Newspaper Page Text
4 ." FT V FIUDAY, NOV. 21, 1002. ::m v yv. 1 ! h ' H ?v Mi W. S Hi WV i k i" ' V T ft ' .. (' riPiiinroAT wgsvV'Vsyrl, jaaa FRIDAY, NOV. 21, 1002. The early crop of freak candidates for the presidency In unusually large. if -.Any 'citizen of Ohio doubts by Whom the Ohio delegation to tho lower 'House otCongress Is controlled ho niny y;t got some cnllghenment from Sen ator Hahtin or General Dick. Since Gov. LaFoletto of WJsconsln was .rd-ejected upon nn anti-trust plat; form ond would naturally Infer that his Legislature should require. Senator Spoonor to make good In booming anti trust measures In the Senate. "WAch Burton," said the Daylon News, a few days ngo, when It boomed the Cleveland Congressman for the Bpcnk6rsh'lp. Having mustered only two .votes In tho entire Ohio delegation the vote of himself and a Representative who Is now traveling In Europe tho CJev?landYstntosman certainly will bear watching. When It comes to standing In the national lime light ono Ohio cit izen at a time Is qulto enough. If Akron as a city were to stmt out to enumerate tho blessings for widen to glvo -spcclnl thanks next Thurs day, suo would soon act to thinking that ;tho ond of tho list could never be reached. Think of tho hundreds of new buildings put up during tho past year flue' residences, business blocks, Nnianufocturlng plants and public halls; think of the Increase in the volume of her business, and think of the rapid growth of the city gen erally And another great blessing for Akron is that this Is the home of so many enterprising citizens, who are not afraid to put their money. In cir culation in a way that will benefit, others as well us themselves. It Is Also a matter for1 congratulation that the morals of tho town might be a great deal worse, and thut her ln habitants are advancing Intellectually as well as commercially. A feature In the new Jlst of Con gressmen Is that iho names of a num ber of' former secretaries to Congress men, appear on it. This Is attracting considerable attention, as it shows that tho secretaries are now develop ing a latont brilliance In grasping op portunities that have been before them for a long time. Tho private secretary is asserting his claim to be promoted for bis patient toil as, in a good many Instances, tho real power behind thf gun. Arid, it may also be r?rosrked "that 'the Congressman aro .notlqlng this, and are now showing a disposition to employ wife or daughter as secretary, so tha money inay bo kept in the family and tho danger of being superseded set aside. The list of the 58th Congress hows 208 tlepubllonns and 178 Demo prats, ,a .considerable.' Democratic, gain. There aro 101 now names and 20 from districts added under tho new portlonmoht, GAMBLfcRS ' np- fobbed of "Earnings" by Gang of Bandits. '' MUrinchpolls, Nov. 21.-in a fash Ion reminiscent of the .Tamcs-Youngor gang two bandits held up a gambling don. at, Columbia Holgh(s and.wocuied $1,043 fixjm the vworo of players nnd .propijiotorH, jmmnwhllo seriously wounding" Hnrvoy .Howard, the col ored porter; THE LIFE OF The Mari Behind the Desk. "Ooffeo soaked nio hard for about thrco years' and .1 was troubled with Indigestion, headaches and drowsiness; 1 Iwul m Appetite and could not tileep. and I Was steadily losing flesh all tho time,. I had spent a sirall fortune on medl cine nnd doctors' dills; 1 consulted sv crnl doctors, ono told mo that I Iwd ver trouble, another told mo that I had, kidney trouble, others prescribed remedies for numerous complaints, but none Jiolpod mo and