OCR Interpretation

Akron daily Democrat. [volume] (Akron, Ohio) 1892-1902, October 10, 1902, Image 6

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028140/1902-10-10/ed-1/seq-6/

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f'OHVv W!
Team Will Meet
C. A. A,
East Akrons Growing
Daily Stronger.
More Opposition to McOovern
'"Corbetl" Fight
JTno hot game of football that Is ex
pected Saturday between tbo East Ak
ron Athletic club and tho Cleveland
'Athlctio association, will take placo ut
Buchtel field, as will most If not nil
bf tho Rast End club's games this sea
Bon. Tho team Is said to be growing
stronger .with each day's work. Rock-
twoll and Firestone may bo with tho
team In a fow weeks, nnd It Is said
ihat "Big Hosa" Shanefolt Is develop
ing Into ono of tho fastest players on
tho team under tho direction of Coach
DFltch. Tomorrow's gamo will bo called
let 8:00, and tho Bast Akron toam
Svlll line us as follows:
Smctts, c; Bodur, r t; Vbgt, r e; Shaf-
Cor, r g; Elsholz, 1 ti Terrlck, 1 c;
J JEIayes, quarter!, Dletc, r lij Stevens,
,lh;Blttier, f b.
, FGnton, Cooper, Peterson Shanefclt
nnd Colloy will bo held In roBcrvo, F.
i JT.ltocltwcll will bo refreo, and George
Brown one the llueanron.
Staler, Ingram and Davis beat Gaia
lian. Pouchot and Souers In two of
three games on the Grand alloys, last
night, In tho bowling tournament now
In progress there. Tho scores were:
Blslcr ,.......r. 110 150 1!!5
Ingram . ...,. 181
JJavIa ,,.nM.iux ISO
Totals .k..-i, 480
Garahan i.. 103
Pouchot ,-.,...-..... Ill
Boners -.,.. i.. 127
150 142
151 103
454 440
1(12 144
125 120
120 102
Totals ,............- 401 410 475
Jones, Whltnor and Daguo will clash
(with Turner, Lyon and Knottier to-
Goddard finished his pool game at
the Howurd St. tounnmont, 11 points
nhead of his opponent. Mltzcl, last
night. Tho'gnmo was wntched with
Interest. Schumacher and Ockcrman
aro scheduled for tonight.
Chicago, Oct 10 Tlio fight hero last
night between Frank Ohllds nnd .Too
iYValcott, both colored, was dcclarod
"no contest" after two nnd a half
Boston Store
INIflW DRES3 GOODS, . , ., "'
Saturday will bo a busy flay In (his
department. Wo havo not let nn op
portunity pass us in getting tho vory
best of Dross Ooods ut lowest prices
Ihat tho market affords. Don't miss
ur Dross Goods department Saturday,
At 700 a yard All Wool Black Cho
lot full 03 inohes wide, tho weight
r sultn and skirts, nothing bottoc for
At 70c n yard All Wool Melroso
Granltd Cloth, foil 48 lncheo wide.
cloth for suits and skirts in a bcautl-
shado of black.
At ?1 a yard Tho real Canadonsos
oth Jnblaok, full J8 Inches wldo.
o at this prlco wo show somo hand-
mo Cheviot In different woighto, 02
hchos . wldb Also Arrauro, Satin
olloh Jlelrouo, Poplins, Venetian
Va havo as lino u lliio of Si a yard
lock goods as can bo found anywhoro.
At J1.25 Real Black Landsdowno
fwblch ronkos tip well in dresses and
shirt waist. Black Cbo lots that can
bo madft up In oitlris with or without
Jntajn old) np nnfinuhod Worotod, full
5a Inches wide, mad6 ozpressly for Ln
flW Bute,
' M 8$o 0 ydrfl-P)an.ae-Cyno- BDk
In all tho Mtcst shades, Including tho
aoy? grpott; this Is a nice, oott silk that
sroiVt out.
At fl ft rnrfl Tho famous Poau-dc-bold
eUK in black uuJ colon). ThM
pilli baa no equal on tho market and
Ruarantoad not to cut,
At TKb a rarC-Blao'k Tottcta' SUk,
COTJ tff lUCDUB WI09, VfJUl a nign juitw
una r,lo ooft iinioi).
