Newspaper Page Text
. -3 $& V .o- ' f-4 '?g -"w 4i. I . fv V '-rj i4 "-A ?- M wr '. t- THE DEMOCRAT 324 East Mill Htrwt, Akron O. f ' -rteae PUBLISHED BY ' ? J The Akron Dehiocrat Co. Entered at the. poatofflco nt Akron, 0.t ns second-class matter. tTlie Dally Democrat will bo delivered , every evening by carrier for SBC CII1I3 A WEEK By mall ?3.00 $1.G0 for six months. r ' ""' . . . Both Phones . . . Business oflice 180 Editorial and News Rooms 872 , EASTERN OFFICE, 160 Nassau street, New York City. B. J. SHANNON, Manager. $t"MXM'HHHUm Wise goi Otherwise , 0. 1002. SATURDAY, SEPT, DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. For.Probnto .ludgc, JVM. E. YOUNG of Akron. For Olcrk, ALBERT T. PAIGE of Akron. For Sheriff, E. L. FILLIUS of Hudson. For Tronsnrer, ROBERT h. ANDREW of Akron. For Commissioner, 30EN McNAMARA. Of. Barbertou. For Recorder, JAMES H. BURT pf Akron. For Coroner, ipR. 0. J. HAYES, of Manchester. For Infirmary Director, B. F. DAVIS Df Akron. at Is estimated that tho Steel trust yearly evades tho payment of nliout $10,000,000 of taxes. This trust will lo Interested In tho Tom L. Johnson boom for President In 1001. 1 Iho Prohibition causo lost votes In Vermont and ts gaining In Arkansas, trills condition Is enough to puzzlo bven a Prohibition candidate for Con gress In tho Nlnotconth Ohio district. Senator Platfs nnnouncement that Itt Is too early fo a Now York con tention to talk of endorsing anybody tor President In lOOd will hnvo tho op moral of a certain distinguished cltt fcen of Ohio, f fTho Now. York Election Board Is fconsldeitog a proposition to spend up ward of n million dollars for voting fcachlncs. If the miiclilnes-ni'o n sue poefl In purifying tho politics of Now tSTork, the manufacturers havn nn op portunlty for further missionary work In Pliiladclpnla. 1 (Tho President's oft-declitrcil inton- fllon not to inti-rfero with any corpor ation that is doing what In right will bo ncccplcd nt Its full vnluo by tho (American people. But tho corpora tions that arc not doing what Is right ido not seem to Iki especially under the Administration ban. I 'Xtye Now York Sun has boon going Over the record of Constitutional prnendmentn and finds that '(the1 fcvorage time betweun tho enactment lyf the resolution and tho romplnlton (of tho process of nnioudiueut has been twenty mpiitlis and tll'lnuu duys." !Tils oxplaliiH why the Administra tion's program of icstrlcllng tho trusts ly a Constitutional iinicmlnicnt has jipt caused n panic among thoui. SHeB&WIJI.MU Hit, Kb I clothes "look nice. 1 . Oupld tnkes no vacation. The pumpkin's on tho vine. ft , Mosquitoes miss the bathers, .Mr. Itltchlc snlls calmer seas tt Chairman Snyder Is confident. ' a Aluon will miss .7. "Waller Lyder. W There arc 'still u few wnlcrinelous left. The football-heroine will soon re place the soda water girl. . X- AVnntlug tho unnttnlnnblo also makes thousands mourn. , Kvorhard, Dick, Crlfjnln-what n lot 0 Congressional timber grows in these woodsl -f "Oh, wlint nights these nro for sleeping!" says that .Somnolent One. It is believed that ho refers to tho eatly mornings, however. 