Newspaper Page Text
', AKRON. DAILY .DEMOCRAT BATRDAY, NOV. 15lh, 1002. RICH r Lost Looks That Wax. Heroic Tut. (V.' It m tSr Ki 1' t I . IV r h f,v U 7 . Find of Ancient Treasure. Chart In Museum of Mexico Furnished Clue to Location of Aztec Cavern. McrmosIItos. Mcx., Nov. 15 A re markable story, duly authenticated, of tbo discovery of hidden Aztec treasuro of fabulous value has Just been report ed to tho Koveninient authorities at Tpplc, by Pablo Mcrtlno, tho parish priest of Iosco. A party of Americans headed by an archacologlHt named Hoverlck, several weeks oro, by means of a chart, which Hoverlck claimed to hove copied from an Azjec stone tab.let In the national museum n tho city of MpxIco, located a vast cavern In a mountain near Yojco. Immense stone Images stood nbout this chamber. In one end was a handsome nit or, nbovo which burned n bright Hanio, supplied by natural gas from a. crevice In tho wall. It has probably been burning for many cen turies. Jn .v chamber adjoining was found a great store of ornaments and utensils. Twelve burros -wore required to transport tho articles to San Bios, whero thoy were chipped to Sin Fran cisco, accompanied by tho Americans. It Is fcald to bo the largest and most valuable collection of ancient relics ever discovered In Mexico. Such arti cles cannot be removed from Mexico without tho consent of thn government nnd an Investigation Is in progress. Btote of Ohio, City of Toledo, I ., liucfu Oounty, " frank J. Clioney mnkea oath thnt he Is thn ranlor partner of tho arm dl F. J. Cheney Co., doing bmlneas In the Olty of Toledo, county and statu nforetald, and that tatd firm will pay tbo mm of ONE llUNUllKH DOLIiAHH for eaoh aud arery oaas of ca tarrh that unnnot be aurrd by tho use ol Hall's Catarrh Cure. KBANK J. OHKNKY. Hworn to before mo nnd mbicrlbed In mjr proienoe, this tin day of Deoember, A. p. lsoS, 7 ) A. W. OLE AHOlf. )fff5l Notary Public Hall) Catarrh Cure U taken Internally and aoU directly on the blood and macoui turfacea of tbo syltem. Mend for tenlraon til, free. F. J. OHKNKY A CO.. i oieao, u MdbTdrnRBliU.TBo. uuivjraauiy run are the belt. IN A BUNCH The Girls Fainted, Because One Hurt Her Finger. TJticn. N. Y., Nor. 15.-Work In tho finishing department of the Capron Knitting mill, this city, was halted for half a day as tho result of nearly a Kcoro of girls employed In tho depart- f- MISS JULIA BRITTON A Young Society Lady of Augusta, Georgia. 1D15 Kates Street, Awoijhta, Oa May 10, 1D02. IAK1, pleasure in joining tho larffA lllimhrr nf lftnfn,-a urlir. I navu ueen cureu through the uro of Wine of (Jardui. It is certainly a very remarkable curallvo agent, nnd vyhllu it is pleasant to tnkn nnd mild in action it is very strong ami positive in euratlvo ability. Since onrly wo manhood I suffered from extreme nervousness and seemed unusually sensiltvo to climatic changes. A slight colli or too great heal would upset inn ami headache ami general indisposition would result. My Btomucli win easily upset mul 1 would fronuently have heartburn, sour stomnch, anil tho heavy feel ing you experience when you havo indigestion. I win aUo irregular and hnd sovero monthly pains, all of which showed mo that I wai entirely out pf harmony with health. I mil. "urnlly desired a ehaiigo and doe. torocl for several months, hoping for hotter health. I won however dis appointed to find that tho inedlclno oflfonlcd wo no rolicf. I noticed your nil in the street car nml I bought a uovuo or. vvino ot i;rriui on my 'rvJha 'CfyxcXx Young women cannot too carefully guard the monthly function. i TJf w ft ii k Vtfn th , r(,,lt fnnctlon. of nature as a trouble Instead of a blessing, 'fhoy seldom consider that U relieves tho body of poisonous wastes and that n suppressed or a scanty flow Is invariably n forerunner of sickness. Hecause Winoof Ciiniul .perfectly regulates tho 'monthly function