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l"lJjB AKRON DAILY DEMOCRAT HATIIDAY, NOV, lGth, 1008, W tis h l !. FAILED To Score Against Canton. Akron High Met other Defeat An- Goddard Is Now City Pool Champion. Art Simms Has Several Offers of Fights. More Canton High school won from Akron at Canton Friday afternoon by a acora of 24 to O.t Tho game was rough and Canton lived up to her rcputntlon of nlvlnir tho visiting team tho Hhort end with much, stress on tho short A long WTanglfl over somo of Canton's players vu ono of tho features preceding tho game. Canton may havo played "ring ers" and she may not, but at all events one of tho men questioned left tha game. Zcttlo pfnyed tho beat game for Akron. Akron's line-up was as follows: Ken dig, I. e.; Egbert, Fcudnor, 1. g.; Ktz. c; Zelslpft, r. g.; McOonnell, r. t.; Brouth. tn? V. .; Zcttle, f. b.; Cowden, 1. h.; Gessler, r. h. b.j Gregory, q. b. BOXBItS WHO WILT, MIOET GUS. WhMi tho show of tho North End Athletic club (altos place next Tuesday nleht. It Is probable that there will bo no dearth of opponents for Gus Ruhlln when he goes on for Ills exhibition boats. The management of the club and the show stated Friday that four boxers had been secured, and Gus, who announces that ho will "meet nil comers," may have all that he wants to do. Mike Gallagher and Charles Gheon aro two of those who will step Into tho "squared circle" for bouts With Gus, and two others are In slgh't, whoso names nro not yet announced. Al) other details of arrangement for the show havo been attended to and it Is expected that there will be some good entertainment, nil conducted well within tho law. Foley's Kidney Cure CURES ALL KIDNEY AND SAMARITAN May Have Been Mer cenary. BLADDER DISEASES FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE will positively cure any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. If you notice any irregularities, commence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once and avoid a fatal malady. BELOW 18 A TESTIMONIAL FROM ONE OF THE MANY THOUSANDS WHO HAVE BEEN CURED BY THIS GREAT MEDICINE. A. H.Thurness, Mgr. Wills Creek Coal Co., Buffalo, O., writes: "I have been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years, passing gravel or stones with excrucia ting pains. Other medicines only gave relief. After taking Foley's Kidney Cure the result was surprising. A few doses started the brick dust like fine stones, etc., and now I have no pain across my kidneys and I feel like a new man. Foley's Kidney Cure has done me $1000 worth of good." Tony Olinskl Wonders About His Money and His Friend. Thursday night Tony Olinskl was nr rcstdd tot Intoxication and was lined $2 and costs therefor, In Tollcc court, Friday morning. Ho seemed to bo very jolly about tho matter and when Jo&epU Wynlskl, at whoso liouso Tony boarded, camo In with the Intention of reading 'him n lecture, Tony and ho went away arm In arm. Thero was no trouble nbout paying the flno and costs. "Unt's nothtn,' " said Tony. "I got a thousan' dolls In. do bank." Tony wandered Into Police headquarters later, In' tho day, half drunk again nnd very much excited, and ho told tho po llco that Joseph had taken from him nil the money he had with him, amounting to $37, and had disap peared. Wynlskl had told him ho would tako care of tho money till Tony got sobered up. Joseph nnd tho 37 had not reappeared by Saturday morn ing, and the police are now looking for them. They think that tho money was too much temptation nnd that Joseph Is on a very vivid spree, nnd will turn up when tho money Is gone. CURING a, COLD1 A common Cold is of ton the beginning of oavora disorders, and Its treatment and actual euro la of moro Importance than Is usually believed by both laymen and physicians. The re sulting irritation develops latont