'lliuu t Nero's, another thing which easts n shadow across the pntl of the people who looked forward to n pleas ant mil. There will bo housccleuulng again. ::- "My brother Is actually so big nnd strong that ho v,ont Into the back lynnl the other day and pulled up an apple, (lee. "Pooh, that ain't nothlu'I 'My broth er's only a little chap, but he went Into a boat yesterday and pulled tin tho jrlvcr." , What will be tho lianio of tho "Annie Jlooncy" of tlio coining season? asks the Baltimore Herald. What will- bq tho successor of "On a Sunday After noon" and "I'm Goln' to I.Ivo Anyhow Until I Die," and "Ain't Dat a Simmer and "In tho Good Old Summer Timor' ' inn win oc 1110 song nit of the joari Tlijs Is tlie time of tho year that tho song publishers choose to -put forward their new publications. The burlesque shows aiu beginning their seasons and tho stars of vaudeville- are on the road. Tho publishers,, u consequence, are straining efforts to have their latest productions bawled on tho stage. If they make 'bits In vaudeville the rest will bo easy. The first success must be made in the theatre. After that tho street pianos will follow leadlly enough. Charles K. Iftm-ls, the man who wjoto "After the Hall," announces that the song on which bo banks hls'hopeo for tho coming season is culled "I'm Wearing Jly Heart on My Sleeve." Another sotig,that ho believes will que cecds called "Just Next Door." It JB a sentimental "child" song of tho "I don't Want to I'Jay in YourTYurd" order, ' suiother song publisher Harris bq It known, is publisher as well as author and composer announces tho publication ' of n song called "Sweet Maggie May." He also bus In prep urailqn "Somebody's Waiting 'Neath Southern Skies," "Just to be Ne,u You' "I will -Return, Sweetheart. Agan"-Kraiumtir Is as naught to tho eong writer-ami "Becituso You Were nn Old Su-c'ethcnrt'of Mine.'' Still unother publisher announces the early flppcutnnco of "Pretty ilolllo BhQiinou," "I.lttlo Snlllo Bmwn," "The Hweetest Girl I liver Know," ''S,idle, Say You Won't Say Nay," and I'd toi Have 11 Photograph of You." There Wll be a big rush of mllltnrj ballads, fur tho war fever seems to bo MUI raging, and iho tribe of "The Pluo nilrt tho Gniy" Ik Incieasing. One pull Usher Announces n Ming with the slm-1 lilu tltlu of "SoldU'r-. ' Ho will nli-o Introduce "Tom, tin Neer Do AVIjll" "PlalmPhUlp, I'ho United States Volunteers," and "While Old' Glory WfivonV,! Anotber publisher nhnoun- '' lhPniniblvutlM' "f "That- Klfcr of the Old Drum Corps." Tho ,'01111 song n'eius to bo on tho toboggan, for few new ones are to lie piibllHlit'il, One of tluiHii announced liy 0 prominent publisher Is called "Habc," Another uniiounecs "I Want a Plug Pong Min." "I Want Yer Back, Ma Hun," a'ud "JuIImiiii." A BAD SYMPTOM Backache is .the Forerunner of Fatal Organic JDisease. Every Woman Who Has This Dreaded Symptom Needs Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. Is it not truo? Women suffer, feci tho very llfo crushed out of them, grow old before their time. Ench morning wako up determined to do so much before tlio day ends, nnd yet Before tho morning is very old the dreadful BACKACHE attacks thqm, tho brvo Bpirit sinks back in affright; no matter how hard tboy strugglo, tho "clutch" ia upon them nnd they fall upon tho couch crying i " "Why should I suffer so ? What can I do ?" ; Tlio answer Is ready, your cry has been heard, and a woman Is able to restore you to health and happiness. Baokacho is only a symptom of more fatal trouble heed its warn ing in time. Lydln E. Pinkhnm's Vcffctnblo Compound will stop your torture ami restore your courage. Your pains come from unnatural menstrua tion or some