Newspaper Page Text
R ju n " 1 PV 1.1, ji ,- sTM-vl , , , IIJJJJJJJJJJJJJHPWWBWMWB'i'WHPf'i)wTOW "vWSWRPP" ''WmmMWBHKEW "SwBKSaBBBB i I HRHHP m jfl Bw ft A wrib rvvr irv tt--i-tvrvnrYV in a ri ,.,,. a .jfM VB '4. .u.-iA.MV.i.'l JLVAUX XMUlM.VUl.St . DiUUJIUlVl, OiJlX. U, 1UU-. KJ HiV -t J - . " - . , . ; t. ... '. -1 IM4.4... . .. . ,x ., ... .,., , - -, , . ... mLm ' M W1 tfflt v 4' 4l J n, v, is 1 l mWml 'IW - - 'LB1 tfhmm. an ft nX&L '. - -....--. j j n .-. iMipii.Miii.iiimiiiiiiiiiiii.ii..i..-- ---gMMMIMWIMW)pWBBWiB,B 7 R GRAYS Do not Trifle With 'Jhern! AUTOTVIUBI LISTS. KOHI FR 'Bar-Ben t llwl ' ne urcat Restorative ,-k J Ulltfm ..vk. I C, Football Team Is Organized. West Ends Now Heady to Make Dates. John A. McKerron Won Race and Cinched the Cup. AMERICAN LEAGUE. " YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. R. II. E. Cleveland 10 10 2 Athletics 7 10 4 , Bernhardt and Wood; Mitchell and Wilson. Chicago 11 13 2 .Washington 3 8 0 Callahan and McFarlandj Patton nnd Drill. Baltimore! 15 14 2 Detroit 18 0 Wlltso nnd Hoblnson;Flshcr,Mcreor and Buelow. St. Louis 12 10 1 i Boston 3 11 4 Shields nnd Knhoe; Sparks nnd War ner. TODAY'S OAMES. A ' Athletics nt Clovclnnd. , Baltimore at Detroit. Boston at St. Louis. f , Washington at Clilcago. l ' j NATIONAL LEAGUE. I YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. R. II. E. New York r. 10 2 Clnclnnntl 3 7 2 Taj lor and O'Neill; Hoker and Bcr sen. St. Louis 0 8 0 Philadelphia 0 7 3 Currin nnd nyan; Frasor and Dooln. Pittsburg 0 13 3 Uqston 3 5 3 Phlllppl nnd Phelps; Willis nnd Klttridgo. Boston 12 11 2 Pittsburg 1 0 5 KIoijodniiK and Moran; Cushmnn nnd" Smith. Brooklyn 0 12 0 Chicago 2 8 1 Kitson nnd Ahcnrn; Wlllinuia nnd Klliiff. St. Louis 0 15 4 Philadelphia 5 12 0 O'Neill nnd Kynn; lbprg nnd Dooln. TODAY'S GAMES. Chicago nt Boston. , , Pittsburg at Now York. St. Ix)uIh nt Brooklyn. Cincinnati at Philadelphia, r The football spirit Is beginning to nsgert Itself In tho city. Tho Grays have re-organized for the season nnd nro ready to play any 130-pound tennis. Harry Rutheiford Is captain and Gloyd Mltchclla manager of the team. An old Akron player has lKen secured to coach tho team, which promises to go hard after tho Bio-pound chninplnn ship of tho city. Tho team was put through porno hard practice Thursday night. Pitkin, ono of tho best light halfbacks In tho city, will play with tho Grays. Jennings, whoso work nt end shono out bright last year, will play right end. Tho players who re ported for practice are: Pitkin, Jon nlngH, Rutherford, Souers, Elchonlaub, Kano, Roan, Reiby, Daly and Mltch clla. ART AND TERRY MIX IT UP. A writer In tho Cincinnati Enquirer lias given n description of tho work nt Terry McGovern's camp. Ancut Sltnms, ho says: Artlo Sluiins next went on with Mc Govern nnd tho bout brought tho crowd to Its feet. Slinins, as Is well known, has ono of the best left hands of any man In tho business, nnd It (wus u caution to seo Terry work away from it. Once or twlco McGoveru rushed In nnd was stopped by n utrnlght left from tho Akion boy. Ho caught McOovorn a soaker on tho sldo of tho head anil Terry rushed nt him like n mad bull. Ho made several Ifoints for tho wind, and whon Slnims Cnmo nt him with his head down, Ter ry lot go his light and tho blow caught Slmms on tho back 0t tho head. Slmms ' .wis oft his stride nt the time and the jfoico of tho punch almost put him to tho mnt. Terry on-used himself