Newspaper Page Text
""---i, AKRON DAILY ' DEMOCRAT TUESDAY, NOV; 11, 100Z WILLIAMS 1 can go as fast ns I ever did. All I need Is to hear of some fighter , who wants to mix It up with mo. Then let 14m havo a manager who puts the flght together right, and there will b doings by Slmms." Thero has boon nothing further about tho prospective mntcli between McGovcrn nnd 1'altnor, cither, for some time, and tho prospects of such n flght taking place In Akrn nro getting slimmer nnd slimmer. Youhg Rockefeller tp-Help Consolidated Rush-Chicago Medical College DAGUE BROS. & CO Controlled by us 'M Re-Elcctcd Presi dent of N.E. A. C PLEASANT HEafifiaEZ? THE NEXTMORNINCJ I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS DETTER. ww " ' Brim BSBBSMaSly vWItSTMft) III 1& ;vc m r ns ?, W i ft ..', Good News From Madden to Gus. Goddard Won First of Scries From King. Pool Mr. Milo Wllllnins, who litis been president of tho North End club for Rome time, iimt one of tho most faith fill workers for tho organization al most since tho club wns first started, was re-elected president nt a special meeting which was held Monday night. Tho other offlcerB elected wore: John Taylor, vlco president; D Tuholsky, recording secretary; Frank Schreck, treasurer; .Tolin Sullivan, financial sec retnry. Tlio chil. will glvo a good ath Idtlc and musical cntortalnment In ubout a week, LANE'S FAMILY MEDICINE AUdrantlntsorbun.llBSctrf, ndWoL. Bur It to boirrTu enrh Any, In nrf( tols h"lhy this I DMMSttr. Addram, Box 200, V Ro7 N. Y. Wanted ! 20 GOOD MEN COUNTY LEAGUE. The, Peerless and tho Grand bowlers will flght It out at Barberton Tuesday night. This monns a slight change In tho schedulo of tho County league. Tho Grails and Clippers will meet on the Grand alleys Thursday night. THRKH MEN TOURNEY. Tho following wore the results of tho bowling on the Grand alleys, Monday night, In the three men tournament that still goos forward thero at a live ly rate: Barron, Crllo nnd Moore, '183, fiOl, 402. Whltner. Dague and Jones, '128, 858, 472. The bowling tonight will ho between Mullock, Altlen and KnulTnian, and WhJtnor, Jones and Dague. Tho first named team will also meet Carter, By irldor and Frees. To 'work on Market st. Sewer F0H 8 HOURS w. $2.00 Apply to tho Contractor M. 0 TOOLE, On West Market Bfc. at Portage Path. SECOND GRAYS WANT GAME. Tho Second Grays defeated tho Shamrocks Suturday afternoon on tha AVest Hill grounds by a score of 18 to 12. Tho feature of tho gamo was tho lino bucking of Norris, tho Grays' full back, gaining from 15 to 20 yards on ovory buck and making two touch, downs. The Grays' nverago 128 lbs nnd havo won six games out of soven tho seventh being a tic, 0-6, 'with tho Navies. Tho Grays have an open date next Saturday and would like lo play any team In tho city or stato at ISO pounds, tho Riversides, "West End Stars of Red Eagles preferred. Akrons should not defeat Detroit on the homo grounds ns thoroughly and as easily as they did a few weeks ago. A dispatoh from tho east says. Hilly Madden is planning an active campaign for his two fighters, Denver ICd Mnrtln nnd Gus Ituhlln. Madden Is mnklng preparations to leave for the Pacific coast In tho next few weeks, unless he seconds a bout for his pro teges in the oast In tho meantime. Mndden offers to mutch lluhlin against Grfiorgo Gardlnor provided a liberal pnrso is offered. This news, which was received by Gus Ruhlin by letter, Is ono of tho best nnd most choerlug things ho has heard for ninny long months. Gus has been ready nnd anxious to get away from Akron nnd into tho ring with soino husky opponent for a long time. Not that ho does not think Akron is good enough; no, no! Gus states that he is prouder of his tltio of tho "Akron Giant" than ho is to bo called Olumipion of Ireland. Hut Gustnrus that Akron is no field 1'or his kind of u struggle for fnmo and a Sat bank account. Ho wants to got whore thero nro other husky bops who want what ho'wnnls and arc willing to glvo him game for the honors that he seoks. So Gus will watch tho impel b and the mil tin and hopo for tho curliest kind of a return from Mnddcn's oriisndo for him nnd Dcnyor Ed. SPIKE SULLIVAN COMING BACK. Now York, Nov. 11-Splko Sullivan, accordlug to a letter received from him by his brother Dave, is figuring on re