Newspaper Page Text
AKRON, DAILy DEMOCRAT SATHDAY, NOV. lBth, IWl P !' n 1 if. :.- i'b ? F fc I': I M jm Distress After Eating Nausea botweon meals, bclcliing, vom iting, flatulence, fits ot nervouB head , acho, pain in tho stomach, aro all ' symptoms of dyspepsia, and tlio longer it k neglected tho harder it is to euro It. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pilts Radically and permanently enro it strengthen and tono tho stomnch and other digestive organs for tho natural performance of their functions. Accept no suhtlltuto for Hood's r "I had dyspepsln twenty-five years and took different medicines but got no help until I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Harp 'taksri four bottles of this medldno and can dott eat- almost anything, slero t well, have no cramps In ray stomach, no '. burning and no distress." Mas. William G. Babbitt, H Olncy St., Providence, It. I. Hood's Barsnpnrllln promises to cure and ttoopa tho promise. PERSONAL NOTES. Miss Colla Itatto left Wednesday ev ening for Palestine,. Text? Mrs. John I Cochrnno, of Cleveland Is visiting Mrs. Gus Kasch. Miss Edith Winters left this morn ing for her homo in Sandusky, Miss Winters has been visiting Miss Grace Holloway, of 100 Stccso st. Mrs, A. Ii. Dyke has gono to Warren to spend tho winter with her niece, Mrs. Rodney Fow(lon , Tho Fortnight Club will meet nt 2:30 Monday afternoon with Miss mills, North Union st. Mrs. li. W. Brown, better known ns "Aunty" Drown, has gone to Pensa cola, Fin., to spend tho winter. Mr. G. W. Grldley, of Grldley & Mr tbolar, leaves Sunday morning for a ten days business 'trip through Ixmls lantt nnd Texas. Miss Dmma Houck, of Cleveland, nnd Miss Mabel Kinney, ot Green Springs, nre tho guests of Mrs. Geo. 0. Jackson, Hamilton ave. Miss Bessie Morrison, daughter of Oapt! nnd Mrs. J. n. Morrison, 121 Last timid tonioiit- Saturday, no v. id., BENNETT-MOULTON CO. Ladies' Orchestra STRUOOLE FOR L.I 10, 20, 30 CENTS Nov. 17 MONDAY EVENING, Ilertlg nnd Seaman Present NAillis-ms A Aalker Tho favorites of tho 400 Tho Plorwers of all Colored Organizations BIO COMPANY OF Presenting the New Musical Comedy,. SIM DAHOM A Carload of Beautiful Scenery. Gorgeous Costumes. Funny Specialties PRIOES20,aO,79,l. SKATS ON SA.L.E 3AY, IM THE FA MOU8 Little Children ' cap safely take this famous well knowrrrmedy. Madft entirely of herbs, warranted free from mer cury, and poisonous substance, that is why everyone likes Beecham's Pills. Bold Eicrjirhero-In boei 10c knd Ste. " n Park place, has returned home after n year's -visit n the west. Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Walker, of Akron, visited at the homo of Street Coramlst sloner James Wheeler from Friday un til Tuesday. Mr. Walker Is n nephew of Mr. Wheeler. Medina Sentinel. Misses Elizabeth and Nelllo Kcrnan gave a pedro party mu honor of Miss Clara A. Bonder, of Cleveland, who Is their guest this week. Vocal music wns nlso enjoyed. Light refreshments were served. Mr. F., II. Lyder and family have va cated their Good st. home, to take up their resldenco with Mrs. Lyder's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Plumer, on West Market st. The "Foxy Grandpa" social, held nt tho homo of Mr. George Stlckney, on Torrcy st, Thursday night, by mem bers of Loulso Assembly, Pythian Sis terhood, was very enjoyable. About GO were present. Mrs. O. Iv. McMillen, of 100 Good st., has gono to Cleveland to visit over Suuday. Her daughter, Miss Ger trude, who