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BXB9 w f wy; w T j ?.& i-1 8 AKRON DAILY, DEMOCRAT SATRDA.Y, NOV. lBth, 1002. IVn I A True Story of Pioneer Life In the Cuyahoga, Valley "Far Past' Frontier" By JAMES A. BRADEN One of the Best Books for Boys Yet Published A most interesting story for boys of Northern Ohio. It tells of the adventures of two Oonnocticut boys who came to the Cuyahoga Valley when it was "far past the frontier" and who had no end of thril ling experiences on the way and with the Indians of the Valley . One of the historical characters intro duced is Hopocon, a famous Delaware chief, who lived in this part of Ohio at the time of the coming of tho white pioneers. FULL OF ADVENTURE and STIRRING INCIDENTS. At all book stores at special price.' The S&alfield Publishing Company, AKRON. OHIO "SUNNY" He Has No Hands But He Is a Busy, Optimistic Man. (Special Correspondence.) nrberton, Nov. 15. "Hnndlcnppod? Well, slightly, but there aro n fow things that I win do just the same as j on with your two good amis nnd hands." The speaker was popular Ilniry Baugbman, day watchman at tho Pittsburg GnB Valvo Fittings Co. plant,' It wns late Friday afternoon nnd tho woikmen were going home. Bornawlmt red In tho face from tho jwork which ho hud Just done, Mr. Baughmnn gieotcd a Democrat repor ter with n smile, but he did not extend his hand for ho has none. Ho had just completed pumping soma! buckets of water nnd placing thorn In tho shop. lbout six feet tall nnd weighing 241 pounds, which weight is well distribut ed, he appeared to 1m u perfect picture of health nnd happlnoss. Nlnu years ago Inst July ho was ram wing n cannon nt Cnnton, preparatory to firing n Balulo. The man nt tho touchhole. removed ills linger, Tho cannon wm prcmntuiely discharged and both of Mr. Tlnui'hmnu'H hands ,wer shot off. Amputntlou was nccoH enry, Tho left mm was severed nt tho wrjat nd the other about four Inches below the elbow. Tho accident was COST $12.00. vice That Was Worth It. "I -was oneo a slavo to tho coffeo b,nbjt, nnd becamo almost n continued Invalid by drinking it," says Mr. O. H. Altkon of Whiting, N. J. "I tried to brink uway from coffoo but every tlmb I stopped, I suffered from sovoro sick headuches nnd for re Jlof wont back to coffeo again, only lu the end to suffer fiom extreme nei yputncsn nnd severe bullous attacks. I became no Irrltablu that I mndo life miserable for my family nud myself. Finally I wont to Now York to consult a specialist. After thoroughly pcstlon Jng and examining me, ho said I must glye, up drinking coffee ns It had great ly undormlnod my health, nud he further snld that coffee killed moio people tunn rum, I laughed nt htm, but he Bald It was tho truth nnd thnt in tils practice lw hud seen many evil rffocts from coffoo drinking, lti pnldjt wm or no uso to prescrtlw tar tuff, unless I guo up coffee, nud rccqranjonded thnt I use Postum Food Coffey, which ho highly recommended. Up charged mo $11! for his advlco, Wbjcb I thought rather high pi Iced at the tWo, but today I think It cry cheap. I bought seiornl packages of Pfletum' from tho grocer and it was the best day's work I oyer did for yl(., 'I hod u pot of Postum mndo for my upper' that night; that was lu tho spring of 1&)8 una 1 lmvo drank It river slnuo with tho best of results to y health. Tho sick headache and nn'6isuess I suffered fiom drinking coffee linve entirely gone; I am never bilious and bao Increased in weight; Thsvo u happlor disposition and nm j much more agreeable company to my HARRY. a severe blow but ho took the situation calmly. ''I knew that I would llvo until I died nnd did not worry," he snld. "I am not easily discouraged or disheart ened, nnd I recovered." The wounds henled and he was left with two urui "stumps." Without n murmur ho set nbout to learn to uso the ''stumps" and ho learned well for he Is wollnlgh ns liandy, crippled ns ho Is, us Is tho average man. For n long time the. right "stump" which Is tho shorter, was stiff. Then soino box ers enmo to Bnrborton with n punching bag. Harry punched the bag a tcrrlflo blow with his right arm and over slnco tho Joint has been flexible. When this now plant was started ho was made