for 1 lotting go so hard, and from this tlmo ion tho bout wis n clever ono lo look hi After It was all over Terry re marked that ho was never In better dhapo In his llfo nnd his exhibition g""!1..11". ', "' r-; Off Colour? Practically the whole English speaking population of the world keep themselves in condition by using Beechanrs Pills. H , SoU XTW7irlici-:o Iioim JOo. tml Me. '? ' ' CREET0LAD1ES3!: i - . f' M Rlk.Ualr BEOULATOlt IkU li ll.n.1... .4 - 'Op? H ' r KlfSJ.Will.tod.7. e..r r.ir4..B4l.j ' , rl fie kMMWM- Vn.Oii.BlllIJU,,TI yB"1 jSk Evtry Woman k !'? KXNmm MARVEL Whirling Spray htfffiCyjM ', ' jpli,1liv;..r!i,;,,: jiBrm-' . vvErmsTj faine's Celery Compound Permanently Cures Sick and Nervous Headaches That Make Life Miserable. Sick and nervous headaches nro amongst tho worst ills of life. Tho man or woman who Is subject to head nehes at Irregular Intervals, goes through life bearing n load of misery nnd wretchedness that Is tcrrlblo to think, i(. IeadicJics as n rule, result from n jjlnonlured condition of tho nervous ayiteii), Mental excitement, loss of Bleep, bodily fatigue, and dlsoidcred digestion uro exciting causes. AVhen the bijilu becomes tired nnd debili tated, tho whole nor oils system is weakened, nnd headaches result. If the liver is sluggish, the kidneys In active, and digestion deranged, head aches imarlably follow. TO cure and prevent headaches, tho nervous sys tem must bo strengthened and vital ized. The most poislstent cases of headache, nervous feebleness, and sleeplessness, nio permanently cured by Palnc's Celery Compound; It Is tho cgreat leoiistructnnt of the nervous system, Mrs. Henry Wcstrlck, St. Clnlr, Mich,, tells of her release from suiTcilng as follows: "l liaie been troubled with dyspep sia and sick headaches for n number of years. About eery week I would hao u bad spell of sick headache, but since I began using Pnlne's Celery Compound, my dyspepsia Is gone, and I do not havo any more headaches. I feel bettor than I havo for years." with Slmms nnd Cain certainly ndded weight to his statement. McGoveni looked better nnd boxed better yester day afternoon than ever before Ho Is In grand form. As a side Issue, yestoulny, Burt Col lins, tho gentlemanly bnntnm-wclght boxer, of Lntonln, and Ait Slmms gave a two-round exhibition. Slmms had a big advantage lit height, weight and reach over Collins, but tho Ilttlo fellow stood up nnd took his medicine. It was simply n try-out for Collins, and his friends weie plensed with his show ing. After tho bout Collins said that Slmms has tho best loft hand ho over saw on a fighter. Slmms still has his nun In a bandage. It was lnjuied sonm tlmq ago. HOW BRITT FIGURES. San Fianclsco, Oil., Sept. (1. Jimmy Biltt, California's favorite fenther welght, Is really In earnest In his ef fort to get on a fight with cither "Xoung Corbolt" or McGovern. Hero Is tho wn.y he figures It: "When McGovern was out hero I boxed vlth him. He did his best to put mo out, but I got n Ilttlo tho better of him. Impiovod nK I am, I'll beat hlni easily, I think. I havo dono my host to get n match with him nt even terms, but ho has fought shy. Now I orfer him tho best of it. I may not bo ablo to put him out In ton rounds. but my mpney Is up to show what I think l can do. As for "Corbett," hq Is Just about us good ns McGovern, so If I can beat ono I can bent n.o other.1' v IUH MACKEY. KNOCKED OUT. South Bend., Inil., Sept. O.