turning to America In December. Splko hud figured on remaining nbrond for a long time, but owing to his un successful attempt to induce Jnbez Whllo to meet him again ho has aban doned tho idea. Sullivan adds that ho cannot clinch n "go" with White un der any condition. ACTION "WILL FOLLOW. Although tho East Akron Athletic club's now1 headquarters will not bo ready to bo opened until toward the end of November, there will bo lmme djato action after tho opening renlly takes place. Thero will bo plenty of bowling, and it is said that a basket ball team Is already assured. Soino sort of a celebration will probably mark the opening of the club. SMITH A SHADE THE BETTER. Philadelphia, Nov. 11. Sammy .Smith, of this city, fought six rounds with Austin Rice, lust night, nt tho Washington Sporting club, In which tho local man hud a shado the better of tho bout. The flght was a fast one. GODDARD WON FIRST GAME. Goddard won the first game In the series of pool arguments at the How ard st pool room this week, for which tho winner will receive, in addition to n prize of S15, the title of amateur champion of the city. King played a good game, and Goddard nlso was In good trim, as the result shows, but King's efforts on the first night wcro of no nvnll against Gnddurd's; gnino and good fortune. Tho score was God dard, 107, King 03. Tho games will continue nightly, tho contestants play ing 100 halls a night, until tho match of uOO Is concluded. JENKINS HAS TWO MATCHES. New York, Not. ll1 Jenkins nnd Carroll nro to wrestle for tho cham pionship of tho world in this city Nov. 25. This was decided lalo yesterday afternoon. Jenkins and "Butcher Boy" Plcnlng wcro nlso mntohed for tho first week in Jiuuinry. Tho strange hold Is bnrred nnd tho bout a mixed one. onown AviLL go to Detroit. Tho East Akron Athletic Club man agement expects to tnko a good big crowd along to Detroit, Friday night, when tho foam goes to Detroit to play a return football gamo with tho D. A, O. team. A special low rate has been spcurod for tho round trip; tho (earn Will leavo Akron nt about 8 p.m., Fri day, over the Vnlloy, nnd will go to Dfftrolt from Cleveland by boat. The team practiced dully, and Couch Fitch sees no reason why the East IMPERIALS WON THREE. Thero was another defeat for tho Newspaper men's bowling team In the tournament on the nownrd st. alleys last night, the Imperials trimming them to tho tuno of tlireo straights. The scores follow: Imperials: 805, 871, 784. Ncwspa per men: 705, 712, 728. -I ULkgmH ..I ; a "T Chicago, Nov. 11-Elgbt million dol lars for buildings nnd equipment for the greatest medical college in tho world is the latest development in the University of Chlcago-Rush mpdlenl consolidation scheme. It was offi cially announced last Friday that the Board of Trustees of tho University of Chicago had voted to make Rush medical an organic part of tho uni versity, provided tho trustees of the medical school would raise $1,000,000. Tho trustees of the medical school met later and voted to accept tho pro position. At thnt timo It was not In timated that tho university trustees had any Intention of endowing tho medical school heavily. An official of tho University In close touch with the Board of Trustees ad mitted thnt to fit out the now school as was desired nt least $8,000,000 would bo required, and further, he In timated that the promise of this sum had practically been secured. From just where this vast sum Is to come this official would not tell, but from the circumstances of the enso' It seems certain that John D. Rocke feller, jr., is nNmuch interested party and Is probably backing the proposi tion. Mr. Rockefeller is now his fnthorV We have just acquired the agency for thii vicinity for this exquisite pattern in Vienna China OPEN-STOCK Dinner Ware We will sell you single pieces or full sets. Half the price of French. You can begin with a few pieces and little by little acquire a fine set of chin. Come in and see it. We C&.rry 25 Patterns French, German, ' English, American and Vienna CHINA... blGUEROsT&eo official representative of tho univer sity, nnd be' has been mado a mem ber of the BoaTd of Trustees. Young .Toha 'D. Rockefeller is more ind more taking his father's place in tho business of tho family. It is ho who is expected to find