derangement of tho womb. Let those who are Buffering read Mrs. Morton's letter and bo guided by her experience. PASTORS Have Returned From Vacations. FIRST CONailDQATIONAU Rev. Howard MucAyeal, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Themes! "Christian Reciprocity," and "Retreat in Rnttle." The pulpit will be occupied both morning nnd evening by the pastor. Mrs. Hayncs, who has served for a score of years In the choir, hits resigned nnd Miss Leonore Martin will take the position of con tralto, beginning this neck. 1 11 If in T nflntiMiiln i3 e iEhJ i. 3? 'V 1 HI I J$!$lrFr3' 'tefeK HI Brr5 v'wwwB8MHBwHlk Himiwiiiiii ii mwii m 1 ffiBllhiHBBPilBKiUMi 1 B UNIVERSALIS!'. Rev. Edward G. Mason, pastor. Sun day school at 0:15. It is requested that there be a full attendance tomor iow. The annual S. S. tally will be held September 21. Morning service nt 10:30. The pastor's will speak on "Tho Razor That Is Hired." Junior Y. P. C. U. will hold tho first mcctliu after vacation at 3:30 p. 111. Two Letters About Backnche. "Deah Mns. Pixkiiam: I suffered for two years with my back nnfi head, I doatorcd with tho best doctors hero but got Httlo relief andat last thought 1 would try your medicine. I have fbund that it has done me' moro good than anything else I havo taken. I should advise every suffering' woman to talte Lydla E. Plnkham'H Vegetable Compound." Mm. FflANK Babhett, 184 Pearl St., Springfield, Ohio. (Dec. 18, 1000.) If you are sick writo to Mrs. Plnkham for advice. Out of her vast experience blio probably lias tho very knowlcdgo that will make you well. It will cost you nothing-. " DBAn Mi j. Piskiiam: For a long time I suffered with the backache, was also troubled with irregular menstruation nnd bearing down pains in the side and abdomen. I took some medicine but It seemed to do mo n, pood. I was In a critical conditlbn. Lydia E. Pinklinm's Vegetable! Comnotind has done mo more cood than anything elso I havo used and I cannot praiso,lt cnouph. If all Buffering women would take your medietas thero wowlu be less sickness ana wcalc women in tlio worm." &i. MAE Cocmux, 177 E. Main St., St. Clalrsvllle, Ohio. (July 28, 1900.) When a medicine lias been successful in restoring to health moro than a million women, you cannot well say, without trying It, " I rto not uclicvo It will help me." If you nro ill, aon'C hesltato to got ft bottlo of Lydia E. Plnklinm'u Vegetable Compound at onco, nnd write Mrs. Plnkham, Lynn, Mass., for special advice It la free. SECOND BAPTIST. , Rev. It. A. Jones, pastor. Services in tho new Sunday school rooms. Suu day school at 0 a. m. Covenant meet ing and roll call nt 10:30 a. m. Preach ing nt 7:30 p. m. ST. TAUL'S PARISH. Rev. Jns. II. W. Rlake, pastor. St. Paul's church -0 n. m., Sunday school; 10:30 n. m.t Litany sermon nnd Holy Communion; 7:30, evening prayer nnd sermon. St. Andrew's chapel 0 a. m Sunday school. FIRST M. E. Milton Butler Prntt, D. D., pastor. Sunday school, 0 a. m. Preaching ser vice, 10:30 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Ep worth League 0:30 p. m. M Union Savings Bank OP PITTSBURGH CAPITAX,, SI. 000.000 The man with money to invest can find no safer, more satisfactory place for it than l The Union Savings Bank where it will earn 4 PER CENT. INTEREST compounded semi-annually and where the principal will always be available, if you should need it. , ., ,-:. Write for the Booklet telling