-Hnrry Forbes, of Chicago, knocked out "III." Mnrkoy started the lighting In an en round last night. In the Hist lounil n.Mckey stnitrd the lighting In an en- oigutlc manner nnd liwhed Forbes several times. Ho was wildly cheered by tho crowd but his llnish camo quick. Jy In tho second. Forbes caught him on tho Jaw. with a right ountor nnd sent hlni down for tho count. As soon ns Mnekoy was up Foibesi scut hliu down again. Tho llilid tlmo Mack- oy wont to the Hour lie lonmlucd their while the lofieo counted him out. THE SHAMROCK III. Loudon, Sept. 0. Commenting on tho pnpn.ratfquH being made on tho Clyde In loniiectlon with Sir Thomas Llpton intention to challenge again for the Ameilea'H cup, tho yachting World eays: "Tho Shamrock f, which Is under- .going n thoioiigh overhauling, Is won derfully , well preserved. Captain Wllllgo, Who Is expected lo havo solo control of the next challenger, Is su perintending tho work on tho Shamrock I. nnd Is constantly In consultation Willi Mr. Fife. Tim cup racer will bo built wholly of steel." McKBHHON WON AGAIN. John A, Mekcnon, tho great Cleve land trotter, won the Boston chnllengo cup for tho third and final time, amid great excitement nnd In tho presence of a big fiowd at Cleveland, Friday. No phenomenal tlmo was made, and McKcrinu was not dihou to (lie limit, Tho Monk and l.oid Dei by being un able to ghe him the tiiHKlo that luu' lxoii expected, RIB'USBD OFFKUS FROM CAN TON. Tin phi) lug of hcioral members of tho All Akion team In the games with Canton attracted tho attention of Man ager nullum, of the Cmiton-Wheellng team. Ho lequestcd Kosht, Klttluger anil McAllister to sign with Canton for tho bnhiuco of the season, but the offer wiih declined. Klttluger was to pilch and Kosht and McAllister to fill holes In right ami left fields on tho Canton team. HKCONI) MONHY FOR BROOK- LAWN. Mr, lrli Mniitou's Brooklnwn won second money u tho 2:18 tint, pilise, $300, nt the Ashland fair, yesterday. He finished second In straight heats mill tin' laco wiih won by Baron Boy. U'BST BNDS WANT 1UTRS. Tho West Bud Athletic club foot ball (ram hns had 3 nights' practlce.and wilt continue to practice legularly. mi- dor the direction or Manager T, V, WnttersVnd Captain Fied COlley, who nro rapidly getting ono of tho best Some Important Limitations Suggest ed For Their Regulation. (BY PAUL E. Mnny of tho nccldents caused dally In all parts of tho country by reckless nutomobillss nro so frightful and ac companied by such groat loss of limb and life that tho automobiles, or rather tho nutoraoblllsts. are bound to bring about their own llmltntlon lu tho Interests of public enfety most speed ily. Wm. K. Vanderbllt's recent annoiinc nieiit that ho and his fomlly havo dis continued tho usq of automobiles for pleasure riding becnuso they did not wish to farther .stich dangerous spoit nt tho expense of public safety, is ap predated by tho public, which will de mand sooner or later tho enactment of laws regulating the uso of automo biles on public t'own streets nnd coun try roads, Tho enforcement of thco regulations will bo strictly supported by popular sentiment. They will piob obly bo based on tho following gcncial principles: 1: Automobiles nro complicated ma chines requiring mechnnlcnl knowl edge on tho part of the opeiators. They nro In fact engines operated either by stcntn, electrical, or other power. Operators should, therefore, be com pelled to procure a license same ns other cnglnoers before they nro per mitted to run such an oiiglno on tho public strcpts of tho city or country. 