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Akron daily Democrat. [volume] (Akron, Ohio) 1892-1902, November 19, 1902, Image 1

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Business Places and
Postoffice Robbed.
Alderman's Jury Turned Out to Fight
But Were Stampeded.
BrieJ Pa., Nov. 10. A gang of mask
ed men, from flvo to seven in number,
ell of them heavily armed, held up the
town of Edlnboro, this county, at 2
o'clock this morning.
They robbed a blacksmith shop,
clothing store and the postoffice At the
latter place they blew open tho safe
and secured $700 In cash and stamps.
Nothing In Story
Killed Too
"It's all buncombo," said Gen. Dick
Wednesday when asked about the story
that his hunting party to Holmes coun
ty had killed too many quail per man.
The law allows only 18 quail to bo
killed In a day by one man. There was
a story that Gen. Dick, his secretary,
W. B. Marsh, and Maj. A. B. Critch-
Regrets to Leave the
Old Norton Homestead
For several generations the residence
at 1200 East Market st has been oc
cupied by a member of the Norton
family, among tho first settlers of Mld
dlebury. Mrs. T. N. Cook Is the Nor
ton In tho house now, and as hor hus
band, who recently disposed of his In
terests In the Akron Ohlna Co., In
tends to engage In business 'In Cleve
Lightweight Who
""I'm a lightweight pugilist, Youri
Honor," said "William Smith, who
faced tho Mayor Wednesday morning
on a charge of Intoxication. "I carao
here from Buffalo, and thought I
might get on at the smoker last night
at the North End club. I got a llttlo
''Are you Mysterious Billy Smith?"
nsked tho Mayor.
"No, he was a welterweight and I'm
a lightweight I don't suppose 'I'm
Behind Prosecution of
Cm Called In Criminal Court
Sfensas City, Mo., Nov. 10. In
criminal court tho cas against Frank
fitegol, charged with embezzlement,
yru called today.
Sis alleged misdoings resulted In.
fa-ror of tho Siegel & Sanders Com
mission Do., through which Frank
Rockefeller, brother of the oil mag
nate, lost $277,000. Rockefeller Is
back of the prosecution. The specific
chargo Involves' $8,000, but there are
numerous other Indictments.
For Obtaining a Game
O. M. U.
Akronlans may yet have a chance to
boo a football gamo between the two
acknowledged leaders of the state
O. M. U. and East Akron team. Drs.
Stauffcr, Hulse and Thomas, alumni
of O. M. U., have interested them
selves In tho proposed game nnd nre
endeavoring to get O. 51. U. here for
Saturday, Nov. 20. If O. SI. U. can
be secured and tho day Is at all favor
able, there Is llttlo doubt but that a
rccorrt-breakjug crowd would bo In
attondauco. ' " '
lA) jury deliberating In an Alderman's
ofllco nera at hand heard the explosion,
and surrounded the building, but woro
stampeded by a 'volloy of shots.
A resident named George S. Goodell,
sat In the window of his residence,
watching the affair oud was shot In the
arm by one of the robbers-aa thoy ran
past In the street. The gang escaped
on tho railroad.
That Dick's Party
Many Quail.
fleld had killed 167 quail In three days.
This would mnko the dally average
18 5-0 quails per man. There is a fair
ly heavy flne .attached for violation of
this law. Gen. Dick, however, says
the number of quail his party Is nlfogcd
to have killed was exaggerated. He's
not a bit afraid of being fined.
land, she now feels a tinge of melan
choly In anticipation of the time when
the family removes to tho Forest City,
and tho old homestead of tho.Nortons
Is left without a Norton. Tho time for
the.romoval of tho family, to Cleve
land has not yet been fixed. The
original building on the site of the
present home was a log cabin.
Booze" Instead of Men
as fast as Art SlmmR or Terry Mc
Govcrn, but I believe I eould givo
them gamo anyway." Smith heie pro
duced a picture of himself in lighting
rig and showed It proudly to tho
"If you'll let me go, Your Honor, I
won't forget you, and If I get a good
light you can be suro I'll f-ave youse
somo good seats way down in front."