night wntchiuiiu nnd held this position for three months. Then ho wns luudQvdnynvntchmnii. ills sun ny disposition hnn mndo him ono of Itaibciton'R most popular young men for ho Is only MO. Ills motto Is: "Keep trying until you succeed." Among otior tilings, ho can drive n horse, unlock a door, pull out his watch and sco what time It Is, get money out of his pocket n;id other things which seem Impossible, "Sninko? Yes, T hno a plpo which I puff occasionally." Then to the nmnzomont of tho repoitcr, he tilled ,n. pipe with tobacco, living n splko bb stanipor, spat on tho end of ono of his arms, picked up a mntch Hiul by tho uso of both "stumps" light ed It, then lit his pipe. "A good pipe bents n cigar any dny, doesn't UV" ho said. THE OUTLOOK IS BRIGHT For Continued Activity In All Business Lines. Now York, Nov. IB-It. Q. Dun & Co.'s weekly rqvow of the trado today says: Lower prices for railway stocks than at nny time since last Match does not necessarily Indicate loss of trnlllc nor n setback In tho business. On tho con tinry, coincident with tho rollnpso of the stock market, there Yoro nuinorous evidences that manufacturing and transporting, interests lmvo not suffi cient faclllHca to meet domands, al though plants nud equipment nro of greater elllcloaey than at any previous tlmo. Merchandise Is fully maintained, preparations being mndo for a heavy holiday trade, frequont complaints of tardy deliveries testify to tho heavy consumption, prpspocts for continued activity nro Jirlftht because of unpreco- (lenifji iinrTCHif, prosperity in tno ag ricultural section assuring u good do ninnd for other products. Threatened labor contioverslcs huve been in cried, in Homo ensos, wages being ndwinced, while n number of Increases wcio ol- luutacy given, $21 fl WEEK buys this elegant Waln-wrlrfht uptight Fimo (our own make). mon GRADE LOW PRICE rjyggr-M Send for Illustrated prospectus of our PIANO CLUB plan, (no drawlne. piano delivered at once,) which enables us to sell loo ol the above pianos Jojf under regular prices, and we chargo you absolutely NO INTEREST. TE DREHER'S ss Thibit(trtuonoiMitUiirrtt. zntiu Th Jtrcad, Glovtiland m dly tf 'LECTRIC LIGHT. Many Are Lights Will Soon Be In Use. (Special Correspondence.) Bnrborton, Nov. 15. It is oxpected that by Wednesday Burberton -will have elcctilc light both by day nnd by night. Tho man who puts up the nrc lights will complete his work Monday. The city will then have 45 nrc lights. Tho special whe hns been strung and tho "Julcu" will be turned on Monday night. PROSPECTIVE BUYERS. Patties wishing to buy or exchange properties will do veil to call on uh beforo buying. Houses and lota In all parte of tho city.. Farms for sale. Money to loan. Grldlcy & Mjtholer, real estate nnd lusurnneo. 43 Central building. Poo. phone, D16. TUESDAY MUSICAL CLUB CONCERT The first and only availing concert of tho Tuesdny Musical club this year will bo given nt the First M. B. church, Monday evening, Nov. 17th. Pitts burg Orchestra, with tho chorus, will render a flno program. Ticket No. 1, of tho courso tlckots Is good for tills concert. Itcbate will bo niado to courso ticket holders nt tho earliest possible moment. Admission to tho concert, $1.00. Reserved seats obtain able nt Illbbnrd & Wilcox, nnd tho Up-hum-Hrouso company, Saturday, Nov. 15th. ALMOST DONE. Much Talked of "Y" a Reality Monday. 4 (Special Correspondence.) Bnrberton, Nov. 15. It Is expected that the N. O. T. Oompnnj's "Y" on Frederick st. will bo completed Mon day. It wns unnecessary for Marshal reigiiHon to stop tho workmen as tho franchise wns formally accepted by the company Tuesday morning. Tho N. O. T. company will also set Its poles at tho proper places next week. REMARKABLE SUC CESS Of a New Catarrh Cure. A lnrgo ami constantly increasing majority of tho Anicrlcnn people nio catarrh suffcicis. This is not entlio ly tho result of our changeable cli mate, but becnuso modern Investiga tion has clcnily prbcu that ninny diseases, known by other mimes, nio really catarih. Founeily tho naiuo ca tnirh was applied almost oxclushely to tho common nasal cutnirh, but tho thront, stomnch, liver, bladder, kid neys and Intestines are subject to ca tarrhal