hundreds of thousands of women owe their lives to " mWi! . i Ci'i'lu.1 .1 "8,lln,w ?' tho monthly function not only purifies .the blood but it relieves weak ami nervous women of troubles which doctors not only did not curo but do not often diagnose correctly. In thousands of case, of so-called "debility," "nervousness nnd "tired w6rn out feeling " Wine of Cardui by regulating (ho menstrual flow, has lirOVfill thO rfllllt'lh' ( wn. nxn.ln.l If ,.,.. ,ll I... i:. ' ' i :..vv ,;ht: ;.f 'w .: "ta. .v" . ..'; .v.,. vv.,.u v. iiiiiu ui viiiiii mm you out you wm only bo one woman expenenee. Jiememuer Winn of no other mod cine as a substitute. and health will bo yours, WINE of GARDUll The Use of Arm. Heart Trouble. Could Not Eat, Sleep or WalK. Dr. Mifes' Heart Cure Cured Entirely. "If It hadn't been for Dr. Miles' Remedies I would not be here to write this letter. Two years ago latt June I lost the use ol my left arm, could not me it and could only move it with the help of my right hand. My heart was so weak I could not sleep nights tor smothering spells. I was out of sorts all over nnd could eat nothing. I grew so weak that I could not walk without staggering like a .drunken man and my home doctor said he could do nothing for me. I was in so much pain I was almost wild, I could not take morphine nor opium as they made me worse. So Igot to thinking about Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and Nervine and the more I thought about It the more I wanted to try them. I wrote to the Dr. Miles Medical Co. for ad vice which T followed to the letter. I can say tojiay that I am glad I did ai I am a well woman now, can worlfand can walk to or three miles and not mind it. I can also use my arm again as well as ever. You do not know how thankful I am for those grand medicines Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure and Nervine. I think Dr. Miles' Remedies are the best in the world, and if I should get sick again I should take the same course. The remedies alto helped my daughter Vida so wonderfully that I should have written you before to thank you, but I wanted to be sure that the curt was permanent, which I now know to be the case." Mrs. Frank Loomis, Allen, Mich. All druggists sell and guarantee first bot-tle-Dr. Miles' Remedies. "Send or 'ree book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. SK ment suddenly fainting. One of the young wcmeii running n machine punctured her finger with a neddle and forthwith gave vent to a piercing scream. Her fellow workwomen ncroKfl the table promptly folntod. Other girls In- tho room, fearing that somo torrlblo accident hnd occurred, collapsed on by one. Tho remainder of the employees In tho department were so unnerved by the shook that Superintendent Drugan was compelled to shut down for tho remainder of. tho day. One Minute Cough Cure Is tho onjy harmless cough euro that gives quick relief. Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Pneumonia, Asthma, LnGrlppo and nil Throat, Chest nnd I.ung trou bles. I got soaked by rain, says Ger trude E. Kenner, Munele, Intl., and, contracted n severe 'cold nnd cough. I failed rapidly; lost -18 pounds. My druggist recommended One Minute Cough Cure. The first bottle brought relief; several cured me. I am back to my old weight, 148 pounds. One Mlnuto Cough Curo cuts tho phlegm, relieves tho tough at once, draws out Inflammation cures croup. An Ideal remedy for children. For salo by all druggists. A I'riMuu.i't l oiiiiiiuii, "Is It true that men of genius do not know tho value of money?" "I'm nfrald it is,'' answered Sir. Slormlngtou Haines. "Most men of genius see'so little of It that they never havo n chance to form nny definite Idens on tho subject." Washington Star. 1 way homo nnd great was my joy to find that within a fow days it brought mo great relief. My food seemed to digest without trouble, and