At fl n yard-Black Taffeta Bilk. CO
kcchc8 wide, a flno grado or Under,
plrtsi Uigf) lustro eoft finish,
, Lt fiOq ft ynrd-Bllvcr Bleached 'All
(Linen Tablo Damask, 5B Inches to fi
ipchwi wido; a good gfadu for every;
fauy uboJ worb C6c.
At COo fld tfOo a yart-UnbloaQheO,
Ull Unoo Table pamask, full 04 to 7S
toohW ytiQo ft big assortment of pat
tern. At D0a b yord! nlso COo u yard All
Kneb BnOW WTifto Table Wnrjna, in a
gf varfety of pattorns, somo hnn
Napfcin to rriotclr.
'Xt TBp and ti a yard-Tho voluoi
Net; iow at this prlco aro wondarful
kzkl the patterns handsomei all havi
4 tMDkfea to match.
f .t 7o, U $1.95, $1.00 to f5 a dozon
V-W&n TaWo Kapkins In 6-8 and 0-4
pit, alljdiaerat pttttoms, and tho best
MooBjr can twy,
(TtalXti&t & Saturday for overy-
Mjlng wt iff ww. jwi goous,
I ' n r-L- , '
Boston Store
' & mu Q&& &
rounds of fighting, nml Wnlcott's sbaro
of tho purse was donatocl to charity.
"Wolcott claimed vthat io was uuablo
to contlnuo fighting, owing to an In
Jury to JuVloft hrm. It looked very
much ns If ho dollberately quit under
Now Haven,, Ct., Oct. JO-Secrotary
S. P. Tiaehcr of tho Law and Order
league, has (addressed to tho members
and friends of the league an open let
ter, In which ho announces the begin
ning of a movement to prevent tho
bout between Young Oorbott and .Aus
tin Rice, scheduled to take placo at
Watcrbury, Nov. 0.
While a great deal has been said
lately about Art Slmms, It seems that
thcro is still something to bo said. Ho
has received word from Harry Gil
moro, who represents him In Chicago,
to the effect that Gllmoio Is looking
out for lights for him theio, and al
ready has two scrappers in sight who
nio anxious to meet Slnnns. Art con
tinues to train hard, nnd will soon be
in shape. Ho boxc3 dally with Hull-
lln and Wnlly Young, nnd Ruhlin, es
pecially, viorks him out hard.
Tho Planets expect that a big crowd
will nccompany thm Sunday when
they go to Canton to play n gamo of
football against tho Cauton-Athlotlc
club team. They will go om tho regu
lar excursion train Sunday morulng,
and are practicing dally to bo In as
good shape as poslble at that time.
Tho Planets havo a strong team and a
fast team. Their last gamo proved
disastrous for them simply for lack of
trnlnlng, for they plajcd am extraor
dinary fast and clover game when they
staitod out, but wore speedily tiled.
Since then they havo done much hard
work, and It Is claimed that their en
durance has Impioved hcvcral hundred
per cent
Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 10. "Kid" Me-
Pa i Hand received 200 from Al Her-
ford which tho latter had posted to
guaranteo appeaninco, on behalf of Joe
GniiH, for n 20-round boxing contest.
which was to havo taken plnco befoio
tlio International Athletic club on Mon
day ovonliig, but was postponed by
Gans on account of a slight Injury to
ono of his hands while in training.
Gans has posted nnothor forfeit of
?20O to guarantee his appearance for
nert Monday evoning, Oct. 13.
Tho samo articles will govorn tho
contest mh originally signed by both
Gans and McPnrtland.
1 Central Engine House
2 Buckoyo Works.
0 Miller Rubber Works.
4 Diamond Rubber Works.
G Main nnd Market.
0 No. 2 Englno House.
7 N. Broadway, near Market
8 Buchtel no. and Bowery.
12 Prospect, near Mill.
13 Furnace and Bioadway.
14 Main and Keck.
15 Anh nnd Paik Place.
10 No. 8 Englno House.
17 Cniroll ami Exchange.
18 Empire Reaper Works.
10 Aluou Rubber Works,
21 Probpcct and Perkins.
23 Fotgo and Market.
21 Sherman, near Exchange.
2li Main nnd Exchange.
