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AKRON DAILY 'DEMIScrAt rntDAV, NOV. 21. 1002. v- - ' I1 ! BUCHTEL Has No "Cinch" In Hiram. - . ....-fr t .. ,.,,.,-t - I M. O'NEIL :A. PQLSKYi met MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Important Announomn-t: SAIe Begins Saturday, Nov. 22 The Greatest Cloak Sale oh Record Local Teams Beat Bar berton and Canton. HATS v t 300 New and Stylish Jackets to be Sold at Nearly 50c on the Dollar I &C0. We closed out the entirfe lot of Ladies' and Misses' Jackets frofn a O'ew York Manufacturer, consisting of about 300 New and Stylish' Jackets, from 22 to 27 inches long, fitted backs,,made of strictly all wool kersey. We will divide these into three separate lots, to be sold atprlces low enough .to satisfy every pocketbook. Barberton Pacer Bought Local Man. by TRIMMED WITHOUT CHARGE LOT 3 v K ', i 1'. ' fcfc IF f w VVV If w J'? t v.. M I K k H" Tho gamo with Hiram tomorrow will be the Inst college game licro tills sen eon. Buchtol will jirobably win, but Bho 1ms no clncli. If tho hoys plfiy with tho Biime spirit iiiul dash tbnt characterized their playing In the Both any gome, thoy will win. If thoy piny (with the spirit thnt has characterized most of tholr practice during the past two weeks and which has shown up In tho Wooster and Heidelberg games, It will bo tho Fame old story of dofeut. It will be tho only game hero Saturday, as tho East Ends will rest up for the Thanksgiving day game with Canton. Mlhllls will bo back at quarter for Buchtol, and the team will be greatly strengthened by his return. The rest of tho team will line-up aH follows: Gayer, c; Koss and Flchthorno, tackles; Swnhson and Knight, gunuls: Thomas, r. o.j t'ltkln ami l'nrslmll. half back's) Weary, fullback. Left end Is still open. Doyle, who started tho season at left end, has not appeared for practice since tho Wooster gamo. Tho end will be se lected' Just boforo the game, it will bo Brown, Kragcr, M. Knight, or Crist. Buchtel will bo strong In tho punting department, as Weary showed Inst Sat urday In the Heidelberg game that he U equal to the occasion lu punting. Hlrnni Is contldoiit of winning, but expects n hard gnine. Like the Buchtel team, Hiram was organized out of "green" material. Htnuffer of Onse, Is Ilhum's conch. T1ib game of the hour Is tho Vale Harvard game which will hu played at Vfow Haven Saturday. The betting fi vors Yale, In the stale Intoiest centers In tho Ohio Btnto-Ohlo Wesleyan gaiuo nt Delaware. Ohio Slate lias taken a sudden brace nnd there would bo lltllo surprise If she should win tomorrow. ATHLETIC CLUIW AltlO PIlEPAIl ING. Considerably fear was expressed In Akron, somewhat paillcr In the season, that tho Athletic clubs weie on a do C'Une, The fear was gioumled on tho fact that there had been a division, Internally, among the clubs, about teams for vniious sports; membership among many of tint clubs dropped down during the summer; dues failed to eomo. In, though creditors weio prompt, and assets and liabilities had n great ruco, with the chances much In favor of Liability ftr a part of tho time. Tho attitude of the Governor and city bfllclnls was bellewd to be antagonistic to tho cluljs, by reason of the fact that, they could not get permits, for h time, for shows In which boxing was to bo n feature. ' Tho situation hns changed almost en tirely within tho