about ilie system of " Banking by'Mall.'" UinECTOftS JAMtS II. IOCKHART J. M, fCIIOONV.AktR H. C. FRICK W. N. H)FW JAMIS M'CPEA e. siiAw OtO. I. WHITNEY II. C. M'flDOWNEY A. W. MCC.LON M. C. PARK ' l. C. FOWNES i. B. FINIEY P. C. KNOX R. B. MEUOS r. J. IIEARNB JOHN PORTERnetD FricK Duildinri, Pittsburgh, Pq. SKiKrata.v.ims.i StfttftlraiSMKriffHHMHi I O 94- iT 4- T 1 FIRST UNITED BRETHREN. Rev. William Clarke pastor. Sabbath school nt 0; preaching nt 10.30 nnd 7:30. Themes, ''The Story of Two Songs." "The Redemption of Time." Junior and Scntol- C?'E. nt 2:30 and 0:30. installation of otllccrs: Woman's missionary course study at 4 p. m. Official board meeting Tuesday, Sun day school board on Wednesday; pray er meeting, Thursday. GRACE M. E. Rev. J. C. Smith, pastor. Sunday school at 0 n. m.. Pleaching by the pastor nt 10:30 n. m. Epworth League meeting nt (I p. m. Mrs. Charles Hen ry, leader. Preaching at 7 p. in., by Rev. J. W. Moore, pastor of South Main st. church. Theme, "Where Dwcllest Thou." Prayer meeting Thursday evening. Maiioahkt u' 1 OHIO SYNOD. Rev. G. M. Schmuckcr, of Canton, will conduct services to be held by the Ohio Lutheran Synrd Mission in Crouse Gymnasium Sunday nt 2.30 p. m. IlKWA 111). We lnvo deposited with tbeNntlonal City Hank of 1-rnn, IGO00, WUlcli will ho paid to any perKon wlio can Suit that the nboTe tottlmonlal letter, dro not genuine, or wero niiblliuett before obtaining the writer'. .p.etM per mission. I.ytlia IT. PlnUhnm Hloillctne Ct., Lynn, Uaes. An Alabama millionaire has appealed (from n one-cant flno imposed In tho CPolIco court nu a charge of refusing to pay a llconscd lcstaurant bill. He .went into a restaurant and ordered a lunch with cold slaw. The slaw was brought to him with dressing, and he refused to pay 15 cents for it. Ha KvflB arrested nnd locked up. Tho po Jlco Judgo fined him .0110 cent, and )th6 millionaire says ho will carry, tho t-asq to tho Supremo court. ' . ' Tho Portland Oregonlan, tho leading Administration paper of Oregon, sng- tts tnat ''Prosideiit Roosevelt will jreceiYa Jnrger popular vote In 10O1 RBd wJll cany moro States If this Con- gcMs reforms tho Dlugley schedules J' twin If It adjourns next spring with- wii delnjf so. Justice and cxpcdlpncy ', pe on the somo side. It Is 11 caso Wier honesty is tho best policy." !'JPfijlcy Bowadaya i usually deter- " joined by the eIm pf cnmpalgn dona- & ' ',' ItfiaBliiilDnOBD'TO CANTON. W-'n'T. V. K. B- evwy Sunday, co mZtM rouw! trip oe morning train, Zd my" any &taamo day. -;0II, GRANDMA! Tim Akron llciicnn Jmii'iiiil may get Wiser ns It glows older, and then, (nn In, It may not. Yoiiugstown Vin dicator. '., NEXT MORNING PHILOSOPHER. The tint aim also to lu Inst at tho public plo counter. A good citizen is preferable to a good follow In niiy community. History rceoids the deeds of tho few n td icservcs tho vlitues. of tho ninny, "" , The liuiublest Individual Is a neces sary factor In thu world's economy. Whop n man pursues an uncertainty ho Is io ilkely to land anything better, ThQjJaw of gravltathni apparently nffectn some men 111010 forcibly th(in It docs otjicrs, It Is. lint what men strive for,? but what they achieve, that rniuksS tho steps of pi ogi ess, A i) autobiography is seldom a com. pleto biographical sketch, fpr tho most obvious iuiihuiis. All great men do not havo titles. Tho undlslliigulshed grout compose almost entirely the win Id's