2(ii N. Howjud and Tallmadge.
'i't West Mnrkot and Green.
8 Akron Knife Woiks.
21) Washington and Hopp alley.
31 North Hoyaid and NortL'
li'JS East Maiket and Spruce.
Wcht Wnikct and Valley.
1115 Can oil and Splcor.
30 Out i oil and Sumner.
37 Noith and Aillnglon.
38 Vluo nnd Fountain.
30 Coburn and Cumpbcll.
41 No 0 Englno House.
42 Pearl, near cistern.
43 South Main nnd Falor.
45 Collego and Mill.
40 Arlington and Hazel
47 Howe and Bowery,
48 West South.
40 Mertlll Pottery.
51 Howard and Cheiry.
52 No. 4 Engine House.
53 Center st. R. R. ciosBlng.
51 Buchtol avc. and Union.
50 Akion Stonuwaro Co,
57 Lods nud Tinner,
58 PcrklnH rnd Adolph,
50 Wobster Camp and I.nne.
(II Cbho avo. and Knut.
02 Sclberllng Mill, (Ith ward.
' 03 Jubuston nnd Champlaln.
01 Akron Sewer Pipe Co.
05 Hill Sower Pipe Co.
07 Carroll and E. Maikot,
OS Second avo. and Valley R. R,
00 Johuston nud Wilson.
71 Grant and Cross.
72 North and Maple.
73 Worjior Printing Co.
74 North Union near Bluff.
75 Robinson Bros.
70 Whltmoro, Rohluson Co.
78 Eat.t Murkct and Cook.
70 Homo st., near Lillian
81 Western Linoleum Co.
82 Summit Sower Pipo Co.
83 Allyn and Cross.
81 Thornton and Harvard.
85 McNeil Boiler works.
87 Thornton ami Camp.
80 Mnin and Miller avc,
1)1 Coical Mill, S. Howard.
1)2 Schumacher Cooper Khop.
01 Mill and Summit.
00 Mill and Main.
08 Buchtel and Kay.
121 General nlnim.
123 Silver nnd Hickory.
124 South High nnd Chestnut.
125 West Mnrkot nnd Rhodes.
120 Arlington nud Second avc.
211 Sherman nud Voils.
251 Oednr and Wabash avc
253 W. Exchange, near Willow.
312 Cascade Mills, Howard,,
321 Adams and. Upson.
iFire r3!-!" I
: Calls
There's a Depth of Meaning:
in the Words,
They must fit well, wear well
nnd bo worth all that you paid
for them.
We sell only good shoes nnd
guarantee them to bo worth
what wo ask for them.
New Fall Shoes
Of overy kind, shape, prlco and
description. Wo call particular
attention to our
Hanau Shoes for Men and
Ladles and Our Jenness
Miller Shoes for Ladles.
ReM Eros.
Up-to-Date Shoe and Trunk;
House, 122 South Howard St ;
We Give Green and Globe
n ir.flii"
Leave DETROIT, dally,
10.30 p. m.
5.30 a. ra.
Arrive uxvclanu,
moklnp councctlom with oil rallronds
lur iuiiua iiusu
Leave CLEVELAND, dally,
Arrive DETROIT, - .
10.15 p. ra.
5.30 a. m.
conntctlnz with
p. & O. 8toamors (or Mroklnno,
"8oo," Morquotto, Dullith, Min
neapolis, 8t. Paul Potookoy, Mil
wntikoe. ChlooBonnHGooralnn Bay
nlso with all nillroada (or poluts In
JIICHIOAN nnd tlie'WeBt. .
Day Trips lietween Detroit and Cleve
laud during July and August,
Lonvo TOLEDO Mond.ivn and 'Satur
days o.SO a. m. and Tueadaya and
Thursdays 4.00 p. m.
Loavo DETROIT Mondavi and Satur
days 6.00 t m.. and Wednesdays sad
Fridays 0.30 o. 111.
ComnmoUiff Jbd tilt.
StoJ 8 cU tot I llollriUd rmpWt.
i t iODra i i ,
A. A. SOHANTZ, O.P.A., Dttrolt, Mich.
l mmm J
Fit .
dM PIf
fi-;r VWmLTJC
ifiriui '- -ta-z: li-
In all tho loading shades, see them,
Special for Saturday,
t Street Hats from
A beautiful Uuo of velvet Hats
leally worth from $5.00 to ?(l.00,
our prlco special
The Largest Millinery
C Branch Store Mansfield Ohio.
X 124 So;itb Mn'.n st.,
l "$',?CKv,'
Winter Vegetables Are
In AVarket.
Fruit Is Also To
Had Now.
Although it Is Just now bctweon sea
sons, a glnnco at tho Akron markets
Is enough to convince ono that a good
cook noed havo little troublo preparing
an appetizing meal.
Thcro aro still a few California
peaches and Oregon plums to bo bad,
though they aro not by any moans
cheap, tho poaches selling for $1.25 a
bushel nnd the plums for 40c a basket,
which contains about three quarts.
I-nto apples aro coming In plentifully
nnd aro selling at from 00 cents to
$1.10 a bushel. Thoro are a good many
pears, and flno ones for canning can
be had at 83 cents a bushel. Wnter
melons are out entirely, and musk
melons will follow at nn early date,
ng only n very fow are now on' the
market, theso coming from Colorado.
Nearly all tho wluter vegetables aro
now In, turnips, parsnips, carrots, nnd
cabbages. Cabbages are especially
nice this year, being white and solid.
The first salsify of tho season came
In this week, and sells for 8 cents a
bunch. New spinach sells for 10 conts
a moasure, and endive for 15 cents a
bunch. Now oranges and lemons from
California arilved Thursday, nnd aro
of flno qunllty. The oranges sell from
30 to CO conts a dozen. Oystersnro
Wo wish to extend our heartfelt
thanks to tho Lodge, No. 547, I. O. O.
F to the White Anchor; to tho Ladies
of tho Maccabees; to 31r. nnd Mrs. L.
0. Koplln,for their beautiful floral offer
ings, to Hcv. J. G. fllayter and to tho
neighbors nnd friends for their aislst
nnco nftcr tho death of our dear
(These prices furnished dally by L.
Kryde; & Sons.)
Wheat, now, 70, 71.
Wheat, old, 70, 71.
Rye, per bu., 48 to 50.
Corn, now, 30c to 87c. ,
Timothy seed, per bu., $1.50 to $2.
Clover seed, per bu.. $4 to 55.
Hay, bnlcd, ?0 to $12.
Straw, baled, $5 to $0.
Oats, old, 45c.
Now Oats, 32c.
Middlings, per cwt., $1.10 to $1.40.
Hay, per cwt, 70e, 75c
New oats, 35 to 40.
Corn, new, per bu., 38c to 4Ce.
Bran, per cwt., 00.
Straw, per bale, 40e. BOc.
Clover seed, ?5.?5 to ?C
Timothy seed, $2 to $2.25.
(These prices furnished dally by
Jas. OhrlBty Jr. & Co.j
Green calf bides, No 1, per lb. Oc.
Green beef hides, No. 1, por lb., OVJc
to 7c.
Sheep pelts, 40 to 00c.
Tallow per IT), 5y&
(Theso prices furnished dally by Nelnn
Eggtf, strictly frosh, per doz 23c.
ChlckNus, Ihc, per lb., 7c to 8c.
.Iluttor, creamery, per lb., 24c.
Potatoes, now, per bu., COc.
Kggs, strictly fresh, por doz., 20c.
Chickens, dressed per lb, 15.
Butter, creamery, per lb., 28c.
Potatoes, now, per peck, 18c,.
These pilces furnished dally by
Armour & Co.
Dried beef, llc to 13&c.
Skinned ham, 12c.
California hams, Oc.
Bacon, lO'iC
Suar cured hams, 12 to 13c.
Compound lnrd, In tierces, 791c,
Simon puro lard, In tierces, 12c.
Country kettle lard, In tierces, 114'c.
GO lb. tubs, c ovor tierces.
Diesscd calves, 10 to 10.
DiesFQd hoof, 7 to 10.
Drcshed hogs, Oc.
Oattlo, Ihe, 3c to Sc.
Lambs dicsscd, 10 to lie.