tho hcaiUcho soon disappeared altogether. I kept using it until I had takon fiyo bottles and felt that I had noyer invested any money in my life which brought such great returns. Within two months twos like a changed woman, My aches and pains disappeared as if by magio and new life and activity seemed to rourso through my veins. I began to enjoy out door life, long walks and ojtcrclsa as never before. It is Indeed gratifying to uxper icnro such a rcniarknhlo change in body and miml which perfect health brings, and believing that your medicine is well worthy of full conli deuce and endorsement I am glad to givo 11 llOlll. nz" jw" .u '' "".soo1'. inso it in your nomc. it will. euro nmong thousands with the sainn Cardid cured Miss flritton. Accept Qlvo 'Wlno of Cardui n fair trial 7 H hP I 1 I tttZBU' "My son ploys entirely by car." "Is that so? I thought It was by bruto force." Chicago Itecord-Ucrald. Mussed Illm Tip. "Did yon ever exorcise with that dumbbell, old man?" "l'aas, old chap; I did once, but It dlsawnngcd me necktie, so I quit" Now York Evening Journal. Not Particular. "What do you want?" "Well, lady, wot hev youso got?" Chicago American. Almpntinlnilcd Professor. "What aro you lgoklng for, Trofcssor Gumpcrsnltzel?" "I am looking under 'S' for my spec tacles." Chicago News. Professional Tip. JZT2&& Mi i t I'atlent What would you advlso mo to do for dyspepsia, doctor? Dr. ilc Quack Well, If you wont It real bad, hlro n cheap cook and eat Ir regularly. Two dollars, please! An ISiidlea Clinln. Weary- Ah, ma'am, I've bad a check, ered career, A checker Mrs. Nltt Well, It's your move. Now York Journal. A German Cnatom. Ii) some parts ot Germany the girls have a pretty custom In which tho ducon of flowers plays n part. If a girl has several suitors nnd wishes to know which of them would bo true to her, she takes rose pctnls and drops them Into n bowl of water, giving each the iinino of one of her admirers. The leaf that remains flouting Ionges,t repre sents tho ninn whoso faithfulness sho may rely on and whom alio would therefore do well to chopse. m ir mm fcfeP Shipwrecked Mariner (who has Just" sighted land) Hello, rati What aro you golngto do? I'at Shure, bedad, Ol'lm going to swim aahorc an' savo molself an' thin swim buck nn' savo you I Maktna Snrc. Fortune Teller The cards say that you havo a wonderful memory. Customer Write that down, so that I won't forget It. Cleveland Plalu Dealer. TUo Inqnlrlns Mind. Jimmy I say, daddy, I want you to nnswer a Question. Ills Fnther-What Is it? Jimmy Well, If tho end of tho world was to come and the earth was de stroyed while n man was up In a bal loon, where would he land when bo came down? ivnolrloonn. " "Your clothes arc a mllo too short for you, boy." "Yes, sir; but, you see. father has stopped growing." New York Journal. He Could Hardly Get Up. P. II. Duffy, of Ashloy, III., pyrites: "This Is to certify that I 'novo taken two bottles of Foley's Kidney Curo nnd it has helped mo more than uuy other medicine. I tried many adver tised remedies, but none of them pave mo any relief. My druggist recom mended Foley's Klduoy Curo and It hns cured me. Heforo commencing Its use I was In such n shape that I could hardly got up when once down." W. A. Herren, of Finch, Ark., writes: "I wish to report thnt Foley's Kidney Cure hns cured a terrible case of kidney and blodderMroubio that two doctors had given up." Wood Intended to be, made Into plnn. os requires to bo kept forty years In perfect condition, so It Ib -Assorted, The population of Damascus, reputed the oldest city In the world, Is calcu lated at 23.000 souls. ' A Startling: Surprise. Very few could bollove In looking at A. T. Hoadley, a healthy, robust blacksmith of Tllden, Ind., thnt for t n years bo suffered such tortures rrom rheumatism as few could endure and live. Hut a wonderful clinngo fallow ed his taking Electric Hitters. 