Newspaper Page Text
(." fcA.TRDA.Tf, NOV. iBUi, 1003. AKRON FJXlbY DEMOCRAT s. GLADYS DEACON'S FLIRTATION WITH THE CROWN PRINCE Cost Her Mother a Burls; Not. Its. There seems to havo been more in tho nllnir of Miss Olndys Deacon and tho German Crown Trlnco than tho -world was led to believe nfter the official and other donlals, for It linn Just leaked out that Mrs. Doaqon paid 10,000 francs alleged blackmail to thq f Paris paper exploiting the story. Mrs. Deacon, It Is asserted, parted with the blackmail money nfter tho socond ar ticle had appeared and to forstnll tho publication of a third and others. What tills third was to contnln no one savo airs. Deacon and tho editor know, but its significance) may bo guessed from tho fact that Mrs. Deacon, nfter receiving the blackmailer's visit and after giving him the money, went to Prlnco Rndoliu, German Ambassador In Paris, and sought his protection. Tho Prince, who Is on very lntlmato terms with tho Kaiser, appears to have told Mrs. Deacon that sho had done qulto'.right lji paying blackmail nnd thus save his. Imperial master and lier owri 'daughter further annoyance. At the same time he 'advised her, In ac cordance with diplomatic custom, that he was not In a position to interefero officially, seeing that Mrs. Deacon nnd her daughter wore not German sub jects. If sho desired protection against further blackmail she must address herself to the American Ambassador. Mrs. Deacon had no sooner departed than tho Paris editor called on Prlnco Radolln and Informed him thnt his German Majesty would doubtless be -glad to part with 50,000 francs in order to have the Crown Prince Incident closed. This statement he backed up by a number of affidavits, said to bo signed by certain English men-servants and maid-servants. Radolln is said to have bought these documents at the price demanded, whereupon the blackmailer agreed to say no more about It. And he didn't for thrco months. Lately hid palm has commenced to Itch again, and a few days ago Mrs. Dencon received a -second visit from him. The gentleman coolly Informed her that he had mmllammed Prlnco , Itadolln. with bogus- affidavits, and that tho real articles were still In his posscslson price, 00,000 francs. "If 50,000 francs aro not paid at Nlpued In the Bud. "Oh, Alfred! Isn't It too bad! Just ns we hnd everything so nicely arranged for our elopement, father had gone and sanctioned the match." Harper's (Monthly. Tho KnulUh Style. Frank was learning to ride a horse, and ono day somebody ashed him If It bounced him very hard when the horse ;was trotting. "Oh. no," ho answered. "I don't bounce very hard. I stay up nearly all the time." Wttlf Chronicle. Do you eat cereals and bread stuffs made from part of the wheat, and nourish part of your body, or do you eat SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT BISCUIT made from the whole of the wheat and nourish all nf the inJo? M rlvv f lW I' Include Shredded Wheat Biscuit with your next order to the grocer THE NATURAL FOOD CO. Niagara frill, N. Y. r MHHHHI ' A partly nourished J r body is a faulty one. ff Large Sum and Paid Still More. 'fft ri IfctxjCirt JaMff SBy. Kii , - SJ . i ' "" t BAmR D JwVi Gladys Deacon and once," said the blackmailer, "the cam paign will be reopened, nnd nil the doc umentary evidence will bo submitted to a scandal-hungry public" This time Mrs. Deacon put off the rogue by pre tending that sho must consult with lifr' banker about securing tho necessary funds the blackmnllcr would take gold only. But, Instead of going to the man of finance, sho rushed' to Prince Ra dolln. Tho ambassador and Mrs. Dea con talked the matter over nnd con cludedfor Rndolln shrewdly surmised that tho blackmailer wpuld pny him another visit that their only safety lay THE FIRST WOMAN. An Old Eastern Legend Thnt Telia How She Was Created. The last section "Of a Finger of tho Moon Reddened by the Setting Sun" in tho Sanscrit work called tho "Surging of thoOcean of Time" contains a legend concerning woman's creation which is commonly credited throughout India, and which