'j.uls should bo demanded for tho pro tection of the general public. 2. Automobiles should not bo per mitted to run faster than ten miles nn hour on country roads nnd five miles an hour on tho streets of towns nnd cities. Offenders should ,bo promptly punisnco, 3: The blowing of whistles and horns by nutomobillsts should lie nn. jtlrely piohlblted. They nro dlstuib- Ing nnd dangerous noises on public HE LIKES Mr. Thomas Rhodes Has a Superb Collection at His Pleasant Home. On Wet Market st., In n modest but lovely home, lives Mr. Thomas Rhodes who pei hops knows more nbout birds and flowers thnn any oth er man In Akron. For years ho hns mndq this fascinat ing study bis chief occupation nnd thoro is n room In hs quiet home rilled with ornithological specimens. There nro birds from every state In the un ion; from Alaska, Canada and South America. Theio Is a corner full of owls, containing everything from the beautiful whlto variety to tho common screech owl which haunts our own woods. There aro Knglish and Ameri can thrushes of all descriptions. There aie wild turkeys and policans, nn nl lmtross nnd n great variety of small birds, fiom tho tiny humming bird to tho common sparrow. Thero nio many tioplcal bllds nnd tho collection is such a ono as Is seldom found In tho teams In tho city Into' shape. The West Buds will soon bo ready for gain's and aro now open for dates with any of tho Akron teams. WI2RNRRS VS. WBST KNDS. The Werners and tho West Ends are clashing In a bnso ball gamo nt tho giounds at Summit lako today and those who know say that tho gamo cannot help being one of tho hottest of tho season, as these teams havo a sort of (Ufferonco that will bo settled right then nnd thcicv' i-'" ' A N ew Jersey Editor's tcstimonla M. T. Lynch, Editor of tho Phillips (nirg, N. '.y Dal)y I'st, writes. "1 have used mnny kinds of nicdlclnes for coughs and colds in my fnnilly but lioer anything so good is Foley's Honey and Tar, I cannot soy too much In pralifo of It." J. M. Lnfter, A, Wfimer, j, Liimpnr tcr & Co, flOO Howard. $100. The readers of tul pnnor 111 ho nfeiaod la luiirn tlmt thorp la in lonat ono !mu!ei! dlipoao Hint 8i'lg)io(i 1ms lioou iihlu lo cum in nil Un iingoi nml Hint is Uutmrh. Hull', untarrh Qurqlt tiioyniy jio.ltlwi oiiro now known to llnuiu'itk'iil fnitenilly. Cnlnrrli being n rontUlullnnnl illsenvMC()iilre n comtltiittonHl trintmont, Ball's Cntnrrh uuio ii tnicoii internally, ociuik uirtitiy upaq ilia liloud nml muctuin mrrmvi ( tlu yutm, tlinrstiy noitm1iiR tho foumlntlnn' i( Ilia illiCHSn, nml nlvlni tli lmtlimt triniKlH uv tmlUlliiK. up tho constitution tml imt1iif nntiiro' in tiding, U work riiu nroprlotm'd lmo no muoli fnltti in in drud dollars for nny enso Hint It falls In e.ire. hoi nrt for list of ttitlmnnlnls. Address V, J.CIIIKNKV A Oo., Toledo, O Hold brllriiL'iilstsTBi) (I lir II llK ll fflinPV fllinrMli bt. T Grand Opening i. ! AT THE Triangle Falpi;' Crossing, Sontjh.Mnin st, i l- 9N-7 ., . Saturday Evening Sept. 6th QM6 ir WERNER.) streets nnd entirely needless in dny time ns well ns nt night. At night automobiles arc supplied with lights as safeguards. Why should automobiles bo permit ted to i un faster than other vehicles, for Instance thoso diawn by horses? The laws logulatlng tho speed of ve hicles drawn by horses were certainly not Instigated