'Two bottles wholly cured me," bo writes, "and I havo not felt a twinge In over n yeor." They regulate tho kidneys, purify tho blood and curo rheumatism, neuralgia, nervousness, Improve diges tion and glvo perfect health. Try them. Only r0 cents at O, II, Harper & Co.'s drug store, Wasn't I.ooUlnsr For That Ran. Superintendent of tho Railroad Com- pony So you want a Job as Oreman. oh? Applicant Yes, sir. Superintendent I'll have to ask you I few" questions. How far Is It tp the prth polo? Applicant-Gee wlil! If you're go ig to put me on thnt line, I don't nut tho Job.-Indlnnopolls Nowa. No Caah. "Horry, I suppose you keep a cash necount?'' "No, Uncle George, I haven't got so' far as that, but I keep an expense ac count" Boston Transcript 1y w vm -5A Vi 4-yfiHsA,,. j ST -.fy' ,. -, CALIFORNIA FIG SYR.UP CO.-is printed on M Z$ v. vf'ViST ir. the front of every pack- j.W1 Y? !AiVsV' age. In order to get its JfOSV fTTPjb' VW :: iW:- beneficial effects it is al- J? A ''&&&' wPK W W Qi! rys ncf'5sarr t0 buy swrSmJr$-- -E-V V.Mfsi JL 7." JS thc Genuine only. AS .?'--3KmL. S i tik Jwtf-. . fcSfcuJfc. f;MLS, J&J4 "n-3k yssisaB'''jf-"r vfX8'ay ,ti.l- IV WA """Ji-&' 1 ' ,:.. n . trouble by his thrifty wife's bank account. The Union Savings Bank invites particularly the accounts of women. It has a special department for their accommodation. 4 PER CENT. INTEREST is paid on all savings accounts. The system of Banking by Mail makes it possible for depositors in all parts of the country to avail themselves of its advantages. FHck Bulldlngt Pittsburgh, Pa. wnufortUBoohuu Forrthoutllit. Gllhooloy 01 Jlst bought mo a bottle of hair restorer. Mulcahey But your hair ain't fall ing out. Gllhoolcy-Thot's jlst It. If 01 shtart usln' It now, 01 won't git bald when mo hair docs fall out. New York Times. Algy Spwaylng youah vest with wosewotab, llcrtlc? Rertle No; with gasoline, old chnp pie, Vau fee, I must make folks think I owji nn automobile. Chicago News. Added Attraction. "No, Indeed." said the crafty agent to tho brldo and bridegroom. "Our com pany does not prohibit kissing on the platfprms, nnd, besides. I would call your attention to tho fact that we have more and longer tunnels than any other rnllwny In the world." Haiti more American. No CnmnarUnn. "That New York girl was awful mad when I asked her If sho was from Bos ton." "I'll bet she wasn't half so mad as tho Ilostou girl whom I asked If she was from New York." Life. Sett' Tnutstit. - The Mother Now, Elsie, did I teach you totbvpw, ypijr clothes on tho floor in that disreputable way? Kljilft-iNo, mamma j I learned myself. A P&te2ia& Had to Do It. THE CHILDREN ENJOY Life out of doors and out qf the games which they play and the enjoy ment which they receive and the efforts which they make, comes the greater part of that healthful development which is so essential to their happiness when grown. When a laxative Is needed the remedy which is given to them fo cleanse and sweeten and strengthen tho Internal organs on which It acts, should be such as physicians would sanction, because its component parts aro known to be wholcsomo and the remedy itself free from every objectionable quality. The one remedy which physicians and parents, well-Informed, approve and recommend and which tho little ones enjoy, because of Its pleasant flavor, Its penile action and Us beneficial effects, 1b Syrup of Figs and ior the same reason It Is the only laxative which should be used by fathers and mothers. Syrup of Figs Is the only remedy which acts gently, pleasantly and naturally without griping, irritating, or nauseating and which cleanses the system effectually, without producing that constipated habit which results ' from the use of the old-time cathartics and modern imitations, and against which the children should be so carefully guarded. If you would liave them grow to