I Anally looked tiKi my bad stomach ns a part of m.v miserable existence giving up all hope of ever being myself again. ' I know that the couse of It wos all due to Qfllce work, which precluded ufllclont lwdlly I'xcrclso and tho eat ing of nou-nourlshliig and non-digestive food, nnd tho drinking of tea and coffee. I had (o quit my work as I lost my mental and physical strength, A friend of mine, who weighs nbout 240 lbs, and who looks tho picture of health advised mo to use drapo-Nuts s ft. food and drink Tostum Cereal ( Coffee. He said that his perfect hoalth was due to the use of these two pure cereals. Ho said that they .would bnlld up the delicate cells of the; brain and body and restoro mo to health. T acted on his odvlco and have no Cause to regret it. I have now been using Grape-Nuts and Postum Coffee for samo time and am In porfect health .and weigh 10 Jus. more tlmn'l pver did. - Grape-Nuts Vood Is tho crystallized emeco of nl cereals. I eat It four tlnies a day, prepared with cream, innrt Also by pouring some of It out of thebox Into my band nmV then eat? ' JngNft." Postum Coffee has also helped mAviwatJy." Name given by Postum Co.,ytlle Creek, Mich, MV, &2tZ7a.,-' i', . il :V nil ((t Wise $ Otherwise - fJ.IJii.UX.M.tUJ.M.M.t.t.JLti)' miy a turKey. Also some cranberries. f ' A good, fat' ghndcr is nice', too. -t- Spring politics begin to stir quite early, ' , -f The man of tho hour will stand for no violation of precedent. W 4fr Will this Now Year's resolutions last longer than thoso of last year?' -f Most of tho Thanksgiving invita tions have been sent and received. . Tho thoughtful, are preparing n list of tho things tfie'y will bo thankful for. ':-y Tho turkeys .Which survive the axe will hold their -Thanksgiving the day after, ',""' Hunters qre putting in their " licks." Each jsu'hrisc sees the season nearer Its end.! - . . Additional excuses for rubicund probosces will arrivo with the flrst real cold weather, . ,. Tho "spare' fied room' In many a farm house Is being prepared for ThiinksgWIng guests. - Tho time iof the year, will soon be ljero when it will be no indication of disrespect to say tlint a man has "cold foot." 1 ' 4 . Soon tho football season will ho naught but a memory, punctuated here nnd there with flattened noses and warped legs. . , The small boy Is ns full of life as over, nnd after tho flrst heavy snow ho will glvo pedestrians worry by Ills energy in throwing snow balls. City Clerk Isbell has his name signed annually to more legal articles than any other lawyer In Akron. Think of tho ordinances and city nri- tlccs. Lest some Joyous fowl become too, exuberant over escaping the Thanks giving massacre, it Is suggested that Christmas 1b only a very short time Intel'. "Take these posies to your superior In tho White House," remarked a Mem phis man as hejionded the President a bouquet. Just as If Teddy wasn't tho whole thlng.nt hotno ns well ns abroad. Old Mr. Groundhog Is almost ready for winter quarters; Ho will wlum bor peacefully and forget tho zip of a bullet and tho heart breaking scurry for his hole when a dog barks, until next February. c ' The railroads aro giving their em ployes an increase of about 10 por cent. In wages arid freight, rates will be Jumped up nearly 15" per cent. Tho henevolencb" of the railroads will somo time bo the menus of Ihelr undoing., That wasn't much of a light be tween Shntfer" n,nd Gompers; . they merely called each other liars. -- non.-Geo.