most of the money for tho $8,000,000 fund for the consolidated Rush-Chicngo Medical college. The picture shows young Rockefeller, hjs wife nnd the Y. M. O. A. building Snt." .Yprk which he was Instrumental in building. KIND FRIENDS Tiie $ Mr m Vhlch the working man has fought for nnd succeeded in obtaining in Mimethlug the wife hns no shure in. Her dav be- gitis before his and ends long niter it, OORBETT CAN'T WAIT TILL HE'S MATCHED. Cincinnati, Nov. 10 "I could get In condition to flght in six weeks' time If I hnd to," said cx-Champlon Jnmes J. Corbctt, n his dressing room, Mon day night, "but I do not expect to en ter tho ring until next May. You can bet that 1 will bo as fit ns n fiddle, when I incot .If fi'rles." "Havo-you signed mtleles to flght tho champion?" was nskctl. "No, not yet, but wo nro practically matched, and the contest will likely cuino off nt San Francisco next spring. I would rnthor box in Now York it tho gamo reopens there, but if not, Frisco is tho place whoro wo shall meet." "Do you think tho Loulslaturo at New York will pass a law favornblo to boxing tvlion it moets next year?" "Well, of course, that's somothlng that I cannot sny. All that I know Is that tho right people in Now York nro nnxloiis to sro boxing go on ngnln, and nn effort will bo mado to linvo something done legalizing tho sport." The Money-Back Cough Syrup Menns a lot to people who arc tired of experimenting with tho "ordinary" cough proparntlons you are not out a cent If Dr. Geo. Lelnlnger's For-mnl- do-hydo Cough Cure does not please you. It will euro consumption nnd ull serious and stubborn lung nnd throat diseases. Sold at 2oc ou a gunrnnteo by nil druggists. He Could Hardly Get Up. P. II. Duffy, of Ashley, HI., writes: "Tills Is to certify that I have taken two bottlos of Foley's Kidney Cure and it has helped mo more than any other medlclno. I tried many adver tised remedies, but none of them gavo mo nny relief. My druggist recom mended Foley's Kidney Curo nnd It has cured me. Beforo commencing Its use I wns In such a shape that I could hnrdly got up when onco down." VERY YOUNG W a rule, and many a ii);ht her rest is broken by the lby'a f retfulneiiB. The w r 1 .a t. jjSfclljggg-trss' w Iicnltuleat woman must weur out under such a strain. What can be expected then oi uiosc women who arc weaken ed by woman ly diseases? Women who nro weal:, worn-out and run-down will find new life nnd new strength In tho use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, It establishes rrgulanty, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures femnlo weakness. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. Sick people are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspondence is held as strictly nrlv.ite nml sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R, V, Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. ycr-tril rvcrsl iliKt6r Imt derived no litue- UUl! InUi Boys Whose Parents Can't Control Them Helped an Unfortunate Neighbor at Suffkld. (Special Correspondence.) Suflleld, Nov. ll.-Mr. H. W. Lay man, the elevator man at tho W. & L. E. station, made a business trip to Akron, Wednesday. Died, at tho residence of her daugh ter, Mrs. Stout, Monday mornlng.Mrt. MnrgarotGatos, agedT, yeiirs. Funer al servico's wore hcldjlit the Reformed church Wednesday morning. Inter ment In the Vlllago cemetery. Mr. Simon Lut2, the contractor, who was on a scaffold that collupsed about eight weeks ago, at a barn near Kent, has recovered sufficiently to go around on crntches. Ho wns in tho vlllago Tuesday, shaking hahda with his friends. Mr. Henry Bnrrbonstlno and son, Clarence, former residents, were In town Tueedny. Mr. Ambrose Gohries mnde a bus Iness trip to Canton, Wednesday. Died, nt tho residence of her pa rents, west of tho vlllnge, of typhoid fever, Tuesday, MisS Orella Fox, uged 28 yVnrs, Burial was private, nt Un iontown, nt 4 p.m. Wednesday. Mr, Etnmltt Wegmnn went to Rnn- uoipn irrinay evening. About 20 of Mr. .William Fox's frlouds nnd neighbors came to his homo Saturday and dug his potatoes, trenched his celery and husked corn. Tho fnmlly has been very sorely af flicted with slckneas.for the past two months. Miss Nettie -is seriously 111 with typhoid fever, and his young son, Roy. la 111. ! Mr. and Mrs, Philip