diseases as well as tho nasal passages. In fact, wherovor there Is mucous luumbrnne there is a feeding ground for entiwrh. The usual remedies,' inhalers, sprays, douches or powders, Iiiiyo been prac tically failures, as fur ns anything moio than temporary relief wns con cerned, because they simply dry up tho mucous secretions, without having tho remotest effect upon tho blood and liver, which aro tho renl sources of catarrhal dlseabea. It hns been known for sorao jeais that tho radical euro of catarrh could nover coiuo from local applications, but from an intornal romedy, uctlng on tho blood nnd expelling tl)o catarrhal poi son from tho system. A now Internal preparation which has been on tho market only n short time, has met with lemnrknblo suc cess ns a genuine, radical euro for ca tarrh. It may bo found nt nny ding store, sold under tho nnmo of Stuart's Ca tarrh Tablets, largo pleasant tasting lozenges, composed principally of an tlseptlc Ingiedlonts, Hlooil-noot, lied (lum and similar catarrh speclllcs, Ir. Alnsleo In speaking of the new catarrh euro says: "I have trlod the new catarrh romedy, fStuart'a Catuirh Tablets, upon tidily of forty patients with renmrknb'lf satisfactory results. They clear tho hMrt and throat moro offectunlly and lnstlugly than nnv win-in- ur miiaier unit i imvo eer seen, nnd although" thoy nro what Is called n patent'iuedlclno and sold by druggists, l do ipt licsljate to lecom mend thoni as I know, them to bo free from cocnlno nud opiates, nnd that even a llttlo child may uso them with onuro surety." Any sufferer from nasal catarih, throat or bronchial trouble, catarrh of the stomach, Uyer ir bladder, will find Stuart's Ca(nrrh Tablets remark ably effective, pleasant an,d com en leut, and jour druggist'' will tell jou they aro absolutely free from- any In Jurlous drug, ,,- , , MANY Inquiries For Help at Y. W. C. A. Young Women Wanted In Stores and Shops. The Week of Prayer Was Observed. Well Tho Y. W. O. A. clns In stenography will start Monday evening at 7:30 at tho rooms. An cxpeilencod stenog rapher will have charge. Every noan this week n twenty min ute prayer meeting has been held nt tho Association rooms In observance of tho Y. W. O. A. World's Week of Prayer. Theso meetings have been well nttended nnd have been led by dlffcicnt members of the Iloaid nnd tho general secretary. Tho leanest Is liiado that alt Inter ested in our wiork'gUc a sum not ex ceeding five cents to tho Secretary for our work throughout the woild. This request Is being mndo this week In every association in tho world and Is called til "World's Nickel." A "Koverslblo" soclnl will be held at tho Hooins this evening. Each Satur day evening, the Itcccptlon committee In chaige provides some unique form of cnteitalnmcnt nnd this ocnlng will prove no exception. All women whoth er members or not, nro Invited to come and spend their Sntuiday ovcnlngs tit tho Association. The meeting on Sundny afternoon at 4:30 will bo addressed bj Itev. A. B. Coats. Tho jlrls aro appreciating n new couch In tho icst loom. Tho record of attendance at Satur day ovonlng suppers was broken last Satuidny night, when 81 joung women were hcrvcd. The regular, monthly Hoard meeting was held Monday nfternoon. The Gen eral Secretary, reported the attendance nt tho Itoomit In October to Iks 208!), number of dinners served 1187. Sat in day evening buppors 201, attendance nt gymnasium clnssesjl, at history class 80, at gospel meotlngs 75. This report is most encouragng showing a gnln In tho work gcnornlly, Tho following books ure mKsIng from tho library and those having them will please return Immediately "An Ameilcan Girl In London," "A March In tho Banks,'' "Books nnd Authors," "Bright Days Abionil," ''Clergymen and Doctois," "Inventnis nnd Discovery," "I.alr and T.uwyeis," "Museum ,of Antiquity," "Omens nud Superstitions," "The Human Nntuie Club." Young women desiring work of nny kind should como to tho Association rooms for requests are coming in dally for young vyomen to work In our fnc tries, stores and homes. Young women nro hclpod in getting situations with; out chargo and tho Association will gladly aid women In securing work. A class lu Bible study will bo