-'Wi 'Grouse Is , Just the kind of man whoso birthday ought to uo coieorated in fine style. ' ' . Strange that Gen. Dick doesnft go after the speakership. . H Mental cruelty will soon bo famous a term ns. appendicitis. as Maybe the Hoard wants to saddle the building of k an expensive City Hall onto the now. bfflclals so Its mem bers enn't point put tater how much cheaper tho Commissioners could havo run the -town.'' - :' v , l.THEBEAR HUNT. 'j Deep In th.e ,'tangled thickets The hunters -fought a boar, The more they roamed and thrashed about ' , The more ho wnsn'.t" there Hold Teddy 'puffed and chortled Within tho. canobrakes dense, Ho heard thn liound-dogti baying Ho ' pahtcrli "It's immense!" But fnr the clmso had led them, The forest through and through, Till quit knee-sprung were Dr. Lung And Fish and Cortclyou. Though far awayvas bruin, 'The hunters lhn hunch hah ceased tholr Jog nnd on a log TJiay sat to havo some, lunch. Soon In a cypress Junulo The hound-dogs had n lit. Ko?, waiting thoro, was Mr, near, wno caimiy said: '"I quit." Me said: "It's nuts for Teddy To stir me up a lot; I'd like to run, but that's uo fun; "For, gcei" ho said, "It's hot, "Come, lend me up and let him . My woply carcase plug, My pelt will make, and no mistake. A lovoly White nouso rug." Hart Collier, took a lasso And tied him to a root, And o when Teddy came along Hart shouted: "That's him! Shoot!' But Tddy rored with laughter, ! And winking at the bear, Ho said: "Old boy, that's one on me lt's bully good, for fnlr." When Teddy toddled campwnrA Ho' woro a ,inlghty grin, Fqv now tlio hunt was over ' Itut people llo lko sin, -Clilengo News, The Edson Pish M!nrket will bo 0Pf,rii Sundays, from 7 to 10 nnd 4 to 6 for bulk and can oysters. Ato.fefcvsimf.imactfet.ri I ILLNESS Very Prevalent Among Miners. Anthracite Commission Will Adjourn. 1 '. Protest Against Hiring Children '., Under 15. ' Scrantoh, Ta., Nov, 21. The anthra cite commission may adjourn after to day until- Monday, owing 'to the fact' that President Mitchell is unable, at Jhls time to present documentary evi dence which he Is securing. Dr. Gibbons, the flrst witness today, enum erated ninny illnesses resulting from mining. The witness expressed, .tho opinion that those who suffor from miners' nsth'mn had predisposition to bronchial or lung uffcctlons beforo en tering tho mines. Dr. Gibbons said that no child under the age of 15 should be permitted to' engage in mining and that all those who sought employment In coal min ing should bo flrst subjected to a medical examination. Bull Had To Be Lassoed. Coshocton, O., Nov. 21. A ferocious bull .broko away" from John Winden, a stock drover and for threo hours had sole possession of a quarter of tho city. All available policemen, re inforced by 100 men nnd boys, tried in vain to corral the bellowing monster. A young lad named Taylor Anally succeeded In lassoing ' tho bovino and men completed the cap ture. We carry a very large and well selected line of Gas Fixtures WE CAN SAVE THESE CHINA DEPf. NO Suits netlnn Cloth Coats easily worth 1 1 Tor . tit iiffli & sift Rmn .'''Ik ' - , -- JJv Millinery I M Jy Hats at i Xauj r ' --' -'- H2-j. -ii; ,.-,. . iffwtiar hmmt-i i -, r i , jtr&'y .'.. it . . -i -'''' ,n.. ..a.j,..-jBi- ,ic ?,.:-. ...-t'., ,. -i.1-!-- Cl6aks i'ii, Brouse We aro certainly doing a triarveltius such a largo percentage of strictly now OUB CLOAK ROOM NBVEtt HXD . CLOAKS A, at,. 