Hogs, live, OVic to 79.
Lamb, allvo. 5 to OMiC
We aire
showing an I
line of....
Beaver Hats
as thoy aro tbo latest Eastern
Oct. II, $1 gfk
ImUU up
trimmed In Plumes, Wings, etc.
q m fg
Establishment In Akron.
Peoplo's. Phono 700.
3, W Little's old stand.
To be Sold at HALP PRICE,
Cash or Easy Payments.
Also Two Carloads of Now Up
right PianoB at Prices and Terms
that will ploaso you.
Hamilton Bldg.
205 and 209 S. Howard
Hanna's Meeting Was Nothing
Short of That
Athens, O., Oct. 10. Tho joko Is on
Senator Hnnna, and he admits It In
addition to holding Inst night's meeting
itt a circus tent, tho earnest effort of
tho Senator was Immediately followed
by a variety show of tho ten-twenty-thirty
description. Tlio speakers of the
oveulng were talking fencntly of tho
circus efforts of Tom Johnson, all un
conscious of the fact that Iu tho crowd
woro costumed nilety performers
who were anxiously awaiting their
chnnco to nppear, and in the outskirts
of the crowd these samo performers
divided with the speakers the attention
of tho miners and gaping country folk.
As soon as Senator Iltiiina had com
pleted .his speech the sldelnps of kne
tent were closed nnd tho performance
wns on. The after concert had at last
caught up with the Hnnna combination.
Tho news was broken to Senator Hnn
na at tho prlvato car, nnd ho stood
good naturedly the chaffing which fol
lowed flora the members of the party.
Our lino of Fine Furs aro superior
In quality and much lower in price.
We have Nice Peaches for
suitable for table use. Wo will sell
, At 10 Cents
per box Saturday. Larger baskets
will spll at ,
' 60 Cents Each.
As usual wo will havo our full assort
ment of specialties to arrlvo Saturday
morning. All kinds of
Fancy Cheese, Potato Chips,,
Pumpernickel Bread,
etc., etq.
Our Oysters will nrrlve about noon.
Wc wish you to know that In ordering
our Oysters fiom our Oyster men at
Baltimore, we order them opened up
and put Into new tin cans, nnd scaled
at onco. Wo don't allow tbera to uso
nnythlug that embalms them, wo dou't
bollevo in placing preservatives In
them at nil, It spoils the oyster tnstw
Nothing enn equal tho oyster tnsto of
Itself. Wero you to know to what ox
tremes somo dealers aud packers of
Oysters went In order to keep oys-,-ters
fresh a week or more, you would
' 4..4----4---.4-
For Men &nd Women
In each lino thero Is tho brondeBt variety of styles nnd leathers; and
both men's nnd women's shoes nro guaranteed to bo better than tho
widely exploited shoes sold at
though the Shumakcr Shoes nro half a dollar less.
Shumaker $1 and ?5 Shoes for uien and women cannot bo match
od for less thnn a dollar moro, and mnny $7 shoes nro Identical.
It's tho gamo way with Shu maker's Shoes for boys and glrls-our
prices nro matchless. Can't you come In and sco?
. A.. .?. &' fcA
Shown by Records of St Paul' s
Lutheran Church.
Tho St. Paul's Mission of tho Evan
gelical Lutheran church has closed lta
third synodlcal year under tho pastor
al ministration of Rev. John II. ZInn.
It has been n year of arduous labor
but not without some measure of suc
cess. Thero wcro, during tho year, 00
accessions, two losses by ttcath nnd
ono by letter. Tho Sundny school num
bers about 250, with 22 ofllcers nnd
teachers. Tlio pastor made 430 pastor
al visits, officiated at 12 weddings, at
tended eight funerals, preached 110
sermons, delivered 82 catechetical lec
tures and 45 mid-week lectures. Tho
money raised by tho congregation for
current expenses nnd the Indebtedness
of tho mission' amounts to $1000 and
$138 beneflcence. Thero aro now en.
rolled In good standing, 186 members
with 75 baptized unconfirmed mem
bers. Tbe co-labors of tho year have
been pleasant and harmonious and
the fourth synodlcal yoar opens with
prospects of greater scucess than tho
year just cjosed.
Only two weeks left In which Suburbanites can
visit the Pittsburg Exposition.
Great crowds of Suburbanites already
have visited the New Exposition at Pitts
burg, and have returned to their homes sat
jrated with enthusiasm for the big show's
mperior attraction. Indeed tho attractions
his year arc of such a high order that to do
utght else but enthuie over them were quite
ut of the question.
in nrst instance the music presented to
late has completely swept Exposition visit
ers on meir reel. lor nomine so lnterestinp.
laborate and grand was dreamed of at the
insignificant admission fee of 25 cents. It
Hirely is like giving away gold dollars to
giving away gi
c at such nomiri
ifTer such music at such nominal prices
1 ne musical feature tor the closing two
neeks of the Exposition is the prr.it New
Vork orchestra of Walter Damrosch, the
:ver-popular youngconductor.who all sum
mer has been gathering novelties to place on
nis rmsourg programs, wnue Mr. JJam
rosch stands in truth for the highest in his
art, vet his concerts are arranged
to please
to j
and edify the largest number of p
Assisting him this season will be Misr
Annje Bussert, a beautiful soprano soloist,
especially engaged trom New York City.
Out-of-town patrons can not but become en
amored of this charmingyoung woman, who
besides glorying in a splendid, rich voice,
boasts a commanding stage presence, and
never fails to delight and fascinate her
The exhibitshavebeencompletely changed
the past week, and the New Exposition pre
sents a cleaner and more interesting face to
day than everbefore.
The attractions are enjoying unusual pat
ronage because of their really high merit.
These in detail are the Cinematograph with
absolutely new pictures; the "Dancing
Marionettes," "Mt. Pelee in Eruption,"
"The Laughing Gallery," Darkness and
Dawn," "The Haunted Swing," "The
Merry-go-round" and the favorite "To
boggan Slide."
All railroads entering Pittsburg have made
elaborate preparations to handle the record
breaking throngs that are sure to crowd the
Exposition buildings these last two weetfs.
Remember the excursion rate is one fare for
the round trip.
encourage us with all your Influence
(Your Orders) In tho stand we tnko
to get them fresh every day, nnd In
getting them direct from shell to can.
Our supply for Saturday will be lim
ited to 100 cans, so please order early
If any Is wanted.
Wo will not forgot
Our Fine Candles
Chandler & Rudd Co. Friday made
for our special order, a nice newi lot,
and wo will have It on sale Saturday.
To loiers of
Fine Old Swiss Cheese
Special notice. "Wo bavo taken from
storage houso our last Old Swiss
Cheese. (Ones wo told you about last
week ns being over u. year old). Such
Cheeso cannot bo duplicated, not In
any mnrkot about here. Wo will placo
this Choose on sale Saturday morning.
Don't bo too Into In ordering n piece
for yourself.
We will also havo a few special mild
cream on sale that wo Just received
from Now York state.
1'our orders solicited.
Tel. No. 65.
.--: t.. 4 , 1-.. 4:-t
&50 Shoes
$ ,. .-....A-
M. (ME & CO.
We Have Just
Closed Out
The remaining stock of
Ladies' and Misses'
Ready-to- Wear
of the largest converters of millinery in the United
States. Two large lots in two different styles, which
we have sold ourselves at $2.00 but whioh usually
sell at $2.50 will go at this sale for
Several lots, different styles, at $1.25 and $1.50
worth more than double, and an
Elegant Dress
H3fj B m m m
made of good quality velvet
and trimmed with a fancy
feather breast, which is or
dinarily very good value at
M. O'NEIL & C0.1
Stylo, Comfort,
Fall Styles now ready for your Inspec tlon, Tho very low prices of
our Shoes for fall wear. Wo bavo secured the strongest lino of
stylish and Reliable Footwear ever shown at x " ""
t In all tho latest styles, at
109 Mill Street, Between
A Ton of
Coal Free
ith each New Upright Piano Purchased
Saturdays Tomorrow,
A. B.
220 S.
Long Wear. '.
Main and Howard Sts.
or Monday,
Main St.
v n
- j . . 'r-.tv J 'hjr '.'
l wfypi&&&t
La.liMnr'J :u i

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