disease and creates disturbances In nutrition, and excretion. Of couroe, ?he weakest point shows the first signs or tusirtes. lr there is an active diseaso already pres ent the Cold will increase 1 1 s activity, and if a latont disease is in tho system it will start it In to action. The medical prac tice of tho past has been very productive of suppressed or latent diseas e's, which are but smoldering like the quiescent volcano, ready to DMaKtortn at the srst pxr.ltlncr causa. In the true cure of a Cold. Coucrh. Catarrh. Neto-alsle. or Rheumatism, no other medicines approach, in any degree 1 Vmrti f MA V. JLAMM1 MnHiiHllW 1HK TfV w ml yvtWWO bA aBXmtyfWtrMza ME Ml fl ItUra W'B WMwfmmmSSm Ml "THIRTEEN" Had Refuse Substitutes. JEITFIUKS AND FIT55 TO COMBINH San Francisco, Nov. 15. .TctTrles nnd Fltzslmmons havo agreed to form a theatrical combine. They will tour the country as Joint theatrical stars and sparring pnrtners. Tho contract calls for a boxing bout each cvonlng. DIIOI'PKD BASEBALL. New York, Nov. IB. Andrew Kreed wan Is entirely out of baseball. Ho even refused to accopt n placo on tho Board of Directors of tho Now York Baseball club nt tho annual meeting of the club In Jorsoy city. "I am1 out of basoball for good," snlfl Mr. Freedmnn. "I havo so many other Interests thnt It Is utterly Impossible for mo to glvo tho game tho attention It deserves In this city." Two Sizes 50c & $1.00. An interesting Booklet, "All About The Kidneys" free for the asking Address, FOLEY & CO., Chicago, III. msmwsMM No Terrors For -Akrou School Teachers. (Special Correspondence.) Barberton, O., Nov. 15. Akron schoolmnrms have bravo hearts and strong nerves. Thursday evening, Nov.-13, a party of 13 from tho Allen school gave n farewell dinner at tho Inn to Miss Lackey, who goes to Clove land." There wns u slight pnuso when the purty gathered ut tho dining table nnd It was, discovered that there were 13. ''Oh, I'm not nfrald of a hoodoo," said one of the youug ladles. Then sho was about to sit down at her place. "Wait a, minute," said another, who was nppnrently not qulto so fearless. "Lotus all sit down together." Tho word was given nnd en masse the party sat down at tho tabic nnd now there Is no last one nt the table to Our No. 19 is the natural remedy for a recent Cold, with or without cough. No. 20 is the true remedy for Chronic Catarrh of the head, nares and nasal passages. No. 21 is Nature's cure (or Neuralgia in any part of the body. The pain ceases very quickly, and it does not return. Not a narcotic but a nerve food, supplying the white nerve filaments. A single trial of any of the Enk Preparations will convince you of their iency and promptness, I hey are in a class by tnemsHV There are Seventy Remedies for Seventy Different vea. disease, eaoh hninrr a snnelfie for the disease it is intended to cure, bur two booklets: "Short Road to Health," and "Treatise on Private Diseases," free by mall or of druggists. FNK MFmr.INF f.O UNION CITY. INDIANA Sold In Akron by John Lamparter & Co., 183 South Howard st. V whom the finger qf fato may bo leveled during tho coming year. The dinner was a very onjoyable affair. Tho members of the party were: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McFarland, Mrs. Drnke, Misses Stevens, Schuman, Maybnch, Stein, GroYe, Itoss, Nice, Dressier, Lackey and Gladwin. Notice. 