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4. ;i MONDAtf, BIlJ'L'f. 8, 1002. dAILY DkMOC&AT AKRON & ' Catarrh ' Is n constitutional disease. ' It originates In a scrofulous condition 01 tho blood' find depends on that condition. It often causes headache and dltzlness, Impairs the taste, smell and hearing, af fects tho vocal organs, disturbs tho stomach. It Is always radically and permanently cured by, tho blood-purlfylng, altcratlvo arid tonic action of , v Hood's Sarsaparllla This great medicine has wrought the most wonderful cares of all diseases depending on scrofula or the scrofulous habit. IIOOD'S rats ro the belt cathartic. A Word to The Wise Choose for Your Bankers Men who havo made a suc cess of their bank, who are themselves successful bus iness men. They can handle your money wisely and safo ly, and oftentimes can as sist you to success. The officers and directors of this bank are always looking to ' assist its friends, NO. KINDERGARTEN. H( ft A Change This Year at the Mary Day Nursery. The Central Savings Bank.... CAPITAL 150.000.00 SURPLUS PROFITS $30,000.00 I Interest Ir Compounded Twice a year on all moneys deposited here. Absolute se curlty to depositors Is as sured by governmental su pervision. WE PAY INTEREST. i 'THE CITY NATIONAL BANK 108 S.. Howard st Geo. W. fSRQUSE, President. N. 0. STONB, Cashier. There will bo no kindergarten In con nection with tlio Mary Day nursery, this year. Tho kindergarten was es tablished sovornl years ago at tho nur sery In tho hope that thin would bo Instrumental In getting the kindergar tens Introduced Into tho public schools and now that kindergartens have been established In nearly nil the pubtlc scIiooIb tho management of the nursery feels that the object has been accom plished and this expensive accessory has been excluded from tho work this year. Tho nursery was closed for three weeks this summer and was opened August 25. Thcrp aro now 11 children In the nursery orfch day though usually tho number runs' up to 15 a day. Though there will be np kindergarten course, this year, Miss Caldwell, the nsslstant matron, is an experienced klndcrgartncr and there will bo kin dergarten amusements for tho older children. The nursery Is strictly a charitable Institution and it Is the intention to care only for children, whoso mothers nro compelled to earn a, living for them' selves and little ones. Many of' tho mothers are employed In' factories' nntt the children arc left In. cqre or the nursery all day and for this tho" moth ers pay only tbo nominal jwnv.of fi cents a day. When necessary, children arq bathed and drCpsed In ejeap. gar- 4 cooked din- Including merits. A good nor is orvcd, meat, potntocs, broad, Jellies and milk and the smaller ones nre given little lunches between meals. The youngest child In tho nursery at pres ent is four months old and tbo oldest, 10 years. The institution is in charge of a board and is supported by subscrip tions, donations and entertainments all of which are secured and carried through by tho Ladles comprising fhe board. Another soureo of support Is the children of tho public schools. The dny before Thanksgiving is known as Potato day, and on this day every child Is requested to bring at least one potato for the Mary Dny nursery. In this way tho nursery Is supplied with potatoes, ' fru(t and jellies, and last year 80 bushels of potatoes wore fur nished In this -way. Beside caring for tho Children left In their charge, tho management of the nursery often furnishes children with uccded clothing and the mothers are Bomotlrries, In cases of real necessity, given food. . Miss, Flora' itnnehctt, the matron, ltf a charming woman, and Is loved by tho llttlo' pnes. . jTh'c officers of the nursery board are: President, Mrs. r. D. Hall: vice presi dent, Mrs. IJal Jacobs; treasurer, Mrs. .Charles Raymond. Woman Wfift tfrivented Rainy Day Skirts Is Planning a 'Mobile Trip SAWYER'S TUBERCULOSIS FROM COWS , . . ? It Is Proved That the Disease Can Be Transmitted. Columbus, O., Sept. 8. It seems to have been left for Dr. E. P. Horton, State Bacteriologist, to determine the question raised by Prof: ICoctons to the ' transmission of bovine tuberculosis to the human system. Several weeks ago a local veterinar ian feared that ho had contracted tu berculosis through an abrasion in his hand while performing a postmortem examination on a calf that had died of' tuberculosis. The abrasion wns ' not noticed 'at tho time and nothing .was' thought of It until signs of tuber culosis appeared. There, seemed to be an opportunity of testing tho great question, for tho veterinarian did not have tuberculosis before the examination, and It was ab solutely certain that if ho had it af terward the Infection wns from tho calf. A solution containing matter excised from the wound In the veter inarian's hand Jwas injected Into the Tabblts. Both rabbits have Since died of tuberculosis. This de termines to the satisfaction of the medical minds that bovine tuberculq- . sis can be transmitted to the human system. Goes Right to Board, instead of Fil ing Complaints With Council. It has often been noticed that Coun cilman W. T. Sawyer seldom, if ever, reports any complaints to tho Council. When asked about this, ho said: "I have not found it necessary. My plan in doing something for my constitu ents Is to go directly to the City Com missioners and explain tho matter to them, if some Improvement or repairs aro wanted. It has always been' my belief that tho best way to obtain any thing Is to go right to' headquarters. We might report the matter to Coun cil and have it referred to the Board, something like this: 'Mr. Sawyer Bad holo In North Howard St., near York. Referred to Board. Thcro i no description of the damage, and so very little said about It, that there would bo some c.xcufo for the Board, If the complaint were ignored or for gotten. In such cases, I go right to the Board, toll the members what Is wanted and give whatever explana tion or description ifc desired. This plan has worked so satisfactorily that I believe It Is the only one to follow." WILL WATCH For Insurance Cos. Soliciting Business Without License. Columbus, O., Sept. B Superintend ent of Insurance Vorys is getting ready for the national convention of State .Insurance Commissioners to bo held In Columbus, Sept. 23, 24 and 2ri. At tho coming meeting each State Com missioner will furnish n list of known .companies that are doing business In his State without having taken out a license In that State. This will give oppqrtunlty to closely watch for the soliciting of business by unlicensed agents and companies. Mrs. Osborne's Society Theatre Must Have More Doors r AN "EXPANSIVE" GIRL. N6t Necessarily an Expensive One. "A little Kansas girl Is called an "ex pansionist" becauso her clothes require "Jetting out" so often, She Uvea most ly on Grape-Nuts since recovering from a sick spell caused by too much greasy food. Almost all aliments of children (and grown folks as well) aro traceable to the wrong kind of food, and the surest 'curd Is to quit the old sort, the greasy, pasty, undercooked or overdone things, that ruin tho stomach and bowels. Put the children and adults on tho perfectly cooked food Grape-Nuts. It Is digested by the weakest stom ach, has the delicate sweet flavor of tho flrapo Sugar and surely and quickly rebuilds tbo body,' brain and nerves, There's a reason. 1 " I . I I I " m MR J. ROBT. OSBOHW&. -rju- K &f&3i fe& xSB&gfiGzaa? New York, Sept. 8, -Mr. -Neta Jean Bordman.-the advocate and Inven tor of tho short rainy-day skirt for wo men, will run ah automobile from Ncy York to Chicago. Mrs. Bordraa n Is a strong supporter of the move ment for gtodroads aud en route she will hold mass meetings, trying to exclto in the minds of tho people, a ni active Interest looking toward a national highway. New York, Sept,' 8, Mrs. .Robert Osborne, who has been pri-pnilr.g to run Berkeley Lyceum during the coining season as a society theatre, is In a ficrlout. dilemma, all because of the building laws. Sho has just spent several thou sand dollars In reflating tho place, only to learn that unless sdio provides sev, eral more exits the theatre must rem nln closed, Mrs. Osborne was, about ready to begin rehearsals when Building In spector Hodge dropped In out of curiosity and discovered that there were not enough exits. Sho was at once notified that changes must be made. It is said by some that to provide the extra exits would spoil the build ing as a theatre. The hpuse will comfortably accommodate .Wi pmcus. GOOD. FIND OF ANCIE1NT RELICS Piqua Man Investigated the Con tents of a 'Mound. Plqua, O., Sept. 8.rOw of, the most Interesting traces pf tho mound build crs ever found in tills vicinity has been unearthed by .lobu A, Hnyner, of this city on thfl'Klefer farm a half mile north of Plqua. Mr.Ilayner Is a collector of curios1 aud hns mndo many finds nenr Piqua, and elsewhere, but the. discovery of an Indian crematory or sacrifice place this week Is the best yet. . The first layer that was struck un der the soil wns n stratum or burned clay, six Inches In depth. Tlio follow ing layer consisted of burned earth, containing banes, shells and wood ashes. This section was four Inches deep. A lino of wood ashes contain ing human bones, shells, a head of a copper hatchet and n part of an en graved tablet followed. On the tablet were some hieroglyphics and a man's head rudely engraved. In the fourth and Inst layer of the mound the bone from a human llinb, the teeth, and a part of a deer hprn. vere found.. The original height of the mound was 12 foot nnd tho diameter 120 feet. Mr. Rnyner assorted tho specimens nnd has part of t)iem In coses. They aro now on exhibition here. It, Is not unlikely that the Rmlthsonlqn Insti tute may be apprised of the discovery as great, interest has hern taken there In this historic section of Ohio. Bought a Black Man The Latter. Must- Be His Slave - or.One Year. Shelbyvllle, Ky., Sept. S.-Flsher Million, a negro convicted In the coun ty court of vagrancy and ordered to be sold into servitude for a period of 12 months, was sold at public outcry by Deputy Sheriff Briggs, in front of tho Court Hpuse here in the presence of a great crowd. The auction was a strong reminder of ante-bellum days when such sales were quite common. The most unusual thing connected with tho sale, and which, probably has no parallel in this ojr'nny p'tijer &MP, (s that the purchaser was a negro, tho vagrant belug knocked down to Davo Muvnhv. one of the hardest working and best known colored mcJn . Shelby ( county, lor tlio sura oi $. Murphy afterward stated that ho in tended to pay at least $20' for tho slave. When Million was formally transferred to Murphy Iti.Cpunty Judge Jtf E6BB6& PPED. The man who started to run a race in chains and fetters would be visibly hand icapped. No one would expect him to succeed. The man who runs the race of life when his digestive and nu tritive organs are diseased Is equally handicapped. In the one case his strength is over weighted, in the other It is under mined. Success demands above all else a sound ctortucli. Doctor l'icrce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of diges tion and nutrition. When this is done food is perfectly digested and as li.iil.itRd nnd the body recelvca strength in the only way in which gtr;ngth can bs given by the nutrition derived from digested and as r.'.inilate.l food. "The nraWe I woulJ like to plve your ' Golden Dt'wery I cannot titer In woidnor :il....i,L ,i. .?vi writes Tainea 11. Ambrose. Ki..of xn'.'n MifBln Street. HmillncJoJ, Va. il l,u uw"i with what our phyrictiii here sai.l wn inilUMtlon, I doctored with the be:t around here nJ fwnd no relief. I wrote to yen and von iu me n qiieMlon lilmik to fill out. nnd t rlfd to. and S'011 ,,,e" dvli.ed me to use u".J'imcc- Golden Medical ntaverv. I took three trotile and I felt xo good Hut 1 stopped, bcliiir cured, I law no fyiaptoms of castrlc trouble or l.nHse'tlo-i now." Accept no subit!ute for "Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing "just as good." . .. i, i Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, sent free on receipt of 6tainps to cover expense of mailing only. Twenty one oue-ccut stamps for the book In paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth-hound volume. Address Dr. U, V. Tierce, Buffalo, N. Y. . Davis' ofllcc after the sale and pay ment, Murphy promptly reminded the hopeless negro that he intended that ho should work and plainly Intimated that if necessary he would resort to tho necessary means to compel him to do so. At Murphy's request the vagrant was sentenced to jail until this morn ing, when he called for him at day break and proceeded to a farm where he has quite a largo 'contract of corn cutting. He asked the jail officials for a ball and chain, to which they agreed, and he says he will use the same If his charge becomes In any manner gay or attempts French leave. 4 4M 1 r tUrl44UtH.UU 4"-- X trTsrr- m rr-r CABJ in IS. In the past four years vtu have demonstrgtcd to the people of Ak ron and vicinity that It pays to attend our school for the following f reasons: J Ours In strictly a school a nd not merely a dance hall run under T the disguise of a dancing school. We allow no visitors In the clas T room wu,.e 1363003 aro being given. Wc not only teach dancing, but pay strict attention to the dev poitment of all -pupils, fitting them for their proper place In society. a We cculd go on -it great length enumerating the many advantages T of our school, but we would prefer to have you make Inquiries 4 from some of tho 1.2S3 pupils taught at our school last season. Respectfully, I Me, and Mrs, Wm A. Barron. X People's Phone 437. -H-M-H-M-m---M-T-M-VH-'M HARNESS BROKE And a Dozin Youn Folks Were Thrown !tVo Ihc Ditch. ' Pnioesvlile, 0.. cpr, a More than a dozen young pscplu were Injured in a lima way on it hill near Mentor, this county. A party of IS had niarted on faR hayr.jclc. frpiu, I.ltt(o Mountain for a marshnwilinVfo,i't.irt the lakc-i Tho harness broke on the hill and the team ran down. The hayrack was overturn ed and the entire party wns tumbled Into the ditch. All wore badly bruised 'and shaken up. They were rared for at the homes of people near by. Miss Nina Reynolds, daughter of Charles Reynolds , of Little Mountain, was the worst hurt. She sustained severe cuts about the face and head. The team was stopped a mile from the scene of the accident. Take Care of the Stomach. The man or woman whose digestion Is perfect and whose stomach performs Its eyery function is never sick. Ko dol cleanses, purifies and sweetens tho stomach nnd cures positively and per manently all stomach troubles, Indi gestion and dyspepsia.. It is the won derful reconstructive tonic that Is mak ing so many s'.ck people well nnd weak people, strong by conveying to their bodies all of the .nourishment in the food they eot. .Rev, J. H. Hollnday, of Hollnday, Miss., writes: "Kodol has cured me, I consider it the best rem edy I ever used for dyspepsia and stomach troubles. I was given up by physicians. Kpdoi saved my life." Take It after meals. I Sh iCEEF C08QLI I Mh Use an ELECTRO P&ftl Thoy '.I com- 1 " In both house and office, cost but little and insure fort during warm weather : : :: I llffll I CONSTRUCTION i Tel. 942 and 943 People's. Viaduct. UfccruvLyj II IbRbK' 13 7Vo Ojg? Ionw,nian"',an inn nnnM TOR HEADACHE nn, Oi nfrvoui lrm Is trn aud Tlcoroui HuVreVno room lor lieadacho. TU4f now Dr. James' Hoadaohe Powdora Not h, turfilni or daenlnr tho uenf a, nut hSotnlna and reMnrlnir tum. Hawr tall, no mil 57. 5fr.'V? nrimirf rauw of hfadacho. AbolutlJ EannleM. At all drug now?. 10 cents. Tog j, ly, James yu., c.aci..?,, For Bale by John Laniparter & Co. Lingering; summer Colds. Don't let a cold run at this season. Summer colds are tho hardest kinds to cure and If neglected, may linger nlong for month's. A long siege like this will pull down the strongest con. stltution. One M)nute Cough Cure will break up tho attack at once. Safe, sure, nets at once. Cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, all throat and luug troubles. ''The children like it. WARREN FAIR WAS A WINNER Warren, O.,, Sept. S.Tha Trumbull county fair last week, was the niosf successful In years, lrjsiirlng tho con tinuance of tho County Agricultural society, which had become considera lily In debt. The last two fairs will pay something on the indebtedness nnd the directors are! more hopeful. Secretary .1. h. Kennedy reports 17,000 tickets wore sold for; the1 fair this year. I Don't Have Your Plumbing or I Gas Fitting Done Until You Have Our Estimate. I.OW prices and good, wprU is our motto. We bavo the finest llnfr of fixtures in the city tjt th- lowest prices. Gas rauges, ovens ana ' hot plntcs. Hot plates from sfl.CO up. ! THE DAUNTLESS MANUFACTURING CO. PLUMBING, HEATING AND LIGHTING. f People's Phone 359. 233 South Main St. r If qii Are a Sport You can't help but appreciate our line of sporting goods. Base Balls, Bats, Mits, , . Gloves and Cages. ? Poles, Lines, tiooua, a railing Lines, In fact, everything for a-, i msas; tine day's uuting. We have all kinds 'of loaded shells, cartridges, etc. Old Smokers L iln !!-vlbKri0!l '1 cause they .can get the best grade of goods and always get the. right flavor. Fine Amber Stem Pipes with Meerschaum or Genuine Brier fiowls at low prices. Pocketbooks, purses, wallets, etc. in a great variety ao at all prices. nB B-P cor. Howard ana ,worer WOif9sts. - Peoples phoni 3!n.wri'- 1 wm0 toepppT v'' """ ,rmn m "Turns Back Tixno in lis 7Mnf.' SCS!!?!S&,HfcfcTI!.fli SClKd . HI"" BOTTLE W01EE PUlI.OIlAyOO.,220Lafojretteat;,NfWir!t;K.X. atorei joutbfulfeoft cTir.tidtMlorblMcbfd cair. -imcciiui ti rrowtnenaoaaeayou I loot ana reel joms. ssa sto ct tiro for trial bmtla Ja rrtttati Ooaudta. iTijlm Ewas CHtMictiCo cure Youetsiiri Dm Ble fr unnaiarti dlohargti,lnnarMaaan, irritations or ulawttuM of ran con tatamtft. ralnltea. an4 o Hitln,. ' (tot or poioaona. -' ' SolJ by PriMI. Er ani in piua 7 axprcu, pr f.oo,.orsidj wrcuiar list nflVh cSl m i r U J' r -H ;'&l WaSMMJl-'- jtxu.a . - A; . i, ifh ( .