past few weeks, how ever, With tho change of tho season ilullnqnent members havo been Hocking In, dues received nio piling up In a fintlf factory manner, and best of all, tho clubs aro nblo to get permits for enter tainments In which that greatest of magnet), tho boxing Isiut, can bo inado tho lending feature. The- clubs are prospeilng In their old time way. Dances for tho winter lmvo already begun, oiitertatumentH have al ready been given, and more nro under preparation, and as sucenss begins to como iho membors are Hocking back Again, For all of which tho club members will probably feol an especial thill! of thankfulness next Thursday. TOlVilORROW URDAY SAT REDUCTIOiNI SALE Of All Trimmed and Ready-to-Wear Hats. f M. O'NEIL & CO. ......... . .......... ,.... ..,. , ,..,.4 , last week, will bo pulled oil here Fri day night In tho Davis opeia houso. It was postponed owing lo"the fact that Bezennh was suffering ffoih a sprained arm. The men will light to a jlulsli for a purse of .fjoo. now AnouT it? Findloy, O., Nov. 21. The limit be tween Biz Mnckoy and Ous Bezenali, Vhloh was to have been fought hero KIltKWOOD BEAT BAUIIEUTON. On tho Klrkwood alleys Thursday evening, Klrkwood won two out of three games fiom Barberton. Tho llrst gamo ws exciting, Kltkwo&d winning by a sniall margin. The sec ond was a walkaway for Ilnrbeitou. In tho third game tho Klrkwood bow lers got warmed and swepi Baibert'ou oil Its feet, winning with 170 pins to sjiaie, Klrkwood. Ciutor 181 Ilowland mi '''rciln mi Chapuinu 2t)1 hnjder t-ti;... 175 Totals , f .'..., 8!I) Barborton. " "' lliiughiniiu .... ji.,.. (ii Collier ir,S Bnrlght , jii;i lf"" ' ....... ir. Huberts ...i.,,,. ".'., ,',175 .''V. r-":'-n iiir jfr , ?.s.v ivi'i JMm m, AV.I Why can't we come over to your bouse nnd play any more? iJeortUBc papa gets eo mad wheu we make n little bit of noise. What makes hira that wy? Mamma says it's dys rtcnsla makea blm act M f I to criu-v. That's about the wny it strikes the small boy. The tlvnrntlp lina n 'fjrl idea of his own unrpn. l.i nonablencss or harsh- Hess. Little things arc magnified nnd seem to justify his quick anger. There's health for the dyspeptic and happiness for the family by the iiso of Doctor Pierce's OoMen Medical Discov ery. It cures diseases of the atom pen and otliar organs of digestion and nutrition, nnu restores perfect hsalth anil strength, by enabling the perfect digestion nnd assimila tion oi I0OU. I hT Ukttl out llOtllc of Dr. Plrr' Ooldea Medical nlirov try for Indlgntlou ColltKC DtvitUon Co, DO Mil v voui Ike tlu Mi and liver eompUtnl," rrrltea Mr. C. M www, oi vu.m v-oiiru . C. Ht had bo W commelictrt laklnj you hrl. have not lelt like the umi fore I look the 'Ooldrn MeJI e. uavtoaon Cou d apeJW alncel r medUlne lii me man. Ile leJtcal UIkov- n g wllkout aw mi irw 175 201) 1K1 171) lilil 1117 I .111 20 sr.o nr.o 201 138 LH11 17U 171 n,o ir.ii ins 188 till Totals ,.,..i, .. WI'J !)J0 777 CLlrt'EILS EASy'foU l'EKULESS. Tho Ollppors, tho 'tall enders In tho Hiimnilt rouuty toiiriuiniuiit, diopped thiee games to th'(reerless Thuisday night nn tho Howard st. alleys. I'eerless L'liie i;in Kolb,, w Km Vernosky ,,. mo MaraiiYlMo mo Mtioro ,-.