by humnno sentiments as regards tho horses. They wero made for tho puipofco of protection to the public nnd tho pioventlon of nccldents. To run an automobile faster, than llo or ten miles nil hour Is simply a matter of sport on the part of the ro spoctlvo Individuals and not nt all n necessity or a benefit to any one, Pub lic welfare Is not served thereby In any repect, on the contrary It Is con stnntly endnngcred. Aiitomobllists who wish to Indulge In this kind of passionate and intem perate sport should, perhaps, not bo deprived of exercising their own pleas ure In this dlicctlon, but thoy should bo compelled to respect the safety nnd welfaro of tho public at largo nnd con find themselves to racetracks, bult by themselves and for themselves nt their own expense, and on their own prop erty where they may, without danger to others, do ns they pleaso nnd havo ns mnny smnsu-ups as may satisfy their appetite. As a samplo of how an automobile In the hands of n competent nnd sen sible gentleman can bo used on public streets without endnngeilng the lives nnd limbs of others, one need only point to Mr. Frank II. Mason, of this city. Ho always rides at a moderate speed. His machine Is absolutely noiseless. Ho never blows a whistle or horn and Is at all times most con siderate 0f the safoty nnd convenience of others. S. posschslon of nny but cducntlonnl Institutions. It Is said to bo tho Intention of Mr. Rhodes eventually to present tho col lection to Buclitel College. r Mr. Rhodes Is a kindly gontlomnn who spends tho declining years of his llfo in quiet pleasures, rending, culti vating his floweis nnd tnklng long strolls of which he is very fond. Ho Is n marked success ns n landscape gnidner, and his tlowcrs nttinct at tention far and wide. Mr. Rhodes Is Interested In trees nnd Insects as well as birds and flowers, and his library contains some rnro and vnluablo volumes on these sub jects. Ho was born in England, but has been a resident of Akion for 35 yenis, having ILyod In .lls present home, which was built for tho rocep tlon of his bride, for tho greater part of that time. wooooooaoooiwHjoisoooopooog ST. JACOBS IE POSITIVELY CURES Rheumatism Neuralgia Backache Headache Fcelache All Bodily Aches AND CONQUERS 5000000rXiOOt?iWiOOOiOiatooiWH BIRD 11 ' '! ' I I KIDNEY ui I BACKACHE i fi All Illaililor nnd OTTT TT ITS 0 AIN KENTUCKY whisssjey for Gentlemen"1 wlio cherish V Quality. y Y V1LC0XTAMSY PILLS' H lor 9mr tin nnlrls nd reliiiri. p0. H mnlo lleculntorfprniltrnubm, tj Hllliin 3 37. M drnciHu. or by iaU. I R Trie 84. I'l-e.". trUI o( "rny, nnd 1 I "Woman's 8foQiid" for Iflq Addtcvs H Go to lumbus To Represent Akron Health Board At Conference With Code Makers Next Week. Monday nnd Tuesday of next week will bo devoted by the codo makers at Columbus to meeting with tho repro sontntlves of tho Health Boauls of tho cities of Ohio, and a discussion of the provisions of tho now code as already formulated. Objections to the proposed new order of things nio ex pected and they will also bo discussed. At tho meeting of the Akron Health Boaul, Friday night, It was decided to send Health OfHcer A. A. Kohlcr to Columbus to represent Akron at tho conference. In speaking of the plans of tho codo makers, Saturday morning, Dr. Kqhier said: "Health Boaids will bo placed by tho now codo In the Department of Public Service. This is bad, for It places tho Board In politics. Of course there Is no certninty that the codo 'as made now will bo passed, nnd thero Is no telling what the conferences of next week will bring forth.' To avoid typhoid fever keep tho system clear of nil wnste matter. This can bo easily dono by keeping on hand a package of Wright's Celery Tea, and drinking a cup on ictiiing at night occasionally; it will Insuro you, not only ngnlnst this diead dis ease so prevalent at this season, but also ngalnst many other dlsagieeablo complaints. Tho huninn machine Is continually tearing down and build ing nnew', nnd If the refuse mattcr is not properly carried out of tho sys tem, derangement of some part or or gan Is but a natural result. There fore, tho best way, the easiest and tho right way Is to prevent the clog ging of tho Bystem by drinking nn oc casionol cup of Wright's Celery Tea. It swoops all Impuiitles out through tho natural channel nnd Insures per fect harmony within. AH druggists, 25c nnd COc. Llngerlnsr.Summer Colds. Don't let ft cold run nt this season. Summer colds nro tho hntdest kinds to cine and If neglected, may linger nlongjfor months. A long siege like th,ls will pull (lown the strongest con stltuflon. Ono Mlntito Cough Cure will bleak up tho attack at once. Safe, sure, nets at once. Cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, nil throat and lung troubles. Tho children like It. CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. Emma Steckhnn and daughters tohder their heaitfelt thnnks to Buck ley P6st, G. A. It., to Bov. Stliebl, for the kind words spoken; to tho choir of the' German Reformed church for their 'lieautlfiil singing; to the neigh bors and f i lends who so kindly as sisted them In their into bereavement nnd especially to Daniel Stnlr for his numerous deeds of kindness. They deeply nppieelnto tho many kindnesses paid them In their hour of trouble, nnd the many marks of esteem nnd lovo manifested for their departed husband and father. WMIIIHM -HHHHH-t"H" BARBERTON ( -H WIUtlHH)HIHHtlO)MHllllllHl POLICE DEPARTMENT Needs a Head Says, Aayor E. 1M. B'ucl. " "tspeclai Conspondenco.) Bnrberton, Sept. q. Speaking to n Democrnt leporter on riitiulclpal nf- fairs Friday, .Mayor E. M. Duel said.. "In my opinion the pollco situation Is tho most important problem before tho Council and it should bo given thoughtful attention. As tho matter stands nt present the pollco nre In doubt to whom they nre to look for Instructlons-tho Marshal, tho Pollco comnilttco or the Mayor and they nre' trying to adjust confllctlous and keep In the good giaces of all. This Is not. tho sort of thing to Insuro good ser vice and tho ovll should bo promptly remedied by tho Council. I think tho Marshal should bo the vlitunl head of tho Police department. lie should bo n'sort of superintendent nnd should bo armed with full authority to Issuo all necessary orders and tho police-' men' should understand that they orq to look to hlni and no other for their Instructions. As for tho Mnishal him self, ho should bo under tho Instruc tion of tho Pollco committee of tho Council nnd thoy should work togcth-, or harmoniously, Vov tho good of the scrvlco there should bo no confllctions, but full nnd friendly confldenco on both sides." BRIEF VIEWS OF MAGIC CITY LIFE (Special Correspondence.) Barborton, Sept. 0-Assistant Post master Barnett is confined to his iipmo oy illness. j Jir. A. Ii. Whlgarn -ub at Cleveland, Tfldtiy, ,w , ., .,., S3 x mfBii'Kiff i s rw WILL LUKE IUU & I if