'Hereafter all baggage and freight matter for tho Cnnton & Akron R'y will bo handled at tho Electric Pkg. Co.'s office, 200 South-Howard st HENRY HOWE Is Now Under Arrest and Charged With Burglary. Harry Bennett, an East Akron sa loonist, reported to the police, Friday that his saloon was broken Into Thurs day night, and $20 stolen. Henry Howo Is now under arrest, and charg ed with tho crime. Read Democrat liners. For Sale by J. LAMPARTER CO.. J. M. LAFFER and A. WARNER. SITAIIKKY AS TRATNIOB. Kow York, Nov. 15. .Too Carroll, tho Irish wrestler, who Is to moot Tom Jenkins, the American chniriplon, for the cntch-as-catch-cnn championship of the world, will havo Tom Sharkey help train him for tho bout, which Is to take place at tho Madison Squnro Gar- jflon Hall November an. nnd at tho same time has more nnd more offers coming In nil the time, so that it Is doubtful If he can tako caio of them nil. Saturday's mnll brought hi in u letter from Harry Gllmore, In Chicago, offering him a six round go with Tim ICenrns, In tho Windy City, Thursday night. Though this flght will bo within such a short tlmo of his biittlo Monday, Simms. has accepted, and will try to make both dates. He has also an offer to mout Hilly Itynn in Toionto, Can., shortly afterward. Slmms hns accepted this oflor nlso. This will bo posslblo provided no chanco blow disables hi in. Tho two lights lu Chicago, hqvever, will prevent his nppenrlng nt tho ontortnlnment of tho North Mnd Athletic club Tuosflay night, for ho would havo no tlmo to comn bore nnd return, and he noeds tho rest, besides. WILL HAVI3 ALUMINUM DUCK. Glasgow, Nov. 15 William FIfo has decided that tho dock of tho Shamrock III shall bo constructed of aluminum, while ndhorlng to inllil stool for all tho essentlal-ipartH of the hull where the strain Is sovorc. Cant. Wrlngo Is ns Istjng in tho superintendence of the .work on tho challenger for tho Amer ica'! cup. OODDAItD CITY POOL CHAMPION iQoddnrd hns fairly won tho tltlo of amateur pool champion of the city. Ho won nil tho games ho took part lu, In the amntcnr tournament nt the How (rd st. Pool room, nnd then wns matched for n MX) bnll match against King, who wns a winner of n former sorlcs of tho saino kind. Tho series has beer, running nil this week nt the Howard Bt Pool room, and lust night Goddord defented King ami mado his BOO, by a score of Oil to 71. The total scorns for tho (lvo nights nd the totals were: Goddard, 107, 01, 100, 107, 03, total WH). King, 03, 101, 67, 120, 71, total 451. Balm of Roses gmOWS ..-.. ... .. -.. ....- 4.,...4.e r you IN DOUBT THWOH FOU BATtnnRTON. Tho Barborton bowlers took three straight games from tho Cllppwn Inst night In tho County lenguo scries. Tho cores: , Barbertons 802, 831, oil. Olrppor 7Ut 788, 853. Cures all diseases of tho face and produces a lovely complexion. A romedy thnt relloves and cures. Unllljo any other remedy, "JScslr.osnt j. a DAY & CO. Cut nte Drug Store. 135 S. Hownrd st. WE CONVINCE YOU There Is no snch word a,s failure, known In connection with THE GENEVA INSPIRATOR IT CURDS IN EVERY CASH WIIE-RE THERE IS EVEN AN ATTEMPT TO KOLUOW DIR EOTION8. It's not difficult to use, a quarter of a minute's use several times n day will euro The Most Stubborn Case of Catarrh, Asthma, flay Fever or Bronchitis. Colds cm-ed instfjutly. If you arc -a sufferer and in doubt, come In and we will glvo relief and won't charge you, either. THE GENEVA INSPIRATOR CO. 125 S. HIGH STREET. , j 4 . - . v . . BILTA' STIFFS KNOCKED OUT. Chicago, Nov. 15. Larry Tnmplc, the colored middleweight of Now York, knocked out Billy Htlfrt, fo Chicago, In the second round of a six-round con Jest last night, at tho Transport Ath JtJo club. Stlfft was knocked down fdY.'tlmeH befora ho tlnntlly succumbed to a right swing that landed squarely Cn the end of his chin. Security .- The City National Bank Offors many ndvnntngos to lis patrons, not tho least of which nro nbsolutol security to deposi tors nnd to borrowers tho great est liberality consistent with snfoty. pavings nccounts In nny nmount solicited. Interest Paid GANS WON IN FOURTEENTH HOUND. Baltimore. Md., Nov. 15. .Too Gnus. the, lightweight chnmplon, got tho de cision over Oliniloy Solger, of Ho- boken last night, after thirteen nnd a ,!