Lensch, of Rootstown, and Miv'and Mrs. Oscar Orolghton, of Akron, wore Sunday vis itors nt tho residence of lis. and Mrs. Peter Wcgman. to open a saloon. Mrs. Ella Swain returned Inst Tues day from a two weeks' visit with friends in Indiana nnd Western Ohio. John Holt built n new buggy shed last week. ' "Owing to tlie lncloment weather on. Wednesday evening, the singing school toncher, Mr. Stlne, failed to appear. Almost the entire class was present and John FHcklugor acted as instruc tor. Miss Clara Waso and Mr. J. Johns, of near Manchester, were married last Wednesday evening, nt tho Lutheran parsonnge, by Rev. Mr. Brown, of Doylesfown. They will begin house keeping at pneo, ou a farm north of Manchester, , Dr. and Mrs. Burget, of Wndsworth, and Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Hall spent Sunday with Mrs. Ella Swnln. Mrs, Wirt. Bnughmnn Is entertaining an old schoolmate, Mrs, Kecd, of Qrryllle. ., A Cold To-Day Means Consumption To-Morrow Consumption is moro often caused by a neglected eod than any other way. It Is poor j augment, to buy a "common" cough syrup when it is 'bo easy to get Dr. George Lelnlnger's For-mal-de-hyde Cough Cure, tho best cough rem edy In the world for. all serious and stubborn coughs and colds, It never falls. Sold at 25 cents on a guarantee by all drugglsis. Cured of Piles After 40 Years. Mr. O. Haney, of Geneva, O., had the piles for forty years. Doctors and dollars could do him no lasting good. OfoWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo curml him permanently. Invaluablo for euls, bruises, sprains, lacerations, ec zema, tetter,, salt rheum, and nil other skin dlsonses, Look for tho name Do Witt on the package all others aro cheap, worthless counterfeits. For sale by ull druggists. John Lamparter &Co. Gut Rate Druggists We cut our own prices just to keep up our habit of cut- ' ting. Blood wine 32c Peruna 63c Doans kidney pills 36C Williams pink pills 35C Pinkharas veg. comp . . . 65c 2 lb. bar castile soap . .24c Laxative, lSc Pisos consumption cure, 18c liubifoam 1 8C Lyons tooth powder . . . . 18c Prescriptions filled at whole sale prices. CAME IN. Numerous People Attend edWent Away Pleased. In the sale of used pianos and organs at one-third of tlieir values, numbers of Akron people and those from surround, lug towns were visitors and purchas ers. About h(lf of the bargains are gone but there Is such n good supply that the selection is as perfect as could be wished for. Christmas Is coming on and the de mand steadily increasing for Instru ments at the right prices; thercforo bet ter mnko your visit Immediately. Sale ends tomorrow! Wednesday night, 0:30. John Lamparter &Co. GUT RATE DRUGGISTS ie: PRESIDING ELDER DIED IN PULPIT NO BAD t tir lit until I began ualnit Dr I'lcrcc' l'nvoillo l're- terlpuoa," wruen mr jnnu ureal, 01 uuiviue, Jloyle. Co., Ky. nTMi medicine wa rectim menaca tu me by othrr pMlcnti. I bsve tnkcu hc potutnui"' 1 let! Uc auullitr ticriwu," FOOTBALL ACCIDENTS IN AKRON. Tho fnct thnt though tho football season has bcei on In Akron with fast, hard games, for several weeks, there havo been on serious iiccidonts thus fur, Is regarded ns reniarknble. From towns nil over tho country conio re ports of gnmcH In which men luivo been seriously, nnd (some of thom) fatally Injured. With tho exception of tho few sprains nnd bruises, how over, the Jocal gridiron heroes havo lieen very fortunate. The court plaster business Is good, though and black eyes nnd scratched faces nro numerous. Thi8 Is ewvo of tho tilings to bo desired In u football season, however, for tho girls nro said to especially admlro tho young man whoso face Is mostly mark cd and scratched, and tho more his couiitnntincQ rosomblcs tho pint of a now allotment In a Iwom town, tho greater tho esteem In which ho Is held. Were Tried Before Mayor Doyle Tuesday For Truancy. William Noonnn, nged 10, and Ernest Miller, nged 8, wcro tried before Mayor Doyle In tho juvenile Court room Tues day morning, having been arrested on complaint of Truant otllcer Watson ami cunrgeii wiin tiwnney. U nppears that tho parents' of both tho boys have done about all that wns posslblo to keep tho children, n school, but tho younghtcrs run nwnyr repeatedly, nnd do not mind their parents. Tho Noouan boy was warned