slugs at ono 6t tho Glevc-' land churches, also left for that place Saturday morning. ' R0v. Mary B. Andrews, a- grnduato of tho class of '00, of Buchtel will bo ordained a minister In tho Unlversallst church nt Hamilton , O., Sunday. Pros- Jdent Church of Buchtel tHego will have part In the exercises. The Busy Beo Pedro club was enter tained Friday afternoon by Mrs. Celes ta A. Woods, COO West Chestnut st. Tho first and second prizes were awarded Mesdames Abble Simpson nnd Lizzie Cochran. Mrs. Clara Hoy rind Mrs. Porn Fritz received the con solation prizes. Dainty refreshment wero served. RALLY Has Attention 6f C. E. Workers. And n Big Company of Fun Makers In rulrao Farce tho Screamingly Funny Trick-Panto-Comedy t 36 PEOPLE -f Ticket's for tho Pittsburg Orcbesfcra Concert on snlo at Hlbbard & Wilcox and Uphnm-BrouBo Company. At tho former place, reserved seats may bo obtained nnd Evening Course Tickets exchanged for Afternoon Course, If de sired. Any desiring to take ono or two friends to tho Con cert on their season ticket can do so by using stubs Nos. 2 and 3. These stubs will bo token In Hou of single ndralsslon tickets. The Season's Greatest Novelty Wonderful Revolving Costumes Original Musical Numbers PRIOES SB, BO, 70, if. SKATS ON SAL.E FRIDAY, DeWOLF Nov. 21 HOPPER And tho greatest Company of Singing Comedians In Amorlcn, in a' Magnifi cent Musicnl Production, Untitled, tt IVIR. PICKWICK. 99 BASED ON DICKENS' MASTERPIECE). Lyrics by Grant Stewart. Book by Oh as. Klein. Music by Manuel Klein. Mr. Pickwick De Wolf Hopper Ham Wcllor IXgby Bell JTony Weller Hnrry Norman Alfred Jingle Grant Stewart Winkle Louis I'n.vuo finodgrnss George Chapman Tupifaan ..'. Augustus Coletlo Fat Boy , Guy H. Bnrtlctt SIXTY Prices BOc to J1.B0. Beats on Snlo Col. Bulder Georgo Holland Arabella Loulso Gunning Mrs. Bardoll Laura Joyco Bell Polly .... , Marguerite Clark Miss Wnrdlo ...Grnco Fisher Miss Tompkins Mary Davis Liza Alice Mnmlo Poolo Sally Marlon Leo Sue ,.. Biith Hnlbert Mr. Wnrdle J. K. Adams OTUHns. Wednesday, November 10th, Orore'i .BUcfc Hsot Llrer tfiXt, Mads from nn active prlnclpls obtalmH from lllaclc Boot. They act on the llrei equnl to calomel anil lonva no baa rntei eileou. Ho griping, no lclcstomach. .Will cure abronla cumtlpatlon. Vrloe S5 otnM. A Big Meeting Is ;Ex pected. Everything Is nearly complete In tho way of arrangements for the C. B. tal ly next wek. X)t. Eberman and Mrs. Eberihah Hylll arrive here about 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. At 5 o'clock two conferences will bo held In tbV Grace Reformed church one fbr the pastors only, conducted by Dr. Eberman, and one on Junior Hvork, conducted by Mrs. Eberman. Two representatives from each socl' ety aro entitled to n place In tbls last named conference, ono to bo tho Jun ior superintendent, the other the best one for tho place. Luncheon 'will bo served at 5, o'clock Immediately following wnicn we con ferences will tnko place. Como pre pared with knotty problems and bave them solved. The Endeavorers had tlio great pleasure of having In the city last week F. L. Podgctt, jr., of Atlanta, Ga., president of the Atlanta city un ion, and secretary of the state union of Georgia, who congratulated them on having Dr. Eberman here. A free will offering will bo received to .pny thp expenses of tho meeting. Tomorro'jvr has been set apart by the State union, ns "Endeavor pay," and nil societies' hro requested to observe It and sepd an offering