(, rpunds of hard lighting boforo the Jjureka Athletic club. 'MQR8 MATCHES FOU SIMMS. V Art Slmms has nil the prosperity nt , the present tlmo thnt he can stand, Ho Is-busily training for one flght, to take lace In Chicago next Monday night, I I THE CITY NATIONAL DANK 108 S. Howard st Goo. W..OKOUBB, President. N. C STONK, Cashier. mmmmmmmmmmmm When You Have Become Tired of Doctoring. After You Have Been Told Your Case Is Incurable, Consult DR. SPINNEY & CO Wineoi Bebillty Varloooels HydrocBla . Rupture Without tJw Knlfa RtJph Er&. Cf Bro. Shoe Shining Parlor 101 Vj H, HO WARD ST. Yog get tho Jlnest hhlno In town, A flno line of clpirs, Opcq every day aud evenings. Lost Vitality Stricture Blood Poison Scrofula Rectal Prostatic Kidney Bladder Cancer Diseases of the Mucous Iranes There is no Institution tn the world oreanlicd on the same basis ns Dr. Spinney & Co., Akron, O. By a com bination of capital and professional skill we offer th'o bout to be had In every department'. No expense has been spared to give all tho facilities offered by modern science, so that the moBtper feet examinations may bo made to determine tho causonndexact coudltlon of thopnttcnt,and also to tmceeBsfull y trrat tho same ao that thoy may bo promptly and permanently cured. Our methods of ex amination ore many of them In use nrvhc?o else No only this, buNn our ofllccs everything Is subordinated to one aim TO OUU13; and whllo we feel tint tho laborer Is worthy of .his hire, wo feol that tho good of the pa tient Is' always of the first Importance. Iu consequenco, all Inva Ids mayronsult us free of chnrge nnd with perfect thnt they will rc:o've that nttcntlon nnd sympathy which should always be exto.idfd by th? honorable phjelclnn. Hours & o 8; Bu ndays 0 to 12 a. m. 'jpR. SPINNEY & CO. MbbouIc Temple Cor, 8.' Howard and Mill sts., Akron, O. Consultation and Book Hree. Semi for Booklet, All Chronic Dlmtw Skin Diseases CcwMUd CRMn I. " "" HRscN tBtfH -""I f x r hwv V kHrs'" BMiMM?Mi.a)HiBnB ssiilx V 1 1 vjBmhi&Z I mvai ivx yK L. L 1 IHjv'sr nSrH fMRicncMft HkH w!BiBirr a. Tfc i fcjmmiwM'V&6US' 'wmAritrMm. II mftf '.Wt-lmK. ''..IW MmJtrm& itmm Eil 11A& H 11 fittWpPJPHBi Health to the Sick and B U II TOMHt Strength to the Weak fl J'CJMIrxlflflBJBBJi Kodol clears tha way and makes sure the journey from H 1 1B1?7HBBHW sickness to health and weakness to strength. K the II 1 JuPlHaWMLElMilT stomach Is disordered, Kodol will correct It, and, If dls- IB I -RIlla9lSJflBB eased', Kodol will cure It. This famous remedy lays the M 1 raB4pxft! sjJEipHKu foundation for health and the upbuilding of strength by H I WfsSffuSir ffjSCTF'83W'di cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the H I " ' jSyLEjBtyHig cOWfiHBKBiinLtL glands and membranes of the stomach, and by supplying II M .SkejBBcK ImBBBmBkSV t'19 ni,ura' Juices necessary to perfect digestion, asslmU U I SElBBtf? wBBiB5KjPm 'atlon nt' nutrition. B W 2uC3W3B?P: 9nBtBBSv M rll "I suffered thlrt yer wlth compilation of dlietui. I lotl B M H Aar7SHS)RS TasSJiiBKjXJr?' heilth tnd ttrentth, nd forty pounds In welt ht. Kodol h cured mo. M ' '0'wffWlflR8r? IXSiHpJHlT Cj-rfiS Vr&tt Its uj I hire been restored to perfect health and strentth nd H Vr ' iBMnllUr wmtfKMMWJ2lmiLS&t! I '"vo reislned my lost weltht. I recommend Kodol to all suffering ! '""iLSk jJBflBQMMjHBJHBBA women. Mrj. Mary E. Roberts, Woburn.MIL M V liUliUJb Lt...... Your Dealer Can Supply You. I V DlSCStsWhat (Vjr " Bettlttalr. (vtirSltaI.M,bilila2MttaM(DscliiithelriilifiawUca Ita I BA You Eat. tr (grit con. IBBkV Prtsiredeafe- by X. C. SeWITT J CO., Sole Proprietor, Cblcano. r.m " "JHBBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBBbJbbbbbb Plies Catarrhal Inflam- rsallons Stomach Diseases Inllam- matlon of the Bladder All Ulco.a- tlons, Nervous ness Doe to These Diseases 1" mmmMmmikmmMM i.J