runs somewhat as follows: At tho beginning of ilme, Twushtrl, the Vulcar) of Hindoo mythology, created the world. But when he wished to create a woman ho found ho had em ployed all his materials In tho creation of man. There did not remain ono solid clement. Then Twashtrl, per plexed, fell into a profound meditation. Ho roused himself to do as follows: Ho took the lightness of tho leaf and the glance of the fawn, tho gayety of tho sun's rays and tears of tho mist, tho inconstancy of the wind, and the timidity of tho hare, tho vanity of the peacock nnd tho softness pf the down on tho throat of the swallow, tho harshness of tho diamond, tho sweet flavor of honey, tho cruelty of tho tiger, tho warmth of fire, the- chill of enow, the cbnttor of the jay nnd the cooing of tho turtle dove. He melted all this and formed a woman. Then ho made a present of her to man. Eight days later tho mancamo to Twashtrl and said: "My lord, the crcaturo you gave mo poisons my existence.- Shq chatters without rest, sho takes all my time, she laments for nothing at all and Is al ways ill." And Twashtrl received tho woman again. But eight days later the man came again to thp god and said; "My lord, my Ufo is very solitary since I returned this creature. I ro raember she danced beforp my singing. I recall how sho glanced at mo from tho corner of her eye, that she played with me, clung to me." And Twashtrl returned tho woman to him, Thrco days only passed and Twashtrl saw tho man coming to him again. "My loid," said he, "I do pot under stand esnetly how, but I'm suro tho woman causes mo more annoyance thnn pleasure, I beg of-you relieve mo of her." . 'I But Twnshtrl cried; "Gp your way and do your best!" S And tho man cried, -"'J cannot live with her!" ,. "Neither can you live without her," replied Twashtrl. And the man went sorrowfully away, murmuring, 'iWoe Is me; I can neither live with her nor without her." Col lier's Weekly. Sure at Axlnnic. That the theatrical claque la not con fined to playhouses was demonstrated beyond all shadow of doubt to tho teacher who wbb drilling the pupils for the exercises in ond of tllo public schools. The unresponslvo bit of f omlnlnlty over whom tho amnteii "coach" work ed rejoiced In' the namj of Sarah. When Sarah began ty talk, all her yocal organs took joyul holiday and ' ' German Minister the Crown Prince. With the French authorities. While Mrs. Deacon took a cab for tho Palace of Justice, tho Prince rode straightaway to the Minister of For eign Affairs. Tho State's Attorney, upon Mrs, Deacon's suggestion, took Immediate s'teps to stop further annoyanco 01 Mrs. Deacon by tho blackmailers who endeavor to turn a bit of Innocent flir tation Into a (lunrry. At tho same time ho announced his intention to bring tho blnckmallcrs to Justice, If suoh enn be dono without raising international complications. retired In fnvor of her nose. Iu vnn the teacher begged and Implored., Sarah still clung to her monotone. Then the teacher threatened. "Sarah," she said, "If you don't try to do better you will fall utterly, and then how will you feel?" ,, "Oh, they'll applaud mo, Miss Brown," returned Sarah easily. "My mother Is goln' to give my llttlo broth er Andy 10 cents, nnd If ho don't begin cjappln' tho minute I sit down he's goln' to be strapped within an inch of his life." New York Times. A MenKiirc of Dtfttnnce. A northern Sportsman went alligator bunting In Florida, nnd, as often hap pens with the uninitiated, he got lost. It was near night, nnd he was at a loss what to do. Presently ho met a man riding a cow, says tho Indianapolis Journal. "Can you tell mo how far it is to Miami?" "Waal. I reckon It's about two whoops," the man answered. "Two-what?" Tho man seemed to take this ns chal lenging his veracity, for ho looked (luestloulngly at the palmettos and prickly pears beside the path, then be gan to scratch hs head. "P'r'qps hit may bo a smltch fur der," ho admitted, "but I 'low hit ain't morn two whoops nn' a holler." Lj UM A Lonir Tolt Wnnt. "I hnvo here" r iw the long haired When "TROUBLE'S BREWING" wth