'i ;..... ?.. $5.00 Black, CastoV, and Gray. 20 in. Jack ets, nnd Blue Monte Carlo. Ot Specialty Garment of this class we are receiving regularly from the best Fifth avc wiil find bur cjbak room an interesting place to visit. CHILDREN'S SUITS OpeMd t&dayti 'complete Jino 'of Cor4or6 and velvet Cloaks, very popular, 3.50, 4, 1 . J.ll II .fc fcll I CHI Shoes Are an important feature with us, strong,: perfect FREE . . ; SILK PETTICOATS $5 to Jlfj.50 SEE WINDOW DISPLAY the UPHAM-BROUSE CO. We put them up EREEJF CHARGE m Mantles, Globes, Bvrncts, PoMable Lamn; etQ. YOU MONEY ON GOODS ' ! ' ...7 jJfXi ft Uimis Cl Thanksgiving Wearn We have prepared as never1 before for thebusy days beforo Thanksgiving. We have been husting;all week unpacking the.vriow Stylish Garments, until now we Kayo an exhibition of Stylish, Dependable Qlothing,hard to exQel any where. ,. . Jx'v', I; i ?'- - !Pon't stay away because your purse is ligh4-We'll trust you fpr any thing you desire, and, yo.u foanlpay in Initio payments. ' Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Underwear, Man cr Woman, Boy or Girl. V 1.A l ' f : MONEY DOWN - Women's Department Ladles' Tailor-made, well- lined nnd trimmed Flno Ye- fc 1 O Swell Monte Carlo-rin all colors , splendidly Tailored and 1 K $18' .... IhI1 Short Jackets 'in. Black Short Jackets '' lhy Brown and CaMor, VcauIVO( Brtiwnnnd Castor, iin trimmed with becpmlng straps . , rith becomlne trnns ... I ' Aji nttractlvo showing ot beautifully trimmed o prices ranging from ,?I0 to, Jttr ,M ' MBH &jt 'IVSB m' ', IV . c"V Cloaks The Co business In Winter Cloaks, garments ns w do. Probably An nstonlslilng fact we carried over less than a misses' clonk.; INIT SO FINE A STOCK OF STIUOTMT CLOAKS ,yi 'at' $6.00, $6.50, $r.oo ,Monte-Carlos, Blue, Black and Ca's-t tor. ' Hemarkable garments, ns. good' style as higher priced cloaks and splen. did sellers. ' ( '$12.00, 14.00, 15.00 and 18.00 to 35-00 I Vc are closing a most remark suits at IOH L. We have awonderful fine grade ladies' shoe that we offer for a few days') at . . . ., JarlJL ITU DDH, ID gUtllUUlWU, - Hf4: - 4t4J - 4rfe r ' ' . Street Hats - T 0ME3HBQiB it ti: We haVe them for Ladies and Children. Nice Velvet Hats, - $3 Beaver Hats, from $? QQ These are Bargains. Make your selection early, as they won't last Jong. . Miss"!. E. DuS 123 S. Howard St. Ground Floor Wt1HfHfttWW4t- - SMALL PAYMENTS Men's Department Suits Good ones for $10 better for $12 and $15. FJnfv ones for &Off $18 nnd the best made for. nuFnnatt Tlme' l0 -good UVOlbllal' Wnnrl overcoats aap for $8 and many others from $10 to fcO Qlllttt Boy' Suits strongly made of '' wmi sturdy material, iobu; to wcur ,.. t , vr'-'-'H w igfllGtffflL IU at A Ierbys and 'Fedoras. Some' for 'w IJilflJtvn ndll $1.50-others for $2-the rfQ cpf M fMlfJraVa best made for... , v, ;.., Cipy fm II m $wi Cloaks UDriMn- BrousoCo fow concerns In Ohio can'show you dozen ladles' and NEW CLOAKS AS TODAY. ' , tl,-UAfw? aiy.bu ana $iu.uu Kxrellpnt niinlltr KpraRf. flnh Kntln Lining,. In tioi .Monte Carlo, 1 Blpple Black ana Norfolk. Somo wltli strap trimming, some with velvet; some fan cy stitched) nil are garments that- wo take pleasure in showing. , V Cloaks of fine texture, elegantly tdtilofeJ, &.nd in exclusive styles Banging, in price from nub houses and ladies desiring cloaks children's cloth cloaks 5. 6. 