-..,'... ii7t) BOWLING Very Popular In Barberton. Chronicle of Happenings on the garberlon Alleys. (Special Coriesbondeiico.) H.iiberlon, O., Xov. 21. Theie nte few towns in which bowling Is moio popular than hi Ilaiberton. There Is alwajs a good crowd of spcctatois watching tho wooden spheres as they loll down tho alleys.. In the league which was lecently stalled on Iho Nonpareil alleys the Dia mond Machine team iind the Allien Hubher team -nio lied for llrst nlnco with four games won and two lost. The Ktlrllngs aro third with 1 won and two lost, while the Totter, bring up tho i ear wlth'O won and a lost. On Wednesday evening the gnmes ro Milted: Diamond ,MachIue- 71)1, 707, 7711; Alden ltubbor 700, 700, 8110. The high scores of the alleys aro as follows: Beatty, 2(18; Hobeits, 2,"S En right, 2."(1; Collier, 251; Bllnn, 2r.2; Tay lor, 211; Anders, 238; Hill. 237: linker. HI; Folt7, 210. 3rrT 3 rf3 I ii i& ? m '' bSRStA.T-' v 5Sia 9 WifH?ffiRV LOT I 100 ladles'' and mlfescs' all-wool ker sey Jacket",. 27 lit. long, fitted backs, castors only, worth ?7.G0, $S CO, $0.00 Your Choice Saturday, ea. $ 5.50 LOT 2 100 new and stylish ladles' Jackets, 27 In. long, fitted bucks, heavy satin lining In navy blue, black, castor, tan etc., soveral styles, not a Jacket In the lot worth less than $10,00, $12.50 and $15.00. Your Choice $Y jTfl Saturday, eaM.'wl 100 ladles' Jackets, 22 and 27 Inches long, "fitted hacks," heavy satin, lin ing, handsomely tailored, several styles, In black, oxford grey, blue, tan and castor, worth $15, $10, $18, Your Choice $ Saturday, ea . 9.50 Remember, these garments are all new, this season's make, perfect workmanship and-fit guaranteed. , :poiiSI "The Daylight Store," 151-153 S. Howard St., Akron, 0. Stulildicher block Thuisday evening, f loin 5 to S o'clock. The supper was well patronized and a neat sum wus leallzed. Barberton Briefs. r (Special" Correspondence.) Barberton, vO., Nov. 21. Tho Tracy club danced Thursday evening in Tracy hall. The Barberton bund will give a nus-quf-rade on Thankghlng ove. Mr. iiiub Mrs. E. C. Barnes, of Knox vllle, Tenn., aro tho guests of Council man Duiifbrd. GOOD HOUSES Saw "Garnbler's Daugh , ter" at Grand. Kill 171 lfill 152 15(1 1M 131 220 152 17(1 Totals . . . i . . . . ..,K25 x 701 S(I2 Cllppors Alden ,.,,. ir.O 173 Anders ,,, !."... m ... Bussell ..,.,,, , ,,. i;u Kaufman 117 jin Byrhler 150 173 Bullock ... 478. "IIU 117 1S3 112 'I'dtn's 781 WJ 80S rv I could not eat anvthl fill tffl.lrraa. but now I tan cat anvthlnv T lli without having unnlcaaaul fcellntf. Dr. Pitrea's I'lcasaut Tellets claaM and regulate the bowekt. rOOU CANTON. Vor llie'steentli time Canton has had to bow to Akron. As 11 preludo to what will happen on Thanksgiving day when Canton and Hast Akioii clash In tho gildlron. tho Orunds went to Canton last night and tionmcd tho Grands of panon, beating them three straights on their own alleys. Oninds, Akron, Johnson Tlllott FicqH 11 till t. .. Brownell i0ETRY Barberton; Women Told How Each Had Raised a Dollar the Church. 