your Blood, Nerves.Stomach, Liver or Kidneys BREW A POT of WRIGHT'S CELERY TEA It will cure you. M cent and t0 cents a box, at druiaUts , orbymkIL WBIOHT MEDICAL, C0.,C.lumtu,O. BCIM Restores Vltyltfffceds tlic Nerves and Wakes blood. ll currs wher nil olhr-rs foil. YnuriK mon wl I rsimlii tlir inn nil (Kid nnd old mm will ro- fr0'1;,"1111""1 "y It arts promptly ami quicklr. ntorinr tint nervous systofn whlAh Inn lien run down liy xasllr menial work, worry or nxr-MSM. If you Imro nny tlmitit nliout liar-Hon, ik nny of tli IH""M0 liolmvo tried It. Itlsn surn r-uro for nerv ousness, lost vitality, nightly (inlMloni. frilling memory? vn Iroctla alceplessniisi, ilynnon. in and money ditintij, Ifydu riMllit.. wrlln fur trt,a ......, - All drnRKHU, m cum, or -.H mnllaa on recolntfiliipixn Bar-Den Remedies Co,, Cleveland, 0, For 'Sale br-T. M. Lnffcr, l v. Al brccht, Kaiifmnnn Bros., Mack, the Druggist, Dutt'n Pharmacy, Haun & McKcan. sat tf theorist as Ho was usheted Into the presence of, the railway magnate, "plans f&r a device that will warn tho engineer when nny ono Is crowing the track." ' "Can't uso It," replied the busy of flclal. "What wo want Is something that will warn the person lio is cross ing the track when the engineer hap pens along that way." Chicago News. . But Soon lo Ue. Miss Ascum Wasn't that Mr. Bonds I saw you wnlklnfc .with last evening? Miss Coy Yes. i Miss Ascum lie's a landed free holder of the county, isn't he? Miss Coy, '(blUshlng)-Wcll-er-ho isn't quite landed yct.-rblladeobIa Press. Fitted For ToUtlcs. "Wbat makes you think ho would bo h. great success In politics?" "Ho can say more things that sound well nnd mean nothing than anv other man Z ei;er know." Chicago Post. Want of Tnct. Grace Iamjtold your sister has Jilt ed her poetlo finnup. Allce?Nowondcr! He wrote a poem about her" 'and called It "Lines on Mary's Face ,, . ' Misunderstood. HI (I J "I far you have been tried by ad versity, my friend." "That wasn't his name, but ho gave Sue six months." THE NEED OF COURTESY, It la to Bnalnesa nnd Society What OH I to .llnclilncry. If youug people, especially in small towns, would form "courtesy clubs" or graft this Idea upon existing organiza tions, It would result in great advan tage not only to the young people be longing to such associations, -but also tho towns themselves. Vo find a great many men nnd wo men side tracked all along the path ways of life because they were not taught the value of good manners nnd of a fine, gracious courtesy in their youth. The lesult Is thnt they havo grown up hard and coarse and repul sive In manners nnd have not been able to win favor or nttract trado or busi ness. Iu other words, their bad man ners and repulsive ways havo kept them back and handicapped their ca reers. It Is astonishing how line manners and politeness in children develop Into case und attractiveness in manhood nnd womanhood. Other things being equal tho employee who Is selected for advancement Is the one with good man ners, a fine, gracious demeanor, a good presence. These qualities nre the best kind of capital, even better than money. Everywhere we see young men and young women drawing big salaries largely because of their superior polite ness. Tho flue mannered are wanted everywhere ns superintendents, ns salesmen, a traveling representatives, as clerks, as private secretaries or as credit men. In fact, agreeable deport ment Is the one Indispensable quality sought after everywhere. There is nothing else which will so quickly open tho door to opportunities, to society, to the hearts of all. Courtesy is to business and society what oil Is to machinery, It makes things run smoothly, for it eliminates tho jar and friction and tho nervo rack ing noise. Success. Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs and colds; Tellable, tried. nnd tested, safe and sure. ' 0 l".S Mi fiptriH vltlfVranS 1- JnNV hM mlijiw-Bavmm UP l ii vt !r vl Lb ix tiK r.rffli h - .em XV TOUT HAD A NECK Aft VwtK hn Thin Fellow, onu nan SORE THROAT TONSIUNE WOULD QUICKLY CURE IT. tU an VM, ill tlrif tlita. TBSTOJIIUXSCO., CiIO,0 Few things are necessary for tho wants of this life, but It takes an In finite number to satisfy tho demands tf opinion. A Juno tlrlile. Mrs. Dearborn Was your wedding in June? Mrs. Wabash Yes: three of them were. Yonkers Statesman. A square foot of honeycomb contains nnout O.oitn fpii CURES WEAK MEN FREE. Ininrta tare and a nappy Borne to All How any man may flMtkly cure lilmaclf "" jcura ui mmerinK ironi texum nenk neM, lost Wlnllty, jli;ut loueK, varicocele, etc., and enlarge imall went organa to full ,lz? "Pi1 l',"' Simply annd your namo ond nddrcst u,Dr. Kunpn Medical Co. KM Hull building, lit-troll, Mlon- nnd they will gladly cnd free receipt lth full direct ont bo I lint pny mnii may.eatlly euro Ulmiolrnt l noma. Tills In certainly u moit sanerous olior, and the following extraotx taken from iiieir uuuy mnii snow wnai men mink of tlulr generosity. "Dear Hlrs 1'leasa accept my ulucore tbanyn for yours of rocent date. I 1ivh given your treatment thorough test nnd the, I eiii-nt has been extraordinary. It hns completely braced me. I nmjust as vigor ous us who n boy und ou cannot realize how happv I am." "Hoar Mrs Your method works beauti fully. Ilesults wore exactly what I needed. Btronutb nud Igor have completely return ed anil enlargement Is entirely satisfact ory." "Dear Mrs Yours was received on d I bad no trouble In making use of tho receipt as directed, and can truthfully say It is a boon to weak men. I nm greatly Improved lr slzo. strength und vigor." AH correspondence Is strictly confiden tial, mailed iu plaln,'sealed envelops.. The receipt Is free for the asking and they want very man to have It. feat tf SHOES. Never wear a shoe that plnche3 tho heel. Never wear n shoo or boot tight any where. Never como from high heels to low heels at ono jump Never wear a shoo that will not al low the great too to lie In a straight line. Never wear leather sole linings to stand upon. White cotton drilling or linen is heuli ler. Never wea- a shoo with a sole nar rower than die outline o'f the foot traced with n pencil close under tho rounding edge. Never wear a shoo with a sole turn ing up very much at the toes, as this causc-3 the cords on the upper part of the foot to contract. Never have tho top of tho boots tight, ns It interferes with the nctlon of the calf muscles, makes one walk badly aqd spoils the shape of the nnklc. I Never think that- the feet will grow largo from wearing proper shoes. Pinching nnd distorting make them grow not only large, but unsightly. A proper natuial use of all the muscles makes them corapnet nnd attractive. AVrnnc Proportion. "Ho offered her his hand nnd for tuno." "Did she accept?" "No; tho first was too largo aud tho second too small!" Would M Insure Him. The Rev, T. W, Yeisley of St. Paris. Ohio, had Kinney trouble. He began to take Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy .and,it cured him completely. his recent acceptance uy tour untcrenl lifo insurance companies proves this. Dr. Dlvld Kennadv'& Favorite Rflmedv is the only sura sure known for diseases of the Kidneys, LIvor, Bladdsr, Blood, Rheumatism and Dyspepsia. All druifrists soUll in the NEW 60 CENT SIZE and the regular SI. 00 sue bottles. Samfle bottlttnousrh for trial, free by mail. Dr. Qavld Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y. Df. Patll Xe nnsoVi Salt Wicum Cream curer Old bares. KLIn su4 Bcrofslons Diseases. U)u Illinois Central Railroad OlSE FARE To New Orleans and Return Nov. 7 to 10, Inclusive, Double dally service, Pullman sleep ers., i free reclining cimir cars. Dining Car Service. A For ntirtlculais call on any ticket agent or address ' l.' r TT A'OT r-nr Dlvlslou Passengei! Agent, -123 Vine st.j Claclnuati, O. la 4 M I ALU "Tthei DOWN iHsTsTsTi J&!tv3J-WllWt&KMf$lb via Vrry Short. Tha Ilud-Wli) dots Sir. Spntts wear such short trousers? Jlroljitr-llfcauso tbey lit him. : anted dim for a small loan, nnd hn Kultl lie war, o ebort his corns ulado Id bead arhe. AniMcctiouii P I l, A 'J 5 - JritiS J - -w' e& mj The Poet Ves, my book of poems is telling