in for the state work. The monthly Executive meeting was held Monday evening, with a good at tendance. The most Important mat ters taken, top were tho mnss meeting and the conferences. On Tuesday evening tho (tost of the conferences wasibeld. Elgbt societies were represented with an attendance of 17- . i. There will bo a sunrise prayer meet ing Thanksgiving morning nt 6:30 o'clock afMhe United Evangelical church, Wooster ave. and Locust st. Leader, Bev. Clark. Mrs. Besawhas been elected first president of the Wabash C. E. society. She helped boom Akron at Zuncsvllle Inst month. Topic for Nov. 10:-"For Me." Isn. 03:6; Luke 22:10, 20; Bom. 5:0-8; 1 John 3:10. ; (Lenders First Disciple, Fred Patter son; First Presbj tcrlan, Miss Roberts; Central Presbyterian, Mr. Sarvour; First Baptist, VA.very Wood; First United Brethren, H. E. Kllllngor. . VERDICT Rendered Against City Amount of Rausch's Damages Fixed at $800. The jury In tho caso of Nathan llnusch vs. tho City of Akron, no turned a verdict nt noon, Saturday, giving plaintiff Judgment against tho city for $800. Tho action was to re cover damages claimed for neuronal injuries. On tho night of July 20, 1000, tho plaintiff fell Into the sewer excava tion In Cnse ae. Ho brought suit to recover $5,000 damages. Ho alleged In his petition that tho trench was un guardod and that no light was burning. DOCTOR, I CANNOT SLEEP! Do vou co to bod to tumblo nnd tossV To think until your brain crows weary? Da you in desperation cot up nnd road or walk abdit unbil'oxhftustod riotur6 fjives you nn hour or two ot troubled, rostioss sloop if A sleep that apes not rest, uo you Know tnau thp remedy is at hand? Do you know that every day hundreds of just suoh cases are cured by Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve tills? A modicino that-doos not quiet the nerves and givp sleep by tho opiate plan, but by tho common sense jBystem of nourishing tho norvos, of quioting-and steadying thonvthrough its magnificont tonio and strongth-giv-jng powors the only rational, sonsiblo way. .. north maple Street. 'ANerveTonic Never Equaled Mrs. L. Crawford, of ffo. 214 North, Akron, 0 says'. "Dr. A. W. Chase's Ncrvo Pills aro certainly good. I' got somo ob I wns feeling weak, ner vous, easily upset and unable to get good sleep at night, consequently tired nil day. The medicine built me right up every way. I feel strong the nerves are steady and I sleep well agfyn. I am only too pleated to rec ommend tho medicine." Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills aro sold at 00 cents a box ot dealers, or Dr. A, W. Chase Medldno Co., Buffalo, N. Y. See that portrait and signature of Dr,A.W. Chase, M. D.,' aro on every package. Beware of Imitations Signature and portrait of Dr. A. W. Chase on each box of the dealers, 50c a box, or Dr. A. W. Chaso Medicine Co., 257 Washington Street, iThb ShapedBox-No Other EXCHANGE STREET. Mrs. K. Glebenrnth, of No. G14 Ex, Akron, Ohio, says: ''Dr. A. W. Chase's Ncrvo Pills saved aMoctor's bill. I wos nervous, felt depressed and dull as I lost sloop constantly, 'Wm'jjo restless. I was told' of the Nerve PJIls and got some nnd since I used them, feel finely, sleep well, eat well, nervea aro steady nnd general strength good. This Is good proof to mo, tho modicino Is all It claims to bs." Dr. A. W. Chasd's Nerve Pills aro sold ot 50 cents n box at dealers, or Dr, A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. 