, ,tybero ho wns elect ed 'lOCQrdljijKCcretnry. Cure Your Catarrh Nov V. Van Dorn, 2011 Avenue 11, Blrm Inghnni, AJn writes: "I have had en. tiirfh,,,hf ono pf.tlio worst forms for 21) yeprs, nnd nfter using Dr. Geo. Loliilngcr's Formal de-hydo Inhaler for two days, feel nntlrolv rniinvmi nnd bellnvo by Its continued uso I will got cured." Sold at R0 cents on n gnai auteo by all druggists. To Be Called on the Carpet n saloon except on ofllclal business wnno in uniform. Olllcer Biiei'Htler'H fi lends Rny, In tegniil to his order to Olllcer Wernta to elpsi' his eyes lo mi loon Irrcgulail ties, tjiat thero was a misunderstand i)( oil the pari or .Mr. Boerstler. A request had been made by the Lnbor Day cijminllti'o that the shlooni be al lowed to leinaln open later on that night njnl tho Mayoral ilrst aeiiulesced, thoiigli aftorwaiil lecouslderlng nnd' ordering tho salooim closed nt UKiinl li'onr. it Is stated by Officer Boerstlei's friends that ho il!d not know the order lo elotio had neon given. "However," his ntoiisers say, "oven Blioiild.thlH bo true, Olllcer Boerstler wnii overhtcpplng his authority In' giv ing any oideix to other oillcors." MnlmffiP titMiTB HUSBAND Tied Up by Injunction Pending Disposal of Suit .For Divorce. Mrs. Josephine M. Cnsper, of Ak ron, lins sued Wllbert E. Cnsper for divorce nnd alimony, nnd nlso upon application hnsv secured an Irtler of court restraining lilm from putting ccrtnln property'out of his bands nnd restraining tho Stnr Drilling Machine Co. from paying" iilm his wages, until hearing is gheh upon her clnlm for alimony. Sho nlso nsfts thnt her maiden iinm6, Aliller, bo restored. Tho suit is based upon alleged non-support. SUIT FOH INJUNCTION. Anna Frederick, ct nl., have applied for an injunction restraining tho Wagoner Coal Co. from constructing a railway switch on their pioperty, and also thnt an accounting may be made for damages. , Not Doomed For Life." "I was treated for three years by good doctors,1' writes XV.' A. Greer, McConnellBvllle, O., "for Piles und Fi6tuln, but when nil failed, Bucklcn's Arnica Salve cured mo In two weeks," Cures Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Corns, Sores, Eruptions, Snlt Bhcu'm, Piles or no pay. 25c at C. B. Harper & Co.'s drug store. Editor Converse Dead. Chnrdon, O., Sept. 0. Julius Con verse, editor, of tho Gcnuga Bepubllcnn for 00 years, died this morning nfter ar long Illness, nged 70. Ho was ono of the Republican lenders in northern Ohio. Beware of the Knife. No profession has advanced more rapidly of Into thnn surgery, but It should not bo used except whore abso lutely necessary. In eases of piles, for example, It is seldom needed. DcWltt's Witch Hnzol Salvo cures quickly nnd permanently. ,Unfe'o,lia,!lcuKfor cuts burns, bruises, wounds, skin diseases.' Accept no counterfeits. "I wns so troubled with blcedlilg piles thnt I lost much strength and blood," says J. C. PhilllpH, Paris, III. "DoWltfn Wltrh Hnzel Snlvo cured mo in a short time." Soothps and heals. Assaulted Conductor. Mayor Doylo arrived at City Hnll and conducted Pollen, court at 10:.10 Saturday morning. Newton Harney was lined tho t'osts for nssaultlng a coiuluctor on n car, while coming from' Lnkesde, Inst night. i i BE. A. OROVE ' Tlili nnmo must nppenr on avnry box ot tbo gemiluo Lnxatlru Uramo-Qiiinlne Tub lots, the romady lliat cures a cold In our day. IISetnt- BEAUTIFUL Yoqn Life Brought to a Close. JIIss Amy Jcnnnetto Heller, ilaughtet