that If thoro wcro any moro complaints about him ho would ho promptly bound over to Jironaio court nnd .probably sont to tho Reform school. Tho Miller young ster "will bo fceuj; to a Children's Home at Louisville, 0. , Foley's Honey nnd Tar for coughs nnd colds; reliable, tried and tested, safe and sure. Has FREE DELIVERY Caused Abandonment Sherman Postoffice. of Tottered and Pell as He 4 Preaching. Was B. SMITH 220 S. Main st. Akron, 0. Nctv Rlqhmond, O., Nor. 11 Rev. Wra. Runynn, aged 63, whose homo was nt Mllford, O., while preaching In "tho Methodist church hero last night, whs suddenly seen to tottor then fell' to tho floor of tho pulpit, dead) Heart disease was ,tho cause. Dr. Runyan had been recently elected presiding elder of this district nnd this wns his first visit to this charge. NEW KILN Electric Grip Soap Is a good soap In ranny wys. Ono Is, it dtssolvps dirt and saves rub bing nnd boiling. The wrapper Veils you how, At your groqers. re Coffee Drinkers don't pay such high prices for so-called Java or Mocha coffees, and pay somebody else's sugar bill. (Sugar is sold at cost.) South American Coffees Are the Best .and we sell them from 10c to 25c PER LB. Geo.Haas Co. 7X N. Howard st TELEPHONE 478. "Favorite prescription,'' Is ouly seeking IO.JHuKC luc llilic uiuic plum JJUUI Ull the sale of less meritorious medicine.'. Hls.profit is your Ions. Refuse all sub. sUtufes. 'Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should bu need with " Favorite Prescription " when cm n laxative ia required. The dealer who offers a eubttitutc for SIMMS PLAYS A WAITING CAME. "i nm waning, sun waiting," said Art.Slmros Mondny when asked It thero wnsnnythlngdolng la tho fighting line, 'l haven't heard from my man ngcr In a loug time. I am nnxlous to be In the game, I feel good and know Frank Murphy and John Egan wcro fined .fj nml coVjenf-li for Intoxica tion, .lnliu I.awler.'who has a woodou leg and an nlr of 'desjiondency, was lined $- nnd costs and sentenced to 30 days In tho workhouse. Tho whole, sentence was suspoiilod on John's promise to leavo 'Akron within an hour and nevor i-otuBB.- He promised very earnestly. (Special Correspondence.) Sherman, Nov. 11. Tho postofTlce nt ths place was abandoned recently, and free rural delivery Is looked for soon, Mr. Ling, who recently purchased tho Burgner fnnn, Is Improving his rcsldoneo with n now coat of paint. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Myers spent Sunday with Mrs, Myers', fnther, on Sherbondy Hill. John Gorlons purchased an aero of land from tho Swain boys, opposlto tho coal bank, nt Hometown, and later purchased the Wuchtor store building at Johnsons, and has had tho building removed onto his lot. , Ho expects soon Being Built at Barberton Pottery Barberton Briefs. (Special Correspondence.) ; Bnrberton 0 Nov. 11. A now kiln fsbelng built at the plant of tho Bar bentpu Pottery Co. The company is rushed wlUi orders and It was stated Tuesday that it will bo necessary to build several moro kilns within a short 1 1 mo. Mat Cpllns nnd Louis Foust were flne $5 anil costs Mondny in Pollco Court fop raising a disturbance .Sat urday night at a daneo In Whlgnnw Schubert's hall. The ladies' of tho First Presbyterian church Jield n social Monday ovenlng. It was well attended. ill sole ol Real Eslole On Saturday,, Kov. 22, at 2 tp.m., on. tho premises I wll sell to tho highest bidder the property known as No. 120 N. High street, .Akron, houso of 12 rooms, lot 60X-182, terms cash. F. J, WETTACH, Agt. Ask your -doctor about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for colds, coughsroup, asthma, bronchitisiconsunipti0n. He knows.i Arer Oa.. Lowell, Vm. K. of P. Funeral Notice. All Knights of Pythlns are In vited to uttoml the funeral of- Brother L. H. Ionian of Mc pherson, lodge. Knights will meet at. halt nt 1;30 p.m., Wed nesday, KNov. l'- H. Y. EpBtylT, K. R. 8., B. L( ALLING, C. 0. Bulbs... At Low Prices Hyaoinths 3C to 5c ea Single early tulips, 15c dz., 85c per 100 Crocus mixed colors, 2c to 3c ea A few Inexpensive bulbs will afford a variety of flowers all winter. For out door decoration and cemetery planting they are without an oqudl. !.!6 Both Phones 228 S. Mean stret 1 Read DemocAtIjnex Column - ti WkfiT liT' tfofriilfollft A,, "'"iaf1itert-'