Even the offer of the good seats did
not coerce the MSnyor from duty, and
William was lined $2 and costs.
May Be Arrested In Connection
With Swindle.
Paris, Nov. 10. A rumor Is gaining
credence today that the arrest or a
former cabinet minister Is Imminent,
in connection with the wholesale
swindling of SI. Boulalne, tho banker.
Boulalno did his swindling by means
of bogus companies. He was arrested
early In October,
Chicago, Nov. 10. Members of tho
Western Association of. Stove Manu
facturers have .decided to raise tho
price of stoves flvo per cent. Every
prominent stove Industry west of
Pennsylvania was .represented. In
creased cost of Iron and coke Is said
to bo responsible for now prices.
Explosion Feared.
Richmond, Va., Nov. 10. The super
intendent of tho city gas woiks In
formed tho council last night that the
gas holder has been worn so thin from
age, that calamity by explosion Is
Imminent. Ho asked for 5250,000 for
a now one. The holder Is In a thickly
settled dlshlct. ijnd the statement
has created a panic In tho neighborhood.
Expects to
Visit China
Washington, Nov. 10. Advices from
Lloutonnnt General Miles Indicate
that ho will not return direct to this
country after his tour of Inspection
In tho Philippines, but will visit China
and Russia.
lie expects to leave Manila about
Dec. 15 for Pckln, where he will In
spect the legation guard. Thence ho
will proceed to St. Petersburg via. tho,
Trans-Siberian railway; returning to
tho United States by wny of Europe.
Deputies Watched
For Squires.
Unreliable Information
Led Them On.
Residents Report Seeing
Escaped Prisoners.
As yet Sheriff Kelly and his depu
ties have not succeeded in capturing
or locating any of the prisoners who
escaped from the County Jail In tho
feeeoml delivery, that took place on
election night. Ruraois from a num
ber of different places have beep re
ceived from time to time, from people
who claimed or bellced that they
had seen one or another of the pris
oners. Henry Squires, for whom the es
cape was tho second In ,only six
weeks, seems to be the cause of most
of tho rumors. Nearly every day
some resident of the city informs
either the Police or the Sheriff that
he has "seen Squires." yet when pffl
cers hot foot to tho place where
Squires Is suppoied to'bo, no trace of
him can be found.
Monday night officers were out nil
night, lying in wait In tho cold and
damp, at a point where It was re:
ported that Squires had been seen,
and where It was believed that he
would leturn. They returned In the
morning, however, tired, wet and dis
Against Schenectady Railroad
Still In Force.
Schenectady, N. Y Nov. 10. Contrary
to expectation the Schenectady Trades
assembly, nt Its meeting last night
did not declare off the boycott against
tho Schenectady raihoad company,
and It ls still nominally in effect.
The meeting was called especially
to consider the boycott question and
the session was a stormy one. When
it was moved to reconsider the reso
lution ordering the bojeott the point
was made that the constitution pro
vides that any action taken at a reg
ular meeting cannot be lescinded nt
a special meeting.
A Prominent Quest at a
Kansas City, Nov. 10. Admiral
Schley arrived here this morning he a
guest of the Commercial club In Its
John Jay Treaty anniversary banquet
tonight. He was escorted by a regi
ment of mllltla. The Admiral was the
chief figure In the parade this morning.
And, as Usual, Dr. Wilgohs Wl,
The 00th birthday of Dr. Ohaa. F,
W. Wllgohs will be celebrated Thur
day at the home of his daughter, 11,09
West Thornton st Dr. Wllgohs came
to Akron fiom Clinton about a year
ago to live with his daughter.
A good many peoplo who don't un
derstand tho situation are wondering
why West Stato st, Is boarded up;
It Is all on account of the construc
tion of a sewer la tho street,
Red Tape to Suit
Refused to Sit
on a
While President Paid Formal
Respects to Memphis.
Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 10. Presi
dent Roosevelt and his party on a
special train arrived here about 0 o'
clock this morning.