of Mr, and Mrs. Thojiuis Heller, itlt West North st., (lied Frjdny oj lieait. failure, after an lllifostit6n'Ohatl con-' lined her to her homo Mnco last Maicli. The nqwn of her death comes lo tho ninny frlendii of tho young lady as n great shock, although it was known for sonic tlmo that' sho wns very ser iously ill. Mlt.8 lienor was born In Akron 20 years ho, rind had lived hero prne. tlrnlly nil her life. Sho was n girl of exceptional brightness ;wd sttcngth ot character, nnd was loved by many. Sho was a nitfmber'of Grace Heformed ehurph nnd n teacher In tho Sunday school.- Hqr death was caused by pnoumpnla with, which Rhu was taken HI last sprlnp, nnd from which she noer recovernd. Tho funeral services will bo held nt tho J-esIdeneo .Monday at 2;30 p. m, llev. C, L. Alspach, of Grnco Itaforined church, plllclntlng, Interment In Mt. Peneo coinetery. ifia.lW PES MOINKS, IA., AND BETUHN. -1. te. O. B. B Sept. 12 to 1 1. Upturn limit Sept, 22, subjpet to pxtenslon un til Oct. 15. LAST LINKS. Sorviees will he held In tho Gospel tent on Hussell nve., near South Main st, tonight Tomorrow thero will bo u sermon on "Holiness," at 10 n. m. nnd preaching nt 2:JH) on "How to Keep SanetllliHl." Subject nt 7:30, "Sol viltton from All Sin," Wither ponulttlng, Itov. W. P. Crispin will speak tonight In tho vicin ity of Klcckncr Bros. store, 1120 8. Main st. MARRIAGES LICENES. Mnlilou Hunting. Shrovo 21 Oraco Diet!!, Akion 20 Groom'n occupntlon, laborer. Goo, M. Wtlhclm, Akron 25 Bosslo Morgan, Akron 10 Groom's occupation, expressman. Goo. y, Auten, Akron 27 Knto B. Dnugliety, Akron 22 Qroom's occupation, lawyer. Hqnry I.enso, Cloyelnnd ,....15 I)(orcnci Bnrrett, Akron 31 Groom's, occupation, teamster. Henry Bung?, Akron ,r...t 23 Augusta K(ndr, kron . 1 Qrooq' occupation, flour packer. ..PERS.ONAU.NQTES. Mr. nnd Mrs. O, D. Honpdlclcft Fri day night for a trjp.ynough tliq Wdst.' JIIss Lizzie Cnrrlck iias returned from n three weeks' visit in Colum bus. Itev. L. A. Llndemuth returned to day fiom his vacation spent in West Virginia. Mr. 0. J Keycs left Saturday on n business trip to his zlnk mines in Salem, Ky. llev. A. B. Coats, pastor of tho First Bnptlst church, lias returned from his vacation In New York. Mrs. W(n. Colo, pf Mnsslllon, is vis iting her nunr, 'M.rsi Jt. McFnrlnndJ of 208 liaU Thornton .at. Miv. Stownrt Miller, of Elwood nve.. nnd her sister, Miss Lettlc McCoy; of Mansfield have returned from n visit In Cleveland. Miss Bessie Mason will entertain at dinner this evening the attendants, of tho Cnmp-Metllu wedding, which Will take plnco Wednesday. Uev. Chnrles Edward Keller has re turned fiom his vacation, nnd will preach In Trinity Lutheran church Sunday morning and ovcnlng. Messrs. Frank Hoover nnd George Faulhnber', well known Akron har bors, lenvo next week for Nnshvlllc, Tcnn., in d may locate In thnt city. Mr. O. 0. Ailing nnd son, Guy, nnvc l chimed to their homo at New York, nltf a visit with his parents, Mr. and .Mrs. E. L. Ailing, of Prospect "st. Mr. J. P. Jones, of Dnguo Bras'., & Co., loft today on a business trip -to-New York. He will spend n fow dn'ys with Mrs. Jones, who Is stopping nt Chnutniiqun lake. Mr. Will Boyle, of Bowery st., has returned from a two months' -'trip through tho extreme Northwestern part of tho country. Ho spent most, of tho tlmo nt Seattle, Wash. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Protheroe nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Wnlthman, of Salem, O., Mr. and Mrs. Edward Colo nnd Miss Gene Espy, of Sharon, Pa., as o guests of Mr. and Mrs, 'P; D. Strntton, Beck nve. Mrs. V. E. Hcnton entertained a party 'of QO Trlday evening nt her studlo'in tho Arcade block, In Jionor of Miss Mny Stoekle, who hns Just re turned from Columbus, where She has been studying music. Mr. John F. Ulijcr, of tho Adjutant General's oMcp in the War depart ment nt Washington, Is In Akron -for 30 days' lenvn of absence. At tho con clusion of Ids vocation Mr. Uhler will remove lilsVninlly tp 'Washington. Tho ladles of the Fortnightly club greatly enjoyed their nnnunl social session Wednesday nftemoon. This yenr It took thp form of nn outing to tho Old Mnld's Kitchen. A bnnqueti wns served at (I o'clock nt Mrs. Fos dick's. Messrs. J. B. nutherford nnd dins', nnd Frank Stclgner, who were among tho Akronlnns attending tho 'Pythian convention In Snn Francisco, have re- lurueii nomc, wiving nifo visited i.oja Angeles ana points of intcrrAV'fl'Cobo ornno nun eisownere. v" A welcome homo reception wns ten dered Bpv. Howard S. MncAyenl Fri day ovpnlng by tho members of the First Congregational church in the church pnriors. Tho reception wns Informnl nnd a plensnnt nffnlr. Ico crenin nnd enko were served. Bov. Frank DoWItt Tnlmndgp, of Chicago, nrrhrd In Akron, Saturday motnliig. Ho Is n son of tho Into Bov, T. DoWItt Tnllmnco nnd will nfflclnto th's" ovpnlng nt tho wedding of Miss Gnolirlng, dniiglitcr of Dr. OHas. L. Goehrlng, of 117 Lake st. Tho members of tho Grace Heform ed Sunday school nnd church nt Loynl Oak held thplr annual picnic In Mr. W. A. Stump's maple, grove. Thursday, Sept. 4. A very good dinner was served, nnd boating and games were pmtlclpnted In by nt least 150 persons. The for the npplo nnd bun eat ing contents wero nwnuled to Carl Schrellier and Itohert Stump, respec tively. Prizes for two foot rapes wero awarded to Calvin Bowers. Those present from nfnr were Mrs. Schreiber of Colorado, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo! Donnenwlrth, of Canal Fulton, O. Npnrly 50 employes In tho office of the Cleveland Electric Bnllwny Co. will come to Akron this nfterndon, in n special car, to bo tho guests of tho olllco employes of tho N. O. T. rv. The ear will lenvo Clovelnnd nt 1:30. I'pon arriving in Akron, the Cleveland patty will ho Joined by employes of tho N. O. T. olllco, nnd tho trip will bo continued to Barberton. whom n 0 o'clock dinner will be enjoyed nt tho Inn. After dinner, tho party will go to Silver lake, whero tho rest of thP evening win Ik) spent In dancing. DEATHS. GILLETLY-Ale.NnnderGlllety,nged 15, of 150 North Mnln St., died Satur day afternoon, after a lingering III Hess, caused by htomaeh trouble. Ho leaves a wife nnd one child. IUT.NT-MIss Clnrn Hunt, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Hunt, 111 Livingston st.. died Pildny of typhoid fever. The funeral services, which will bo private, will take place at tho house, Sunday nt 3 p. m. Interment in St. Vincent do Pnul's cemetery. O'LEABY-Emmltt O'I.enry. nged 7-1, of 207 Beacon St., died Thursday of rancor. Funeral services will bo iicid from tho rcsldenco Saturday at 2 p m Interment in Mt. Pence. ' ' BIRTHS. GETZ-To Mr. nnd Mrs. Dnnlel Getz Wocster nve., Sept. 2, n daughter. ' DALLAS To Mr. and Mrs. Ohns Dnllns, 211 Miller live., Sept. 2, a son' OBOW-To Mr, nnd Mrs. Howard Crow, 170 South Bulch St., Aug. 30 n son, WATTEBS-To Mr. nnd Mrs. .Tos. eph Watters, 123 Carroll st., Aug, jn n daughter. "' GEHBINGEB-To Mr. nnd Mrs N Oehilnger, 120 West South st., Sept 2, a son. KITTINGEBr-To Mr,, and Mrs c 13. Klttlngeyl20"MnHi'8t:, Sept.' l' a son. ' MILLER-To Wr. and Mrs. M. j.