1 De Wolf Hopper, In Mr. Pick wick, at Colonial Jonight. r A packed-house, both -at tho af ternoon and )cvenlngi performances, greeted tho presentation of "A Gam bler's Daughter' at the Grand Thurs day. '' Tho story deals with a Chicago board' of tiado man, who pilvotely conducts a fashionable gambling re sort.1 His daughter, rich In her own right, Vrt Is In love with one of hor father's clerks, but! ' for her wealth Is desired by her fa'ther's villa Imms partner in his nefarious resoit. Many thrilling situations arise In conse quence of this gume'of cross puiposes. Tho leading role itt admirably taken by Miss Clara Thropp, 1111 actress of talent as well as. beauty nnd her rendition of the dllllcult portinjed was good In every respect. Iler beau tiful gowns were quite 11 featmo with tho feminine portion of tho audience. The supporting company Is strong and well balanced, making the entire pio- ductlon one of great merit. Java & Mocha COFFEES While there are 10 lbs. im ported, there are probably 1000 lbs. sold under that name. , This makes it ap parent that 99 times out of 100 you ,are deceived. Buy quth American Coffees and you get what you buy we sell them from 10c to 25c per pound. This COUPON Good For 25 Cents . In Buying One Pound of Any of Our Teas. GeoHaasCo. l?r N. Howard st. DoWolf Hopper nnd his company in "Mr. Pickwick" appears at tho Col onial tonight. The Ooinpany Is one of tho strongest organisations that has pver been put together for a traveling company nnd It Includes tho names of Wgby Bell,. Grant Stewart, Henry Noiman, "Louise ...Gunning, f.aura Joyce Hell. .qulS Poyno and J. K. Adams; besides thqro are fifty others, all of whom possess lino .voice?. "Mr. Pickwick."- which is a dramatization by cmirletj Klein or tho "Pickwick Papois'' of Dickens Is. a mammoth comedy set' totmuslc. Tl)o term "opera" Is notl'iisiid, though tlo organization Is fully as largo as any of the trnvollng opera companes. Manuel Klein wiote tho niusle, which Is said to bo lemurknb'ly beautiful nnd Grant Stewart U responsible for the lyrics. gorgeous pioductlou will be given with appropriate scenery ami handsome 'costumes. After a few weeks of travel, the organization goes into the Herald Square theater, New York, on January 1 for tho bal ance of the season. M'IIer Marrlago Vow,' which has been pronounced a successful nnd ef fective comedy drama, Will be present ed at tho Grand Monday, Tuesday and Wednosday next week. The Play denls with railroad" life. All the good people ore railroad em ployes and members of their families, and all tho bad people arc connected by ties of blood with railway magnntes. Tho hero; Is a railway telegraph opera tor; the heroine Is the daughter of n railway engineer; the villain Is the son of tho railway superintendent and so on. Nearly all the gool characters aro horny-handed nnd wear Junipers nnd overalls, and nil tho bad characters are distinctly capitalists. The hero Is In charge of a switch at a Biding. Two trains, one of'them a fast express on Which the heroine nnd her father are passengers pass this point at a certain hour, So the villain overpowers the he lo, nnd throws tho switch as the trains are approaching. The soubrctte re leases tile hefowho 'smasheshe win dow In tho switch house, jumps through and nfter n hand to hand fight with tho vll(ilutiirn tlio switch In tipio to allow the. two trains each 200 feet long and 'from bppbsltc- dlrectlons-to rush by each other In full view of tho audience -.''.''.'fr'.'$'.'$'.' ''. 0 '...........'..'.ii.i i. i. i Gold Fish Given Away Tomorrow we will give free, one fine Goldfish, I with each globe or purchase of fish .amounting, to ouc .or over. - Buy tomorrow and get this fine Fish Free. We will also offer 50 only, Globes complete with 2 Fish, a ft-. CHINESE LILY " In.- -.a BULBS, at lvC Ctt , GEO. S. DALES & CO. Both Phonos. 229 S. Howard St. 228 S. Main St .... '''' -..'''.'' ' " ? AS For Tho nttrn'ction'to be nt the Colonial Mfmdnjr iilglit is the j;'Y0rt Iloe." a vvf.v ireuyui(;iii ppqrn, un 'mesdnv night. "The bevirs Aucjlon;'' Wednesday- night, "The Show Girl," and on ThmiUgM lug, mntlneo and night, "The KntzcnJatnmer Kills."" Si. j ' iffliT" I u T7 .. lr-E3 li ' -v-rv "In Fall, man's fancy Lightly turns To Festal boards and turkey." Don't wait until. Wednes day afternoon. Come now ! We never had so extensive a variety of wide-awake styles as right now. Our $3.50 i Lines are especially praiseworthy Shu maker & Company, 117S. howard-st. " WWL, 123 VVv.::-;: "-5S5CSWflSK.s Jii2UrWHUH.ara3: 4 I Ed.3h If v. for "f, men joa nnd women, M.mKmh. tt WJrl., .Kg SP.J - -J: r''n vSB1. rm 3BWBS2TS2atT3C!3SCEB!WWWB .... .. , ........ .... ... ... 171 177 ir.s L'-:t 15!) 11)0 -aa 181 ir.ii ir.n BU W2 L'03 ,107 ira Totnhv ,. , Grands, Canton. Dyilo t i;i,', Stabler .., jS Gotschell i& H"t')'i ISO t!U 1)28 885 Kaufendor r Totals .., 17U mi 1MI HI ir!) lfiO 158 187, 1115 171 170 (Special Correspondence.) lbiibei(oi), 0,f Js'ov. SJ.vrho women of the Plrst M. K. cluuch of Barberton told Thursday evening at nn onteitaln- nii'iil how they each enrued a dollar for tho cliuu'li, Sopio earned the dollar by baking pies, others by baking bread and t minus otiier vuys. weie stated. I'oilj ilollnrs wns rained by this meth od, Some of the experiences were to luted In poetry? A musical program was given during the evening. Thoso who had unit In It vvcro; Mi. Boyce, MNn 11)1 iioh, MIs Hawkins, Miss Glad)h Vlnll. 3lra. -1 MexsiK u, yeiieijs. and I.eon Neumeyei K, Wllllnms. G. It. Jackson HOT WAFFLES An d Chicken Served by of U.i B. Church Ladie (Special Correspondencc.i iiaiiieitoii, .Nov, ai.The ladles of ' " .the Inlti'd Hrethren church served it i03 S10 S01 1 hot wnUle ami chtckon wupper lu the "M ' " wagawiamiiMtti3MBggMiM,iMM3,1y What would you do the next time vou have a hard cold if you couldn't get Ayer's. Cherry Pectoral? Thjnk it over. .CAy0Cfo.. lcvtU,tdta. I .o ., Good Clothes Don't Make 2k. Gentleman t But If you want n Suit or Overcont, thnt will make you feel as If you & was expected to net llko one, you had better come lu nnd seo what wo nio showing In FINE SUITS and OVERCOATS. , nt guaranteed prices. YOUIt nOY will hav nioro oswt for blnibelf In our Nobby Knits nnd Overconts'than in ordinary Clothing, and the price Is tho snmo. - - - i. s. iviye:r & co.j RDUABLEl CllOTUlERS, IIATTBB8 ,ANI PURNISIIKItS. t 118 and IJBO MS IWIailn SHt. ! fftMtttjittiMyAyA ' 4H-Hi--H-Httfcf4--- -44-Hf- x x4- The X 11 I vnf Hanan Shoe The Correct Shoe for Men... The peerless shoe for women. Mado in over forty styles. Fits the foot llko a glove. All smart drepsers wear Hannn. Oneo you try a pair you are forever Tdded to this matchless shoo. For all occasions street and everywhere. We also haye exoluBivo aalo fo r '. Jenness Miller Shoo for ladies . See us for your Thanksgiving !i .footwear. Ur-IU-DAlJtJ 5HUC AND TRUNK HOUSE 122 S.HOWARD ST RiD BROS. '. t T Veve-3rfn nnd Globe Stamps. $HHHHH-tW i - u r. tr .hr - ! Jm f ,' 1'" milaMBWii"' V f 2t$shilt$teiiJk. U)wiyiiij.lyiii iis ltiwwS-" VI Otft,. ;1, .jf.,; Whd KsM 1.. 3 r y r vriL it i-m'JOB.'. 'tti HMHHpHHHHHnHpiBHHBBSQHBPBBRBQ H LfVjS HraflHIiEtf PSEZJ tt 1 f V 'I - . SM.k-'v -' - 'iltlnffBTTTT ' ' . . . . ":jn -?-v? ,... , ,