1". See thatportrnlt and signature of Dr. A. W. ChaBO, M. D. aro on every package. genuine. For sale by Buffalo, N. Y. vf V " w Monrre aCold In One Day Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. Al druggists ,refund the money If Jt -falls to curo.,s E. W. Grove's signature1 Is on each" box. 25c. CARD OF THANKS. Wo wish to cxp-ess our heartfelt thanks to our friends nnd neighbors, to the 0. M. B. A., St Bernard Bene volent socloty nnd Kcv. Fathor Broun, for their assIstaUae and sympathy and flowl offorlngs during the Illness nnd death of oui beloved husband and fnther, Joseph Ley. t MRS. MINNIE LEY AND CHILDREN. Our sales of dining tables have justified the wisdom of making a heaving purchase early in the season at prices and discounts which could not be duplicated even by ourselves today. The' legs of all thdse tables aro Doitea to tne onaging, which makes the strongest construction known to table manufacturers. ' A 42x42 In. top, solid oak, 3Va In. leg Q-ft. when open, $0.85. A 45x45 top, solid oak, polished, 6-in. 0-ft. when open, $0.85. 0 RABBITS Are Plenty In the country WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF I Shot Guns, Loaded Shells, Hunting Coats, etc., etc. i ROHRBACHER & ALLEN, Phones 70. 166 S. Howard street BUILDERS' HARDWARE . . o-" " .. THE KIRK CO. Everything for the Home. 125-127 S. Howard St. CASH OR CREDIT. TOO LATE TOO CLASSIFY. t.4- -----. i"- - t -. We Can Take Two or Three Family Washings & Ironings To Do This Winter We Do This Work by Hand. A Gnrati4 Our for Piles. Itching, 1111ml, inserting nnrt Protrudlm tlli. No euro, no pny, All ilruKglita art tuthorlted by the manufnoturort ot Pmc Ointment to rotund tho money nhero Ui&lll to ouro nr onie ot pllai, no mMtor of hou longitsnJlnn. Curei ordinary cmi in it ayai tba worst ciuii In fourteen rlnn. Ont tppllcntton (tlvei Ke and rett. Ilollevti Itolilni mstnnUy. TtU li n now dltcovery tnd It ! t lie only plln remedy told nn n poif Ive gunruntei'. no ours, no pny. lrlo SOo. SOLD A lot of Music Boxes Musical Merchandise, Violins, Mandolins, Etc. Grldley & Mytholnr, 48 Central bldg Phone. 510. Bargains In West Hill properties. Fnrma for pale or exchange. 206, Rol st, 0 room house, for $1500. 1200 Bowery nt. hargaln nt$llIH. 5 room house, gan, big bargain, $1000. 424 E. Buchtel nvo., modern, see It, $8300. 107 E. Chestnut, 7 looms, bnrn, well, lot 100x150, $1500. 170-tf Our Is the Medium Finish Very Best Winner Gloss and Is a fOU RENT Houses nnd suites of rooms, on Dny, College, Spruco and Upson sts. Ons to light nnd heat. Apply 100 S. Union st. People's 11 phono 053. 170-184 Read Democrat linen. TRY IT the Akron romnflnv1 Wagons Everywhere. 161-163 S. High St. .- . PH0NcS 255 . . .... ... .. & This slenitaro ! on eyery box ol the gcnnlB Laxative Bfomo-OuinineTaweta y7m0Hbo remedy that enrea a coW la one day. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 156 South High Street. fc ..- - .." M-M''l"''M'H-'tl 4. . - 4 1 . . .4.t..f4.t.4H i Hibb&rd & Wilcox SUCCESSORS TO J. B. Storer and Co. lAaw showing a line of tho Col obra,tort Tiffany JTnvorlte, Olvss, Tills glruii Is noted for tho depth nn d brllllaney of Its coloV&'ntid lustre, nlso for Its many nrtlsuo designs. Hlbbard & Wilcox uro solo agents for Akron for this gluss. LAST LINKS. The reserve corps of tho First Con gregational church was entertained Friday evening nt tho home of Attor ney Nathan Morso on Splcor st. The ovenlng wns very pleasently spent. Them were nbout 75 present. Dr. Morgan Wood, of Clovelnnd, will