A M $& A " I 1 I A. Wo want nil inon nnd -rV-Stw X X t'l Vu 5, who lire wenk fvCY A "h A 3C 2jB o wnnt nil mon nml inmoii who lire wenk toknem Hint liar ucu ii inny nfici ttllhout any x e o ji 1 1 o ii, mo lircnlpit home trcnunont (or lost vitality anil lt kindred M- nicllnin DAIt-IIKN It a true nervo tonlo nnd blood purl nor. it puts new vigor nnd perfect health Into the weak noives nnd broken down nyntemt Itmnltcitho nppetlto koon, tho digestion porfoat nnd promotes re frcnlilngsleop; body, brain nnd nerves nre built up rnptdly under Its uso. JlMl-niiNU tbo iclontinc, natural nnd positive cure for nil nervous dlBonse, lost vitality, nlaht omissions nnd excesses, the efToctsof ovorwork, worry, brnln fntlgv, tbo excesslvo use of tobacco, opium or liquor. No matlor whnt hns caused your trouble, Uar-fien will bring you back to health, Ono box will ttorlc wonders: toe. Blx box es will cure, 12 5). l)y mnll, post paid, on rocelpt of prloe. Write for f roe sample. Tho Unr-llon Itomodloi Co,, Clovelnml, O. Kor snlo by J. It. LnfTor, F. W. Albrocht, Knufmorm Dros., ninck, tbo Druggist, Dutl's rharmaoy, II nun A McKoan. SUICIDE Committed by Nephew of Ex-Speaker Reed. Shot Himself at a . Peoria. Hotel In Peoria, 111., Sept. 0. Mnjor W. S. Brockett, related to the oldest nnd wealthiest families of this city, nnd a nephew of e-t-Spenker Thomas Brack, ett Reed, wns found dead this morning on tho floor-of n room In tho Hotel Fnust. He had shot himself througn the head. Brackctt recently sold his cxteilslvc ranch In Montana for SSO, 000. His bis first marriage is now onptaln In the United States army in the Philippines. Prom his second wlfo ho wns divorced two yeors ago. fl!icvtnnd her daughter are living In Chicago. Last Sunday by steamer to Long Lako Park. 0 a. m. and 1:30 p. in. SIDES, NOT SITES. Messrs. .Lampartcr and Bathrlck, aro. meeting with marked success In sclljng tho lots In "Woymouth" al lotment on North Hill. In'esterflay's paper, a typographical error In their adv. made It read, "Res idences built on threo sites.'1 It should have read, residences built on threo sides, as tho property Is practi cally In tho center of North Hill. Eighth Regiment Band, Lakeside Park, Sunday. A Certain Cure For Dysentery and piarrrtoea. "Some years ago I was one of a party that Intended making a long bicycle trip," says F. I. Taylor, of New Al bany, Bindford county, Pa. "I wns taken suddenly with diarrhoea, and was about to give up the trip, when, editor Ward, of tho Laceyvllle Messen ger, suggested that I tako n dose of Chambeilnn's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. I purchased a bottle and took two doses, ono before start ing and ono on tho loute. 1 made tho trip successfully, nnd never felt nny 111 effect. Again Inst summer I wjib almost completely run down with an attack of dysentery. I bought a bot tle or this saino remedy, and this time ono dose cured me." For sale by nil druggists. 