A big crowd greeted the President
at the station 'and cheered him
heartily. He was escorted by local
notability 'from tne train through tho
principal streets "'of the city to tho
Gayoso hotel. The local committee
had planned that General Wright was
to sit In state, presumably on a thione
of somo sort nt the Gayoso hotel .until
the President arrived and paid his
respects in proper-form.
General Wright nt once vetoed the
proposition and Insisted upon calling
upon the President. After a dilve
around the cltytbeFresldcntlal party
was taken to the Gayoso hotel where
breakfast was given by tho ladles
of the city. '
The President wjll attend two re
ceptions this afternoon, one for whites
and the other for colored people.
For Members of
the Band.
Jury QiyfeThern the
Amount Asked.
Eighth Regiment Officers Lose
Case at Last.
Ip the case of Waller Harris and
others against Curtis V. Hard and
others, In Common Pleas court, the
Jury found a verdict of $1470.20 for
the nlnintiffs. Tuesday afternoon. Tlie
jurymen were out but half an hour.
The case In an echo of the Spanish
American war, and the part taken In
It by the Eight regiment, O. V. I. The
action was brought by the members
of the Eighth Regiment band, which
accompanied tho regiment, nnd was
for money which the band men claim
ed was promised them by officers of
the regiment, In addition to their regu
lar balarles as enlisted soldiers.
They claim that they had entered
Into an agreement with tho officers, by
whlcji they were to go to Cuba In
consideration of $300 monthly In addi
tion to' their regular wages. The first
Installment of this sum was paid, and
after that the payments languished.
Tbeband went with the regiment,
served all through tho campaign, and
inspired many of the soldiers with
now life, who otherwise might have
been . discouraged many times. The
band men elalmed to have done their
partj and upon the refusal of the offi
cers, after the war, to pay tho amount
that was claimed to be due, they
brought suit to recovor It.
The defendants are Col. Curtis V.
Hard, of Wooster, who commanded
tho regiment; Gen. C. W. F. Dick,
then Lieutenant Colonel; A. W.
Maynes, Captain "" Adjutant; Slajor
Fred C. Bryan; and Captains 0. C.
Gerlacb, of Wooster; F. C. Lee, of
Wadsworth; M. A. Fisher, of Canton,
and Frpd S, Miunuls, of Slonsfleld.
JThe case caused much comment and
a grea deal of feeling among mem
bers Of the band, though they served
through to the end of the campaign,
Being Laid Across County by
. 1 East Ohio Gas Co.
Tlie 'East Ohio Gas Co., has almost
completed tho work of laying its pipes
through Summit county for supplying
Cleveland. The lino passes just east
of Barberton and west of Falrlawn.
Jt ponnects with the mall line of West
Virginia between. Canton, and Mussil-
Is Mr. Carnegie's Illness A
Severe Cold.
London, Nov. 10 It Is stated, today
that Andrew Carnegie, who Is 111 In
London, Is only suffering from a cold,
which Is nt present epidemic In Lon
don, owing to tho sudden appearance
of wintry weather. The distinguished
patient- passed a good night, and Is
much better today. He will, however,
havp to abandon his Idea of stilling for
the United States today, and It may be
a week or ten days before ho can
Of Melvin Smith,
at Canton,
Be Begun There
Akron Witnesses Will Be There
to Testify.
Deputy -Sheriff Ralph Hamlin was
busy Wednesday morning searching
for witnesses, who might bo able to
testify In relation to SIclvin Smith,
formerly of this city, and now under
arrost In Canton, where he Is charged
with killing a street car conductor, a
few months ago. The trial will begin
at Canton Thursday. Smith lived on
Ash st, while In this city and shortly
before the shooting occurred, people
with whom he lived noticed that his
actions were very strange, and that
he had changed almost entirely from a
quiet, inoffensive young man, to one
who was very Irritable and excitable
and could not bear opposition to his
slightest wish.
Finally he left, saying that he was
going to Canton to visit his parents.