- HAIt WAS NOT UrAHB TO JIOCnN" Neither1 wis' he created to bo lit or feeble, or sickly, or sad. Hnpp nejs la every man's birthright. But to ba hap py ono must be healthy. Ill neRun defective organs of tho body nnd phys ical suffering- kill happiness. Improper food Invariably results In unhenlthr Conditions and therefore brlnss nnhap plness. Tho right food pro'duccs health with alt Its attendant Joys. The better tho food, tho moro perfect tho health and tho nrcater tho hnpplness. Natural food was designed for man s use and naturally organized foods mako possible natural conditions. There Is no other way. Wheat contains all tho llfe-sustalnlntc nnd health-giving elements known and is nature's best food. It Is created to rfvo complete nutriment to man if used In its natural entirety. Therein lies tho secret of the perfection of Shred ded Wheat it Is the whole wheat With none of tho component parts subtract ed., and with no foreign substance add ed. In the preparation of Shredded Wheat the natural cereal berry is shredded and mado appetizing to tho potato and easy to dlGest. It Is com plete in itself and gives complete health. It is therefore the happiest in vention ot tho age because It produces happiness. . , "Tho Vital Question," a complete booklet of absorbing Interest issued by the Natural Food Company of Niagara Falls, N. T., gives the "open sesame" to happiness. Send for it. Miller, 211 Sliver st., Sept. 2, n daughter. OIiniSTENSEN-To Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed. Chrhtensen, 273 Johnston st., Sept. 1, a daughter. McALONAN-To Mr. and Mrs. Frank McAlonnn, 310 West Buchtcl ave., Sept. 3, n daughter. BUSCH To Mr. nnd Sirs. August Busch, 151 Grant st., Aug 23, a daugh ter. , MUELLEB-To Mr. and Sirs. Hon ry Mueller, 130 Turner St., Sept. 2, a daughter, . y SANDDBSON-To Mr. nnd Mrs, B. M. Sanderson, 230 Carroll st., Sept. 4, n daughter. SMETTS-1'o Mr. and Mrs. W. H. 8,mctts, 025- East Exchnnge St., Sept. 3,, -a son.jj,,, r HANKINB ToxMr. and Mrs. F. E. Hnnklns, G00& High st, Sept. 1, n son. SHAFFEB-To Mr. and .Mrs. R. D. Shaffer, 720 West Cedar st., Sept. 1, a son. KOCH To Mr. nnd Mrs. Michael Koch, 710 -Fourth nfe., Aug. a daughter. "WINKLER To Mr. and Mrs. V11 hclm Winkler, South st., Sept. 3, a son. "; ' ' KIDDER To Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrry T Kidder, 608 Mlnml st., Sept, 5, n son. CONDON To Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Condon, near. ISnlp, Thursday, Sept. 1, a daughter. Special MenU. Sunday J y Sept. i Music at both Lunch and Supper Barberton inn DR. MARTHA BENSON-SILBER Disease j of Women and Children orncE noons 9 1 12 m., a to s p.m., 7 to 8 ETenlnn Office anil Rcsldarce -618 S. Main St. , People "i P&one IS7. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOB SAliK A good covered wagon, must sell nt once ns party wants to lenvo city. This Is a bnrgaln. En. quire room 1, ArcadeV 110-tf AGENTS WANTBD-Qulck sollers. (iient big profit sell nny where. Oenovii Bemedy Co., 125 So. High st. Open evenings 0:30 -to 8. lltftf FOB BENT Almost new eight room house on Adams st. All modern im provements, shades, laundry, etc. Inquire 102 Upson st 110-tf WANTED Intelligent men nnd wo men to soil nn entirely new article. Good profit, steady employment. Ad dress r. J. SHmmcl, P. O. box r0, Akron, O. 110421 WANTED-Ton bricklayers at City hospital, 00 cents per hour. Wind ror Brick Co. 110-121 WANTED Three good looking girls, must have good soprano voices. Cnll at Empire hotel tomorrow nftemoon nnd ask for XV. H. M. 110 SUNNYSIDE Lots 50x150 feet for $60 to $110 Terms Cash, $5.00 nnd bnlanco nt $1 per week. liberal discount for ensh. No Interest or tnsos till paid for. SUNNYSIDE is located on tho grand plateau, Just north of tho Fair grounds on tho lino of the Akron & Cuynhoga Falls Street Bnllroad. Location health, ful nnd pleasant. Fine view of the city, Just tho placo for n homo with a garden. Fieo deed in caso of death or pnjinents refunded. To accommodate thoso unable to visit SUNNYSIDE today, wo will bo at SUNNYSIDE Sunday afternoon, Sept. 7tb, 2 to 4 o'clock. C.H. & S.E.JONES, Room 55 Central Bldg Peoples Phoqe: 452 , . Bead Democrat liners. BIRTHS In July ' and August Exceeded Deaths. Few Contagious Diseases i Akron This Summer. In There were for moro births than deaths In the city of Akron during tho months of July nnd Attgusr, nnd in the two months tlieie wns ono moro malo child thnn female. There aro usually mote females thnn males. Tho figures for the two months ns given in the reports of Dr. A. A. Kohler for July nnd August nt the meeting of tho Health Board, Friday night, were ns follows: July Deaths, 47; births, males 51, females 40. August Deaths (53; births, males 40, femnics 47. The city hns beon rcmnrknbly freo from contagious diseases this summer. CURES A GOLD IN ONE DAT THIS SIGNATURE rwp AFPXAIM ON EVERY BOX OF THE GENUINE AFTER A LL It's merely n question of dollars and sonse, that outfit of yours. You will make po mistake to look through our immense fall stock of tho latest pat terns of Dependable Furniture. A' 4-room Outfit for $85,00 Is a revelation to mnny Furniture buy. crs. N6t Cheap, shoddy goods, but re liable, well-mado nnd attractive. I.est you forget, wo repent that our specialty is Complete Home Furnish ing nt prices that please. "E KIRK co. Everything for tho Home. 125127 S. Howard St. Tho Store that Saves You Money. CASH OB CREDIT. Bankers and Brokers 110 Hamilton Building People's Phone 324- Bell Phone 228 LAMPRBOHT BROTHERS & CO. BANKERS. BROKERS Investment Securities Local Stocks Bought and Sold on Commission S to Akron Offioe : 216-218 Hamilton Bldg. Both Phonei 447. CLAIRE AFf, Mrr. &rnt Jones My w'fo docs not do nny bak. ing. Sho buys nil her baked goods at Model Bakery. McGlnnis Yces right after us. It's the bett place n Akron to buy eatings. ' Both phones, 3tf4. 6. B. LAFFERTY. M . O'NEIL & CO. Extraordinary Sale of RUGS and MATTING On Monday We will place on Sale in Our 1,000 Rolls perfect goods and desirable colors, lhis lot does nob include any of the almost worthless 10o or 12c matting, but : 20c Matting, at 15c 25c Matting, at 18c 30c Matting, at 22c 33c Matting, at 25c , 3V2c Matting, at 29c About 100 Smyrna and Axminster rugs .at greatly reduced prices. All of the above are exceptional values , and worthy of inspection. M. O'NEIL & CO. I miMiirwi IVIVJICT ! Increase the earning capacity by trading in stocks where you can get tho most 'reliable information, and best service. Our offices will open Monday September 8, Suites 330 and 333 I With unexcelled facilities 0r executing orders In stocks, 10 shares j up, on margins or investment. I ' J. L. GARDNER Cf CO., T ,.k . , " ' Correspondents. FARNHAM, RHODES & CO., S NEW YORK and CLEVELAND. GOOD THINGS FOR THE TABLE There Arc Plenty of Them In the MarRet at Present. There ore plenty of good things for the table on the market at tho pres ent time, though tho indications nro that there will bo less thnn usual, this winter, for while It is posslblo for most peoplo to have all things In tho way of fruits and other dainties for tho table, tho prices prohibit any ex tensive canning and oven wero this not so the supply yvould not hold out. Fruits of all kinds are scarce, this year, and oven grapes, though of es pecially fine quality, nro anything' but abundant. They arc at present selling for 20 cents' a four-pound bas ket. Peaches are becoming moro plentiful nnd the quality Is good. They aro selling for ?2.B0 a bushel. Plums are scarce and high nnd come nt 00 nnd SO cents a peck. Melons nro plentiful, but nro of very poor qual ity. Small cucumbers, for pickles, are selling nt 30 and 40 cents a hundred. These aro also scarce, and the season will last but a short time, as tho cu cumbers are rotting on tho vines, this being due to tho wef days nnd cool nlgnts Lima beans, nre nlso nmong the scarcities, and cost 25 cents n quart. Thero aro plenty of tomatoes Just nt present, nnd, they cost 35 cents a half bushel basket. This Is ns cheap as tomatoes nro likely to become this year. Thero nre many sweet potatoes Tablets HAVE YOU SGK BOWELS? UositlratloB It U fowruoBW ot mnr dmw. Trtt it at once, TRINITY TsBffTS CURE Vr action tkrpujh lhntira trcof th u?e UbU. Uaiant CONST!. ucsno SwHO"-,raWW!lMS!:,:iMi' IXiirfZSZXrMiZui.?!! UMtotbu, Liter. loo ;- !. Jd.lrtu TrlnltT Baici yennm, SHOT ---.y -. ,HnH actosti,ou. Morning f tf r"i," r of China and Japan Matting at about two thirds regular price. All In the market selling for 30 cent a peck, nn 1 celery is also plentiful and of good quality. SattiTday wns about the last day for berries and black ber ries were soiling on that day for a shilling ii quart. The KUMsh season Is now about over and very few summer squashes aro being brought into the market, though homo Hubbard squashes are making their appearance and selling for 20 nnd 25 cents apiece. SEVEN HAMS ;: And a Tub of Lard Stolen From Meat Car. A car loaded with meat consigned to Schwarzchlld and Sulzberger, the meat dealers, which stood "on 'tho switch north of tho Market t.' briage, wns broken Into Friday night, and seven hnms and a tub of lard are miss ing. Tho lollco aro working on the case. s. J Arthur Deming Coming to Casino For next week, Manager Harry' Hawn hns provided for Lakeside Casino a high class show of seven acts, headed by the favorite black-face, comedian Arthur Deming. There will be n great variety in the bill. Thot past week the business hnB beon up tothe'standnrd.the cold evenings have not affected It much. The windows are closed and tho casino is as com fortable as In tho warm weather. G. A. R. RATES, WASHINGTON, ' D. O. $10 round trip via O., A. & C. By. & Ponnn, Lines, Oct. 3 to 6. Return limit Oct. 14, subject to extension until Nov, 3. Ono stop-over nllowed at any station on direct llno,between Pittsburg and Wnshlngton, on both going and re turn trip. For further particulars see Ticket Agent, Union depot NOTICE Machinists keep nwny from Beaver Falls and New Brighton, Pa, Strike on. ST 'If !&;? ' iiifi ?.u;TJ. ' asMfifflf-w-wfi b"j. -ai.6 : v V &SKT, iiW Jife few tiitt ;wws-mn