Klo a lecture, "Tho Average Man," In tho North Hill M. E. church, Monday ut filing. This Is tho second number In tho North Hill Star course. t The Success club of Cuyahoga Falls will meet Monday evonlng In tho Sun day school hall of tho Congregational church. A good proginm has been pre pared, Itev. W. n. Boles will glvo nn nd dres at tho regular meeting of tho W. 0. T. U. Monday afternoon. A party of 50 Chovallers will go to Lorain, Wednesday, on n special car, to put on work for a class of 30 at that place. J. W. Knox, the agent nt the 0., A, & 0. depot In South Akron, has been transferred to Kllbuck. Strauss, tho agent at Kllbuck, who attempted sul ctilQ, Is still nllvo, but little hope Is ontcrininea for Ills recovery. The Ave dnys'i sale which ends next Wednesday nt the store of A. B. Smith seems to have attracted the fall buy era who are looking fqr bargains, Mr. Smith has not been paying very much attention to this department until juqt recently, nnd oxpectlngto put in tho largest stock ever carried In this city, nt the same tlma contemplating tho storo lmpioomonts, ho decided to offer the shinll musical merchandise, etc., at about 5 per cent, over tho factory cost, which cuts from one-third to onchnlf off from everything you buy, A great many friends of tho store luivo been tnklng ndvnntngo of this sale. Among tho music boxes sold this morning was a $75 Iteglnn for $25. There aro somo more bargains of tills kind nnd If you aro thinking of buying something for Christmas, como In and make your selection and wo will hold It for you. THE Ml. O'lVJEIL. & CO $4000 IN 43 CASH PRIZES A. B. SMITH 220 S. Main st. Akron, 0. i liesouth Howard stret To Do Business In Ohio. Columbus, 0., Nov, 15. Tho Onlvlu t McQuillan Co., of Maine, wns ad mitted to do business lit Ohio today. The company Is a clothing concern in Akron. Capital, $10.vVv. Given away to wonJen merely for telling why the "Dorothy Dodd" Shoe is superior to all others. Simply as an Induce ment to women to try a pair of "Dorothy Dodd" Shoes, and to tell their experience with them in order that others may be induced to become wearers, The Dorothy Dodd Shoe Co. Offers $4000 In 43 Cash Prizes to the 43 women who give (in not over 200 words) the strongest reasons why the "Dorothy Dodd" Shoe is superior to all others. Every purchaser gets from us a blank on which to write her reasons why. No literary ability is needed. Merelv state the olain facts. The best reasons. regardless of fine writing, win the prizes. The "Dorothy Dodd" Shoe is superior to all others in these respects : U Hi Theirsulterlna So many suffer from female weakness, that you can by n word hero nnd fhero among your acquaintances, "'uiko mtjulto a for tune by representing our Mountain It oso Remedies. Write for particulars. 1 Style. 2 Fit. 3 Arch Support. 4 Lightness. 5 Flexibility. The first prize is $1000; second prize $?50; third prize $500; fourth prize $400: fifth prize $300; sixth prize $200; seventh prize $150; eighth prize $100, and so on for 43 cash prizes. Further particulars in our shoe store. The com petition is open only till the end of December. THE IN1. O'lMEIL- & QO. The time to buy furs Is now. We can avo you money, Syrldcr Qroj. y TflB SPRlNpSTEENMEDJClNB CO. OkKVCbANQ, O, , ti X .V. .J r ' ; ... ififrtffti'iM.rY .. fii . ,.nJs&-.,-,: .iajytito iJi'ill, - ,V; fe i.AAw. 4 v-lrff m0Hm . ..-,. . . ..-. . ,, ' ''TJWJaTaSML -T - -iff BcjJ.lik&y tAHJjIMBBBBBfflBi : .. . -A. J KelHTZlMU: