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AKRON, DjftJLY DEMOCRAT J - ' i American Jockey Bias Made A Great Record In England BAKING POWDER Used In the United States Tlrmy because the army must have tho best. "Cleveland's It greatest In strength, evenness and purity." U. A. GOVT CliMJlST. PLEASED GATLING GUN TUBfSDA.Y, (JCT. Ill, 1002. s CTevelandS i I? r- '-! "in mrr . '" " t A Big Audience at the Colonial. Sawlelle Dramatic Company Will Probably Draw Well. Though Hall Cnlno would scarcely recognize his beautiful story, "Tho Bondman," so much has It been changed In tho dramatization to thd particular version plnyed at tho Colon ial theatre by tho Sawtcllo Drnuiatlc company last night, a piny very Inter esting to thoso unfamiliar; with tho book has been ovolvcd, and It ,wns enjoyed by tho big audience that was at the Colonial for tho first per formance. Jason Orry, ' the erring brpther whoso triumphs of manliness at the last transform his wholo life and cover up the. bad places, was In terpreted by T. AI, Suwtelle, and Sun locks, his brother was taken by Ches ter Bishop, who has been seen here before. Mr. Sawtelle, big and brawny, makes an excellent Jason, Comedy unknown to the book has nlso been Introduced In the piny, and the Inter pretations and staging of this power ful drama wero satisfactory. The Sawtello company will gtve perform ances every afternoon and evening this week plnylng. a different?- piece each time. "The Bondman" wilt be repeated Thursday afternoon. Espe cially good specialties aro produced between tho acts by tho Van Cookos, Little Cooklo and Bruns and Nina, so that there are no long Avaits and tho -audience has something to entertain It an tho time. Helped Bring a Desperado Family to Terms. Vlcksburg, .Miss., Oct. 21-Shcrirt Brcnnan and a strong posse, reinforc ed by a gatllng gun squad from tho Warren light artillery, have captured the Hull family, consisting of father, W. 0. Hull, son It. Y. Hull, and dnugb 'tny Mrs. Alllo Vnuglmn, wanted In Arkansas for shooting the sheriff and several deputies at" Sterling, Saturday afternoon. .The Hulli, who are from Evansvllle, Ind., surrendered without living a shot and are now Jn the county Jail. Sheriff Brenuan and posse, after guarding the river banks nil night, re ceived word nt noon Sunday, that tho plrntos had entered the Yazoo river. As quickly as possible tho tug Joe fijeay was prepared for the pursuit, with the gatllng gun as a forward bat tery. Two miles up tho Yazoo tho Hull's trading boat, tho Hazel, was found tied to the bank. When the Vlcksburg tug approached, tho womau hnlled, and stated that f the Vlcks burg officers wero nboa'rd to blow their whistles, and the men, who had taken to tho woods, would surrender. This was done, and soon the men put out from the east bank In a skiff. Spent More Than 51,000 W. W. Baker, of Flalnvlew, Neb., writes: "My wife suffered from lung trouble for 15 years. She trlcd'a num ber of doctors and spent over $1,000 without relief. Sho became very low and lost all hope. A friend recom mended Foley's Honey and Tar and thanks to this great remedy It saved her life. She. enjoys bettor health than sho has known In ten years." Refuse substitutes. J. M. Latter, A. Warner, J. Lnmpar tor & Co. ml jPkJMipriDi 3St what you Eat Dyspepsia Cure People once thought that tno only way to cure indigestion was t etop eating. The trouble with such treatment is, that to stop eating is to stop living., Kodol Dvsjmjfsu CuitE has changed the wholcmcthod of treating this complaint. It contains all the natural digestivo fluids and digests all you eat without aid from tho stomach, so you can eat all tho good food you want and bo cured of your trouble at tno saruo tlma. "I have been troubled with Indlgestionand dyspepsia for several yeara and often sat down to eat but bad to give it up after eating only two bites. I used two bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia. Cuke and am alright to-day. Cannoweatanythlnglwant. W. L. Easton, Audubon, Iowa." If caai'i help hul si ymz gigged Prepared by E. O. DoWltt &Co.. Chicago. Tho . bottlo coatalnn V,j tltuca tho 50c. aim. When you suffer from biliousness or constipation, use the famous littlolivo:i pills known as DoWitt's LIttFo EARLY RISERS. They never gripe. ffi CAPITAL, Whz. wXKX i Paeifl jg 706 S. Main street, - - - AKRON, OHIO . jgj J. A. Kohlcr, president J. M. Laffer, vice president John Gross, treasurer. Claude Clark, cashier. fe flings ManR, DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. Interest nt 8 per cent per, annum on savings deposits, from data of doposlt, on all amounts remaining 80 days or longer. & )N, OHIO . j 4 ' $ $$..$,. ......... OUR Boys' Department wil! literally hum with values this week. . Parents like our prices Boys like our clothes They are both right. The sensible time to buy is now, and the place is here. I KOCH i - .$$v4r4f ..- .....$....$. . .....-.. London, Oct. Ul.-Dauny Mnhor. t he American Jockey, completed on Octobor 17, a century of winning mo unts for the present season, represent ing tho remarkable fatal of $203,000. This does .not make him first on the list of winning Jockeys, however, as he has one superior. NERVE Made George How Famous A Remarkable Prisoner Is Dead. Bold Work Brought Him a 10 Year Sentence. Columbus, O., Oct. 21, Gcorgo How, probably the most noted prisoner In the Ohio penitentiary, died yesterday. How was serving a sentence of ten years from-Adams county for tho forg Ing of an order for- 25 cents' worth of tobacco. Ills career after his arrest' was what made him famous. IIo was the first prisoner incarcer ated In a new Jail. One hundred dol lars had been offered to any prisoner who would escape. How was In Jail just 21 hours when ho escaped. The Sheriff pursued him with bloodhounds. How made friends with the dogs, stole them! and soid them to a farmer. Ho stole and sold the In probe and cushion from the Sheriff's buggy. He was chased Into Michigan and when re captured claimed tno $100 for break ing Out of the new jail. He was re fused It and brought suit against tho county, but lost his case. Hs actions so Incensed the odlclnls that he was given the' limit of tho law. and towns of Great Britain, and ex pects to do business on nn enormous scale. Mr. Nureey, former deputy minister of agriculture of Manitoba province, the paper asserts, Is the originator of the scheme and Is now In Canada arranging the detail's. The public will shortly he Invited to sub scribe to. the capital. NORTON CENTER. (Special Correspondence.) Norton. Center, Oct. 21.-Mrs. Klndlg and children are visiting Mr. Frank Loehr and family. , Mr. and Mrs. Scrfnss, Mrs, Flory and grandson, visited In Barberton, Sun day. Meado Chamberlain, of Akron, Is vlsltlngvhls:,gciint!parents. at .the Cen ter. " Mr. Hanson' was lujured In a street car accident Saturday. Mr. pharles Smith is moving hls.fam' lly to Barberton. Mr. Heller has removed Into a part of the hotel. - .. .... . I (b. Goes Like Hot Cakes. ''The fastest selling artlclo I have In my store," writes druggist 0. T. Smith, of Davis, Ky "Is -Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, CougiiG and Colds, because it always cures. Iu my six years of sales It has never failed. I have known It to savo sufferers from throat and lung diseases, who -could get no help from doctors or any other remedy." Mothers rely on It, best physicians prcsclbo it and C. . Harper & Co. guarantee fiatlsfactlon or refund price. Trial bottles free. Ilegular sizes, DOc and $1. FOOD STUFFS FROM CANADA May Be Supplied In Great Britain at Low Prices. London, Oct. 21 Tho Westminster Gazette states' that a great Canadian trust Is being formed, headed by Earl of Aberdeen and Lord Balfour of Bur leigh, for tho purpose of supplying Ca nadlan food stuffs for the British mar ket at 20 to 75 cents below the present prices, and Imparting to England Can adian manufactures. The trust, ac cording to the Gazette, will open re tall shops In all of the principal cities ""'fl.arB&jw """fl ciuea ell J SV4Sift5n3?i wfev -dUor(ieri of I I KJ9wJ&7VWrJr nerve, Mom- I Q WW to. J)ruggUt I WRIOHT MEDICAL CO,, Celumbu, p. J Out of Death's Jaws. '"When death seemed very near from a severe stomach and liver trouble, that I had suffered with for years." writes V. Muse, Durham, N. C, "Dr. King's New Life rills savea my life and gave perfect health." Best pills on earth ami only :20c at u. is. Harper & Co's. drug Store. Little Miss Carnegie Will Name the Lion Now York, Oct 20 Miss Margaret Carnegie, the donor of the big-tufted lion to the Bronx Zoo, wljl christen this king of leasts. She wilt visit hlni and then naino him. Barberton Theatre Opened. - (Special Correspondence.) Barhcrton, 0., Oct. 21. The theatre at Barberton was opened Monday even ing. "A Prince of Tramps," put on by the Chicago Stock Co,, was the opening production. The opening was well attended. THE Union Savings Bank OF PITTSBURGH . CAPITAL. SI, OOO.OOO The maitf with money to invest can find no safer, more satisfactory place for it than The Union Savings Bank where it will earn 4 PER CENT. INTEREST compounded semi-annually and where the principal will always' be available, if you should need it. Write for the Booklet telling about ths system of " Banking by Mafl." r- w H. C. .FRIOC W. H. FREW JAMES H.'CRSA Ei SHAW OrO. I. WHITWBY H. C M'ttDOWKEY A. W. MELLON DIRECTORS IfdtS H. IOCKHART K. C. POWKM J. H. iCHOOXMAKtS 1. B. tHUT D. B. PARK r, C KKOX E. P.MIUXM f. J. HIARilg JOHN PORTCftflQUI Frich Building, Pittsburgh. P. one In Akron and one In1 Barberton. The date of these will bo announced later. A committee of six was chosen to act as a Finance committee and to arrange for the meetings and look af ter tho printing and distribution of literature. Two men who. declare they nre new converts, were present and made in teresting speeches, assuring those pres ent that hereafter they would vote only the Prohibition ticket. Several earnest speeches were made and Rev. Crispin stated that he had held about 50 meet ings In his district and distributed his campaign literature In all Ave coun ties of the district and that he found the outlook very encouraging. He help ed to place county tickets In each county. Several persons declared their Intention of Joining Prohibition Alli ance, No. 0. , . PROTECT BIRDS. Audubon Society of New York Is Getting Busy. New Tork, October 2L What prom ises to be a lively campaign on the part of the Audubon society of Now York state against the illegal traffic' in birds and their plumage has been declared open at the annual meeting of the soci ety in this city. At the close of an Il lustrated address on "The Present Demand for Birds for .Millinery Pur poses and What the Audubon Society Proposes to do About It." Wm. Dutcher, of the executive board, read: a statement addressed to dealers" bv birds and their plumage In which after rehearsing the state and federal laws relating to the protection of non-jamo birds tho society warned dealers of Its Intention to prosecute all violators of the law. Three thousand copies of this state ment, which Is signed by- Morris K, Jesup, president; Frank M. Chapman, chairman of the executive committee; and William Dutcher, chairman of tho committee on laws, have been printed and will be sent to dealers, andtfbop; societies and persons and organize tlons Interested In ornltiology. ENTHUSIASTIC. Prohibs. Say They Are Gaining Strength. Over thirty Prohibitionists held business meeting Monday night nt their headquarters, nev, 3. Zlnk was elect ed chairman and Ilev. W, F. Crispin, secretary. They planned to Issue ten thousand, cnrqpalgjriclrcularfl and to hold two mass meetings before election ' . ' '' 1 " Lug 1 'vr -n. . -m a uiiHLi''ja'm-viKiT. v .i .iiriv f r . .n y f -i j - s'jT-r." v-hJri.:v:.i;'iri! - A"7 JUiiA ire'nrtrtJirTwffiVnS! I i . -fvv Vi'W:.,3V ?; "it mx : :sw. " ''.: :?."hAk .".. iitf .' rfi: t J 'A', , IJir..'nM. if "ir .".::.i;y4:Mj M-i itfov-: . xiTViihi-WSSImMSR A Kul emmwrnm? ci s B erxeii ci alTyt cis trAilyaswa LsxaCiiv.e Syrup of Fig? appeals to the cultured and tha well-informed and to the healthy, because its com ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be causeit acts without disturbing the natural func tions, as it is wholly free from every objectionabla quality or substance. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as 'they ara pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal virtues qf Syrup of Figs are obtained from an excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects buy tha genuine manufactured by the 1 ' i AlMRjflARSYRJP SfiavFrextMjiaeoJiCek'l , . , naw.Yoi'KTrf.T. Louisville. Iy. JTop, nlc by ell( dru5iatis RriceJfjfiy'centa perbottlc! 1 ' w I ' Ml' x '1 . iM mmmwii&imi