substruetuie.' , -X- MORE RAGTIME PHILOSOPHER. "If wo slip and fall down while walking," 'began the Old Forgo Phil, neophcr, ''we Immediately pick our-fiolu-B up, and go light on. Hut, on' the otlier hand, If wo ucelileiuiilly nl low our morals to slip sonio morning, wo 1pq henrt, and allow thorn to sltdo or flounder about nil day, seemingly unable to comprehend thnt they should be picked up and stnitcd In the right Hack nt once, 1 hno known men who j have tried tp oult smoking 01, at least, to reduce their dally allowance of cigars, to Rtmt out In the morning, with the determination to smoke only tlueo clgnrn that day. Tho nfter lnenkfast cigar is snon disposed of, but tho determination not 'to "rtlnoke anotlier until after dinner In still kopt In mIDd, Hut eonio unexpected worry comes up, nnd unconsciously another cigar Is Uglited, U Is startled when tho luenk In his' determination Is ills coveiod, but soon satisfies his con science by dcclni lug Hint ho will begin anew tlc next dny-not right then and therp. Ho doesn't seem able to concliulo thnt It would, after all, not be 89 bad If ho didn't smoke Inn' usual number of cigars iu (ho afternoon and evening, And It,-turns out that ho keeps right on with the old-time num ber. It is easier 'lo say, 'I will try to ho good for nu hour,' than ,to swear 'Right here do I cut this out foiever.' At any rate, when your morals slip. see to It that they're not allowed to slide," -f -X-WHERE THE SPANKWEED GROWS Thero'ji n corner In our garden, but my nurse won't tell mo where, That little boys must jiovor see, but always must beware, And In that corner all the year.ln rows, ami rows mul rows, A dreadful little flower called the Spaukweed Grows! My nurnlo says thnt If n boy who does-, ! t wash his face, Or pulls his Httlo sister's hair, should over find that place, Tho Spnnkweed Just would Jump nt him, and dust .his Httlo clo'es. Oh, lt'ecnever sufo'for fcllors rtvhere" tho Spankwocd''i' Grows I Rome day I'll get tho sickle from, our , hired uian, and ion , I'll go nnd flhd that "Spiinkwecd place -It's SQinowhero In tho glen, And when I go tyswlnglu' it an' puttln' Jn my blows, I bet thcrq'll bo qxeltcment where the 'Spnnkweed " " Grows I -Paul Wentt In Uto. NOTICE. Dr. Jos, Wlncerter ".of this city. whoso olllco was f'ormorly nt P. T. lie Court's br,rn, and. Df, .T. It, Dellen berger, of Ada, Q -are, now In their new lienrtqunrtorq it the City Vetpr timry Hesplta), 'cqrner 'Cedar sfi and Orleans nvp., at the Haymarkot. lioth ph9i)es, 470. NOKBORST Is Making Things Lively In South Africa. Town. Septv.iO.-Sincc pea-6 11 declared In South Afk' c.i, (!0 nOTii nnm'nrn natives, under n Knfllr chief named Nokhorst, have been looiing the eutho district along tho Orange liver, near the' German border, The German a ' British authorities hove now fit ted out an expedition which will be sent to stamp out the marauders. Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs. "Several years ago my lungs wero so bndly nffeeted that I had many hemoi 1 bnges," writes A. M. Ako of Wood, Ind. "I took treatment with several physlelnns without any bene fit. I then stinted to take Foley's IIone. and Tnr and my lungs nro now sound as a bullet. I recommend It In advanced stages of lung trouble." J. M. I.nlfer, A. Warner, J, Lainpnr-. tor .: Co. TRINITY LUTIIRAN. AtO a. m. Sunday school; 10:30 a. m. 