like wild lire. His Friend Kr-ycs-er who's buy Inc wild fire now? New York Journal. Woman' War. Mllly I'm writing To Dolly. Have you any message for her? Tilly What! Writing to that horrid creature! Well, give her my love. Hot Guilty. "Do you expect to go to heaven, John?" "Cert I ain't never dono nothln', hev XT' GRAINf) J THE PURE unnin burrtu In comparing Grain-0 and coffeo remember that while tho taste is the same Grain-0 gives health and strength while coffee shatters tho nervous system and breeds disease of the digestive organs. Thinking people prefer Grain-0 and its ben efits. TRY IT TO-DAY. At grocers everywhere ; lse. and !3c per ptckage. "Old King Cole ASsas a Merry Old Soul" And there has been many another soul made merry white sit ting by the heart gladdening blaze of our King Goal, And tho ore who cooks the tempting palnte-tlckllng dishes is merry, whllo he who eats Is merrlMt of all. 1 And this KIne coal Is the Gtnnlae Masillloa sola by ns. The Klages Goal & Ice Go Cor. Kill and rrcapect sts. Until phones 10. Branch :-TlW Boutii Broadway, Both phones $03 J, M. DAVIDSON Sacecjsor to Dickson Transfer Co. Coal OfXU All tho best grades of hard nnd soft COAL it t-oxAseot: Prlooa. XU8 People's phono office. ?rini leildenee E, Kxcbanae St, M Tt. R. Crossing. Every Woman sboat the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray ienww.i"iB)ri. .( lumund Sutlian. Ilest --af- CIAlob tjdii.riiirii.. i i.eai ( im.7. lk itnr dmrctit for IL 1 f h" "i rtcl mpll til mailivr. at cntnri nt hrr. I in t hnd sLAtnn for 11 lustuif'i liook 14.U KlVC frill iuttti-ul.iranfl dlrrllnniln. tnlii.ihlilnladi MIllkl CO.. nt Tu.Th&Sat V W -K-lil "iA - Vl 1 ' MN "VJttt V fe ?ti kill''' I i Aran , VSSSIL" x" -vrtss 'Mn XaPVra XS fVMifKs T J ti.' IM iti7'."iLy 'f)etf a t . JLfU Stocks When you enn get them at bar gain priced, don't wait till the big opcrntors v.nnt to sell out and buy them, but got In titep with them nnd sell when they aro selling. We) would be pleated to executo your orders and guarantee you tho best fior vlce. Private wires to all lead ing exchanges nnd all tho latest gossip. J. L. Gardner & Company 330 and 332 w fl a m i m namuion Bicig ? r.ft i.tns maIh rtr. & IKPROVfPKBll'CJrB IF'YOUR'DEALES DOES MOT HAVE THEM.WRITETO NEAREST AGENCV WmWi:mmmm l.W. HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY 'for tjcntlcmerP who cherish ' Quality. Albert J. Butler "Will repair your furniture, re pair and upholster your couch es, or quote you the lowest prices on furniture of all kinds. See hU line of Bed, Couches, Leather Chairs, Dining Tables and Chairs. 135 S. Main st. Opposite M. O' Nell & Co. Phone, 12832 rings ST Shingles At Botton Prices I MURED ey orin aaa LUrnDtn und. ttstlaiatea oa buildings solicited. Anything from a coal bouse or cottage to a man sion. THE N. G. WILSpH LUMBER CO., Both telephones. The Ohio Laundry Makes blue Mondays form bright Family washings wash ed clean and cheap. 0. L. MATHIE, Prop. 405 E. Exchange st. Both phones 729 8 CURE YOURSELF! Uo Dig O (or unnitarsl dliohtrgca.laaammitlocs, irritations or ulceritloas of m neons membrsoes PainlMi . and not sstrln EEvAlsCHEKicuIln gent or poisonous. IcmciKKATl.a.saBaW Sold by Dranlsta, or sent In plsln wrapper, it 00. or S bottlas, IJ.V&: Circular cent on rtxiuesa. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH (Irlttlsattl aasail llnlsr ?.. I - BAFE. AiwTruht I.Mdle-,ii DrucHrf lor CUICUITEU'S KNGLIS1I in lit I) nl Cia nttiUIs toiu ! vltt. blutlbta.lnl.on other. Rcrat rn(Tcroa KabttltatloBa und Imil tlsn. Dajrf Jr )rtiKSUt,rfrl S (4 lunM i for rilHUrN TeUtmoiaUU ftOd ICctlf ftnI.aJ la. iBMl-. . turn Mall JMHl Tilnioki4li SoUbr tCutwothliptrfr. tU4Vn tiuurr, i'lMlaA- XS Relieves KldllOV tiiaaaer; troubles at once. Cures in IwI'ujzjpj; 48 Hours a"? URINARY DISCHARGES! Each f!arntile bcan the name rST(P lleware ct tuelu count erifiti 'GEL Jl i (D fg la 1 to & dji. V lPm Ourtnwcd Jm 11 BAt tA atirsBtnrw. Tt ' M fremiti (UitaHn IT-"1TH P 0j;$&' fn ? i3 I I m .1 i '3 3 i i. 4 ' si ?J V ifi iliL .lA-i-JM X bJrWll4tiy . P99P1 gas