10. Stelnbneher & Co., whole.salo agents. llllimillllllHHHHI Mr. b. Miller has tho continct for furnishing the now unlfoims for tho mallcaniers and thoy will bo hcio within a week. Mr. tioorgo It. Ilanklns, of Massll lon, was In the city, Thursday. Mr. .Tolm Smlth.of Burbank, visited In tho city, Friday. MIhi French, who has studied under tho lending masters In Gloveland.and who lias taugnt six years In that city, will opon her rlnss work In Barberton, Monday, riease mako aiiangcuicnts before Thursday. Claimed His Horse. (Special Coriespondonco.) Barbei ton, Sopt. 0. -Mr. Jacob Krahllng, of Seining, eam.o to Bar berton, Friday, and Identified as his the horso and buggy found on the Bieltenstcln faun, nenr hero, tho oth er day, Mr. Krahllng left his horse on tho public square at Alllnnco and 10 minutes later returned to find his rig gone. Barbcrlon Babies. (Special Correspondence.) BarbertQp, Sept. 0. Following Is the birth list for" this week in tho Magic City; Mr, and Mrs. A, n. Snclder, Fifth st., a eon, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller, Mul liorry st., n son, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Boldrldgo, n daughter, Mondny. Death of a Baby. (Special Correspondence.) Barberton, Sept. . Ceroid, the two-months-old son of Mr. Arthur Ynckoy, died Thursday. Tho remains wero to Edgerton for bminl, and the funeral toojc place Saturday. The child's mother died a few weeks ago. . .Um 2 l? ear UL S' Ope "W B .Hk 1 A Y B and We will givo a WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER AFTERNOON and EVENING Wo will also display a fine line of all grades of Pi&nos, Organs aaid Music&J Merchandise All aro welcome and earnestly roquostod to be present. 167 South Howard Street 20th Century lillJIi-l Purchase "20th Century Laurel" and you will have a stove that will bo n source of comfort and profit to you for many yeais to come. We nrp central agents for Climax Stoves'and Heaters. Pouchot, Hunsicker & Co. 216-218 South Main Street. Both Phones 314. -5WiJ-lt .........4 ..4 . t44; - 4r - 44 - P44 9 neve CELEBRATED Carriages, Wagons & Harness For pleasure driving or business and of every description. We have tho exclusive agonoy for The Columbus Buggy Co. Buggies, the standard of excellency in high grade vehicles tho world over. Don't buy until you have inspected our ve hicles and our prices which we guarantee to be tho lowest in the country. C. 128-130 N. V--- v W i The Demand Threatens Exceed the Supply of mmt Grip Tho greatest laundry soap out, it dissolves the dirt, saves the rubbing and scouring yet cleans tho clothes. CURE YOURSELF 1 Uo nisO for Unnatural dUc&arsJun animation, roDns " la 1 1 ft dkji. Qoutatctd lml&MVUl VI UltOIBItlUU nut tft ltrlatvr. nf mu coua memDranea, 1'alDlosf, , anan 1 not aBtrlo I.rTC??.V:,T.:rn. nrwpoU.Doai. 1IUIMVM1.-IW. i.,.. - w t.J. IpiKCINKlTI.C. si uu uy wruHiiuwi or tent la plain wrapper .. ClrcoUr scat en muwtt nmg Musical Program 10th 3 W This stove Is n "Wonder." On account of the way It Is con structed you con burn slack or any other kind of soft cool nnd obtain nearly tho some results as heretofore could only be ob tained with hard coal, namely: Cleanliness, continuous and uniform heat all day and night, nnd warm floors, while your lexpenso for fuel will be only onc-thlid ns much. Tho Firo Pot Is guaranteed for five years. - - - . HEATER Got Them The exolusive agonoy for "Studebaker" Keenn, Main St. 4-qq .. -.-e. s to f LECTRIC o&p HICHEnTER'R runli.u ENNYROYAL FBLLS VrTjiBiiiSiclK,'isaEffi3 llh llu. rltb... Tako i, uthtr. Il.h.a ;,"""' J'nw.niMllon. ant Imlt. IUh B07 ;t Jo.r ...,,i ., ,i J. , J4 "Heller or La.lle,(n low, b. r. ,Umvfifr""HMKirJS22lfc E zASwik JW W1J At F M A " mimm .M.mJJI, IUa.totoUiJ4ajU.-J. J,'te JsW i.t&o-Kl- am&ti&.. J2&' iv ft! wit J rrntiBgi trvi""jn-;j"-t;C'Hiia! ..i.'i'jjU K.jMtUitSllJuVt,M,,,'MiiiM tl I 1 'r . I fttti;.1.'.:Jt1 JjM- -. !.. -alfliuik JV'tAtJMW" -A U. A'J