He had Ju3t arrived there when he
boarded the car on which the shoot
ing occurred. Smith bad some words
with the conductor about the arrange
ment of the window, at the seat where
be placed himself, and then he rose
and shot the conductor, who died
shortly after. Smith made no denial
of the crime and merely said wfaen
asked for his motive; "He wanted the
window one wny nnd I wanted It
another, so I shot him." Counsel for
Smith w411 try to prove that he was
Caused Lots of Pun at an East
Akron Entertainment.
The meeting held uesdoy evening by
the Young People's Society for Self
Culture, at tho First Presbyterian
churcli was a complete success. The
feature of the evening was a mock
trial. In which Miss Laura Shenkel
brought suit for $5,000' damages
against Mr. O. L. Dorworth, for breach
of promjse,
Floyd Walfce, represented the plain
tiff, H. T. Schlegel defended the ac
cused, and Rev. LIndemuth occupied
the bench In a stately and befitting
manner. Tlie jury returned a Judgment
for Miss Shenkel In the sum of $4,500,
nnd plaintiff pay all cost. The affair,
In genernl, wa Interesting,' entertnln-
Ing, and quite amusing. At the next
meeting, Monday, Dec 1, Frof. Brook
over, -of Buchtel college, will glvo a
stereoptleon leeturp on Biology, In con
nection with the regular program.
Cereal Employe Hurt.
Wm. Greene, employed by the Ameri
can Cereal Oo was serlousjy Injured
Wednesday rooming while jielplng to
load a box, car. In somo manner he
was caught between tho car and the
mill building while the car was being
switched, nnd lnjuied Internally. He
was taken to the office of Dr, Cleaver.
It Is thought that he will recover.
C, T. & V. Change.
It has been announced that. after
Sunday all C, T. & V. trains, will
cither run Into tho Union -depot or
have connections from the depot
More Train dingers.
H. Smith, John Martin and E. Redor
were arrested by Officer McMlchael
at Tallmadgo for clinging to trains
and brought to Akron lor trial.
May Bring a 15-Year-Old
Boy $24,000.
Official Figures of Election An
nounced by Secretary of State.
There Is every reason for believing
that a 15-ycar-old Akron boy has won
$24,000 In the guessing contest con
ducted by the Cincinnati Enquirer,
relative to the total number of votes
cast for Secretary of State candidates
at the last election.
His name is Sylvan Keller and he
is employed at the Palace Drug store.
When the guessing fever broke out,
Sylvan was among the first attacked
and he studied .the situation care
fully. He Is a poor boy, and the Idea
of raking In a few dollars on the side
seemed to bo a good one. Dually
Sylvan decided upon his guess and
sent It to the Enquirer. It was 811,467.
This is tho exact number of the total
vote as announced officially by tho
Secretary of State Tuesday after
noon. The prizes offered by the Enquirer
aggregate $107,000, and of this
amount $24,000 was offered for an ex
act guess of the total vote. If there
How Tramps Have
It Is stated that the, fear of the Akron
police, and more especially a fear of
the B. & O., and Eric Railway -police,
has been instilled into the tramps and
hoboes all thiough the land to such an
extent that they do not approaph Ak
ron any more, when.lt can be avoided.
When they do have to pass through
Akron, they usually make sure to get
off their freight train several miles out
side of town, and walk in.
If any one of them chances to be ar
rested for vagrancy, one of the first
things he tells about in Police court
Is that he "walked Into town." All
this cornea from the fact that the rail
roads of the country nre determined to
break up the practice of train jump
ing. Special officers are located at
No More Child Bouts,
Says His Honor, the Mayor
Mayor Doyle stated Wednesday that
no more child bouts would be allowed
at athletic entertainments. The Mayor
refused to allow it at the S. E. A. 0.
entertainment a few weeks ago, but
forgot about It when he Issued the
Has Been O'Brien's Dose Twice
This Week.
(Special Correspondence.)
Barberton, O., Xov. 10. John O'Brien
was In police court again Wednesday
morning, charged with Intoxication.
He pleaded guilty and was fined $5
and costs. He received a like fine on
Monday for Intoxication: He fell into
the canal Sunday afternoon.
John Hamilton and Gus Reager re
celved 2 and costs for Intoxication
Questionable Honor.
Richmond, Va., Xov. 10. Wilson and
John Bryant brotbers.Ullled Wm. Van
over, of Pike County, Ky., ,Xov. 10.
Last night Wilson Bryant was sen
tenced to band, by the Dickinson coun
ty court He was tho first man con
victed of capital offense In that coun
ty. His brother will get tho same sen
tence today.
Oil Reservoirs Burning.
Odessa, Xov. 10. Six petroleum
reservoirs near this city, containing
upwards of 750,000 poods of oil, aro
burning fiercely. A high wind Is
blowing and fanning the names till
the reservoirs aro like a roaring fur
nace. Tho whole presents a magnifi
cent spectacle from a distance,
Commenced Paving.
The laying of pavement ou Byers
ave. was, commenced Wednesday morning.
are no other exact gueses young Kel
ler will receive ?24.00O, a fairly Ig
sum of money for a small boy.
A large number of Akron people
have sent guesses on the vote, and
many of them claim that they compare
fairly well with the official figures.
Tho total number of votes cast was
830,131, but only 07.7 per ctfit. of these
voted for the head of the ticket. Ihe
official plurality of Mr. Laylin Is 00,405.
Other pluralities' are as follows;
Crew, Supreme Judge, long term, 03,-
030; Crew, Supreme Judge, short term,
03,021; Kirtley, Member State Board of
Public Works, 00,200; Ankeney, Dairy
and Food Commissioner, 86,130.
The total vote for candidates for sec
rctary.of state follows:
Laylln (Rep) 436,171
Blgelow, (Dera) 345,(00
White (Pro.) 12.336
Hnjes. ISoc.) 14,270
Adams (Soc. Lab.)
Total 811,431
Warned Each Other
towns along the trunk lines, and there
He In wait at debarkation .points, and
scoop In the tramps as they get off the
trains and rub the cinders from theli
Several hundreds of tramps havobeen
arrested and sentenced, or qrdereXl out
of town again to warn others, in. ,Akroa
during the past year,., and the profes
sional tramps have a sort of wireless
telegraphy by which they keep each
other Informed about bard towns to
get through.
More arrests of tramps are made la
Akron just after the victims hav
boarded to get out of town than when
they have debarked on entering tha
city. This Is shnply because tho tramp
was very cautloa while he came, bn
grew careless on his departure.
permit to the X. E. A. C. The MayoB
Is much opposed to child bouts. He
says that a boxing exhibition If not
the proper place for a boy. All per
mlts hereafter will contain a clause,
prohibiting exhibitions by young boys.
Parents Drove Him From Home
Because He Was Sickly.
There was a pitiful case In Folic
court Wednesday morning, when Wil
liam Luley, a half grown boy, .was ar
raigned for vagrancy. He was arrest
ed on the down town streets last night
and nfter he was locked up he waa
seized with several fits, to which be I
subject. Luley told the Mbyor that
ho had lived with his parents la
Springfield township, and that thoy
had driven him from his home because
of the fits that attacked him almost
constantly and made him unfit and un
able to work. Luley will be turned
over to the Poor department, and an
effort will be made to have him placed;
In some institution w&ero he can. bq
taken, care of.
End of a Bank Teller.
St. Louis, Mo., Xov. 10. Wm. J. Lo
masney, exchange teller at the Third
Xatlonal bank, aged 20, committed aul.
clde Tuesday afternoon by taking car
bolic acid. Xo cause Is known. Ha
left two letters, ono to n brother aiid
nnother for a young lady. Lomasney
had been In tho bank 17 years. The of.
cials say his accounts are In excellent
Entire Crew Lost.
Cherbourg, Nov, 10. A petroleum;
hhlji was wrecked on the French coaetj ,wm
near hero today, and tha entlie creyn
lost. ' ?jl
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