held Friday ovcnlng under n competent teacher provided there Is a sufficient number of applicants. This class will bo frco to members pf tho Association and It Is earnestly hoped that thoso desiring to take up.tlio work will no tify tho Socretnry os (ho formation of the- class depends upon tho number of applicants. Do You Want To Borrow Money at Rates You Can Afford to Pay? Then come In nnd ask us how much jou enn get by paying back $2.50 each month for 12 months. $3.25 each month for 12 months. $1,75 each month for 12 mouths. $5.C0 each month for 12 months. $7.50 each month for 12 months. $0.80 each month for 12 mouths. $11.00 each month for 12 months. $12 50 cicli month for 12 months, $15,50 each month for 12 months. $17.50 each month for 12 months. $20.50 each month for 12 months. $22.50 ench month for 12 mouths. $25,00 each month for, 12 months. We loan money In any nmount from $10 00 to $500 00, ou llousehold goodp, lnsurnuco Policies, Horses, Wagons, Carriages, etc., at lower rates and for longer tlmo than any other loan coin pnny In tho city. We also loan on real estate. TUB AKRON SEOUMTY & lyOAN COMPANY, Bell 87, Nathan M. Berk. People's 85. 103 S. Howard St. Examination ol Ttaehtrt. The Board ol School Kxamlhori for Bora mltcouuty will hold uraatlnsi at Akrou Hleh tooool, furthor notion. fu.nmhlv rnam. tintll further notloe, for examination oi apnll- cant, for teaoli.n' cerMoati a ohr' cerinoti a rolldwai avi of AADtnmbar. Ootohar. uni naiuruoy. oi sopiomDer, NoY.mbur. Dtcituhtr. JnnimrT. Hetaruarr. Marob, April nnd Muy and third Baturduy nt AugntU I'upUt' examination, for ad mission to high lohool. will bo hald oa U third Saturday of April and atcond Batur- ja ilav of Mar. Kiaralnntlon. boeln at A:W Hzaramntioni Dogin at n.tu. eaco day. Tint tchedulo g on Into unco April I. mur. lit ordor ot tho Board. C'UANK h. LYTLL-, Clerk. i Mt .wkly THIRTEEN DOCTORS FAILED. Mrs. M. A. Close, of Nebraska, Was Cured of Incipient Consumption After All Medical Aid Had FailedRead Her Letter. MRS. M. Dr. S. B. Hartmaa, Columbus, Ohio : Dear Doctor "I desire to express terest you have shown In my case, and has effected a cure of as bad a case of "Peruna and best physicians In FOUND HERSELF GROWING WORSE. than three years 1 thirteen weeks In a Wis.; but finding myself growing ryorse, as a last resort, 1 came West where I was bedfast for many weeks, and the physicians which my 'She cannot possibly live more than a few days.' But t hanks to Peruna, I fooled them all. In an Incredibly short time after I began to take Peruna the hemorrhages stopped. I began to mend slowly at first, but the Improvement becamo more marked, and now I can truthfully say that there Is not the slightest trace of my old ' would have written you a long see If tho effect was lasting; and In conclusion I would qay, God bless you and keep' you with us that you may go on with your work of mercy tor many years to come." MRS. M. A. CLOSE. P. S."I am going to visit Mends In Wisconsin who never expected to see me alive again, so please forward mall to me at 579 Pacific street, Appletoa, Wls."M. a. a tmmm Mil in I iWiTifr.iii l-rrrii itififti ilitrWtffi1WiiMmima'MI,-"'-"' w w Th&.t they would boost coal higher thixn our Diamond. AS THE PRICE ON OUR DIAMONDS IS SO LOW. H ALE,The Jeweler, 150 s. m&m John E. Sieber, Attorney-at-Law. "WN"Vi" Money Loaned on Real Estate Security. WWWWSA 43 Akron Savings Bank. Open Evenings, & Bankers and Brokers 110 Hamilton Building Peoojo's Phnnn S24 Rll Phnnn ?? J? Mccarty roared FOR NAUGHT No Cases Likely To Be Made Against Conductors. (Special Correspondence.) Bnrberton, Nov. 15. Councilman MqCait'H crusado Inst Sntuiday night when ho qt doted all tho conductors ar- GRAIN-f) J THE PURE V J GRAIN COFFEE In comparing Grain-0 and coffee remember that whllo tho tosto Is the. same Graln-O gives health nnd strength -whllo coffeo shatters tho v nervous system and breeds disease of tho dlgebtiva organs. Thinking people prefer Graln-0 and its ben - efita, v THY IT TO-DAY. At groctti everywhere ; 15c and Mc. per rtckib A. CLOSE. Kearney, Neb., July 8, 1900. to you my sincere thanks tor tba la tor the timely aid and advice which consumption as could bo well Imagined. Manalln have done what thirteen of the the country have failed to do. For more doctored for consumption, and spent Pulmonary Sanitarium at Milwaukee, husband called gave no hope but said, complaint. time ago, but have purposely waited to I an in re KM . 