manhood and womanhood, strong, healthy and happy, do not give them medicines, when medicines are not needed, and when nature needs assistance in the way of a laxative, give them only the simple, pleasant and gentle Syrup of Figs. Its quality is due not only to tho excellence of the combination of the laxative principles of plants' with pleasant aromatic syrups and juices, but also to our original method of manufacture and as you valuo the health of the little ones, do not accept any of the substitutes which unscrupulous deal ers sometimes offer to increase their profits. The genuine article may be bought anywhere of all reliable druggists at fifty cents per bottle. Please to rcmemberf the full name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYR.UP the front of every pack- age. In order to get Its Dcncnciiii ciictis ways necessary the genuine THE Union Savings Bank OF PITTSBURGH CAPITAL. $1,000,000 Women are natural savers. They seem instinctively t'ojknow the value of little things Manv a man has been saved from serious financial Concert SUNPAY.Nov. AT THE GRAND A part of the proceeds will be give Fund. ' , Clark Miller, Director. ( Miss Leonore Martin. Contralto. Mr. Ohas. Foster, Trumpet t . Mr. Edwin Mnrqunrdt, Saxophone. ' Mr. Walter Harris, Trombon y PROGRAM 1 March ''Colossus of Columbia" Alexander 3 Overture "Raymond'1 Thomas 3 Serenade Till 4 Contralto Solo Face to Foco Johnson 5 Popular fjongs (a) "Itlp Van Win kle was a Lucky Man" " (b) "Pleasp Go W ny and Lot Mo Sleep" fl Puet for Trumpet and Trombone "Happy Days" ,,. Strelezkl T Fantasia on Hungarian Airs . Tobant 8 Contralto iolo-rSelected. !) Saxnphono Solo "Tho Song That Reached My Heart" Jordan 10 (a) Character Piece "Little Wag" EUenberg lb) ratral "Patriotic" - Meecham 11 March Rellglosp Chambers ADMISSION Cruollj-. Rill I hear it man In town was ar rested today for cruelty to animal. .1111 IH tll.1t SO? "Yes: the fellqvr had n tapeworm, arid he refused tp feed It" Yonkera Statesman. A Srtfrcrestlon. Belle Ho has money, you know. Emma Yes, Inpprcciato that fact, but how am I to live happily with a man who Is my Ipferlor? "Don't let him know it"-LIfe, DR. FENNEFTS Kidney AND t Backache Also Puwfies the Blood. Don't become discouraged. There Is a Ho bus spent a lifetime curlue just such' cases as yours. AH consultations aro FREE. "I was confined olsht months In bed with kidney complaint, heavy backache, pain and soreness across ktdnuys, also rheumatism. Other remedies fulled. Dr. Fcnncr's Kldno? and Ilacltnche Cure cured me completely. Yours Is a wonderful remedy and pleasau to take. riARRY WATERS, Hamlet, N. Y." Sold by Prugglste, 60c and II. Ask for Dr. Fennor's Almanac or Cook Book Frea tT IIITIIC nillfir WobavasoldmanydoiensofDr.Kenner'sSt.Vltus VI UI I UN llnNI r nancoSpeclHcand every case hasheon cured by ll, Ola II MM UHllubalUsablesalnK. AixiN-OLAUEDnoaCo.Akron.O.'1, t PLACE YOUR WANT zm wlfc wp CO. is printed on t ..rJ2ff i N 93 BY GREAT WESTERN BAND 16, At 3 O'clock OPERA HOUSE n pqor director, "Mr. Kendall" Coal lOo ind Material For a 'Whole Chapter. "Have you aw over thought what you would do," asked the literary for eigner as bis cable train entered the tunnel. "It this structure should cava In when you were about half way through?" "Often," replied tho Chicago man. "I should demand the return of my nickel." And the literary foreigner made a memorandum In his notebook. He bad discovered another Interesting peculiar ity In Americans. Chicago Record Herald. All Diseases of tho kidneys, bladder, and urinary organs. Also heart disease, rheumatism, backache, gravel, dropsy, female Cure irouoies. cure for you. If necessary write Dr. Fcnner. ADS. IN TOE DEMOCRAT Iff w s . ': .Kfc..kj J"'' t !sUXr j?r t.JlMzkt&Ji. .SI .i 'MkiiMii.iua'd'eMLiA n- '!.i L ywu. ' "' ' Xifa'm4kfr mt&.kabMamiLwi 1 1&' ,-.: M .t ipt . . "L. i . aA ,c- . rrr.