'and 7:30 p. ni worship, with sermon by pastor. Sermon topic In morning, '"A Jubilant Note," nnd in evening, "A Vision." At 0:30 p. m., Luther Lcnguo; 7:30 p. m , Thursday, prayer service, 1 with address on next Sunday school lesson. -'-. ' . MAIN ST. M. E. I Rev. John W. Moore, pastor. Sun day school at 0 0i m. At 10:30 tho pns 'tor will pi ench. .Theme, "The Prophet 'Like Moses." At 7:30 p. in. tho Rev. J. 0. Smith, of Grace M. E. church Will preach. Theme, "Relationship with Christ." , Epworth League, 0:30 p m. Topic, ''Factors Npcessary to the Evangeliza tion of the World In this Generation." J. P. Ritchie, leader. Will Elect Officers, Tho tegular weekly meeting of tho Woman's Christian Tempoianco un ion will be held nt tho 100ms, 101! South Main st., Monday afternoon nt 3 o'clock. Tho election of ofucers postponed f 1 0111 Inst week will tnko place. It Is hoped thero vlll bo a full attendance of tho membership nnd all others ro invited to attend. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN. Rev, ,1 np. II. Zinn, pastor. At 0 n. 'm Sunday school; 10:30 n. in., sermon, subject, "How to Win Souts." At the morning service new members will bo ndmltted and children baptized. At u:uu young reopic s mcgnngv ien by tho president Hnrry Nbld; subject, "A' Searching Question,'' 7:30 p. in. sermon, sub'ject, '''A 'Lesson frpm Na ture.'J "Regular o'venlng services will bo resjjmed. ' it ' GRACE REFORMED. ' ' Row C. L. Alspnch pastor. Sunday school, 0 n. m.; divine service lO.So n. in., sermon by the pastor. Christian Endeavor, 0:30 p, m. Praise service, 7;30 p, m. Mr. E, A. Upluim and the choir will be agisted by Mr. A. P. Ea ken nnd Mrs, Richard Wnrd. CURES WEAK MEN FREE. Imam love ud 1 nippy Heme to Ml How any iiimi m.v quickly euro lilimMt J ,..?il.Vi,ft",y' "iKMtlunm, vnrloicHi. etc., nixl onlniK kiiinll MeuU orcun. 10 li I ;;; r, L'. K."'n..hV!'!' y. '". . n.m v.:.... ::;'.T" '.'" ."im ai.iucni to. i)i vi cm 9 - - - t '. m m. "'- IIIWSV M1 V,iV ?iTi ."?; oiiowuiBrtraotitnten trnm nJlriVuirelViV.1 ,bu U,rt Ino,, thtnk ol """r "" 'ine accept my unceia Ihnnks for our. nt roti'iit tlnte. n, Ktvonyoiir troniineiit n tlioroujib to.t niut tiial.iinthai lieon extraorilliinry. It tins completely tiraceJ me. l utu Ju.t ns vlKiir. num. when boy ud jott muuot rt ivllzo bow bunnr I nm." "" NORTH HILL M. E, Rov, Edwin E. Wilson, pastor, Sun day school, 0 a. 111. Preaching. 10:30 n. m. nnd 7:30 p. m. Subjects, morn ing, "Is the World Growing Better." Evening, "The Supremo End of Life." Epworh Leaguo, 0:30 p. m. Subject, "Evongollzatlon of tho World." Lead cr, Mrs. E. L. Royor. (HOWE ST. UNITED BRETHREN, ' Rev. O. W. Slussor, pastor. Sunday school, 0:10 a. m. Preaching, 10:30 it. m. Theme: "Tho Grace That Opens Heaven to tho Christian," Even ing preoehlng. Theme, "Lessons; From a Worldly Wise Man." Junior Endeavor, 3 p. m.; Y. I. C. U., 0 p. m. FIRST TRESnYTERIAN. h.ifr..uiS?.7.7W JKt'x MS" . I" A- Mndemuth, pastor. The Htrciictb anci vigor havo oomiiietoiyrtturn. 1 usual sorvlces will be resumed next ertnnd e ulargemcnt. 1. entirely intlihtct. J SnlrtMith. Subject of morning sermon. "Denr Hr-Your wn reoelvoU nn it I hurt "Tho Coneentrntloi) of Energy." Even mr''rtcan trKbfulB liV.TboK ,nK tl,Cn,' Q,,lt Y" U Ir.'J? m?.n' J.n,.u Krnlly improvortjt bntlt school, 0:15 a, m.j ''aV'o3 .Vrllt'efi ".,.. ... "preaching, 10:30 a. m., iini,ninuuatn plain, tenlrd mualouv. 