4h-9.. . Thinking 1 .. Joiin Lamparter& Co f CUT RATE Wo cut out own cut habit of cutting. Blood wino 32c Peruna 63c Dorm's kidney pills . .- .36c William's pink pills. . . . 35c Pinkham's veg. comp . . 65c 2 1 lb. bar castilo soap . .24c Laxative bromo quinine, 15c Piso? consumption cure, 18c Eub'ifoam 18c , .Lyon's tooth powder ... 18C Prescriptions filled at wholesale prices. JOHN UWARTER & CO., Cut-Rats Druggists. k iss s. Howard st t- a., a-.... y - . .. .. rested because tho atmosphere In the cms resembled, na he thought, too much that nbout; the. North 1'ole, bids fair to nmount tqumght. Seven con ductors were ordered to nppenr In Po llco court Inst Alondoy morning, but Jiono appenred. llogers, Itowloy & Dladley, the N. O. T, Co. attorneys, en tered a plea of- not guilty over tho phouo and notblngiinpro has dovcloped nnd consoriuentlyrt,thcr? vero no ar rests. It is said ihat ono conductor jwhen be ractTed;Akroji after he had AN OLD COLD Is Catarrh, and Catarrh Leads to Consumption. The tendency of cnUrrh of the head Is to pass downward through tho bron chial tubes to the lungs. Any one who bos had catarrh of tho head for a year Ol moro finds the disease gradually pro gressing downward. In some cases the progress is rapid, and In other cases it U slow ; bnt sooner or later if catarrh la allowed to run, it will go to the lungs and sot up tho discuss known as con sumption. It is doubtful if consumption is over caused by anything except ca tarrh. Tho catarrh usually begins aa cold la tho head or throat, and is neglected until it bocomes chronloi thon it begins to dawn on tho victim that ho baa catarrh. Unless ho is very foolish indeed he will not rest easy until the catarrh la entirely cured. Thousands pay no attention t it until it Is too lato. Mrs. J. Priest, Lee, Mich., writes : " I think thoro is no medicine on earth that oxcells Fornna. My husband won't take any othor. We have tested it and it worked a great change in my son's health lost spring whon wo thought he was going Into consumption. We gave him only one bottlo and he was all right. I tell everybody about how much good it has done ns. My husband says he can't do without it. As for myself it ' saved me seven years ago from going blind. I could not see to read one word for six weeks. I thought I should surely loso my sight. I commenced taking Fo- runa and by the timo I had taken on bottlo I could see to read as well aa over. Wo think it is a grand medloine." Mrs. J. Priest. Um at Much as Needtd. If Foruna is used a oold never be comes chronio, and hence catarrh is pre vented. But after . T catarrh has be come thoroughly established Peru na will onre it, I but it will take mnob longer. Even in oases whero catarrh has I attacked the lungs and t h e I symptoms of con sumption have shown them selves, tho Peru na will cure. A Miss Corlnne Gil more, 193 Vanoo St., Memphis, Tonn., great many coses I uici Peruna forf of genuine con sumption ha vo colds and catarrh. been cured with Peruna after tho patient had been given up to die, as in the case of Mrs. Closo. If yon do not derive prompt and satis factory results from tho uso of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a fnll statement of your case and he will be ploased to give yon hia valuable ad vice gratis. Address Br. Hartman, President ot 1 The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O, -r - v v i DRUGGISTS prices just to keep up our I ...... ). leen stopped In Barberton was beared thnt ho declared that ho would not a&aln rldo through thnt town on his car. ( n ' !J. L Darned Stocking. Tender feet are often made so by th uso of much darned stockings. Wear, llgbt,woolcn stockings, and Ut them b4 of tho cheap hind, that you will not. jtilnd discarding directly they becomq, worn. To harden the sklq It is a good plan to rub tbo soles of the feet with, methylated Bplrita every day, oc, srasji them ocw 3KU Mlt ytim J.. mm '7T F t a t ;',-V-f j! .