7, 8i 12 able salo In ladles' suits; we still offer $3.89 $750 &.nd $9.48 t SHOES. $2. fitting, reliable. "Every " We will give, on Saturday, a "bottle of fine shoe dressing with every "purchase of l&dies' or children's shoes. - Ktrf I PROSPERITY Is reflected more in your millinery than any other article of dress. Here are a few Specials for this week: ! i 50e ft SI cunrniv C i. TONIGHTr-FBlDAY, NOV, ,21st- DeWolf Hopper and grcAt Company presenting Mr. Pickwick Based on Dickens' Masterpiece. NEXT MONDAY. NOV, 24, GEO. W. LEDEBEIt'S GAYEST 100 Ibe.... .. Rose The grcntest musical gaiety. Six months in New York.' Original cast. Including: Eddie Foy, Irene Bentiey, v Albert Hart, Juriie McCree This is the company that Mrs. Vanderbilt se cured for Newport at an expense of $5,000 for one performance.,, Scats on sale Jfriday, Nov 21. NEXT TUESDAY, NdVl ,25, RICE'S BIG MUSICAL EXTRAVA GANZA, The Show Girl Scats on sale Saturday, Nov. 22. Boston Store THANKSGIVING LINEN SALE Yearly we have this sale. It Is always' interesting , to. the housekeepers of Akron,, because they lmpw ' Linens "bought .a,t tho Boston Store arc tjbobetn) money can buy. W;d have a big yairietjr1 of all grades to show you In bleached.or un bleached damasks. At 25c a yard Half Bleached Table Damask, in a variely of patterns, 38 inches wide, splendid for every day wenr. ( At 37c a yard Half Bleached all Linen Table Damask, full width, big assortment of patterns, excellent value, At 50c a yard All Linen Half Bleach ed Table Damask, 04 to 71 Inches NWlde, extra heavy, will bleach' splendid. ) At"5c a yard All Linen Half Bleacn- ed Table Daransk, 64 to 72 Inches wide, better wearing Linen never came off a loom. At 50c n yard Puro white Linen pamnsk, a big stock' to choose from; 64 Inches wide. We aim to import the best Linen made abroad to sell for 50c a yard, and we think we have- got it. At 50c and 65c a yard Snow AVhlto German Dnmnsk, 72 Inches wide, somo of the patterns have Napkins to match, these nre extra values. At 75c a yard Another of our lead ers in Table Damasks, full 72 lnchds wide; snow white blenched Napkins ,to match. At $1 a yard-We sell a large, amount Of Table Linens,- at $1 a yard; the pat terns are handsome, 5-8 Napkins to match. At 81.30 a rard Heavv Double Dam ask, 72 Indies wide, with 3-4 Napk'ins to match, choice patterns, always sold for $1.50 a yard. BLACK DRESS GOODS. At 75c a yard All wool Black Che- vlot 52 Inches wide shrunk ready for use; tho right weight for suits and skirts. At $1 a yard All wool real Cana- denses Cloth one of tho best nintcrlnjs ever made; full .48. inches wide, for suits or skirts, it has np equal r also at this prlco we have a strictly all wool Cheviot, 52 inches vide, which Is extra value. At $1.25 a yard Extra heavy all wool Cheviot, 54 fnches wide, made of line selected yarn. This Cheviot is famed for its wearing qualities; also at this prlco we have n"n Unflnlshed Worsted which is very desirable for skirts or suits. At 50c a yard Black Moreen, 38 inches wide, with pattern voven, not smmped; fast color, very desirable for skirts or jackets. At 60c a pair Corsets In white and drab, made by tho leading manufactur ers, assorted sizes, all regular $1 values. NQTE A big speelnl In all wool Press'Goods, nssortedhades, 42 Inches wiao: regular si quaiiiy-rspeciai pneo, 75c a yard. 150-152 SOUTH HOWARD ST. Laco curtains, blankets, quilts and comforters washed carefully City Laundry 1063 S. Main st. People's Phone J Great Slaughter of Birds, Washington, Nov. 21. The Amort can ornlthoglst union reports that 4p, 000 game birds, mostly sandpipers were killed' recently on the' Nortl Carolina const for millinery purposet and 'their bodies thrown awr, ' r-f-l t. i Wild --, 1 .7 t ,, .,,,. t. v,4.'ct:AoiivSJite'Ks Kl'."'l!lall'"'ll,"''lX!'L''',1'''i'?''''lJ!gy - .T-,J-.II ... -1- , rrj- J.. jssrrTT-ry ,Tja,.,.-g-aL. tJat;.jojjHn mwjimmMMii i 'Uxu, . 1w.-Mfi. vmu, .?,IVfiBBIilBni