'lhn reculpt 1. froe for tho .klug nnd tbey want every tnnn to have Jt. ' l eighth Renlment Band, Lakeside Park, Sunday. Everybody welcome. TRINITY REFORMED, Rov. Jns, S. Freeman, pastor. Preach ing, 10:30 n. m. and 7:30 p. m, Morning sermon, "The Gospel for Employcrand, Fountain Park--Akion, O The Great Week of the 1 Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 2, 3; Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. b Year Your Local Exposition Invites Your Attendance and Patronage Free Concerts Every Day by the Leading Bands of the Country CHILDREN'S BAY, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 1 All children under 16 years of age admitted free on that day. GRSAT RACES SACH DAY Oliver W.. The Famous Running Ostrich Of the Florida Ostrich Farm, New York City, will give exhibitions every day driven to sulky on track. A BABY SHOW AT 2 P. M., ON THURSDAY Agriculture Horticulture Floriculture OVERFLOWING WITH, THE HANDIWORK ' 6F WOMEN NEW CATTLE BARN ATSD NEW SHEEP BARN MACHINERY DEPARTMENT WEST OF EXIT GATE Come one and all and enjoy the great event of the season. Admission to Grounds 25c For Premium L Ists and other Information, address, ALBERT HALE, Secy, GEO. W. BREWSTER, Treas. D. J. THOMAS, Pres. wh 'i i.j,.imiwwmwi niwwsraaM BnnSVHMHHKEXiKBSHBBMMHHMHHH. GET STARTED RIGHT t , and your job is half done, applies to building cs strictly as to . anything elso you could do., Get your plans carefully worked out, know just how your " " "house will look inside and out and learn the cost and you caX savo yourself considerable trouble, time and money and get , better results from tho money you invest in your house. I am always glad to tnlk to prospective builders and do all - I can to help them got tho best and most desirable house their money will build. have plans of Modern Homes - drawn up rangmg m cost from $800 up to $10,000 ; i Come in and tell me what you wont and I will make pen and ink sketches for you free. Cor. Howard and M. P. RUSH, gWSf Over Wolf's Cigar Store. ,-'.!: r ",- -j ""',," ' - Employei!." Evening sermon, "Elijah and Aliab Jn Nnboth's Vineyard." FIRST HArTIST. Sunday bchool nt 0:15 n. m, Treach. Ing liy the pntor nt 10:30 a. m. niul 7:,50 p, in. Slornlnf; topltf, "Christ's 1'poplc in tho Day of Christ's Power. ' Evenlnu tqplc: "A Discussion nnd a Persuasion Concerning Treasure." The drdliiancf of tho Lord's Supper will bo observed i)t tho close of tho morning service. Young People'B meeting at '- -mi' 0:30 p. m. Topic; "Heady for Ills Cora lug." Miss Warj-aY'llIa"18) lender. WOODLAND M. E. Rov. W'm. Pr WyHoft, pastor. At 0.15 a. m., Sunday shhool; 10:30, pub He worship, with sermon. Theme, "Tho Upper and NotherSplngs.' After tho sermon a class of probationers will bo reclved to full mom,bershlp. At 0 p. m.. Epworth League, led- by Jlrs. J. W, Pnvne. Topjc "PnctSw Necessary to the' Evangelization otf""'W6rld In this Generation." At 7 p. m., evening wor ship, with sermon. Theme, "The Elev enth Commandment." "WOQSTER AVE. REFORMED. Rev. E. R. Wllllard, pastor. Sunday school at 0 a. m. Tho Holy Coniraun Ion nnd reception of new mombers at 10:30 n. ni. Preaching nt 7:30 p. m. Subject of evening sermon: "A Great Nnvfll Rattle as a Type of Llfo's Moral Battles. " The 0. E. society meets at ? p. m. f J s it J: X tl f'VSUk.1'.'! V t jftkfktt'J ..I t 3 ' 'It "Lr .-! i ir -A ..XiiSsa?!" J, j sjlf .'',. .:,.. w.ia i . . 1 . W i. tifUXif- . lU'n'iHr-,. 4 ..tfMmkwa(iia. &